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"Energy Conscious" lighting is becoming more floodlights for general applications as well as for
than a guideline in many parts of the country. marine type and hazardous location use. Classic
That's why we call your special attention to lwo Spectra@ cutoff luminaires that complement any
lacets of HID lighting equipment from Wide-Lite: outdoor architecture. The widest range of spacing-
. Sealed lu m inaires to-mounting heights in industrial equipment avail-
. Automatic Energy Control and Dimming able. And commercial indoor luminaires with a
Sealed Construction broad range of accessories and louver options for
All Wide-Lite luminaires, indoor fixtures and oul- custom-desig n at off-the-shelf prices.
door floodlights or area luminaires, employ the Best of all, you'll f ind that Wide-Lite equipment is
most efficient design for top photometric psrfor- designed and constructed to give you outstanding
mance. And sealed construction keeps that high ef- performance at the lowest possible owning and
fic ie n cy working for you. operating cost, year alter year.
It's not uncommon to find the light output from
luminaires in tough environmenls to be cut to half
their original value-or more-simply from dust Underwriters Laboralories. lnc. is an independent.
and grime accumulating on lamps, reflective sur non-profit organization testing for public
faces, and lenses. safety. All products tested must meet
Not so with Wide-Lite luminaires. Our Coeffi- t heir rigid stan dard s.
cients of Utilization (CU) are among the highest Wide-Lite Corporation is in complete agreemenl
available in all families of luminaires. And our with all UL standards to insure product safety to the
Luminaire Dirt Depreciation (LDD) values are the consumer. Because of the continuous product
best in the industry. Usually by a large measure! evolutions in Wide-Lite equipment, please contact
So, when you select Wide-Lite luminaires, you the factory for informalion and the current listing
are starting with the besl and you know they will cards will be sent direct to you.
creale lower light losses during the years of use.
But that's only part of the story.
Programmable Modular Dimming Three.Year Limited Products Warranty
Saves Energy, Dollars Wide-Lite Corporation warrants its products
Wide-Lite was the first to offer practical dimming against defects in material and workmanship.
for HID lamps, and subsequently hundreds of suc- Without charge, Wide-Lite Corporation will either
cesslul dimming installations attest to the need for repair or replace (Wide-Lite Corporation reserves
this capab ility. the right to decide between repair or replacement)
Now modular "building block" design expands any properly installed Wide-Lite product which fails
Wide-Lite dimming capabilities for the control of under normal operating conditions within three
lluorescent and incandescent lamps as well as HID years lrom date of installation, provided it is re-
in an almost unlimited number of indoor or outdoor turned to the factory, transportation prepaid, and
zones. Options-such as micro-computer intelli- our inspection determines it to be delective under
gence, photocell monitoring, central monitoring terms of th is warranty.
and local occupant override-permit a flexibility ol The warranty covers only equipment manufac"
design and energy savings never before possible. tured by Wide-Lite Corporation and does not ex-
And equipment payback is typically within two to tend to transportalion, installation or replacement
th ree years. charges; nor does it apply to any equipment of
Classic Design and Special Functions another manufacturer used in conjunction with
We invite you to review the following pages to find Wide-Lite equipment. No other warranty, expressed
out more about sealed conslruction, energy saving or implied, exists beyond that included in this
equipment, and much more. You'll find heavy-duty statement.
Table of Contents
General Floodlighttng Outdoor Lighting
Floodlights .... ...........
F and MF Series
For generd pLrpose f oodliqhtrrg. n.
c uding work areas. athletic fie ds, parking
ots and mar ne type appllcation. Lamps:
1000w and 400w HlD, 1500w melal halide.
q Spectra Vlll ...........
Rectangular design and cutoff distribui on
for parking areas, malls, tennis courts, road-
way and perimeler lightino. Lampsr 1000w
to 150w H lD.

AktraFlood F|ood|ights ................... - GF'7 Spectra 1.............. . .CO'8

L-=-2 Alr'a reoirF.Ilnq cul o'f'eflFclo sysle. it Two or four vertically arranged cubes. Type

V a heavy-dLrty enc osure for industrial and

general foodlighting. Lamps: 400w and
250w H PS and 400w metal ha ide.
ffi V, cutoff distribution ior large areas. Lamps:
1000w and 400w melal halide and HPS.

Spectra ll ..
or Roadway (Type lV)

Post Top (Type V)
17- 2 Aklrasporl Floodlights ...................
For sports lighting with the Aktra redirect
culoff distribution for parking areas, malls,

roadways, walkways and perimeler applica-

ing cut off ref ector system. Lamp: 1500w
\,-/ metal halide
trons. Lamps:1000w 1o 150w HlD.

Cutolf Floodlights .... ......... -. GF 12 AktraMall Luminaires.................... CO'13

B Series
General iloodliOhting al ower moLrnt ng
Aktra redirecting cut-off reilector system
heights with the Aktra redirecting cut-off ior commercial appLications inclLlding park_
ing areas. tennis courls. roadway and peri'
refleclor system. Lamp: 250w HPS.

r B Series Floodlights ....................
General flood ighting and marine type
applicat ons al lower mounting heights.
Lamps: HID up to 250w.
. GF-15
meter lghting. Lamps: 400w and 250w HPS
and 400w metal ha ide.

Spectra co.16

w EG Series Enclosed
& Gaskeled Floodlights ... ............... GF'18
For Class l, Div sion ll Hazardous
Locations. Lamps: 1000w and 400w HlD.
Industrlal Lumlnalres
lL Series..
Wide choice of S/MH Ratios for indusirial or
B Series Enclosed

@ & Gasketed Fiood|ights

For Class l, Div
sion ll
Local ons. Lamps: HID to 250w.
. GF.19 indoor sporls lighting applications. Lamps;
1000w to 250w HlD. (Lower wattaoes on
special order.)

SW Series F1ood1i9h1s ................... GF-20 LMH Series.........
For general ioodiighting, including parking Batwing distributlon and wide spacing for
areas, athletic fields, buildino facades. Lamps: low mounting height applications. Lamps:
1000w and 400w HlD, 1500w metal ha de- 400w and 250w HlD.

League Liter F1ood1i9h1s. ................ lD Series. ..............

ffi l'9

@ Twin or sing e lite mode s for athletic f elds; For ioundries, forQes, and other industrial
NEMA 2 through 6 distribution.
1500w and 1000w metal halide.

A areas with extremely dirly almospheres.

Lamps: 1000w to 250w HlD.

B Aisle Lighler .......

Tite.Lite Floodlighls ................... GF'26 1'12
Concentraled paitern with long beam throw Wide spread, batwinc distribulion with high
lor stadiums, large outdoor work and Z-\ vert cal footcandles for aisles and olher
long narrow areas. Lamps: 400w to 150w
storage areas. Lamps: 1500w and 1000w
metal halide, 1000w HPS.
\:/ HID,

q Lumitor Floodlights .................... GF.29

Welliefined vertical beam suitable for athletic
fields, billboards, race tracks. Lamps: 1500w,
1250w, and 500w quartz-iodine.
EG Enclosed
.............. -...
and Gaskeled Luminaires.
For indoor or outdoor applications,
including some hazardous locations and
hosed down areas. Lampsi 175w to 70w

Pole Mounl Assemblies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GF.31 HID.

For mounting floodlighls on wood poles.

Pole Top 8rackels ...... GF.32

Programmable Modular
Commercial Indoor Ltghting Dtmmlng Systems
SpectraVl xl Luminaires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cl.3 General Description
For offices, corridors, display areas, lntegrated Dimming Systems for HlD, Fluorescent and ln-
stairwells, or any commercial application candescent Lamps
with lower ceiling heights. Lamps: 250w to
70w HlD. Optional Features .


l,4ultiple Area Control, AEC Photocell Conlrol, N4icropro-

Spectra V 2x 2 Luminaires.................. Cl-6 cessor Control, Remote and Command Conlrols.
Asymmetric, bisymmetric or symmetric
distribution. A wide selection of mounting D.6
arrangements and louver trames for com
DM Series Remote D.7
mercial or sports lighting interiors. Lamps:
1000w to 150w H lD. D.8
Spectra Vl Luminaires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C1.12

0 Decorative round, square or hexagonal pen-

dant mounted luminaires for applications
with high mounting heights. Lamps:1000w
and 400w H lD.
Nole: Larnps are not included with Wide-Lite iloodlights and

SilentGuard Ballasts
and Lltelfiatlc Systerns

E Remoie Outdoor Ballasts...

Lamps: 1000w to 250w HlD.
-.. 8.3

il Pole Base Ballasts..

Lamps: 1000w to 250w HlD.

RIB Remote lndoor Ballasts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.5

Lamps: 1000w to 250w HlD.

Ballast Selection Guide/Wiring Diagrams.... 8.6

H Starting Requirements lor HID Lamps..... - - B'7
Electrical Characterislics .
Mercury Vapgr Lamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.8

Electrical Characterisiics .
Metal Halide Lamps ........................ 8.9

Electrical Characteristics .
HPS Lamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.10

LiteMatic Systems...... -................. B.ll

Automatic, solid state control of integral,
auxiliary quartz lamps for dropout proiec-
tion or emergency lightinO.
Vide-Lite Design Services
Selecting the most cost-ef{icient, energy'effic ient
lighting system from the profusion of Iuminaires
and lamps available today is made easy by Wide-
Lite s broad range of design services
With readily accessible information from a com-
plete computer data base, our applications engi-
neering grou p can q u ickly evaluate almost Iimitless
luminaire and lamp variations, saving countless
hours of calculations for the designer.
The state ol the art in lighting system analysis.
Wide-Lite's lllumination lnvestment Analysis (llA),
utilizing a high-speed digital computer, is the
quickest, most accurale way to find the indoor
lighting system that best fulfills your requiremenls
at lowest owning and operating cost The histoty ol instaltations and photomettic data on all lix'
turcs, quickly accessible to Wlde'Lite's applicatians engineer
The slate ol lhe art comes io You. ing gtoup, eliminates "re'invenling the wheel" on evety iab
Wide-Lite's llA program, is now available to you in
your own office. You can communicate directly
with our master computer through a network of
portable remote terminals, available from many
Wide-Lite representatives.
An applications engineering group you can rely on.
When you need assistance with a complex applica-
tion or non-standard layout, o r just want advice, call
on our applications engineering group. Their
knowledge and experience can be invaluable.


lJlilizing computerstared data and high-speed digital plot'

ters, working drcwings can be ptoduced throughoul the design
prccess, speeding uP iobs.

: Copyrioht W de.Liie Corporat on 1981

All It Takes To Butld A Better
Floodltght Is To Put More Into It.
Vtde-Ltte Does.
From 1s introducllon of the industry's first HID f ood ight in the
early 1950's, "W de Lite" has been synonomous with
tloodlighting. To our customers, the reason is obvious. We build
floodlights to out-perform any olher floodl ghl rnade. And we
build them to ast.
High Optical Efliciency Cuts Enargy Use.
Through extens ve research and testing, Wide_Lite assures the
besl optical perforrnance from HID lamps. Then we assure that
design ntegrity is met with lhe highesl quaLity maierials and
workmansh ip.
The result is more light oulput from tewer f xtures on the lob.
For our cLrstomers, that means ess nslallalion cost, less ma n_
lenance, and less energy consumption through years of use.
Maintenance.Free Design Kseps Operating Costs Low.
Wide-Lite floodlights are sealed with a high lemperature gaskel
1o keep out dust, grime and bugs. Optical assembl es slay al
peak eificiency without c ean ng. So you get the lght you need
from fewer flxtures, and without expensive maintenance.
There are other money-sav ng features. Like our patented
"Stab lux" sockel thal ho ds the glass end of the lamp to pre-
venl breakage and assure precision alignrnent to the rellector.
And all alum num housings, stalnless sleel screws, and plaled
mounting bolts all designed for years of heavy-duly operation.
Our Ballasts Keep Their Cool. So You Can K€ep Yours.
Wide-Lite's encapsuLated, high power taclor bal asts are
designed to provide cooler, more reliable operaiion. And, each
ballasl undergoes 100% testing after every maior assemby

process 10 minimize problerns in the lield.
Our ballasl insulation systems meet U.L. slandards for Class
H operalion (180'C), with temperature rise n the windlngs one
fullclass below. lt's thal safety margin lhat gives you that extra
measure of reliabilily.
For example, many 1000 watt hlgh pressure sodium lamp
fa lures occur in a shoa('circu t condition, and ihe rise in
amperage usually causes an ordinary ballast to burn out. Not
Wide-Lite's. Our standard ballast lor 1000 watl HPS amps can
withstand the heat until it is convenient 1o replace the shorted
lam p.
How Tough ls Your Floodlight Job?
We have a floodlight that can take it on, including fixtures for
marine use and C ass I, Div. ll Hazardous Locations. You'll find
our floodlights on everything trom North Sea driiling rigs to your
local Little League ballfield. We olfer a wide range of floodlight
designs, and the broadesi selection of distrlbulion patterns wilh
HID lamps in lhe industry.
Wide Lile can offer you a periecl design fii and the owest
owning/operating cost your money can buy. We back it with our
reputation. And with oLrr three_year limited warranty.

F Serles

Years of outstanding performance has made the F Series the industry

standard for lighting athletic fields, work areas, parking lots, and
other general f loodlighting applicalions. Heavy.Duty Dig.Cast Construction
Floodlight housing is die cast aluminum
Four reflector options and a choice of HID lamp types olfer selective alloy with integrally cast heat dissipating
distribution for any specific task. This flexibility, coupled with outstan- fins and a built-in aiminq device. Allfixture
ding efficiency, provides smooth, controlled illumination from a assembly screws are stainless steel.
Floodlight is coated after fabrication with
minimum quantity of fixtu res. corrosion-resjstant aluminum paint.
Marine Type Application Sealed Optical Assembly
Tempered glass lens is permanently
MF Series floodlights are specially constructed F models with copper sealed to the optical assembly by a die
content less than .2 of 1"/" forcorrosion control inharshcoastal and in- cast retainer and extruded gasket,
dustrial environments or wherever marine type units are required. MF secured by stainless steel screws. A
gasketed and removable socket assembly
floodlights are U.L. listed for 595 (marine type) standards and meet U.S. provides lamp access from below {1).
Coast Guard specifications for marine type application. Precision Rellgctor
Optical assembly is equipped over the
complete interior with high purity,
anodized reflectors, assembled without
machine forming to assure maximum effi-
ciency (2).
"Stabilux" Socket
Grip-type mogul base socket is pre-wired.
The glass end oi the lamp is held in
precise pholometric alignment and pro-
tected against breakage by a patented
"Stabilux" socket (3).
Encapsulaled Ouad-Volt Ballast
High power factor ballast is designed for
-20'starting. Lamp current crest factor
does not exceed ('). Core and coilare en.
capsulated in a solid polyester resin com,
pound with capacitor outside the encap-
sulation for ease of maintenance. Limiting
lemperature of the insulation system is
Class H (180"C) wrth temperature rise in
the windings one full class below.
Floodlight and ballast are arranged as
separate but integral components (4).
Both are manufactured by Wide-Lite, are
U.L. listed", and covered by a limited
three-year warranty.
'See balast seclion lor complete e ectr cal

"Mosl modelsjconsult iaclory lor U.L. i e card.

Orderlng Guide - F Series Floodltghts
Ballasl Dat.(2)
Calalog Numbor(1) Primary Line Llno Curl€nt Brllast Est. Shpg.
Optional EqulPment
F Series Voltage Watts Stariing Op6r. Type Wt. (lbs.)
1500 Watt Metal Halide Descriplion Component Calalog No.
FM.1500-{ )-208 204 1620 ' 8.2 Regulating
Marine Type Floodlights MF
FM-1500-( )'240 240 1620 ' 6.9 Regulating Available at extra cost. SPecifY
FM-1500.( )-277 277 1620 - 6.0 Regulating 92 MF as catalog number Preiix:
FM-1500"( )-480 480 1630 - 35 Regulating 92 MFH 1000. Flxture and ballast are
FM-1500-{ )-480R'-' 480 1560 6.8 3.5 Reactor 77 preassembied and shiPPed in
1000 Walt Mercury one carton.
FH-1000-( )-ov 120120A1 1070 ' 9.6/5.5/ Regulating 82 See paoe GF'3 lor general descriplion
2401277 4.814.2 Fused Ballasts
FH-l000-( )-480 480 1075 Regulating 82 Fuses are KTK 30 amp unless
FH-1000-( ).480R 480 1035 4.1 2.4 Beacior olherwise specified;availab e at
1000 Watt M€tal Halide extra cost. NOT AVAILABLE FOR
FM.1000-( )-QV 12u20at 1075 ' 9.415.41 Regulating 90 MARIN E TYPE FLOODLIGHTS.
120v, 277v systerns. Ft
240t277 4.714.0
208v, 240v or 480v sYstems F2
FM-1000-( )-480 480 1080 Regulating 90
Special Ballasts .70
'1000 Watt High Pressure Sodium
Special ballasts lor cold \eealher
FS.1000-( )-ov 120/208/ ',l090 ' 9.315.41 Regulating 92
operation down to-70'F Add'70 to
2401277 4.7 t4.O
voliage: FM.1000 A-OV LO-70
FS.1000-( ).480 480 1100 ' 2.4 Flegulating 92 lNole 50 Hertz oPerallon and other
FS-10001 )-480R 480 1052 '(4.3") 2.4 Reactor a7 special vollaqe pr mary syslems are
400 Watt MercurY also avarlab e. Consull lhe faclory
FH,4o0-( )-OV 12012081 445 3.912.31 Regulating 61 for complete information )
240t277 2.0t1.6 "LileMatic" Auxiliary Lighting LQ
FH-400-( ).480 480 450 .9 Reg0lating 61 Patented. solid state "LlteN4atic'
FH-400-( )-240R 240 425 3.4 1.9 Reactor 53 emergen cy/au x iliary sYstems,
FH.400-( )-2778 277 430 2.4 17 Reaclor 53 available for reguiating ballasts
400 Watt Metal Halide
only al extra cost.
FM.400-( )'OV 12U20At 460
, 4.012.31 Begulaling Photocell Mount

FM.400-( )-480
400 Watt High Pressure Sodium
FS-400.( )-QV 1201208t 465
480 465


Regulating 66
Ava lable at exlra cost.
Photocell nol inclLlded.
Pole Mounting Hardware
See pages GF-31 and GF-32
2401277 2.211.9 Vertical Floodlight
FS.400-( )-480 480 470 - 1.08 Regulating 66 Available at no exlra cost.
FS-400-( )-240R 240 440 2.5(3.6") 2.0 Reaclor Ordering examPle: FM 1500 B-480'V
11t Sp€c ly relreclor rype lr.m d s1' b!1.n o! de
12) A ba asrs are lr qh power laclor caFab € ol slan n! llre idmp lo 20'F !.less
olhcrd se sDe. I ed
'Less t han operal .A
',l-lo1 reslr ke or vJrlh open se.ondary
" GE MVr500 and Sy van a Mr500lo 0'l
CAUftON HtD tnlnattes shautd be aDetatetl on grcuhded sfstens onlr Il'gtaDnd
ed tawet dtsttlbtlon svsl--ns nlal .anl hrah tta.sienl valtaqes wht.h c.n.ause
larlDte al ant lype eqrtpnent

Dlstrlbutlon Gulde
MErcury Vapol M€tal Halldo High Pressuro Sodium

Catalog No. Bgam Sp.6ad NEMA Catalog No. Beam Sp.gad NEMA Catalog No. Beam Sprsad NEMA
Hor. x Vert. Type Hor. x Vort. Type Hor. x Verl. Typs
FM-1500-B 32" x 48' 3x4
FM-1500-c 140" x 107" 7x6
FM-1500-D 130 " x 104 " 7\6
'1000w 1000w 1000w
FH.1000-A 144' x 135 " 7-
FH-1000-B 140' x 140' 7 FM-1000-B 32'x 50" 3x4 FSj000-B 34'x 100' 3x6
FH-1000-c 148 " x 138' 7 FM-1000-c 140 "x '108 ' 7x6 FS-1000'C 146'x 126' 7xo
FH.1000-D 140' x 135' 7 FMj000-D 134' x 105 " 7x6 FS'1000'D 140"x 124" 7xo
400w 400w 400w
FH-400-A 144' x 132' 7
FH-400-B 126' x 130' 6x7 FM-400-B 30" x 50' 3x4 F5-400-8 x 52'
27" 2x 4
FH-400-C 148 "x 13'1 ' 7 FM.400-C 146'x 105' 7x6 FS-400-C 146"x105' 7x6
FH"400-D 136' x 130 " ? FM-400-D 120" x 90" 6x5 FS-400-D 130'x 93" 7x5

F Sedes Floodltghts
1500 and 1000 Watt N4odels
X Dlmonslon Regulallng Roaclor
M6rcury Vapor
1000w 9-112" 9-1t2',
-8 - 400w 9-112" 9.'ll2'

[ "'' - l,lotal Hallde

'1500w 14.1t2" 9-1t2',
1000w 12.1t2" 9-1t2"
400w 9-1t2', 9-1t2"
13 11"
II Hlgh Plgssur€ Sodlum
G /t
L _gf_- 1000w 14-1t2" 9-112',

I '12.112"
400w 9-1t2"

( 1

400 Watt [4odels Vertical Floodlight


Effectlve ProJected Area

otv. Proj€cted
Fixtures Wind Area (Ap)
Per Pol€ Dir€ction in Fl-2
c.-- A (0 ") 3.09
B--\ B (15')
c (30 )
D (Side) 1.86

A (0') 2.11
B (1s1 1.85
c (30 ) 1.74
D (Side)

Typtcal Dlstrlbutlon Patterns

NOTES: 1. orawLngs show shape oi pallerns on y and are nol lo scale
2 A afd B rel ectors are 01 specu ar allminumi C and D reileclors are ol d tlusinq allm .um. Type A

(melai haride)
m D

AccessorleS for F, MF, and EG Serles Floodltghts
Mast Fitters Trunnion Bdse Mounl Shock Mounting Photoelectric Cell
NOTE: Mast fitters for 2' std. Brack6ls Mounting Bracket
plpe requ ire a tenon ht. oi PCM.1
4.5/8" m in. Brackei with standard receP_
tac e for mode s with integral
ballasts. (Photocell not inclLrd
ed) Threads nto 1/2'NPT hoLe
in ballast base or mast filter.
Shpg. wt. 1 1/2 bs.
Casl a uminum. Calibrated for
MF.1 horizontaJ anent. Sup"
adlu sl
Mast filter for 2 " standard pipe; pLied al no exlra charge in
supplied at no cost ior place ol masl filter on
I oodlrqhls w lhout inleqral tloodl q hts wilhout inteqral sK-40
h'rll.rs1a when soecrf ed on ballasts when specified on
Cutolf sh e d for 400 watt
orderi origina order: FH"1000-4 HV1. llood iqhts; directs, I mits lght
FH-1000 A-rM. Sh pg. wt. 3 ibs. sM8.1000 patlerns; provides precise ver
Shpg. wt.2 1/2lbs. For mounlrng I ood I qhts tlcal cutolt without dislortion
Wall Mounls wrlhorrl rnleora bal asts (ess
Desrgned lo perm I mounlinq
ot atera patiern. May be read _

mounting afiis and wF 1 f tter) ly insta led rn lhe freld.

ot floodlrqhls on flat !erllca in applications where seveTe Shpq. wl 3 bs.
slrrlaces A lare conSlrucled ol vrbralions may presenl a Prob_
qual 1y cast alum num al oy. em Brackel ls conslTr.lcled oi
2.31e' hot dip galvanzed steel wlth - 26" -'12"-
neoprene pads to absorb t, ;Z
shock. Cadm um Plated assem'
b v hardware furn ished.
' ShPg. wl.36 Lbs
I l.'
5 1la '
MF.2 I
Mast litter lot
1112" and 2" sMB.400 sK.100
standard p pe used in ieu of
5 5/8

MF-1 with flood ights wlthout I t As above, but for 400 watt Same as above, except tor 1000
f oodl ghts. Shpg. wt. 31 lbs. watt flood ights.
- ba asts. Al exlra cost.
Shpg. wt.4lbs.
l'''l ShPg. wt.5lbs
Flat Base Mount

// -
w8.'1 i;l
Mast fitter lor 1112" ard 2"
Wal bracket for vert cal s!r
standard p pe. Similar to MF 2
faces on y. Shpg. wt. 4-112 bs. t-
but equipped w th three cabl-" wG-10,F
conneclions. Supp ied at extra Wire cuard for 1000 watt
cost w th a I 1000 and 400 walt Ioodlio'hlsi 1O qauge steel.
LitelMatic models without in t-- brioht z nc e ectroolated afler
legral ba lasis when specif ed fabi cation. Furnished w th
on order.
Shpg. wt.4lbs
I't se f'tapping screws.
Shpg. wl. 1 bs.
Adapter lor standard
lowering devices or
6112 o 3
F 8.1
Cast aluminum. For 2"
dard prpE n rpple (lrmit heighl to
slan_ wG.4'F
,l B'; nipple nol nc uded). For n-
As above, but for 400 wall
mounting on conduit floodliahts. .:'
slems sla lrna f oodl qhts on flal sur' l

t- .=: 31ta" faces. Shpq wt.4 bs

*._.- | rl
wB.5 cross-Arm Bracket
For use with WB-1 wall mount
to provide sLrrface mounted 'l
wiring; tapped for two 3/4 " PiPe 5"
entrances. Has wiring comParl_
T H.1
meni wit h gasketed cover 'il-
for nslaL a
Equ ps f oodlrghts Shpg. vll.31/2 lbs. 9 3/4
or., o-, -

t lon on slandard lowertnq Aux liary lens for 1000 watt

mechanisms. Base tapped for ilood tohts. 1i 4 th cl. moact
t-1i4 ' p pe (a so available ai no resisla;t po ymer ens, furnrsh'
charae n place ol masl lllter ed wlth mouIlrnq hardware lor
on 1500, 1000 and 400 wail PX.l ] easv f eld attachment.
f oodliahls w lhoul inleqral Cross-arm bracket with 2 " PiPe ShPg 2 bs
ballasla when spectfled on stub. "L 'base. ShPg. wt.4lbs
order: FH 1000-A-TH 1. AL.4.F
Shpg. wl.2lbs. As above, except for 400 walt


AktraFlood floodlights use the new standard-sett ing Aktra reflector

system to efficiently deliver smooth, even light in industrial and general Speclficatlon
floodlighting applications wiihoul glare. Heavy-duty cast construction Features
is made to withstand rough conditions and provide long-time, Heavy-Duty Cast Construction
mainlenance f ree service. Floodlight housing is cast aluminum alloy
with integrally cast heat dissipating fins
Cutofl, Semi-Cutoll or Non-Cutoll Distribulion (1) and built-in aiming device. All fixture
The patented':redirecting cutoff" Aktra reflector system is especially assembly screws are stainless steel. Flood,
light is coated after fabrication with corro-
designed to make the most efficient use of light from high pressure sion'resistant industrial grade dark bronze
sodium and new-style metal halide lamps in E-.18 envelopes- paint.
AktraFlood's asymmetric beam pattern achieves sharp cutoff when Sealed Oplical Assembly
aimed 63" out. When wider pole spacing is desired, AktraFlood can be fempeted'/.r" glass lens is permanently
sealed to the optical assembly by an ex.
aimed farther than 63'and achieve very efficient semi-cutoff or non-cutoff truded aluminum retainer and extruded
distribution. gasket, secured by stainless steel screws.
Silicon-gasketed relamping plates provide
Marine Type Application. convenient lamp access from the side (2).
MAF type AKraFloods are specially constructed models with copper Palented Precision Ref lectol
content less than 0.27. for corrosion control in harsh coastal and indus- Optical assembly is equipped over the
complete interlor with high purity, anodized
trial environ ments. reflectors, assembled without machine
fo.ming to assure maximum efficiency (3).
A secondary internal reflector element
reflects high-angle rays back into the
beam achieving high beam utilization.
"Stabilux" Socket
Grip-type mogul base socket is pre-wired.
The glass end of the lamp is held in pre-
cise alignment for consistent photometric
perlormance and is protected against
breakage by a patented spring'loaded
"Stabilux" socket (4).
Encapsulated Quad-Voli Ballast
High power factor ballast is designed for
-20" starting. Lamp current crest tactor
does not exceed 1.65. Core and coil are
encapsulated rn a solid polyester resin
compound with capacitor outside the
encapsulation for ease of maintenance.
Limiting temperature of the insulation
system in Class H (180'C) with tempera'
ture rise in the windings one tull class
Floodlight and ballast are arranged as
separate but integral components. Both
are manufaclured by Wide-Lite, are U.L.
listed", and covered by a limited three'
year warranty.
"Mosl modelsi consull iaclory tor U.L. lile card.
Ordering Guide - AktraFlood Floodlights
Ballast Data(2) Optlonal Dquipment
Catalog Numbedl) Prlmary Line Line Cunenl Ballast Est. Shpg. Description Component Catalog No.
AklraFlood Voltage Watts Sta.ling OPer. TYPe wl. 0bs.) Marine Type Floodlights MAF
Avai able ai extra cost. Spec fy
400 Watt High Pressure Sodium MAF as catalog numbeT Pref x:
AFS.400-( )"QV 12OI2OAI 465 ' 4.3t2.51 Regulaiing 88 MAF.400. Fixture and bal ast
2401277 2.2t1.9 are shipped n separate cartons.
AFS-400-( )-480 480 470 ' 1.08 Regulating 88 Fused Ballasts
AFS-400-( )-240R 24O 440 2.5(3.6") 2.0 Reactor 88 FJses are t\T( 3C drp Jr e(s otre .4 6
250 Watt High Pressure Sodium specliied; ava lable al extra cost. Nol
AFS-250.( )-OV 1201208 295 2.54/1.46 Regulating 71 available for marine type floodlighls.
240t277 1.2511.11 120v, 277v systerns F1
AFS-250-( )-480 480 300 ' .63 Regulating 71 208v, 240v or 480v systems F2
AFS-250-( )-240R 240 280 '(2.68-') 1.25 Reactor 71
"LileMatic" Auxiliary Lighting LO
400 Walt tvletal Halide'-' Patented. so id state "Lil-"lMatic"
AFM-400-( )-OV 12012081 460 ' 4.012.31 Regulating 86 emergency/auxiliary syste an s
2401277 2.Ot1.7 ava lab e for regulatlng bal asts
AFM-400-( )"480 480 465 ' 1.0 Regulaling 86 oniy at exlra cost.
tr) spec fy rel e.ror rype lrorn drslr b!1 0n qu de Relle.l0rs a a c ..d D Special Ballasls
12) A bai:s1s are rr qh power f:clor..apable oi sl.n.! lhe anrp lo 20'F Special ballasts ior co d weaiher
' Less lha. operal fc operat on down to-70"F Add 70 to
'' Hol restr ke or w rh .pef se.ondary
vo tage: AFS-400-A-QV 70. Limited
"' Us€s Wesl rlholse amp . E rB enve ope anrp IMH dCOiE
CAt-ifrcN BtD lunnanes shaLLt) b-. apenlcd an aorn.le.J srstens onf u.qtatndcd to HPS models only. (Note:
porerC,strrb!/lor systems hrgh tt..stent vottages thtch can.arse latlrte 50 Hertz operat on and other specia
al anr tlpe ele.ltrcaleq0tpnent voltage primary systems are also
available. Consult the factory for
cornplete information.)
Photocell l ounl P
Availab e at exlra cost.
Photocell nol in cluded.
Pole Mounling Hardware
See pages GF-31 and GF'32.

Distritrution Guide
Beam Spread NEMA Beam Spread NEMA Beam Spr€ad NEMA
Catalog No. Hor. x Verl.' TYPe Catalog No. Ho. r Vert. YlL
400 Watl High Pressure Sodium 400 watt Metal Halide 250 Watt High Pressure Sodil/m
AFS-400-A 120'v. a"128" 6x3 AFM-400-A 120" x 11'/31" 6x3 AFS-250-A 110'x 12'l3s' 6 x 4
AFS-400-B 80" x 12'133' 5x3 AFM-400-B 70' x 10"/32' 4x3 AFS-250-B 60'x 11"i31' 4x3
AFS-400-C 120' x 15'/55' 6x5 AFM-400-C 120' x 17'158" 6x5 AFS-250"C 120'x 17'i53' 6 x 5
AFS-400-D 80' x 16"i47" 5x4 AFM-400-D 80' x 14'152' 5x4 AFS.250-D 80'x 16'/47' 5 x 4
'Vertlca Beam Spread abov-.0'/below 0"

Typlcal Distrlbutlon Patterns

NOTE Oraw n9s show shape o{ pallerns and are nol to sca e



AktraFlood Floodlights

X Dimension Regulaling Reaclor

Metal Halide
400w 91/2" 91/z'
High Pressure
Sod ium
400w 12V2"


LB version with M2 masl lilier

Effectlve Pro.iected Area

Wind Projected
Direciion Area (Apl!a[!'
Standard Fixture LB Version
A (0 ") 1.6 1.3
B (331 1.8 12
C (srde) 2.0 1.4

Wall Mounts 1t Cross.Arm Brack€l
Designed to permit mounting
oi floodlights on flal vertical .fl-
surfaces- All are constructed of
quality cast alumin um alloy.
T rl l" T
I tq
-"iT*l +>'
,11 'i'


3'1t4" cross-arm bracket with 2" pipe
stub, "L"base. ShPg. wi.4lbs.
For use with WB.1 wall mount
to provide surface mounled
wiring; tapped tor two 314" pipe
entrances. Has wiring comparl-
wB.1 ment wit h gaskeled cover
Wall bracket for ve(ical sur' plate.
faces only. Shpg. wt.4-1l2 lbs. Shpg. wt. 3-1l2 lbs.

