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Designing and Using an Atomic Model Kit with H, C, N, and O Model

Atoms Having a Mass Ratio of 1:12:14:16 to Teach the Concept of
Mole and Associated Stoichiometric Relationships
Vinay Bapu Ramesh,* Athavan Alias Anand Selvam, Surabhi Kulkarni, Anusha Dattatreya Manganahalli,
and Kiran R. Bettadapur
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ABSTRACT: High school students find reaction stoichiometry and the

concept of the mole hard to comprehend. Teachers are well aware of the
importance of teaching the mole concept and also the difficulty
associated with it. In an attempt to improve the understanding of the
mole concept with reduced difficulty, an atomic model kit that provides
a hands-on learning experience has been developed and implemented in
a class of 40 students. Each model atom consists of spherical
neodymium magnets (acting as nucleons) of appropriate number (1
for hydrogen, 12 for carbon, 14 for nitrogen, and 16 for oxygen)
enclosed in a hollow spherical Styrofoam casing (acting as an atom) that
can be opened when required. These model atoms can be easily weighed
using a laboratory balance, to obtain mass ratios of 1:12:14:16. This
model kit provides an opportunity to have a hands-on learning
experience of abstract concepts such as mass conservation in a balanced
chemical reaction, excess and limiting reagents, and the mole and its relation to gram atomic/molecular mass. Herein, we provide a
detailed description of the design criteria and the construction of the model atoms. We also provide the activity sheets with the
necessary instructions to carry out the hands-on activities and the assessment sheets used for evaluation.
KEYWORDS: High School/Introductory Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Hands-On Learning/Manipulatives,
Inquiry-Based/Discovery Learning, Stoichiometry

It is important to learn stoichiometric and quantitative aspects
effectiveness, namely, developing an intuitive approach to
moles; usage of a concept map; problem-solving studyware;
of chemical reactions to understand chemistry. Nearly every computer-aided instruction; and teaching from the perspective
high school curriculum (for students of ages 14−16) has the of semantics.10−14 Despite these efforts, the idea of “mole” still
concept of the mole and associated stoichiometric relation- remains hard to comprehend by high school students because,
ships; however, teaching and learning the mole concept has in the context of chemistry, a mole is a very large number of
been a difficult challenge. The reasons for this difficulty have very small atoms and molecules. Moreover, the mole is a
been attributed to teachers having a lack of comprehensive concept that binds many relationships together, making the
understanding of concepts surrounding “mole”, the confusing whole idea confusing.
nature of the term “mole”, and phonetic similarity between In recent years, a plethora of research has shown that the
mole, molecule, molar, and so on.1−5 It is also known that conventional methods of teaching which involve passive
calculations involving the mole carry the risk of overloading listening to lectures are ineffective in bringing about a
the working memory.6 Hence, it is not surprising that many comprehensive understanding of the concepts among students
students lack coherent understanding of the mole and reaction and hardly any meaningful learning takes place.15 To achieve a
stoichiometry and carry misconceptions.4,5,7,8 To assess the
conceptual understanding of the mole, education researchers Received: July 19, 2019
have developed diagnostic tools that could provide valuable Revised: February 24, 2020
insights into students’ thinking patterns and also the kind of Published: March 3, 2020
misconceptions that the students hold.9 Realizing the need to
address the challenges associated with teaching the mole,
various interventions have been proposed with varying
© 2020 American Chemical Society and
Division of Chemical Education, Inc.
986 J. Chem. Educ. 2020, 97, 986−991
Journal of Chemical Education Article

better understanding and help retain concepts in students’ carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen weighed 1, 12, 14, and 16
long-term memory, the learning process has to be made g, respectively. However, we have kept the mass
active.16 Education researchers advocate the use of hands-on contribution due to isotopes outside the scope of this
activities to facilitate the learning of the mole concept.17,18 atomic model kit.
Some introductory chemistry textbooks use analogies and 3. Since all of the “mass” of an atom is due to the mass of
activities intending to help students understand the ideas of the nucleus, the relative mass ratio applies not just at the
“counting by weighing” and “relative mass”.19,20 atom level but also at the level of the nucleons.
Though efforts have been made to teach the mole concept Therefore, a design was chosen to construct the model
using concrete activities, they do not cater to all of the aspects atoms such that mass ratios between different model
of reaction stoichiometry. Also, the usage of analogies alone atoms would not alter whether atoms were weighed as a
without hands-on activities is considered insufficient in whole or just the constituent nucleons.
fostering conceptual understanding in many students.18 Figure 1 illustrates an example reaction using the model
Therefore, teaching the mole concept and associated aspects atoms. The model atoms were constructed as described below,
of reaction stoichiometry through hands-on activities was felt in a way that is consistent with these design criteria (Figure 2).
necessary. Largely, atomic and molecular model kits have been
used in the past to aid the understanding of the structure and
bonding between atoms and molecules. Here we describe an
atomic model kit designed for the sole purpose of aiding
students to obtain a conceptual understanding of the mole
concept and related aspects of reaction stoichiometry. We
believe the atomic models will lead to a fun and engaging way
of learning.

