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Future Generation Computer Systems 91 (2019) 563–573

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IoT big data analytics for smart homes with fog and cloud computing

Abdulsalam Yassine a , Shailendra Singh b , M. Shamim Hossain c , , Ghulam Muhammad d
Department of Software Engineering, Lakehead University, 955 Oliver Road, Thunder Bay, Ontario, P7B 5E1, Canada
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Lakehead University, 955 Oliver Road, Thunder Bay, Ontario, P7B 5E1, Canada
Department of Software Engineering, College of Computer and Information Sciences, King Saud University, Riyadh 11543, Saudi Arabia
Department of Computer Engineering, College of Computer and Information Sciences, King Saud University, Riyadh 11543, Saudi Arabia


• Knowledge base solution for IoT Data Analytics Applications in Smart Homes.
• A comprehensive framework for data collection, processing and real-time recognition.
• Building a distinguished profile for activities based on the chronological order of their sensors.

article info a b s t r a c t

Article history: Internet of Things (IoT) analytics is an essential mean to derive knowledge and support applications for
Received 12 May 2018 smart homes. Connected appliances and devices inside the smart home produce a significant amount of
Received in revised form 28 July 2018 data about consumers and how they go about their daily activities. IoT analytics can aid in personalizing
Accepted 22 August 2018
applications that benefit both homeowners and the ever growing industries that need to tap into
Available online 15 September 2018
consumers profiles. This article presents a new platform that enables innovative analytics on IoT captured
Keywords: data from smart homes. We propose the use of fog nodes and cloud system to allow data-driven services
Internet of Things (IoT) and address the challenges of complexities and resource demands for online and offline data processing,
Cloud computing storage, and classification analysis. We discuss in this paper the requirements and the design components
Fog computing of the system. To validate the platform and present meaningful results, we present a case study using a
Big data analytics dataset acquired from real smart home in Vancouver, Canada. The results of the experiments show clearly
Energy management the benefit and practicality of the proposed platform.
Smart homes
© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction reduction plans for consumers based on energy usage profiles [5].
Such scenario leads to cost reduction not only to consumers but
Smart homes are the theme of the future living. Many com- also to utility companies. Real-time IoT application allows manu-
munities across the globe are currently deploying smart homes factures to analyze data continuously and determine or predict an
as part of modernization initiatives. These always-on houses gen- appliance maintenance schedule or promptly replace malfunction
erate massive amount of valuable data from smart devices and equipment. These examples of IoT applications reveal the advan-
appliances connected to an IoT system [1]. The ability to analyze tages of analyzing smart home data. While such data presents valu-
these data in near real-time and off-line allows for the discovery able opportunities in understanding the dynamics and behavior of
of various information that has significant impact on our society’s smart homes and their occupants, it also spells out a tremendous
safety, health, and economy. For example, a smart city’s health challenge regarding data management, storage, and analytics. To
care system can determine the status of patients inside a smart
ensure that users are not drowning in floods of data, they need
home by monitoring their usage of appliances and detect their
systems capable of managing, analyzing and transforming this
routine or abnormal activities that could indicate signs of health
amount of data into actionable insights for smart city applications
problems [2–4]. A utility company may analyze large amount of
that demand prompt actions with stringent requirements. These
energy consumption data from appliances inside the home to learn
systems must also meet the needs of scalability with the growing
about the behavior of occupants and recommend electricity bill
volume of data and the temporal granularity of decision-making
∗ Corresponding author. whether it is off-line or near real-time.
In this paper, we propose a system which combines IoT and
E-mail addresses: (A. Yassine), (S. Singh), (M.S. Hossain), big data analytics technology with fog and cloud computing. The (G. Muhammad). proposed system addresses the challenge of designing efficient
0167-739X/© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
564 A. Yassine et al. / Future Generation Computer Systems 91 (2019) 563–573

