World of Mortal Arts - January February 2020 PDF

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THE FINEST GLOBAL MAGAZINE FOR THE FIGHTING ARTS MAGAZIN Coan Ca) GOING TO BE, WIN OR LOSE? aX Vs ap uy LS seat * set E AND RE-INVENT UTC Li OU LS Ua » Laie Cs Nau Get the Inside Story on the making oflp Man Te UT a a Catt eso aay . Coe aT That Changed Everything x REE Ci ‘A journey of discovery into the forgotten origins of karate” ———% The KARATE-KA By Joel Reeves Sth Dan Okinawan Karate ae Ae art 2 i : PROBLEMPAGE ©.) @ on me ' Ral e Move On... Let's see what happens next Issue!!! | 9 Know yourself, your enemy, your surroundings and you aay WHAT'S YOUR NEXT QUESTION... Welcome to the January/ February issue of World of Martial Arts Magazine, we hope you are havinga great 2020, a new year anda new decade. ‘We feature more martial arts gems from the best n going. We focus on ideas, techniques, facts and opi martial art spectrum. Welcome aboard, discove rminded martial arts friends. We: pe best martial arts ma The Gol Can you see your at, not, let us know and well se if we ‘What do you think of ourarticles and de Let us know at support@ wo Cal There is even more in our huge world of fh content from videos toatticles on World of - | Arts Televi Te | Weelook forward to welcoming the New Year ry. new training and fresh opportunities, come 5 = Where ever you are enjoy your martial arts, at Home, in the Hombu, or in the cinema will Henshaw Editor READ this Digitally (Or you can always get the prt version, it's a diferent, beautifully tactile experience and READ this in Print Or you can always get the digital version, perfect fora variety of dierent scenarios fom the commute, the dojo or the beach, 200 04 womanagazine Coorg Per Cen JUNFAN/JKD SECTION ” att Ce eet) ee ne ee ot Fighting Films 40 Situation Awareness 16 Tho Truth Which Works 24 more than they can phyicallyointelletal If you want transformation in everything you do, and I'm talking about EVERYTHING, I only know of one martial art that has that ability... Wing Chun. ep Wing Chun. say this after having studied and to what Ive sen Wing Chu doing within myself and others. mean this whole-heartedly 06 womanagazine Chun - pethapsa new look you may not have considered. can only see Wing Chun through the lens of another martial art wont gett either. Why Misunderstood? Chun in thesame way you defin al Wing Chun isnt a style it's techniques Instead, iis You simply cant define arts. Bea ity and mindfulness That'sone of the main reasons ne category Yet ery uniquely interlinked approach ‘which drives its ability to transform you ike nothing Ive ever experienced. What is Wing Chun? Wing ‘mind, body and soul a practice designed tohelp you ate any obstacle in your way Wing Chun is philosophy, lose qu ‘combat training meditation, qigong Article: Adam Williss Photographs: ©Adam Wi Ore ne coe re tos een Seance Wing Chun. cca eee eis Sos ee ene ee arene een approached less combatively and E eee Sorter wing you how to approach Cr ed From a fighting stand point, Ihave ere ec the ki te of direc fics eee ‘emotionally For most martalarts, change happens, even ifyou're not really that good atit, being strongand fast will help you get through it. Not Wing Chun. Because you Pree t functional, it demands a ques ee car't speed your way outof a bad pos ‘or muscle your way at being able to handle aoe eel someone bigger and stronger than yo That's why Wing Chun isthe mos difficult [realize many people will ry to disagree with me. Some wil } is mone physically challenging, takes Pe is therefore more dificult. While they may be right that those martial arts are extremely Aificul, they are also ones where you can musele your way through half the time. You can win BY) competition by outpowering your opponent, but you cant succeed in le by doing that. Wing Chu diferent lesson and shows you the limitations of trying to force your rough problems way Wing Chun isa martial art where you must simultaneously attack and defend with deflections while always going tothe opponent's center In fac, you learn how Fighting is not really fighting at all, Because is never aggressive angry or emotional at all Infact Wing Chun expeesty teaches turn theact of fighting om instead of you how into a medi confrontation. Itshows you that you dont haveto struggle your way to get to your goal, you can simply deflect obstacles that come your way as you remain steadfast towards your goa What is the Philosophy? Wing Chun demands that you havea reason for everything you do. Nothing is done arbitrarily. Every action you take has sly your goal. Ie says stay focused, stop messing around with irelevant things and get tothe point, Stop worrying so mach about things ove and isexp mony