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Ms. Shabnin Rahman Shorna (SRS2)

Department of Management
School of Business & Economics
North South University

Group: 2 Section: 15
Name ID
Md. Kamrujjaman Rafi 1620258030
Md. Mehedi Hasan 1620301030
Nazia Jamil Pial 1620974030
Synthia Tinni 1621414030
Mohammad Tanvir Ahammad 1512285030
Bangladesh is identified as one of the nations with extreme wealth specialist deficiencies and
also there is a lack of data on medical resources for health in the formal and informal sectors in
Bangladesh. Majority of the population don’t have any idea about medical sectors and their
capabilities. People those came from outside to Dhaka they suffer a lot. They become hostage by
middle man. Our goal is to provide complete data solution for medical sectors in Dhaka. We’re
introducing “Healthcouch”. HealthCouch is online medical service-oriented website, online
business in Bangladesh. A 360-degree digital healthcare solution. Healthcouch is a digital
platform, through this platform our aim is to deliver overall healthcare services. Most of the
people don’t know which one is the best doctor for their problem and they don’t have direct
contact with doctor to consult about their health problem. Through this people can give doctors
appointment. Not only that they can see the availability of OT, ICU, CCU, Patient Bed/Cabin,
ambulance and other medical facilities for each hospital in Dhaka. Through this website we will
reduce communication gap between patients and doctors, people can easily get information about
doctors in their area, doctors’ location on map and people can easily search by doctor’s name and
view the history of old appointment. We’ll combine all govt and private hospitals and clinics in
Dhaka. Then we’ll combine all the hospitals and clinics in Bangladesh. This digital platform
offers a colud-based information stored system where the users can store their medical data such
as their prescription and medical report. Regularly carrying medical reports and prescription is a
problem. But our users don’t have to carry hard copies of medical reports and prescriptions. Our
mission is to provide overall healthcare digital services in Dhaka. Our vision is to by 2025 we
will be trustable number 1 overall healthcare digital services provider in Bangladesh.

Name and address of the principals:

Name Address
Md. Kamrujjaman Rafi Jatrabari
Md. Mehedi Hasan Jatrabari
Nazia Jamil Pial
Synthia Tinni
Mohammad Tanvir Ahammad

Nature of the business:

We will start with digital information sharing platform. Users will able to give doctors
appointment. Not only that they can see the availability of OT, ICU, CCU, Patient Bed/Cabin,
ambulance and other medical facilities for each hospital in Dhaka. Doctors will able to provide e-
Prescriptions. Normally it will take 5 to 10 minutes to write a prescription. Thorough our website
it will take only two minutes to generate a prescription. E-prescription also provide necessary
information/ caution regarding those medicine that doctor prescribed. Our highly professional
developer team will continuously improve our user interface. They will make sure people from
any age group can easily use our website and find whatever they need. Our representatives will
regularly connect with hospitals, clinics and collect information initially. Later on, we will
provide each hospital/doctor separate account to manage their own information. Each hospital
and doctor can update their personal information about their appointment schedule and
infrastructure availability such as OT, ICU, CCU, Patient Bed/Cabin, ambulance. Not only that
doctor’s assistant will collect patients report and prescription and scan then upload it to our
website. It will help patent not to carry reports and previous prescription regularly. Doctors can
do their marketing through our web system. He or she can send greetings and cautions on
emergency situation only to his or her patients only.

Statement of financing needed:

Investment is one of the very crucial part before starting a venture. As we are proving digital
information sharing platform. So, we need a huge amount of capital to run the business
smoothly. First, we have to make advance payment for our office which is located in rampura
mohanagar project. Besides that, we have to collect trade license, TIN certificate, BIN certificate
and trademark registration. Besides that, we need to assign initially a very professional developer
team to develop the website. This is a one-time website development cost, payable in the first
year of the business. After that our in-house developer will regularly update and check for
fixable loopholes. We must have a very strong marketing team and admin stuff. So, by
calculating all the expenses, we need around 50 lakh BDT to run this business. Our initial plan is,
we will contribute each 10 lakh BDT as it is a partnership business.