solutions that are fast and can handle large volumes of unstruc- 2. Related work
tured smart home data. In this system, fog computing provides fast
near real-time analytics while the abundance of computing and Recently, several studies have proposed systems and frame-
storage resources in the cloud system is used to carry out com- works for IoT data analytics using various architectures involving
putationally intensive applications. The process involves taking fog and cloud computing. In this section, we discuss these studies
data-in-motion from IoT sources, such as individual smart meters, especially those that are representative of the state-of-the-art and
appliances, and devices and integrate them for highly sophisti- close to our work.
cated analytics processes that deliver timely decision-making. Fog Many researchers tackled issues closely related to our work
computing nodes are resource-efficient because they are equipped such as those in [17–22] and [23]. For example the work in [17],
focuses on predictive analytics for smart homes that need access
with virtual machine technologies capable of continuously pro-
to historical data which must be stored in a large database that
cessing fresh IoT streams of data and transfer the processed data
can only be provided by a cloud system. The work in [18] inves-
to the cloud for further processing [6]. Cloud computing offers a
tigated the smart home services for in-depth analysis of home
multitude of benefits such as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS):
appliance frequent pattern usage. Specifically, the discovery of co-
providing access to unlimited storage space, Platform as a Service utilization behavior of appliances inside smart homes. For this
(PaaS): potential to execute resource-intensive applications, Soft- purpose the authors propose a multidimensional patterns mining
ware as a Service (SaaS): facilitates software access, and Utility framework from a large number of residential users connected to
Services: store massive volume of data for remote access. Fog an Internet Service Provider (ISP). The authors in [19] developed a
computing play a critical role in the IoT ecosystem to support the new gateway system to automatically integrate and configure new
processing of big data for near real-time responses. Furthermore, home-based IoT devices for seamless analytics in cloud systems.
fog computing fundamentally processes and stores data at the The SLASH framework in [20] presents new approach for smart
edge of the cloud system [7]. This unified architecture allows us to home adaptivity and self-learning mechanisms. The idea include
resolve the latency issues pertaining to the underlying transport the development of big data [24] layer with an analytical engine
communication network of cloud systems which has a significant that supports occupants behavior. The work in [23] proposes an
impact on time-sensitive applications [1,8–12]. end-to-end home automation system that supports multiple IoT
For the evaluation of the proposed system, we present a case protocols for data acquisition and analysis. The authors claim that
study of analyzing and processing streams of data from a smart their system is capable of handling data coming from city-wide
home. The smart home generates continuous streams of the mas- deployed devices. Similar to the work in [23], a general smart city
sive data in short time intervals. Processing and analyzing such paradigm is proposed in [21] for IoT big data analytics system that
data is vital for many applications (e.g., healthcare systems, smart integrate sensors from smart homes, traffic, vehicles, surveillance
grid energy management applications etc.) [13–15]. The main con- sensors, etc. using Hadoop ecosystem real-life environment.
tribution made in this paper are as follows: In addition to the above mentioned studies, the authors in [25]
present real-time data analytics engine that facilitates processing
• Proposing a platform for IoT smart home big data analytics of data near the source of information. The proposed analytical
with fog and cloud computing. The system design allows engine ensures that data is processed before it is offloaded to
the processing of massive multiple smart home IoT data in the central cloud system. The system coordinates the analytics
distributed fog nodes, which accommodate cognitive data between the physical location of the IoT devices in the vicinity
mining algorithms that provide insight from processed data. leading to the creation of device-to-device analytical layer under
This approach is rather significant for many applications that the cloud system. The main issue with this approach is that it adds
require access to information for timely functional economies complexities to the system to the point that makes it practically
of scale, where smart home operations can be cost-effectively prohibitive. Similar to [25], the works in [26,27] and [28] address
deployed and used. the issues of data analytics at the edge of the cloud system, but
focused on the latency problem of processing large amount of IoT
• Providing detail requirements and design component anal-
data using fog computing. The design approach in these systems
ysis of the platform architecture. Specifically, we discuss re-
brings resources of edge computing as close as possible to the
quirements of scalability regarding the processing of multiple
source where data is generated. The work in [29] further investi-
IoT data streams from smart homes and the design aspects of
gates this issue and develops mechanisms to estimate the latency
minimizing communication overhead between the fog nodes for cloud–fog–IoT continuum systems.
and the cloud systems. Furthermore, we discussed the design For real-time analytics of IoT data in uncontrolled environ-
of mechanisms for task allocation, IoT management and inte- ments, the work presented in [30] proposed a general-purpose IoT
gration services, and admission authentication of smart home framework that integrate wireless hub nodes to support analytical
and third-party applications. reliability and assures real-time data acquisition. The work in [31]
• Presenting a case study of an actual smart home. We ana- proposed a system that runs data analytics in a distributed fashion
lyzed the smart home IoT data for behavioral and predic- using fog computing, IoT devices, edge and central servers. The
tive analytics of occupants pertaining to energy consump- main approach is to optimize the decision-making of analytics such
tion routines and patterns. We discussed the applications of that all IoT devices are fairly treated and satisfied. The results of
these finding within the context of demand response man- this work show a promising solution for enhancing the utilization
agement and electricity cost reduction. These analysis are of fog and cloud computing systems. To facilitate intelligence of
considered among the primary functions and applications the edge network in providing robust analytics for IoT systems, the
of smart homes, which can be scaled with fog and cloud work in [32] outlined a new approach to dynamically automate the
computing to an entire smart community [16]. transitions between the central cloud system and its edge taking
into account the various conditions and requirements of the appli-
The organization of the paper is as follows: in the next section, cations. The author in [33] proposes a general model and architec-
we discuss the related work. In Section 3, we present the compo- ture that ingests IoT data streams into fog computing nodes [34].
nents of the proposed platform followed by a study case in Section The model addresses the challenges of existing techniques and
4. Finally, in Section 5 we present the conclusion of the study and the shortcomings pertaining to the essential dimensions of data
provide direction for future work. analytics related to system, data, human and optimization.
A. Yassine et al. / Future Generation Computer Systems 91 (2019) 563–573 565

