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PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY & MATHEMATICS CODE: 111276 Maximum Marks: 240 road the instructions carefully. You are allotted § minutes specifically for | this purpose. + You are not allowed to leave the Examination Hall before the end of the test INSTRUCTIONS Gautlon: Question Paper CODE as given above MUST bec ‘Shoot Bofore attempting the paper, Wrong CODE or no CODE. A.General Instructions ‘Attempt ALL the questions. Answers have to be marked on tho OMR sheets. ' This qusstion paper contains Three Section. | ‘Sectiond Is Physics, Seetlonsilis Chemisty and Seetlon-Hlis Mathematics. 1 Each section is futher divided into three part: PartA. Part-B & Part-C jon paper. No 8 tly marked In the answer OMR i give wrong results, Rough spaces are provided for rough work inside the édivenel sheets wil be provided for rough work. 6, Blank Papers, cp boards, log tables, side ru any form, are net awed. celular phones, pagers and electronic deviees, in B.Filling of OMR Sheot 1 "Ernie mateig of MR paper belore you sia marking your answers on OMA in 2, Onis OMR sheet, darken the 855209 character of your Enrolment No. fSnd wrpin ink your Nemo, Tes! Gerve ons 3, Oua'Sheet contains alphabets, numera's& special enaracters for marking answer. C. Marking Scheme For All Three Parts. Part A (Ot ~8) contans 8 ruttple choice questions Ww eariseed marks forcomoct anewer rd =2 mark for wreng answer. shave ony one correct answer. Each question Part ~A (09 ~ 42) contains 4 mut, sueslons which have ene cr more than ene ear Shower Bach queston caries +4 mar Is no negative marking part -B (01 = 02) contains 2 Motix Match Type questions containing statements oven in 2 Batt (ot oe eat calumny have tobe matched with statements n te second column. Each question Slalom We fore comect nwo, For each coect row o2 marks wil be awarded and =1 mark for tach row matched incarety. Ja Gilt Itoger as answer, ranging trom 0 {u art (01-08) contains 6 Numerical based qvestons wih sng ‘mark for wrong answer {fo 9.and each queston cares +4 marks for correc answer and po | Name of the Candida Date of Examination :, Batch: : Enrolment Number: SE OTTO SET DOTS P TT STO OTT Wd rn and Pa DW Nr BON TEES PR OAS \ | PART ~ A: (Single Correct Answer Typ®) . ‘This section contains & multiple chalce questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (O) oxt ! of which ONLY ONE Is correct. } ‘A uniform current carrying ring of mass m and radius R is connected bby massless string as shown. A uniform magnetic eld B, exist In the region to keep the ring in horizontal posite, then the current in the # ring a (= length of string) (ay a 3Re, ©) Re, mg mol « C) mal © SR, ©) RB, 2 Along straight wire, carrying a current is bent at Its mid point to form ‘an angle of 60°. AT a point P, distance R from the point of bending the magnetic field is (2=t)u (si a—— (6) 4nf 4nR | (Cc) a (D) Fak OR : : 2. Aparclecarge and mats ms projected wth a veoty vo twa ! tadius and O is the centre of the circular region. If the line OP makes 1 passes through O's, ! BR BR A © asind 8) Fmsind BR ' (Cc) 208R (0) x msing 2msind ' having resistance 4fim. The cel ef smallams ¢,=2V and e,=4V (Tt | re ee gue i gavenoneter shove mo aeteson ale port 3 1 1 am 1 @) tm “em © 3 ah . oben (0) Sen ; aaah | TTT DE Ron noe BO Gots HE CONE WO Be Rl RIB NW BeBe TS PET SIT | aE R| . As stiten shown figure re maximum vale of rte of energy sires te capacter after te switch is cosas e Avery long curent campngaire s viaced org zexs tavrg cet of repice | twscs recetve zens i wy pare, sun Pet Ine jering para She Seg Sy pt roe nts Nearest Gistarce of semicraus’ wre tom org wre ¢ magnet force on semicrausr wire wil be 7. A crect curert fowng Trough me wi Ta ee e yct Choice Type) 1d (D) out. TSS fon contins¢ mutta cholo guvston. Each quesion hs four ehokces (A), (8), () and ©) Sfwhich ONE OR MORE may be cored , . itch _switct 8 Inthe given circu C, = 6,°6; = 20, Vy = Vp