Evidence: A World of Images: A Hot Potato Team Player, Neither Should I

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Learning activity 1

Evidence: A world of images

Idiom: Examples:

A hot potato 1. Albert shouldn´t celebrate a goal in the opposite

team player, neither should I
2. When you have to mediate between to fighters
• It is a problem or
situation, that is difficult to Martines hasn’t mediate between pedro and jhoan,
deal with and causes a lot andres hasn´t either
of disagreement
In Colombian spanish:
• Nobody wanted to deal
with the matter Una papa caliente
Idiom: Examples:

Can't judge a book by its 1. Manuel isn´t a guilty, because he has a hand in his
cover pocket, neither is robert.

Definitions: 2. This girl is smart because she use glasses, sofia is

• You cannot know what
something or someone is
like by looking only at that In Colombian spanish:
person or thing's
appearance No hay que guiarse por las apariencias
Idiom: Examples:

We will win this war at any 1. Marco don´t cheating for pass the test,I don´t either
2. Lorena don’t pay 1000 dollars for ticket airplane,
neither do I.
In Colombian spanish:
when you do anything for
Ganaremos la guerra a cualquier costo.
win, and you do not matter
to anybody
Idiom: Examples:

This killing heat makes

it impossible to work. 1. monica can’t work in the sahara desert, neither
can mariana.
2. Eliana works in the smelting factory, her husband
• when you work in a hot does too.
place an is it really hard
for stayed there In Colombian spanish:

El calor matador hace imposible trabajar..

Idiom: Examples:

If you put all your eggs in one 1. Maria and peter lost all their money on DMG, my
basket you risk losing them sister does too.
2. Peter puts all his money on bit coins, marco does
Definitions: too.

• Do not put all your In Colombian spanish:

resources in one
possibility Si pones todas las fichas en una misma cosa te
arriesgas a perderlo todo..
Idiom: Examples:

We must come together if we 1. they are successful, I am too.

want to win the battle.
2. Mariana an pablo will travel to Europe, Kelly and
Definitions: me will too.

• you need to be with In Colombian spanish:

anybody that have the
same goal Unamos esfuerzos para ganar la batalla.
Idiom: Examples:

Piece of cake Angela don't think that arithmetic problem is

difficult. Neither do I
Mariana know how to get a passport, so does sofia.
• when something it is to
easy to comiment In Colombian spanish:

Es pan comido

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