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Course Name: Microprocessors and Microcontrollers

Course ID: 10636428

Topic: Final assignment
Date: 10/05/2020

Assignment brief:
 You are required to demonstate a temperature alarm system.
 You must use all of the following components:
o Arduino Uno board, LCD, DC Motor, Temperature Sensor (of your
choice), Push Buttons.
 Use the push buttons to adjust a threshold temperature.
 Using the sensor to detect if the threshold temperature is reached.
 If the temperature is above the selected temperature, then turn on the
fan until the temperature is below the threshold.
 The LCD is used to display the set threshold temperature and the
current temperature form the sensor.

 Build and demonstrate your circuit in tinkerCAD:

o You must demonstrate that your circuit works in simulation.

 Work in teams of two. Mention the team members on your reports.

 Each team member to submit his/her report to Moodle, the reports should be
identical for the team.

 You must submit both the tinkerCAD circuit link and a word/pdf report.

 The duration of this assignment is 1 week (17th/May/2020).

 Submission is by Moodle:
Detailed steps:
You can choose to use the following circuit schemaric as guidline:

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