Fleetminder Fm-Inspect Operational Manual v1.0.0

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Table of Contents
1. LOG IN...........................................................................................................................................5
2. VEHICLE CHECK-IN..................................................................................................................6
2.1. Selecting the Vehicle...................................................................................................................6
2.2. Selecting the Customer................................................................................................................9
2.3. Adding a New Customer...........................................................................................................11
2.4. Setting the Invoicee...................................................................................................................12
2.5. Setting the Registered Owner Selecting the Customer.............................................................13
2.6. Retest Check-In.........................................................................................................................14
2.7. Printing Check-In sheet.............................................................................................................14
3. CARRY OUT THE INSPECTION............................................................................................14
3.1. Vehicle Details..........................................................................................................................16
3.2. Brake Test..................................................................................................................................17
3.2.1. Brake Figures........................................................................................................................17
3.2.2. Side Slip................................................................................................................................18
3.2.3. Shock Test............................................................................................................................19
3.2.4. Air Pressure Build up...........................................................................................................19
3.2.5. Brake Details........................................................................................................................19
3.2.6. Decelerometer.......................................................................................................................20
3.2.7. Wheel Lock out....................................................................................................................21
3.3. Visuals.......................................................................................................................................22
3.4. Smoke Figures...........................................................................................................................23
3.5. Tyres..........................................................................................................................................23
3.5.1. Tyre Indices..........................................................................................................................23
3.5.2. Tyre Information...................................................................................................................23
3.6. Comments..................................................................................................................................23
3.7. Torque.......................................................................................................................................23
3.7.1. Slack Adjustor......................................................................................................................23
3.7.2. Wheel Nut.............................................................................................................................23
3.7.3. King Pin................................................................................................................................23
3.8. Record Crash Damage...............................................................................................................23
3.8.1. Setting Image for the Vehicle...............................................................................................24
3.8.2. Marking damage on a vehicle...............................................................................................24
3.9. Signing off the Inspection.........................................................................................................25
3.9.1. Selecting a fail Result...........................................................................................................26
3.9.2. Selecting a Pass Result.........................................................................................................27
3.9.3. Sign off Inspection – Optional Feature.................................................................................27
4. ENQUIRES...................................................................................................................................28
4.1. Making an enquiry.....................................................................................................................28
5. REPORTS.....................................................................................................................................30
5.1. General Reports.........................................................................................................................30
5.1.1. Vehicles Currently Checked In –..........................................................................................30
5.1.2. Detailed Report –..................................................................................................................30
5.1.3. Summary Report –................................................................................................................30
5.1.4. Check In Report –.................................................................................................................31
5.1.5. Doe Returns File Export –....................................................................................................31
5.1.6. Annual Test Reminder Letters –...........................................................................................31
5.2. Analysis Reports........................................................................................................................31
5.2.1. Show all tests –By Fleet Type –...........................................................................................32
5.2.2. Efficiency/Imbalance Tolerances -.......................................................................................32
5.2.3. Testers Performance History –.............................................................................................32


5.2.4. Tester Access Report-...........................................................................................................32

5.3. Invoice Reports..........................................................................................................................32
5.3.1. Invoice Inspection.................................................................................................................33
5.4. Customer Reports......................................................................................................................34
5.4.1. Customer Reports –..............................................................................................................35
5.5. Report to Date...........................................................................................................................35
6. JOB CLOCKING.........................................................................................................................36
6.1. Logging on a Job.......................................................................................................................36
6.2. Logging off a Job......................................................................................................................38
7. CANCELLING A CERT.............................................................................................................39
7.1. Cancelling a Cert.......................................................................................................................39
8. APPENDIX A (CVT-CONNECT USERS)................................................................................44
8.1. CVT-Connect (Brake)...............................................................................................................44
8.2. CVT-Connect (Smoke)..............................................................................................................46
9. APPENDIX B (TMS USERS).....................................................................................................48
10. APPENDIX C (VRS INTERFACE USERS)........................................................................49
11. Appendix D (System Specification)..........................................................................................50