Statement of confidentiality
This is a partnership business. Every business has to ensure the confidentiality of their business.
We have to do the same. Our business plans and strategies will be confidential and no one will
reveal or disclose those secrets with outsiders. There will be a trade secret agreement among us.
According to the agreement, if any partner discloses or reveals any secrets of our then legal
action will be taken against him or her.

Key Key Activities Value Relationship Customer

Partnership Proposition segments
 Hospitals  Digital  First 360-  Automated  Young
 Doctors Appointment degree relationship generati
 Smart digital on
Prescription healthcare  General
 Test & solution public
checkup  Digital
booking Appointm
 24/7 ent
Ambulance  Fast
 Cloud Report Ambulanc
 Medicine e service.
reminder  It provides
Key Resources a personal Channels
 Network dashboard  Business to
(patient & to keep business
doctor) track of (direct)
 Technologica upcoming
l platform appointme
 App nt.
developers  Centralize
d medical
n system.
Cost Structure Revenue Streams
 Office Rental  Recurring revenue
 Employees Salary


Business Model

Business Model Canvas:

Pricing Model: The pricing model will be differentiated based upon services. Customers
(Patients) will use it free only for Digital Appointment, Test & checkup booking, 24/7
Ambulance booking. To use smart prescription and Test, Cloud Report and Medicine reminder
they have to purchase premium membership. We’ll set value-based pricing. But medicals and
doctors won’t get any free service. We’ll have 20% commission on each booking and visit
accrued by us.
Social goal: This is very important part of any organization to have social responsibilities. We’ll
always try to add value on social and socio-economic by offering jobs for unemployed people
and others certain activities:

 Promote paper less organizations

 Proper utilization of time and effort
 Ensuring customers right and ethical practices

Financial sustainability: When we can achieve financial sustainability when we’ll able to
provide the best service in market that covers our expenses. Our main focus will be on long-term
profitability by providing the best services. Our business is directly connected with medical
industry. Many medicine industries pay a lot of many to collect data regarding which medicine is

more preferable by doctors. We can easily find out those data by our smart prescription
technologies. We can manage investment from those medicine industries. People using SEO or
digital marketing to place their product and services on top in online presence but there is no
solution for medical industries. We’ll be the first who will help medicals and doctors for their
marketing growth. So, customers interest is the key factor for our sustainability. Cash flow is a
major concern for any business. We won’t provide any credit facilities.

Eco friendly: As a service-oriented business, we are not directly responsible for hampering
environment. We’ll promote natural medicines and paperless working environment. Our smart
prescription helps doctors and hospitals to promote paperless organization. We’ll run our
business without hampering environment and recycling process.


 We will maintain transparent transection,

 Ensuring best quality, time management and authencity,
 Customer feedback is our major concern,
 We’ll maintain accurate customer serial,
 We’ll maintain proper HR policies to fair labor practices.

Business Environment Analysis

PESTEL Analysis


Our political history has an unstable situation and business has to face a lot of trouble for
political situation. Our business idea has that opportunity to provide service in online. Although
we have to ensure ambulance facilities to the patients. And it will be challenging for us with our
political situation to complete our task.


Our economy has been growing rapidly for couple of years. Not only our agriculture flourished
but also other industries are doing well. Our maximum population are choosing higher standard
of living due to growing economy. Instead of taking appointment of doctors our website will do
it for them as soon as they log into the website. This will cut down their extra time that they used
to waste in the phone to have doctor’s appointment.


Our culture has been developing by the influence of globalization. Now, the world has become
shorter than we can think of it. Our population now adapting western culture as well and we are
celebrating all kind of festivals that are recognized by the western world. Due to economic
stability people want to follow new ideas and enjoy that kind of service that will save their time
and tension as well. Our business idea is about providing this kind of service that will make sure
their health problem and save a lot of time in the worse situations.