Heavy Duty Construclion
Floodlight housing is cast aluminum alloy
High efficiency along with asymmetric cutoff, semi-cutoff or non' with integrally cast heat dissipating tins
cutoff distribution make these floodlights using the new Aktra redirect- (1) and built-in aiming device. All fixture 1

ing cutofl reflector system excellent for football and other sports fields assembly screws are stainless steel
Floodlight is coated after fabrication with N

in or near residential areas where glare may be a problem. corrosion-resistant black industrial paint.
The patented Aktra reflector system is designed to make maximum Precision Rellectot
use of ihe light from tubular metal halide lamps and deliver a smooth, Optical assembly is equipped over the
even pattern of light. Four distribution options are available for layout complete interior with high purity, ano-
dized reflectors. assembled without
flexibility. Fixture mounting arm is calibrated for easy aiming' machine forming to assure maximum effi-
ciency (2). A secondary internal retlector
element reflects high angle rays back into
the beam achieving high beam utilization.
Sockets for tubular metal halide lamps are
spring loaded to maintain positive con-
tact, prevent breakage and assure proper
photometric alignment (3).
Sealed, Weatherprool Enclosure
Lens is flat, %, " tempered glass. A silicone
gasket forms a sealed, weatherproot
enclosure. Gasketed access plates pro'
vide easy side access to the lamp without
removal or dismantling of the fixture lens
Fixture and ballast are separate, but con-
nected by the fixture mounting arm to
form an integral arrangement (4).
Encapsulated, High Power Factor Ballast
High power tactor ballast is desrgned for
-20" startinq. Lamp current crest factor
shall not exceed ('). Core and coil are
encapsulated in a solid polyester resin
compound. Limiting temperature of the in-
sulation system is Class H (180'C) wiih
temperature rise in the windings one full
class below.
Floodlight and ballast are U.L. listed".
Both are manufactured by Wide-Lite and
are covered by a limited three'year

Liquid.Tight Conduit
Ballast to lamp wires are extended
through Iiquid-tight tlexible metal conduit
with suitable connection seals tor max-
imum protection against weathering.
'see Ballasr seclion for complete eleclrical

"Most modeLs;consult laclory for u L file card

G F.1O
Ordering Guide - AktraSport Floodlights
Ballast Data(2) Optional Equipment
da Catalog Number(1)
Primary Line Line Current
Voliage Walts Starting Oper.
Est. Shpg.
Wt. (lbs.)
Description Componenl Catalog No.
Watt Tubular Nlelal Halide
1500 Fused Ballasls
ASM-1500.( )-2081277 2081277 1640 8.5/6.4 Regulating 109 Fuses are KTK 30 amp unless
ASf,4 1500-( )-240x480 24Ax4B0 164A 7.4/3.7 Regulating 109 otherw se specrired;avar ab e
al ext ra cost
I 5.eiL .rt.:rr..'niol.nL r,o l:rrbJl.rrt!4.: F.r'..r.,:rA A C and0 277v system Fl
2 H ! , !rrr!er lr.l!,bn !:ir s a..r an.i 1., ta'51an rg Lampe,.1!'e3 I d!a y. taae 20Bv 240v, or 480v systems F2
ti Jir' . { rr oh.r,ro iaqe r!! !f es: r|r.'-.i s-" st).. 1 !-il F irrrc nri ba .sl
'L"r: rlr,rn i)r.rrin 1!
'ri jrirlrr irra I rri,r. J,r... ijr l .,r-,!J,rr.d \rsr-.rr:, .jrir i_ri.r,.r..d.c
n .,i. _.i!.i- trilp !,
.ir ir.i rlr-ii.:r i irrri,..r

Distributlon Gulde
Beam Spread NEMA Beam Spread NEMA
Calalog No. Hor. x Verl,' Type Catalog No. Verl.
Hor. x Verl Type
lMelal Halide lMetal Halide
x9"121" 6x3
AS[,'1.1500.A 120" ASM-1500-C 130'x 17'152' 6x4
ASltl-1500-B 80'x 10"/38' 5x4 ASM'1500-D 80'x 16'/50' 5x4
'Vert cal Eeam Spread above o'/below 0"
Typical Dlstribution Patterns
NolE D,3|. rs !1.{ jhap. ol ral:err3 in r ann :r . rir t. s.a.

fll i^

[,.^ -
!l li
to c D
n. 11o. METAL I\,I ETA L
" DE
Dimensions Effective Projected Area
ut Wind Projected
ls. Direction Area (Ap) in Ft.,
A (0') 1.6
lo B (33 ") I B
C (s de) 2.4

1500 Walt Curoll Floodliqhr Accessories

Cross-Arm Bracket

PX.1 I
Cross-arm bracket with 2 " pipe
siub, "L"base. Shpg. wt.4 bs.
GF 11

B Sedes
Floodlights c

Compact, heavy-duty B Series Cutotf floodlights provide broad, smooth Speclflcatlons H

patterns of lig ht tor general floodlight applications where high efficien' Features B
cies at loweimounting heights are required and glare may be a prob- Die Cast, weatherprool Enclosure
lem. B series cutoff floodlights use the new, patented redirecting cutoff Die cast aluminum housing is coated afier
reflector system, especially designed to make maximum use of 250 fabrication with a corrosion resistant
oaint. Front section swings torward on
watt high pressut" sodium lamps. Smooth, even light is delivered from ineavv duty hinges for easy access to lhe
the tlo;dlight's two available beam patterns, which meet IES cutoff, lamp. wiring comparlment and ballasl (1).
semi-cutofi, or non-cutoff requirements depending upon aiming angle
u sed.
Floodlights are pre-wired, ready to install. Mounting options include
ae..*li$;i,i",:"ul'ii$ f't
Ieflectors assem ii,x
purily. anodized
without machine forming lo assure maxl'
a factory inst"lled yoke mounting bracket (standard), or mast fitter lor mum efficiency. A secondary, internal ele'
ment reflects high angle rays back into the
2" pipe. beam achieving high beam utilization (2)
Marine Type Floodlights Lens is flat, %," tempered glass, recessed
for brightness control and gasketed to the
B Series lvlarine Type floodlights have castings of special low copper fixture. t'/ogul base socket and patented
aluminum alloy for corrosion control in harsh coastal and industrial Stabilux socket hold lamp in precise align-
environments. ment for consistent photometric perfor'
mance and to help prevenl lamp breakaQe
Easv to install T.
Cali'brated yoke mounling bracket with
center mounting hole for aiming

is factory installed (3). Floodlight is

prewired, furnished with a l6" length Seal-
tite and ready to install.
A voltage selection plug is provided on
quad-voltage (QV) models allowing easy
voltage tap selection (4).
Hiqh Power Factor Ballast
Hiqh power laclor ballast is designed for
-20" slarting. Lamp currenl crest factor
shall not exceed 1.65. Coil windings are
3.Year WarrantY
Floodlight and Ballast are both manufac'
tured bt Wide'Lite, are U.L. listed*, and
covered by a three-year limited warranty
'Most models;consull lactory lor U L Iile card

Ordering Guide - B Series Cutoff Floodlights
Ballast Datae)
Catalog Number(1) Primary Line Line Current Ballast Est. Shpg.
Optlonal Equlpment
WYoke Mornl Voltage Walts Starting Oper, Type wt. (lbs.) Descriplion Component Calalog No.
250 Wall High Pressure Sodium
85.250.( ).QV.Y 1201240
Marine Type Floodlights BMS
295 2.54/1.25 Regulating 31
W th mast I tter only.
208t277 1.46t1.1
F xtures have cast ngs of
BS-250.( )-480.Y 480 300 .63 Flegu ai inq 31
special alum num al oy w th
ow copper content for harsh
tliSeecr rele.lor lype lrom dslributon O!de CO lor wde AO ror medum wde
2 N qr po$er laclor ba asl ,s des qned l.r 20' start nq temperat!res A QV coastal environments.
ba asls I eLd adaplab e tor l2Al2A8l24Al277r a]eta\ ar To order, specify BMS as calalog
'Less lhan operal nc nLr mber prefix: BMS'25o-CO-QV.M2
''fo|esll ke or w lh open se.onda.y
CAUIIAN HID lrnrnates shaold be apetaled an graondetl systen anty OngrcLnded Optional Mast Filter M2
p0rer d,slrbrrron sysrems mal .anl htgh !tansienl vallages whtch can cause larlute Optional M2 mast lilter avai able at no
al arl ir pe elect t rca I eq t tpn e nl aod ' osl 1 IeJ ol yoke - oL"l
Accepts 2 " pipe tenon of 4% "
m n mum he ght. Fixt!re and mast
f tter shipped n same caTton.
To order. designate l,42 as catalog
number sufiix: BS 250 CO OV M2.
Dlstrlbutlon Gulde Pholocell Mount
Ava lab e w th M2 mast litler

Eeam Spread NEMA on y at exira cost; photoce I

Catalog No. Hor. x Vert.' Tvpe not inc uded. Not ava lable
High Pressure Sodium for mar ne type floodl ghts.
BS-250-CO 140' x 19'/66" 7x5 To order, specify P" as cata og
8S.250-AO 130'x10'/50" 5x4 number suf f ix: 8S.250-OO-OV.[,42.P
Fused Ballast
'V"r' . Fuses are KTK 30 amp unless
B"d-n Sp "ao
0' oelorr' 0"
olherwise specif ied; available
at extra cost. Not avai able for
mar ne lype iloodi ghts.
Avai able on lV2 models only.
Single Fuse Fl
Availab e for 120v or 277v systems
Double Fuse F2
Ava lab e for 248,240 ot 480v systems

Typical Dlstrlbutlon Patterns
\CTa )ra4.qs sh.r shape .l Farrer.s on y afd are nol 10 sca e



B Series Cutoff Floodlights

Yoke Mounling
l ,-"-]
Optional M2
9/16 dLa (2)
Masl Fitter

Effective Projected Area

Wind Proiected
Direction Area (Ap) in Ft."
(0 ") 1.64
B (slde) 1.0
c (30') 1.89

! e" -
.1"" '. \
' 13Ya'

i1 r
wG.25-BCO AL.25.BCO wB.8
Wire quard.'10 gauge steel Aux llary ens. 1/4 " lhrck impact- Steel bracket for wal or pole
bright zinc electroplated aftea resrstant polymer lens, fur mounting. Permits horizontal
iabrication. Furnished with nished with four screws and adjustment where necessary.
self-tapping screws. stand'ofis for easy attachmenl. Shpq. wt. 2 lbs.
Shpg. wt. /, b. Shpg. wt. 1% lbs.

B Sedes

Compact, heavy-duty B Series floodlights provide broad, smooth Speclficatlon

patterns of light for general floodlight applications where high efficien- Features
cy at lower mounting heights is required. Models are available for 250 Die cast, Weatherproot Enclosure
watt and lower wattage HID lamps. Die cast aluminum housing is coated after
Floodlights are pre-wired, ready to install. Mounting options include a corrosion resistant
fabrication with
a factory installed yoke mounting bracket (standard), mast fitter for painl. Front section swings forward
on heavy duty hinges (1) for easy access
1 114" pipe, or surlace mounting box. to the lamp, wiring compartmenl and
Marine Type Floodlights bal ast (2).
B Series Marine Type floodlights have castings of special low copper Front and rear housing seclions are pro'
vided with an "O-Ring" gasket for positive
aluminum alloy. They are U.L. listed for 595 (marine type) standards and seal and are secured by captive stainless
meet U.S. Coast Guard specification for marine type application. steel screws.
High Etficiency Refleclor
Optical assembly is equipped with high
purity, anodized retlectors, assembled
without machine forming to assure max-
imum efficiency (3).
Lensis flat, 7/32" tempered glass, re-
cessed for brightness control and
gasketed to the fixture. Socket is grip-type
mogul base for vertical, base down lamp.
Easy to lnstall
Calibrated yoke mounting bracket with
center mounting hole for aiming flexibility
is factory installed (4). Floodlight is
Drewired. furnished with a 2' lenqth SO
cord and ready to install.
Encapsulated, High Power Faclor Ballast
High power factor ballast is designed for
-20' starting. Lamp current crest factor
will not exceed 1.65. Coil windings are
copper; core and coil are encapsulated in
solid polyester resin compound with
capacitor outside the encapsulation for
ease of maintenance. Limiting temp-
erature of the insulation system isClass
H (180'C) with temperature rise in the
windings one full class below-
3-Year Warranly
Floodlight and Ballasl are bolh manufac-
tured by Wide-Lite, are U.L. listed', and
covered by a limited three-year warranty.
'Mosl models; consull laclory lor U.L j e card

G F.15
Orderlng Gutde - B Series Floodlights 1

Ballast Data(l) t
Catalog Numbel
W/Yoke Mount
Primary Line
Voltage Watts Starting Oper.
Line Current Ballast
wt' (lbs.)
optlonal Equipmen, f
250 Walt Mercury Descriplion Component Cataiog No.
BH-250-A-1201240-Y 1201240 290 2.6/1.3 Regulating 28
Marine Type Floodlight BM
BH-250-A,208-Y 208 290 1.5 Regulating 28 Fixtures have castings of special
BH-250-A-277-Y 277 290 1.1 Regulating 28 aluminum alloy wilh low copPer
8H.250-A-480-Y 480 300 Regulating 28 content for harsh coasta
BH-250-A-240R-Y 240 270 2.1 1.2 Beactor environments. U.L. approved for 595
BH-250-A.277R-Y 277 270 20 1.0 Reactor 26 (Marine Type) slandards, and rneets
250 Watt Metal Halide Coast Guard spec fications for marine
120t240 290 2.6/1.3 Regulating 31 type application. To order, add M to
290 1.5 Regulating 31 catalog number prefix: BMH'250-A. (At
BI/l-250-C-208-Y 208
RegulalinO 31
extra cost.)
BM-250-C-277-Y 277 290 1.1
BM-250-C-480.Y 480 295 .65 Regulating 31 "LileMatic" Oplion LO
Available for 250w mode s
250 Walt High Pressure Sodium only with regulating bal asts at
BS-250-C-120'Y 120 295 2.54 Reoulating 31
extra cost. See " LiteMatic"section
BS-250-C-208-Y 208 295 1.46 Regulating 31
for complete nf ormation on
BS-250.C-240-Y 240 295 1.25 Regulating 31 patented LiteMaiic auxiliary/
BS-250.C-277 -Y 277 295 .1 '1
Regulating 31 emergency systems. (Consull factory
BS'250-C-480-Y 480 300 .63 FegLrlating 3'1 for lower waltages.)
BS-250-C-Y-240R-Y 240 2AO '(2.68") 1.25 Reactor 31 Quad Voltage Ballasts OV
175 Walt Melal Halide Available at exlra cost for 250w
BM-175-C.120/240-Y 1201240 210 1.8/.9 Regulating 31 high pressLrre sodium only.
BM-175-C-208-Y 204 210 1.1 Regolating 31 120120812401277v Iaps for field connecl on.
BM-17 5-C-277 -Y 277 210 .8 Regulating 31 Specify "QV": BS 250'C-OV Y.
BM-175.C-480-Y 480 215 .45 Regulating 31 Fused Ballasts
150 watt Hiqh Pressure Sodium loov(2) Fuses are KTK 30 amp unless
BS-150"C-120-Y 120 180 1.54 Regulating 31 otherwise specified; availab e at
208 180 .9 Regulating 31 extra cost. NOT AVAILABLE
BS-150-C-240-Y 244 180
120v or 277v systems. F1
BS-150-C-277"Y 277 180 .67 Regulating 31 208v, 240v or 480v systems F2
BS-150-C"240R-Y 240 173 .91(1.45-') .8 Beactor 31
Optional Mast Fitter M
150 Watt High Pressure sodium-55V(3) Optjona N.4F-7 mast fiiter available
8S.150-C-120-Y 120 182 1.57 Regulating 31 at extra cost in lieu of Yoke mounl.
BS-150.C-208-Y 208 182 .94 Regulating 31 Accepts 1 1/4" p pe tenon of 3 3/8"
BS-150.C-240-Y 240 182 .82 Regulating 31 mlnimum height. F xture and mast fitter 1
BS-150-C-277-Y 277 142 -71 Regulating 31 shipped in separate carlons. To order.
BS-150-C-120R-Y 120 175 '(2.5") 1.6 Reactor designate "M" as catalog number
(r) H gh power racror ba as1 s des,sned ior 20" srarr n9 remperal!res lr dua vo rage tap unless otherwise spec I ed suffix: BH 250_A_208'M'
{2) Su lab e al I me ol prinl rg {or Sy van a LU15O/11)O a.d West nghouse C150556 Specrlv
l00v on Optional Surlace l!!ounting Box
(31 Suilab e al t me oi pr nt nq ror GE LU150 St van a LU r50/55 a.d Wesl nghouse C]50555 SpeciJv 55v o' order Opl onal WB-7 surface mounting
'Less lhan operal ng box available 1n lieu of yoke mount
"Hol reslrike or wilh open secondary
at extra cosl; shipped in separate carlon.
cAufl)N HlDluninatrcsshauldbeopeta!edongrcuhdedslstensanlv ungrounded pawet dtst bu'onsvsredsaav
canv hQh tGnsient vottages which can caDse latltte al anv tvpe etectttcat equtpneht
To order, specify "S" as catalog
number suf f ix: BH-250-208-s.
Photocell Mounl P
Avallable at extra cost; photoce I not
Dffectlve ProJected Area A
Wind Proiected
Direclion Area (Ap) in Ft.'z

<-A (0.)
A (0") 1.64
B (Side) 1.28
\",.0, c (30') 1.89

)r a(
B Serles Floodltghts
616Dlmenslons 18 1/4 sw ng rad'us ..- 16 1/2 " swrno rad us

L 9.r/2' --l

Optional WB.7
Surfacs Mounting Box

_ l l/8 f
'a Q12" l L Oplional MF-7
Yoke Mounting Mast Fitl€r

-] ,,""
l- (4)7/l6" Dra

Typtcal Dlstrlbutlon Patterns

ji "'"

Fe' e.lor iPhospho. Clared Lamol Rel e.lor (C ear Lanrpl

Accessorles for B and BZ Serles Floodltghts

. rj)

r. ,r' - I :j
) t:N,!.)


MF-4 Masi Fitter sK.25.B wG-25-B AL.25.B

P pe, lenon and pole top Cutoif shield. Directs lighl pat Wlre gua,d. l0 gauge steel Auxiliary ens. T/4" th ck
adapter. Cast aium num slip f lt. tern. prov des precise vertical br ghl zinc electropated after impact.resistant polymer lens.
ler for vertical yoke mounting culofl without distort on ol fabricat n. Furn shed wilh
io furnished wilh four scTews and
on 1 1i4" and 2" siandard pipe. laleral pallern. Readily install- se flapp ng screws. sland'offs for easy attachrnent.
ed in ihe tie d. Shpg. wt 1 b. Shpg. wt. /, lb. Shpc. wt. 1 1/3 lbs.

EG Sedes
For Class I Division ll
Hazardous Locations

EG-l000 and EG-400 floodlights are U.L. listed for Modifications include a sealtight conduit, coupling
use in Class l, Division ll hazardous locations, and conduit fitting and a sealed wiring compart-
Groups A, B, C and D. Each tloodlight is marked ment. See page GF-3 for additional information
with maximum internal temperature to permit Floodlight and ballast are manufactured by Wide'
matching to atmospheric ignition temperatures. Lite Corporation and both are covered by a three'
These floodlights are enclosed and gasketed year limited warranty.
(vapor tight) versions of F Series Floodlights.

Ordering Gulde
caro os ,,lurber'rr P
'Tdrv Walls
Battasr Dara(2)
Lile Li""i. *t Brlld'l Esl Shpg Optlonal Equlpment
vollage Slaning OPer' TYPe
Description Componsnt Calalog
EGH TOOO'{ IQV HAZ 120t2AAt 1A7a ' 9 6i5 5i Feqllal ra 82 LQ
24A 277
"LitoMalic" Auxiliary Lighting
ECB 1000 i t480 HAZ 480 1075 ' 2t Reqlatnq 82 Patented. solid state emergency/auxiliary systems.
EGH.10001 ) 480F llAZ 41 24 R€a.lor 76 To order, specify "LQ" as catalog number sLlffix:
1000 watl Melal Halide EGH-1000.B-OV. LO.
EGM.10001 )OV HAZ r 20/208 1075 ' 9 6/5 4i Fequ al .g 90
(See Ballasti LiteMatic section for complete description )
EGM 10001 ).,180 480 1030 " 23 Relu at n! 90 Not€: EG Floodlights with LO option are not U.L.
1000 Wall Hiqh Pressure Sodium lisl€d for class l, Division 2 Hazardous locations.
EGS.IOOOt tOV HAZ r2oi208i ro90 ' I3r5 41 Relu alr.! 92
244 277 Dimgnsions: See page GF-5. Accessorios: See page GF-6.
{ t 480 HAZ ,180 - 2a Feaualnq 92
EGS 1000
'(,13') 24 Feaclor 8/ CAUTION: Class l, Division 2 U.L. listing is invalid if:
EGS r000.1 t480R HAZ 1Aa2
1. Fusing of ballast is used.
EGH 4OO 1 )OV,HAZ 120 2ABt 415 3.912 ili Requ al'nO 6r 2. Photocell mounl is used.
2,10277 2 0r1 6
EGH.400 1 ),180 480 450 I alr.q
Felu 61
EGH 400 ( ) 240F AAZ 24A 425 34 r9 Feactor 53
EGH ,100 ( ) 277F HAZ 17 Feactor 53 Low wattage [,G Serles
400 wa Melal Ha ide Lumlnalres
EGM 400 { )-OV HAZ 4.0i2 3/ Req! atLng 64
240 ;77 2A 11 Enc osed and Gasketed (Vapor Tight)
EcM 400 L ).480 HAZ 480 4lj5 1 0 FreOU alin! 64
Luminaires for up io 175w mercury
400watl lliqh Pressure Sodium vaDor, meial halide and hlSh pressure
EGS..100.1 )OV HAZ 120i208/ 465 ' 4 3r2 48r Fegural nq 66
244i217 2 tsit 86 sodium lamps are also availabe. (See
EGS 400 ( ) 480 AAZ 480 470 ' r 08 R.OU al nq 66 lndustrial lndoor section, page 114.)
EGS-400 i ) 2,10 HAZ 2A0 440 25(36 l20 Feaclor 55 Suiable ior indoor or outdoor Lrse,
(1) Specity relleclor type rn space provided see d slribulion guide. page GF 4 these heavyiuly fixtures are recorn
(2) A ba asts shown wlll starl down lo 20'F mended for areas in and around
'Less lhan operalinq.
"'Hat restnke ar wilh open secondaty.
chemical plants, refineries, and a )
cAufrcN: HtD lunnanes shoutd be aperated an gtounded svstems anlv ungroDnd' types ol heavy nduslry.
ed pawer disltibutian systens nay canv high ttansent voltages ||hich can cause
lailtrc al any type electticat equipnent
B Series
it" For Class I Division ll
Hazardous Localions

Ordering Gutde B Series floodlights with surface

mounting box are U.L. listed for use i'r
Class I, Division ll hazardous loca"
Calalog Number Primary Line Currenl
Line Aallasl Est. Shpg.
tions, Groups A, B, C and D. Each
w/Surlace Mounting 8ox Vollag€ Watls Starling Oper. Type wl. {lbs.) floodlight is marked with maximum in-
ternal temperature to oermit matching
250 Wall Morcury to atmospheric ign ition temperatures.
BEH.250 A 120/240 S HAZ 12At24A 290 ' 2.6/1.3 Regu al ng 2a These floodlights are enclosed and
8EH.250.A.208.5-NAZ 208 290 ' 1.5 R€gu ai ng 2a gasketed versions of standard B
8EH 250 A 277.S-l-lAZ 277 290 ' 11 Regu atlng 28
BEH 250 A 480 S HAZ 480 300 ' .6 Regulating 2A Series Floodlights, and are equipped
B:H 250 A 24OR S HAZ 244 2.1 1.2 Reaclor 26 with a sealed wiring compartment.
BEH 250 A 277R S HAZ 277 274 2.O 1.0 Beaclor 26 Surface mounting box is shipped in
250 Wa lVetal Halid€ separate carton. (Enclosed and gas-
[4.250.C. ] 20r240.S. 1201240 290 ' 2.6/1.3 Regulaling

BEM 250 C 208 S-HAZ 2Aa 290 ' T.5 Regulaling

keted B Series Floodlights are also
BEM 250 C 277 S HAZ 277 290 " 1l RegulalnS 31 available with yoke mount or mast f it'
BEM-250 C,480R.S HAZ 480 2S5 ' .65 Fegulat ng 3l ter, but may not be U.L. listed for
250 watt High Pr6ssure Sodium Class l, Division ll Hazardous loca-
8ES-250-C.120-S.HAZ 120 295 ^ 2.54 Feg u at ng 31 t ions. Consult factory)
BES 250-C.208.S.HAZ 208 295 ' 1.46 FeguLal ng 31
Floodlights are available for 250
BES-250-C.240.S.HAZ 240 295 ^ 1.25 Fegulat ng 31
BES 250 277 295 ' 1.1 Regulat ng 31 watt mercury vapor,250 watt metal
8ES 250.C-480-S.HAZ 480 300 ' .63 Regulaling 31 halide and 250, 150, 100 and 70 watt
8ES.250.C.240R.S-HAZ 240 280 '(2 68") 1.25 3l high pressure sodium lamps as
150 Wall High Pressure Sodium 100V(2) standard.
BES,I50C120SHAZ 120 180 ' 1.54 Regulaling 31
For a general description of design,
BES,15O.C,208.S.HAZ 2Aa 180 '.9 Regulating 31
photometrics, dimensions and acces-
BES.r50.C.240.S.HAZ 240 180 Reg!lating 31
BES.150.C.277.S.HAZ 217 r80 67 Regulating 31 sories, see pages GF-16 through
BESr50-C.2408-S.r-1AZ 240 '173 .9r(r 45.-) 8 3l GF,17.
150Wall High Pressure Sodium-55V(3)
BES.r 50,C.120.S,NA2 120 182 ' 157 Feg!lalrng 31
8ES 1 50-C.208.S- Fl AZ 2Aa '182 94 Fegulating 3l
BES ] 50 C 240 S HAZ 24O 182 '82 Fegulal ng 31
BES.]5O C 277 S HAZ 277 182 '71 Fegulat ng 31
8ES.150.C.r 20R.S.HAZ 120 175 '(2.5") r.6 31
100 Wall High Pressure Sodium 155V)
8ES.100.C,r20-S.HAZ 124 125 ' 1.14 Regllat ng 3l
BES-100.C-208-S.HAZ 208 125 ' .66 Feg u Lat ng 3l
8ES 100.C-240-S.HAZ 24A .57 Feg u at ng 3l
BES ]OO C 277 S.HAZ 277 125 ' .5 lleg! at ng 31
BES ]OO C 12OF SHAZ 124 110 1.3(l.81") 1.03 Reactor 31
70 watt High Pressure Sodium (55v)
8ES.70.C.1 20-S. H AZ 124 86 '.8
,46 Regu atlnq 3l
8ES.70.C.208-S.HAZ 208 86 Regu atlng 3l
BES 7O C-240.S-HAZ 240 86 '.4 Regu at ng 3l
sES 70 C 277.S.HAZ 277 86 Reg u lal ng 3T
BES-70.C.120R.S.H42 120 82 .9(1.6") .73 3l
11) U powerfaclorba lasl is des qned for.20"siarlin! iemperaiures.lfd!a voliage ballasi ls w red 1o high vo lage lap
uniess olherwise speciiied.
(2) Su lable al lirne ol print ng lor Sylvan a LU150/100 and Weslinghouse C150556 Speciiy 100v or order
(3) Su ab e al lime ol prini n9 lor GE LU150, Sylvania LU150/55 and Weslinghouse C150555 Speciiy 55v on order
'Less lhan operalina. WB'7 Surtace Mounting Box
Ho( restrike or wilh open secondary.

CAUfIAN: HID luninaties should be operated an grounded systehs only. Ungrounded pawet disltibulion syslens tuay GF.19
eaw hioh ttansient voltaaes which can cause lailute ol any type electrical equipment



S\{ Series S

Floodlights 1i



Speclflcatlon S
Features S

Ru99ed, Die.Cast Construclion

SW Series Floodlights are designed tor maximum utilization of HID Floodlight body is die cast aluminum alloy

lamps. They may be mounted vertically or horizontally, and are sym-

with integrally cast heat dissipating fins,
metrical in;ither position. This feature, plus a wide range of lamp and coated aller fabrtcallon wllh a corrosion
resistant industrial grey paint. Fixture
reflector options, permits broad flexibility for all types of lloodlighting assembly Screws are stainless steel
jobs, including athletic fields, parking areas' building facades and
is equipped with a
general f loodlighting applications.
aluminum mast fitter lor 2
slandard plpe
(4-5i8" min. ht.), serrated and calibrated for
Floodlights are equipped with an integral ballast and are furnished easy aiming (1).
prewired ind ready to install. Standard models have a factory installed, Precision Optics
calibrated mast fitter lor easy vertical aiming. An optional yoke mount- Optical assembly is equipped top, bottom
ing bracket is available at extra cost. and sides with high purity anodized
seg rren ted aluminu.n Iefleclors. as_
serrbled wrlhout macnine forming to
assure maximum eff iciencY.
Socket enclosure includes a griplype
mogul base receptacle. The glass end ol
the lamp is protected against breakage
and held in precise photometric alignment
by a patented "Slabilux" socket (2).

sealed, wealherproof Enclosure

The lens is flat 7/32" tempered glass,
attached by a cast frame and gasketed to
the fixture to provide a sealed, weathe.
proof enclosure. Lamp access is from
below (3).
High Power Faclor Ballast
High power tacto'ballast is inlegral to the
tloodlighl. Lamp current crest lactor will
not exceed (t).
Ballast compartment is insulated irom
lamp heat and gasketed tor weatherproof
seal {4).
Three.Year WarrantY
Fixture and ballast are U.L. listed." Both
are manufactured by Wide-Lite and are
covered by a three-year limited warranty.
'See baL asl sect on 1or complele electrlcal )
"Mosl modelsr consull laclor lor U LI e card.

0rdering Guide - S'W Series Floodltghts
Ballast Data(2)
Calalog Nurnber(l) Primary Lin€ Lin€ Curr€nt Ballast Est. Shpg.
Optlonal Equipment
Voltsq€ watts Starting Op6.. Typ€ wt. (lbs.)
1500 Watl Motal Halide Description Componenl Calalog No.
swM-1500.( ).208 204 1620 8.2 Regulating 85 Solid Slale "Litelvalic" LQ
swM-1500-( )-240 240 1620 6.9 Regulating 85 Ava lab e al extra cosl for lixtures
swM.1500.( ).277 277 1620 6.0 Regulating 85 11 1-gL rg bd' d. s Sp6 L,r6\4dlr
swM-1500.( ).480 480 1630 Regulating B5
Section for com plete inlormalion
swM-1500.( ).480R't' 480 1560 6.8 3.5 Reactor 83 on patented LiteMai c slandby
ighting systems. Order ng examp e:
1000 Watl Mercury
swH.1000.( ).120/240 1201240 1070 ' 9.6x4.8 Regu lating B3
208 1070 ' 5.5 Regulating B3 Fused Ballasts
swH.1000.( ),208
Fuses are KTK 30 amp un ess
swH.1000-( )-277 277 1070 Reg ulating 83
olherwise spec fied; ava ab e
swH.1000.( )-480 480 1075 ' 2.4 Reg ulal ng 83 at extra cost.
swHt000.( )-480R 480 1035 4.1 2.4 Reaclor 75 120v or 277v systems F1
Watt Metal Halide
1000 208v. 240v, or 480vsystems F2
swM-1000,( )-1201240 120/240 1075 ' 9.414.7 Regulating 83 Yoke Bracket
swM.1000.( )-208 204 1075
t 5.+ Regulating B3 Ava lab e at exlra cost for

swMr0001 )-277 277 1075 ' 4.0 Regulating 83 -oJ1li"q foodlqhr. ofd "."d p\
swtll.1000.( ).480 480 1080 ' 2.3 Regulating 83 See page G F 23 lor descriplion
1000 Watl High Pressure Sodium Ord. r ,g e'a^ o p: SWlr.1000 A..08.Y.
sws-l000-( )-1201240 12or24o 1090 ' 9.3x4.7 Regulating 88 Vertical Floodlight V
sws.1000,( )-208 208 1090 ' 5.4 Regulaling BB Avai able at no extra cosl. FixtLrre s
swsr000-( )-277 277 1090 ' 4.0 Beg ulal ing 88 symmetrical mounted n eilher the
sws,l000.( )-480 480 1100 Regulat ng BB vert cal or standard hor zonta pos tion.
sws.1000.{ )-480R 480 1052 '(4.3.') 2.4 Reaclor 83 O oa ^g e.dn o. SW-l 1000.a-208.V.
1rl Seecl rel eclor lrom d str bulio. A! de As above, bLrt with yoke bracket. YV
lr H qh p.wer laclor ba astw slart ampsal 20'lemperalures!.essolherwse (Bracket at extra cost.)
Ordefng examp e: SWH-1000-4 208.YV.
'Less lhan operal n9
''fol reslr ke or w lh open secondary Pholocell l\4ounl P
'''C E MV r500 and Sy van a M1500 lo 0'F Avai able at exira cost (Photocel not
CAU|IAN. HID Luntnaires shoold be opetated an groonded systens anty Unground nc uded)
ed pa||et disttibutrah systehs nat ca f high ranstent raltages ||hich can cause Accessories See page GF 23
lalNrc.l any lype e lecl rcal equip nen I
Pole Mounting Hardware See pages
cF 31 and GF.32.







G F,21
SW Series Floodltghts
Dlstrlbutlon Gulde
Mercury Vapor (Coated) Motal Halide (clear) High Prsssure Sodium

Catalog Bgam Spr€ad NEMA Catalog No. B€am Spr€ad NEMA Catalog No, Beam Spread NEMA
Hor- x V€rl. Type Hor. x V€rt. Typ€ Hor. x vert- Type

SWM-1500-8 46'x 56' 4

SWM-1500-C 128'x106 " 6
SWM-1500-D 118 "x100 " 6
1000w 1000w 1000w
SWH-1OOO.A 136'x128' 7x6
SWH-1OOO.B 124'x120' 6 swM-1000-B 46'x 56' 4 sws,1000-B 97"
58"x 4x5
swH-1000-c 136"x132" 7 SWM-I000-C 128'x106' sws,1000-c 128"x19'1 6
swH-1000-D 12a'x124' 6 SWM-1000-D 1 18 "x110 " 6 SWS.lOOO.D 122"\110" 6

Nole: Disir bulion ior phosphor coaled metal halde lamps s appro! malelv the same as show lor mecLrv lapor

Typical Distrlbution Patterns

NOTES 1 show shape oi patterns on v a.d are nol 1o scale
2 Aand Bretectorsareot soecu ar allm fum:C afd O rei ectors are ol drlius nq allminum Type A relleclors are nol su lab e lor c ear lamps

"""wffiffimffi@m )

AB B c D D

phosphor phosplror
.oared coaled

& 1000 Watt Models



- 12"
-li )
14 5/8

- -' -:]
S\{r Series Floodlights
Ell. Project€d
fiQ nrrective Projected Area Area (Ap) in FT.'?
Wind 1500w &
Direction 1000w

/---.c u
A (0')
B (15)
c (301 2.41
D (side) 2.60
E (45'
Horizontal between

A and D)

A(01 3.42
Vert ical
B (15') 3.03
A} c (30 ) 2.57
D (side) 3.68
E (45" 2.66
A and D)

1'l Wire Guards and Shields

Auxiliary Lenses
.' t ):

t_ t,, '3. 5"

Cutoff shie d tor 1000 watt SW
floodlights; direcis, limits light
patterns; provides precise ver,
t cal cutoif without distortion
wG.10.sw of lalera pattern; readi y in-
Wire guard for 1000 walt SW stal ed in the field.
Floodlight; 10 gauge steel, Shpg. wt. 5 lbs.
FB.1 FLAT BASE I\4OUNT bright zinc e ectroplated after
Casi a uminum. For 2" stan-
fabricalion. Fu rn ished with
self-tapping screws.
dard pipe n pp e (im t he ghl to Shpg. wt. 1 b.
oplional Yoke 8"; nipple not ncluded.) For n-
stall ng fioodl ghts on flat sur-
Mounting Brackel faces.
Yoke brackets ior rnounting Shpg. wi.4lbs.
horizonta and verl ica SW
i oodl ghls to f al sLrrfaces are
ava lable at extra cosl; must be
"'.m 9/16
designated in lixtu re cataog

n!mber. (See optional equip-
menl. page GF 21.) Add 4 lbs.
lo total flxture we aht.

Cross-arm Brackels
Auxiliary lens for 1000 wati SW
floodlight. 1/4 " thick impact-
resistant polymer lens, furnish-
ed with mounting hardware for
easy f ield attachrnenl.
Shpg. wt. 2 lbs.


tvade of a urn num. Base p ate
ncorporates w ring com part.
PX.1 nrent w th gasketed nspectjon
Cross-arm brackel with 2 " pipe p ate and 3/4" NPT entry at top.
slLrb, 'Lbase. For vert cal slrrfaces on y.
Shpg wl. 4 lbs. Shpg. wt. I bs.

GF 23

)l s

New and Improvedr

League Ltter i

Floodlights 1

Features T
Sinole floodliqht assembly consisis ol 1
ano-dized alumlnum retlector and integral I
ballast. Reflector is turnished with either t
diffused, specular or semi-specular surface I
with a refleclance up to 85'/. (1). Twinlite ?
model consists of two reflector heads and a i
single ballast. I
New and improved League Liter Floodlights are especially engineered 5olo Greater Light Transmission II
Lens is ol 5 mil FEP Tellon (R) with 5%
to take advantage of the high output and outstanding color of 1000 and greater light transmission than clear glass,
watt metal halide lamps for sports lighting applications Models are permanently sealed to the optical assembly
available for NEMA 3 through 6 distribution with excellent uniformity and to provide a weathertight enclosure (2)

Lens tlexes with chanoes in inlernal

minimum spill. New reflector design improves photometric performance pressure; there are no filters or weep holes.
over previous model. New floodlight design allows convenient yoke Precise Lamp Alignmenl \
a mogul L-
mounting. Socket assembly includes base I p
collar to 7
For exlra economy, twin-lite models come with a two'lamp,480 volt socket and a rigid lined "stabilux
hold the lamp in precise pholometric align'
ballast, which cuts installation time and pole mounting accessories in ment and help to prevent breakage.
half as well as greatly reducing initial equipment cost. lf one lamp burns Easy to Aim
out, the twolamp ballast will still start and operate the remaining lamp Floodlight assembly has a calibrated yoke
properly. mount for convenient aiming An aiming
sight is included with each shipment of ten
Convenienl Mounting
Floodlights are provided wilh a calibraled
voke mount tor ease ot mounting (3) Dual'
iamp ballasts for the twin-lite provided wilh
a 2" mast fitter.
Liquid.Tight Conduit
Ballast{olamp wires in the twinlite
model are extended through liquid-tight
flexible metal conduit with suitable con-
nection seals for maximum protection
aoainst wealherino. Single-lamp models
aie prewired and furnished with a 2
length liquidtight cable and ready to
High Power Faclor, Encapsulated Ballasl
Ballast (4) is high power factor with a lamp
current crest factor ot (*). Core and coil are
encapsulated in a solid polyester resin com'
pound with capacitor outside the encap'
sulation for ease of maintenance Limiting
lemperature of the insulation system is
Class H (180'C) with temperature rise in the
windings one full class below.
Floodlight and ballast are U.L. listed". \
Both a-re manufactured by Wide-Lite and I
covered by a limited three-year wat(anly. 7
- o Feg. U.s. Pat. Oit.lor DuPont s Fluorocarbon

Fl 'See ballasi seclion lor comolete elecirica!