Table of Figures

Figure 1: Icon............................................................................................................................................5
Figure 2: Login.........................................................................................................................................5
Figure 3: Successful login.........................................................................................................................5
Figure 4: Vehicle check-In........................................................................................................................6
Figure 5: Find vehicle...............................................................................................................................6
Figure 6: Vehicle does not exist................................................................................................................6
Figure 7: Check-In form............................................................................................................................7
Figure 8: Setting Axle Configuration........................................................................................................8
Figure 9: Selecting Body types..................................................................................................................8
Figure 10: Selecting vehicle type..............................................................................................................9
Figure 11: Customer Details...................................................................................................................10
Figure 12: Selecting the customer...........................................................................................................10
Figure 13: Adding a new customer.........................................................................................................11
Figure 14: Registered Owner..................................................................................................................12
Figure 15: Registered owner check.........................................................................................................12
Figure 16: Vehicle Checked-In...............................................................................................................13
Figure 17: Retest check-In......................................................................................................................13
Figure 18: Inspection..............................................................................................................................14
Figure 19: Find the vehicle to be tested..................................................................................................14
Figure 20: Registration number not found..............................................................................................14
Figure 21: Inspection found for Registration Number............................................................................15
Figure 22: Vehicle Details......................................................................................................................16
Figure 23: Log Fail Level 1....................................................................................................................16
Figure 24: Log Fail Level 3....................................................................................................................17
Figure 25: Adding Comments.................................................................................................................17
Figure 26: Comments displayed on Detailed Inspection Report............................................................18
Figure 27: No Image set for vehicle........................................................................................................18
Figure 28: Recording Damage................................................................................................................19
Figure 29: Test Results: Issue Cert.........................................................................................................19
Figure 30: Issue Cert: Fail Sample.........................................................................................................20
Figure 31: Issue Cert: Detailed Report...................................................................................................21
Figure 32: Issue Cert: Sample Pass........................................................................................................21
Figure 33: Enquiry..................................................................................................................................22
Figure 34: Enquiry - Selecting the Customer..........................................................................................22
Figure 35: Enquiry – Select the Vehicle..................................................................................................23
Figure 36: Enquiry - Check-In................................................................................................................23
Figure 37: Reports..................................................................................................................................24
Figure 38: Detailed Report.....................................................................................................................24
Figure 39: Pass Certificate Disc.............................................................................................................25
Figure 40: Analysis Reports....................................................................................................................26
Figure 41: Invoice Inspection.................................................................................................................27
Figure 42: Invoice Inspection details (stand-alone)...............................................................................28
Figure 43: Part of Sample Invoice (Stand alone)...................................................................................28
Figure 44: Customer Reports..................................................................................................................29
Figure 45: Report to Date.......................................................................................................................29
Figure 46: Report to Date - Displayed....................................................................................................30
Figure 47: Log on button........................................................................................................................31
Figure 48: Inspector/Mechanic verification...........................................................................................31
Figure 49: Log on Job Form...................................................................................................................32
Figure 50: Mechanic on Job...................................................................................................................32
Figure 51: Log off button........................................................................................................................33


Figure 52: Log off message.....................................................................................................................33

Figure 53: Cancel Cert Button................................................................................................................34
Figure 54: Find the cert to be cancelled.................................................................................................34
Figure 55: Cancel Cert: Cert Number Found.........................................................................................35
Figure 56: Cancel Cert: Scan Testers Badge..........................................................................................36
Figure 57: Cancel Cert: Cancel Cert and Re-issue................................................................................37
Figure 58: Cert Cancelled.......................................................................................................................37
Figure 59: Cancel Cert: Cert Not Found................................................................................................37
Figure 60: CVT Connect: Brakes............................................................................................................38
Figure 61: Passing figures from brake tester.........................................................................................39
Figure 62: Accepting/Verifying brake readings......................................................................................40
Figure 63: CVT Connect: Smoke............................................................................................................41
Figure 64: Accepting Smoke Figures......................................................................................................41
Figure 65: Detailed Smoke Analysis.......................................................................................................42
Figure 66: TMS login with job clocking..................................................................................................42
Figure 67: Job Clocking..........................................................................................................................43
Figure 68: TMS Clock In/Clock Out.......................................................................................................43


1. Log In
To enter FM-Inspect, double click on the icon on the desktop.

Figure 1: Icon

Input the code given to you by your administrator and press enter.
Vehicle inspectors need to tick the ‘Sys tester’ checkbox. This will identify you on the
system and allow you access to the areas you are authorized to enter.