We are addressing our country as ‘Digital Bangladesh’. In the past our people didn’t understand
technology that much compare to rest of the world. But we are getting closer to the updated
world. Now, most of the population using technology for education, official works, election,
business work and import, export etc. Our business mainly based on technology. We are taking
this valuable chance to promote technological advancement and fast growing online medical
services to the people. By this online medical service people will manage to save their close
one’s life as quickly as possible.


We will do our business in online and we can assure that won’t pollute our environment at all.
We will also be taking care of our ambulance system. We will provide ambulance for the
emergency and that will not make sound pollution either.


A business can start its work after completion of legal issues. Our legal document we collected
from different hospital and also from doctors who will provide services. Without this legal

document we cannot run our business as our main work is reaching to the needy person and
giving them medical services.

Porter’s Five Forces

Bargaining Power of Suppliers

Our business main product is service. As a service based company, we will have hospital
authority, doctors, ambulance-company, Customer as our key partners. And we will make sure
that we have them by providing different offer and discount. As we’re the only this kind of
service provider customers can’t have much bargaining power.

Bargaining power of Customer

Customers have the option to switch one service to another for the cost, as first mover we have
the advantage to level our price. According to the health condition and the hospital facilities we
will create a price level so that they can have the option to choose as per their demand.

Competitive Rivalry

We have the advantage of first mover in this market. Providing medical service through online is
a new idea for customer. We can establish our business by ensuring our customer because we

don’t have competitors in the current situation. And we will face some competition by some
loyal customer but we will give them discount and fast service to make our loyal customer.

The Threat of Substitutes

In the current situation, we don’t have other business that has close substitute to us. With this
opportunity we can maximize our profit. We will use that power and in future we can increase
profit as per the service required.

The Threat of New Entrants

Our business idea is new, we will provide service through online. Though this is an era of
technology there will be new comers. So, we need to cope up with new technical system and
improve our business strategy so that no one can move ahead of us. We will also follow the
copyright process to make sure that no one can steal our business idea.

SWOT Analysis


First innovative idea of healthcare Lack of knowledge as new comer
service in the market
Cost-efficiency Lacking in technology
Relevant to the emerging trend in Management of staff problem
medical health sector Cyber security risk.
A good relationship with partners.

Revenue from sponsorship
Absence of competitors
Increasing joint ventures
Opportunity to enter international
Lack of regulations to maintain
Acceptance and usability issues
New Competitors entering the
Competitors have upper hand
to access the channels
Stakeholder Analysis


Our main customers are the patients who are living in Dhaka city. Inside Dhaka city there are
multiple hospitals and doctors centers, but this city is crowded and people need medical service
as quickly as possible. We will have major portion of people who need health service. For our
service giving we will use website address, email id and also in case of emergency we will
provide our phone number.


We will run our business on online. So, there will be automated mailing system for the customer.
Also when they will enter in our website they have to fill up a form that will have their every
details. We will inform them with their given mobile number and also mail id for this we will
need some operator who will take care of this feedback system.


We have five owners for our business. Each of the owner will invest 10 lakhs TAKA and total
we will have 50 lakhs TAKA for our business. For further process we will take loan from the
bank amount of 10 lakhs TAKA. This business is a partnership business so all of our owner will
take decisions and will also set up business strategies for future.

Description of Ventures
Product and Service
Our business is all about providing healthcare related service such as doctor appointment, 24/7
ambulance availability, other medical facilities through an online platform. Our mission is to
provide overall healthcare digital service in Dhaka and our vision is that we will be trustable
number 1 in overall healthcare digital service provider in Bangladesh by 2025.