with that are neither here, nor calm, That way you can keep your head ‘dear and take things as they come. Just be decisive in the moment and takesimple mn. Nothing overt, just smal, simple mn in harmony with your goal ‘Thisis Wing Chun and make no mistake, it is unlike anything youl ever do! worw woma.y OF ‘Tosuffer from sight loss or any visual impairment is a blow toanyone, however, what is critical is how one ‘chooses to deal with the impairment. | was registered blind a birth with very litte vision, yet this has not stopped me from fighting to get want I want from lie |At3 yearsold, I started training in Taekwondo and have been ining ever since, | remember attending an appointment with ‘my Bye Consultant asa child and being told that I would never be able to doanything independently: Remembering this has driven ‘me to prove the consultant wrong and everyone else who had (and, perhaps still have) the same views. So how do I train with a Visual Impairment? Easy answer; the same as everybody else Inspirational Stories. NS The Blind Taekwondo Fighter-}&., NOT POSSIBLE RIGHT! Well, I've always proved people ~~ wrong and | have no intention to stop NOW! 4 hen golden remembet did iced to be rather close tothe instructor while ciferent techniques 2 were being demonstrated ‘and continuous practise a home was essential. Once rather wellas as VA 08 Womanagazine Inspirational Stories Article & Photographs: ©Chris Telesford Altcr this, I decided not to compete again but keep traning to figure ‘out how could turn my ability {nto an abilty that would give me an advantage over my opponents [stated universityin 2003 and continued Taekwondo taining ‘throughout. Additionally I studied Capoeira ata university club This provided me with a great insight in tw judging distance when sparring ‘with ny visual impairment. Also, took up BJ which gave me avast insight into grappling takedowns, locks and breaks. Eventually after ‘6 monthsof Capoeira and BY) ‘raining Iwas forced to stop as my ‘course work was sufferingand I needed to riots academic work Dont worry [still trained in Taekwondo but started tostrugge as found that | ‘was hitting awall | could not igure out how [could use my disability as an advantage ‘when sparring, In April a0, I transferred to the Philippines ‘where I continued with Taekwondo in Baguio City. Thiswas tough a Thad never ‘rained in the tropical heat, sweat running in tomy eyes mademe even more blind than already was! Nonetheless, [persevered until arrived back inthe UKiin October 2008. Taekwonto Mistake I stopped training once backin London and became partof the security detail forthe 2009 Wimbledon lawn tennis ‘championships. This was great fun and had the pleasure of mectinga numberof well- known figures. | decided to stop working in security after this and focus all of my efforts into developing my carer. “Thatled me to realise that I should not have stopped taekwondo. | vas desperate to gst back to training but | dd not have the time ‘until 20n, At this point [forced myself to make time to attend a club few miles from, ‘myhome and trained twice a week: This was ‘prints proceases my fealty, power and technique had almost gone. then started traning in the gym 3daysa \week fo supplement my incl training) in ‘order to build myself ack up and after a fw months of doing so, | started feeling great, healthy and ready for anything, The 2012 Olympics Now this i where the fn ad achievements reall git Being, selected ater had applied for aoleas ‘Games Maker was great; what made therofe ven more special was that Thad been given my fi. tobea Games Maker for Taskwondo. This wae aahuge honour anda tole that took very seri Iwas fit placed atthe taining centre where | assisted different teams from around the world im whatevercapacity was required, tha the pleasure ‘of connecting with athletes and watching/ositing with their training progression and | too karat numberof diferent techies that would help me with myown taining, ‘Afew days before the g started, I moved with the teams still assisting the athletes and woking with the Games Maker Taekwondo team to make sure that everything was ready forthe ‘competition. had full access all areas relating to Tackwond including the competition ates ras ing pally weil, however The athletes and the Taekwondo Games Maker staff used the same refreshment area and the entrance to that area faced our desk. I decided it was time for coffee 0 went tw grabacup and head back to my desk Alas normal, ight! Well ‘walking back tothe desk, I stupidly looked to my leat the raining area whilst once I started ining to walk and neglected t spot the Korean +80kg heavyweight athlete Dong-Min Cha walking toward me, Unfortunately we co ided and my coffce destroyed