Figure 2: Login


Once the user has successfully logged in, their name and authorization rights will be

Figure 3: Successful login

2. Vehicle Check-In

Figure 4: Vehicle check-In

2.1. Selecting the Vehicle

Note: [VRS interface users please see Appendix C]

To check a vehicle in for an inspection the user should

 Click on the “Check in” button on the main screen.
 Enter the registration number or chassis number of the vehicle.
 Click on “Show” or press “Enter”.

Figure 5: Find vehicle


If the vehicle entered is not found, the system will prompt the user to add it as a new

Figure 6: Vehicle does not exist

If the vehicle is known then its details will automatically be taken from the database
for the inspector to verify. The details contained on the four available tabs should be
checked and verified before the vehicle is checked-in.

To verify the details and check-in the vehicle the user should
Click on “Accept”

Figure 7: Check-In form

Tab Descriptions

 Chassis Details Tab - relates to all the details regarding the vehicle itself.
Mandatory fields
 Reg No. – Registration number of the vehicle.
 Chassis No. - Chassis number of the vehicle.


 GVW – Gross vehicle weight.

 UlW – Un-laden weight of the vehicle.
 Axles – number and layout of the axles on the vehicle – this
can be set by clicking on the axles button, selecting the
configuration and then click “Save”.

Figure 8: Setting Axle Configuration

 Make – can selected from the list.

 Model – can be selected from the list.
 BodyType – can be selected by clicking on the applicable

Figure 9: Selecting Body types


 Yr First Reg/Year Man/Mileage/kilometres– can be entered in

the text boxes provided.
 Test-weight – Test-weight of the vehicle.
 Vehicle Type – The type of vehicle being tested.
To select the Vehicle Type, the user should click on the button and
select it from the list.

Figure 10: Selecting vehicle type

 Vehicle Category – The category of the vehicle

To select the Vehicle Category, the user should click on the button
and select it from the list.

 Test-Type – The type of inspection/test to be carried out.

To select this, the user should click on the button and select it
from the list.

Non Mandatory fields

 Fleet No, EngineCC and Colour – can be entered in the text

boxes provided.

2.2. Selecting the Customer

 Customer Details Tab - Displays the customer details for the vehicle being


Figure 11: Customer Details

If the details are correct then the user should click on the “Accept” button.

To change or select and different customer the user should

1. Click on the “Find” button

2. Type all or part of the customers name and click “Enter”
3. Select the customer from the list by double clicking.


Figure 12: Selecting the customer

The “Invoicee Same as Owner” check box can be ticked if the customer is the same
as the invoicee.

2.3. Adding a New Customer

If the customer was not found, you will be prompted to add a new customer.
Likewise if the customer is not displayed on the list you can click on the “New
Customer” button. The new customer details can then be added as shown below.


Figure 13: Adding a new customer

2.4. Setting the Invoicee

 Invoice Details Tab – Displays the details of the person being invoiced for the

The process for accepting, changing or adding invoice details is the same as outlined
above for the customer section.


2.5. Setting the Registered Owner Selecting the Customer

 Registered Owner Tab – Displays the information relating to the registered

owner of the vehicle.

Figure 14: Registered Owner

The Registered owner section can be set as mandatory within the system. (For more
details see Appendix D – System specification) If this is the case the system will
prompt you to check the registered owner details otherwise the system will allow
you to proceed as normal.

Figure 15: Registered owner check

Once all the required information has been entered and verified the user can
proceed to check-in by

 Clicking on “Accept”
 Clicking on “Check in”

When the vehicle has been successfully checked in the message below will appear.


Figure 16: Vehicle Checked-In

2.6. Retest Check-In

If the vehicle is re-tested within the parameters set (Kilometres/Days) from the last
test then the user will have the option to carry out a re-test. This is an optional
setting within the system.

Figure 17: Retest check-In

If the user selects “Yes” the re-test will be created copying the fails from the
previous test otherwise if the user selects “No” then a full Inspection is created.

2.7. Printing Check-In sheet

Check-In sheets can be printed after the vehicle is checked in. This is also an optional
setting within the system. (For details see appendix D – System Specification)

3. Carry out the Inspection

To carry out the inspection the user should
1. Click on the “Inspection” button
2. Type the registration number of the vehicle
3. Press “the Return Key” or click “Show”


Figure 18: Inspection

Figure 19: Find the vehicle to be tested

If there is an open inspection for the registration number provided then the system
will display the inspection otherwise a message will appear stating that no vehicle is
checked in for an inspection with the registration number provided.

