Business Plan Synopsis

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Business Plan Synopsis

NAME : Manish Kumar Singh

CLASS : MBA 4th Semester
ROLL NO. : 180012135017

LUMBA Faculty Mentor / Supervisor : Dr HIMANSHU MOHAN

Signature for Approval :
Plastics Recycling Business Plan
According to the recent report of Central Pollution Control Pollution Board ,
“ India generates nearly 26000 tonnes of plastic waste every day , making it
the 15th biggest plastic polluter globally.”

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY : The growing utilization of plastics in industrial and

consumer applications, combined with increased consumer awareness surrounding
solid waste recycling, has led to an increased demand for recycled plastic resins and
products. One of the fastest growing types of collected plastic materials for
recycling is polyethylene terephthalate ("PET") from post-consumer beverage and
water bottles. The Company will capitalize on the opportunities in the recycled
resin and packaging markets through two main divisions: a Recycling Division and
a Packaging Division. The Company will create a PET cleaning and refining plant
and it will utilize post-consumer bottle feed stock. The Company will be vertically
integrated, and use almost all of its recycled material in its Packaging Division. Any
surplus materials (clean flake) produced will be sold to outside companies. The
extruded sheet may then be sold to manufacturers, who will thermoform it into
high-visibility packaging or use it in other high value added manufacturing
operations. The strapping will be sold to companies who ship large packages or
Business Plan Summary at Glance

Vision : “To be leader in national market of green business.”

Mission : To convert plastic waste into commercially viable product and
promote environment friendly business.

Our business will be will be based on Partnership form of

business in which the capital and profit will be shared among the partners
on the predetermined agreed terms as mentioned in partnership deed.
Our business will involve process of
recovering waste or scrap plastics (PET HDPE) and reprocessing the
material into functional and useful products ( Plastic Granules) . The main
goal of business will be to reduce plastic pollution diverting plastic from
landfills or unintended destinations such as oceans.
The basic raw material for our business will be scrap plastics
of PET and HDPE variety which is recyclable. In order to procure the raw
material we will team up with scrap pickers, scrap dealers or plastic waste
collection houses. We will give direction to raw material suppliers to use
plastic compressor to reduce cost involved in transportation.
The initial investment for establishing such business will
include expenditure to purchase fixed assets such as land, machinery ,
plastic recycling plant. Variable cost will include hiring of technicians for
operating machine , labours for carrying other incidental jobs . Other
utilities required will include electricity, water, tools , etc.
The location for our plant will be outskirts of the city since
land available will be less costly. We will also construct a warehouse to
keep our raw material as well as our finished product .

MARKETING STRATEGY : Low Cost Leadership, Product Differentiation.


Strength : Cheap availability of raw materials , Environment Friendly.

Weakness : Perception regarding recycled product of being low quality.
Opportunity : Government Initiatives and support in the form of loan,
subsidies ,loan waiver , etc
Threats : Government policy to ban plastic use.

Our business will be based on Manufacturing Model.

The customer segments for our products will be :

 Plastic Product Manufacturing Companies
 Polybag Makers
 Road Transport Authority/Department

Future Prospect : The street picker-based recycling economy, along with

the various bans, have ensured India’s continued efforts in battling plastic
pollution. At the other end of the spectrum, the country is home to some
of the most innovative thinking about plastics recycling.  Clearly the
economic and developmental goals of India, if not the world, require a
fresh approach to changing the story of plastics.

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