D "Most models; consull lactory lor U L file card
Ordering Guide - League Liter Floodlights
Ballast Data Optional Equlpment
Calaloq Number(1) Primary Line Line Current Ballast Est. Shp9. Descriplion Componenl Calalog No.
Vollage Watts Slarting Oper. Type Wt. (lbs.) Fused Ballasls
SINGLE LITE FLOODLIG HTS Fuses are KTK 30 amp unless
1500 Watt Metal Halide
otherwise spec fied;
availab e at exlra cost.
d 1GM,1500.( )T.208-Y 208 1620 ' 8.2 Regulating 80 120v or 277v systerns F1
1Gi,4.15001 ) T-240-Y 240 1620 ' 6.9 Regulating 80 208v, 240v or 4B0v systems F2
LGMi5001 )T.277-Y 277 1620 ' 6.0 Regulating 80
tctvl.1500-( ) T-480-Y 480 1630 ' 3.5 Regulating 80 "LileMatic" Auxiliary Systems LO
tGM-1500-( ) T-480R-Y'.- 480 1560 ' 3.5 Regulating 80 Flood ights are ava ab e ior solid
1000 Watt [4etal Halide state operalion of PS-52 (500 wat1.
1Gn4.1000-( ) T.QV-Y 120t240t 1075 ' 9.414.71 Regulating 78 120 vo t) incandescenl lamp d!ring
main lamp drop out; especlally
2081277 5.4t4.0t
suilable for twin-lite fixtures
LGrV.1000-( T-480-Y 480 1080 ' 2.3 Reg u lat ing where ncandescent lamp rep aces
1GM.1000-( T,480R-Y. " 480 1040 4.1 2.4 Reactor one HID amp. Cons! t lhe lactory
TWIN LITE FLOODLIG HTS for comp ete informat on.
of 1500 Watt Meial Halide
Optional Mast Fitter M2
lral tct .2/1500.( )T-480R-2'- 480 3240 7.0 2 Lamp Optional lM2 Mast F tter
her Lead Lag 115
lCe available at extra cost in leu
lite Beaclor of yoke moLrft on s ngle ite
1000 Watl Metal Halide units. Accepts 2
tctvl/2r0001 )T480R-2'" 480 2160 4.4 2-Lamp pipe tenon of 45ls'm nrrnum
Lead-Lag height. Shipped in same carton
Reactor as ba last. To order.
5"/" designale as Ca1. No. NE[fA lype fr. d slr lrul or !u]!e
'Lessrlrr. .pi-rar n Suff x: LGM 1500 ( )T 208 M2.
rbly !_l

''G E [1! r50C.nd svilan a Mr500 tc 0'F

\2\. ','Gt V! lConanJSvvaf aM1000l.0'F y/esrrncrrous. r\r81000lo 50'F
lLes: rhar ot.rar ni. d rh b.:h arnFs.n Durnqholr.srrk. lofr.mDslarls
i llr lh. .'h.r Lamp o t srarl nq .!ficnl s 9 amDS lor 1500o amp 6 amDS lor

ase a;!IiOr! h10 rrm,r!rres shotld be .petate.l an gtaLnded s'/stens an f Ungtatnded
..r.rdrsrirbrilor srslerrs mal canl htgh ltanstent vallages wht.h .an.atse l.rltte al
rto t\ ttDe catPqttpnenl

Distrlbution Guide
Twin Lite Single Lite Beam Spread
(degrees) Side View
Calalog No. Catalog No.
1500w lVelal Halide SINGLE LITE
LGM-2/1500.37 LGM-1500-37 3 (29.46)
!Gtv-2h500-47 LGM-1500-47 4 (46-70)
LGI\4-2l1500-57 LGM-1500-57 5 (70,100)
LG 1\4.2/1 500-67 LGM-1500-67 6 (100.130)
le 1000w l\4elal Halide
ht LGtV-2/1000-37 1GM,1000-37 3 (29-46)
n' LGM-2/1000,47 LGM-1000-47 4 (46,70)
)n LGM-2h000-57 LGM-1000'57 5 (70.100)
ls LGM-2n000,67 LGM-1000-67 6 (100.130)

Effective Projected Area
om- Etlective
cap" Projecled
ting Wind Area iAP)
nis Direction in Ft.':

S ng e-Li1e A (01
B (s de)
c (4s ")
v. TvJrn-Lr1e A (0') 7.09
B (side) 1.89 / \' Fronl View
c (451 6.46 t\ TWIN LITE

GF 25
New and Improvei

Aluminum Housing
New design Tite-Lite floodlight features a lighter housing, easy relamp- Floodlight housing is heavy duly
ing, a sealed, weatherproof lens assembly, and a new ballast assembly aluminum, coaled after fabrication with a
with easy-to-adju st mounting arms. corrosion resistant grey indusirial paint.
Tite-Lite floodlights are recommended for lighting stadiums, large out' Fixture and ballast are separate but con-
door work and storage areas, skyscrapers, or wherever an extremely nected by mounting arms 1o form an inle-
gral arrangement (1).
long beam throw and concentrated, sharply defined patterns of lig ht are
Sealed, Weatherprool Enclosure
in d ic ated. Lens ls flat, 7132" lenpercd glass. Extrlded
Floodlights are provided with a factory installed mast fitter lor 2" stan- aluminum lens frame is gasketed to provide
dard pipe. Fixture and ballast are shipped in separate cartons. a sealed, wealherproof enclosure. )
Marine Type Application Easy Relamping
MTL marine Tite-Lite floodlights have castings of special low copper Gasketed relamp door allows easy side
aluminum alloy. They are U.L. listed for 595 (marine type) standards and relamprng wrlhoul changing frxlure ain.
ing position (2).
meet U.S. Coast Guard specilication for marine type application. Marine
Tite-Lite floodlights are recommended for lighting marine environments Precision Optics
Optical assemb,ly is equipped with high
where the fixture has to be mounted a great distance from the area to be purity anodized refleclors {lrough for type
llghted, and for seagoing vessels for ease in nighttime navigation. A and B) (spun for type T) to assure max-
imum efticiency {3).
Socket assembly includes a grip type
mogul base receptacle and a patented
"Stabilux" socket at the opposite end to
protect the lamp irom breakage and
assure proper photometric alignrnent (4).
Easy Aiming
Fixlure has a built'in aiming device and
calibraiions on the fixture hoLrsing for ver'
tical adjustment.
High Power Factor, Encapsulated Eallasl
Ballast is high power factor. Core and coil
are encapsulaled in a sorid polyesler resi_
compound with capacitor outside the en-
capsulation for ease of mainlenance.
Limiting temperature of the insulatlon
system is Class H (180'C)with tempera-
ture rise in the windings one full class
below. Lamp current cresl faclor will not
exceed (*).
Three Year Warranty
Floodlight and ballast are U.L. listed". Both
are manufactured by Wide-Lite and are
covered by a limited three year warranty. )
"see ba last secl on Ior complete eleclrical

"Mosl modelsiconsull lactory lor U.L t e card

Ordering Guide - Tite-Lite Floodlights
7" Ballast Data(2)
Primary Line Line Currenl Ballast
Catalog Number(1)
Voltage Walts Starling Oper. Type
Est. Shpg.
Wt. (lbs.)
Optional Equlpment
1500 Walt lvtetal Halide Descriplion Component Catalog No.
TtM-l5001 )-208 208 1620 ' 82 Regu al ing 95
l\4arine TypeFloodlighls
TLM-1500-( ),240 240 1624 ' 6.9 Regu ating 95
Avallab e at exlra cost. Spec fy lV
TL|V-1500-( )-277 277 1620 ' 6.0 Reg ulal ing 95 as calalog number preflx: MTLS l000.
TLtvl-l500-( )-480 480 1630 ' 3.5 Regulat ng 95 Fixture and bal ast are shipped in
TLM-1500 ( )-480R"' 480 1560 6.8 3.5 Reactor 95 separate carton s.
1000 Watl lVetal Halide
Fused Ballasls
T1M.1000-( )-OV 1201240 1075 ' 9.414.7 Reg ulaling Fuses are KTK 30 amp unless
2081277 5.4t1.1 otherwise specif ied; availab e
TL[.4,10001 )-480 480 1080 ' 2.3 Re9 ulallng 95 at extra cosl. Not ava lable
1000Watt Hiqh Pressure Sodium for marine type f oodllghts.
T1S,1000-( ).QV 120t240 r090 ' 9.3t4.7 Reg ulating 120v or 277v systems F1
2081277 5.414.0 208v, or 240v, or 4Bov systems F2
T1S.1000.( ).480 480 1100 ' 2.4 Beg Lr lal in g lnlernal Louver L
T1S,1000-( )-480R 480 1052 '(4.3',-) 2.4 Reactor Faclory insta led louver provides 15'
1, Se !.1 .el e.r.r roqr J srr bul .n !! d.
vertical cutoff of the arc tube for
2 rlqlr p.a:r L.ror La asr s!..d l.r 20' sl.r1 .q lemper.lures I .lua t ghler vert cal beam conlrol;su tab e for
r! L3!-. !a as1 J r rea r. rr !t !. rrle rrn !. .ss olrrera se spe. I ed F rllre lype 'T" reflector and clear amp
.rl b3 asr:,e sl pped n separare.arrons only. Avai able at extra cost.
'Leii llrar o!e'rl n! Order ng examplei TLM-1500-TL.
''F.l resl. k€ !r r ltr .tien s.c.nnar! l\,4ay also be ordered separate y
'''U E Mi'r500 arn 5 yv... M150010 0'F for f eld nsta lation; catalog
ty atiirrar H/r r/itr, il,atld Le apetated.).9t.t.t1.:d slst.rns anll l).grctntletJ
number lTL.15-TL.
a ,Jra,l,ilrfrror rir5rdds nay .dnr htgh ttansienl rdt.9,.s ||ht.h ..n catse la lrG cl
J.:t t,te ealpnent Pole Mounting Hardware-See
)n- I Li/ 3J Jsls F. a Adaprrb r 'or 12ai2allr240i277 ODeral o. pages GF-28 and cF-31.


Distribution Guide
m- Calalog No. Beam Spread NEMA Cataloq No. Beam Spread NEMA
Hor. x Verl. Type Hor. x Vert. Type

gh 1500w Clear lvletal Halide 1000w H igh Pressure Sodium

TLM-1500-B 70'x12' 4x'1 TLS-1000,A 85'x84' 5
TLt4'1500-T 38'x15' 3x 1 TLS.l OOO.B 75'x10' 5x 1
TLM-1500-4 80'x7B' 5 Tt s-1000-T 74'x30' 5x3
1000w Clear Melal Halide
to TLM,lOOO.B 70'x12' 4x1
nd TLtV-1000-T 38'x15'
r). TLM,lOOO.A 80'x78' 5


rsl Typical Distribution Patterns

oil ,ltu{ palle,n
rqs shrr shale of on y aid are flr lo 3.a e



ale B a

GF -27
Tlte-Ltte Floodltght

l,-l -l

X Dimension Regu lating Reactor
N4elal Halide
1500w 141/, " 91/z "
1000w 12V2" sl,'
High Pressure
Sod um
1000w 141/z' 91/z "

NOTE: Minirnum of B" clearance between fixtures or 32" center to center of pipe tenons is required tor relamping purposes
when mounting two or more floodlighis side by side.

Effectlve Projected Area

otv. Proiecled
Fixtures Wind Area (A)
Per Pole Direction in Ft.'
A (0 ") 5.25
B (15 ") 4.68
c (30 ") 4.45
D (side) less than

Accessorles for Tite-Lite Floodltghts

r )'r

, ;1 6114 6 r14
,/ rr . r-j}.- r
,/ t r- 1-
1a 112- "" =+ .
' rr's I
1i 32 ,1a

F 81.T L PX 1-TL Cross-Arm Bracket

Flal Base l,,4ounl steel con. Galvanlzed steel brackel wlh
slruci on, with 2" pipe stub and 2" pipe slub and four gussels.
four g ussels for heavy'duty For lnstal ng fioodlighl to cross
support. Hot-dip ga van zed. member. (Back plate of bracket
For insta ling floodlight to ilal installs to crossmember oppo.
surfaces. s te fixture lens.)
Shpg. wl. 8l/2 lbs.


Lumitor floodlights are designed to provide smooth distribution and

reliable operation with 1500, 1250 and 500 watt quartz-iodine lamps.
Patented "Seal Cool" lamp clips'are provided to conduct heat away
from the lamp seals and to protect fixture and lamp from heat damage. Features
Lenses are chemically toughened VHR glass with extraordinary Die-Cast Conslruclion
mechanical and thermal strength. Floodlight body is die cast aluminum with
integrally cast heat dissipating fins,
Suitable applications include athletic fields, billboards, driving ranges, coated after fabrication with a high
race tracks and other areas requiring well-defined vertical beam patterns. temperature, corrosion-resistant black in-
dustrial paint. All fixture assembly screws
are stainless steel.
Sights are cast into the fixture body for
proper aiming.
Cool Operation
Special lamp clips are provided to conduct
heat away from lamp seals and protect fix-
Dlmenslons ture and lamp from heat damage.'
Sgaled, Weatherprool Enclosure
Lens is llat, VHR glass,' chemically
toughened for extraordinary mechanical
and thermal strength, and is gasketed to
-A-l the fixture with a high temperature gasket
to provide a sealed, weatherproof
.--lI c,?
Wing nuts are provided for easy access to
the lamp.
LsvEling lndicator r
A cast aluminum mast fitter lot 1-114"
standard pipe is provided. Mast fitter has a
leveling indicator to assure that the lamp
is wilhin 4' of the horizontal posrtion.
Fixture lead wire is insulated with silicone.
Fixture is U.L. listed and covered by a
three year limited warranty.
CAUTION: lndoor use limted to 500 watt
'1500w and 1250w on y.

A= 17-314" oo 1500 and 1250 watl models;

12-318" on 500 watl models

Ordering Guide-Lumitor Floodlights

Catalog Lamp Boam Beam Spt€ad Wl.
Numbgr Walt.go Characteristics Hor. x verl.
L-1500-A-M 1500, 1250 Narrow vertical spread 112" x 42'
1.1500-B-M 1500, 1250 Very narrow vertical spread 120" x 8"
L-1500-C-M 1500, 1250 Medium vertical spread 123' x 65' 13
L-1500-D-M 1500, 1250 Wide vertical spread 124 " x 98' 13
L-500-A-M 500 Narrow vertical spread 112' x 42' I
L-500-B-M 500 Very narrow vertical spread 101 'x 9" I
L-500-c-M 500 Medium vertical spread 102 " x 86' s
L-500-D-M 500 Wide vertical spread 124 " x 98" 9

NOTES F oodliOhls and masl lnler are shipped nthesamecarlon Lampsarenol ncuded
For a lernale masl lrllers a.d accessories. see be ow ll a. allernate masl f iler s se ecled. add 11s cataloq
nlmber 10 thal ol the I rl!r€: L 1500 B TF3


! 5"-
Mast Filters Trunnion Base Mounl Cross-Arm Brackel


For 1 1/4" standard p pe. Sup- t1v.2
plied as standard on all Cast alum num. For mounting WB.3A PX.2
'' Lumitof models. Has conve "Lumitor" fixt ures on cross Same as WB-3 except for Crossarm bracket with 1 1/4" -
n ient evel indicator, integral arms. platforms, etc- horizontal conduit run when ror
connection box and provrsion
for exlernal feed.
Shpg. wt. 2 lbs.
Calibrated in degrees (0 to 90
each way)for horizontal aiming
adiustment; has a qasketed
wa mounted. For " Lumitor"
floodlights. At exlra cost.
Shpo. wt. 2 l/2 Lbs.
:f,;T *isj,i,".!,,',Tse )
wiring comparlmenl. A 112"
NPT threaded open ing op' Shi6ld
posite inspection plale prov d- . e" l
ed for the incom ng line. At ex- .n

Y/.---\.1 T
lra cosl. Shpg. wt. 3 lbs.
Wall or Roof Mounls I
Designed to permrt mounting
of floodlights on flat vertica or (( a 3,a"

horizonta surfaces. Al are
F.3 constructed of qLrality cast
For "Lumitor" models. Sup' aluminum al oy. I
plied in lieu of MF-3A when s K-'15
specified on original order. wB.4 Side culoff shield for all
Ease threaded lor installation Wall mount for all 'Lumitor" "Lumitor" floodlghts. At.
on 3/4" threaded pipe. lncludes mode s with MF 7 rnast fitter. laches to e ther side of
w irin g compartment wilh Has connection box wit h floodlighl to red uce lateral
gasketed rnspection plate oasketed removab e cover and beam spread. Shpq. wt. 2 lbs.
Shpq. wl. 1 1/2 lbs. Irovisron tor 1 1/4 slandard
pipe stub (pipe stub by others
Adaptsr for Standard Lowering shou d nol exceed 6"). TaPPed
Dovices for two 3/4 " pipe entrances.
Shpg. wt. 2 lbs.

Flat Base Mounl fl


4, 2 -"a
wB.3 ''" .: - - t't__:-,,,-.-:,'
Wall or roof mount for .

TH.2 "Lum tor" models (less F 8.2

Equ ps "Lumitor" for
nstal a- MF-3A). Has connection box For all " Lumitor" Floodlights
t ion on standard owering with gaskeled removab e with l',4 F 3A mast f itter. Cast
nrechanisrns. Base tapped for 1 cover; bo{ tapped for lwo 3/4' aluminum i for 1 1/4"standard
114" p\pe, Avalable at extra NPT pipe entrances positioned pipe nipple (lim t height lo B";
cost in place ot mast fitler n line with aiming ot floodlight nippLe noi inc uded). For in-
when spec ified on origina lo provide vertical conduil run slalling floodlights on flat sur.
order- when wali mounted. At extra faces.
Shpg. wt. 2 lbs. cost. Shpq. wt. 2 1i2 lbs. Shpg. wt. 4 lbs.


Pole Mount Assemblies

for mounting floodlights on wood poles.
d{0 Slandard PM Assembl es are
with T000 and 400 watt
lor Lrse
F, MF. and EG Series llood l-- z --l

g h1s and AktraFlood and

Aktrasport f oodl ghts. Assern 'tr:F+I

b es are of a uminum con
slructon. supp ed wth poe .rt I

straps, sluds and nuts, and ad.

i!sted 10 fit 6" io l2" diameter PM.4
po es. Wilh lour U 1B arms
n add 1on to the comp ete PM.1 Sh pplrg \aeight:
assemb es shown. su p pori W th one U.1B arm Slandard PM.4-SW 13
arms may be combned in a Shipp ng we ght: PM 4 TL bs.
Standard P[.4 1 SW 7 lbs. -31
varety ol ways to make ar P t\4.8
ran!emenls virtua ly any
for PM.1.ML',-8 bs with one U.18-3 arm
PM 1 TL 15 lbs Pl\4 1
moLrnt ng need. A i brackets Sh pping we ght:
are Iurnished wiih siandard 2" Standard PM 8 SW-TB bs.
p pe lenons (4 5/8 " nomina hl.). PM 8 TL-42 lbs.
Assemb y components are also
alaiable. (Consult the faclory.) r0

Al PM-2
assemblies are avai able
w and nsu ating
th cap p ugs Wilh two U-'18 arrns
bush ngs. making them Sh ipp ng we g hi:
P M.5
s!labe tor use as wlreways. Standard PM-2-SW 9lbs.
To order, speciiy wireway iat PM-2-TL 20 lbs. PN,1 2 w th two U-18-30 arrns
add lional cost.
Shipping we ght:
Standard 18 lbs.
PN,4.5.TL- 37 bS,
PIV Assemblies for Tiie-Lite
F oodlighls P t\4 -9
A PM assemb es for Tite.Lite PN,41 w th one U lB.4 ar.n
f ood ghls are ol hot.dip Sh pp ng weighli
vaiized steel, some w th ad Slandard 33 Lbs.
dliona bracng and are fur PM I TL 54 rrs
n shed \r, th 24' U 18 30 arm
and 1B' U']8 arm These P IM.3
asseTnb es aTe nd cated in the
order ng guide below by a TL Wlth three U'l
B arms
sufl x and are at add lional Sh pp ng weight:
Standard PM.3-SW 11 bs.
Pi\,4 bs.
Pl\l Assemblies tor SW Series U-17-D Twin Unit lMasi Mount
Floodlighls PM.6
For mounling two lloodl ghts
SW flood ighls may
be PIV-3 with two U 18 30 arms on 2" to 3"d ameter melal
mounted on any assembly wilh and one U lB arm po es.
l2 exlens on arm if the a ming Shlpping we ght: Shpg. w1. B lbs.
ang e is more lhan 15 degrees Standard PM 6.SW 19 lbs.
be ow hor zonla ll the aim ng PIM-6-TL-45 lbs
U-17.0J Twin Unit Mast lvlount
ll ang e s
ess than 15 degrees,
For mounling iwo flood ghts on
an assemb y contain ng an 18'
aTm s necessaTy and at add 2" to 3"diameler metal poes;
rl lrona cos1. To order. add SW io supporl arms with 11/4" ppe
assemb y cata og nurnber: PIV stLrbs. (See U17D for iustra-
2SW t on).
Sbpg. wt. B lbs.

PN4 1 w th one U'l8-2 arm
Shipping welght:
Slandard 10 bs.
PM 7 TL' 28 lbs

PM Assemblies lor
"Lumitot" Floodlights
Also surlable for 8-250, B-175
and 8.100 tloodliahts with
mast litter {N4F-7).
The lollowlno assemblies
are the same as siandard
assemblies, excePt theY are
furn ished with brackets lor
standard 1-1/4 " PiPe tenons. P in.1 1
(3 1/2" nom inal ht.)
PM-1 with one U'18-J3 arm
Shpg. wt.9-1/2 Lbs.
PM'1 \tuilh one U-18-J4 arm
Shpg. wt. 18lbs.

P M.1O
P[r-1 with one U 1BJ arm
Shpg. wt. 6 lbs.
U.17.A Adapler
Reduces 2" masts to 1- 1/4 "
Shpg. wt. 2 lbs.
PM-1 with one U"18-J3 arm
Shpq. wl. 13lbs.

Pole Top Brackets

Pole Top Brackels a 381t2' J
For use with 1000 and 400 watl
F, l\,4 F, EG and SW Series
Floodlights and AktraFlood
and AklraSport f loodlights.
Pole top brackets are of casl
and extruded alLrminum and are
lor arrangements of Jrom one
1o iour fixtures. Brackets slip
ovet 3-112" standard plpe or
maximum 4" O.D. 1op lenons.
Wiring extends through the lix PT.2.A
ture support arm and inlo a Pole Top Bracket, aluminum,
spac ous wiring compartment, two fixtures, arms in slraight
accessible from the top by n ment.
means oi a removable cover Shpg. wl. 13lbs.
plate. Top tenons are ol 2"
standard pipe. .l


\ /iring PT.3.120.A
Pole Top Bracket, alu min um, PT.4.90.4
three fixtu res, arms spread Pole Top Bracket, four fixlures.
L 120'. arms spread 90 "
Shpg. wt. 21 lbs. Shps. wt. 26 lbs.

PT.1.A I
Pole Top Bracket, alu min um, I
one fixture.
Shpq. wt. 6 lbs. PT.3.90.A
Pole Top Bracket, aluminum,
three fixtures, arms spread 90'.
Shpq. wl. 20 lbs.

Pf .412'A
Pole Top Bracket, four fixlures,
two rows of two.
Shpg. wt. 39 lbs.

Copy. ohl Wide.Lile Corporalron 1981

Spectra Series

New Design Freedom Wilh Spectra Luminaires styling. Rich, dark bronze weatherproof finish. The efiiciency of
Complele design flexibilily and architectural coordination are HID lamps- And uniform illumination at wde spacings thal
bui t inlo the dramatic series of Speclra lumina res- These iix' means fewer luminaires and poles, less energy, and ess instal a
tures can be used separalely-either singly or !n muLtiples'or tion and malntenance costs.
mixed in perfect harmony. A I models in the series have common And, with Spectra Luminaires and Floodlights, you have th€
elements and style continu ty. security of lroubleJree operation through the years. We back il
Cutoll Dislribution with our three'year limited warranty.
Spectra Vlll offers precise cutoff control in a popular rectangu ar
uminaire. For an aesthetic aternative, choose the handsome
Dark Bronze (Slandard for a I Spectra
cube design of Speclra land ll. Al three meel LE.S. definiiion of
cutoff distr bution. ouldoor fixtures. Where co or is
Guaranteed Pertormance critical, an actual sample is
Whichever Spectra rnodel you choose, you get handsome ava labLe upon request.)
Spectra VIII

Sealed, weatherproof enclosure
Fixture housing is of one piece extruded
aluminLm side ano formed a uminJrn
sheet top, mitered and fully sealed. There
are no corner seams or exposed screws
(1). Weather and impact resistant
Ullraclad polyester powder coarirq is
Outstanding performance, durable good looks and ease of installation e ecirostatically applied 1o'ixture hoLrsirg
and maintenance make Spectra Vlll luminaires the best choice for park- (2).
ing areas, malls and tennis courts as well as for roadway and perimeter Access wilhoul tools.
lig hting application. Extruded aluminum door frame and lens
assembly covers the entire fixture bottom
The all aluminum housing is fully sealed and weathertight. A dark and is equipped with two release latches
bronze UltraClad polyester powder coating provides exceptional for access without tools to the optical
assembly, ballast and wiring compart-
weather resistance for years of good looks. .nents (3). Access doo'has a one.piece
Narrow, medium or wide beam patterns provide single or twin peak extruded high temperature gasket to en-
sure a sealed enclosure.
distribution within IES cutoff definition. Verlical and lateral distribution
Patented Tellon! Lens
conforms to ANSI classification of street lighting luminaires. Lens is impact and shock resistant clear
An appropriate mounting bracket is factory installed for quick tempered glass or optional clear 5 mil FEP
Teflon f ilm. (Teflon not available for 1000w
lnstallation. models.) lndexed socket provides proper
N0TE: 1000w models dilier s ghl y i. appearance a.d co.struct oni I lactory ror spec i cal oos. positioning for arched arc tLrbe metal
halide lamps. Patented "Stabilux" sockel
holds glass end of the lamp in alignment
critical to the precision optics of the
fixture. Reflector is of high purity anodiz-
ed aluminum sheet wilh refleclance up to
85 %.
Slide.oul ballasl tray
Ballast is mounted on a slide out tray for
easy installation and maintenance (4).
Hlqh power 'aclo 'egulating o-eacror
ballast rs oesiOneo lor-20' srarling:crest
tactor will not exceed ("). Core and coil
are encapsulated in a proven non'melt
hat resin compound with entire system rated
rlla- Class H (180'C). Temperalure rise is at
least one full ciass lower than rating of in-
the sulation system. Capacitor is outside the
kit encapsu aiion. Lamp and ballast compart-
menls are separated ior cooler operation.
Fixture and ballast are U.L. lisied"'. Both
are manufactured by Wide-Lile and
covered by a three-year lifirited warranty.
"400w and lower watlace models o.lvi I lactorv
lor soec I cal ons ior 1000w models
''See Ba lasl Secllon lor complele eLeclrical

"'Mostmodes conslll laclory lor U L I ecard.

' FeA U S Pal. Oii. lor DuPont s Fluorocarbo. F m

Ordering Guide - SPectra YIII

caralog Numboil) P.imary Line Line curenr
Ballast Dala(2)
Ballasl Esl. Shpg.
Optlonal EquiPment
(wilh sudd i/tl. Bh) Voltage Warls Starlinq OPor
Description Component Catalog No.
sEH lOOO( ).120/240-5 120/240 1070 ' 9 6x4 8 Fego atinq 90
Tellon' Lens
s8H-1000.( )208.s 2oB 1070 ' 55 Fequaling 9!
Availab e lor 4OOw or 25Ow tlxlures at no extra cost T
s8H 1OOO.( )277 S 277 i070 ' 42 Regulai ng 90
Add "T" to catalog number: S8M 400 1T.
s8H.1000'( ).480-s 480 1475 2.4 Regllat nq 90
S8F.1OOO-( )'480R.S 480 1035 41 24 Reaclor 84
Fused Ballasl
1000 Wslt Melal Halide Fuses are KTK 30 amp unless otherwise specified;
s8M,1OOO-{ )'120l240.S 120/240 r075 ' I4/4 7 Regulal ng 100
s8Mtooo.( ).208.s 208 1075 5.4 Begllat nq 100 avai able al extra cosi.
s8M 1000 ( )277 S 277 1075 " 4.0 Regllat ng 100 120v or 277v sysiems F,I
s8M IOOO-( )480-5 4a0 1080 " 23 Feglaling 100
208v, 240v, or 480v sYstems F2
1000 Walt High Prossure Sodium
s8s,1000( ).120/240-5 120/240 1O9O ' 93x4.7 Fegu aling 142 Photocell Mount
s8s-1000( ).208 s 208 1090 ' 54 Regulalirg 142 Availab e at exlra cost (Photocell not included) P
s8s.1000.( )277.5 277 1O9O ' 4.0 Reqllat nq 102
s8s.1000( ).480s 480 11OO ' 24 ReO!alLng 102 Factory lnstalled
)-480R s 1052 '(4.3") 24 Mounting Brackels
s8sro00'( 480
400 Walicoal6d Morcury
nq Surlace Mounling Brackel-For mounting S
s8H.400.{ )120.s 12O 3.9 Regllat 54
Soeclra Vlll l .tJips lo S'ries 58P Spe'l'a ooles
400-( S 208 445 23 Reqllai ng 54
rMourr,nq Bo IS lnclLd.o ' Vusl oF Soec'ieo o1 o del:
s8H )208
s8H.400-( ).240's 240 2. Rc.u al'no 54

s8N-400-( ).277.5 277 1.6 FeguLaling 54 s8H-1000 1 208-s.

s8H 400 ( )-480 S 480 450 I Regulallng 54
s8H.400.( )240R-s 240 425 34 1.9 Beaclor 54 Wall Mounting Bracket-As above, but with adapier SW
s8H-400-( ).277F.S 277 434 24 1.7 Feactor 54 plate for mounling to walls or other tlat surfaces
t{€lal Halid6
400 warr Clear (Mountinq hardware not inc uded)
S8M.4OO1 ).120/240-5 120/240 460 4.0/2.0 Reqllat ng 60
S8M-4OO'( ).208.5 2A8 460 23 Feg! ating 60 Mast Fitter-For 2" std. pole top tenon M
S8M.4OO.( )-277.S 2TT 460 17 Fegu alino 60 (M n. tenon ht. 4 5i8".)
s8M-400.( )480.5 480 465 1.0 Fegulaling 60
4OO Wart High Pr€ssure Sodium Surlace Mounting Bracket lor Tennis
s8s-4oo-{ )-120.s 120 465 43 Regllal ng 62 Court application
s8s 4oo-( )208.s 208 465 24a Fegu aling 62
For mount ng S8M 1000'7 tennis court lighting fixtures
s8s.4oo.( )-240.s 240 465 2.15 Fegulaling 62
to Series SSiP poles. Faclory installed; t lts fixture by
s8s 4oo.( )'277 S 271 465 1.86 Begulaling 62
s8s.4oo'( )480.5 480 474 1.08 n!
Regulat 62 approx mate y 5' or 7.5'.
58S dOO I J.24Oq S 2aa 4ao / ( l6 ' 2.0 Reaclor 58 For double courts, 108 ' wide S5DEG
250 Wstl Coatsd il€,cury For double courts. 120 wide 57.5DEG
s8H 250{
120/240.5 120/240 290
208 290
3 Fegu aling 54
Feg aling 54
(Ordering ExamPle: )
s8H,25O )208
s8H.25O'( ).277.5 277 290 11 Regulailng 54 s8M-1000 7 208's5DEG.)
s8H.25O-( )480 S 480 290 6 nq
ReAUlat 54
Backlighl Shields-lnternal shields tor f urther reduction
s8H.25O ( ).240R'S 240 270 21 1 2 Reaclor 54
s8N 250.{ ) 277F-S 277 27A 2A 1 O Feaclor a4 of light behind pole. Consult factory
250 Wa Clear M6lal Halido
s8M.2501 ).120/240.5 120/240 290 26/1.3 Regulaling 55
s8M-250.{ )-208's 208 294 1.5 Begllat ng 55
s8M.25O-( )'277 S 271 290 I1 Feg! al ng 55
s8M.25O (
)'480 S 480 255 .65 Fegu arinq 55
250 Wall Hlgh Pr6ssur€ Sodiun
s8s'250 ( )-r20.S 12A 290 241 Regulailng 62
s8s-250.( )208.5 208 290 1.39 BegLlai nq 62
s8s,25o ( ).240 S 24O 290 12 Fegu aling 62
s8s-250 ( )-277.S 277 290 1.04 Regulaling 62
s8s 250.( ) 480.5 480 2AA 6 o!
Regllat 62
sss.2so ( ).240R S 240 2A0 '(2 68.') 12a Reaclor 58
17s Wa Clear Molal Balide
s8M.175'( )120/240 s 210
120/240 ' 1 8/ 9 Regulating 55
iaM rzs.i jzoe.s 208 210 1 1 Regulatnq 55
seu tzs.i i'zzz.s 271 210 ' 8 Resulalno 55
sev.rzr i.aeo s .80 ? ^ FPou dl'lo 55
150 Wall Hiqh Prossute Sodiuh lOoV(31
sgs-150'( ).120.5 1a2 180 ' 1 54 Regulating 62
igs-1so.i i'zoe s 208 180 ' 9 ReQUlat oq 62
sas.rso.i i-zro.s z4o 180 ' 77 Re!! ns
at 62
sei rso.i izn -s 277 180 67 Fesu alins 62
t/t aq 8 Fpd' Io <8
":to.s 2ao
ias.rso.. 9"
150 walt Hiqh Pr€ssur€ sodium 55v(4)
S8S'150 ( ).120 S PA 1A2 ' 157 ng
Reqllat 62
ses rso.i jzoe.s 208 $2 94 n!
RegLlat 62
ies.lioi l.zao s 24o ft2 ' a2 no
Fes! ar 62
ses-]so.i izzu-s 277 $2 71 alin!
Fego 62
iei.iioi irzons fi2 17. e6(25"') 16 Beacior 58

.r, se,ecl caldloo 'Lno" .orpo^"1 r'on o sr'roLI o" g I d"

,2, nroh oore ro bcrld\r 's da" q Po o 20' : d'r'_o re-pardr- 4 d re

-ir"o" oa"', ,'"'"oro^olet o oqersp I e)sorpM<pqpp Iad

,.tr .||r-0" ina o p'1'r_9 lo s.!o d lulr0 00 dto wa r rgLor'd
C150s56. "'
spec lY 100v on order
,r,4.","," lrr. ol p lr'o o' CL - (o 5 d_d LL {0{5 dld
wesr nahouse c150555 Spec iv 55v on order
'Less than oPeratlng )
"Hor reslrike or wilh oDen secondarv
cAufbN HID Itminatres shoutd be apetaled on gtaunded svstens onll Un
otau4oeo Daiet dt'' butta. \sens 4d \dttt 'o1 ttd"'t \altoa' j w4 h
an ."d e ,d.tu,p al an\ t\pe aF ttt dt .ar'Dme.t

Spectra YIII
Iu Dlstributlon Gulde
ll4ercury Vapor (coated) Metal Halide (clear) High Pressure Sodium (clear)
tEs tEs IES
Catalog Roadway Catalog
Boadway Catalog Roadrlray
class. Numb€r Class.
Culolf Cutoft Cutolf
Type Tvpe Type

1000w 1000w 1000w

s8H-1000-1 t s s8t\,1-1000-1 t s s8sr000-1 Ir s
s8H-1000-2 IVS S8t\.'l-1000-2 lV S s8s-1000-2 tv s
s8H.1000-4 t s s8M-1000-4 t\,1 s8s-1000-4 t M
400w 400w 400w
s8H.400.1 ts s8M-400-1 tv s s8s.400.1 s
s8H.400-2 t s s8M-400-2 tS s8s-400-2 t s
s8H-400-4 t s s8M-400-4 t t4 S8S-400-4 lll t\4

250w 250w 250w

s8H-250.1 s8M-250-1
s8H,250-2 tS s8M-250.2 tV S s8s-250-2 tv s
s8H.2s0.4 s8M-250-4 s8s"250-4 tS

NoTES: 1 Consu r rlre lacrory l!r .ohp ele Dhoromelr c .1.1a r. !d nq lhal lor .vrer eralirqe rrnps
2 Mela ha d. I rllrcs ar. Drov ded { lh p.s I on.r eile.l so.kels lo, a,.lr,p.l a,c l!b.s as srafarrn
3 Sranaard I i sh s U lrac ad Dark Anr.:t
4 5.€ .ara oq tor spe. I .ar o.s.n r000* Lr! Dm..i
5 Cons! I thc laclorv lor :rva irb l! r'r/r. ro sl, b!1 .f lo, 25! HPS Ln.r'..