Figure 20: Registration number not found


Figure 21: Inspection found for Registration Number

There are several sections on the form which relate to the different elements of the
inspection. These elements are optional based on the type of inspection being
carried out and can be customized to suit the requirements of the inspection. (See
appendix A)

The sections are as follows:

3.1. Vehicle Details

The vehicle details section displays the information of the vehicle being inspected. It
also allows the user to log on and off the job by clicking on the “log on” and “log off”
buttons. This facility is dealt with in more detail later in the manual.


Figure 22: Vehicle Details

3.2. Brake Test

Note: [CVT Connect Brake users please see Appendix A-8.1]

Figure 23: Brake Test

3.2.1. Brake Figures

After the brake test is carried out the figures can be entered into the
fields provided on the “Brake Test” tab on the main form. When the
Service, Emergency and Parking figures have been entered the system
will calculate the result based on the tolerances set up for the
inspection. If the imbalance or efficiency is below the permissible


limit, the field will be marked in red and the associated fail will be
marked against the inspection.

Figure 24: Brake Test: Entering Brake Figures

Service, Emergency and Parking figures need to be accepted

separately. To do this you need to click on the tab or the relevant
button and then click on the “Accept Brake Figures” button. Once the
brake details have been saved the button will change to a darker
shade of grey.

Figure 25: Brake Test: Accepting figures

Accepting brake figures before the inspection is signed off is

mandatory for FM-Inspect.

For re-tests the figures should be entered in the same way into the re-
test tab provided.

3.2.2. Side Slip

Side slip figures can be entered in the tab provided within the
inspection. The tolerances for side slip can be seen on the bottom


left of the tab. Once the side slip figure has been entered you
should click on the “Accept” button to save it.
To change the figure to a minus value you should click on the
“Change Sign” button. If the side slip value is outside the tolerances
applicable then the field will change to red and the associated fail
will be marked against the inspection.

Figure 26: Brake Test: Side Slip

3.2.3. Shock Test
The shock test details are also displayed within the “Brake Test" tab.
The shock test details are usually passed as part of the CVT Connect
(Brakes) program. Shock test figures are read only and cannot be
modified from within the inspection.

3.2.4. Air Pressure Build up

This section checks the time taken for the air pressure to build to the
required level. When the time take is calculated you should enter it in
the fields provided and click on the “Accept” button.

Figure 27: Brake Test: Air Pressure Build

If the time taken is above the tolerance set then the field will change
to red and the associated fail will be marked against the inspection.

3.2.5. Brake Details

This section allows you to store the specific brake details against the
inspection. The steps involved are:


 Click on the relevant location on the diagram.

 Enter the brake pad/lining and brake disc figures.
 Click on the “Update” button.

To edit the details for a specific location simply click on the location or
click on the entry within the list.

Mandatory fields are marked with a red asterix “*”. When the location
on the map goes from red to green this indicates that all the mandatory
fields have been entered.

Figure 28: Brake Test: Brake Details

3.2.6. Decelerometer
The decelerometer section can be used to override the brake test
results. To use the decelerometer facility you should:
 Click on the “Decelerometer” button within the form.
 Enter the result figures in the fields provided.
 Click on the “Accept” button


Figure 29: Brake Test: Decelerometer

Once the figures have been saved the detailed report produced will
display the results entered and indicate that the decelerometer was

3.2.7. Wheel Lock out

This facility can be used to mark/track wheel lockout. Wheel lockout
can be marked against the service, emergency and parking brakes.

Figure 30: Brake Test: Wheel Lock Out.

To indicate wheel lock out you should:

 Tick the check box highlighted above.
 Identify the location of lock out but checking on the
relevant checkbox.

Wheel lockout will be displayed on the detailed report for the

inspection. FM-Inspect can also allow you to use an alternative brake
formula calculation if wheels are deemed to have locked out. See
administrator report for more details.


3.3. Visuals

The visuals section allows the user to log visual fails against the vehicle being
inspected. Visuals fails which are logged will then be displayed on the reports
produced at the end of the inspection.

Visual fails can be set up to log at different levels of detail, level 1, 2, and 3 with level
3 being the most detailed. This is part of the system configuration and is dealt with in
more detail in the administrator’s manual.

To Log a fail at level 1: Click on the fail item and then click on the “log fail” button on
the top right of the screen.

