Autonomous Systems Tutorial 6

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Autonomous Systems: Tutorial 6

Localization: Basics of Kalman Filter

Dr. Islam S. M. Khalil

German University in Cairo

Faculty of Engineering and Material Science

May 26, 2018

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Navigation Steps

Input from sensors; mobile robots are equipped with

incremental encoders that measure the rotation the wheels but
not the position and orientation of the robot.
1) Perception: the robot must interpret its sensors to extract
meaningful data.
2) Localization: the robot must determine its position in the
environment/ is a procedure for calculating the robot
configuration q in real time.
3) Cognition: the robot must decide how to act to achieve its
4) Motion Control: the robot must modulate its motor outputs
to achieve the desired trajectory.
Output to the actuator.

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Figure: Integration of localization, cognition, control, and perception.

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Localization - differential mobile robot
     
ẋ cos θ 0
ẏ  =  sin θ  v + 0 ω (1)
θ̇ 0 1

Equation 1 shows the model for a differential drive,

nonlinear representation ẋ = g1 u1 + g2 u2 .
Velocity inputs v and ω are assumed to be available all the
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Localization - differential mobile robot

Real systems depends on discretized model due to the time

taken in the processing time of the code and receiving the
signals from the sensors.

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Localization - differential mobile robot

1) Euler integration.
dx ∆x x − xk
ẋ = = = k+1 = vk cos θk
dt ∆t Ts
where Ts = tk+1 − tk is the sampling time. Rearrange the
equation to get:
xk+1 = xk + vk Ts cos θk
and similar steps for y and θ.

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Localization - differential mobile robot

xk+1 = xk + vk Ts cos θk
yk+1 = yk + vk Ts sin θk (2)
θk+1 = θk + ωk Ts

Further xk+1 and yk+1 are approximate, and θk+1 is exact.

2) Runge-Kutta integration.
ωk Ts
xk+1 = xk + vk Ts cos θk +
ω Ts
yk+1 = yk + vk Ts sin θk + k (3)
θk+1 = θk + ωk Ts

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Localization - differential mobile robot

In Runge-Kutta integration: the average orientation during

[tk , tk+1 ], where ωk Ts = ∆θ. xk+1 and yk+1 are still approximate
but more accurate.
3) Exact integration.

xk+1 = xk + (sin θk+1 − sin θk )
yk+1 = yk − k (cos θk+1 − cos θk ) (4)
θk+1 = θk + ωk Ts

For ωk = 0, xk+1 and yk+1 are still defined and coincide with the
solution of Euler and Runge-Kutta.

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Localization- Geometric comparison

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Localization - differential drive robots

Odometric localization or dead


Encoders and IMU are recording

and giving totally different path
than initial path.

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Localization - differential drive robots

Odometric position updates can give only a very rough

estimate of the actual position.
There are inaccuracies due to two different reasons:
1) Uncertainty in sensors: i.e encoders, ultrasonic, .... etc.
leading to inaccuracy in state measurement.
2) Uncertainty in actuation: different velocities from motors
although same PWM is sent, due to deformation of wheel,
slippage, unequal floor and so on.
Therefore, state estimators (predictors) are used.

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Kalman Filter

Moving in x-direction:

Predicted state: using the discretized model.

Measured value: using the encoders.

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Kalman Filter

Based on kalman gain, which one should I depend on it more?

1) Kalman Gain:
KG =
error(Estimated) − error(measured)

KG : 0
|{z} → 1
Estimated measurement
is very accurate is very accurate

2) Update the state estimation:

xk+1 = xk + KG[Measured − Estimated]

= 15 + 0.7[16 − 15] = 15.7

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Kalman Filter

3) Update the error estimation:

error(Estimated)k +1 = [1 − KG]error(Estimated)k

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Kalman Filter approach

Two Stages:
First Stage: Prediction: generate an intermediate estimate
bk+1|k by propagating x bk using the process dynamics (Steps 1,
Second Stage: Correction (update): Correct the prediction on
the basis of the difference between the measured and the
predicted output (Steps 3, 4, 5).
1) Consider a linear discrete-time model

x = Ak xk + Bk uk
| k+1
{z } |{z}
estimated / control
predicted input

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Kalman Filter approach
bk+1 = APk AT +
| {z } |{z}
predicted process
error covariance
covariance matrix

Q exist due to the variance of the output velocity between the

left and the right wheel although having same input.
αr 0
0 αl2
Prediction error should be
decreasing with iterations as
shown in the diagram.

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Kalman Filter approach

3) Kalman Gain:
bk+1 H T + R)−1
bk+1 H T (H P
KGk+1 = P

H T relevant to C, R is the measurement covariance matrix

due to the uncertainty in the sensors e.g. deviation in the
encoders.  2 
σr 0
0 σl2

4) Update the state estimate:

xk+1 = xbk+1 + KGk+1 (zk+1 − H xbk +1 )

where xbk+1 is the predicted state, zk+1 is the measurement

value and xbk+1 is the estimated.

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Kalman Filter approach

5) Update the error covariance matrix:

Pk+1 = [I − KGk+1 H]P


This approach is valid for linear system, in order to be applied

on nonlinear systems, use extended Kalman Filter.

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Any Questions ?
Thank you

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