V&Ry = Benen Roe A all switches-are closed at then choose the Incorrect statemer ime t= RC (inital al capacors are uncharged) & Vv Rs (A) Current through V, is less than Rel? -1] Vi v Va Re (2) Powe cetvered by Votes than (©) Current through V) is greater than ale -1] 2 (©) Power detvered by Vs is greater than ———oEOoEooeEeEeE>EeEeEeEeEapaswss | Hr He" and 0” ions having same kine energy pass through a region of space fled swith uniform ee ced 8 Sitected perencicular to the velocity of ions. The masses of the lons H” He’ ond O” are respectively inthe ratio 1:47 16. AS a result (A) H" ions willbe deflected most (©) He" and o* (8) only 0" ions willbe deflected least ‘ons will suffer same deflection (0) Allions will suffer the same deflection 1 A mictoammater has a resistance of 41 voltmeter or as a higher range ammeter tnd resistance combinations (A) 50.V range with 10 kn resistance in series (C) Sma range with 1 0 resistance in parallel }002 and a full scale range of SOuA, It can be used as a Provided a resistance is added to it Pick the correct range (8) 10.V range with 200 ke resistance In series (0) 10 mA range with 1 9 resistance in parallel Set so that one is inside the other. yee, The utents i, and jz are flowing in oppocina ols is zero, This is possible when he number of ctions. The A) iei, and n, «© ®)i,=i, and n, en, ©) in, =i.n, ‘Space Jor rough work 7 f i i i j & i i i i i i i PART ~ B: (Matrix Match Type) 1. Inthe circuit shown in figure, Ry = Ri 30 and emf. of ‘each call is E = 4V and negligible intemal resistance. All ‘ammeters are ideal. Match the following: | ‘ i: (8) | Reading of ammeter A; in ampere is (a) | 88 |. (©) | Reading of ammeter As in ampere is | 4 i I (0) | Ponta! atference between point a and pot bn] (8) | Zero vets 1! 2 m TL ' 2 ‘ ‘Column ‘Column =i (A) ] A charge particle is moving in uniform | (P) | Velocity ofthe particle may be constant. electric and magnetic field in gravity tree space. . (@) | A charge panicle Is moving In unitorm | (a) | Path of particle may be straight line. ‘lactic magnetic and gravitational field ; {C) | A charge particle is moving in uniform | (R) | Path of particle may be circular. magnetic and gravitational field (where electric field is zero) i (0) | Acharge particle is moving in only uniform | (S) | Path of particle may be helical electric field | (1) | The path must be stright ine. “apace for rough work TEE ek OT ora SET SoA oe at RS Ne TRE TAT Ths section contains 6 questions. 8. The comect digt below the questi =: Numa 8 The mento ech gosta singling ranging fom Ot2 ed) ion number in the ORS is to be bubbled. 1A nonconducting nonmagnetic rod having ctu cross Aeon oI radius R is suspended trom a rigid support as shown In the figure. A light and {ghty atte ie end ofthe red where union magnetic Wo 8 2 A gatvanometer of coi re volmeter by using a resistance of Selvanometer is converted into am: ©f 10. Now ammeter and 25 shown, find the reading 3. A article having mess mn, Bs in a region of unt Perpendicular to the pla Partele is contnuously su as Fe-av, wh moves on a spiral pat i Point Pie 2n met (Take e = 10° kg i229 (M8) 10 tng 1¥. 4 Galoulate tne ratio of magnitude of curent in 30 ws ta fesistanceis to magnitude of eurentin 40 resistance ‘small coll of 200 tums is wrapped sistance 19 is converted into ‘501in series and same eter by using a shunt voltmeter connected in circuit of voitmeter in vot. {charge @ is projected with velocty vp along y- im magnetic field By which is cutward or gt the paper as shown in the figure, the sted to a frictional force which varies wih ere & i$ @ constant. Consequently the particle comes to rest at point P. The x- co-ordinate of Sse faze oy e ° The value ef nis 076, B, T, ve = tm s,m=20.9m) v 10 ta $20 apace Jor rough work ES Nene Ce ran 2S) onan Wt ena at Reto on Tae BOT = For the circuit arrangement shown In the figure, find th potential dtterence (in V) across C; in the steady state ‘condition. ‘A wice AB of length | and mass m is placed on