his brand, mS new “white” dobok which he had jst been prowided with There was about second of silence which felt more lke lifesentence. could fel the stress evel that he would nately for me, he smiled, shook have fl, but f my hand and said no toworry aboutit 1 apologised profusely (hist being on my guard). From that in | awd wor womay OD tien os sauch as humanly possible, even move so when he lost his ight Tho days before the eof the competition, I was walking through the raining area sce if vidying I started speaking with team USA Taekwondo, At o idea exactly who he reilly was however: we ery quickly became friend Several months later, [discovered tht be wos Master Patrice Remarck, acaach in seat demand and as time passed we kept in by though I could spar again and that nothing 0, Iwas traning so much that fle as the best f fighters and nobody could stand in ry way, but Iwas wrong! Training was an amon diy routine reanately Thad buil up much muscle inmy lower right shin to the point [was only able to walk about so meters before needing tostop dueto the ‘oun ended my pain in that shin. This of my tight shin. Thia pot me on crutches for ‘6 months, howeves could only manage 4 wwovks before got annoyed and mp ng was dificult and painful but them, Wall id of saw tas conditioning Heould not train so just work strengghening the leg training again. Yost ination was the ly 1 10 womaragazine trained ata number of clubs but ound that | ‘wan not happy withthe typeof training and noticed tha my learning outcomes were no what I had expected {continued training regardless and in November 2017, I discovered the club that | was looking fo. Aquila Taekwondo Master Patrice and I werestartinga sports technology company together and as partof ‘ur projec, we needed a good taekwondo clubto testour technology. Aer research with aclu called Aquila Taekwondo. felt thatalthough {new a ot about tak Paice atended my ist training session, Since then Ihave been addicted and Aquila sgyeed to become our tech testing partners. Masters Kuzey Akses, Terry Cooper and Georgina Ingram are outstanding Instructors/coacheswith a wealth of Inowledge and experience and are always locking for methods that could assist me with my sparing as visually imped fighter. Although the club ssl ather young. they Ihave achieved so much in sucha-short space yan {internationally for their coaching style and achievements GB a BT Taekwondo ‘While raining with Aqui, was given the ‘opportunity to become an athlete oe GB BT Taekwonuo as Pata-Poomae athlete suerte visual impaired category (0). Thisweasa huge honour ait meant that I ould be one of the pioneers Taekwondo Poomate visual impalrments. Inaddtion to ths, already am the only person in taekwondo wholsrepstered blind thatsparsin abled bodied competitions, which an achievrnent in tell cof time and ace well known nat ln Nonember 0%, leame second in the British National Kyorugi Championships ok. In adltion to this. won the ery ‘ist British International Open Poomsae ‘Championships in 2018 inthe Para Pio «category. ln January 2020, Lam set to compete ‘gainin the same competition and will hopeflly retain my standing, “I would like to take the time to personally thank Aquila Taekwondo for everything that they havedone forme. I know that at times, iis not easy totrain a fighter with a visual impaicment however; ou persevere ‘no matter how hard things ge. All of the students realy help to drive me and finitely push me tomy limits. am newer treated differently, wrapped in eoton wool de tadjust Every single student tains towin, even against me and Lam never given any leeway and Iam grateful for that. worw.woma.y 441 Life Goals i3NOUM SUM I GNVLS O1N09 AGOTON ONY SNIHLON 4.40 1534 IHL ASNIVSY HvdS 01031 274 | AVHL HOM OS SNINIWHL SUM I combat category as there are perspectives on it. But no matter what is called, close Sn often-elusive self in most Beit in the ring or inthe ‘neighborhood, the old axiom of holder fr your trai 12 womaniegazine Article: Kurt Cornwell and Tim Clark, , Exercises - BICEP PUMMELING Basic “Steering Wheel” Control From Dominant Position Fighter controls Holder’ Biceps Push bicep to create a bent-elbow postion, and follow up with any sy return to and flow motions. ditely tant control ponition to continue flow 50/50 BODY PUMMEL Over/Under Hooks and Body-to-Body Shoulde make space hook, rear straight, and dlitectly hack to body worw womay 43 TRICEP CONTROL Arm Pinned to Jaw via Palm-Up Tricep Control From Dominant Position Fighter Controls Holder's Trcep Push tricep tocontrol Step through with rear f her arm and proceed immediately back to dominant Take your time, prac body first and wh partner are a of the exchange, pad up and let Fip, Remember toab toaclinch