Designing the Model Atoms
Figure 1. Balanced reaction between hydrogen and oxygen forming
water using the model atoms that is consistent with the mass ratios in
which they react (after rounding off to the nearest integer).

When matter is weighed, students are weighing the constituent

atoms and molecules. The mass of individual atoms and
molecules is miniscule and a perception of their “size” and
“weight” is beyond the reach of sense organs. If one can scale
up the sizes of atoms and make model atoms such that they
can be seen, held, weighed, and opened up to reveal the
constituent particles, it might help in relating to the ideas
governing the mole concept. From our previous classroom
experience while teaching the mole concept, we have observed
that students seldom realize that the atom’s mass is solely
contributed by the nucleus, which is in turn made up of almost
equally heavy protons and neutrons. Therefore, if the model
atoms are constructed in such a way that the mass of individual
atoms and molecules (made by combining atoms) can be
expressed as an integral multiple of the mass of a proton and
neutron (neglecting the small deviation due to mass defect in
the case of real atoms), understanding the logic behind relative
atomic and molecular mass becomes easier.
The design criteria for the atom models we created include Figure 2. (a,b) Preparation of model nucleons; (c−f) preparation of
these three considerations: casing for the nucleons; (h) preparation of the model atoms; (i)
atomic model kit.
1. A number of chemical reactions used as examples to
teach the mole concept at high school level use mostly
hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen atoms (either as Construction of the Model Atoms
atoms or as constituents of molecules). Thus, model To construct the nucleons for the model atoms, spherical
atoms of H, C, N, and O suffice to construct the neodymium alloy (NdFeB) magnets of 5 mm diameter were
necessary molecules. With 8 hydrogen atoms, and 4 each used (Figure 2a). These magnets serve two purposes. First,
of carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen, one can easily model at each magnet weighs less than 1g and so an appropriate
least 15 chemical reactions commonly taught at the high quantity of epoxy putty can be applied on each to get the mass
school level. to the required value. Second, the magnets hold together as a
2. Usually, atomic models cater to maintaining proportion- lump, resembling an actual nucleus in which the nucleons are
ality of atomic sizes and shapes. However, to teach a held together by a strong nuclear force. Students witness this
nonintuitive concept such as relative atomic mass, it is when they open up the model atoms to measure the mass of
essential to have atomic models that maintain constituent nucleons.
proportionality in mass. In our design, not only did we Epoxy putty was applied on each of the magnets, allowed to
maintain proportional masses, we also ensured that the harden and colored black for proton and orange for neutron
mass of the model atoms was equal to the accepted gram (Figure 2b), such that the resulting mass of any nucleon was
atomic masses; that is, each model atom of hydrogen, close to 0.97 g but not more than that. Representative images
J. Chem. Educ. 2020, 97, 986−991
Journal of Chemical Education Article

Figure 3. (a) Mass of H, C, N, and O model atoms; (b) mass of the constituent nucleons of H, C, N, and O model atoms; (c) mass of H2O, NH3,
CH4, and CO2 model molecules.

Figure 4. Learning flow: sequence of concepts covered in part A and part B activities.

can be found in the Supporting Information, Figure S1a,b. This making the casing for the model atoms. A representative image
is to ensure mass ratios between different model atoms do not has been provided in the Supporting Information (Figure S2).
alter whether atoms are weighed or just the constituent To assemble the model atoms once the nucleons and the
nucleons. casing are prepared, an appropriate number of nucleons are
To construct the casings, solid Styrofoam balls of 20 mm placed inside the foam balls: that is, 1 proton for hydrogen, 6
diameter for hydrogen and 35 mm diameter for carbon, protons and 6 neutrons for carbon, 7 protons and 7 neutrons
nitrogen, and oxygen were used (Figure 2c). The balls were cut for nitrogen, and 8 protons and 8 neutrons for oxygen atoms
into two halves with the help of nichrome hot wire foam cutter (Figure 2h). Then the hemispheres are glued together using
(Figure 2d,e). Next, the inner part of the foam hemispheres synthetic resin adhesive and the resulting model atoms are
was scooped out to make space for the nucleons (Figure 2f). colored, using the scheme, white for hydrogen, black for
Finally, 2 mm × 1 mm neodymium alloy magnets were carbon, blue for nitrogen, and red for oxygen (Figure 2i).
embedded inside the scooped out balls in accordance with the During one of the activities which require students to measure
valency; namely, 1 for hydrogen, 4 for carbon, 3 for nitrogen, the mass of constituent nucleons, the model atoms are cut
and 2 for oxygen (Figure 2g). open with a knife. It is then glued back for further use.
Note that one can use hollow interlocking foam balls if The resulting mass of the model atoms were such that the
available, which significantly reduces the efforts involved in ratio of the mass of hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen
J. Chem. Educ. 2020, 97, 986−991
Journal of Chemical Education Article