Typtcal Dlstrlbutlon Patterns

Beflector Type 1 Reflector Type 2 Retleclor Type 4
4H 4H 4N
3H 3H 3H
2H 2t1 1 .'\ 2H ,/
1H 1H a ) 1H \'
..\ (
0 0
@) 0
1H \ \

2H 2H
2l \ -:r I
3H 3H
..\ 2 3H
4H 4t1 4H
4H 3H 2H
,lH O 1H 2H 3H 4H 4H 3H 2H '1H O 1H 2H 3H 4H 4H3H2H 1H O 1H2H3H4H
Nrtrow Msdium Wid6
Typica dislribol on for per meler ghtrng. Typica distrib!t on ior area ghlrng sor!x Typica roadway d srribut on. lso ux draw
so ux drawin! shows dislr bulion ache ved draw n! uslrales sqlare. we del ned oat in! ol one widebeam loodlrghl per pole
lrom one narow beam iloodliqht oer po e tern surtable io. parkinO lols and olher w th clear amp. 510 1 spacinq w th 310 1
wrlh clear amp (Nairow beam iood ghls areas Four medium beam t oodliqhts per !n lormily. (Wide beam llood ghls have
have lype 1 rel ectors Examp erSSM ,100 I ) po e w th c ear lamps perm ls 5 to 1 spac ng lype 4 rei eclors. Example SBM 400 4.)
w lh 4lo 1 avg.10 m n !n lorm ry (Med um
beam floodlqhts have lype 2 relleclors Ex
ample S8M 400.2l

Photometric distribution is asymmetric with one or two areas of peak candlepower
occurring between 60' and 67.5'above vertical. High angle culoff of lighl meets IES
delnlion ol cutoff distribution; i.e., candlepower does not numerically exceed
2.112o/o aI an angle of 90'above nadir (horizontal) nor 107o at a vertical angle of 80'
above nadir.
Candlepower Dislribulion





tl q-)

Spectra Vlll Dimensions (End View) Spectra Vlll Dimensions & Details (Side View)
*Dotted lines show Optional Mastfitter -Optional Mastfitter for 2" Std. Pipe Tenon
for 2" Std. PiPe.
Msstlilter ior mount ng 2lixl!res back lo back is 1 'longer


1000w 36" 12"

400w 27" 9-1/4" 18-3/4" 6.7t8"
250w' 8-1/16" 14.5/8" 6.7t8"
175w 23" 8-1/16" 14-5i8" 6-718"

'N.)1 appr cab e for s8s 205-l Type I Drslrrbut on

ConsLr t lacto.y ior d mens ons
Adapter P aie for Wall Mount
Effective Pro ected Area ing (atlaches to s brackei) )
Wind Area (Ap)
Direclion in Sq. Fi.
B 2.52

Top View c 3.24

+B 400w 2.05
B 1.42
c 1.83

t c 1.45
45' 250w'
c 125

itountlng Conflguratlons

?rE- )

Acces s ories


SPB.14 Adapter Bracket

Perrnits installation of SW Sur-
tace Mounting Brackets to top
ol poles. Pole top tenon must
be 4" OD and a minimum 7" in
lenglh.lncludes set screws. For
!se with crossarms, add "TCA"
lo brackel catalog number.
Est. Shpg. Wt. 18 lbs.


SPBl4.120 Adapier
Same as SPB 14, except tor
rnounting of three fixtu res al
120 "
Est. Shpg. Wt. 15lbs.

Spectra I

Spectra I Luminaires provide an aesthetic altet

native to rectangular shaped cutoff floodlights l
Wide, Type V circular distribution permits spac
ing up to six times the mountjng height whik
maintaining excellent uniformity on the ground,
Harsh glare and spill light are eliminated by
precision optics and ribbed glass l
Cutof f meets IES delin it ion.


il$,liff ,ll:q,HijJy":.T1",[,"i;::iHil:?is:i,%']:',)
HID lamp. Ballasts are remote.
UltraClad Polyest€r Finish
Luminaire frame is of extruded alumanum with elec
trostatically applied Ultraclad dark bronze polyesler
powder coating.
Vertical lenses are ribbed glass; bottom lens of lol,Ver
cube is embossed. All lenses are tempered to resisl
physical and thermal shock (1).
Weatherproot Enclosure
Lens assembly is provided with a one-piece, higl
temperature gasket to assure a sealed, wealherprool
enclosure. One lens in each cube is hinged by an alurninun
exlrusron conlrnuous along one srde and secured by lwo lJl
luin starnless sleel screws lo provide easy access to rlr
lamp (2).
Precision Optical Syslem
Horizontal lamp positioning and a precision reflector madl
ot anodized high.purity aluminum sheet with up io 85o/o ell
ciency combine to provide smooth illumination over larur
areas with exceptional glare control (3). Patented "Stabilux'
socket grips the glass end of the lamp to assure opl ca
foous and prevent breakage (4).
Photometric distribution is symmetrical. High angle cutoll
of light meets IES defini{ion of cutotf distribution; .e
candlepower does not numerically exceed 2.112o/o al at
angle of 90'above nadir (horizontal) nor 1070 al a veriica
angle of 80" above nadir.
3'Year Warranty
The luminaire is U.L. listed'and covered by a three-yea
limited warranty.

'Most modeisiconsull faclory lor U.L. t e card

2 Ordering Guid€ - Spectra r Cutoff Lumlnaires
Calalog Number Oescription Est. Shpg.
wl. (Lbs.) I)lmenslons
Lumlnairos lor metal halide lamps
s1M.4000-co Luminaire for four 1000w lamps 187
s1M-2000-co Luminaire tor two 1000w lamps 103
s1Mr600-co Luminaire for four 400w lamps 187
s1M-800-co Luminaire tor two 400w lamps 103
Luminairss lor high prossu16 sodium lamps
s1s.4000-co Luminaire lor four 1000w lamps 147
s1s.2000-co Luminaire {or two 1000w lamps 103 Luminaires for four 400w lamps 147
s1s.800-co Luminaire for two 400w lamps 103
Nore Llm na res are sh pped w lhoul bal asts or mounling brackels see ballasl seclio. ior
!!lace remore ba asls see MounlLng Bra.kels lhis page Brackels are nol nc uded n prce

rts. [ffectlve Projected Area

r ile olv. -
in Ft.(Z)

by co r3lL
s1 4000 1

L__l sr.2000-co
c 14 51


lLI l---

Iyplcal Isolux Dlagram

rster Catalog Spacing Mr. Footcandles
Number (Centers) Ht. Min. Avg. Avg. Max.
Min. Min.
/'/trt- s1s.4000-co 240', 40' 8.98 1.06 3.18 3.00 L47
s1s-2000-co 240' 40' 6.18 .50 1.74 3.48 12.36

roof I s1s-2000-co 200' 40' 6.29 .98 2.46 2.51 6.42 240', 40 ' 7.30 .77 2.72 3.53 9.48
num I
) 112 / SlN,l-2000-CO 220', 40' 4.79 .51 1.75 3.43 9.39
the stM-2000-co 200' 40' 4.84 .75 2.08 2.77 6.45

t ical Mounting Brackets
t ical

SMF.40-S ldast Fitter
yeat For nstall ng Spectra I Cutoff Luminaires For nstalling Speclra I CLltofi Luminaries
onSpectra Series 308 and 408 poles- Hard- on poles with tenons. Pole top tenon musl
ware inc lded. Est. Shpg- Wt. 20 lbs. be 4" OD and a minimum 7" n length
lncludes set screws. Est. Shpg. Wl.24lbs


Spectra' II S2
Cutoff 10(

Luminaires s2r
Specification s2l
Features s2r
UltraClad Finish s2l
Unjque Spectra ll Luminaires add the advantages of culofl distribution Lurninaires frarne is of extruded aluminum s2l
to traditional post top design, making lhem an excellent choice for ap- with elect roslat ically applied Ultracad 25(
dark bronze polyester powder coating. Al
plications where stringenl control of glare and spill light is important. s2r
fixture assembly screws are starnless
steel. s2r
These handsome, single-cube luminaires provide Type V distribution s2t
Sealed Oplical Assembly
with smooth illumination at five times the mounting height. A Roadway s2r
version, with rear reflector, projects light in a 270",Type lV pattern.
Both Post Top and Roadway models meet cutolf distribulion as defined
sealed, weatherprooi enclosure. One lens
assembiy riTi:ii:""'#:'i.#"1#
il3ilis hinged to provide lamp ac.
cess without removal or dismanlllng 61
) all
by the llluminating Engineering Society. And both deliver all the solid lixlure lens or lens irame (1). Vertica S2l
benefits of Spectra design: Conlrolled, high-maintained illumination. lenses are ribbed glass and bollom lens is S2S
embossed glass(2).
Tough, Ultraclad finish. High temperature gaskets for a sealed, S2T
Precise Lamp Alignment s2!
weatherproof enclosure. Encapsulated, high power lactor ballasts. And Socket is adjustable grip.type mogul base. 175
the protection ol Wide-Lite's three-year limited warranty. Lamp is secu.ed at lhe lop by a patented S2t
''Stabirux lined socket to preverl iZl
breakage and assure precisron amp aligr'
ment (1000w & 400w models only)(3). ;;;
cutolt conirol
Luminaire is equipped with a top rellector 119
ol anodized specular aluminum with a S2S
retlectance of up to 85%. High angle culoii S2S
of light meets IES definition ot cutofl S2S
disiribution; i.e., candiepower does not S2S
numberically exceed 2-112y. a\ an angle al S2E
90" above nadir (horizontal) nor'10% at a 150
vertical angle of 80' above nadir.
Posr top models project light in a 360" :3:
pallern. Roadway models have a rear ref ec. :::
lor lhal projects lighi ir a 270'oatlern l3l. 9?i
Encapsulaled High Power Factor Ballast :3:
Complete ba,lasl assemoly rs enc'osed in a1
integraj extruded hous ng (4). Ballast core
andioil are totally encap;ulated n a sold tt)
oo yesler resrn compouno: I,mrlt_g i:
terperalJ'e of r\e rrsJlatior is Cras. H
(180'C) wilh temperature rise in the wind. (2) s
ings one fu I class below. Lamp currenl fac. v

"'.}il 1;1"":"""."1irL"t u r .,.:;;

Bolh are made by Wide-Lite ","and covere
a llrnited three-year warranty.
'(See bal asl secl on lor comple(e eleclrcal char

"Mosl models:consull lactory lor UL I ecard

0rderin$ Guid€ - Spectra II Cutoff Luminatres
Catalog Number Ballast Data(1)
I Posl Top Roadway Primary Line Line Currenl Ballasl Est. Shpg.
,.r Type V oislribution Type lV Dislribution Voltage Walts Starting Oper. Type wl. (lbs.)
1000 Watt Melal Halide
s2M.1000-co-120/240 s2l\.,1-1 o@coR-1 201240 120t244 1075 9.414.7 Regulating 104
s2M.1000-co-208 s2r'.r-1 208 1075 5.4 Regulating 104
s2M,1000-co-277 s2M-1000-co-B-277 277 1075 4.0 Regulating 104 s2M-1000-co.R-480 480 1080 2.3 Regulating 104
1000 Watt High Pressure Sodium
s2s.1000,co- i 20i240 s2s-1 moco-Fi-1 20i240 1201240 1090 9.3x4.7 Regulating 115 s2s-1000-c0-R.208 208 1090 5.4 Begulating 115
s2s.1000-co-277 s2s-1000.c0,R-277 277 1090 4.0 Regulating 115
s2s.1000,co-480 480 1100 2.4 Flegulating 115
s2s.1000.c0-480R s2s-1000-co-R-480R 480 1052 '(4.3") 2.4 Beactor 100
400 Walt Metal Halide

s2M.400-co-120/240 s2M4mCOR-129240 120t240 460 4.012.0 Regulating 74

s2M.400-co-208 S2M-400-CO-R-208 208 460 2.3 Regulating 74 S2t\4 -400-CO-R-277 277 460 1.7 Begulating 74 S2M.400-CO.R.480 480 465 1.0 Regulating 74
400 Walt High Pressure Sodium
s2s.400-co-120 S2S-400-CO R,120 124 465 - 4.3 Regulaling 80
s2s.400-co-208 s2s-400-co-R-208 204 465 ' 2.48 Regulating 80
s2s.400-co-240 s2s-400-co-R-240 240 465 ' 2.15 Regulating 80
s2s-400.c0.277 s2s-400-co-Ft-277 277 465 ' 1.86 Flegulating 80
s2s-400-co-480 S2S 400,CO-R-480 480 470 ' 1.08 Regulating 80
s2s.400,co,2408 s2s-400-co-240R 240 444 2.5(3.6") 2.0 Reactor 79
250 Watt Melal Halide
S2M.250-CO-120/240 S2t\4-250CO-Rt20/240 120t240 290 ' 2.41 Regulating 71
s2s.250,c0-208 s2N4 -250-CO-R.208 248 290 . 110 Regu lating 71
92M-250.CO.277 S2M.250.CO.R.277 ' 1.2 Regulaiing 71
s2v.250-co-480 s2M-250-CO.F1.480
r'1250 480 295 , .65 Regulating 71
Wall High Pressure Sodium
I s2s.250-co-120 S2S-250-CO-R.120 120 290 ' 2.41 Regulating 74 s2s,,R-208 208 290 . 1.39 Regulating 74 s2s-250-co.B-240 240 290 ' 1.2 Regulating 74
s2s.250.c0.277 S2S.250-CO.R.277 277 290 ' 1.04 Regulating 74
s2s.250.c0.480 480 290 '.6 Fleg u lat ing 74
s2s.250-co-240H 244 280 '(2.68', ') 1.25 Reacior 73
175 Wall Metal Halide
s2M-1?5.CO.120t240 S2|\4-175CO.R-120240 1201240 210 1.8/.9 Reguiating
s2M.175.CO-208 S2t\4,1 75-CO-R-208 204 210 1.1 Regulating 71
S2t\4 -1 210 .8 Regulating 71
s2M.175-CO-480 S2M-175.CO,R-480 480 215 ' .45 Regulating 71
150 Wall High Pressure Sodium - lOOV(2)
s2s.150-co-120 s2s-1 50,co-R-120 120 180 ' 1.54 Regulaling 71,208 s2s"150-co-R-208 208 210 '.9 Reg u lat ing 74
s2s.150-co.240 240 180 ,'7 Reg u lat in g 74
s2s.150-co-277 s2s-150-co-R-277 277 180 Begu lating 74
s2s, s2s-1 50-co-R-240R 240 173 .91i1.45'-) .8 Reactor 73
150 Watt High Pressure Sodium - 55V(3)
s2s.150-co-120 s2s.150-co-R-120 120 182 , 1.57 Reg u lat ing 74 s2s-150-co-R.208 208 182 ' .94 Regulating 74 s2s,150-co-R-240 240 182 ' .82 Regulatlng 74
s2sr50.c0.277 s2s.1 50-co-8,277 277 142 ' .71 Regulating 74
s2s.150-co.1208 s2s-150,co-R-120R 120 175 '(2.5' ') 1.6 Beactor 73

H9h lactor ba ast s desgned ior .20. slart.g CAUftAN: HlD lunrhanes shaLtd be aperated on gtounded
lem0e 'cqer
alures lldLa volaqe,ba asl swredlohqhervo age systems anly Ungtaunded pawer dtslnbultan stslens may ca y
lrp rn ess olh€rw se specilied F r1!re and ba asl are shtpped htgh ltanstenl vbhages whtch can cause latlute al anf !ype elec

i S,rab. al lme ol pr.1ng ror Syvana LU15O/1oO afd

lellnghouse Ct50S56 Speoiy t00v on order.
I S!laeeall meol prnt f q lor cE LLJ150 Sy vanra Ltli5O/55and
l,4lnghouse C150555 Spe. Iy 55v on order

co-l 1

Spectra II Cutoff Luminaires

Optional Equipment Dimensions

Solid State "Litelratic" LQ

Ava ab e at extra cost for 1000w. 400w and 250w
fixtLrres with regu ating bal asts. (Consult factory ior
ower wattage lamps.) See LllelMalic sect on lor complele
descrrplion ol Litelvlatic auxiliary emergency sysiems.
Order ng example: 52M 1000 CO-208-LQ.
Fused Ballast
Fuses are KTK 30 amp unless otherw se specif ed;
ava abie al exira cost.
120v or 277v systems F1
208v, 240v or 480v systems F2
Pholocell Mount P
Available ai extra cosl. (Pholocell not inc uded.)

Effective Projected Area

Spoclra ll Post Top Spoclra ll Roadway
16 p1.12)

A !15
q 492
L 1. r
a 4OOW
c 3 rb 1000 watt 20" sQ. 33 1/2

400, 250, 175, 100 watt 16 1/4" SQ. 29 1i2'

Typlcal Isolux Dlagram

Catalog Spacing Mt. Footcandles
Number (Centers) Ht_ Min. Avg. Avg../ Max./
Min Min )
s2s,1000-co 160' 40' 4.19 122 2.23 1.83 3.43
s2s.400,co 160' 40' 1.60 .97 1 31 1 34 1.64

Consult factory for comp ete photometric data, lncluding information on

7? S \I metal halide lamPs.

\ \ I



STWB.14.6 Pole Brackel
Accommodates Spectra I lumina res on a
6' square Spectra po e. lVounting bolls
su ppl ed
SPTA.16.P Est. Shpg. Wt. 15 bs.
2 top tenon adapier for 6 square pole to
rcco-^iodalo o_e SpeLl " .l lL'nir a " sTwB.14.8
Esl. shpg. wt. 12 bs As above except tor B pole.

I Luminaires


High efficiency, cutoff distribution, durable construclion and good Speclfication

looks make AktraMall luminaires the best choice tor parking areas, Features
shopping malls and tennis courts as well as roadway and perimeter Sealed, wealherprool enclosure
lighting applications where glare may be a problem. lVain lixture housing s of one plece ex-
truded aluminum and is iul y seaed (l).
The new patented Aktra redirecting cutoff reflector system is es pec ially There are no cornet seams or exposed
designed lo make extremely elficient use of high pressure sodium and screws. Weather and lfirpact resislanl
new-style metal h alide lam ps in E-18 envelo pes wh ile providing smooth, Ull'aCldd poLyesre' po^dpr 'o" i.
elecl o>ldr" dlly applrFd lo'r,(lurc hoLsinq
even lig ht that Wide-Lile is known for. Three asymmetric beam patterns
are available for flexibility of design. Access withoul lools.
Extruded a urninum door frame and ens
The all aluminum housing is fully sealed and weathertight.
assembly covers the entire lixture bottom
A dark bronze Ultraclad polyester powder coating provides exceptional and is equipped wilh two release latches
for access withoLrt tools to lhe oplica
weather resistance for years ol good looks. assernby, bal ast and wirng comparl
ments (3). Access door has a one p ece ex
truded high temperature gasket to ens!re
a sealed enc osure.
Patented Optical Assembly
Lens is rmpacl and shock resistant clear
lempered glass. Patented "Stab lux
50.her 10ld5 g a5s end o' lre ld.rp 1
alignment critical lo the prec sion optics
of the fixture. Rel ector is oi high pur ty
anodized alumin um sheet with rellectance
up lo 85%. lnterna e ernent rellects high'
angle rays back inlo lhe beam (4).
Lilt-out ballast tray
Ballasl is mounted on a llt oLrl tray for
easy nstallat on and ma ntenance. Hlgh
power factor regulatlng or reactor bal ast
s designed for 20" starling; crest lactor
shalnot exceed 1.65. Core and coil are
ercdpsL dled rn a provp| Fs r
cornpound with entire system rated Class
H (180'C). TemperatLrre rise is al east one
ful class lower than rating of insulation
sysiem. Capacitor is outside the encap.
sulation. Lamp and ba last comparlrnents
are separated for cooler operalion.
F xture and ballast are U.L. listed'. Bolh are
manufaciured by Wlde.Lile and covered by
a three-year limiled warranly.
'Mosl mode s cons! I lor U L lr e .ad

Ordering Guide - AktraMall Luminaires

Ballasl Data
Calalog Number(1) Primary Line Line Currenl Ballast Est. Shpg. Optional Equipment
Aktra Mall Voliage Watts Starting Oper. Type wl. (lbs.)
Description Componenl Catalog No.
400 Watt High Pressure Sodium
Al\4S-400-( )-OV-S 12Ql2ABl 465 Regulating 8B Fused Ballast
2401271 2.2t1.9 Fuses are KTK 30 amp un ess
AM3-400-( )-480-3 480 470 ' 1.08 Reg u lat in g 88 otherw se specit ediavailab e
AN,lS-400,( ).2408-S 240 440 2.5(3.6.') 2.0 Reaclor BB at extra cost
250 Walt High Pressure Sodiurn 120v or 277v systems F1

Arvs.250.( ).ov,s 1201208 295 2.54/1.46 Requ at ing 71 208v. 240v, or 480v systerns F2
2401277 1.2511.11 Photoceli Mounl
AMS,250.( )-480,S 480 300 .63 Begu al ing 71 Ava lab e al exlra cost
AMS-250-( )-240R-S 240 280 '(2.68") 1.25 Reactor 71 (Photocell not inciuded) P
400 Wait Metal Halide" -
Factory lnstalled Mounting Brackets
Ar\4r\4,400-( )-ov-s 12012081 460 4.4t2.31 Regulat ng 86
Suriace Mounling Bracket-For mo!nl ng
2441277 2.411.7
AktraMall f xlures to Serles 58P
AMM-400-( )-480-5 480 465 1.0 R-ogulat ng 86
Spectra poles S
lllSpe. ly ref e.ror rype ,rom d s1r b!r'o. q! a. R.lre.lors A C o, L)
(2) A 1 baL a3rs ale lr Qh poser faclor capab e ol! llre amp ro 2lr F A QV
(Mount ng Bo ls included.) lVust be
ba asls I e.l adaplaD e lor 124:2aar24ai277r .r.tal dl specllied on order: AMS 400 C QV S.
'Less trran cperal .q
' 8.1 r.s1' ke o, , lrr o'... s..ondafy Wall Mounting Bracket
''' uscs n!ho!s. amp . E r3 enle ope ampdMH400rt As above, but w th adapter plale tor
CAlJflOil UID trnrnat.,: shortd be .petated an gt.Lttde.r sfslens otlv 1-,rOrorrd.d anounting lo walls or olher I at SW
pahet .Jtsltrbrton s"/st.!n,: nt.l.:.rt h gr ttansrent val/raes tlr!r-!s
s!rlaces. (Mount ng hardware nol
al .nr trDe e e.lrc.i e.ltiDnert
nc uded)

Distritrutlon Guide
Beam Spread NEN4A Beam Spread NEIMA Beam Spread N ElllA
Calaiog No. Hor. x Vert.' Type Calalog No. Hor. x Vert.' Type Catalog No. Hor. x Verl.' Type

400 Watt Hiqh Pressure Sodium 400 Watl lvlelal Halide 250 Wall High Pressure Sodium
AMS400 B 80" x l2'l33' 5x3 Al\,,1N.4 400-8 70' x 10't32" 4x3 AMS.250.B 60'x l1'/31' 4 x 3
AMS.400C 1-0 "15 r5" o^5 Al\,1M.400.C r20'x I7'l58' 6x5 AMS250C 124" :t17't53" 6x5
AIVS 400 D 80'x 16'/47' 5 x 4 AMM.400.D B0'x 14't52' 5x4 AMS 250 D 80'x 16'i47' 5 x 4
'Vert ca Bearn Spread above 0'lbelow 0'

Typlcal Dlstrlbutlon Patterns

NOTE: show slraoe ot patterns oniy and a.e nor 1o scale

c D

AktraMall Luminaires
; Dimensions


Effective Projected Area

t Oirection Area (Api in Ft.'

B 1.9
c (4s') 2.4



llounting Configurations

a -a-

Spectra Poles
Non-Tapered Steel Poles for Spectra Luminaires s
Spectra poles are proportioned to complement the contemporary
architectural concept of Spectra and AktraN4all uminaires. No
unsightly transf ormer base enclosures inte rru pt the sweep of the
l; Th
po le; transformers are contained with in the po le in the lower sec' 4,.;, Pole ToP Detail
1.' ar
tion of the shaft. l\ ;* SU
All Spectra poles are designed in accordance with accepted -;
) .
1l co
engineer ng practices to be structurally adequate for 100 N4PH 'L- -..^.-'
design wind load. A I poles are available hot dip galvanized in st
accordance wlth ASTMA-123 standards, requ ring 2 ounces of
galvanize per square foot of surface. This is equ valent to 3.4 mi s
,l :r:.ri "-.:-
thickness of o alvan izin g.
Series 4O8 and 3O8 Poles D(
Pole shafts are of S" square cross-section commercial tube and
are shipped with a red oxide primer coat. Two transformer com' -.r#wP' 2A

partments are standard on SP poles; S8P poles are furnished

without transformer compartments and are suitable for Spectra
Vlll lum inaires only. S
Anchor bolts and iemplates are furnished with all models f
below. Cover plates are provided to conceal unused hand holes.
Decorative base cover is optional and at additional cost. tu
Ordering Gulde or
Est. Shpg. CC

Catalog No. Description Wl. (lbs.)

39 0 commerc a lube prime pa nted
s8P-408-P As above butess lransfoTmer 1000
compartments; lor Speclra V ll and AktraMa
SP.3OB.P 30'0 commerc a tube prime pain ied
s8P-308-P As above but less lranstormer
compartmenisr for Specira Vlll and AkiraMall
SBC.8-P 8" base cover, for SP and 58P Poles 8
(at extra cost)

Series 3()6,256 alnd2O6 Poles

Pole shafts are of 6" square cross'section commercial tube and
are shipped with a red oxide primer coat. Poles are furnished T(
without transformer compartments and are suitable only for fix-
tures with integral ballasts. Anchor bolts are furnished with all
models. SBC-6-P base cover is optional and at added cost. (Ship-
ped in se parate carton.)
Ordering Guide
Esl. ShPg.
Cat. No. oescription Wt. (lbs.)
SP'306-P 30'0 " commercial tube 4l0
pr me coated
SBP-306-P As above-for Spectra Vll and AktraMali
SP.256 P 25'0 ' commercial tlrbe
prirne coated
S8P-256-P As above for Speclra V ll and AklraN,la
SP 206'P 20'0" commercia tube 244
prime coaled
Oplional Decoralive
S8P-206 P As above for Spectra Vl and AktraMall Ease Cover
SBC.6.P 6" base cover (at extra cost)


I Spectra Poles
Orderlng Guide
it,t^,'r'.:,,'"t Est. Shpg.
I r.9"ard are shrpped witn a'ed o,(ioe p'imer coal PolFs Description Wt. (lbs.)
Cat. No.
I r-r_,>hed wirf'oLt llanstorne' .o1]parlrnenls and are
s-.loo'o or I 'or iixlL'es wiI'l 'llegral ba lasls. ooLe lop sP-204,P 20'0" commerica tube prime coated 156
I ro_.sts o' a 2 sld.rdaId pipe Ienon 4_//8 r lenglh
I n".n,r',u" base cover and ancnor bolrl' a'e 'L'n'shed as As above*lor Spectra Vlll and AklraMall

1"""' AQ
I standarcl

sP-154-P '15'0" commerical tube prime coaled 125

s8P-154-P As above for Spectra Vlll and AktralMa 124

I \tJt-1 SP 104.P 10'0" commercial tube prime coated 115

shed as standard for Series
s8P-104-P As above-for Speclra Vlll and AktraMall 117
204, 154 and 104 wilhout exlra cost.

Spectra Poles Orderlng Guide

for Tennis Ltghttng Est. Shpg.
Po ior Lrse with Spectra Vlll ten n s court I ght ng fix_
es are Cat. No. Description Wt' (lbs.)
tures. Two and three lighl poles are shipped with ap- sSTP-356-P/S SingLe-ite po e, 35'0" commercial 480
propT ale crossarrn bracket. These po es are designed tor
tube,6" cross section, prime coaled.
lher specif c oad. Use oi other mounting arrangements
orfixture loads vo ds warranty. Translormer compartment
sSTP-356P/TCA2 Twolite po e. 35'0" commercial 500
tube. 6" cross seclion, prime coated. Shipped
llolprovided. A decorative base cover is avai able at extra
with cross€rm bracket.

sSTP-358- Three'l te pole. 35'0" commercial 875

PTTCA3 tube. 8" cross'sect on. prime coaled. Ship'
ped w th cross-arm bracket.
STBC.8-P 8" base cover (at extra cost) B

STBC-6.P 6" base cover (at extra cost) 6

Crcss.arm Brackels lor

Tennis Courl Liqhting
-----.J C L---

f ca.2

1rs'D a
L ro'.,,i F5 -] ]u oe
rore tat


...-],A D A !.r aEWA, HoLE i4)
q'1 c,


Spectra Luminaire and Pole Guide I
Maximum Specira Pole Top

Model No.
Number & Type
ol Spectra
Per Pole
.i",:;:i" Pole Top Detail Drawings D'
(1) Pole Top Detail #1
sP-408-P Spectra I (1) SFA,40.P (4) 11 Series #1 Po e Top Cap Furn slred
or w/SH2 Bkt. D s.ard Whe. lisla iq
sP-308-P ToD S€nes Bo t Ho es
Used When nsra ,a
sFA.1O-:. ''::.
(4) 1000w or
400w Spectra
none none #5 .) Used Whe. rnsla I f9
SWB ]4 B
s8P-308-P v t wB/s SWB 14 6

sP-306.P (1) Spectra ll (1) SPTA.16-P none NOTEr Revers hlp H..n HolF C.vprc F rrnisrrF.l:s 51.n.l.r.l
sP-256-P (2) Speclra ll (2) STWB.14 Pole Top oetail #2 Pole Top Cap Furnished
n one #2
D s.ard When nslalLrnq
or Roadway SPTA'16
sP-206-P ,o
=:-- -
.* - Hanil tr.
e {
s8P-306-P Oetar F!rn shed
or (4) 400w, 250w On Oppos n! Wa s

s8P-256,P or 175w one otpoeO.y

n #5
s8P-206-P Spectra Vlll Pole Top Detail f3
sP-204-P {1) Spectra ll none #3 l+ 2 sld P D€ TPnon
sP.154-P (1) 400w,250w, none #3
or or 175w
sP-104-P Spectra Vlll

s8P-204-P (4) 250w or '175w n one #5

or Specira Vlll Pole Top Detail #4
s8P-154,P WB/S 2
flr slandard P pe Teno.
s8P-104-P r'-- -it< SPTA 16 P or G

(1) Spectra Vlll
tennis lighting
no ne n one #5
one side
< 5P il]6Po'
fixtures. only. G

sSTP-356- (2) Spectra Vlll non e n one #2

PfiCA2 tennis lighting one side
fixtures. on ly Pole Top Delail #5
s8TP,358- (3) Spectra Vlll none n one #1 8.6 . or 4 sq cross secl on
P/TCA3 tennis lighting one side Pole ToP CaP
,,.' .7
fixtures. on ly /a ,Typ.a Ml! hoies
| -f..a.t' ,/ & w re e.lra.ce hole
' '/ /
lor Soeclra Vll /S
,t.o ^: ^ Lc, . ae I

fleld Palntlng of Spectra Poles Spectra Pole Enamel Coverage Chart

A special dark b.onze ename pai.t compos t on is ava able lo i eld paint Speclra po es (Based on T\ro Coal Application)
lo match Speclra Lum naires. Paint s availab e in gallo. containers on y (Consu t lac
lory for opi onalcolo.s.)
Pol€ S€ries Approximaie Quanlity ol
Painl R€quired .t
408 & 358
308 & 356
256 & 206
204, 154 & 104

Spectra Foles
Base and Foundatlon Detalls Groundlng Lug
All Spectra Standards are furnished with grounding Jug installed.
Anchor (See delail below.)
Boit Nut SP and S8P Poles S8TP Tennis Cou Poles
Grounding Grounding
Lug Lug
'G ' Leve ing Nut


Hand Hole

Pole "A" Base Anchor Bolt Anchor Bolt Base Plale lnslle Dimeflsions
Catalog Size ol Square Anchor Plale Diameter & Projection Hole Dimension Ol Siandard Shalt
l,lo. Base Plate Bolt Setling Thickness Length Above Foundalion For Anchor Boll Forconduitstubt p

SP-408 15-112"x15-112" 11-112" v.11-112" 1-112" 1-1/8"x48"t 1.3/8" 7-5lA" x7 -51a"

SP.308 15-112"x15-112" 11-112"x1l-112" 1-1t4" 1.1/8"x48"' 1-3/8" 7-518"x7-5/8"
SSTP-358 16-3/8"x16-3/8" 11-112"x11-112" 1.114" 1-118"x48"' 5" 1-3/8"x2-118" 7.5/8"x7'5l8"
SP.206 11"x11" a-112"x8-112" 7la" 1"x30'J 4" 1.114" 5"x5"
SBTP-356 11-718" \'11-7la" a-112" xa.112" 718" 1"x30" 1-114"x1-314" 5"x5"
SP.104 8"x8" 5-5i8"x5-5/8" 3t4" 3/4"x18" 3" '1
" 3"x3"

'50,0m Ps yie d poinr. All orher anchor bo 1s 36,000 Ps yield.

poe is erecled and to provide dearance ior pore shatl

WAFNING: Failure lo nslall eveling nol as descr bed above voids lhe three year producl warraniy

lllaximum Loadlng*
Allowable Allowable
Pole Projected Area' Oiagonal Moment"

8 inch square to 40 feet high 15.6 ft" 23,642 ft lbs.

6 inch square to 30 feet high 9.5 ft, 7,125 ft lbs.

4 inch square to 20 feet high 4.8 ft. 2,400 tt lbs.

f,ounlnq amnlemenls or iixture loads voids wa(anly

''ForolheraLlowable protecled and diagonalmomenl oadin9 ot po e, consult 1aclory

Clla og No. C3B/81

. CopyriShlWide LteCorporat on 1981
-tE;F ...-
\.J .7
l\I '

For Energ;r Savlngs, Ifs Total System Performance That Counts

With energy the nuflrber one conceTn ot industry loday
''barga n" lghtlng eqLripment that olfers only low inil al
EFFECT OF LUMINAIRE DIRT DEPRECIATION (LDD) cost has quickly become unatfordable.
Lamps burned 4,000 hoursiyear under "dirly" condit ons, The high quaiity and nnovative des gn ol W de L le
luminaires cleaned and re amped every three years. HID industrial Luminalres and lighting controls offers a
total systern periormance package that saves you
DUST.TIGHT lOO FIXTURES $17.120' energy and money dur ng years of use These exc us ve
leatures make Wide-Lite your best buy.
OPEN.VENTED 155 FIXTURES $26,536' More Light From Dust.Tight Luminaires
'Annua Energy Cosl @ 40 KWH Even the most eif c ent oi !m naires and amps can l
operale at peak ettlc ency f dirt and industrial gr me
Tlr s bar cha.l compares annua average ener!y .osls 1o ope.ale lhc n!mber ol i xlures coal lamp and reflector surfaces. That s why W de Lie
.eeded ior lhe same um nal on €ve lt ass!mes dent ca opcrat n9 cond I ons and industrial lumina res have tolal y sealed optica
re amp sched! es More no.iusllghl l!m naires are.eeded beca!se ol lhe r h!!her
Lghl osses lrom d rl bu d up
chambers to provide years oi high-maintained I ghting
even n the harshest env ronment. This dustl ght perfor.
rnance is certified by ndependent testing aboraiory
reports, avaiLable on request.

T6flonr' 5ol" More Elficient

Our patented Tellon lens transmits 57. more ight thaf
glass. lt's also shatterproof. highly resislant 1o
chem cals and heat, and its slick surtace resists dirl
bu ild-u p.

Broad Design Flexibility

A wide choice oi lamp and ref ector combinations I
assures the proper beam pattern for any lask irorn high- t
bays to mounting heights where ihe um na re ens is
only live ieet above the work plane e

"SilentGuard" Ballasts Are "Short Prool"

Most 1000 watl HPS amps fail in a short-circu t cond
tion, and the rise in amperage usua y causes an ordinary
ba last to burn out. Not Wide-L te's. Our standard ballasl
for 1000w HPS lamps s made to withstand the added
)l C

heal. 11 is covered by o!r 3 year I mited warranly againsl
tailure n open or short circuit condition. I
Wde-Lite industral balasts are high power faclor t
encapsulated to run cooler, last longer, and are rated lor
rel ab e operation in 65'C ambient lemperatures.
ffi i=i AEC "Thermostat" Cuts Light Bills Up lo 257"
Exclusive Automatic Energy Conlro d mming systems

n i1
dramatically reduce the amoLrnt of energy requ red io
maintain pre-set ilumination vaues AECs photoc€
mon toring syslem works ke a "thermostal" to corn
pensate ior anyth ng thal affects lig ht ng leve s, such as
sky ght ng or lamp lumen deprec at on. You can a so
program the system for lower eve ighting lor man
tenance, securily, and other non'cr trca lasks ior add
tional energy savings.