a two vertcal Suppors each having resistance RU2. The wre AB's Wee te move. A col is connected to ie tee ence as shown be figure, Nis placed in a untorm magnet fel Be Now emitn ke choted fora shor time, sa that cage flown ia is area in the creuit is. Find te maxmum height atained by te aire AB in mete, Neglect the inavetve etfect ofthe wre and ihe oop. Take te value of BE os 201m mg ‘ace Jor ough work Ee Co Fa Gone a he Ras TTS BO SECTION ~ II: CHEMISTRY PART ~ A: (Single Correct Answer Type) gris section contains & multipte cree ‘Questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out Slwhich ONLY ONEs eonreet 1 0 A _seteinone Mee No —esdasinensoy () Mraconpanax® (A) 9° OH mor, Meo” Se | - f° 0) OH oO 1 I CO a0 1 ‘Tho compound x is OMe bed ® : a rn ° ' oC o ort | | "ae For rough work tod 4 Me So ANB MeOH y r oJ Soho ac ioe? (7) | dtr A Tho compound X Is, } Oo Br : “ wo ‘ons ) ' Z ) o : (c) Mo 7 Me (0) f ‘The compound X Is (A) e) i c cet a poet oF r Z A H k o: ( y oi (0) AA ors | oO space for rough work eee TEE Ta Rood Ba Gots CHR Wes ona Fad Papa ah fess PRATT SCHCOH— 828 4(x) Barebone ‘The compound xis Hye. NHy Hye, Ne « cH, ® ee Sc. io Ce © jC OH +.H0-cr .Catahe H ° >) eect CO ee The compound x is ° er 4 er ‘© 4 Br No er 7 Q 0 (Se The compound X is (ay ° @) oA © =0 ° =? Ho, Ho, Tor rough work es aT aT ( This section contains 4 multiple choles questions. Each question has four choices (A), °. ‘OH (%) ae od ‘The compound X is (A) “Ie 8) "Ye ° ° ©) BO © 9° 3 PART - A: (Mulll Correct Choice Type) . ‘ (8), (C) and (0) out of which ONE OR MORE may ba corroct. o 10. 1. 12. For the benzoin condensation, cyanide ion is used as selective catalyst, ths is because {A) oyanide ion is a good nucleophile {@) cyanide ion is an effective leaving group (C) ts electron-withdrawing effect makes aldehyde hydrogen more acidic (©) cyanide ion isa strong base Ester can be reduced by (A)DIBAL-H (@)Na-CsHj0H — (C) NaBH (0) CHsMgx Which ofthe folowing involves @ fre radical path? (A) R-X+Mg—9R-MgX (8) R-CHO—“ +R-COOH OH efnion's H ©) L these Nr on ° oH ° Ethyl phenyl Ketone was treated with 1 equivalent of Br, /OH. The analysis of reaction mixture after reaction revealed that (A) All h ketone was converted to acbromoketone (8) Only half ofthe ketone had been consumed (C) Practically no PhCOCHErCH, was present {D) The sole product Is PhCOCHBr,CHs ‘pace Jor rough work PART ~B: (Matrix Match Type) 1. Maton the fotow ) 0 P) | 2 SNP test wn - By} oO Toy | Toten regent tent oy TAY | y+ NaOH lederomn teat) o (5) | Fehing souiton teat A | " OD = cK) ‘Mateh the following i A) Rang Ce Anmonta AghOe 8) uanen isin — Kane ie (0) -Nangk a PART ~C: (Numerical Bas ‘This section contains 6 questions. Tho answer to exer a 2. The correct digit below the question number in the ORS s to be taste 1. Number of moles of CO, evotved and the product tained nthe tosonng reason te ° HooG c00H HOC’ "COOH COOH Hooc: ‘pate Jor rough work ‘The set of all values of a for which the function 1-22 es ‘je =3x+In decreases Sorall real xis (A) (==) ® [+ Flan) Pea @(-asZ)ue) [r= valve ef m for which the area of the triangle included between the axes and any tangent to the curve x"y =b” Is constant, is “ (8)1 (22 alto the cure y=f(x) at x= 0 be given by the equation 3x—y+3=0, then the 4 8-7 1 O)-> ce enue BAST SE Mul Comet sien Te) rsans 4 multple cotee quesvons, Buen everion het our chicas (A), (8), (6) and (0) ou ownicn ONE OR MORE may be correct. has s cereale ae Whigh of the following statements are correct? +x) (A) (x) 8 sricty 1y Cocreasing in (1, =) easing in (~=, -1) f(x) es (G) 1(x) has two points of local extrema. (0) f(x) nas a pont of local minimum at some x€(~4 0). ‘pace for rough work z Tied acon VSD Co ann Wo fe Fond Pan BaP Oh Nes THEO PR OT ATEN SECTION - MATHEMATICS PART ~ A: (Single Corract Answer Type) This section contains 8 multiple chalce questions, Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (0) out ofwhich ONLY ONE ls correct. 