It is important to note that a platform with fog computing • Scalable Analytics: Data streams from smart homes present
nodes coupled with cloud computing offers a resource-efficient a challenging prospect for processing and mining operations.
processing of IoT big data at near realtime basis while providing These data streams are received at the system in high vol-
insights and processed data to cloud for further processing and umes, high velocity and from various sources. Furthermore,
analysis. This integrate design facilitates us to address the latency smart home data change over time due to the changing be-
issues of cloud system that can have a remarkable impact on time- havior of occupants. Hence, such data require scalable tools
sensitive applications. to process and analyze them for different behavioral traits.
Our work in this paper is in line with the work presented in [23], Also, these data come from different communication chan-
however, our focus is on a scalable IoT big data analytics platform nels that contribute to the abnormalities and noises that
with fog computing that is capable of managing, analyzing and require further cleaning and pre-processing to reduce their
transforming household energy consumption data into actionable dimensionality and better extract useful information.
insights. Therefore, we present a holistic architecture that is suit- • Performance: IoT data streams should be handled in a par-
able for an end-to-end analytics of IoT connected smart homes. We allel manner to boost the performance of data analytics and
discuss the validity of the architecture and the interconnectivity to optimize the smart home operations. Depending on the
of analytical modules. For the evaluation of the system model, analytics activity, the specific requirements include elastic re-
we present a case study of data streams collected from an actual source acquisition, efficient data network management, data
smart home in Vancouver, Canada. Our case study addresses the reliability, and functional data abstractions. Furthermore, IoT
data processing should make full use of all computational
challenges of data analytics of smart home energy consumption
resources to address performance challenges of near real-
for smart grid applications (e.g. Automatic Demand Response). It
time and off-line computation algorithms such as finding
must be noted that this work differs from [5,3,35] and [36]. These
concealed patterns, quickly and valuable knowledge. Further-
works do not address the IoT big data analytics in fog and cloud
more, there is a need for coordination between fog computing
computing systems, but focus on analyzing behavioral energy con-
nodes and the cloud system. Fog nodes cannot carry out high
sumption that lead to peak hours as in [5], activity recognition for
computational tasks because of resource and storage limita-
healthcare applications [3], and prediction models [36]. This pa-
tions, and therefore, intensive-applications are performed in
per introduces detail system requirement and component design
the cloud servers for better performance [37].
analysis for an IoT big data analytics platform for smart homes via
• Integration: At any single time instant, data collected from
fog and cloud computing. The smart home dataset, the platform as different devices inside smart homes are unstructured and
well as the results in this paper are completely different from our cannot be processed using conventional tools. Therefore, IoT
previous work. data from smart homes require dedicated integration mech-
anisms to be further processed in a unified system. Such
3. Platform overview approach imposes restrictions on edge computing selection
concerning add-hoc pre-processing operations. As a result, an
The fast deployment of smart homes is taking off across the automated and adaptive data ingestion methods must be de-
world, and it is becoming a compelling business opportunity for veloped to integrate incoming varying data rates and volumes
various industrial applications. Smart homes that are supported and accommodate various data sources and applications re-
by IoT paradigm generate large useful data. However, unlocking quirements. These methods should process all inbound time-
the potential of this information hinges on the development of series data, execute data transformations, and coordinate the
sophisticated big data analytics tools and platforms capable of transmission of the processed data to the cloud system.
processing, analyzing and managing these data in cost-effective • Visualization:, Another major requirement for dealing with
ways. In this section, we address the system requirements for the large-scale IoT data from smart homes, is data-relevance
development of IoT big data with fog and cloud computing, and we through visualization. This requirement is rather significant
present the components of the proposed platform. since different applications rely on the visualization of the un-
derlying trends and the perceived presentation of data after
being processed and analyzed for decision-making.
3.1. Platform requirements
Application-specific data visualization serves the domain ex-
pertise by providing meaningful results based on data quality.
The design of innovative platforms that are suited to support a
For example, presenting abstraction of data clustering for co-
large amount of data generated from smart homes possess peculiar
utilization of appliances inside a smart home leads to better
requirements, functionalities, and design structures.
understanding the behavior of occupants inside the house
• Resource Distribution: Processing large amount of data gen- and their activities.
erated from household appliances and devices require cost- To satisfy the above requirements, in this paper we present an
effective and resource efficient big data analytics closer to IoT big data analytics platform for processing and analyzing a large
the physical system. Mining continuous streams of IoT data volume of smart homes data streams. Next subsection describes
should meet the timing requirements for many smart city the proposed platform.
applications such as automatic demand response, sensitive
healthcare applications, safety and surveillance operations, 3.2. Platform design components
etc. which require predictable latency for near real-time de-
tection and notification. Mostly, these functionalities face Fig. 1 shows the architecture of the proposed platform. It con-
serious constraints when processing data and invoking ser- sists of IoT big data analytics with fog computing nodes and cloud
vices from the back-end cloud. The proximity of resources system. The components of the platform support complex opera-
helps overcome the high-latency that is associated with the tion of continuous integration, processing and analytics of multiple
provisioning of cloud-based services. Therefore, optimized smart home data. The fog nodes broaden the services of the cloud
scheduling mechanisms are required to coordinate the tasks system to the network edge close to the physical locations of
among fog computing nodes and should appropriately allo- the smart homes, thus allowing for faster data processing and
cate resources from the cloud system. services applications that can only be served within specific time
566 A. Yassine et al. / Future Generation Computer Systems 91 (2019) 563–573