Three.Year Guaranlee
Al Wde'Lite ndustria um naires and baLlasts are
covered by our three-year im ted warranty.

Porlable R€mole Terminals Speed Design

t.\ The "bottom line" on any lighting system s what t
costs over years of operation. O!r ll umination lnvesl
menl Analysis compares alternate systems to determ ne
your lowest len'year owning/operating cost. And now.
many Wide-Lite representalives have portabLe remote
term nals that allow you to communicale with olr
nation-wide cornpuleT network by phone. Contact your
Wide L te representalive for fu information.

' Req U S Pat ott lor ouPont s Fl!orocarbon F m


IL Series

A broad choice of distribution patterns and maintenan ceJree, dust- High Elficiency Dust-Tight Design
light construction makes lL Luminaires depirable for a wide variety of One piece housing and reflector systern ls
applications: industrial plants, forges, foundries, food processing oi heavy gauge aluminum, sealed to pro-
vide a dust-tight enclosure.
areas, warehouses, and indoor sports facilities such as tennis courts,
Patented Primary Path Rellector
swimming pools and gymnasiums. Hexagonal refiector s compuler designed
These luminaires are available as standard for 250 to 1000 watt HID to eliminate secondary rellections; light s
never trapped or redirected back to the
lamps with spacing-to-mounting height ratios of from .5 to 2.2 for high
amp. Reflector surtaces are ol high grade
or low bay ap p licat ion. Lower wattage eq u ipment is available as s pec ial specular or diffusing alurn num with
order. reflectance up to 85%. (1).
5% More Light
A special reflector with a combination white silicone and hammertone Leas retdi'ro' is o' ore-piece Lasl dlLrr'
finish allows a S/MH ratio of 1.8 with 1000 watt high pressure sodium rJrr v1/rl'r d hrgl^ le-oo'alure gdshel.l' ng
lamps, an economical alternative 1o 400 walt equipment for mounting ed ior relamp from below. Patented 5 mil
heights of from 20 to 50 feet where lower footcandle levels are required.
clear FEP Tellon lers I dnsmilc 5o.
more light than clear glass.
Special coatings are available for extremely harsh environments. Con- Automatic Ballast Conlact
sulr the lactory for information. Lamp socket housing is oi extruded
alumin um, f nned for heat dissipalion, and
has keyed, slip-in contact to ballast (2).
65'C Ballast
Casl aluminum ballast housing is finned
for heat dissipation (3). Bal ast s high
power factor, rated for ambients up 10
65'C. Coil windings are copper. Core and
coil are encapsulated in solld poiyester
resin cornpound with capac tor separate
and isolated by a double'wal ed heat
shield. Limiting temperature of the lnsula-
sion is Class H (180'C) wilh lemperature
rise in the windings one full class below.
Lamp currenl crest factor is not more than
Slide-On Mounting Plate
t Ballast is prewlred and provided wth a
t- slide-on mounting plate and 3/4" NPT hub
e for quick installation (4).
3.Year Wafianly
Fixlure and ballast are U.L. listed.'. Both
tr are by the same manufaclurer and covered
tr by a 3-year Jimlted warranty.
' Feg U S Pal Oll. fo. DuPonl s F uorocarbon FiLm.
'Dependani on ba asl lype;see Ba ast sect on
.'Mosl mode sicons! t taclory lor U L I ecard

Ordering Guide - IL Series Luminaires
BallaQt Data(2)
Catalog Numbeil) Primary Line Line Currenl Ballast Est. ShP9.(3) Optional Equipment I
Voltage Watts Slarling Oper. Tvpe Wt. (lbs.)
1000 Watl Mercury Descriplion Component Catalog No.
rLH-1000-( )-1201240 1201240 1070 ' 9.6x4.8 Regulat ng 60
Tempered Glass Lens
t1H,1000-( ),208 2A8 1070 ' 5.5 Flegu ating 60 Availab e in lieu of Teflon at no G
rLH-1000-( )-277 277 1070 ' 4.2 Regu ating 60 extra cost. Specify G as last letter
ILH-1000-( )-480 480 1075 Begu al ng 60 in catalog numberi ILH-1000 1SG 480.
tLH -1000-( ),480R 480 1035 4.1 2.4 Beactor 54 Embossed Glass Lens
1000 Watl Metal Halide Available with specular ref ector SD
only and at addit onal cost.
ILM-1000-( ),120/240 1201240 1075 ' 9.414.7 Regulating 61
Spec fy SD: ILH-1000-1SD'480.
lLtt4-1000-( )-208 208 1075 ' 5.4 Reg ulating
rLr\4 1000,( 277 1075 ' 4.0 Flegulating Dimming Ballast
).277 61
Available at extra cost for use DM
lLlr4-1000-( ).480 480 1080 Regulaiing 6'1
with DM and DMW Series d imming master
1000 Watt High Pressure Sodium conlro s. See Dimrn ng section for f!ll
tLS-1000-( )-1201240 1201240 1090 ' 9.3x4.7 Regulatlng 66 description of Wide-L te dimming and
iLS-1000-( )-208 208 1090 ' 5.4 Begulaling 66 aulomatic energy control systems.
tLS-1000-( )-277 277 1090 ' 4.0 Regulating 66 Patenled Solid Stale "LileMatic"
r1S,1000.( ).480 480 1100 ' 2.4 Regulating Available for models with L0
rLs-1000.( ).480R 480 1052 '(4.3.') 2.4 Reactor 61 regu ating ballasts al extra cost.
See LiteMatic section for
400 Walt Mercury
cornplete descr ption of
ILH-4001 )-120 120 445 3.9 Regu lating 40 auxilary/emergency
r1H.400.( )-208 248 445 Reg! lating 40 ''LiteN,lat c" systems.
r1H,400.( ),240 240 445 2.4 Regu lating 40 Ouick Disconnect
rLH-400-( )-277 277 445 1.6 Reg u lat in g 40 Electrical and mechanica connection O0
rLH,400-( ),480 480 450 .9 Regu lating 40 to prewired ballast. Available at add 1ional
rLH-400-{ )-240R 240 425 3.4 1.7 Reactor 34 cost. (Not available wilh DM
277 19 dimm ing ba last).
rLH-4001 )-277R 430 2.4 34
See page l-16 for descr ption.
400 Watt lvletal Halide
Fused Ballasts
r1M"4001 ).120/240 1201240 460 4.0/2.0 Flegu lating 41 FLses a e KTK 30 dmp Lrle5s ol're.w se
ILM-400.( )-208 2AB 460 2.3 Regulating 41 specifled;
rLrM.400.( ).277 277 460 1.7 Regulating 41 available at extra cost.
r1M,400.( ),480 480 465 1.0 Regulating 41 T 20v or 277v systems. F1

400 Watt Hiqh Pressure Sodium 208v, 240v or 480v syslems F2

rLS-4001 )120 120 465 ' 4.3 Regulating 54

r1s.400.( ).208 208 465 ' 2.48 Regulating 54
rLS.400-( ).240 240 465 " 2.15 Regulating 54
rLs-400-( )-277 277 465 . 1.86 Regulating 54 See page l-16.
rLS-400-( ).480 480 470 " 1.08 Regulating 54
rLS-400"( ),240R 240 440 2.5(3.6") 2.0 Reactor 50
250 Watt Mercury
tLH.250.( )-120t240 1201240 290 2.611.3 Reg u lat in g 40
r1H.250.( ),208 2AB 290 1.5 Reglating 40
tLH.250.( )-277 277 1.1 Regu lating 40
rLH-2s0.( ),480 480 300 .6 Reg u lat in g 40
rLH-2501 ),240R 240 270 2.1 1.2 Reactor 34
r1H.250.( )-277R 277 274 2.O 1.0 Reactor 34
250 Walt Metal Halide
tLM-250-\ ).120t240 1201240 290 2.6t1.3 Regulating 41
rLM-250-( ).208 20A 290 1.5 Regulating 41
tLM'250.\ ).277 277 290 1.1 Regulating 41
rLM-250-( f480 480 295 .65 Regulating 41
250 Watt High Pressure Sodium
r1S.250.( ).120 124 290 ' 2.41 Regulating 54
r1s.250.( ).208 208 290 , 1.39 Regulating 54
rLs-250'( ).240 244 290 ' 1.2 Regulating 54
tLs-2501 1277 277 290 ' 1.O4 Regulating 54
tLS-2501 )-480 480 290 '.6 Regulating 54
rLS-250-( ).240R 240 2AO '(2.68,-) 1.25 Reactor 50
de on nert page 1or comp ele cata og number
11) See dislr b!1ion 9!
12) H gh power ractor ballast is des gned ior.20" starl nq and re abre operalron n 65"C amb enl lemDeratures
ldua vo asl svJired lo hrqhervo taqelap un ess otherwLse spec I ed F xlureand ba aslareslr p
ped in

'Less tha. operal ng

CAUftON: HtD lunthanes shaold be opetated on gtaLnded systems a.lf Ungtaunde.l pa\|et dtsttbuttan
svstens naf cany htqh transient valtases whtch cah cause latLute al ahf type eleclticaL eqLtpnent

Dlstributlon Guide - IL Series

Catalog No. S/MH catalog No. SiMH Catalog No. S/MH
Ratio 250w Ratio

O il ;::,, vapor
1.2 tLH-400-1ST 1.2 tLH-250-4ST ,8
ItH.1000-5sT 1.5 tLH,400,4ST 1.5 tLH-250-7ST 1.2
r1H.1000-9sT 1.8 tLH 400 7ST 1.7 ILH-250,9ST 1.6
lVela I Halide (clear lamp/ditlusing reilecto4(1)
rtM-1000-1DT 1.4 t1N4"400-1DT T.5 tLM,250,9DT 1.5
IIM-1000-5DT 1.8 tLt/-400-4DT 2.0 tLlM 250 12DT 2.4
IIM,1000,9DT 2.2
High Pressure Sodium (clear lamp/diflusing rellector)
LS'1000-5DT 1.0 tLS-400-4DT 1.0 tLS-250-4DT 1.1
Its-1000-9DT 1.2 ILS 4OO 7DT 1.5 tDs-250-7DT 1.6
Its-1000,6PT' ,5 tLs-400-9DT 19 tLs-250-9DT 1.9
Its-1000-9wHT " 18
'Pa'abo c Rel e.1or
'-He:a!.faL rele.lor { rh rlh le s .... an.l hamm.rr.n. lnsh
' Cnar.n m.ra hardc amps tare.Dpro: male y lhe same.r sr, bulo. li.ller. shcr. r.r merc!rr vapor T..rner !m.a res lo .oal.d m!-1. h, ..
sDe. lf sr,ec! :r ST lyre r,"1 e.lor Er:np e L[i ]000 IST

Typlcal Candlepower Distribution Curves

LF r0a0 5sl Lll 100lt.9sT M 1naa 50T LS 1000 9DT LS TOOl] gvr'tsT LM ,100 lUT LS 400 !DT
C ear C ear LanD
M.ra Ba .leJ (Metal tsa,del
SIMHRalo rC S]MHR.lo 18

Standard Ballast and 400.250 walt 1000w Dimming Ballast
Dimming Ballasi

Fixture Weighls
Luminaires with
33 3/a {r000 Wati)'
Dimming Ballasts
28 7/8 (400 & 250w)'
shpg wt {ibs) 1000w 4O0w 250w

Mer.ur/ Vapor 94 a6 48

H llr!r. 117 60 ,18

ala r oi i", q ..' """

22 t, (rooo \ htt)
r73,3 (4oo & 250'!) -l '1./a! b€ as much as 2 shorler a..ord.! 10 so.ket pos I o. t5

Low Bay

Standard LMH Luminaire Optional HAT Ballast

LHM Series Luminaires provide extreme'ly high elliciency and low

briqhtness in areas with 10 to 25 foot ceilings. Smooth, comfortable il- Specification
lumination is achieved with wide spacings. Batwing dislribution con- Features
cenlrates lig ht from 0'to 50', m inim izing lig ht in the upper ang le glare Palented Primary Path Reflecior
zone and delivering more light to the task. Hexagonal reflector is computer des gned
to el minate secondary ref ect onsillght is
Luminaires are available as standard for 250 watt and 400 watt HID
lamps. Lower wattage lamps may also be used with 250 watt ref lectors.
Consult the factory for s u ilab le ballasts available as s pec ial order for all
never trapped or redirected back to lhe
arnp. Ref ector surfaces are of high grade
specular or diifus na alLrminum wilh
popu lar low-wattage HID lamps. rellectance up 1o 85 o/. .

5% More Light
L en" reldiler is o' one piece ca<I alur '

rJrr v!rll a hiql^ te^ pe'alrI. gasLel. hi_q

ed for relamp from below (1). Patented 5
mil clear FEP Teflon' lens has 57. nrore
light transmission than clear glass.
Prewired Sockel
Lum naire housing s key-hole slotted for
quick instal ation to the gasketed socket
assembly. Socket assemb y is of extruded
aluminum, finned tor heat d ssipation,
prewired and permanent y insla led to the
bal ast (2).
High Power Factor Ballasl
Casl aluminum ballast housing is Iinned
for heal dissipation (3). Ballast is high
power faclor. Core and coil aTe encap.
su ated in a proven non-melt resin com
pound with entire system rated Ciass H.
Slide-On Mounting Plate
Bal ast is prewired and provided w th a
slide-on mounting plate and 3/4" NPT h!b
for qulck lnsla lallon (4).
3.Year Warranty
Fixture and bal ast are U.L. lsted. 'Both
are by the same n'tanufactLtTer and covered
by a 3 year limited warranty.

' Reg U S Pal Ofl ior D!Pont s F!ucrocarbon F m

'Mosl mod€ls consull laclory lor U L f e .ard

Ordering Cuide LMH Series
Spacing to Ballast Data{2)
Calalog Number(1) Ht.
Primary Line
Voltage Watts Starting
Lin€ Curront Ballast
Oper. Type(1)
Est. Shpg.
Wt. (lbs.)
Optlonal Equipment
400 Wall Mercury Vapor Descriplion Component Catalog No.
ILH-400-7SI-120.1t\4H 1.7 120 445 3.9 Regulating 30
Tempered Glass Lens
lH,400-7ST-208-Ll\/llH 1.7 204 445 2.3 Flegu ating 30 Ava lab e ir lreJ of Te'lor dl 1oe'rrd G
t[H.400-7ST-240-LN4H 1.7 240 445 2.0 Regulating 30 cost. Specify G as ast etter n
lLH.400-75I-277.1t\4H 1.1 277 445 1.6 Regu ating 30 cata og number. ILS'400-SSG -1 20-L M H.
IIH-400-7ST-480-LMH 1.7 480 450 .9 Begulating 30 High Ambient Temperature Ballasi
tLH-400-7ST-240R-LMH 1.7 240 425 3.4 1.9 Beaclor 24 Bal asts for rel able operation in HAT
lLH.400-7ST-277R-LMH 1.7 277 430 2.4 1.1 Reactor 24 ambient temperalures of 65 "C
400 Watl Melal Halide are available at extra cosl.
Add HAT to cata og number:
L[.4-400-4 DT-1 20/240,1M H 2.0 1201240 460 4.0/2.0 Regulating 31
lLs-400.9DT-240-L M H HAT. Add 3
1N4.400-4DT-208-LMH 2.A 204 460 2.3 Regulating 31 lbs. to fixture weight.
ILM-400-4DT-277.1M H 2.0 277 460 1.7 Regulating 31
Palented, Solid State "LileMatic"
II[4.400,4DT-480-LMH 2.O 480 465 1.0 Regulating 31
Ava lab e for models with HAT LO
400 Watl High Pressure Sodium regu at ng ballasts only
tLS-400-9 DT.1 20-LM H 1.9 120 465 - 4.3 Regulating 44 al exlra cost. See L te[4alic section
|LS.400-9DT-208-LMH 1.9 208 465 ' 2.4a Regulat ng 44 tor complete descript on
1S.400.9DT-240-LMH 1.9 240 465 ' 2.15 Begulatlng 44 of aux lary/emergency
LS-400-9DT-277,1MH 1.9 277 465 ' 1.86 Regulating
"LileMalic" systems.
tLS-400-9DT-480-LMH 1.9 480 465 ' 1.08 Begulating 44 Fused Ballasls
rLS-400-9DT-240R,LMH 1.9 240 440 2.5(3.6'-) 2.0 Reactor 40 FLrses are KTK 30 amp unless
otherwise specified; availab e at exlra
250 Watt Mercury Vapor cost. 120v or 277v syslems F1
LH-250-9ST-1 20/240,1M H .6 1201240 290 2.6/'1.3 Regulating 30 208v, 240v or 480v systems F2
1H.250.9ST.208.1M H .6 208 290 1.5 Regulating 30 Dimming Ballasl (HAT only)
ItN,250,9ST-277-LM H .6 277 290 1.1 Flegu at ng 30 Available at extra cost tor DM
tLH.250-9ST-480-LM H .6 480 290 .6 Flegu at ng 30 use wlth DN,l and DMW Ser es
tLH-250-9ST-240R-1i,4 H .6 244 270 2.1 1.2 Beactor 24 masler contro pane s. See
ILH-250-9ST-277R-LM H .6 277 270 2.0 1.0 Reaclor 24 D mm ng Seclion for available
vollages. Complele operatinq
250 Watt Metal Halide character stics available on requesi.
lL[4'250-1 2DT-1 20/240-LM H 2.4 120124A 29A 2.6/1.3 Regulating 31 Ouick Oisconnect
rLM-250-12DT-208-LM H 2.0 208 290 1-5 Regulating 31 Electr cal/mechanical connect on OD
tLM.250.12DT .277 .LMH 2.0 277 290 1.1 Regulating 31 to prewired ballast ava lab e
lLt\r'250-1 2DT-480-LlV H 2.0 480 295 .65 Regulating 31 at additiona cost. Not availab e
250 Wati High Pressure Sodium with DM dimrning bal asl.
LS-250-9 DT-1 20-LM H
1.9 120 290 '
1.9 20a 290 '
2.41 Regulat ng 44 Accessories
]LS.250-9DI-208-LN4 1.39 Begu al ng 44
|LS-250-9DT-240-LM H 1.9 240 290 ' 1.2 Regulating 44 See pace l-l6.
ILS-250-9DT-277-LM H 1.9 277 290 ' 1.04 Regulating 44
tLS,250,9DT-480-LfrH 1.9 480 290 '.(2.68'") .6 Regulating 44
ILS-250-9DT-240R'Li\4 H 1.9 24A 280 1.25 Reactor 40
il Fxlurehous.! and ballasl aresh pped . scparaleca.lons
i2 11 qh power la.lor conectcd ro 90oi m n mum 8a asls are des gned tor 20'starlr.! temperatures afa
re abre oFerarion in amb enl lemperar!res up ro s0.c (400w). 55.c 1250w1
'Less llran opcrat n!

CAlllON: lllD luntnatres shotld be apeGled ah graunded systens anly Ungrcu.ded pawer
,srrlr/ro, sysreas 4ay calf htgh ttanstent vattages \|htch can cause larlute al any type etec.

Avg. Horlzontal Footcandl€s ar r.e s,'y11 Candlepower
Mounling Helghl
tl c.fing
12 7', 149 '161 120
125 94
13 8', 152 't14 't23 92 96 72
14 120 90 97 76 57
'15 10 97
!t 73 79 59 62 46
't7 't2 68 50 41 43
' 19 14 50 37 40 30 24
25 38 2a 31 23 24 18 Clear h gh pressure
sodium amp
S/MH Ratio: 19
ab 10 5', 234 178 192 144 151 112
I 11 6', 165 't24 134 100 105 78
7', 121 91 98 73 77 57
at '13 8' 70 75 56 44
, 't4 55 59 44
lo '15 10' 59 45 48 36 38 28
17 12', 41 31 26

Calculations based on dirty condilions, 16,000 hours and lhe lollowing relieclances:CeilinO:30%, Wa s:30o/",
F oorr 20%. Tota llxl!re efiiciency is 73.6% for 40Ow and 75% lor 250w hlOh press!re sodi!m amps.


'Ma! (may be as much as 2'shorler dependng oo sockel

ID Series

Flue Cleaning Action
pyramid design with flue-cleaning action makes lD Series Luminaire is al aluminurn with doub'le_
Double panel panel pyramid design. Convect on alr flow
Luminaires especially suitable for foundries, forges, and other in- 'ror't vears in o,Jle' pmbossed hous tg
dustrjal areas with extremely dirty atmospheres. A continuous flow of rninimizes dirt collection on outer ens
surface (1).
airenters lower vents in the outer housing and is exhausted through up-
DusrTight Design
per vents, sweeping airborne contaminants up and away from the outer
Dust'tight nner refleclor of four joined
lens surface. Sealed optical chamber stays factory-new without clean- tlat segments is of hlgh grade specu ar or
ing. hammertone sheet with reflectance up 10
Special coatings are available for extremely corrosive environments. Hinged Lens
Consult the factory for full information. Lens assembly is hinged to provide ac-
cess frorn below and is provided with a
lD Series Luminaires are available for 250 to 1000 watt HID lamps and high lemperature gasket (2). Lens is clear,
with a broad selection of distribution patterns for high or low bay shock and impact resistant glass or op_
application. lional 5 mil FEP Tef!on'. Contact
Keyed, slip-in connection provides auto'
malic tixtLrre{o-ballasl contact. (3)
65'C Ambient Operation
Cast aluminum ballast housing is finned
for heat dissipaton (4). Ballast is high
power factor, rated for ambients up to
65"C. Coil windings are copper. Core and
coil are encapsulated in so id polyesler
resin compound w th capacitor separate
and iso ated by a double-wal ed heat
shie d. Limlting temperature of the insula-
tion is Class H (180'C) with temperature
rise in the windings one full class below.
Lamp current crest factor is not more than
Slide.On Mounting Plale
Ballast is prew red and provided with a
slide'on mounting p ate and 3/4" NPT hub
for quick installation (4).
3-Year Warranly
Fixture and ba last are U.L. listed". Boih
are by lhe same manufacturer and are
covered by a imited three_year warranty.
'See Ba asl secl on lor com0lele
e eclr ca characlensllcs
"Mosl I x1!res, cons!ll laclory lor c!(enl U I i e
@Reg. U S. Pal Oll lor DuPonl s F loroca.bon F lm
Ordering Guide - ID Series Luminaires
Ballasl Data(2)

Primary Line Current Ballast Optionat Equlpment

Calalog Number{1)
Vollage Watts Starling Oper. Type
Est. Shpg.
Wi. (lbs.) O
1000 Wall Mercury Description Component Catalog No.

tDH-1000.( )-120/240 1201240 1070 '- 9.6x4.8 Reg u lat in g 6B

Palented Tellon"r Lens
rDH-10001 )-208 208 1o7o 5.5 Reg u lat in g 68
Available at no extra cost; specify T

tDH-1000.( ).277 277 1070 ' 4.2 Regu lating 68 as last letter in catalog
tDH-1000-( )-480 480 1075 ' 2.4 Regu lating 68 number: IDH-1000'AT.
tDH-1000-( )"480R 480 1035 4.1 2.4 Reactor 62
Dimming Ballast 0M
'1000 Watt Melal Halide Available at extra cost for use with
tDr\.4.1000-( ).120/240 1201240 1075 ' 9.414.7 Regulating 69 DM and DMW Series dimming
rDr\4.1000-( ).208 208 1075 ' 5.4 Regulating 69 masler controls. See D mming section
for full description.
rDM.1000,( ).277 277 1075 ' 4.0 Regulating 69
rDr\4.10001 )-480 480 1080 ' 2.3 Regulating 69 Solid Slate "LileMatic" System L0
Available ior fixtures with reguLaling
1000 Watt High Pressure Sodium ballasts al exlra cosl. See Lilei\y'alic
tDS-1000-{ )-1201240 1201240 1090 ' 9.3x4.7 Regulating 72 section tor complete descrlption
rDS.1000.( )-208 208 1090 ' 5.4 Regulating 72 of patenled auxiliary/emergency
rDS-1000-{ )-277 277 1090 '. 4.0 Begulating 72 systems.
rDS.1000-i ).480 480 1100 ' 2.4 Regulating 72 Ouick Disconnect Q0
rDS.1000-( ).480R 480 1052 -(4.3-') 2.4 Reactor 65 Electrical and mechanical connectlon
400 Watt Mercury to prewired ballast is available
at extra cost. (Not ava lable for
rDH-400-( ).120 120 445 3.9 Regu lating 46 dimming ballasts.) See page I 16.
rDH.400-( 1208 208 445 2.3 Regulating 46
Fused Ballasls
rDH-400-( )-240 240 445 2.0 Regulating 46 Fuses are KTK 30 amp unless
tDH-400.\ )-277 277 445 1.6 Regulating 46 otherwise specif ied; available
1DH.400,{ )-480 480 450 .9 ReguiatinO 46 at extra cost.
rDH-4001 )-240R 240 425 3.4 1.9 Reactor 40 120v or 277v systems F1
tDH-400.( ).2778 277 430 2.4 1.7 Reactor 40 208v, 240v, or 480v systems F2

400 watt Metal Halide

tDM-400-( 12A1240 460 ' 4.0t2.0 Regu lating 46
rDN4.400.( ).208
208 460 ' 2.3 Regu lating 46 Accessories
tDM.400-( ).277 27? 460 ', 1.7 Regulating
rDM.400,( f480 480 465 1.0 Regulating See page l'16.
400 Watt High Pressure Sodium
rDS-4001 )-120 12A 465 ' 4.3 Regu lating 60
rDS.400.( ).208 208 465 ' 2.44 Regulating 60
rDs.400.( )-240 240 465 " 2.15 Regulating 60
rDS.400.( f277 277 465 ' 1.86 Regulating 60
rDS-4001 )-480 480 470 ' 1.08 Regulating 60 I
t05.400.( ),240R 240 440 2.5(3.6") 2.0 Reactor 56
250 Watt Mercury {
rDH-250-( )-1201240 1201244 290 2.6t1.3 Reg u lat in g 46
tDH-250-( )-208 204 290 1.5 Regu lating
IDH-25O-( ).277 277 290 1.1 Regulatinq 46
rDH-2501 1480 480 300 .6 Regulating 46
rDH.250.( ).240R 240 270 2.1 1.2 Reactor 40
tDH.250 | )-277R 277 2t0 2.O 1.0 Reactor 4A
250 Watt Melal Halide
tDM.250.( ).120/240 120t244 290 2.6/1.3 Begulating
rDM-250-( ).208 208 290 1.5 Regulating
rDM.250-( 1277 277 290 1.1 Regulating
rDM.250.( 1480 480 295 .65 Regulating 46
250 Watt High Pressure Sodium
rDS-250-( ).120 120 290 2.41 Begulating 60
tDs-250-( )-208 204 290 1.39 Regulating 60
rDS.250.( ),240 240 290 1.2 Regulating 60
tDS.2s0.( )-277 277 290 1.04 Regulating 60
rDS,250,{ 1480 480 290 .6 Regulating 60
rDS-2501 )-240R 240 280 1.25 Reactor 56

11) Se ect cata og n!mber componenl lrom distnb!lion g! de

12) H qh power ia.lor ba asl is des gned ior 20'slarl nq lemperalures and reliab e operal .i . 65"c am
b e.ts ll dlalvo taqe.lrallast s wrr.d lo h !her vollage tap !n!ess olherw se spec f ed F 11r rp:nn f' 'qr 'rp
shipped . separale cartons
'Less lhan operal nq
"Hol reslr ke or w lh ope. se.ondary
CAUftON 4tD tuntnanes shaLtd b-p apetate.J an Srcunded systens antv Ungrounded pawet dtstttbutton
l-10 systens nar .atty high tGnsEnt voitages whtch can cause tattute al anv tvpe etectticat eqLtDment

Distributlon Guide - ID Series

Calalog No. S/IMH Catalog No. S/MH Catalog No. S/MH
400w Rat io 250w Ratio

Ol -"",
tDH 1000
v"po. 1"out"o tu,f]
1.2 tDH-400-A 1.2 IDH -250-4 1.3
rDH-1000-c r.3 tDH-400-c 1.3 DH-250-C 1.3
|DH-1000-D 1.2 IDH 4OO D 1.2 tDH,250,D 1.2

[4elal Halide (clear lamp)

D[,]-1000-c 1.7 tDlM 400 c 1.5 tDw-250-C 1.5
tDM-1000 D 1.2 tDtM 400-D 1.2 tDw-250,D 1.2

High Pressure Sodium (clear lamp)

0S.1000-c 1.4 tDS-400-c 1.1 rDs-250-c 1.1
DS,1000-D 1.1 tDS-400-D 1.2 rDS-250-D 1.2
N0TE Fr.:rph.r .oarei ielr rr ae ?nps rravc aonr.i \' ihe sanre a st bul .ri .s shcv,n ror m..!r, h!.r
Fel e.loriLe.s Comb'.al o. A Sp..! ariC car (j ass
C D lrus .1]iCreaf G ass
Lr SEe.! arlE ib.sred Grass

Typical Candlepower Distribution Curves

o "1",",
DH 1t0 A
Clnl.a La
llrl llrll l,
Prro5Phor{rl Ld'nf
Sri/tsFrrc l3
LrNt r000 c DS r 00c c

Slandard Ballast and 400-250w Dimming Ballast
Dimming Ballast 1000w


I Fixture Weights
32 (r000 Watt) Luminaires wilh
28 1/4 (400 & 250w) Dimming Ballasts

100ow 400w 250w

142 62 54

Subl,acl 7 bs tor Tel of efs

l- I | - l=,.L- (
it "*
\-/ \-_/ L\-_" J.-.-_/ LE R'.-
\ -^ 'rli


Ais 1e BI

Lig hter BI


The B Aisle Lighter has a wide spread, batwing distribution that makes
it ideal {or aisles or other long, narrow areas.
Speclflcatlon BI
Features BI
Light is projected along the aisles at high an g les in all p lanes, providing BI
excellent uniformity, maximum spacing, and high vertical footcandles BI
-all important considerations for warehouse lighting. 8l
Die Cast Construction 17
This compact fixture offers sealed low-maintenance construction. The Luminaire housing is of two-piece die cast
aluminum, coated after fabrication with a
fixture has an integral. pre-wired ballast and is provided with a slide-on corrosion resistant grey paint (1). Top and
mounting plate and 3/ " NPT hub for quick, easy mounting to rigid con- bottom castings are secured by two cap. 15

duit. (For other than rigid mounting. consult factory.) tive stainless steel screws and are provid. BI
ed with an O-Ring gasket for positive seal. BI
Fixtures are available for 400 watt or lower wattage mercury vapor, Bottom housing swings down on heavy BI
metal halide and hioh pressure sodium lamps. duty hinges for relamp and maintenance BI
trom below (2). 15
Seal€d Optical Assombly BI
Optical assembly is engineered to provide BI
wide spread batwinq distribution. Reflec- BI
tors are of high purity, anodized alurninum
{3). Lens is flat 7/32" tempered glass,
recessed for brightness control and per-
manently gasketed to the fixture to assure
a sealed enclosure. Socket is grip type
mogul base for horizonal burning mercury
vapor, metal halide or high pressure
sod ium lamp.
lntegral Prgwired Ballast
Prewired, high power tactor ballast is ol
rhe (regulating) (reactor) type and is A.
designed for -20'starting. Operating lamp
currenl crest factor shall not exceed 1.65.
Capacitor is separate and replaceable.
Ouick P€ndanl Mounting
Fixture is provided with a slideon mounting
plate and 3/4" NPT hub for pendant mounl.
ins (4).
Three'Yoar Waranly
Fixture and ballast are UL' listed, made by

li ;i[: Til:':fi:,I,"J;ffd "'" "i'""'"0 ru'O - t lactory ior c!renl LIL sl
br-.- nq

Ordering Guide - B Aisle Lighter
Cllalog Number Primary
Line Line Cutronl
Wa s Srarting Op€r.
Bsllast Esi.shpE.(3) Optional Equipment
Description Catalog N umber Sultix
BA|.400 A-r20 124 ' 39 29
BAU 400 A 208 208 29 P.t6nlsd "LiteMalic" Systems LO
244 ' 20 29 Solid state em erOe ncy/aux iliary lighting lrom integral or
BAU 400 A.277 277 ' 16 remotely located quartz lamps; ava lable tor f xtures
450 '9 29
244 425 3.! 19 with regulating ballasts only. See LiteMai c section
277 ,130 2.4 1T 21 lor description.
3AM.400.C120/240 12A24A 460 ' 40/20 33
Fused Ballasls
8AM.400.C.208 208 460 ' 23 33 Fuses are KTK 30 amp unless otherwise spec fied;
8AM 400 C 277 277 460 l:l available at extra cosl.
3AM.400.C.4a0 ,180 .165 . 10 33 120v or 277v systems F1
400Warr Hiqh Pressu16 Sodlum
208v, 240v. or 480v syslems F2
BAS-400 C r20 120 465 ' 43 33
8AS..100.C.208 203 ,165 33 Ouick Disconnect
8AS 400 C.240 244 465 33 Electrica and mechanica connection to prewired OO
BAS 400 C 277 277 465 33
3AS.400 C 480 480 ' 108 33
ballast. Available at addit ona cost. See page 1.16
8AS.400.C.240R 244 25t36') 2A 33 for descript on.
BAU 250 A 120/240 1241240 290 2 611 3 Fegu al ng
BAH 250
BAN 254
A 2t
Fequ al .q
Fegulal .g Dlmensions
8AU.250.A.480 480 290 6 Fegural .! 24
8AU 250 A 240F 244 210 21 22 t^
BAU 250 A 277F 271 214 2A
8AM.250.C.120/240 120t244 294 2 611 3 Regu al ig 2T . t. =t
8AM 250 C 208 2Aa 290 I5 ReO! al n! 21
aAM.2aA.Q 277 217 294 rr Requ al na 21
8AM.250.C.480 480 294 65 Requ al no 2T
250 wair High Pr6ssore sodi!m
8AS-250.C-120 124 294 - 241 27
BAS 250 C 208 208 290 r 39 21
8AS250 C 240 244 290 ' 12 2T tt
BAS 250 A 277 217 290 r 04
8AS.250.C.480 480 294'6 27
BAS 250 C 2408 2a0 280 -(2 68'") 1 25 27

8AM.175.C.120/240 120t244 214 24

'rg lor,l00w BPS llwo exlerna capa. t.r €n.i.s!,es s!OD edr 17112 lo.400w
BAM 175 C 204 203 2r0 1l 21
mela ha de a.d nrer.L.y vapor Loie erlerna .apa.l.r ef. osure sdnr edl
BAM-175.Q277 277 214 8 24
BAM 175 C 480
r50 Wail figh
480 215
Press!re Sodium lOOv(2)
45 21
Typtcal Candlepower Distributlon
BAS 150 C r20 120 r80 r5
8AS.r50.C.208 2AB 130 9 24 90'
BAS 150 C 240 244 r80
BAS 150 C 277 277 r80 6T
BAS.]50.C.240R 244 173 91(1 45'-l 24
150 wall Hi0h Pressure sodium.55v(3)
BAS t50 C 120 124 182 24
BAS 150 C 208 208 142 94
BAS 150 C 240 2,10 r82
BAS.150 C 277 2,1
BAS 150 C 120F r 20 1T\ '(2 5 l 16 24

1-lqhn.\re,1a.1! ba asl 20'sl!rl n! l€nteralures and clabe 30' 30'

.ter3i .n . .10'c am! enls I d!a !. l.!.. ba asl e $,rri lo h !her v. ldQe lap
Lr ess .lrrer{ se sPc. 1 cd
i S! lab € ar rnje crir rr n! r.. 5r van a LUl50,l01l a.n f!h.!s. Cl50S55
SiEc l00v .. rraer
lr gc'=12
I S! ab e a, r ne i' pr rl r,! '!, GE LUl5a. Sy van ! LUl50i55 a.a Wesl 1!ro!s.
415r555 Spc. ly 55v.n .rder
cAUlroN lrD r!/nDares shartc be apet.ted an ataun.ied sfs/eds on/! u.qrolnd
'Less ihan.perar.! pawer dt.tlbrlran syslens mav.arv hrqh tt..sent volla1es ||ht.h can carse
''rl.' resir (€ or * lt .pen sc..nnar! -pd
lerltrc a1 anf tfpe e ectr.aL cqrtDnent

Arerage Inltlal Horizontal Footcandles at lrloor Le\'€l

Ca.u a1 lrs Lrasea oi lO w .le a s e and llre l. .w .! r.l ..lan{res .e .! 30in wa s 30e. 1 oor 20'