A large number of people in Bangladesh have no or little access to health care facilities. In rural
area, medical service is very poor. That’s why, people come to Dhaka for better medical service.
But it seems very difficult to them to take an appointment or for a better treatment which doctor
they should go. From this thought, the idea of “Healthcouch” came and we initiate to open an
online medical service-oriented website to solve this problem. Through this website, people can
easily take appointment from doctors, can see the availability of scheduling time of doctors,
patient bed/cabin cost of each hospital and other medical facilities. Not only that, we will provide
emergency ambulance service at any time any situation. Besides, doctors can also give message
their patients about their appointment timing or any emergency through our website. We make
sure to provide our users the highest level of medical care and their safety at all times.

Size of the Business

Basically, our business is a partnership-oriented business. We the five entrepreneurs form a
business partnership. The size of our business is still small as our targeted area is only Dhaka but
hopefully, we will launch our online platform all over the country very soon. Here, we will use
B2B channels. As our business falls under partnership business, so profit will be equally
distributed among the members.

Office equipment and personnel

For starting up a business requires some essential office equipment. As our business is mainly
based on online platform so we don’t need much equipment which basically needed for a
physical office.

The list of the essential office equipment that will be needed in our office are given below:

 Office Furnitures
 Computers
 Servers
 24/7 Power Supply
 High speed internet
 Smartphone
 Microphone
 Printers

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 Stationary items such as pen, pencil, ruler, staplers etc.

We also need personnel to run the business. As this is partnership business, so we divide the
work among us and each of us is responsible for assigned task.

Name Assigned task

1. Md. Kamrujjaman Rafi Chief Executive Officer
2. Md. Mehedi Hasan Head of Marketing
3. Nazia Jamil Pial Head of HRM
4. Synthia Tinni Quality Control Manager
5. Mohammad Tanvir Ahammad Director of Finance

Besides us, we need some professional web & app developer, software engineers to build and
maintain our website.

Function Number of Employees Total Salary

Marketing Executives 2 50,000 TK
Software engineer, Web developer 4 180,000 TK
& Software developer
Database administrator 2 80,000 TK
Customer Service Executive 2 40,000 TK
Business Development Executive 1 40,000 TK
Office Support Staff 1 10,000 TK

Background profile of the entrepreneurs

Entrepreneur 1: Md. Kamrujjaman Rafi

Educational Institution:

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

Major #Marketing

Institution Name: North South University

Passing Year: 2020

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Microsoft Office, working under pressure, leadership, innovative, decision making ability, time-
management ability, making strategic decisions.

Entrepreneur 2: Md. Mehedi Hasan

Educational Institution:

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

Major #Human Resource Management

Institution Name: North South University

Passing Year: 2020


Microsoft Office- MS Word, MS-Excel, MS-Power point, strong work ethic, good
communication skills, positive attitude.

Entrepreneur 3: Nazia Jamil Pial

Educational Institution:

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

Major #Human Resource Management

Institution Name: North South University

Passing Year: 2020


Microsoft Office- MS Word, MS-Excel, MS-Power point, creativity, risk-taking, willingness to

learn, adaptability., administrative skill.

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Entrepreneur 4: Synthia Tinni

Educational Institution:

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

Major #Supply Chain Management

Institution Name: North South University

Passing Year: 2020


Microsoft Office- MS Word, MS-Excel, MS-Power point, teamwork skills, self-confidence,

positive attitude, strong work ethics.

Entrepreneur 5: Mohammad Tanvir Ahammad

Educational Institution:

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

Major #Finance

Institution Name: North South University

Passing Year: 2020


Microsoft Office- MS Word, MS-Excel, MS-Power point, friendly attitude, professional in

managing financial software, creativity, ability to take risk.

Service delivery model

Manufacturing process

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The manufacturing process of our business is mainly a healthcare service plan that we are
providing our customer by online medical appointment. We are not producing anything or any
products but we will provide medical service, so our service is the manufacturing process when
any customers take appointment before they are added into our online medical calendar, an
automated confirmation will be sent to the patient. In our app customer can modify, accept or
cancel these appointments.