or pummel position to flowing directly into a new combination, or repeat the same one. Your hast separation, but seamless tra 44 womaniegazine ya GUL er ie | oN 3 pene M72) a OL YZLO Lm ite] a) (ale Mal —\—\e ME oT rn All major brands at a discount .y Bec Otom TEP ven Urc Coupon code = WOMA-5 Article: Sherman Garnett Photographs: Sherman Garnett We live in a very distracted society. With the use of cell phones, tablets, ipods, radios, television, etc., people generally tend to lose focus quickly and are not aware of their situation orany lurking danger. ae oak c_) I \ t rel Ltt bt frat ee BL ee a THE ART OF BEING SELF-AWARE AND THE DANGER SIGNS TO LOOK FOR TO KEEP YOU SAFE ON THE STREETS There isa small, yet ever present risk in simply going to your movie theater, mall, workplace, school, church, Inorder to survive the danger of random violence, we all need. to build situational awareness, Situational awareness isone of the keys to surviving any attack, protecting one's self and not being ina dangerous situation in the first instance, So what is Situational Awareness? ( it rt —_ ——. ind aware of whats happening in terms of where you are, where are supposed t anyone or anythin develop and hone this awareness skill in order t ck, se and defend against any threat 0 remove yourself from a dangerous situation. Asa Law Enforcement Officer with over 15 years of experience I worked in very violent areas and dangerous situations, Situational awareness was cone ofthe keys to my survival This was. a particule kil | honed and became ‘exceptionally shied at was able to perceive a threat, abnormal situations, identity pre-attack ‘cues, body language, hidden weapon hand placement, re violence behavior patterns, and aggressive behavior. This gave me the ability to survive and form a tactical response to thone threats, whether it wae responding with force or other options Situational Awareness kept me safe while | was working and saved my li It became second nature to me. 16 womaragazine Hire ibis CES Boron od | Settee eta) See near ad eran eee ea ‘You are alert but calm and relaxed ar etee mrernns Cee eer ad Papeete nt oad Sead eee eae Coenen een eee nal state of awareness, mental alertness and focus as illustrated here Condition White ‘Condition White is characterized by e's inattention, being unfocused pared for anything bad sien to you, pretty much unaware ‘of your surroundings, sheep a be Condition Yellow Condition Yellow is the individual ima state of basic alertness, basic readiness, a spread of attention with visual x vironment, and 2 readiness to engage in combat or self-defense if the situation arise Condition Orange Condition Orange entails having selective attention, focusing in on a particular objet person oF threat in the eavioament fr a petiod of time allowing you to tune out unimportant details and focus on what really matters and create «course of action t negate the theat Condition Red Condition Red i fixation, which is tl ‘maineaining of visual gaze on a single location is raised you wll defend youre Most people Condition W with their king at Facebook the latest Instagram, Tweet situational awareness, It makes them an lot, he was punched inthe head from behind, knocking him forward, and dazed He turned slighty to see who hit him and 18 womariagazine the face knocking him to the ground, Then they began to stomp on him, kicking him inthe face and body several times, until he ‘was knocked unconscious. The victim did anyone following see the guys coming the parking lot example of being in Condition White with ‘2 complete lack of Situational Awareness. We a selfdetenseinstractors military personal aw enforcement officers and logically ‘warniors need to strive to be psy prepared for self-defense We need to liv in the mental state of Condition Yellow which equals readiness There are several key factors to being ina state of readiness or Condition Yellow and improving your Situational Awareness. These are identifying the objects around people, identifying practicing behaviour aller respond to. threat and foster in nean killer instinct, nck. And yes, which isthe ability to use your emotions, to sive you determ drive, and the wil ‘to ruthlessly fight and win at all cost. Scanning and Identifying So ifyou are enter your place of work, store, mall, church, rettaurant or whatever it may be, upon entering the location, even the arking ot a you should take a moment ats, entry and exits 3 problems or violence sca the ates for points or potent pod 1 leave the area if possible, This should only take afew seconds. You should ‘which may arise and the need those areas also identify objects which could be used bls, walls, nd alo anything cesed as an improvised weap ‘a weapons such as