Figure 31: Log Fail Level 1

To Log a fail at level 2: Click on the fail item, click on the sub fail item and then click
on the “log fail” button on the top right of the screen like above.

To Log a fail at level 3:

 Click on the fail item
 Click on the sub fail item
 Select the locations of failure where applicable.
 Click on the reason for failure.
 Click on the “log fail” button.

Figure 32: Log Fail Level 3

A message will flash on the screen to notify the inspector that the fail was logged.
The level at which the fails are set will also reflect on the information displayed on
the detailed report.


3.4. Smoke Figures

Note: [CVT Connect Smoke users please see Appendix A-8.2]

3.5. Tyres
3.5.1. Tyre Indices
3.5.2. Tyre Information

This section allows the user to add comments to the inspection. Comments which
are added will be displayed on the detailed inspection report.

To add a comment the user should:

1. Click on the “Add” button.
2. Type the comments in the space provided.
3. Click on the “Save” button.

Figure 33: Adding Comments

Figure 34: Comments displayed on Detailed Inspection Report

3.7. Torque
3.7.1. Slack Adjustor
3.7.2. Wheel Nut
3.7.3. King Pin

3.8. Record Crash Damage

Crash damage can be recorded against a vehicle within the “Record Crash Damage”
tab on the main form once the vehicle has an image associated to it.


Figure 35: Recording Damage.

3.8.1. Setting Image for the Vehicle

If the vehicle being inspected does not have an associated image you can set
this up simple by clicking on the “Add Image” button and selecting the image
relevant to the vehicle.

Figure 36: No Image set for vehicle

3.8.2. Marking damage on a vehicle

To mark damage on a vehicle for an inspection you should:

 Click on vehicle image in the appropriate location.

 Type the description of the damage
 Click on the “Save” button


The user can print the image by clicking on the “Print” button, to refresh the image
and remove the damage markings you can click on the “Refresh” button.

If recording crash damage is applicable to the type of test being carried out then the
user will need to click on the “Accept” button to verify the details have been checked
and saved.

3.9. Signing off the Inspection

Once all of the applicable sections have been checked and verified the inspection
can be signed off. The system will inform you if there are still some mandatory
sections that need to be addressed.

To sign off the inspection you should:

 Click on the “Issue” button on the main screen.

Figure 37: Test Results: Issue Cert.

 Select “Pass” or “Fail”

3.9.1. Selecting a fail Result


If you select the “Fail” option you will be asked by the system if you
want to mark any fails as critical. If you click “Yes” you will be prompted
to select the fails deemed critical and they will be then marked on the
detailed and summary reports accordingly.

After this is done the system will produce the next available fail cert
number. When the inspector has verified that this is correct they should
click on the “Accept” button and scan their tester’s badge.

The system will then sign off the inspection and issue the cert.

Figure 38: Issue Cert: Fail Sample

You will then be asked if you wish to print a detailed report. Clicking on “Yes” will
print the detailed report of the inspection to the default printer.

Figure 39: Issue Cert: Detailed Report

Summary reports can also be automatically printed after the inspection is signed off.
This is an optional feature within the system which can be turned on or off to suit
the operators needs.

3.9.2. Selecting a Pass Result

Firstly a pass result can not be issued to an inspection that contains
critical fails. The pass option will not be available for selection. If there
are non critical fail items marked against the inspection the system will


ask you have these being resolved. Only when you select “Yes” will the
system allow you to select the pass result.

Figure 40: Issue Cert: Sample Pass

Just like the fail option above the system will produce the next available
“Pass” cert number. When the inspector has verified the correct cert is
being used they should click on the “Accept” button and scan their
tester’s badge. The detailed report and summary report can then be
printed as required.

3.9.3. Sign off Inspection – Optional Feature

 Setting a default tester for anonymous signing off of inspection. (No need
for tester’s badge). Please refer to administrator’s manual for more

4. Enquires

4.1. Making an enquiry

This is the facility within the system that allows you to easily find a customers
vehicle and check it in for an inspection.

The steps involved are

1. Click on the “Enquiry” button on main screen

Figure 41: Enquiry


2. “Enter” the customers name and “Select” the appropriate one from the
list returned.

Figure 42: Enquiry - Selecting the Customer

When the customer has been selected a list of vehicles currently owned by
him/her will be displayed.