Fig. 1. IoT Big Data Analytics with Fog Computing.

Fig. 2. The IoT Big Data management service is responsible for request handling, authentication and service registration.

constraints. The cloud system takes the heavy lifting of processing by enforcing policy-based access mechanisms. The acquisition of
computationally intensive application. data during this communication process passes through several
In the proposed model, smart homes are the source of data. stages until the data rest on cloud storage devices where further
Such data typically arrive at the smart home IoT gateway from processing may be performed in future. As mentioned in section
different sources including household appliances and smart de- ‘‘Introduction’’, smart home data have the volume, velocity, and
vices. The acquisition of data is typically performed by specific IoT variety characteristics to be considered as big data. The analytics
protocols such as machine-to-machine (M2M)/Message Queuing operations include filtering and cleaning, clustering and aggrega-
Telemetry Transport (MQTT) that communicate with smart home tion where each operation takes extensive time depending on the
devices and IoT gateways. An IoT gateway acts as an agent that nature of the data. The following are the details of the platform
mediates between the smart home and the cloud system. The IoT components.
gateway may also provide local processing and storage functions
including autonomously controlling and filtering of data streams. • Smart Home Components: The smart home consists of sen-
In the proposed model, the IoT gateway can be used to serve mul- sors, devices, appliances and metering systems. The com-
tiple households while ensuring trusted connectivity and security ponents of the smart home are roughly categorized into
A. Yassine et al. / Future Generation Computer Systems 91 (2019) 563–573 567