EG Series

Luminaires EG

For Class I Division ll 15(
Hazardous Locations EG

New EG Series enclosed and gasketed luminaries with standard pendant mount- EG
ing are U.L. listed for use in Class I, Division ll hazardous locations, Groups A, B,
C and D. They are suitable for indoor or outdoor use, includ ing many hazardous
Speclflcatlon 10(

locations and areas that are hosed down. Refineries, chemical plants, dairies Features EG
and packing houses present problem applications this totally sealed, die-cast Heavy Duty Construction EG
aluminum fixture can readily solve. Die'cast aluminum housing is coated afler 70
fabricalion with a corrosion resistant in-
Compact size makes EG Luminaries especially suitable for low mounting dustrial paint. Fixture assembly screws
heights. They are prewired for quick installation and are furnished with hub are stainless steel. EC
threaded for 3/a " conduit for pendant mounting as standard. Optional mounting Sealed Enclosure

provisions jnclude yoke brackets for mounting to either vertical or horizontal Lens is of tempered, shock and impact
surfaces, and a surface mounting box. (Consult factory for U.L. listing with resistant g ass, attached by an extruded
optional mounting provisions.) frame and gasketed to the fixture io pro-
vlde a totally sealed enclosure for oplicaL
EG Series Luminaries are available for 175 and 100 watl mercury vapor and metal assembly and ballast. A gasketed access
halide lamps and 150, 100 and 70 watt high pressure sodium lamps. Consult the plate in the fixture housing permits relamp-
factory for information on special coatings for corrosive atmospheres. ing without removal of the lens (T).
the lens ('1).
An integral drip shield gives added protec-
tion against waier and physical shock (2).
High Elticiency
Reflector rs high purity anodized aluni-
num, sealed from the atmosphere for high
maintained reflectivity. Grip{ype mogul D
base sockel secures lamp in proper align.
ment. A
Pendant, Yoke, or Surface Mounting
Luminaire is provided with top hirb
threaded for 3/4" conduit pendant mount.
ing as standard (3). Yoke or surface moun.
ting brackets are optional and at extra
lntegral Prewired Ballast
Access to ballast compartment is gas.
keted for positive seal (4). Fixture and
ballast are prewired, ready to insiall. Both
are U.L. listed', made by the same
manufacturer, and covered by a three year
limited warranty.
'Most mode s;consL 1 iactory ior U L. file card.
0rdering Guide - EG Series Luminalres
caralog Number Ptimary
Line Cliienl Ballast Esl. Shpg.
Siartinq Oper- Type Wt. (lbs.)
Optlonal Equipment
115 Wall Merc!ry vapor Description Component Catalog No.
EGU.l75 A 120/240 HAZ 120i214 205 1tsi9 20
EGH r/5.A.208.8A2 2AA l0 2a Fused Ballast
ECU r75 A 277.HAZ 2Aa 8
Fuses are KTK 30 amp unless otherwlse spec lied;
ECN i75A480 HAZ 2A
EGN,l75 A 24OR HAZ 240 l5 85 2A available al extra cost.
ECN-175.A 277R HAZ 277 ll 15 2A 120v or 277v systems F1
208v, 240v, or 4BOv sysiems F2
r/5 H 120/240-HAZ 1201240 210 2A
ECM.175 H 208
208 HAZ 2r0 2A
Note: Low wattage EG uminar es wiih fused ballasis are noi
E0M.175.8.277-HAZ 277 210 8 2A U.L listed for Class . Divlsion ll Hazardous Locations.
EGM ]/5.H.480-HAZ 480 215 1a 2r)
150wart Hlqh Pressure Sodium-loov{2) Yoke Brackei lor Horizontal Surfaces Y
EGSrsol-l 120 l00v HAZ 120 180 20 Permits 90'a ming f exibi ity wiih lamp horizontal in a I

EGS 150 N 208 r00v HAZ 208 180 9 20 positions. Opt ona and al exlra cost: lactory nsta led.
EGS.I50.l-1240-100v HAz 2,10 180 20
EGS 277
150.H.277-100v HAZ 130 67 To order, add "Y" to calaloa number: EGH 100 A 208-Y.
EGS 240
150 F 240F 100v HAZ 173 91 1r 45"1 20 Yoke Bracket lor Verlical Surfaces YS
150 wall High Pressure Sod um 5sV(3)
ECS 150 H 120 55v llAZ 120 182 20
Permils inslal ation as a flood ight wilh lamp in the vertica
EGS 150 N 208 55v HAZ 208 142 20 pos t on. Meta halide models require a universa burning
tGS 150.H.240-55v HAZ 2,10 1ts2 20 lamp. (G E. l!1V175/U only at t me ot printing.)
tos 150 H 277 55v HAZ 277 182 20
Available at extra cost To order,
ECS.l50.H 120R.55v-BAZ 102 175 '(25 ) r6 20
add "YS" to cata og number: EG H -100-A-208'YS
EGH r00 A.120/240-HAZ 12Qt24A 124 10/5 Surlace l\4ounting Box
EGB.100.A 208 2AA HAZ r20 6 20
!GH.10A.A.277.HAZ 277 124 45 Opt onal WB-7 surface moLrnting box has connection box
EGN r00 A 480 HAZ 480 130 3 w th gasketed, removable cover; box lapped lor four
EG|.100.A 240R HAZ 244 r 13 6 a 20 3/4' NPT pipe entTances. Shipped n separate caTton.
EGH 100.A.277F.HA2 277 113 5 ,15 20
r00 Wart High Pressur€ Sodium (5sV)
At extra cosi. To order. add S" to cata og number:
EGS.100.H.120 HAZ r20 125 2A EGH 100 A 208-5.
EGS.100.H.208 HAZ 204 t2a 66 2A
EGS r00 H 240-HAZ 244 125 5l
EGS 100 t-t 277 HAZ
EGS.100.N 120F HAZ
rr0 r : (r 81"1
Typtcal Dlstributton Pattern
70 Wax H gh Pressure Sodium (55V)
70lt r20 120 iJ6 2A Lamp: Deluxe White lVercury Vapor Lamp: HPS
ECS.70 H HAZ 208 208 86 Lens: C ear Lens: Clear
EGS.70.H.240 HAZ 240 86 2A
ECS io.H 277 HAZ 217 86 2A
Reflector: Spec Lr lar Refleclor: Hammertone
ECS 70 H 120F HAZ 120 82 2A c0' 90'
rr N 0n paw€r lactor ba asl s des,1].ed lor '20'slartng lemperalures ldual votaqe.
,\a asl s w rcd lo h glr vo ldqe rap u. ess olherw se spec I ed
:,5Jlabe al tme ol p.ntn1] tor S!!a..1u1501100 rfl Westr!house Cl50556 l00v .. .rder
I Su lab e al r m. or
pr nl nlj for GE LUl50 Sy van a 1Ur50155 afd \rlesl n!holse
al5lS55 Spe. ly 55v on order
'Less rtran !peral nO
''Ho1 reslr (e or drth op.n se.onaary

:ttll]tl lllD lrntnanes shaLld be apetaled an 9toon.led sr'slens.n\/ tjnqtaunded

0oner dlsr.rD!ro, svsterrs may cair htgh ltanstenl vaLtages wht.h can cause latltte al
fl rlpe electrcal equrpneht S/M H Ratio S/N/H Ratio
6. = 1.9
90. = 1.1 90' = 1.7

A I Models
Slmdard Pendani Mounl


) z.;;


Accessories for
Industrial Indoor


I ,oo view-H.s

H.5 and H.6 Hanger Assembly

Cast aluminum hanger assembly has five 3/4" NPT conduil en'
trances for through wiring in any direction. lt may be pendant
mounted on conduit or mounled directly to the ceiling. Two'
piece construction and a large wiring compartment permit easy
hook-up. Hanger is supplied with a UL listed 480v receptacle.
Assembly meets necessary requirements for auxiliary support
of weights not exceeding 100 lbs.
NOTE: Not suitable for sloping ceilings.

H56 (H.5 and H.6 Componenls Packed in Same Carlon)

Quick Disconnect lncludes 18" length of #16/3 SO cord, with plug. To order, speciiy
For uminaires with integral ballasts on y. Terminals are provid- H56. Ship. Wt. 3 '1i2 lbs.; Specify vollage on order
ed on ballast mounting plate for wiring to power leads; provides
electrical and mechanical connection to pre'wired ballasi. (Pre'
wired ballast furnished on Quick Disconnect models only.)
To order, specify QD as luminaire catalog number suffix. Ex'
ample: IDH-1000-A'480QD !,
NOTE: (1) Not available for dimming ballasts or for Spectra Vl
luminaires, (2) Fusing with Ouick Disconnect requires special
construction; consult factory for pricing.
L.? \
Recessed lD Luminaires
lD Series lndoor Luminaires may also be attractive y recessed in,
to any type cei ing. For a descripllon of the full range oi recess,
ng accessories, consult the factory.

!., H56P

H56P (H.5 and H'6 Pre-wired lo Ballasl)

lncludes 18" length of #16/3 SO cord, with plr.rg, pre-wired to
ballast and extended through the H-6 eye. To order, give fixture
Catalo! No. C3C/81 catalog number and specify H56P. EXAMPLE: IDH-1000-4-208.
H56P. (H-5 shipped in separate carton.) Specify voltage on order
Shp9. Wt. 3 1/2 lbs.

OCopyright 1981 Wide'L le Corporalion NOTEr H6 eye not suitable for power hock by others.
Spectra@ Indoor Lighttng Systems

For Energy-Savlng
HID Lamps
Spectra lighting systems offer unmatched perfor-
mance and economy for commercial and
institutional interiors. A broad selection of mo!n'
ting arrangements, distribulion palterns and
louver oplions permits custom design from readi'
ly available equipmenl.
Recessed, Surface or Pendani Mounting
Spectra V luminaires can be easily recessed in any
type suspended ceiling and require little plenum
space. They can also be attractively surfaced
mounted. Spectra Vl luminaires master any situa.
tion where pendant mounted luminaires are indi-
cated and are available with round, square or hexa'
gonal decorative enclosures.
Dust.Tight Design Cuts Maintenance Cosis
Every Speclra luminaire optical assembly is tolally
sealed from the atmosphere; dust and grime can't
diminish lhe superior efficiency and long life ol
the HID lamps lor which they are designed. Be.
flectors stay tactory'new through years oi use
without cleaning. And due to their lower dirt de'
preciation, fewer fixtures are actually required on
the job.
"SilentGuard" Ballasls Run Cooler, Ouieter
Highest quality materials and construction assure
years of trouble-free operation with Wide'Lite en'
capsulated ballasis. All ballasts undergo exten-
sive testing before ihey are released to the job
site. Standard "Sllent Guard" ballasts keep total
syslem-generaled sound to well below accepled
levels for most applications. "UltraQuiet" ballasts
with special sound.proofing are available for areas
wilh unusual acoustics problems.
Automatic Enerqy Conlrol Syslems
AEC'S automatic dimmers and photocell sensors
combine to work like a "thermostat" for your
lighting system, saving as much as 25% on youl
electric bill. AEC breaks through the "wattage bar-
rier" to let lamps operate at any level required for
lhe task, adjusting for sunlight, lamp depreciation,
anything that aftects illumination level.
"LiteMatic" Standby Proteclion
Reliable solid state control assures lighting con.
tinuity from auxiliary quartz lamps whenever the
main lamp is extinguished. Systems are available
for momenlary or sustained power outages-
Wide-Lile Design Services
Wide'Lite's computer'based lllumination lnvesl
ment Analysis compares up to six systems and
qoickly determines lowest ten year owning/
operating cost within design specification.
Remote field terminals now bring this service t0
your office. Ask your Wide-Lite representative
about llA and other design assistance f rom our ap'
plication engineering group, including point-by'
point layouts.
Spectra Y

These handsome, low-maintenance luminaires are an excellent alter- Speclflcatlon

native to fluorescent or incandescent lighting for offices, corridors, Features
window display areas, stairwells, or any area with low ceiling heights.
Removable Rellector/Lens Unit
They combine the superior ef f icacy of H lD lamps with dust{ight con- Luminaire consists of a steel outer hous-
struction to assure high maintained light levels at minimum energy use. ing \/ilh an inner refleclor and lens
assembly that is removable as a single
Steel outer housing is primer coated and finished with baked white unit. (1) Exlruded aluminum lrim frame
enamel for surface mounted models and with baked black enamel for with black accent panel is factory inslall-
recessed models. A factory-installed decorative trim frame with black ed and has no exposed screws or fasten-
ers. Ballast is integral to the luminaire.
accent panel is standard for both.
sealed Optical Assembly
Luminaires are prewired and ready to install. Specular aluminum reflector provides up
to 857o reilectance and bisymmeiric dis-
iribution of lighl. (2) Optical assembly is
dust-tight and iolally sealed from the at-
Easy Access From Below
Gaskeled lens assembly is secured by
concealed, heavy-duty spring fasteners to
"tw{ maintain positive seal and provide lamp
access irom below. (3) Lens is ol heal and
impact-resistant prism type glass.
Ouick lnstallation
Luminaire is prewired and requires only
primary conneclion to install. Recessed
models have adjustable mounting tabs. (4)
Cooler Ballast Operation
High power factor ballast has a lamp cur-
rent crest factor ot 1.65 or less. Core and
coil are encapsulated in a proven, non-
t melt resin compound wiih entire Syslem
raled Class H. Temperature rise is one full
class lower than the rating of the insula-
3 4 tion system. Capacilor is o{.rtside the en.
capsulation for easy replacement.
3-Year Warranty
Luminaire and ballast are U.L. listed.'
Both are made by the same manufacturer
and are covered by a limited three-year
'Mosl models. Consuh iaclory lor u.L. llle card.
Ordering Guide - Spectra Y 1 x1 Luminaires (
SIMH Ballast Data(l)
Catalog Numbel
Surtace Mounlgd

250 Watt Mercury Vapor

Catalog Numbe,
0 "/90"
Line Current
Starting Oper.
Est. Shpg.
wt. (lbs.)
o D

ssl H -250-D,120/240 SR 1 H-250-D-120/240 1.811.4 120t240 290 2.61a.3 Regulating 31
sslH-250-D-208 SBlH-250.D-208 1.8/1.4 208 290 1.5 Regulating 31 vz
sslH-250-D-277 SRIH-250'D-277 1 .at1 .4 277 290 1.1 Begulating 31 L
sslH-250-D-480 SRlH-250-D-480 1.8/1.4 480 300 .6 Regulating 31
ss1H.250-D-240R SRlH-250-D-240R 1.811.4 240 270 2.1 1.2 Reactor 29
ss1H.250-D.277R SRlH-250-D-2778 1.a11.4 277 270 2.0 1.0 Reactor 29
250 Wall Melal Halide
Not s R1 tv-250"D"120/240 1.8/1.4 1201240 290 2.611.3 Regulating 33
Available sR t ir,250-D-208 1.411.4 208 290 1.5 Regulating
sRl M-250-D-277 1.a11.4 277 290 1.1 Regulating 33
sR 1 t\4 -250-D,480 1.411.4 480 295 .65 Begulating 33 1,
175 Watt Mercury 2\

ssl H-175-D-120/240 sR 1 H"175-D-120/240 1.4t1.4 120t240 205 1.8/.9 Regulating 28

ss t H.175-D-208 sRl H-175-D-208 1.8/1.4 204 205 1.0 Regulaling 2A
ssl H-175-D-277 sRlH-175-D-277 1.811.4 277 205 .8 Regulating 28
ss1H.175-D-480 sR'1H-175-D-480 1.8t1.4 480 210 .44 Regulating 28
ss1H.175.0-240R sRlH-175-D-240R 1.4t1.4 240 190 1.5 .85 Reactor 27
ssl H-175-D-277R sR1H,175-D-277R 1.811.4 277 190 1.1 .75 Reactor 27
175 Walt Melal Halide
Not s R1 N4.175-D-l20/240 1.a11.4 1201240 210 1.8/.9 Regulating 33
Available sR'1M-175-D-208 1.811.4 208 210 1.1 Flegulating
sR1M,175-D,277 1.8/1.4 277 210 .8 Regulating 33
sR1 l\4.175-D-480 1.8/1.4 480 215 .45 Regulating 33
'i50 Wati High Pressure Sodium 100V (2) Co
ssls-150.0-120 sRlS-150-D-120 1.8/1.5 120 180 1.54 Regulating
ssls,150-D-208 sRlS-150-D-208 1.8/1.5 208 180 .9 Regulating
ss1s.150.D-240 sRls-150-D-240 1.8/1.5 240 180 .7 Begulating 33
ss1s.150.D-277 sRlS-150-D-277 1.8/1.5 277 180 .67 Regulating 33 [N
ssls-150-D,240R sRlS-150-D-240R 1.8/1.5 240 173 .91(1.45' ',) .B Reactor lxi\

150 Walt High Pressure Sodium.55V (3) u

ssls-150-D-120 sRls-150-D-120 1.8/1.5 120 182 1.57 Flegulating 33
ssls-150-D.208 SR1S,150-D-208 1.8/1.5 208 182 .94 Regulating
ssls-l50.D.240 SRlS-150-D-240 1.8/1.5 240 182 .82 Regulating 33
ssls-150-D-277 SRlS-150-D-277 1.8/1.5 277 182 .?1 Reg ulating
ss1s.150-D-120R SRl S,150-D-120R 1.8/1.5 120 175 -(2.5.') 1.6 Reactor
100 Watt Mercury
ssl H -100-D-120/240 s R 1H -100-D-120/240 1.9/1.5 1201240 124 1.0/.5 Regulating 28 L

sslH-100,D-208 SRI H-100-D-208 1.9/ 1.5 208 124 .6 Regulating 28 0'

sslH.100,D-277 SR l H-100-D-277 1 .9/ 1.5 277 120 .45 Regulating 28
sslH-100,D-480 SRl H-100-D-480 1.9/ 1.5 480 130 .3 Regulating 28
sslH.100'D-240R sR1H,100-D-240R 1.9/1.5 240 113 .6 .5 Reactor 27
sslH-100-D-277R SRlH-100-D-277R 1.9/1.5 277 113 .45 Reactor 27
100 Walt High Pressure Sodium (55V)
ssls-100-0.120 sRls-100.D-120 1.8/1.5 120 125 \.14 Regulating 33
ssls-100-D.208 sRls-100-D-208 1.8/1.5 208 125 .66 Regu lating 33 A
ss1s,100-D-240 sRls-100-D-240 1.8/1.5 240 125 .57 Regulating
ssls.l00-D.277 SRIS-100-D-277 1.8/1.5 277 125 .5 Reglating 33
ssls-l00-D.120R sRlS-100"D-120R 1.8/1.5 120 110 1.3(1.81 '-) 1.03 Feactor
70 Wall High Prossure Sodium (55V)
ss1s.70-D-120 sRlS-70-D,120 1.8i 1.5 120 .8 Regulating
ssls-70-D-208 sRlS-70"D-208 1.8/1.5 208 86 .46 Regulating (
ss1s"70-D-240 sRlS-70-D-240 1.8/1.5 240 86 .4 Regulating
ss1s.70-D-277 sRls-70-D,277 1.8/1.5 277 86 .34 Regulatjng
ss1s.70-D-120R sRlS-70-D-120R 1.8/1.5 120 82 .s(1.6'-) Reactor
(r) uiqh power lactor balrasr is desgned Io. 20' slarl ng lemperalures
vo lag€ bal ast s w red lo high vo lage lap !n ess olherwise ed
(2) Su iable a1 rime or prinl nq ror Sy van a 1Ur50100 and Weslinglrouse Cr50556
Spec ry 100v on order
(3) S! table at 1 me or pr nlinO lor GE LUl50 Sy van'a LUr50i55 a.d Westrnqhouse
Cr50555 Spec ly 55! o. order CAUIAN. HlD tuntnaites shautd be apetared on gtaDnded systens anty U,ground 2
'Less llran operat'.q ed powet disxtbutron systens nay cany htgh ttansient vait.ges whtch can caose
"Bol restnke or w th open secondary larlute ol any type elect cal eauipnenl


Spectra Y 1 x 1 Luminaires
Optlonal Equlpment Dimenslons
c) 0escription Component Cataloq No.
Solid Siate "LiteMalic" LO
Ava able at extra cost lor lixiures wilh mercury
vapor or meta halide regulaling ballasls. See
LiteMaiic Seclion lor compleie descripl on oi
patented "LiteMal c" siandby lighting systems.
0rdering exarnple: SR1 H-250.D.208-LO.
"Ultraouiel" Aallasl UO
Speca sound'prooiing ior appl calons wth
cri cal acoust cs prob emst ava lable al extra
cosl. Order ng examp e: SFlH'250-D 208 UO.
Fused Ballast
Fuses are KTK 30 amp un ess
specrf ed;available al exlra cosl.
120v or 277v syslerns F1
208v,240v, or 480v syslems F2

Recessed Luminaires

Typical Distribution Patterns
Draw ngs show shape ol paitern only and are not lo scale.
Cornp e1e photomelrics are available upon requests.

0" 30"

Phosphor coaled Lamp

Surlace Mounled Luminaires


sczF.21 SPF.21 Plasler Frame

Galvanized lrame icr recess. For recess ng Spectra V lx1
ing Specira V lxl Lumi um naires nlo p asler ceil-
na res in to concealed ings. Accommodales I l-3/8"
Z.spl ne suspension system x 11.3/8 ' ce ng opening.
ce I ngs. Spec fy CZ on Specify PF on or ginal order:
orig nal order: SFlH 250.D. SR1 H.250-D.208.PF. Est.
208 CZ. Esl. Shpg wt. 2 lbs. Shpo. wl. 2 lbs
Nole: Recessed models come prew red lo an -.x.
lernal junclion box and may be insialled inlo
2'x2' or2'x4' f-bat at 12"" tile ceil ngs w ihoul
accessories. (Fixture weiqht musl be supporled
Spectra Y
2 x 2 Indoor

Speclflcatlon Surface Mounted and Recessed Luminaires

Features Spectra V dust-tight 2x2 luminaires offer higher maintained illumina.
All Aluminum Conslruclion
tion, quiet operation, and the flexibiliiy of symmetric, bisymmetric or
Less ceiling weight, less magnetic vibra' asymmetric distribution. They are recommended for any area where the
tion and resulting quieter operation than long life and efficiency of HID lamps are desired.
steel. Will not rust.
S€aled Optical Assembly
Surface mounted models are especially suitable for ceilings with
Optical assembly is certified dust"tight by limited plenum space. Recessed luminaires (available with or without
an independent testing laboratory. Reflec- outer enclosures) simply "lay in" grid ceiling s. Accessories for recess.
tor is anodized specular aluminum with ing into other type ceilings are available.
85% reflectance and asymmetric, bisym-
metric or symmetric distribution. (1). Spectra V luminaires - controlled by a Wide-Lite dimming sysiem - offer
Easy Access trom Below the optimum in low-m ainten ance, low-energy lighting. This capability,
Patented springloaded, concealed hin ges p lus a broad selection of distribution patterns and accessories, permits
provide lamp access from below. {2) Entire
optical assembly hinges down for access a freedom of design not possible with any similar product on the
to wiring ballast and capacitor.'(3) market.
Low Glare Prism Type Lens
Tempered glass prism type Iens is heat
and impact resistant; will not yellow. {4)
Lens retainer is provided with high tem-
perature gasket and secured by two cap-
tive stainless steel screws for positive
Luminaire is prewired to an approved junc.
tion box and requires only primary con-
nection to install.'
Encapsulated Ballasl
Ballast is high power factor; core and coil
are encapsulated in non-melt resin com'
pound with entire system rated Class H.
Temperature rise is at least one full class
lower than the rating ot the insulation
system. Capacitor is outside the encap-
su lation.
Thr99 Year Warranly
Fixture and ballast are U.L. listed'-. Both
are by the same manufacturer and are
covered by a limited three-year warranty.

'Nol appiicable lo recessed wilhoul ouler

''Most trodFLs: coisu r 'rclorr ro UL I ecdrd

c t-6
Recessed Luminaires Faclory lnstall€d
Less Outer Enclosure Regressing Frames
These luminaires provide the same flex- Factory installed 3" black microgroove
ibility of design and dust-tight construc- regressing frame is available for 2x2
lion as other Spectra V models. They differ recessed luminaires where increased
only in their external ballast mounting ar- visual comfort or enhanced appearance is
rangement and that access to wiring and desired. Frames are available with or
ballast is from adjacent tile or above. without louvers. Regressing frames and/or
Luminaires without the outer enclosure louvers are not recommended for lumi-
for HID lamps up to 400 watt.
are available naires with asymmetric or bisymmetric
distribution. See page CI.11 for ordering

A - Asymmehic Distribution
Horizontal Lamp. Singte batwing distribution suitabte for perimeter
or indirect lighiing. Luminaires may be tocated so thal peak
candlepower is reilected off walls. Where impracticat to install
luminaires over the task (such as indoor pools), asymmetric distribu-
iion permits installalion in more acceptable locations,

B. Bisymmotric Diskibulion
Horizonial Lamp. Bisymmetric luminaires feature batwing paflerns
with S/MH ratios up to 1.2 x 1.8. This large rectangutar coverage per.
mjts lh€ longest spacing available in any standard 2x2 luminaire.
ldeal lor lighting along aisleways and supermarkets, and for use in
A . Asymmelric Distribution B . Bisymmetric Distribution combination wilh asymmetric patlerns.

C.Symm€klc Dlslribulion
Vertical Lamp. Broad unilorn patterns with S/MH ratios of 1.35 to 1.s
dep€nding on lamp- For general use in areas lo be illuminated direcl-
ly from uniformly spaced luminaires, such as stores, ollices, lob.
bies, multi-purpose rooms, and the like.

D.Symm€lric Dislribulion
Horizonlal lamp provides somewhat narrower distribution paltern
lhan verlical; suitable for higher footcandle levels and/or higher
mountinq heights (15' or above).
C. Symm€trlc Diskibulion D. Symm6kic Distribution
Ordering Guide - Spectra Y 2)f^2 Luminaires
ftl.Shp9. Roc$sodw/outor E6l.Shpo. Esl.Shpg. Prlmary Llne Lin€ Curont Eallrsl
1000 Wa Mo.cury Vapor
wl.(lbs.) Voliago WEits Srarlinq Op6r-
ss2H-10o0.{ )-1201240 75 sR2H.1000-( )-1201240 T5 120124Q 1070 9.6x4.8 Feguraling
ss2H.1000.( )-208 75 sR2H-1000-( )-208 75 208 1070
ss2H-1000.( ).277 75 sB2H-1000.( )-277 T5 2TT 1070
ss2H-1000 ( ).480 T5 sF2H,10001 ),480 T5 480 1075
ss2H-1000-( ).480F 69 sF2H-1000( ) 480R 69 480 1035 41
1000 Wall Molal Halide
sszM.1000-( ).r201240 85 sR2M-r00G( ).120/240 85 1201240 1075
ss2M 1000,( ),208 85 sFzM.1000.( ).208 85 208 1075
ss2Mr000-( )-277 85 sF2M-1000.( ).277 85 277 1075
ss2Mr000-( )-480 85 sF2M-1000.( ).4a0 85 480 1080
1000 Wall High P.€ssure Sodium
ss2s.1000.(),r20l240 75 sR2S-1000.( ).120/240 T5 12Al24A 1A90
ss2sr0o0,( )-208 75 sF2S.1000,( ).208 75 204 1090
ss2sr000.( )-277 75 s82S.1000-( !277 2TT 1090
ss2s-1000.( ).480 75 5A2Sr000l ).480 75 480 1100
ss2s-1000( )480F 75 sR2S.1000,( ),480F 75 480 1052 '(4.3")
400 Wall Mercury Vapo.
ss2H-4001 )-120 55 sF2H-400( ).120 55 sF4H-400.( ).120 48 '12Q

ss2H-4001 )-208 55 sR2H-400.( ).208 55 sF4H-400( ).208 48 2AA

ss2H.400.{ ),240 sR2H-400.( ).240 55 sF4H,400( ).240 48 244 445
ss2H.400.{ ),277 55 sF2H-400.( ).277 55 sF4H,400.( ).277 48 277 445
ss2H.40o.( )-480 sF2H,400.( ).480 55 sF4H 400,( ).480 4a 480 450
ss2H.400.( ) 240F 50 sF2H,400-( ).240F 50 sF4H.400,( ),240F 43 244 425 3.4
ss2H.400.( ).277F 50 sF2H-400-( )277F 50 sR4H-400-( )-277F 43 277 430 2.4
400 Wall Moial Halid6
ss2M'400-( )-120/240 61 sF2M.400-( )-1201240 61 s84M.400-( )-r20l240 a4 120t244 460
ss2M,400-( )-208 61 sR2M.400l )-208 61 sR4M.400,( ),208 54 204 460
ss2M-400,( )-277 6l s82M.400-( )-277 61 sR4M.400,( ),277 54 277 460
ss2M-400-( )-480 6l sa2M 400 ( ) 480 61 s84M.400-( )-480 54 480 465
400 Walt High Ptessure Sodium
ss2s.400.().120 63 sR2S.400-( )-120 63 s84S.4001 ).120 56 12Q 465
ss2s,400.().208 63 s42s.400-( )-208 63 s84S.400.{ ).208 56 208 465
ss2s-400.()-240 63 5425.4001 )-240 63 5R4S.400.( ).240 56 244 465 215 Requ ating
ss2s-400.()-277 63 sR2S.400-( ),277 63 sR4S 400 ( ) 277 56 277 465 1.86 Fequ ating
ss2s-400.().480 63 sR2S.4001 )-480 63 SR4S.40O.( ).480 56 480 470
ss2s-400( ) 240R 61 SR2S.40O.( ),240R 61 sF4S,400.( ).240F 54 240 440 2.5(3.6")

) 120/240
sF4H-250-( ).120/240
sR4H-2501 !208
,.,'..:::,"i,, trO
ss2H,250,( ),277 44 sR2H-250.( ).277 sR4H,250,( )-277 37 277 290
ss2H-2501 ) 440 44 sR2H-250.( ).480 sF4H.250,( ),480 37 480 300
ss2H-250( ).240F 44 sF2H,250.( ).240R sF4U-250.( )240F 37 240 270 2.1
ss2H.250-( )-277F 44 sF2H-250,( !277F sa4H.2501 )-277R 3T 277 270 2.0
250 Wall Meral Halide
ss2M 250.( )-i20l240 55 sR2M.250.( ).120/240 s44M.2501 )-1201240 48 1201240 290 2.6/1.3 Regu ating
ss2M.250( )208 55 sRzM.250-( ),208 55 sR4M-250.( ).208 48 208 290
ss2M.250.( ).277 55 sR2M 250 | 1277 55 6A4M-250.( ).277 48 277 290
ss2M.250.( ).480 55 sR2M-2501 )-480 55 sR4M,250.( ).480 4a 480 295 .65 Felu aiinO
250 Wall High Pr€ssuro Sodiun
ss2s.250-( ).120 63 sR2S.250.( ),120 63 sR4S.250-( ),120 56 120 294
ss2s-2501 ).208 63 sR2S.2501 )-208 63 sR4S.250 ( ) 208 56 208 294
ss2s,250,( )-240 63 sF2S.2s0.{ )-240 63 s84S.2501 )-240 56 240 2S0
ss2s-250 ( )277 63 sR25-250.( ).277 63 sR4S.250.( )-480 56 277 290
ss2s-250-( )-480 63 sR2S.250.( ).480 63 sq4s-250.( ).480 56 480 294
ss2s.250.( ),240R 61 sF2S-250.( ).240F 6t sR4S.250-( )-2408 54 240 2AA '(2 68 ')
175 Wall M6ral Halide
ss2M.175 ( )-1201240 55 sF2M,175,( ).120i240 55 s84M.1751 )-1201240 48 120t244 214 1 8/.9 Feg! aling
s52M.175.( ).208 sF2M-1751 )-204 55 s44M.175.( ).208 48 208 214 1 1 Feg! al ng
ss2M 175.( ).277 55 sR2M.175-( )-277 sR4M175()277 48 2TT 214 .8 Regu aiing
ss2Mr7s.( ).480 55 sR2M.175,( ),480 sa4M-175.( ).480 48 215 .45 Regulatiig
150 Wall High Pr6ssure Sodium 10oV(3)
ss2sr50.( ).120 63 sF2S 150-( )120 63 sR4Sr50.( ).120 56 120 180 1 5 Regulaling
ss2sr50-( ).208 63 sB2S-150-( )-204 63 sR4Sr50.( ).208 56 208 180 .9 Regulalioq
ss2s-r50-( ).240 63 sa2s.150-( )-240 63 sB4S-r50.( ).240 56 240 180 77 Begulal nq
ss2sr50-( ).277 63 sB2S-150-( )'277 63 sR4Sr50.( ).277 56 277 180 67 Begulal ng

ss2s-r50-( ).240R 61 s82S.150-( )-240F 61 s44s.150.( ).240F 54 240 173 .91(145") .8 Beaclor
1sO Wa| High Pressure Sodiun.55V(4)
ss2s,150,( ),r20 63 sa2sr501 )-120 63 sF4S-15G( ).120 56 124 182 ' 1.57 Fegu at ng
ss2s-150 (
)-208 63 sF2S.1501 )-208 63 SF4S-15G( ) 204 56 204 182 ' .94 Fegulal ng
ss2s.1501 )-240 63 sR2S.1501 )-240 63 sR4S-r50.( ).240 56 244 142 ' A2 Regulal ng
ss2s.150.( )-277 63 6425.1501 )-277 63 sF4S,150,( ).277 56 277 142 ' 71 Fegulal nq
ss2s.150 ( ) 120R 61 sR2S.1501 ),120R 61 sR4S-1501 f12OB 175 '(2 5") 1.6 Reaclor

SeL..l r.l c.ror ryF. lr.m d slr hliion c! dc
H !lh povrer 1a.l.r ba as1 I dui vo 1a!e bal ast s
un ess ollrervr se spec I ed
r red lo r qher vo l.oe lap
:i';,i":;i,",",.,,",.,,.,eJsvs,.ns..v ,,.,.",,., ll il)
13t Su laL e al I nre ol pr nrrfc for Sy vaf a LLJr50il00 aid Weil .ohouse C150556 "^;*";jiliiii;l;:":n
ed pawet distrbutDn systehs naf.arf htgh ttansLen! valtages r/hL.h.:.n ceti
Spec ly 100v of order latLLte bl anr tvpe eqLLDnent
(1) S! ra5. al I me .r Dr nl n! ror GE 1u150 5y vania 1u1s0,55 and Wcslrnlholse
C150S55 SDc. ly 55v.n .r.l.r

c t.8

Spectra V 2)f^2 Luminaires

o Optional Equipment

Palented Tellon"
Component Calalog No.

Lens T
Reflector A (Asymmelric)
Distrlbutlon Gulde
B (Bisymmetric) C (Symmetric D (Symmetric
vert. Lamp) Horiz, LamP)
Clear FEP Tef on 5 mils thickness. avail- Lamp/ S/MH Ratio S/MH Ratio SIMH Ratio S/MH Ratio
able in lieu of glass al no extra cosi. Wattage 0' 90' 180' 0' 90"
S!itable for phosphor coated lamps only.
0rdering example: SR2H-400-AT. Mercury Vapor (Coated)'
lnternal Louver 2 1000w 1.5 1.4 1.0 1.5 1.1
For l!minaires w th asymmetr c d stribu- 400w 1.5 1.4 1.1 1.75 1.1 1.35 1.0
I on only (400w or lower). Ordering exam. 250w 1.5 1.4 1.1 1.8 1.2 1.5 1.0
ple: SS2H.400-A2.
175w 1.5 1.4 1 .'1 1.8 1.5 1.0
oimming Ballast DM
Metal Halide (Clear)
For use wilh DM and DtVW Series master
d mrnrng conlrols. At extra cost. (Add 20 1000w 1.8 1.3 1.3 1.8 1.2
bs. to fixture we ght.) See Dimm ng Sec- 400w 1.6 1.25 1.2 1.9 1.2 1.5
I on tor information. 250w 1.6 1.25 1.2 1.9 1.25 1.5
Note: 1000w dimm ng ballast avai able for '175w 1.6 1.25 1.2 1.7 1.25 1.5 .9
aemole molrnting on y. High Pressure Sodium
Solid State "LiteMatic" LO 1000w 1.8 1.2 1.4 1.8 1.1 N/A N/A
Avai able for f xlures w th regu aling
ballasts. At extra cost. See LiteMatic Sec-
400w 1.5 1.2 1.2 1.85 1.2 1.5 1.0

I on for complele description of L teMatic

250w 1.5 1.2 1.2 1.85 1.2 1.5 1.0
a!xi] ary emergency systems. Order ng ex' 15Ow 1.5 1.2 1.2 1.85 1.2 1.5 1.0
-O stribut on s appror male y lhc same lor a .oaled HID amps
amp e: S52 H-400-D-l 20'LO.
Nole: Nol available for 150w or lower
wattage HPS larnps.
"Ultraouiet" Ballasls UO TJpical Distribution Pat(erns
Specia sound-proofinq for applications
wilh cr tical acoustics problems. Ava lable
at extra cost up to 400 watt. Ordering ex-
amp ei SR4H-400-B-120-UQ.
Fused Ballasls
<TK 30 d'np f.rses unlpsq ot'rerwise
spec f ed;avai able at extra cos1.
120v or 277v systems Fl
208v,240v or 4B0v systerns F2

See page C|.11. (lnclud ng regressing
frames, ouver frames. and accessoTies foT
mounting in p aster or Z-Spl ne cei ings.)

