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How Parliament is represented in Congress

Parliament is one of the driving factors that influences society. In recent years, they have
caved under pressure from extraterrestial forces. One of which is a species designated the
‘456’, which demanded 10% of the Earth’s population. While the matter was resolved,
protocols were established for future incursions.
Another example is the death of Jeffrey Epstein, an American financer. A vile sex offender
who should have been tried for his crimes, his death has raised suspicions among the
American population. Epstein had compromising information on influential figures, and two
of his cameras mysteriously malfunctioned on the night of his so-called suicide.
There were also fingerprint marks on the back of his neck, which are not consistent with
suicide. Furthermore, Epstein did not leave a suicide note, so the manner of his death is
This has led to the meme “Epstein didn’t kill himself”, and there is an element in truth in
this. Government conspiracies have been seen before, such as with the 456. Also, the royal
Prince Andrew is strongly suspected to have had sex with minors, but the silence of his
associate Ghislaine Maxwell implies a threat against her life if she were to speak out against
the royal.

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