three tiers namely cyber–physical, connectivity, and context- composed of several functions including data pre-processing,
aware. The cyber–physical tier consists of smart devices, me- pattern mining, classification, prediction, and visualization.
tering systems, sensor systems, appliances, electrical vehicle These functions are responsible for rapid analytics of smart
charging points, and energy management systems. These home data collected through the IoT system while the ag-
elements are responsible for all actual operations of the gregated results are sent to the cloud or directly to the ser-
smart home and are installed on the home premises. They viced applications. The fog node performs all the short-term
interact with the outside world through the connectivity tier. analytics at the edge of the cloud system. Data arrived at
As mentioned earlier in this section several communication the fog node are unstructured and do not have a predefined
protocols allow these devices to communicate among them- model. During the cleaning/pre-processing process, errors,
selves and with the cloud system through an IoT gateway. redundancies, and outliers are removed to ensure consis-
The connectivity tier is responsible for outbound and inbound tency. In the pre-processing stage, all IoT streams are filtered,
communication with the smart home, which includes direct parsed and translated into a unified data structure for further
interaction with the occupants through mobile or web ap- analysis. At this stage, raw data which contains millions of
plications. The context-aware tier provides real intelligence high time-resolution data records are transformed into a
about the essence of the smart home. Context-aware tier pre-defined resolution for each device. The frequent pattern
includes user-defined rules and policies to manage the inter- mining techniques are conducted on the data to discover
action and the services of the smart home. This tier allows the occurrence of appliance correlation in data streams. Fre-
for context-based privacy and security configuration that quent pattern mining searches for these recurring patterns
satisfies the occupants’ concerns. Activity recognition, event in a given dataset to determine associations and correla-
detection, behavioral and predictive analytics are performed tions among patterns of interest [38]. In clustering stage,
by the fog and cloud computing system and reported to the we employ an unsupervised form of classification which is
smart home applications. For example, behavioral analytics capable of distinguishing classes of appliances learned from
can be very effective to understand how users go about the data [38]. Prediction analytics are responsible for fore-
using their appliances and derive conclusions about energy casting occupants activities or use of certain devices. Visual-
consumption, which can be used to forecast the future de- ization provides an interactive medium for the user to dis-
mand. Activity recognition can be used to allow caregivers cover knowledge from data to enhance the decision-making
in healthcare applications [3] to detect abnormal behavior of process. Finally, the results of the stages mentioned above are
patients. The applicability and benefit of such analytics and sent to the cloud system which has an abundance of resources
services are countless. for computationally intensive tasks.
• IoT Management and Integration Services: The IoT man- It should be noted that the configuration of the fog node
agement service is a broker-based subsystem responsible to ensure the privacy of the smart home is a challenging
for handling IoT service requests from multiple smart home prospect. As fog nodes are becoming a major computation
applications into the cloud system. It plays a vital role in hub, smart home private data become vulnerable to vari-
providing authentication services for these requests and en- ous attacks. Therefore, a new breed of trust management
sures that the rules of admission are consistent with the pre- systems and privacy protection mechanisms are required to
configured policies in the rules engine. Services that require tackle such problem. These mechanisms are not considered
access to data about the smart home must register with in this paper. However, other remedies for this problem can
the IoT management broker before using any data from the be found in [39–42] and [43].
cloud system. The orchestration of these tasks are handled • Cloud System: In the proposed platform, the cloud system is
by the requests handler after registration and authentication. responsible for providing core services to smart home appli-
The operation of the IoT management services are protocol cations that include historical data analytics, extended stor-
independent and are responsible for maintaining continuity age capabilities, and core smart home management infras-
and flexibility for the whole IoT ecosystem. Fig. 2 illustrates tructure. The cloud services include smart home device track-
the operation of the IoT management services. In this figure ing, configuration, analysis, reporting, authentication and au-
all services are first authenticated and then registered before thorization services. These functions provide value-added
accessing the data. Fig. 3 shows a high level description of service for users to control and manage their smart homes
the integration services in the proposed platform. This ser- using different means ( e.g., web and mobile applications) as
vice provides seamless access to external applications via well as to interact with third-party vendors. Also, the cloud
programming interfaces (APIs). The main approach in this system provides heavy computational using large-scale data
design is the decoupling of the analytical components of the mining resources such as MapReduce, Spark, Storm, etc. The
fog nodes and the cloud system from user applications. By so cloud system uses its back-end computation to gain business
doing, the integration service assures security since external insight and updated the fog nodes about new operational
applications would not be able to have any direct access to the rules.
analytical engine. Also, it adds data abstraction by enabling
the use of data for various user-specific applications including 4. Case study
mobile and desktop. Another main advantage is providing in-
teroperability for various channel technologies (Wi-Fi, Blue- In this case study, we perform IoT data analytics of appliances
tooth, ZigBee, and LPWAN etc.) and data transfer protocols and devices from a smart home in Vancouver, British Columbia,
M2M, MQTT, CoAP (Constrained Application Protocol), AMQP Canada. The data is publicly available from Harvard Education
(Advanced Message Queuing Protocol)), Websocket etc. website [44]. The dataset consists of one minute interval mea-
• Fog Computing Nodes: The fog node provides additional re- surements of multiple smart home appliances over the span of
sources and computational services to support various smart two years, April 2012–April 2014. We perform data analytics on
home time-sensitive applications. The fog nodes provide the IoT streams to uncover occupants behavior of appliance usage
means for accelerating analytics services while ensuring in- such as identifying frequent patterns associated with appliances
creased responsiveness from the cloud infrastructure. Fig. 1 including hour of day, day of week, and month of year as a means
shows the main functions of the fog node in our platform. It is of understanding how occupants go about their daily routines. For
568 A. Yassine et al. / Future Generation Computer Systems 91 (2019) 563–573

Fig. 3. The IoT Big Data integration service is responsible for smart home functional and third party services and applications.

this particular study, we assume that the data is acquired at the Table 1
Sample of IoT data from the smart home.
fog node where an analytical engine is responsible of performing
immediate analysis to satisfy the requirements of applications such Timestampa Apparent power consumption of appliancesb

