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SCHOOL: Grup Scolar Agromontan “ Romeo Constantinescu”

DATE: 21ST May 2014
TEACHER: Breten Nicoleta
CLASS: 0 pre- school
TOPIC: Travelling
LESSON: Means of transport
TIME: 45 minutes

AIDS: video presentation, worksheets, flashcards

1. to ensure practice of specific vocabulary (means of transport) develop listening, speaking skills

-students may not understand all the tasks without the teacher’s help;
-students may have pronunciation difficulties and the teacher will correct them.

ORGANISATION OF THE CLASS: group work, pair work, individual work

No. Stage Teacher’s activity and student’s activity Time

1. Warm-up The T greets the Ss and asks them to sing Hello song. 5’
The T presents a pp presentation with seasons and asks
Ss to name them.
The T asks Ss: What’s the weather like?
The Ss give their answers: it’s sunny, it’s rainy..
2. Lead-in The T plays What’s in my bag game and presents Ss 10’
means of transport flashcards. The T asks Ss to predict
lesson’s title.
Ss give their answers.
The T points on each flashcard and name the means of
The Ss repeat items names.
The T presents pp presentation and says: plane , boat,
train, bus, car.
Speaking SS repeat chorally and individually.
Listening The teacher shows Ss a drawing with a bus.The T 10’
points on the wheels,horn,baby and doors.The T sings
and demonstrates the song actions The wheels on the
bus.Ss repeat after her.
Practice The T gives Ss some worksheets and asks them to 15’
match the words with the pictures.
Ss give their answers and come to the board to match
the items.
The T splits Ss in 5 groups and gives each group a
jigsaw with a plane, boat, train, bus or car. The Ss put
the pieces of paper in order and name the item.
Follow-up The T mimes a means of transport and asks Ss to guess 5’
it.The T asks one pupil to came in front of the class and
mime a means of transport.The Ss guess it.

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