were 1:12:14:16 (Figure 3a). As mentioned in the design Supporting Information for the assessment sheets). This
criteria, the mass of constituent nucleons of H, C, N, and O helped us to compare the performance concept-wise, before
model atoms were also in the ratio of 1:12:14:16 (Figure 3b). and after teaching.
Consequently, the mass of molecules made from these model
atoms is consistent with the relative gram molecular mass of
the respective molecules. Also, the tiny magnets embedded in
The implementation of hands-on teaching of the mole concept
the Styrofoam casing (in accordance with the valency of the in an average-size classroom (N = 40) posed no issues to the
respective atoms) ensure that the model atoms are bound to facilitators. The students could follow the instructions
each other, resembling a molecular unit (Figure 3c). provided and conduct most of the activities independently.
Activity Sheets The facilitators occasionally had to intervene, otherwise their
main focus was to ensure the students performed the activities
A wide variety of hands-on activities were developed that as expected.
employ the model atoms to ease gaining an understanding of In the implementation exercise, we found improvements in
the mole concept and reaction stoichiometry. The activities the performance of the students between pretests and post-
were divided into two parts: part A deals with the concepts of tests (Figure 5); however, these were not statistically
reaction stoichiometry; part B deals with the idea of the mole
and associated concepts. The activities were designed with the
intent of achieving specific learning outcomes. Figure 4 briefly
outlines the learning flow for the sequence of concepts covered
in part A and part B activities. A more detailed description of
the activities can be found in the Supporting Information.
However, the activities were not designed to assess the efficacy
of the atomic model kit as a learning aid. (For sample activities,
see the Supporting Information, activity sheets 1 and 2.
Complete activity sheets can be obtained by request to the
corresponding author.)

The implementation of the mole concept activity was carried
Figure 5. Mean scores comparison between pretest and post-test for
Part A (N = 35) and Part B (N = 39). Graphs indicate mean (with
out at a local school (following the National Council for S.E.M.) of the percentage of questions answered correctly by each
Educational Research and TrainingIndia Curriculum) with student. A total of eight questions were there in both pretest and post-
students of ages 14−15 after obtaining prior consent from the test.
school authorities. The following concepts were covered in
their previous classes: laws of chemical combinations; atomic significant. Though the total number of students in the class
mass and molecular mass; the concept of the mole; Avogadro’s was 40, some students were absent for pretest, post-test, or
number and its interrelations. It is necessary to note that the both. For the graph, we have only considered the data from
prescribed textbooks dealt with these ideas largely as a series of those students who attended the pretest, post-test, and all the
facts without much emphasis on the underlying concepts. activity sessions.
The class (N = 40) was divided into four groups of 10 While the overall data did not show major differences
students each for the ease of handling the class. Each group between the scores of pretest and post-test, some significant
was provided with model kits, weighing balances, and all other differences were observed in individual content topics. In the
necessary items to perform the hands-on activities. A total of Part A pretest, only 30% of the students were correctly able to
10 sessions were conducted and the duration of each session answer both the questions on the relationship between number
was 75 min. Prior to the activity, a couple of high school and mass of atoms; however, nearly 75% could correctly
chemistry teachers, who had about two years of teaching answer in the post-test. While the improvement in the scores
experience were briefed about the activities and the use of the for questions regarding limiting and excess reagent was
atomic model kit. Though the research team was present marginal, it was substantial for the question on law of
during the entirety of the activity, the facilitation was combining volumes, with 13 students answering it correctly in
conducted solely by the teachers. A pretest was administered the post-test and none in the pretest. Nevertheless, a larger
before the start of each part of the activity sheets and a post- fraction of class was not able to answer the question on law of
test was administered once the activity was completed. The combining volumes correctly, suggesting the activities do not
part A pretest and post-test had eight questions each, covering work adequately for all topics. In the Part B questions, while no
aspects of physical and chemical changes, absolute and relative significant differences were observed as a function of content
mass, limiting and excess reagent, and law of combining topics between the pretest and the post-test, some students
volumes. The part B pretest and post-test also had eight could apply their learning of interconversion between gram
questions each, covering aspects of gram atomic mass, gram atomic/molecular mass, mole, and number of atoms/
molecular mass, Avogadro’s number, and the mole. It was molecules to solve some of the questions in the post-test.
ensured that the concept evaluated and the question number Figure 6 panels a−c showcase three questions and a
was mapped between the pretest and the posttest. For example, representative student response that were asked in the pretest,
if question numbers 1 and 2 dealt with physical and chemical activity sheet, and post-test, respectively. The change in the
change in the pretest, the same question numbers dealt with response of the students to these questions highlights the
physical and chemical changes in post-test too with the learning process. We observed in the pretest (Figure 6a) that
specifics of the questions being different (refer to the 50% of the students chose 25 molecules of iodine and a few
J. Chem. Educ. 2020, 97, 986−991
Journal of Chemical Education Article