chairs, anything and everythin in cave a violent situation arises and you need to defend yourself scan, and observe other people k for behavior pa ‘outside the usual activity and see i Pre-Attack Cues veo woma ty 49) ss you are taking with them. The hand experience a a Law Enforcement Off people who ate concealing something the don't want discovered ike a gun, knife or the body where the object is concealed Why do they do this? They do this should also take a quick scan ofthe subject infront of you to see if there are any weapons, Another intention is the closing oftheir stor making a ready fist to strike you, They wl often have th hands down at ther side and start tom a fist, which isan indication they ae sting ready to strike you d also be looking tose if th body is bladed towards Indicates they ae geting ready to sttke of attack you. Most people when they get ready to fight or attack, will shift their fet into a Tursing the head away or looking from ot side to the next is another giveaway that an attack is coming, You can se countless person and they begin to tur their head to look away fora sight second and then ang. a sucker punch to the face follows Most often they are doing this to sce w to walkaway, just to catch you off guard and then bang, they attack. Iti iia important you pick up on body language, be prepared for an attack and to es Situational Fighting Techniques killor Instinct and the will to surviv. enough to protect yourself You need tobe able to respond to potential attacks and peopel tran foi, Tha is why traning ina combat discipline or self-defense, tha deals with eal life situations and diferent fighting range, sch os punching licking, 20 womantegazine trapping. grappling, multiple opponents, and weapons is eruial. Why? Because you don't know which way the fight will go. ‘You must train yourself physically in these Fighting range areas ia you're able to withsta an attack. You also need simplicity in technique to deal with the attack and have minimal reaction and response time to the threat to overcome it Another crucial component you need is stress inoculation training to ensure you are able to do the fight stressful situation, Because when it comes techniques ina to defending yourself, real violence is chaos ‘and most people freeze or forget th training and cannot peeform. Under stressful circumstances what has been learned jus goes out the window and they end up geting hurt or saying, "What Twas taught, did not work.” Why? Because they didn't perform the taining i a high stress situation and they fall part ina aro. OF and al bo often, the taught moves are too complicated to real ies under stress. ‘With that in mind, you need to have a training environment as lose toa teal: ‘world environment as possible, with realistic ‘raining equipment, a structured training program with scripted roleplaying andthe ‘understanding of the principle of OODA Loop (Observe, Orient, Decide, Act) in a self-defense situation. Further, you need simple realistic techniques and responses to deal with an attacker and quickly incapacitate them. The longer you stay fighting with someone, the more fatigued you will become thereby increasing th potential for injury. These points are ruc ‘and need to be apart of your realistic self é se combat ta yeeurriculun Last key point is having beart or the killer instinct. Killer inst Ihurling yourself into a fight, or twisting your face into crazy expressions, screaming loudly ursing at an attacker. Killer instinct is the ability in a self defense sitation to turn that you have the will to destroy and survive by any means ‘is not mindless ‘that emotion inside you, ‘necessary with the correct choice of hand True Story veo woma ty 24 him. 1 pulled his other left hand to the back: place him in handeufls U began to ask him if he had any weapons on him. As soon a I id this, he bean to violently shake himself from side to side to free himself rom my grip. He broke free as 1 ing to place handcufs on him and ran oft The chase was on. Tchased him up the cet into a dark alley way As was ch nyhim, [saw bim throwing, something the ai, i was really dark and thet wore no streetlight in the alleyway, 80 | ould ot tell what was thrown. As the suspect did this, went to grab my flash light off of my bel but realized I had left tin the vehicle. slowed ‘down as was running and grabbed my gun out ‘of my holster, because figured he ether threw a weapon or drugs The suspect turned to the right anid jumped a brick wall into someone's yard and tinued running, I jumped the wall myself and tinued after him. The suspect ran to the other {the yard, and jumped the brick wal again, ing | ver the wall myself and lst sight ofthe suspect fora second or two, but the the was