Symmetric Dislribulion Vert. Lamp

Type D \
,/'--- \

Symmelric/Horiz. Lamp
Spectra Y 2X2 Luminaires

23"zn" SQ.

Surlace mounled luminaires (SS2) and recessed luminaires (SR2) wilh outer enclosure.
'Add 5.1/8" lor externally mounted capacilor (1000w r6cessed models only)

Spectra 2X2 luminaires

SCZF.l4. Galvanized Frame
Galvanized frame for recessing luminaires
nlo corcedleo Z-spline sLspensior ?s-
system cei ings. Requires decorative
STM.14 trim frame. To order galvanized
Irame and trim, specify CZTM as catalog
number s u ffix: S R4 H -400-C-208-CZTM.
l,4ust be specfied on original order:
(Frame and trim are shipped in separate
carlo1s.) Est. shpg. wt.4 rbs.

STM.14. Decorative Trim

Decorative trim only- Optional for
luminaires installed in suspended T-Bar
ce lings; add TM to catalog number sutfix:
SR4H-400-C-208-TM. Est. shpg. wt. 3 lbs.

SPF.14 Plasler Frame

For recessing luminaires into plaster ceil-
ings. Accommodates 24" by 24" ceiling
opening. Required STN4-14 trim frame. To
order plasler frame and decoralive trim,
specify PFTM as catalog number sutfix:

SR4H-400-C'208-PFTM. lVust be specified
on original order. (Plaster frame and
decorative trim are shipped in separale
calons.) Esr. shpg wl. 4 lbs.

RG Regressing Frame
.-.\ 3" oeeo bla." mrcrooroove frame s fac.
It to,u rnstarred:musl De soecrr,ed on oroe
7 rximpre: sizv.+oo-c-ie. suitabre for
T.Bar ceilinq only. Est. shpg. wt. 5lbs.

RG3 Regressing Frame wilh External

As above. but with ouver.Not suitable lor
l!minaires wilhasyrnmetric or bisym
metr c dislribution. Est. shpg. wt. 6 lbs.

Note: Regressing frames are nol available

tor slrrf ace molrnied lLrminaires.

Spectra YI


Speclflcatlon Spectra Vl pendant mounted luminaires combine outstanding good

looks with ind ustrial-q uality efficiency and durability for commercial
Features and institutional applications. They are especially popular for malls,
Decorative Housing lobbies, terminals, auditoriums, Iibraries, church sanctuaries, gym-
Square, round or hexagonal decorative nasiums, and other applications with high ceilings.
housing is composed of rigid steel side
panels within an exlruded aluminum A broad range of distribution patterns with 1000 watt and 400 watt HID
trame. Standard finish is golden bronze lamps plus a choice of round, hexagonal, or square decorative
baked enamel.
Seal€d Optical Assembly
enclosures gives these luminaires excepiional flexibility and appeal to
Optical assembly is dustiight, totally desig ner and user alike.
sealed from the atmosphere, for high Luminaires are available with dimming ballasts and automatic or
maintained illumination. Reflector is of
high grade specular aluminum sheet with manual dimming control systems for the ultimate in low energy use.
up to 85% reflectance. See Dimming Section for information.
Access lrom Below Spectra Vl Luminaires with round and hexagonal enclosures have a
Gasketed lens assembly is hinged to pro-
vide relamp access from below. Lens is of one-piece, heavy gauge aluminum inner reflector system of hexagonal
prism type tempered glass. A micro'groov-
ed black regressing frame is provided tor
enhanced appearance and brighlness con-
t rol.
Aulomalic Fixture to Ballasl Contact
Optical assembly and ballast have slip-in
connection Ior automatic contact.
Encapsulaled "SilentGuard" Ballast
"SilentGuard" ballasts are high power fac-
tor and rated for reliable operation in am-
bient temperatures up to 65'C.
Core and coil are encapsulated in a proven
non-melt resin compound with entire sys-
tem rated Class H- Temperature rise is at ,;.) 'I
leasi one full class lower than ihe rating of
the insulalion system. Capacitor is out-
side the encapsulation and isolaied by a I
double-walled heai shield. )
3.Year Warranty !
Luminaire and ballast are U.L. listed.'
Both are made by the same manufacturer
and are covered by a limited three-year
'Most models. Consoll lactory tor U.L iile card.



design. (1) A computer desig ned "primary path" reflector assures max-
imum efficiency, never trapping light or redirecting it back to the lamp.
Factory adjustable socket posiiions for mercury vapor, metal halide and
high pressure sodium lamps permit an extremely broad range of
spacing-to-mou nting height ratios, f rom 1.0 to 1 .9.
Spectra Vl Luminaires with square enclosure have an inner reflector
system of pyramid design (3) composed of four joined flat segments of
high reflectance, specular aluminum sheet. (4).
All models may be pendant mounted on rigid conduit or by means of a
swivel hanger, available at extra cost (see optional equipment, ordering
guide.) Luminaires are available with prewired integral ballasts or for
remote ballast operation.

Ordering Guide - Spectra YI Luminaires
Ballasr oaia(2)
Catalog Number(1) Aalhst Est. Shpq.
stading Op6r. Typ6 WI. (lbs.)
Hexagonal Enclosure fr
s6FH 1000.( )s0.120/240 s6HH 1000( )sD.120/240 s6sH,1000 D 120/240 1201244 1070 9.6x4.8 116
s6RH t000.( )sD.208 s6HH 1000 ( )sD.208 s6sH,1000-D 208 208 1070 5.5 116
s6FH.1000.( )sD.277 s6HH i000( )sD 277 s6sH.1000,D,277 277 1A70 4.2 116
s6FH.1000.( )sD.480 s6HH-1000.( )sD 480 s6sH.1000.0,480 480 1AT5 2.4 116
s6FH 1000.( )sD.480F s6HH.1000.( )sD 480F s6sH.1000-D-4808 480 1035 2.4 110

1000 wa Meial Halide

s6FM-1000.( )sD.120/240 s6HM-1000-( )sD 120/240 s6s[,r.1000.Dr20/240 1201240 1075 117
s6FM-1000.( )sD.208 s6uM.1000.( )sD 208 s6stM.1000.D.208 204 1075 5.4
s6FM 1000 ( )sD.277 s6FrM.1000.( )sD 277 s6sM.1000.D-277 2TT 1AT5 4.0 117
s6FM 1000 ( )sD 480 s6t-tM-1000.( )sD.480 s6sM 1000 D-480 480 1080 2.3 117
r000 Walr High Pressure Sodium
s6RS 1000 ( )sD 120/240 s6HS.1000.{ )sD 120/240 s6ss 1000.D-120/240 120124A 1090 122
s6RS,r000 ( )sD 208 s6us.1000.{ )s0 208 s6ss 1000 D-208 208 1090
s6RS 1000 ( )SD.277 s6HS.1000.{ )sD.277 s6ss 1000-D-277 277 1090 4.0 122
s6FS 1000 ( )sD.480 s6HS.1000.( )sD.48o s6ssr000-D-480 480 I100 24 122
s6FS 1000.( )sD.480F s6HS.1000.{ )sD 480F s6ssr000-D'4808 480 r052 '(4.3'") 116

s6FH.4001 )SD.120 s6HU 400 1 )SD 120 s6sH.400,D-120 120 445 3g 75

s6FH.400 ( )SD.208 s6HH-400.{ )SD 208 s6sH.400-0,208 2AA 445 23 7a
s6FH 400 ( )SD.240 s6FH,400.( )SD 240 s6sH.400-D 240 244 445 2.0 7a
s6FH.400.( )SD 277 s6HH-400.( )SD.277 s6sH 400 D-277 277 445 16 15
s6FH.4001 )SD 480 s6HH 400 ( )SD.480 s6sH 400,D 480 480 450 .9 75
s6FH 400.( )SD.240F s6HH 400 ( )SD 240F s6sF.400.0.240F 244 425 34 1.9
s6FH 400 ( )SD 277F s6l-1H.400.( )sD-277F s6sH.400-D 277F 277 430 '1.7

400 walr Meral Halide

s6FM.400.( )SD-120/240 S6HM 400 ( )SD.l20/240 s6sM 400 D 120/240 1241240 460 4012.4 Regulaling 80
s6RM.400.( )SD.208 s6HM 400 ( )SO-208 s6sM 400 D 208 2AA 460 2.3 Fegulaling 80
s6RM-4001 )SD.277 s6HM.400-( )SD 277 s6sM-400.D 277 277 460 Fegulalino 80
s6RM 400 ( )SD 480 s6HM.400.( )SD-480 s6sM.400.D.480 480 465 10 Feou alino 80
400 Watl Hi9h Pressure Sodium
s6RS.400.( )SD 120 s6H5.400-( )SD.120 s6ss-400.D.120 120 465 4.3
s6BS.4o0.( )SD 208 s6HS.400.( )SD.208 s6ss 400 0.208 208 465 2.44 94
s6FS'400-( )SD 240 s6H5.400 ( )SD.240 s6ss 400 D.240 244 465 215 94
s6FS 400 ( )SD 277 s6HS 400 ( )SO.277 s6ss 400 0 277 277 465 186
s6FS.400-( )S0.480 s6HS 400 ( )SO-480 s6ss 400 0 480 480 108 94
s6FS 400 ( )SO.240F s6HS.400-( )SD 240R s6ss.400.D.240F 2.5(3.6") 2A 89

(1) See d sr bll o. ou de ror comFlete .ald og number 'Less lha. operal nq.
12) H'oh power ra.lor ba asl s des gned lor 20' slart nq lemperalures a.d .e
ab e ''tsol reslrke or tr lh open secondary
operal'o. n 65'C amb enl i dua vo laqe ba lasl s w red to CAUftAN HtD ltntnaies shaLtd be aperated an 9toLaded systens onlr ungtou.d
h cher vo la.te lap un ess olherw'se spec I ed F xlure. shrold and ba asl are ed po||et d snrbDhan syslens hay cany htgh ttanstent valtages ||hlch can cause
slr pped n separale carlofs latltre ol any type eqotpnent

Typical Dis tribu tion Patterns

Draw ngs show shape of pattern only and are not to sca e Complete photometrics are ava able upon req!est
90' ' t90' :- 90'

0' 0' 30' 0' 30' J0' a'

situti 1000 r sD
s6HH r000 r si) s6FH r!005s0 s6BH rU00I St) s6HM r000.1.sD s6sM r000 0 s6sH r000 D
Phosphor C.aled L.mF Pliospli.r Coaled Lrmp PhosDhcr Co.lerJ Lamp Phosphor coal€.1 Laml


Spectra VI Luminaires
Optional Equipment
io 1
Description Component Catalog No.
Condulet box
.____r I
Dimming Ballasl DM I

For use with DM and DMW Ser es master dimming (by others) I

conlrols. Available at extra cost. See Dimming Sec- )
lron lor information.
Solid Slale "LileMetic" LO
Ava lable at extra cost for fixtures with regulating
ballasts. See LiteN4allc Seclion for complete descrip-
t on of patented "L teMatic" standby systems.
"UltraOuiet" Ballasl UO
Specia sound-proofing for applications with crit cal
acoustics problems. Available at extra cost for 400w
only. Ordering example: 565H-400-D-1 20-U Q.
Fused Ballasl
Fuses are KTK 30 amp unless otherwise spec fied;
available at exlra cost.
12W or 277v systems Ft 7" dia.
208v, 240v, or 480v systems F2
Swivel Aliqnmenl Hanger (SAH-14) SH
Available at extra cosl. To order, specify SH as SAH.14 Swivel Hanger
catalog number suff x: SOH H'400'D-208-SH. Packed Designed to atlach 1o a condulet outlet box (by others') by means of
n separale carlon. lour screws on a 4-12116" d a. mouniing circle. Furnished with
canopy to cover supporling outlel box and wlth a ball aligner tapped
for 1/2" NPT pipe (reqirires a 3/4" to '112" reducer bushing, by others.)
Max. swivel is 11'from center. l\,4ax. pendant weight (iixture and
ballast) ls T25 lbs. Slandard golden bronze finish.
'lorouse H nds GS12 condulel box or eqliva enl Box 10 have 4 ho es evenly spaced on
4 812 B C co.centric wllh box .enler: lapped lor 1/4 20 UNC )

Distrlbutlon Guide
Round Enclosure Hexagonal Enclosure Square Enclosure

M€rcury (coaled Lahp)

s6RHr000-1sD 1.1 s6Hh.1000.1sD 1.1 s6su.1000.D
s6nH-1000-5sD s6HH.1000.5SD
s08H.1000-9sD s6HH.1000.95D 1.7

S6RHnl{D-1SD 1.2 s6HH-4001SO 12 s6slt 400 D

15 s6H8 400 4SO 15
s6aH.400,7so 1T s6HH.400.75O 1.7

s6RMr000-1sD 13 s6HM.10001SD 13 s6sM.1000 D
s6RM-1000-55D 15 s6HM,1000.550 1.5
s6BM-r000,9sD 1.8 s6HM,1000.95D 1.8

s6BM.400.15D s6HM.400-rso s6sM-400.D

s6RM-400.45O s6HM-400-45O 17
s6RM-400.75O 19 56HM.4OO.75D l9
High Pressure Sodiun
s6BS-1000.55D 1.0 s6HS 1000.5SD 10 5655.1000 D 1.1
s6FS.1000-95O 12 56HS,r000.950 1.2

saRs.aoo-asD 1.0 s6HS.400 45O 10 s6ss 400 D

s6BS-400,7SD 1.5 sqHs.4oo,7so 15
s6FS.4@-9SD '|.l s6HS-400-9SD

o I Spectra V um naires are also ava able ior remole ba asl operalio. To order. specily LB
n leu ol vo taqe: S6SH 400 DLB See Balrast Sect o. lor suilab e remole ba asls
2 All speclra Vl umrnaires are lor penda.l mounlr.q only and requ re 4 fr n m!m len9lh
ol condu t (by olhers)
3. Merai Haride and HPs ramps musr be ot base up rype

Spectra YI Luminaires

Square Round Hexagonal

1000w X 22-114" 22.114" 1000w X 28-114" 2a.1t4" 1000w 28"5/8" 45-3/8" 10-5/16"
1000w Y 37-3t4" 25.314" 1000w Y 39-112" 27.1t2" 4OOw 22-314" 31-3t4" 10-5/16"
400w X 18-5/16" 18-5i 16" 400w X 23-114" 23-114"
400w 400w Y 33-3/4" 21-112" (Dimensions are lhe same lor LB models )

Note: Add 10" to fixture height for all dimming ballasts

except 480v and 277v metcuty.

FIXTURE WEIGHT (DIMMING) Est. Shps. Wt. (lbs.)

Lamp/wattage/Voltage w/Dimming Ballast

1000w mercury vapor

(120,208,240)DM 142
480D N4 110
400w mercury vapor
(120, 208, 240)DM 100
277DM 96
1000w metal halide
(all voltages) 155
400w metal halide
(allvoltages) 100
1000w HPS
(allvoltages) 155
400w HPS
(120,208,240)DM 100
277DM 96

Luminaires Less Ballasl Esl. Shpg. Wt. (lbs.)

(lor remote ballast operalion)

1000w 70
400w 50
NOTE: 1000w dimming ballast not available for luminaires wilh
hexaoonaL enc osure.

Cata og No. C3D/81

ct-16 i:rCopyr ghr 1981 Wide.Lile Corporalron
\{ide-Lite Ballasts Assure Trouble-Free Performance
for HID Lamps
Because ballast performance is critical to lamp life and eificien-
cy, Wide-Lite exercises strinqent control ot the entire ballast
\ftde-Ltte ballasts rrrn cooler,
manufacturing process. Each ballast undergoes'100% testing
afler every major assembly process for electrical performance.
last longer.
Encapsulated electronic circuits undergo three day oven tests at Even with heat generation held low by generous wire sizing for
21 cycles to assure long Iife and reliable performance at high the reactive elements, a ballast can still fail prematurely from a
ambienl temperatures. lt is this care that has earned Wide-Lite local "hot spot".
ballasts the respect of the lighting industry. A1l Wide-Lite Through extensive testing, Wide'Lite has developed an encap-
ballasts are covered by our three-year limited warranty.
sulation compound with high dielectric strength, excellent heat
transfer properties and absolute mechanical stability. The uni-
Low Crest Factor Retards Lamp que encapsulation method employed in Silentcuard ballasts
Lumen Depreciation. uses this combination to decrease "hot spot" temperatures and
increase moisture resistance.
lnsulation systems in our ballasts meet 1,.L. standards lor
With controlled wave shapes, standard Wide'Lite Silentcuard Class H operation (180'C/356"F). Wide-Lite ballasts actually run
ballasts provide optimum conditions for the operation of mer much cooler with temperature rise at least one tull class lower
cury vapor, metal halide and high pressure sodium lamps- than the rating of the insulation system. Over the years, it's that
A high lamp current crest factor can hasten lamp lumen safety margin that determines your maintenanceJree operation.
of peak to RMS current,
depreciation. Crest factor, the ratio
depends on ballast design and quality.
ANSI standards ior mercury vapor ballasts call for crest fac-
tors no higher than 2.0 and lamp manutacturers generally Protectlon Agalnst Shorted
specify a maximum ol 1.8 for metal halide lamps. Wide.Lite
ballasls oller cresl lactors well below bolh recommendalions.
1OOO watt HPS
Many 1000-watt high-pressure sodium lamp failures occur in a
short.circuit condition, and the rise in amperage usually causes
an ordinary ballasl to burn out. Not Wide.Lite's. Ou. standard
ballast for 1000.watl HPS lamps is made to withstand the added
heat until it is convenient to replace the shorted lamp.

\{tde-Ltte Ballasts Run Quteter. fi
As the name implies, Wide-Lite SilentGuard ballast construc.
tion keeps ballast sound to well below acceptable levels tor a I

but the mosi critical application. (See Ultraouiet, below.)

Utilizing NEt\,{A methods, which involves acoustic
CREST FACTOR = PEAK/RMS = 1.41 measurements of ballasts mounted as in actual use - Wide-Lile
acoustics specialists can predict total system sound and recom.
mend preventive measures for noise problems prior to installa'
I ion.


Speclal UltraQutet Ballasts
for Problem Areas.
EFFECT OF CURRENT CREST FACTOR Standard Wide-Lite ballasts are excellent for most applications.
ON It4EAN LUMENS VERTICAL OPERATION But if acoustics analysis determines special solutions are in-
H33GL.4OO/DX dicated for a room with especially "live" acoustics (usually with
hard surfaces or unusual architecture), UltraQuiet ballasts wilh
special soundproofing can be installed at the onset of the job.
lhus, problems are avoided initially and no expensive changeoul
2 of baliasts is required.
Custom Deslgned Ballasts.
s Wide-Lite Corporation can provide ballasts and associated elec.
trical equipment to meet specialized requirements. lncluded are
T YPICAL 50 Hertz and 550 volt ballasts for 1000 and 400 watt lamps, radio
R EPRESEN' TATIVE CFl ANGE frequency suppressors, special construction for high frequency
EAN LUI.4 ENS carrier voltage isolation, and multiple ballasts in single
c vEF 24,00 O HOURS enclosures.
Contact the factory for complete jnformation.

1.6 1.7 1.8


ROB Encapsulated Remote Outdoor Ballasts

Watlage/ "A" Dimension
Dlmensions Lamp Regulating Reactor

metal halide 14-112" 9-112"
mercury vapor S-112" 9.112'
metal halide 12112"
HPS 14-112' 9-1r2"
mercury vapor 9.112" 9.112'
rnetal halide 9.112"
;l HPS 12-112" 9.1t2'
j 9.112 I 1t2"

.J $s
General Information Optional Dquipment
Al ROB bal asls nc ude seaed conslruc' LiteMatic auxi iary/emergency prolecl on
t on and iurnished with satchel hand e
aTe available lor regu at ng bal asts at extra
ior mounling to poles, po e cross-arms cos1. Add LQ to catalog number sufix:
aad wa s. Lead w res aTe extended 1000 RoH 208 LO.
throuqh a l threaded n pple localed in
the center ot the base plate.

Ordering Guide
o Catalog
(includesvoltage) Type

Number Ballast
wt. (lbs.)
Catalog Number
(includes vollage)

Ballast Shps.

Type Wt. (lbs.)


Catalog Number
(includes voltage)
wt. (lbs.)
1500-ROM-208 Reg.. HPF 54
1500-ROM-240 Reg., HPF 54
1500.RO14,277 Reg., HPF 54
1500-ROt\,4-480 Reg., H PF 54
1500,RO t\4 -480R' Reactor, HPF 52
1000 watl 1000 wati 1000 watl
1000'RO-1201240 Reg., HPF
H 48 1000.RoM-120/240 Reg., HPF 53 1000-Ros-120/240 Reg., HPF 55
1000-ROH-208 Reg., HPF 4B 1000-RoM-208 Reg., HPF 1000,Ros,208 Reg., HPF 55
1000-ROH-277 Reg., HPF 48 1000-RoM-277 Reg., HPF 53 1000-Ros.277 Reg., HPF 53
1000.ROH"480 Reg., HPF 48 1000-RoM,480 Feo., HPF 53 1000-Ros-480 Reg., HPF 55
1000-ROH-4808 Reactor,HPF 34 1000-Ros-480R Reactor, HPF
400 watt 400 walt 400 wati
400'ROH-120 Reg., HPF 400-RoM-120/240 Reg.. HPF 38 400-8os,120 Feg., HPF 40
400-ROH-208 Reg., HPF 400-RoM-208 Reg., HPF 38 400,Ros,208 Reg., HPF 40
400-F]OH 240 Reg., HFF 400.RoM.277 Reg., HPF 38 400-Ros-240 Reg., HPF 40
400-ROH-277 Reg., HPF 35 400-BoM-480 Reg., H PF 3B 400-Ros-277 Reg., H PF 40
400-ROH-480 Reg., HPF 35 400-Ros-480 Reg., HPF 40
400-ROH-240R Reaclor,HPF 22 400-Flos-240R Reactor. HPF
400'ROH-277R Reactor,HPF 22
250 wati
250-ROS-120 Reg., H PF 35
250-ROS-208 Reg., HPF
250-ROS-240 ReE., HPF 35
250-ROS-277 Feg., HPF 35

o 'GE MVl500 and Sy vania M1500 lo 0'F

1 Ba, a:rls ir r. .b ! ir;,1 .ni nDerale .rp. n a.rr enl ien.peralu,.: aorn r. 2!-F !n .ss.rh.ra s. ..1ei
2 Bi rirs l.,r rela i. de a.rDS r i J lperale r e,.!,! rlpor ! .:l
Reg., HPF
Reactor, HPF

lD 1.]00!af(i250frara.r.rtrr rs1 nr6600vso cabe:r5 lorr000x 20 lor,l00vrar.l25cireifarrn9o..sis r5 lor a00.r:.d 2a0tr rer.r!r !a rrls

t y pe e lect n.a I eq u I pn en ! B3
Encapsulated Pole Base Outdoor Ballasts
Dlmenslons Wattage/

"A" Dimension
Regulaling Reaclor f,ln
mercury 9" 9"
melal 13"
HPS 14'' 13
mercury vapor 9" 9'
metal halide 9"
HPS 13' 13"
HPS 9" 9'
Two.Lamp Ballast
10@PBH480R2 14
1 000-PB M -440R2 17"

Generallnformatlon OptionalDquipment
Enclosure is all alumrnum; joints are Satchel Handles for insta lation in Spectra
weldedi the l " threaded pipe nipple for the po es available at extra cosl. Add SH2 lo
oad w e e, t t. Spated w tl- epor) rest.l cata og number 1000 PBH 480 SH2.
for rno sture protection. Twe ve-inch leads LitelVatic Auxiliary/Emergency Proleclion.
simpllty wir ng. Ava iabe for reg!laling ba lasts al extra
cost. Add LO to cataog number sufiix:
1000-PBH 208 LO.

Ordering Guide

Cataloq Number

(includes voltage)
Wl. (lbs.)
Catalog Number

(includes voltage)
Wt. (lbs.)

Calalog Number
(includes vollage)
Wt. (lbs.)
1000w 1000w 1000w
1000-PBH -1201240 Reg., HPF 43 1000-PBM-120/240 Reg., HPF 44 1000.P8S.120i 240 Reg., HPF 46
1000-PBH-208 Reg., HPF 43 1000-PBM-208 Reg., HPF 44 1000-P8S.208 Fleg., HPF 46
1000.P8H-277 Reg., HPF 43 1000-PBM-277 Reg., HPF 44 1000.P8S.277 neg., HPF 46
1000-PBH-480 Reg., HPF 43 1000.P8M-480 Reg., HPF 44 1000-P8S.480 Beg., HPF 46
1000-PBH-480-R Reactor, HPF 38 1000-PBS-480R Reactor, HPF 41
400w 400w 400w
400.PBH"120 Reg., HPF 27 400-P BM-120t240 Reg., HPF 30 400"PBS-120 Reg., HPF 30
400-PBH-208 Reg., HPF 27 400-PBM-208 Reg., HPF 30 400.PBS-208 Beg., H PF 30
400-P8H.240 Reg., HPF 27 400.PBM-277 Reg., HPF 30 400-PBS-240 Reg., H PF 30
400-P8H.277 Reg., HPF 27 400.PBM-480 Reg., HPF 30 400-PBS-277 Reg., HPF 30
400-PBH-480 Reg., HPF 27 400-PBS-480 Reg., HPF
400-PBH-240R Reactor, HPF 30 400-PBS-240R Reactor, HPF 32
400.PBH-2778 Reactor, HPF 30
Two Lamp 1000w Two Lamp 1000w 250w
1000-PBH-480R-2 Lead-Lag 1000-PBM-480R,2' Lead-Lag 250-PBS-120 Reg., HPF 34
Reactor Beactor 25GPBS.2O8 Reg., HPF 34
2sGPBS.24O Reg., HPF 34
250.P85.277 Reg., HPF 34
250.P8S.480 Reg., H PF 34
250-PBS-240R Reactor, HPF 36

'Gtvvr000d1d ," "v 000 o0 .\" ,q o, "V 000 o

1 Ba aslsw slarl a.doperale amps n amb ent lemperat!res dowf ro 20'F!nessolherwsenoled
2 Ba asls lor mela halide amps w lr arso operale mercur! vapor amps
3 Maximumremolemounlingdislancehiqhpressurelampisaslollows:Suildingwereinconduit.r50 lorl000wi40 1or 4OOw a..r25O$ requlat.q ba asts 30 ror 4LJOW reaclor
ba asl *16 600v s.o. cable: 75 ror 1000w. 20 lor 400w a.d 2s0w req! ar no ba asls r5 tor 4oow a.d 25ow reaclor ba asts

lVDe elect .al eoutpnent

RIB Encapsulated Remote Indoor Ballasts
For mercury vapor, metat hatlde and hlgh pressure sodlum lamps

l) Dimensions
*3" -l
Calalog Number A B

1000-RlH-(Req.) 18.1t2" 17-314"
1 00ORlHlReactor) 14.3t4" 14"
400-RlH1Reg.) 16-1t2" 15-3/4"
40GRlH{Reactor) 13" 12-1t4"

l1 250-BlH1Res.)
12 1t4 '
17 3t4"

HPS or LQ 400-RlN4-(Reg.) 16.112" 15-314"
models only 250.RlM'(Reg.) 14.314" 14"

. -=+6 r/B - -5 1/8 ',-

17 3t4"
i. l:. 2.1tA" 400-RlS-(Fes.) 16-112" 15.3t4"
General Informatlon
-" Optlonal Equlpment 4OGR lqReactor) 14-314" 14'
250-RlS.(Req.) 14.3t4" 14'
Knockouls in the larqe wtrino cornpart, LiteMatic auxiliary/emergency prolection. 25GRlSlReactor) 13" 12-114"
rnenl perrnii easy entry. Located n each Available for regulating bal asts at extra
end ol the enclosures are 3i4" threaded cost. Add LO to calaog nurnber suif x: 2"Lamp Ballasts
connecl ons for pendent mounting and '1000-RlH LQ. Ulira Ouiet Ballast. Ava lab e 1000-RtH-480R-2 14.112" 17-314"
feed through w r ng. Al models have pro at extra cost f or areas where acoustics ate 1000-RtM-480R-2 22" 21.114"
?re or s fo wat . pe_da1l or 'd' t r oJ ilq. crtia. (400w and lower on y) Add UO 10 400-RtH,240R-2 18.1t2" 17-314"
cataloa number suf iix: 400,R1 H-208-UO. 400.RtH.277 R-2 14,112" 17.3t4"

Ordering Guide

Est. Est. Est.

O fffJ,aJ"T,[:, ffJ:"
wt. (lbs.)
Catalog Numer
(includesvoltage) Type

Ballast shps.
wl- (lbs.)
Catalog Number
(includes vollage)

Ballasl ShpS.
Type wl. (lbs.)

1000-RtH-120i 240 Reg., HPF 40 1000-RlNl-120/240 Reg. HPF 44 1000-R 15-120/240 Beg.. FPF 46
1000-BtH-208 Reg. H PF 40 1000-RlM-208 Reg., HPF 44 1000-RlS-208 Beg. HPF 46
1000,RtH-277 Feg., HPF 40 1000-RlM-277 Reg., HPF 44 1000.FllS-277 Reg.. HPF 46
1000-RtH.480 Reg., HPF 4A 1000.R1M-480 Reg., HPF 44 1000-815.480 Reg., HPF 46
1000-RtH-480R Beactor, HPF 38 1000-R|S-480R Reactor, HPF 41
400w 400w 400w
400,RtH-120 Reg., H PF 30 4OO-RIM-1201240 Reg., HPF 30 400-Bts-120 Reg., HPF 33
400.RtH,208 Reg., H PF 30 400-RllV-208 Reg., HPF 30 400-Rts.208 Reg., HPF 33
400-RtH-240 Reg., PHF 30 400-RlM-277 Reg., HPF 30 400-Rts-240 Reg., H PF 33
400'RtH-277 Reg., HPF 30 400.Rll\4-480 Reg., HPF 30 400-Rts,277 Reg., HPF 33
400-RtH-480 Reg., H PF 30 400-Rts-480 Reg., HPF 33
400,RlH-240R Reaclor, HPF 21 400'Bts,240R Fleactor, HPF 30
400.RtH,277R Reactor, HPF 21
250w 250w 250w
250-R\H-120124O Reg., HPF 22 250'RlM-1201240 Reg., HPF 22 250-RtS-120 Reg., H PF 25
250-BlH-208 Reg., HPF 22 250.Rll\4-208 Reg., HPF 22 250-RtS-208 Reg, HPF 25
250-RlH-277 Feg., HPF 22 250-RlM-277 Feg., HPF 22 250.RtS-240 Reg., HPF 25
250-RlH-480 Reg., HPF 22 250-RlM-480 Reg., HPF 22 250.RtS-277 Feg., HPF 25
250.RlH'2408 Reactor.HPF 16 250-RtS-480 Reg. HPF 25
250-RlH.277R Reactor,HPF 23 250-RlS-240R Reaclor, HPF 30
Two Lamp Ballasts 1000 watt Two Lamp Ballasls 1000 watt
1000.R1H'480R-2 Lead Lag 1000-RlM-480R-2' Lead-Lag
Reaclor 48 Reactor 50
Two Lamp Ballasts 400 watl
400'RlH-240R-2 Lead,Lag
Feactor 34
40O-R|H-277R.2 Lead-Lag
Reaclor 34

'GE MVr 00C afd Sy van a M 1000 10 0'F: Wesl nqhouse MHr000 to - 50'F
and 250w rea.lor ballasl {16600vSO.Cable:75 ror IOOOW 20 roraoowafd25owreguarn!ba asrs r5 ror aOOw and 25Ow reaclor ba asrs

t1 )
Ballast Selection Guide (Non-Dimmlng Type)
(HPS only) {HPS only)

155r65 rs5r65tor 1,15165 t45 170

+91. lo l0!i lor 1000W

+7 l. l0'r tor 400W
+ 10% lo-10'r lor 250W
+ 5'6 lo loe" lor

1500 & 1000w 1000w

iJ80V s nol ava ab e 244 277"1
ro, r50W:nd owerl ,100 & 250w

56 60',! 80 85"r t2a%

Prna,y.Jienl tr 1h
se.!.da,! cDef as r

Lamp warls cha.qe

L. nn {.i1s.h!n!e

50 709; 80.;
'120V ror r50Wi55V

''Cons! I laclory lo, other vJnll!aes

Typical Wiring Diagrams



'B ack/Yel ow for 208v and 4B0v ba tasts. Connecl line to voltage requ red


for 2ldrrp cdo dg edclor bal aslq on ) Connect ne to required

Typica for 12A2A812401277 OV bat ast on ly.




Typical for 1040w 1201240\t HPS ba last on ly. 'Black/Yellow lor 2O8v atd 24av
B-6 NOTE: See pages B.B lhr! Typical for 1000w, 2A8v. 27 7v and 480v HPS
B 10 for app icable ballasls.
ballasis only.

*B ack/Ye low ior 208v and 40Bv
Typica for 150w (100v amp)
HPS ba lasts (al voltaqes).

Starting Requirements for HID Lamps

Volts Required vs.
Lamp Lamp Ambignt Temperaluro
Dssignation Watts to + 50' to 0' to-20' Lamp
RMS Peak RMS Peak RMS Poak Description
Mercury Vapor
H36 1000 215' 304 325', 460 375' 530
H33 400 190' 269 210' 297 225' 318
H37 250 190', 269 210', 297 225',
H39 175 200' 283 210', 297 225', 318
H38 100 200' 283 210' 297 225' 318
Melal Halide
tvlW1500 flubular) 1500 800 1414 unpublished 800 1555 (1) Sylvania Meialarc
MV1500 {4) 1500 440' 622 456. 645 530. 750
M1500 {1) 1500 440' 622 456' 645 530. 750 \2) Sylvania Super l'ratalarc
M1000 (1) 1000 440' 622 440' 622 530' 750 (3) Sylvania Swing line; peak does
1,1S1000 (2) 1000 440' 622 unpu,blished 530- 750 not have to be provided by

D\ MV1000/u (4)
MH1000 (6)
MV1000/r {5)
622 440' 622 530'
622 unpublished 530'
unpublished 400' 566 440'
mercury CW/CWA ballast.
Combination ol ballast peak
plus capacitor voltage must
l/400 (1) 400 3A2' 540 unpublished 382' 540 be 540.
r./ s400 (2) 400 3a2' 54O unpublished 382' 540 (4) GE Multi-Vapor
t\4V400 (4) 400 unpublished unpublished 382' 540
MH400 (6) 400 382' 540 unpublished 382- 540 (5) GE l-Line M uiti-Vapor
MV400/r (5) 400 unpublished 246"' 348.- 382' 540 (6) Westinghouse
MM400 (3) 400 382' 540 unpublished 382' 540
M250 {1) 250 342' 540 unpublished 3A2' 540
MV250 (4) 250 unpublished unpublished 3a2' 540
M175 {1) 175 3a2' 540 unpublished 3a2' 540
MS175 (2) 175 382' 540 unpublished 382' 540
t\.'1V175 (4) 175 unpublished unpublished 382' 540
High Pressure Sodium
1U1000 (1) 1000 unpublished unpublished 456 3000 (1) Sylvania Lumalux ll or GE
c1000 (2) 1000 unpublished unpublished 456 3000 Lucalux
1U400 (1) 400 unpublished lnpublished 456 2500 \2) Westinghouse Ceramalux
c400 {2) 400 unpublished unpublished 195 2500
uLX360/H (3) 360 operate on existing 400w lag type autotransformer ballast or (3) Sylvania Unalux
240-277v teaclors (4) GE E-Z Lux
1U250 (1) 250 unpublished unpublished 195 2500 (5) GE 1U150, Sylvania 1U150/55
1U250/3 i1) 250 unpublished unpublished 195 2500 or Westinghouse C150555.
c250 (2) 250 unpublished unpublished 195 2500 (6) Sylvania LU'150/100 or
LUH 21s/EZ (4) operate on existing 250w mercury lag type autotransformer Westinqhouse C150S56.
ballast or 240-277v reactors
1U150/55 (s) 150 unpublished unpublished 110 2500
LU150/100 (6) '150 unpublished unpublished 195 2500
uLX150 (3) 150 operate on existing mercury 175w lag type autotransformer
ballast or 240-277v reactors

D unpublished 110
1U100 (1) 100 unpublished 2500
LU70 {1) t0 un published unpublished 110 2500
LU50 (1) 50 unpublished unpublished 110 2500
"slart n9 requ rements based on sine wavevo lage hav ng a cresl lactor of 1 414.
Adequate slarl ng may be prov ded by ba lasls having ower BMS vollage prov d ng the crest lactor is slch as to g ve lhe peak va ues i.d cated

Electrical Characteris tics
Bellasts for mercury vapor larnps to -2O "[ (Non-Dimmtng TJpe)
Operating Open Circuit Wiring
Primary Voltage Operating Starting Secondary Vollage Watts Diag. No.
Volts Type Range Amps Amps RMS Peak Loss (See Page 86)
T20l240 Flegulaling, HPF 108 1321216.264 9.6X4.8 less thanoperating 41A 620 7A 2
2OA Begu ating, HPF 187-229 5.5 less thanoperating 410 620 7A 1

277 Regulating, HPF 249,305 4.2 less thanoperaling 410 620 7A 1

48Q Regulallng, HPF 432-528 2.4 less thanoperaling 410 620 75 1

480R Beactor, HPF 456,504 2.4 4.1 480 680 35 1

120 Regulating, HPF 108-132 3.9 less than operating 245 380 45 1

208 Regulating, HPF 1a7 229 2.3 less than operating 245 380 45 1

244 Regulating, HPF 216.264 2.0 less than operating 245 380 45 1

277 Regu ating, HPF 249.305 1.6 less than operating 245 380 45 1

480 Regulating, HPF 432-52A .9 less than operating 245 380 50 1

240R Reaclor, HPF 228-252 1.9 3.4 240 340 25 1

277R Reactor. HPF 263.291 1.7 2.4 277 390 30 1

120/240 Regulallng , HPF 10811321216-264 2.611.3 less lhan operating 236 44A 40 2
208 Regulating, HPF 187-229 1.5 less than operaiing 236 440 40
277 Regulaling, HPF 249-305 1.1 less than operating 236 44A 4A
480 Regulating, HPF 432.52A .6 less than operating 218 42A 50
240R Reactor, HPF 228'252 1.2 2.1 244 340 2A
277R Reactor, HPF 263.291 1.0 2.0 277 390 2A
'1201240 Regulating, HPF 108 1321216.264 1.8/.9 less than operat ng 24A 440 30
208 Regulating, HPF 187-229 1.0 ess than operat ng 240 440 30
277 Regulating, HPF 249.305 .B less than operal ng 240 440 30
480 Regulallng, HPF 432 52A .44 less than operatinq 225 420 35
Reactor, HPF
Reactor, HPF
15 01I
120/240 Regulating, HPF 10A-1321216-264 1.0/.5 less lhan operating 240 44A 20 2
208 Regulating, HPF 187-229 .6 less than operating 240 440 2A
277 Regu ating, HPF 249-305 .45 less than operaling 240 440 2A
480 Feguating, HPF 432-528 .3 less than operating 225 420 30
240R Reactor. HPF 22A.252 .5 .6 240 340 13
277R Reactor. HPF 263-291 .45 .5 27 7 390 13

Ballast Notes
Power Factor
Accord ng to ANSI, where the ierrn "Normal Power Factor" is
used, it reters to an uncorrecled power factor of approximately
50%. Where the term "High Power Factoi' is used, it refers to a
correcled power factor of al least 907o.
Slarting Temperature
Wide-Lite ba lasts wi I start the lamps tor wh ch they are
designated in ambrenl temperatures down 1o -20'F unless other-
wise noted. See table on page B-7 for starting requirements for
various HID lamps.
Dimming Ballasts
Dimming ballasts are available for most wattages for use with
Wide-Lite dimming master controls; see Dimm ng Seclion of
cata oO.