Physical plant

The first and foremost physical plant of our business is the central office. The location of the business
where the business would be operated. The place of the business where the service would be provided is
the main physical plant. Our location is on Rampura Mohanagar. Other than office, Machinery and
equipment are some other physical plant of the business. Some small tool boxes where the equipment
would be kept, furniture, computers tolls that would be required to service are the other physical plants of
the business.

Machinery and equipment

We need computer and furniture for our office. The furniture will be provided by our partner and
the computer will be purchased.

Names of suppliers of raw materials

IT hardware: RYANS computer

 Server: Dell Power Edge T130 Tower server: Price BDT 147,000
 Computer price: BDT 60,000

Furniture: PARTEX Furniture Industries Limited

 Conference table price: BDT 20,000

 Chairs price: BDT 1,500 per chair
 Office table price: BDT 7,000

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Lightings: Ananda Lightings Uttara

 Price amount BDT 20,000

Internet: Link3 internet

 Dedicated 30 MBPS line at a monthly fee of BDT 2650

Operational plan

Description of company’s operation

The main objective of Healthcouch service is to provide complete data solution for medical
sectors in Dhaka. We will provide a wide range assistant function to serve a wide range of clients
from small business to people. We will improve a website as a face of Healthcouch and also as a
marketing toll. We will provide information about doctors /hospitals and the availability of OT,
ICU, CCU, patient bed, ambulance and other information to serve our customer. We will also
develop as app to make our service more users friendly and reach more customers. In our app
healthcouch, the only interaction that healthcouch will have with customer is conversation over
the phone, though our app as well as viewing our website.

Flow of order for service

The day to day operations of our business include a focus on providing the best service to our
customers and to do that the most important thing is to make sure that the operational plan runs
smoothly. We divided our operational plan in to six phases. Each phase talk about different
integral business functions that we will have to go through once we are out there in the market.

These are:

 Phase 1:

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The first phase will deal with the research and development behind our service. The R&D
group will work and ensure appropriate utilization of innovation. So as to set up our
brand, we will require a development R&D group for our continuous improvement.

 Phase 2:
After getting the insights from the R&D team, the main issue will be getting a workplace
and appropriate equipment for providing our service. We need to make sure that the
capital expenditure that we are doing for new workplace and new equipment are done
after proper assessment and forecasting.

 Phase 3:
Simply having a work environment or proper equipment won't be sufficient to begin our
business. At this stage we need to source the right people to handle the project. As our
business is technology based, we will need people that are highly skilled in this sector.
We will also require people who can promote and grow our project both in online life
world and in genuine world.

 Phase 4:
At this phase we will build the awareness for our service. We will organize road shows at
every government and private hospital in Dhaka city and then slowly expand our territory
outside Dhaka.

 Phase 5:
After a month of awareness building phase, we will launch our website with official press
conference and newspaper announcement. At the very same day, we will go to different
contact points in the rural areas, and conduct our activation and launch Healthcouch.

 Phase 6:

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Just by launching the App won’t create the environment that we need to make this project
a success. We need to make sure that the people, who want our service, can have it, by
making sure distribution network between our doctor and our customers.

Technology Utilization

 R&D:
Our businesses will use technology for research and development purpose. In today’s
competitive world, any business needs to make extensive research on various factors to
succeed. We will need technology’s help to gather facts about our customer’s needs,
business competitors and market behavior.
 Marketing:
Technology will play an important role in promotion of our service. We will use social
media marketing network like Facebook, YouTube, Google Ads to reach our target
In recent time, this is more effective to promote business in online social media.

 Data & information:

We will be using technology to secure our business data and any information of our
customers via cloud storage. Data is the most vital resources of our business. So, we have
to make sure that we have enough backup of our data & information.

Market Plan
HealthCouch is an online medical which is oriented on website, a 360-degree digital healthcare
solution for everyone. It is a digital platform; our aim is to deliver overall healthcare services.
So, we identified the market gap, and found the opportunity window to start our business.
Initially we will start our business in Dhaka City then we will extend our service in the other
areas. We will use different types of marketing strategies to win the market and retain the market
for a long time to come. So, based on 7P'S, we're creating our Health Couch Marketing Plan.