as energy consumption management, targeted advertisement, ac- 1360548360 210

– –
tivity recognition. Ideally, for this particular case study a scalable
1360548420 70
computing resources are required to enhance the performance – –
with additional acquisition of data. Our tests are conducted on a 1360548480 28
single node consisting of computer system running i5-Core CPU a
Unix timestamp.
with 8GB of RAM and 1 TB of storage device. The main processing b
Example of appliances includes Dishwasher, Toaster, TV, DryerHome Theater,
resources are allocated to the analytics part where we process 2- Washing Machine, Laptop etc.
years of data. The current running time takes few minutes which
can be improved with more computing resources, however, it
shows that one fog node is capable of processing more than one Frequent Pattern Mining: For frequent pattern mining, we are
smart home. interested in analyzing the occurrences of when certain appliances
In this paper, we focus on energy consumption analytics of IoT are being used by examining the ‘‘ON/OFF’’ state and the energy
data from smart homes. Specifically, we analyze IoT data aggregate consumption. Being in an On state allows for the inference that a
of energy measurements of home appliances. An application such human is currently using a particular appliance. This information
as residential Automatic Demand Response (ADR) requires energy can be beneficial in certain applications, and as a result, the data
consumption data about appliances in residential homes to be an- and patterns mined have a value to industries. For example, by
alyzed to engage them in demand response signals effectively [45]. knowing when an individual is likely to have the television turned
To realize this concept, we first assume that every home is attached on could help companies target advertisements. We would like to
to a fog node that is responsible to perform the analytics. The aim is derive these patterns in discrete-valued relations [36]. Specifically,
to analyze the frequent pattern of home appliance usages, the con- we study the appliance usage patterns of the whole house and seek
text of appliance usage (i.e co-utilization of appliances), the cluster to uncover associations over time domains. Formally, let A be a
of appliances with respect to the time of use (i.e spatio-temporal database consisting of n itemsets T1 such that A = (T1 , T2 , . . . , Tn ).
analysis), and the forecast of appliance usage. The following steps An itemset is considered a frequent pattern if it appears with a
illustrate the life-cycle of the analytics at the fog node. certain frequency in a database transaction. The user may define
the threshold level of the frequency count of an itemset in a
Data Cleaning and Preparation: The dataset contains mil- transaction. One of the methods of determining the frequency
lions of records (sample of raw data is shown Table 1) with a count is known as the support count s which is defined as the
large amount of data about appliances. Data about appliances is statistical count of the frequency of an itemset in a transaction
collected every minute for a length of two years (April 2012– carried over the database A. For example, two itemsets I (I ⊆ A) and
April 2014). These data measurements include: unix timestamp, J (J ⊆ A) are counted as frequent patterns in a transaction if their
line voltage, voltage, apparent power. The process of cleaning the support sI and sJ is above a threshold value known as the minimum
data started by importing the data files in Python scripts. The support minsup. In the case of finding a frequent pattern, then the
cleaning process includes eliminate unnecessary columns, convert association rules are determined. An association rule is expressed
Unix timestamp to human readable date, remove values that are as {I ⇒ J } and are derived from the support − confidence, where
support sI ⇒J such that s(I ⇒ J) = sI ⇒J = s(I ∪ J) is the percentage
below the standby power threshold, removing outliers and du-
of all transactions that have (I ∪ J) in A. The support represents the
plicate rows. The entire cleaning process was completed using
mutual preconditions of this association in the database while the
Python with regular expressions (RegEx). The preparation of the
confidence is the preconditions that contribute to the consequence.
data includes comparing all the reading to a pattern and only
In this sense, the frequency of itemsets in a transaction suggests
the matching patterns were stored in a database. The tuples not the statistical significance of the association rule (meaning the
matching the pattern are considered noise because the values for probability P(I , J)), determined by the confidence |s(I)| (meaning
|s(I ∪J)|
power and timestamp are supposed to be Integers only, hence, any the conditional probability P(I |J)) [46,38]. We employ the frequent
different character in this values would represent an error in the pattern FP-Growth algorithm [46,38] and its extension [5] on this
recording process of those tuples. The process of pattern matching smart home dataset. Procedure (1) shows the steps of capturing
also ensures the quality of the data, because any tuple that was the frequent patterns from the dataset. Figs. 4, 5, and 6 show
incomplete or inconsistent did not match the pattern and therefore the pattern of energy consumption of six appliances in the home
was ignored. For the purpose of training, we developed a synthetic comprising hours of day, day of week, month of year. We applied
dataset which include the appliance, the time of its operation, a minimum support threshold of 30% on the dataset and turned
the date, and the power. With this information in hand, we can all values that were below the threshold to 0 and all the ones
then perform clustering analysis and frequent pattern of appliance above to 1. This allowed us to obtain a binary matrix to check what
usage such as the hour of day, day of week, month of the year. appliances are in use at the specific time as shown in the Table 2.
A. Yassine et al. / Future Generation Computer Systems 91 (2019) 563–573 569