Electrical Characteristlcs
Ballas ts for met&l hallde lamps to -2O "[ (Non-Dtmmlng Type)

o) Primary
Volls Type
Open Circuil
Seconda,y Voltage
RMS Peak
Diag. No,
(See Page 86)
1500w tubular metal halide
208/277 Regulallng, HPF 187 .2291249-305 8.5/6.4 less than operating 900 1800 140
240/480 Regulating, BPF 216.2641432 52A 7.413.7 less lhan operating 900 1800 140
1500w metal halide
208 Regulating, HPF 187 -229 8.2 less than operattng 450 880 120
240 FegLrlating, HPF 216.264 6.9 less ihan operating 450 880 120
277 Regulating, HPF 249-305 6.0 less than operating 450 BB0 120
480 Regulating, HPF 432.528 less than operal ng 450 880 130
480R' Reactor, HPF 456-504 6.8 480 680 60
124t240 Regulating, HPF 108.1321216 264 L414.7 less than operatlng 425 800 75
208 Regulatlng, HPF 187.229 5.4 less than operaling 425 800 75
277 Regulating, HPF 249.305 4.0 less than operating 425 800 75
480 Regu ating, HPF 432,528 2.3 ess than operat ng 425 800 BO
4808" Reaclor, HPF 456-504 2.4 4.1 480 680 40
T 20/240 Fegulating, HPF 148-1321216-264 4.012.0 less than operating 315 680 60 2
208 Regulating, HPF 187.229 less than operating 315 680 60 1
277 Regulating, HPF 249.305 1.7 ess than operaling 315 680 60

Regulating, H PF 432-528 1.0 less than operaltng 315 680 65 1

'1201240 Regulating, HPF 108t1321216.264 2.6t1.3 ess than operating 324 650 40 2
208 Regulating, H PF 187.229 1.5 less than operalinO 324 650 40 1
277 Regulating, HPF

249-305 1.1 less than operating 320 650 40 1
480 Regulatlng, HPF .65 less lhan operatina 320 650 45 1

120/240 RegulatinA, HPF 108-1321216.264 1.8/ .9 less than operaling 310 600 35 2
248 Reguial ng, HPF 187-229 1.1 less than operating 310 600 35 1
277 Regulaling, HPF 24S,305 .B less than operating 310 600 35 1
480 Regulating, HPF 432.528 .45 less than operating 310 600 40 1

'GE and Sylvania M1500 to 0.F.

"GE MV1000 and Sylvania M1000 io 0"F; West nghouse N4H1O00 to +50'F.
NOTE: These ba lasts wi I also operate mercury vapor amps to -20"F.

Ballast Notes
Power Faclor
According to ANSI, where the lerm ,Normal power Faclor,, is
used, il refers to an uncorrecled power factor of approximalely
50%. Where the term "High Power Factor,' s used, 1 refers to a
corrected power factor of at least 90%.
Starlinq Temperalure
Wide-Lite balasts wilt start the lamps for which ihey are
designaled in ambienl lemperatures down to ,20.F u nless olher-
wise noted. See lable on page B-7 for starting requirements for
various HID larnps
Dimming Eallasts
Dimming ballasts are available for rnost wattages lor use with
Wide-L te dlmming master controls; see D mming Section of
Electrical Characterlstics
Ballasts for HPS lamps to -2O 'F (Non-Dlmmlng Type)
Opgratlng Primary Cutronl inAmps S6condary Vollage
Op.ralin9 Slading
Circuit Sl.rling
RMS Psak Puls€
Loss 566 Prg6 8.6
llr 10

1201244 Fegulating,HPF r08.130/216.26r 9 3X47 ess lhan operalin! 360 4500 90 2

208 Fequraling, HPF 187.227 54 ress than operarinq 360 4500 90 I

277 FeguLaling HPF 249 342 4.0 less lhan operalinq 360 4500 90 1

480 Fequ aling HPF 432 523 2.4 ess than ope.alino 360 4500 100 1

480R Feaclor HPF 456 504 2.4 21 43 480 4500 52 1

124 108.129 43 less lhan operat ng 195 3500 65

204 147 224 2.44 ess than operat ng 1S5 3500 65
244 216.254 215 ess than operat.g 195 3500 65
277 249 298 1.86 ess than operal ng 195 3500 65
480 456.516 1 08 ess than operat ng 195 3500
224 252 2a 25 36 3500


120 144.132 241 Less lhan operal ng 180 3500

208 187"228 1.39 ess lha. operat ng 180 3500
240 216 264 1.2 ess than operal .q 180 3500
277 249 305 1.04 less lhan ng r80 3500
480 456 528 6 ess lhan operal fg 240 3500
1.25 1.2 2.68 240 3500 30

15Ow.1OOv (lOOv nominal lamp vorlage)(2)

120 Fegulalinq. HPF 108 130 1.54 ess than operaling 175 3500 30
208 Begulaling HPF 147.227 I ess lha. opera1i.g 175 3500 30
244 Regulaling. HPF 216.261 77 ress than operari.g 175 3500 30
27T Regulalin! HPF 249.3A2 67 less lhan operalinq 174 3500 30
240R Rea.tor. HPF 224 252 L91 145 244 3500 23

loow 5sv (5sv nominal lamp vollage)(3)

124 Regulalinq HPF 108 126 1.14 l€ss than operalrn! 85 3500 25
208 Fequ alrng, FPF 187.218 66 ess lhan operat ng 85 3500 25
244 Feqo al ng. BPF 216 252 .57 ess than operat rq 85 3500 25
277 FeO! at nO, HPF 249 291 .5 ress than operat ng 85 3500
120F Reaclor NPF 114.126 1 03 1.3 1.81 124 35!0 10

150w.55v (55v nominaL lamp vohaqe)(4)

124 Feg! al n!, BPF 108.126 1.57 less than operat nq 85 3500 32
2Aa FeQllal nq, HPF 141214 94 less lhan operal ng 85 3500 32
240 Feg! al ng. HPF 216 252 .82 less lhan operat nq 85 3500 32
271 Aeq! at n9. l-lPF 249 291 .71 less lhan operai nq 85 3500 32
120R Feaclor, FPF I14 126 1.6 .965 25 12Q 3500 25

7ow (52Y noninallamp vollage)(s)

124 Regllatlng, HPF 100 r26 .78 ess than operal ng 85 3500 17

208 Requlatl.q, HPF 187 218 46 ess than operalrng 85 3500 17

240 Regulatlng, HPF 216.252 4 ess than op€ra1i.g 85 3500
217 Regulalr.g. HPF 249.291 35 ess than operali.q 85 3500 17
120F Reacior. HPF 114.126 739 12

(1)Su lable lor 1U250 or LU25015

(21 Su lab e al the I me ot prinl fg ior the to owrn! amps on y SyvanaLU150rl00;WeslngholseC150356
(3)S! labre ar 1 me ol pr nl n! 1or rh€ lorow nO ampsonly GE LU100/BUorLi.r100/BDtSyvaniaLUl00
(.1tS!rlab e al the line ol pr nli.! ior lhe lol!ow.! ampso.y G.E Llll50rBU or LUl50/BD SyvaniaLUl50/55andwesln!]houseCl50Ss5
(5) Su lab e al I me oi pr nl nq lor LLl70 on y

Ballast Notes
Power Faclor desig nated in ambient temperalures down lo '20'F un less olher
According to ANSI, where the term "Noama Power Faclor" is w se noled. See lab e on page B-7 for starting requirements for
used, it refers to an uncorrected power factor of approximately various HID amps.
50%. Where the term "High Power Factor" s used, it reters io a
correcled power factor of at least 90%.
0imming Ballasts
Dimming ballasts are ava lable for most waltages for Lrse with
Slarting Temperature Wide-L te dimming master conlrolsl see dimming secliorl of
Wde-Llte ballasts will slart the lamps tor which they are cata og.

B 10
LiteMattc Systems
LQ Solld State Selectlv€ly Controlted Auxlfiary Ltghttng

D} Appllcatlon
LiteMatic solid state control was designed pr marily to over,
come the slow restr]ke characieristic ot HID lamps. LiteMalic
systems provide:
. auxr iary lighling when momentary power nterruptions ex_
tinguish main lamp.
. auxiliary lighting when rnain lamp burns out.
. auxil ary lighting when ine voltage dlp extinguishes main
. auxiliary lighting while rnain lamp warms up to 40ol. output.
. auxiliary lighting when low ambient temperature prevents
maln lamp ignitlon.
Litet\4atic syslems are recommended for any indoor or outdoor
application where lighling continuity is important.
Advantages of LlteMatlc Sotld State Control
Conveniional emergency lighting systems are sensilive only to
the main power system; LiteMatic senses wheiher or not an arc
is maintained in the HID Lamp.
For example, a conventional b,altery powered emergency
light ng fixture may provide ight when the power is off but
when power returns it is extinguished, and the HID lamp may- not
be coo enough to restrike. Your facility has power bul no tigh|
Conditions such as thrs occur much more olten than com,
plete power blackouts. Voltage dips, low temperalures, momen-
tary power drops ca!sed by I ghtning or when transformer banks
get switched
- are a lew of the causes for the power systern
voltage to ialter long enough for a mercury vapor, meta halide or
HPS lamp 1o exlinguish. Once out, it rnust cool sufficien y for
the arc to restrike.
A "Wide-L te" LiteMatlc sol d stale control system can hand e

Dfi ::T,fi liily*:l;i:"""ff H:,1',1:r,:r:::"""',:';",1

any time the rnain lamp is extinguished and the ballast
all these problems automatica y wilhout any extra
Iu'es and gere'ally wilh .ro ext'a

LlteMatic circuitry is comptetety reliable. Encapsulation pro-

is vides protecton againsl hostile environmenls_ No perlodic
energized. (See illustration, next page.) mainlenance of any kind is requ red to insure inslant reponse.
Mosl "Wide-Lite" tixtures with regulating ballasts are LileN4atic systems carry "Wide-Lite's" three-year lim ted
available as LiteMatic units warranty.

LQ Sample Speclflcatlon
(Regulatlng Ballast)
Luminaire shall contain a dual lighting system for the operation reaches 40% output. The combined currenl of the main lamp
of one _ watt (mercury vapor) (metal halide) (HpS) lamp and and the quartz lamp sha I nol exbeed the normal operating cur-
one 150 watt quartz tungsten halogen lamp. Auxiliary light rent of the main lamp alone. There shall be no loss in the secon,
source shall be controlled by a LiteMatic baliast such that dary open circuil starting capability while lhe quartz lamp is
should momentary power interruption extinguish the main lamp, operating. The selective controt device incorporated in the
the quartz iamp shall instant y ignite. Whenever the main lamp is LiteMatic ballast shal be solld state, encapsulated, rated 150'F
energized, the quartz lamp shall remain on untit the main lamp ambient and shall have a three-year limited warranty.

Speclal Lltelttatlc SJrstems

Additional versions of LiteN4atic are available on special order.
(Consull the factory for full information and pricing.) These in.
clude the following:
LQI Separately wired, externally contro|ed emergency
lighting from a separate power source.
LQ-2 Combines slandard LO system auxiiiary lighting with
LQ-1 emergency lighting wlthin the same system.

LQ,t6 Provides automat;c auxiliary control of remote 1500

walt quarlz lamps. (Outdoor on y) Available for 208,

D, 240, 277 inpvl voltages only.

B-1 1
Liteltatic Systems - Operation
System Componcnts Lorr Amblena Temper&tlre: Normai lamp raling is for 90%
Mercury Vapor, Metal Halide or high pressure sodium lamp with probability ot start at -20 "F. ln some outdoor and freezer applica-
Regulaiing Ballast (and integral qLlartz tungsten halogen tions, temperaiures are lower. Light is needed and main lamps
120.vOll rcaadesce'rt auxrlrary lamp). are too cold to start.
No extra wiring required tor lntegrally ballasted tixtures. Low Voltage: Temporary load, such as induction motor start,
Momentary Porrer Interruptlon: HID Lamps-once warmed may drop line voltage and extinguish main lamps. Automatic
swjtch lo quartz needed.
- require several minutes io restrike following
up power inter_
ruptions as short at 16/1000 seconds. During outage: safety Lemp Burnout: Automatic switching needed. (Added Litematic
hazards, produclion time lost, polential goods and machine feature is that quartz light can be easily spotted to trigger re-
damage. lamping procedure.)

Ma. a.d .tua(,

anDS bolh{l zed
When Main Lamp Reaches
40'/" ol Bared Outpul:
when Arc Exlinguishedl
Aux I ary qlarlz amp aulomal ca y e.er1]'z
When Main Lamp Reaches 40% oi Fated

o!a(7 amp auromat ca y crl n!!rslies ed wlren power s reslored Ouarlz lamD aulomal ca y erl nqu'shes
lcomb ned da n a.n aur ar! lamp currenl
.ever e!.eeds operal'.9 c!trenl ol ma.
amp al 100r. ollpul)

LtteMatic System LQ
- Typical \viring

Lam p

Line Vo tage


Maln Lsmp 1000,400 or 250 watt mercury vapor,

metal halide, or high pressure sodium
(Lamp is not furnished with lixture.)

AuxlllarJ Lamp 150Q/DC (120 volt D.C. bayonet base

tungsten halogen lamp.) Recom
mended for all HID lamps except for
1000w HPS where 250w (250Q/DC-
120v) lamp is required. Lamp is not
f urnished with iixture.

Rtrllast Regulating, for 120, 208, 240,271 ot

480 llne vollage.

Cala og No C3481
- Copyrqhl 1981 W de Lile Corporal on

Programmable Modular Dlmming:
A C o;s t-Effe c tive Approa ch
to Lighttng Energy Management

When Wide'Lite introduced the industry's lndoor and Outdoor Application Benolits ot Programmed, Modular Umming
first practical dimming system for HID Application ranges from large jobs encom- . Continuous, non-step dimming of
lamps in 1972, commercial and industrial passing enlire otlice ouildings, shopping
high intensity discharge, f luorescent,
users were quick to recognize its potential centers, industrial plants, parking areas and incandescent lamPs within an
for energy conservation. Here was a and other large ouldoor areas to smaller integrated system.
system that could dim the most efficient systems tor churches, auditoriums, con-
light sources available over a wide range, ference rooms and the like. A modular . Power reduction during otf-peak hours
dimmlng system can save energy and cut (maintenance, security, lunch breaks,
at any time, for any task.
Because ot the favorable lumen and operatinq costs fo. any indoor or outdoor shift changes, restocking, etc.)
power response of HID lamps when area where programmed, multi-level il- . Load shedding during Peak demand
operated on a Wide.Lite system, signifi- lumination is feasible. ho urs.
cant energy savings were made possible Fasl Payback . Power savings through photocell ad-
through programmed lighting. Further. Because ot its large capacity (100 fixtures justment tor natural light.
more, lighting could be integrated into per phase), modular design oflers greater
total energy management systems and Power savings Irom constant maintain-
economy than conventional systems for
dimmed during periods of peak demand. ed illLrmination throughout lamp life.
most applications. Depending on size of
New Modular ogsign installation, m ult ip le control points Uniformity and qood visibility at low
Expands Syst€m Capability desired, and operating schedules, pay- light levels.
lvodular "buiiding block" design now ex' back typically occurs within two or three Uniform lamp life for roLltine lamp
pands Wide-Lite dimming capabilities for years. maintenance programs.
the control of fluorescent and incandes- Fr€€ Compuler Analysis
cent lamps as well as HID in a complete System flexibility tor area/task
Energy isn't going to get any cheaper, so if changes.
range of indoor or outdoor zones. Options, you have a project on the boards or one
such as micro'computer intelligence, coming up, why not call us for a free Expandable, mod ular design for
pholocell moniloflng. central monil oring analysis of your application? Program- future growlh.
and local occupant override, permit a flex- med, modular dimming is a desirable alter-
ibility of design and energy savings never native to switching or simply putting up
before possible. with less than adequate light. And you'll
be surprised at how much you can save.
For HID, Fluorescent
and Incandescent
OM Sgries Control Pan€l
Speclflcatlon Descriplion Basic Modula. Conlrol Panel 1. HID dimming system shallbe capable of
Wide-Lite integrated dimming systems of- For smaller to medium dimming applica- controlling (quantity of) (mercury vapor,
fer a new degree of design freedom for tions, Wide-Lite offers a basic modular metal halide, high pressure sodium) lamps
control of any combination of metal system. Ihis is a control panel with from a (_) volt, ( ) phase electrical
halide, high pressure sodium, mercury capacily to meet mosl design require. source. Dimming controls shall also be pro-
vapor, fluorescent and incandescent ments (see diagram, page D-5). With the vided for incandescent and fluorescent
lamps from a single control system. capacity to operate nine single phase or lamps such that the dimming of all light
Modular construction allows insertion of three 3 phase zones (300 fixtures max- sources is provided from an integrated
standard printed circuit cards to provide a imum)with up to three separate automatic package.

Dl high degree ot flexibility with a reduced

order lead time. For applications with
Special requirements, custom micropro,
cessor control modules are avarlable.
AEC controls, the basic modular system
provides adequate flexibility for control of
school gymnasiums, churches and small
commercial and industrial facilities.
2. Dimming controls shall be designed to
provide (quantity of) zones of independent
controls as specified. ln addition to manual
The equipment utilized in a Wide-Lite dimming control, the system shall contain
Operaling Chalact€ristics of HID Lamps an automatic mode which utilizes a remotely
dimming syslem includes the Dl\4 Series Control of HID lamps differs from that of in-
dimmer control panel, DM Series HID located photosensor to maintain constant
candescent and tluorescent in that the HID illumination in the area at all times.
dimming ballasts, DM Series incandes- dimming system does not allow the lamp to
cent dimmers, DM Series fluorescent dim,
completely "fade out". Low end operating
3. (Mercury vapor, metal halide, high
mers and commercially available one or limits are conslructed into the Dl\4 Series pressure sodium) lamps shall dim from
two lamp 40 watt rapid start fluorescent dimming ballast to prevent lamp llutter and 1(nok b _ya of their iight output and
dimming ballasts supplied by others. dropout. Consequently, each lamp type 100"/" lo _"/. of their power consump-
(Consult factory for approved list of tion. lncandescenl and fluorescenl dimming
f luorescent dimming ballasts.)
{mercury, metal halide, high pressure
sodium)and wattage has its own character- shall have full range continuous control with
istic dimming range. Also, when an HID low end limits which are field adjustable.
The modular control system is housed in lamp is dimmed, the light output will 4. Fixtures shall be equipped with
an industrial grade equipment cabinet stabilize at the new intensity setting after {integralkemote) dimming ballasts capable
{NEMA 1 is standard, NEt\4A 12 availabte). the arc tube cools to the lower power level of driving the lamps with a continuous 60
Ample space is provided for all field (see typical curve for 400 watt HPS). The hertz AC current containing no DC com-
connections. Memory for the micropro- same holds true for lamp warmup when ponents.
cessor controller contains battery backup changing from a low to higher level.
5. AII dimming equipment shall be con.
for protection againsl power outages. nected in accordance with manufacturer's
Dimming Range lor HID Lamps
wiring diagrams and will be covered by
manufacturer's standard three-year limited
lanp/ Lumons Eallast lnput
Wattago @ Low Power@Low
warranty. Dimming system manufacturer
shall provide field inspection of dimming
1000w Mercury 2 10
equipment installation prior to equipment
400w Mercury 2 15
250w Merc!ry
being energized.
15 36

1(mw Metal Hal de 14 36

400w Metal Halide 24 47
250w Metal Halide 19 53

> r m., Fu( bis

10@w H PS 18 38
400w H PS 834
250w H PS 12 26
Opttonal Features
Multlplo Area Conlrol Mlcrcproc€ssor Controls
Addition ot expander control cards allows For more complex designs involving multi- switching other loads as well, utilizin(
for independent control oi any number of ple modes of operation a micro-processor same contror turcljons. These O O
zones. Snap together "expander racks" based controller is available as a modular "*',r,r',;
functions can be provlded by operation oi
provide virlually uniimited capacity. opiion. The system's software allows the control relays within the central equipment
user to define the exact operating schedule cabinet or by use of the Digital Energy
with inputs and overrides available from Switcher (DES). The DES uliiizes a set ol
remote stations. three low voltage control wires running out
Automatic Enorgy Conlrol (AEC) Capabilities of the digltal remote controls to remote relay panels. Each relay panel con,
may be field programmed from the master tains a decoder which identifies the digiial
console. The mlcro-processor based con- signal on the control line and switches the
troller also accepts inputs from louch tone relay accordingly. The DES may also be
telephone interfaces and wireless remote operated as a siand alone syslem which
conlrols, or may be directly interfaced allows for matrix programming of wa I
AEC Photocell through 1s standard asynchronous (R5-232) swilches and loads. Coniact Wide-Lite for
AEC is a closed loop control syslem which lo other computers.
inpLrt/oLrtpui details.
maintains a constant illumination level, Available monitoring systems include
much the same way as a thermostat con- direct foolcandles readout and, with the REmot€ Controls
trols temperaiure. By compensating for additional of exlernal sensors, KWH con- Conlrol station capabilities inc ude on/ofi,
daylight contribution and lighting system sumplion and savings. preset levels, manual dimmino, AEC, remote
depreciation, AEC can achieve quick ln addiiion to providlng control for the lockout and mastering. With Command Con-
payback, making dimming a cost effeclive dimming syslems, the rnicro-processor trol, multiple points of control are available
oplion. based controller may be equipped for for operation of any Oroup of areas.

ri00fis0 Wiring: HID lamps are controlled by

t?3r5i use of a separate $olid state dimrner
built into each DM series dimming
ballast. These ballasts are powered T
3 s
from conventional lighting branch I

I 1 circuits and controlled by a low L

, voltage signal generated in the I

dimmer control panel. This siqnal is

+. 't t,
distributed to the ballasts via
voltage control conductors
(NEC rt,
0 0 Class l). As each dimmer ballast
compares the phase angle of the L.
\4/idelite power line to that of the control I

signal, a separate signal is supplied I

RCS.6M for all fixtures common to ihe same L

phase (three 2-wire control circuits
are fed to an area using 3-phase
power for the lighting).

t2 1.

All low voltage conductors are
to be 18 AWG, min.
2. Dimming fixtures connected to
an "A" phase branch circuit

iil 3.
must utilize an "A" phase con-
trol circuit, etc.
Size branch circuits to accom-
modate ballast hoi rest.ike

T i=l tiltr 4.
currents (see dimming ballast
data sheet, page D-7).
Lighting panel and relays may
be furnished by others, or by
LMelile \rllbllb Wide-Lite {integrated with d;m-
mer panel into a single

Ordering Guide
DM Serios Mast€r Control Pan6l Rsmote Conlrol Slalions (BCS)
DD Typical Catalog Number

Command Conlrol
The Command Control feature provides for
the use of multipie control points for
DM.277 3/3 3/AEC l. Number of areas of independenl dimming the lights within a single area. By
L Line Vollage must be the same as control available from this locaiion. touching the ON selector, control ls trans-
for dimming ballasts used, i.e., 120, ll. Number of areas utilizing the AEC ferred to your station. Mastering and lock,
208, 240, 277, 480. funci ion. out options are available. The Command
ll. A/8. where: lll. Master intensity control for all areas Control option is included with each AEC
(optional). Remote Control Slations module, or may be ordered separately.
A = Nurnber of zones of indepen- are furnished with brushed
dent control.
alumlnum trim plates and silk
B= Number of eleclrical phases
screened legends. Eack boxes are
supplying power to each zone_
included for flush mounting.
Recessed or surface cabinets with
lll. Number of areas requiring AEC locking doors are available.
control (3 max.)/AEC.
N umber oi areas requinng
Command Control/CC.
Note: The AEC option also provides
for one zone of Command Control.
Other specialized options are
availab e. Consult the factory.

Typtcal Modular Dtmmtng Control Dlagram


F----J LYI

,t--- - --l

DM\4/ Series Vall Box l)immer
For IOOO, 4OO and 25O watt mercury vapor, metal hallde and
hlgh pressure sodium lamps
General lnlormation
Wide-Lite patented DMW Series wall box dimmers are designed
especial y for areas with up to ten HID fixtures, where modular
systems are not required.
All DMW units are furnished wlth a 4-gang back box and satin-
finish stainiess steel trlm p aie. An "on oft" 30 amp toggle
switch and "high" to "low" light inlensiiy conlrol dial are
provided for simple operation. The complete solid state elec-
tronic dimmer control unit is self-contained wilhin the back box.
System capacity for direct switching of branch c rcu t by a 30
amp toggle switch is limjted by ballast currenl and rating ol
toggle switch. A maximum of ten (10) units may be controlled lf
.t load relays are utilized to switch oads rather than direct
switching. (See Ordering GLride).

These compact uniis are ideal for conference rooms, olfices,
schoolrooms, comrnercial shops, small auditoriurns, or any
small{o-medium size area where multi'level lighting is indicated
for task performance or for enerqy conservation.

Ordering Gutde
DMW Master Control Panel (Single Phase, 60 Hz.) Bemote Control units (oplional, at additional cosl)

Sysl€m Maximum Lamp Capacity

Dir€ct Swllching of
Branch Chcult by LodS ildrod
Low vollage 3-w re remote intensity control tor nsta a-
tion in slng e'gang sw lch box. ("On Oli" switch not pro'
Calalog Toggl€ Swllch on by Relay Shipplng
Vollag6 DMW Unll (all wallages) Wl. (lbs.) vided.)
10m$r 400w 250w PCU.W Portable low vo tage 3 wire remole iniensity conlrol un t
wlth 25 ' cable. ( 'On Ott swllch nol provided.) Forcon-
0MW,120,1 120\ 2-wne N/A46 10 venienl portable operation from podiums, etc.
DMW-2081 208v 2.wite 4 7 10 10
DMW-240-1 24Ov 2wi(e 4 I 10 10
DMW.277-l 277v 2-wi(e 5 I 10 10
Melal Halide
DMW-120'1 12Ov 2-wite N/A35 10
DMW-208-1 208v 2-wirc 458 10
DMW-240-1 240\ 2-wire 4 6 10 10
DMW-277-1 277v 2 wi(e 5 I 10 10
High Pressur6 Sodium
DMW-120-1 I20v 2-w te N/A35 10
DMW-208-1 208v 2-w re 259 10
DMW-240-1 24Av 2-wire 3 6 10 10
DMW-277-1 277\ 2 wire 3 1 10 10

Local ons lor combinalion
1/2" & 3/4" knockouls lor load t-.- J. )
and remote contro raceways

,i( r.
DM Series Remote Ballasts for HID Lamps
For use wtth Dlt and DlllV Serles Dfunmlng Controls
DC General lntormalion Dlmenslons
DM Series remote dimming ballasts are deslgned tor use with DN4
and DMW Series master control units. All Dlvl Series ballasls are AAC
fully encapsulated for cool operation and moisture resistance. 250-R1H1120, 208, 240)DM 14.1t2" 8.1t4" 5.118'
Housing is of embossed corrosion-resistant aluminum. 250-RtH-277 DM 1434" 8.1t4" 5.1i8'
Knockouts in the large wiring compartment are provided ior easy 400-RtH.(120, 208, 240)DM 1a-112'. 8.1t4. 5.1i 8"

enlry. Each end of the ballasl enclosure is provided with

400-RtH,277DM 18-112', 8.1t4" 5-1/8"
3/4,, 1000-RrH.(208, 240, 277)DM 22" 8-1t4" 5-1/8',
threaded connections for pendent mounting and feedthrough wir- 1000-RtH-480DM 22" 4.114'. 5-118',
ing. Ballasls also have provisions for wall or rack mounting. M6tal Halid6
250-RlM.(120, 208, 240, 277)DM 18-1t2" a-114" 5-1t8',
400,RrM.020, 208, 240, 277)DrV 18-1t2' 8-114" 5-1/8 "
1000-RtM-(208, 240, 277, 480)DM 22" 8-1t4" 5-r/8'
Hlgh Pr6ssur€ Sodium

Ordering Guide 250-RtS.020, 208, 240)Dr\4

400-R rs-(1 20, 208, 240)D M
10 3/8"
22" 10 3/8"
la 112" 10-3/8',
5-1/8 "

Primary Prlmary Currenl in Amps

1000,Rrs-(208, 240, 277, 480)DM 23', 1t-1t2" 6',
Catalog Numb€r Voltag€ Opereling Slarling Hot Est. Shpg. CAUftAN: HID luninaites shautd be apetated an grcuhded systens onty Uhgtouhd
Restrike wl.0bs.) ed pawet distibutian systens nay caiy hgh tdnsient vo ages cause
1000w M€rcury Vapor lanure al any lype electttcal equtpnent
1000-RtH-2080M 204 5.6 8.5 7.4 72
1000-RtH-2400M 240 4.9 7.4 6.4 72
1000-RtH-277DM 277 4.3 6.4 5.3 72
1000-RtH.480DM 480 2.4 3.0 3.2 72
400w Morcury Vapor
400,RtH-1200M 120 4.2 6.5 7.2 50
400-BtH.208DM 208 2.4 3.8 4.2 50
400-RlH-240DM 240 2.1 3.2 3.6 50
400-RlH-277DM 1.8 2.8 31 50
250w M€rcury Vapor
250-RrH-1200M 120 2.5 3.3 4.6 40

D,I 250-BtH-208DM
-- HPS
1000w Metal Halid€
1000.RtM.208DM 248 5.6 85 ] DEV CE
1 000-R I rv -240 D tv 240 4.9 7.4 6.4 85
1000-RtM-277DM 277 4.3 6.4 5.3 85
1000-RtM-480DM 480 24 3.0 3.2 85
400w Metal Halide
400-RtM-120DM 120 3.5 10.4 50
400-RtM,20aDM 208 2.4 2.8 5.8 50
400.RtM,240DM 240 1.8 2.4 5.0 50 2-1tA"
400-RtM-277DM 2.5 2.8 3.4 50
400.RtM,4800M 480 1.0 1.2 25 50
250w Mslal Halids
250-RtM.120DM 120 2.4 2.a 6.0 50
250-RtM-20aDM 208 1.6
'1.4 1.6 3-5 50
240 1.4 3.0 50
250,R !4-277DM277 1.2 1.0 2.6 50
1000w High Pr€ssu16 Sodium
1000.8ts,208DM 208 5.8 '|.0 85
1000-Rts.240DM 240
5.0 s.5 85
277 4.4 8.2 85
1000-Rts-480DM 480 2.5 4.75 85
400w Hlgh Pressure Sodium
400-Rlsn20DM 120 4.3 9.9 50
400-Rts,2080M 20a 2.5 5.7 50
400-Rts-240DM 240 2.2 5_0 50
400.R1S,277DM 277 1.8 4.4 46
2g)w Hlgh Pr€ssure Sodlum
250.R|S.120DM 12A 2.5 5.8 50
250-R|S-208DM 208 1.5 3.3 50
250-R|S-240DM 240 1.3 2.9 50
250"R|S.277DM 277 11 2.5 30
'Less lhan operarinq
Operating Costs/AEC vs. Std. System
Typical lnstallation, 624,514
a Annual Savings
Microprocessor.based Dimming/AEC a Standard Syslem
OFFICE AREA - 75 fc, maintained using {36) 400 wait metat ! AEC System
halide recessed fixtures with dimming ballasts.
Daily Operating Schedule (5 days/wk)
7- 8a.m............201c 1 5p.m............75fc
8- 12 noon . . . . . . . . . . 75 fc 5- 6p.m............20fc
12 - 1p.m. ... . . . . . ... 201c 6 p.m. - 7 a.m....... OFF
(L'r nch )

Average Annual Eneray Consumption:

x.045 $/KWH
ln addition to AEC operation, individual rooms and areas may
have independent dimm ina controls.

INDUSTBIAL AREA - 60 fc, maintained using (98) 1000 walt metat

halide industrial luminaires w/dimming ballasts.
Two shitt operation. Operating Schedule (6 days/wk.)
6-7 a.m. ............ . 10 fc 12:30, 1 a.m........... 10 fc
7 - 1 2130 a.m. ......... . 60 fc' 1 -6 a.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OFF
"D mming lo l0 tc ior (2) 15 m nures breaks & (l)30 minule mea perodeachshifi.
An average oi 25lc s contr buled lrom skylights lor 7 ho!rs/day.
Average Annual Energy Consumpt ion.
. 624,514 KWH STD. SYSTEMS
l- l!2?1! KWH AEc sysrEM

WAREHOUSE AREA - 30 fc, maintained using (20) 400 watt H PS

aisle iighting fixtures w/dimm,ng ballasts.
Operating Schedule (6 days/wk)
7a.m..1a.m......... . 3fc 4hours @ Highasrequired'
'Each aisle has an ndependent lr gh/low conlro so lhal lhe lights are al lol powe.
dLri.9 occupancy on y
Annual Energy Consumption:
51,667 KWH STD, SYSTEi.,4
x.045 $/KWH
PARKING LOT- 5 fc, average Lrsing (10) 1000 watt HPS cutoff
luminaires w/dimming ballasts.
Operating Schedule (6 days/wk.) Operating Schedule (1 day/wk.)
Dusk-8:30p.m........1.0fc Dawn , Dusk . . . . . . . . - . . OFF
8:30-9115p.m........... 5fc
ish ll chanoe)
9:15- i2i30a-m. t ni" Dush Dawr ' 1 0 fc

12:30 1 a.m. ........... 5 fc

(end ll)
ol2nd sh
1 a.m. - Dawn.......-.
1.0 fc
Annual Energy Consumption:
x.045 $/KWH

,.!)Copvr qhl Wide L te Corporat on 1981


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