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HealthCouch is a phenomenon that starts as a small entity but gradually expands and spreads
across whole country with the time it does. HealthCouch will be a unique app, offering a 360-
degree healthcare solution for everyone. Many people don't know which one is the right doctor
for their problem and they don’t have direct contact with doctor to consult about their health
problem. So, through this website they can have the doctor’s appointment, not only that they can
see the availability of OT, ICU, CCU, Patient Bed/Cabin, ambulance and other medical facilities
for each hospital in Dhaka. With this website we can reduce the contact gap between patients and
doctors, people can easily get information about doctors in their area, doctors’ location on map
and people can easily search by doctor’s name and view the history of old appointment. As we
are going to be the first mover, we will try to provide all the highest quality service in a shorter


For the pricing we will charge 20% Commission for the service which we are going to provide.
After gaining a certain market share and visibility for our website, prices are subject to potential

Service Price/ Monthly Commission

Smart Prescription 5000 Tk

24/7 Ambulance 25TK/ Hour 20%

Cloud Report 1,000 TK

Medicine Reminder & 1000 TK

Follow-up reminder

360 Solution for Medicals 25,000 TK


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Initially targeting a specific segment that we are working on to build up our business. Primarily
we will start our business at Dhaka city and our target customers will be residents in near Dhaka.
Through we are aiming for the entire county.


Our first challenge as a new company is getting to the target audience. That’s why w e have plans
to use various type of promotional strategy. Our first job will be to aware people about our services.
That’s why we will try to reach the entire target customer through all the digital marketing via
Tvc, Ovc, all the print media and all the social media as well. We will do some awareness video
with the renowned doctors for our Tvc. We also try to do some campaign at all the universities at
Dhaka. And we have to keep this in our mind that we couldn’t invest that amount of money for
our promotion in order to increase the service numbers.


As a service provider, we will not be developing any product on our own. As we are a medical
service provider, we will deliver overall healthcare services. That is why our company has no
choice for packaging.


Growing company holds a market capture role. It's the perfection sometimes. It also leads to bad.
We'll seek to sustain our position in the future market positively, though. We assume the main
factor for success is customer service. And for the positioning our main focus will be the young
generation because our service will be a website-based service and the customer should have the
minimum technological knowledge for this. Recently, our young people are familiar with all the
technologies and everyone has a Smartphone, which is why our main focus is on them. And then
doctors and medical people will be our key media for supporting and motivating people to use
our website for them as well.


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Since our company is service based. So, we need to recruit a few people with high software
engineering skills and we need to develop a strong marketing team for our company. And some
of our partners are from HR major and Marketing major so they can help us as well

Organizational Plan

Form of ownership
Our ‘HealthCouch’ will have partnership ownership, where owners will operate management
feature, gains and losses of this business. Five North South university students have come up
with a startup called ‘HealthCouch’ with a passion for becoming entrepreneurs. As we
established our partnership ownership business in compliance with the “PARTNERSHIP ACT
1932”, this does not require registration of a partnership deed or agreement. Such a company's
registration is optional, but under the act we must do it, and also keep the patent, trademark,
collect trade license. Each partner remains individually and legally responsible for the debts to
the company. They will declare company gains or losses on their own personal income text
return, and they won't be paid separately to the company.

Identification of partners
Our company will mainly be financed by the following five members equally 20 percent by

1. Md. Kamrujjaman Rafi

2. Md. Mehedi Hasan
3. Nazia Jamil Pial
4. Synthia Tinni
5. Mohammad Tanvir Ahamad

Terms of Agreement
 No one can withdraw their profit for the first 4 years for the betterment of the business.