Procedure-1:Generating Frequent Patterns-GP Growth the Silhouette coefficient for cluster Ci and for having k clusters as
Require: Start by constructing the Frequent Pattern Tree (FP-T)with algorithm rCi = av erage(syj ) for j = d1 ..dn and rk = av erage(sCi ) for i = 1..k
in [34]. respectively. The higher the average silhouette value, the better
Ensure: Generation of Frequent Patterns
the clustering. In other words, the average Silhouette provides
1: Start by single path in the FP-Tree
2: Check for the support s among all the combination of nodes in the FP-Tree
observation about the various values of k ∈ 1, 2, 3 . . . m, where
3: Determine the frequent patterns m represents the unique objects in a dataset. To find out the
4: Add to Database A the discovered patterns optimal number of clusters, the process is continuously executed
5: Repeat steps for multiple paths in FP-Tree and the average Silhouette coefficient is calculated until finding the
6: Determine the frequent patterns using for multiple paths optimal number of clusters k that maximizes rk .
7: Add to Database A the discovered patterns
Fig. 8 shows the clustering of appliances at the hour of the
8: Final Frequent Patterns = Single path ∪ Multiple path
9: Determine association rules based in %30 support using algorithm in [5]
day, where cluster strength signifies the frequency of use of appli-
10: Create a binary matrix and update it with all appliance patterns within the ance, i.e., a higher strength of a cluster for an appliance indicates
threshold. the higher use of it during the period. Higher or lower usage
of appliance, i.e., patterns of appliance usage can be the direct
representative of energy consumption behavior of occupants. Such
an analysis can be conducted at various levels such as individual
house, group of houses, community or neighborhood, or at the
Table 2
system level. When done at a higher level such as neighborhood
Sample of a binary matrix to uncover the frequent pattern of appliance usages.
or system level, the outcomes can help profile houses according
10:30 pm– 11 pm– 11:30 pm– DWE- DWE- CDE- DWE-
11 pm 11:30 pm 12 pm CDE TVE TVE CDE-TVE
to energy consumption behavior and customize demand response
mechanism to be more efficient. Further, at a single home, the
0 0 0 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 1 1 1 1
outcomes can assist adapt recommendations to reduce household
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 energy cost while respecting the occupants expected comfort.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Moreover, it feasible to consider renewable energy generation at
0 0 0 1 1 1 1 the neighborhood or house level to fine-tune demand response
0 0 0 1 1 1 1 programs or energy reduction recommendations.
1 0 0 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 1 1 1 1 5. Conclusion and future work

In this paper, we presented a platform for smart home IoT

big data analytics with fog and cloud computing. We provided
The final result of the frequent pattern mining is the association
detail requirement analysis and illustration of the platform com-
among appliances that are the result of the simultaneous use of
ponents. The process of performing the analytics in the fog node
the appliance by occupants. Fig. 7 shows an example of hourly use
is presented, and the results show the possible applications of
and day of the week use of appliances. From Fig. 7-a it is apparent
the system in different aspects. For example, applications of the
the two appliances used the most together are the dishwasher and data acquired may include activity recognition to identify health
television between the hours of 6 pm–10:30 pm. For the three problems, identify energy consumption patterns and energy saving
appliances (dishwasher, dryer, and television) on at the same time, planning, and predict appliance maintenance schedule to avoid
the most likely time of the day this will happen between 8–8:30 expensive repairs and ensure efficient operations from the point
pm. The days of the week in Fig. 7-b demonstrates that very often of view of energy consumption.
the dishwasher and television are frequently on together at the In general, the platform can aid effective and in-time deci-
same time. Inspecting each day individually, you can see certain sion making for individual house owners by facilitating various
patterns such as Monday and Tuesday night the dishwasher and energy management programs at home level. Household energy
television are on the longest amount of time or Saturdays the consumption management and data analytics is a complex op-
television and dishwasher are on later at night. eration that requires continuous integration of multiple sources
into a common processing system with easy access to data. Other
Cluster Mining: The above frequent pattern analysis provided
possible application may be extended to serve companies who are
insight about how the smart home occupants are co-utilizing
interested in targeted advertisement. They can choose a time slot
their appliances. Clustering analysis allows us to interpret time-
where customers are using these appliances; typically between
intervals associated with groups of appliances. This is rather im- 6 pm and 9 pm because the residents are frequently watching
portant to uncover deeper behavior of appliance energy consump- television at this time. Analytics in fog nodes increases the ability
tion of specific times (e.g. peak hours). To achieve this objective, of the platform to manage an integrated array of IoT data streams
we implement the k-mean clustering algorithm in [38]. The basic for various applications in highly automated ways which result
principle of the k-mean algorithm is that it defines k centers which in significant savings for service providers. Also, service providers
are placed in specific
∑Ci away from each other. Then, the can design and develop their applications using fog nodes that
function G(z) = i=1 j=1 (∥ai − bj ∥) is used to determine offer abundance elasticity to enhance performance, redundancy
the squared error value, where ai − bj is the Euclidean distance and storage devices for their applications.
between a and b, Ci represents the number of data points in ith For future work, we plan to develop optimization mechanisms
cluster. Determining the optimal number of k is vital for getting such as those in [49,50] to determine the optimal distribution
better results. There are many methods for determining the ideal and configuration of fog nodes while taking into consideration the
computational resources and capability of processing the required
number k as described in [47]. The approach in this work is using
data from multiple homes. Furthermore, we plan to refine the
the silhouette coefficient as a means of calculating the optimal
platform component and test with different datasets from various
number k [48]. This method basically measures the quality of the
homes. This approach is crucial to validate the applicability of the
cluster by evaluating how well the data points are positioned
platform and its robustness in dealing with all kind of IoT data
within a cluster. It computes the average distance of yj given as measurements. We also plan to study a benchmarking scheme to
xj = average{dis(yj , yi )} to all other data points in cluster Ci and assess and capture the performance of the platform and analytics
then determine wj = min(wj ) across all the clusters except Ci . under different concerns including runtime, CPU utilization, data
(wj −xj )
The Silhouette coefficient for yj is determined as ryj = max(xj ,wj )
and size, incoming requests, etc.
570 A. Yassine et al. / Future Generation Computer Systems 91 (2019) 563–573

Fig. 4. Hour of the Day Energy Consumption Pattern - (a) Dishwasher (DWE), (b) Cloth Dryer (DWE), (c) Kettle (KE), (d) TV, (e) Home Theater (HTE), (f) Laptop (EBE).