1. Wf the function {(x)=2x? ~2ax? +12a?x+1 has a local maximum at x=x, and a local minimum at x= x, such that x, = x?, then a is equal to , 4 i (Ayo (8) Zz 2 (0) none of these of (x)In[x + 44x? ' 2 WA(R) = im Fr >A then f () ( ‘dx is equal to mex nn ec : W Wfxsine)-x+0 €) Letnfxasaw)-»)s0 : | C)xnfesMFR)-nfeeiaw]+e (oynaneatinese | ; 3. WE (x)=t (x) + ['t(x)dx and £(0)= then f(x) is equal to Vy 2e" te ; } ®) -e 3-e 20" r ox 4. tthe [Loteaz and | = f*0""de, then )L=e) @)y=e%, ‘ (C) =e", (0) none of these £0) =[n1-(x}, where {x} denotes the fractional pat of, then f(x) is decreasing In w(-$9 ot ole of | 1 apace Jor rough work \ uy | TE Re Be TT TO | | ee del nb ee y RE Ro oe 7 6 J The Set ofall values of a for which the function 0-2 3) x* -3x+1nB decreases for all real x is (A) (~,c) el 3-280) © (aZ)e-) © [i«) a 7% The value of m for which the area of the triangle included between the axes and any tangent to the curve x"y =b” is constant, Is 4 . ; wt @1 1 3 ©) 3 os (0)2 8. Ifthe normal to the curve y= (x) at x= 0 be given by the equation 3x—y +30, then tho \ Value of es lig ile)-aax)eatr) -t | @-} fl i \" -t (0-3 ; PART ~ A: (Mult! Correct Choice Typo) ‘This section contains 4 multiple choles questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which ONE OR MORE may be correct. 8. Lat f(x) = ZV nich othe folowing statements are coroet? (A)! (is sity neroasing in (2, ~1) (8) f(x) is strictly decroasing in (1, <0). (©) f(x) has two points of local extrema, (©) f(x) has @ point of local minimum at somo x¢(~1,0). } ‘space Jor rough work 10. 11 12, ~y+b=0 meets the curve again at {0,0)) on the curve ax” PypPyyoesPy form The tangent ata point P, (other than ‘and so on. I the abscissae of P,, ,. The tangent at P, meets the curve again at Ps GP, then (a, b) may be equal 9 (a) (4,0) a 2) 2.7) (3,5) (0)(4,9) Let f(x) be areal valued function defined by f(x) ext rxtfes(ddtese ff()at. Which of the folowing held good? w ferar= 2 we r(pet(-y= 22 © fencers fr(pet o@-1(-9-2 Which ef the folowing integral vanishes? (A) | (c082x.cos2? x.cos2°x e082! x.cos 2"x)dx (0) [nx A) (6) ans Joe (©) fin(tanx)ex ‘pace for rough work TiTIEE Ta ene Bai orb 31 aB33 ool A 1. Match the foiowi PART — B: (Matrix Match Type) . Ww i > =[(@-9 +(4-x)' +x)cosmedx, then |50n?1| is wou 7 Gy] 100 1 d= [san(sinnx)d, then 10Jis equal to . Co) 1 FT 80 W Kem [eos] un out rds GF) ; D 7 we] 7 Fix+25}ox Wlag , then £ is equal to (here [| and {.} denote J{x+25} dx greatest integer function and fractional pat function ’ respactivaly) 1-25, 2 Let f(x) =(x-1)(x-2)(x-3)an(x=n),neN and EE ET oxoal)~6 where @) |i g(x), KER fo discontinuous at 9 points, then n ts divisible | (2) | 4 bs = TY [it g(x) =5 has @ solutions, thon n may bo equal ® ' Wh ]i the number of roots of the equation f'(x)=0 be | (S) ‘n-5)' (n—1), n> 1 than the possiblo values of n are (n-5)'(n-1), h at Space Jor rough work PART~C: (Numerical Based) This section contains 6 questions. The answer to each questions is 2 single-diglt-Integer, ranging from 0 to 8. The correct digit below the question number inthe ORS is tobe bubbled. 1+ 42 t(x) Gy, whore £(0) 0 and f (x)= a(x) +C, wit 9(0)= (1x ; fF} =feteane vader, 2, Thevalue of tho define integral i( 1 tet ox s % Let bea postive integer and f(x)=min{jx—4,[x=2)omlx=A}. tf #(x)ebe= , then the value ofnis xox " 2 2 a 2 A bet (x)= Sr S42 and ox) =(x¢ 8) (x? 4 +8)(x4 —3x42)(98 2-3). IF rate denote the numberof points of local minima and local maxima of th function (g(x), then the value of n,n, is 5. Let f be a continuous function satisfying f"(x)>0 on (~s, 2) and thelvalue of 4"(x) ¥ x € (0,c0) be equal tothe minimum value of min{e"™ +2, x] + 2} . 3x? = 4f"(x) if L= lim: &) 2. ton the vauo of [12] f (1 denotes G.LF.) 8 Lethe function f(x) =ax" +bx* sex‘ +dx? tex? +fx-+9 (#0) touch the line y= g(x) =x+p ax 1, 2and 3, and h(x)=1(x) a(x). fh(x)dx=-22, thon he value of is ‘apace Jor rough work TINIEST Ro Won Do Gone TE Srna Wa fa Ral Poa Bah We Norah DOE PT AOSD

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