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 Partners would get an equal share of profits and bear any kind of losses equally.
 For any kind of business proposition from a partner, he or she has to get the consent of all
the other partners. To deal with conflict, votes will be counted and the decision of the
majority of the partners would be granted.
 Each partner should have equal contribution to any sorts of investments.
 For any kind of withdrawal or death of a partner, we will follow the Partnership Acts

Authority of principals
All the partners are going to have equal authority. They will also have control over their specific
roles. Benefit is to be distributed equally among the partners. The liabilities will be the same too.
For any form of business transition, the majority of the partners need to agree with a specific

Management-team background

Name Position Background

Md. Kamrujjaman Rafi Chief Executive Officer BBA - Running

Major in Marketing

Md. Mehedi Hasan Head of Marketing BBA - Running

Major in Human Resource

Naziz Jamil Pial Head of HRM BBA - Running

Major in Human Resource

Synthia Tinni Quality Control Manager BBA - Running

Major in Supply Chain

Mohammad Tanvir Ahmed Director of Finance BBA - Running

Major In Finance

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Roles and Responsibilities of Members Organization

1. Md. Kamrujjaman Rafi as the CEO of the company, his primary responsibilities include
making major corporate decisions, managing the overall operations and resources of a
company, acting as the main point of communication and corporate operations and being
the public face of the company.
2. Md. Mehedi Hasan as the head of marketing of the company, his responsibilities are
covering all those areas related to the marketing & branding functions, which will make
the consumer and clients to attract the services.
3. Naziz Jamil Pial as the head of Human Resource Management of the company, her
responsibilities are maintaining wages and benefits for workers, training and growth, and
ensuring the smooth running of our company.
4. Synthia Tinni as the quality control manager of the company, her is responsibilities are
ensuring manufactured products meet set standards of quality, reliability and performance.
5. Mohammad Tanvir Ahmed as the Director of Finance of the company, his
responsibilities are managing the financial actions of cash flow, financial planning, and
organization strength and weakness.

Assessment of Risk

Evaluation of weakness of the plan

It can be challenging for some aging and uneducated people who can’t easily adopt “smartphone
trend” which might hamper our business. The person who belong to lower middle class and are
not comfortable about new technology might found this service more complex. So, this is a risk
factor and challenging also to grab all types of people. Security risk is also a concern matter to us
as no patient would want to share her/his information to others. Beside all of these, there might
be some technical problem such as the connection’s not stable, the data doesn’t flow etc. If we
fail to do this, then we might lose many users. It will be difficult for us to position our business

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in the market if new competitors come up with innovative idea that maybe turns our weakness
into their strengths.

New Technologies

Now-a-days there are almost everyone who can manage the cost of a smart mobile phone and all
of them are attached to social media. It will help us to get more data on most recent patterns in
technology and also enable us to analyze the changing risk profiles of these applications. Based
on this information, we will start our business with most recent equipment and at this point, we
won’t bring about costs on it.

Contingency Plans

A contingency plan is something which ensure one to prepare for future if there is any incident
occurs. For example- based on Covet-19 situation, now ride sharing app “Pathao” has changed
its business model and re-launches “Pathao TONG” by which people can buy daily necessities,
medicine, health and hygiene products through app to survive in this crisis. So, if there is any
chance to fail our business plan in future, then we will come up a new strategy & business plan
based on the underlying situation at that particular time.

Financial Plan


We are not expecting to generate a lot of revenue during the two to three years. There will be 5
types of revenue in our business. This are smart prescription, 24/7 ambulance, Cloud report,
Medicine reminder and 360 solution for medicals. We expected to 14% revenue growth in smart
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prescription, 14% in 24/7 Ambulance, 8% in cloud report, 8% in medicine reminder and 20% in
360 solution for medicals. As a start-up company, the expenses will be higher and the company
will take time to generate more revenue. Furniture and fixed assets are depreciated at a 5%
straight line method. Accounts payable are assumed to be lower during the first years. The
marketing cost will be reduced after first year.

