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An-najah National University

Electrical Engineering Dept

Faculty Of Engineering

Parallel Resonance

This circuits are very important phenomenon which may occur in the
circuits contain capacitor and inductor ,there a network is in
resonance (or resonant ) where the voltage and current at a network
input are in phase
To investigate the parallel RLC circuit around the point of minimum
impedance resonance.
In parallel resonance occurs when Xc=XL ,the frequency at which
resonance occurs is called the resonance frequency . when Xc= XL
,the two branch currents Ic and IL are equals in magnetite and they
are always 180˚ out of phase ,the two currents IL and Ic cancel and
the total current is zero ,the frequency at which resonance occurs is
determine by the same formula as in series resonant ccts :
Experimental procedure: (part one)
*.In the first we connecting the ccts as shown in the fig-1- with
connecting two AC Ammeters for Ic andIL.
**.We varying the frequency from function generator
output at 100-1kH and we measured the IC ,IR and IL
,when the IR reach to maximum values then the IL=Ic ,then
it is a frequency resonant As shown in the table:
Frequency(Hz) Ic(mA) IL (mA) IR(mA)
100 0.49 3.030 3.0
333 0.145 3.0.3 3.0
033 0.279 3.0.0 3.0
013 0.292 3.0.0 3.0
033 3.030 3.0.0 3.0
003 0.315 3.0.0 3.0
003 3.03. 3.0.0 3.0
0.3 0.333 3.00. 3.0
0.. 0.340 3.003 3.0
0.3 0.342 3.00. 3.0
400 0.362 3.300 3.0
550 3.0.0 3.1.. 3.0
700 3.000 3.131 3.0
..3 3.00. 3.3.. 3.0
1333 3.03. 0.067 3.0

Result part one :

From the values are shown in the previous table we take the result
that we needed that the frequency resonant is f0 =357Hz, that when
Ic=IL=0.340mA,but by calculation fo=1/2*3.14*√100mH*2uF=
(Part two):
*.We connected the circuit as shown in fig-2- .
**.and then we varying the frequency of function generator slowly
from 100 –1kHz, then we operation the (CRO) and we noticed the
variation of V1 & V2, V1=VS and V2=VL=Vc, and we tabulated the
result down as shown:
Frequency (Hz) V1(v) V2(v) *Vc oR VL*
133 0 3.31.
333 0 3.3.0
033 0 3.1.1
003 0 3.000
0.3 0 3..00
0.0 0 3...0
0.3 0 3..0.
033 0 3.3..
.33 0 3.3..
.33 0 3.300
1333 0 3.330

* Result part two:
**After we connective the (CRO) between V1 & V2 we variation of
the frequency until the two signals apply to other then the generator
couldn't see just resistance and the resonant frequency it is the
frequency at this case and we take it fo=354Hz.

* We noticed that the resonant in series and in parallel is nearly to
other and we noticed that each circuit has resonance frequency by
which the voltage drop across its element compensation to other.


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