Fig. 5. Day of the Week Energy Consumption Pattern - (a) Dishwasher (DWE), (b) Cloth Dryer (DWE), (c) Kettle (KE), (d) TV, (e) Home Theater (HTE), (f) Laptop (EBE).

Fig. 6. Day of the Week Energy Consumption Pattern - (a) Dishwasher (DWE), (b) Cloth Dryer (DWE), (c) Kettle (KE), (d) TV, (e) Home Theater (HTE), (f) Laptop (EBE).
A. Yassine et al. / Future Generation Computer Systems 91 (2019) 563–573 571

Fig. 7. Frequent Pattern of appliances — Dishwasher (DWE), Cloth Dryer (DWE), TV - (a) Hour of the Day (b) Day of Week [D1 Sunday–D5 Saturday].

Fig. 8. Smart Home Appliance Clustering — Hour of the Day.

Acknowledgment [9] Y. Ge, X. Liang, Y.C. Zhou, Z. Pan, G.T. Zhao, Y.L. Zheng, Adaptive analytic service
for real-time internet of things applications, in: IEEE International Conference
The authors extend their appreciation to the Deanship of Sci- on Web Services (ICWS), San Francisco, CA, 2016, pp. 484–491.
entific Research at King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia for [10] P. Pouladzadeh, S.V.B. Peddi, P. Kuhad, A. Yassine, S. Shirmohammadi, A virtu-
funding this work through the research group project no. RG-1436- alization mechanism for real-time multimedia-assisted mobile food recogni-
023. tion application in cloud computing, Cluster Comput. 18 (3) (2015) 10991110.
[11] M.S. Hossain, M. Moniruzzaman, G. Muhammad, A. Al Ghoneim, A. Alamri,
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associate editor. His research interests are mostly focused on behavior and pre-
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[40] A. Yassine, S. Shirmohammadi, Measuring user’s privacy payoff using intel-
IEEE/ACM/Springer/Elsevier journals, conference papers, books, and book chapters.
ligent agents, in: Computational Intelligence for Measurement Systems and Recently, his 3 publications is recognized as the ESI Highly Cited Papers. He has
Applications, 2009, CIMSA’09. IEEE International Conference on, pp. 169–174. served as a member of the organizing and technical committees of several in-
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Response Systems, in: Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 8448, workshop chair, publication chair, and TPC for over 12 IEEE and ACM conferences
Smart Grid Security, Springer, 2014, pp. 1–15. and workshops. Currently, he is the co-chair of the First IEEE ICME workshop
[42] K. Lin, J. Song, J. Luo, W. Ji, M.S. Hossain, A. Ghoneim, Green video transmission on Multimedia Services and Tools for smart-health (MUST-SH 2018). He is a
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in the mobile cloud networks, IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol. 27 (1)
the 2016 ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and
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Applications (TOMM) Nicolas D. Georganas Best Paper Award, and the Research
[43] A. Yassine, S. Shirmohammadi, Privacy and the market for private data: a in Excellence Award from the College of Computer and Information Sciences
negotiation model to capitalize on private data, in: IEEE/ACS International (CCIS), King Saud University (3 times in a row). He is on the editorial board of
Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, Doha, 2008, pp. 669–678. IEEE Network, IEEE Multimedia, IEEE Access, Journal of Network and Computer
A. Yassine et al. / Future Generation Computer Systems 91 (2019) 563–573 573

Applications (Elsevier), Computers and Electrical Engineering (Elsevier), Human- Ghulam Muhammad is a Professor in Computer Engi-
centric Computing and Information Sciences (Springer), Games for Health Journal, neering Department, College of Computer and Informa-
and International Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications (Springer). He also tion Sciences (CCIS), King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi
presently serves as a lead guest editor of Future Generation Computer Systems Arabia. He received his Ph.D. degree in 2006 from the
(Elsevier), IEEE Network Magazine, and IEEE Access. Previously, he served as a Department of Electronic and Information Engineering
guest editor of IEEE Communications Magazine, IEEE Transactions on Information at Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan. He has
Technology in Biomedicine (currently JBHI), IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, authored and co-authored more than 180 publications
International Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications (Springer), Cluster including refereed IEEE/ACM/Springer/Elsevier journals,
Computing (Springer), Future Generation Computer Systems (Elsevier), Computers conference papers, and book chapters. He owns a US
and Electrical Engineering (Elsevier), Sensors (MDPI), and International Journal of patent.
Distributed Sensor Networks. He is a Senior Member of IEEE, a senior member of

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