Pro forma income statement

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Pro-forma Income statement
Details 2020(BDT) 2021(BDT) 2022(BDT) 2023(BDT)
smart pescription 200,000 230000 264500 304175
24/7Ambulance 200,000 230000 264500 304175
Cloud Report 100,000 108000 116640 125971.2
Medicine reminder 100,000 108000 116640 125971.2
360 Solution for medical 530,000 662500 828125 1035156.25
Total revenue 1,130,000 1338500 1590405 1895448.65
LESS: Cost of sales(20%) 226000 267700 318081 379089.73
Gross profit 904,000 1070800 1272324 1516358.92
Administrative expenses 80,000 80000 80000 80000
Marketing cost 1,800,000 1000000 500000 400000
Internet bill 31,800 31,800 31,800 31,800
Salaries 400,000 400,000 400,000 500000
Depreciation 20000 20000 20000 20000
Electricity bill 28,000 28,000 28,000 30000
Rent 250,000 250,000 250,000 300000
Office equipments 400,000 50000 30000 30000
Stationery 147,200 147,200 147,200 147,200
Total operating expenses 3,157,000 2007000 1487000 1539000
Net profit before tax -2,253,000 -936200 -214676 -22641.0800000001
TAX 0 0 0 0

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Cash flow projections

Pro-forma cash flow statement

Particula 2020(BDT) 2021(BDT) 2022(BDT) 2023(BDT)
Beginning cash balance
1,500,000 -2,007,000 -608500 193405

Cash inflow
smart pescription 200,000 230000 264500 304175
24/7Ambulance 200,000 230000 264500 304175
Cloud Report 100,000 108000 116640 125971.2
Medicine reminder 100,000 108000 116640 125971.2
360 Solution for
medical 530,000 662500 828125 1035156.25
Accounts receivable 100,000 110,000 120000 130,000
Total cash inflows 1,230,000 1448500 1710405 2025448.65

Cash outflows
Account payable 100,000 70000 50000 20000
expenses 80,000 80000 80000 80000

Marketing cost 1,800,000 1000000 500000 400000

Internet bill 31,800 31,800 31,800 31,800
Salaries 400,000 400,000 400,000 500000
Electricity bill 28,000 28,000 28,000 30000
Rent 250,000 250,000 250,000 300000
Office equipments 400,000 50000 30000 30000
Stationery 147,200 147,200 147,200 147,200
Total cash outflow 3,237,000 2057000 1517000 1539000

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Pro forma balance sheet

Pro-forma Balance sheet

Particulars 2020(BDT) 2021(BDT) 2022(BDT) 2023(BDT)
current assets
cash 1500000 1700000 1750000 1800000
advances for office premises
30000 30000 30000 30000
fixed deposits 100000 100000 100000 100000
trade receivables 15000 16500 17000 17000
total current assets 1645000 1846500 1897000 1947000
non-current assets

Trade license 5000 5000 5000 5000

trademarks 10000 10000 10000 10000
server 100000 90000 70000 50000
furnitures 250000 200000 100000 100000
total assets 2010000 2151500 2082000 2112000
current liabilities
account payble 1000000 110000 120000 150000
owners equity
capital 3263000 3263000 3263000 3263000

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Breakeven analysis

Break Even Analysis

Particulars 2020(BDT) 2021(BDT) 2022(BDT) 2023(BDT)
Total fixed cost 1050000 1050000 1050000 1050000
Selling cost per service 70 70 70 70
Variable cost per service 17 17.36 17.72 18.08
Service business breakeven point 19811.320754717 19946.8085106383 20084.1622035195 20223.4206471495

Therefore, if we have 19811.32 service each year then we will be able to break-even.

Sources and applications of funds

Sources and Applications of funds

Administrative expenses 80,000
Marketing cost 1,800,000
Internet bill 31,800
Salaries 400,000
Depreciation 20000
Electricity bill 28,000
Rent 250,000
Office equipments 400,000
Stationery 147,200
Other expense 343,000
Cash 1500000

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