running down the street, doubling back towards where I est contacted him. fran ater him and holstered my handgun. As I did so, the suspect turned the street con back onto the street and continued ru jumped noticed 1 was about 3 seconds behind him. As turned the comet I sane the suspect slow down, but a soon ashe saw me he tried to starting running at Full sprint agai. 1 round. The fight was on The suspect grabbed my shirt to pull me forward end tackled the suspect to th it the ground, and I got on top of hi bogan violently trying to hip buck me off Due to my mised martial arts background, I stayed ‘om top of him in the mount and held my base The suspect threw several punches with his right hand to my face. [slapped his right hand out of the way to the left side of his body and launched face, ‘a teties of elbows an haere strikes t ing him unconscious. | was abl ino hands and place im under atrest. My fellow deputies arived on scene and we secured the suspect in the vehicle. After checking his name with sdspatch, it umed out he was a very violent gang member, wanted parole at large and on parole for asault on a peace officer. My fellow deputies and | were able to re-trace the steps of where the suspect and Ian in the alley way where we found 2 Jaded sub-combat handgun on the ground, which is what the suspect threw during the pursuit and was holding onto behind bis back inthe begining, 22 womanagazine of my initial contac with him, The suspect would have killed me if was situationally unaware and did not se my skills and tacties of situational awareness, self-defense training and the killer instinct to survive the ight. Conclusion ‘With all the violence, assaults, mass shootings, tervoriem and jut people co the edge these day, situational awareness and seldefense training are key to staying alive caught upin such a on. Staying in Condition Yellow, a teady of mind is paramount. Situational awareness is 4 mindset which must be honed and trained until it becomes second nature. Take what you read here and put irinto practice today. Stay combat ready ot paranoid, but mindful and ready. And remember, “A warior always keeps his ack tothe wall” Stay sae out cere Et PAE eee Seen tere Cent epee eT eaten entre hei forthe Orange County Shesit's Department and or the San Bernardino County Sherif « Department. Over ho Panne eabemnirorenn cee itneynieninatar ey eee pet eaten erry eet te ran ea erry Ce ners we erected Finale alueceienueas eee een eit! tener) eee eaten eon Ce eet ne) fone rey emanate tod eee ee De eet Sean Coane re ern rennet Coen a eae Pony ent renae eee ceeeate n Cae rh een ent te eee Lt Se ere eee etre eens Ce eee Corer ener tet ents Caner eat enter re enero} eee reer eet ena eee eee ene rete E — Ea ete ne oat no Y Eamon haat E a Dea tea eee car boca jt ee een - pace ee rent eat erent and F Fr Pee rere ah 4 ‘] theory oF fhom a dojo training perspective, : is E - Cae — = Te ta) Cee tela F pened ] Pear nner noe nt ere ile LIS [martial arts students are guilty of the same thing... They want to chew more than they can swallow; to be taught more than they could physically or intellectually handle. Martial arts teachers are often at fault as well - they want to teach more than the student is capable of absorbing. I once heard a most wonderful parable, that demonstrates well how East- Asian thinking resolves these sorts of problems. I will share it with you today. then my fiend Stephen body presents, and the rest ofthe diagnosis, you may die within a year! HOWEVER, do not far! The a,hehad condition istreatable. would need you to sone theneae future and receive cof histeachers Stephen treatment at inely escort the lucky to have arrived here early. With shiftsand act as his aids, Such is the common model for the Asian traditional ‘medical traditions reverse” Shaken, but seen determined to make things (One day, patient camein the clinic whoevoked a happen, the patient scheduled the very unusual response on behalf of the Professor. treatments left The pat wed with a rather unusual cond ssany other, b 24 womantagazine ee AND HE HAS NOT YET ATTAINED A GR UNDERSTANDING, YOU CANNOT Ri WHEN YOU MEET A PERSON ON THE WHOLE TRUTH TO THEM. Stephet approach the Professor: “Hey, you should be asking! You area foreigner, and would Deexcused even ifthe question issilly” Finally, Stephen agreed, and approached the Professor, ‘who had an interesting answer: “Death Pulie? Of course there isno such thing i this case! The man imply had kidney weakness resulting in lower-back pain. Bat you must be knowing why | gave him that ‘explanation... Wel, take a look at ‘his medical ile. See something there? ‘Thisman had already visited quitea few other

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