Doctor Who DVD Files Essay Part 1

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Why you should allow me to purchase Doctor Who DVD Files

through your account with my own money part 1

I had typed this composition to persuade you to allow me to use my OWN money (using
your account) to buy a couple (hopefully more) of issues of Doctor Who DVD Files, whilst
using grammar, and improving my English skills.

The first part of my argument describes the fantastic magazine itself. It comprises of
different, unique features in each issue: ‘The Doctor,’ ‘Allies,’ ‘Enemies,’ ‘Behind the Scenes,’
‘Technology,’ ‘Flashback,’ ‘DVD Episode Guide,’ ‘Who on Earth,’ and ‘Alien Worlds.’

In ‘The Doctor’ section, this references the lonely traveller who had lost so much when his
people were mercilessly executed by mutants. I am referring to the Doctor, the person this
section is dedicated to. Each part talks about his adventures, from stopping yetis hiding
underground, his childhood, exiled and forced to stay with a military organisation in the
1970’s, and even going on trial by his own people.

The next part of the magazine, ‘Allies,’ references the people the Doctor has met, and
stayed by his side when events were against them, such as two school teachers from a
public school, a fearless man who can never die, a woman dealing with a mysterious crack
wherever she goes, and even a person who was in love with the Doctor, until the despicable
creature of a person who created the mutants, whom killed the Doctor’s family, appeared...

The ‘Enemies,’ division focuses on the people and creatures the Doctor had the unfortunate
to meet, such as walking blobs of fat, a crazy guy who lost his body, surviving just because
he kept thinking about cold-hearted revenge, angel statues which cause several continuity
problems, literally massive maggots, and even window shop dummies coming to life. The
‘Enemies’ section particular has detailed information on humans who sacrificed their own
humanity to achieve immortality.

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