team’s hard work and the way they explained and made
us understand the concept was amazing.” [Student A]
• “I hope you guys go to many other schools to help
children of that school to understand mole concept. But
the effort by the teachers was excellent which made us
understand the topic very well in this session.” [Student
• “Actually I liked when the atoms were broken open to
show how the protons and neutrons look alike. Actually
in module “Level-B” there had to be given space for the
working. As there is no working place, it became a bit
difficult for calculation.”[sic] [Student C]
• “The model kits actually helped. Since we could see
those model atoms, it was easier to visualize and
understand.” [Student D]
• “You should have given more problems based on the
mole concept.” [Student E]

The size, shape, and color of the model atoms and nucleons
may convey ideas to students that are not entirely consistent
Figure 6. (a) Pretestoption chosen without any supporting with the ideas concerning atomic masses and submicroscopic
calculation; (b) implementation phasecalculation depicting the properties. To prevent any possible misconceptions, during the
student expressing mass of different atoms and molecules as an activities, the facilitators often emphasized the model atoms are
integral multiple of mass of a hydrogen atom; (c) post-testthe not really accurate representations of actual atoms but are only
calculation similar to what was learned in the implementation stage accurate with respect to relative mass between them.
being used to a solve a problem in the post-test. Nevertheless, students may have inferred ideas about atoms
and nucleons for which the model atoms are not built. For
example, in order to convey the idea that the protons and
students chose 100 molecules of fluorine as the correct answer neutrons weigh nearly the same, we have made the model
(both the options being wrong in actuality). It is noteworthy nucleons of almost equal mass but have colored them
that the answers did not accompany any calculations indicating differently to distinguish between them. However, it may
that the students might have chosen the option either by have conveyed the idea that the protons and neutrons are alike
considering only number (100 in case of fluorine) or only mass to some students (see Student C response above). Further
(iodine’s mass), and not both, which might be the reason for implementation of the activity should strive to maximize the
not arriving at the correct answer (50 molecules of bromine in benefits of visualization while minimizing the potential creation
this case). The activities of the implementation session of misconceptions associated with the visual imagery of the
addressed this issue when the students learned to express submicroscopic particles.
masses of different atoms as an integral multiple of the mass of Another limitation is that the model atoms do not account
the hydrogen atom (Figure 6b). We witnessed some of the for the mass difference between atoms of the same element
students using this method of calculation to solve a similar due to the presence of isotopes. We have kept the mass
question and arrive at the right answer in the post-test (Figure contribution due to isotopes outside the scope of this atomic
6c). model kit.
The students liked the entire activity and expressed their
wish that every scientific concept be taught in a hands-on way
because it changed their role from passive learners to active
This hands-on approach to teaching the concept of mole and
participants. On the basis of the students’ comments, we associated stoichiometric relationships with the atomic model
believe that the model atoms helped to increase student kit proved to be a successful and an easily scalable model of
engagement with abstract concepts such as reaction teaching. Using these low-cost, easy-to-prepare model atoms
stoichiometry and the mole. As expressed by many students, helped student engagement with certain underlying concepts
in order to increase the effectiveness of the learning of mole associated with reaction stoichiometry and the mole. The
and reaction stoichiometry, along with learning aids, higher activity sheets not only serve the purpose of guiding the use of
emphasis on numerical problem solving might prove to be the model atoms, they also provide necessary information on
beneficial. (As an example response, see the response from the mole and stoichiometry. This feature can transform the
student E below.) class into a self-regulated learning environment which not only
A few representative comments are given below, which is a changes, but also reduces to some extent, the role of teachers.
reflection of students’ overall experience with the activity. The activities were implemented in a class of 40 students and
• “Yes, the module and model kits were excellent. They many encouraging positive responses were received.
helped me understand this concept a lot easier. I was
one of those students who thought mole concept was
difficult but this totally proved me wrong. The models of
The current work has focused on the design, construction,
atoms really helped me to understand. I really like the utility, and student perceptions of the atomic model kit and
J. Chem. Educ. 2020, 97, 986−991
Journal of Chemical Education Article

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The authors declare no competing financial interest.

The authors acknowledge the valuable contributions of Kreu, a
local maker space for providing guidance on designing and
construction of the model atoms. We also thank the reviewers
for their insightful comments which helped shape the
manuscript in the current form.
J. Chem. Educ. 2020, 97, 986−991

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