3. Right click on the appropriate vehicle and click on “Check-In”

Figure 43: Enquiry – Select the Vehicle

4. The check-In form will be displayed and you can proceed to check-In as


Figure 44: Enquiry - Check-In

5. Reports
5.1. General Reports

Figure 45: Reports

5.1.1. Vehicles Currently Checked In –

This report allows the user to see which vehicles are currently checked in for
an inspection.
5.1.2. Detailed Report –
This facility allows the user to search for previous inspections using the
registration number, statement number or fleet number.


Figure 46: Detailed Report

Once the inspection has been selected a detailed report can be
produced by clicking on “Pick Report”.
5.1.3. Summary Report –
This report allows the user to search for previous inspections in the
same way as the detailed report section.

The summary reports can be used to print “Pass” or “Pass with

advisory” disc certificates. The certificates are printed on the bottom
right hand corner of the summary report. The cert disc can then be
torn off and given to the customer. The certificate shows all the
relevant information regarding the inspection. It also contains a 3D
barcode that holds the information displayed.

This facility needs to be enabled by the system administrator.

Figure 47: Pass Certificate Disc


5.1.4. Check In Report –

Allows the user to reprint the check-in sheet if needed
5.1.5. Doe Returns File Export –
Allows the user to export the set of monthly results to a separate
data file, this file can then be emailed for the monthly returns.
5.1.6. Annual Test Reminder Letters –
Allows the user to retrieve the previous years test on a monthly basis
in order to send out Inspection reminders

5.2. Analysis Reports

Figure 48: Analysis Reports

5.2.1. Show all tests –By Fleet Type –

This is a report which shows all inspections grouped by the fleet-type
within the date range provided.
5.2.2. Efficiency/Imbalance Tolerances -
A report which displays the efficiency and tolerances for the test-types
currently set-up on the system
5.2.3. Testers Performance History –
A report that shows the number of inspections carried out by the tester
on a monthly basis
5.2.4. Tester Access Report-
Shows the access rights for each tester setup on the system

5.3. Invoice Reports


Figure 49: Invoice Inspection

5.3.1. Invoice Inspection

Stand alone invoices can be printed for users who do not have the main
Fleetminder module.
Users can find a specific inspection by using either the registration
number or statement number.

To invoice a particular inspection the user should right click on the

appropriate on and click on “Invoice”

This will then show the details of the inspection and allow the user to
change them accordingly.

To print the invoice the user should click on the “Print Invoice” button


Figure 50: Invoice Inspection details (stand-alone)

Figure 51: Part of Sample Invoice (Stand alone)

5.4. Customer Reports


Figure 52: Customer Reports

5.4.1. Customer Reports –

Allows the user to find all the inspections carried out for a particular
customer within a specific date range.

5.5. Report to Date

Within the inspection there is a “Report” button with allows the user to view the
detailed report at any stage during the inspection.

Figure 53: Report to Date


Figure 54: Report to Date - Displayed

6. Job Clocking

Note: [TMS users please see Appendix B]

The system allows you to record the amount of labour carried out on an inspection
by recording the clocking on and off times. More detailed analysis of this labour can
be carried out within the main Fleetminder module.

6.1. Logging on a Job

To logon to a job click on the “log on” button within the main inspection form


Figure 55: Log on button

The system will then request the user’s “login code” for verification to ensure
the correct person is being logged onto the job.

Figure 56: Inspector/Mechanic verification

Once the valid login code is entered the system will display the Job and work
details as shown below.


Figure 57: Log on Job Form

If an invalid workshop pin was entered the system will inform the user of this.

Once the user has successfully logged onto the job the label beneath the
button will indicate this.

Figure 58: Mechanic on Job

6.2. Logging off a Job

To log off the job click on the “log off” button on the main inspection form


Figure 59: Log off button

The message below then appears

Figure 60: Log off message

Click “Yes” to log off the job or click “No” to stay logged on.

7. Cancelling a Cert

7.1. Cancelling a Cert

A cert can be cancelled on the system for two main reasons which are:
 If the Inspection was signed off with the wrong cert number.
 If the wrong cert was written out from the cert book and the physical
cert needed to be cancelled.


The steps involved in cancelling a cert are as follows.

1. Click on the “Cancel Cert” Button on main form.

Figure 61: Cancel Cert Button

2. Enter the “Cert Number” to be cancelled and click “Find”.

Figure 62: Find the cert to be cancelled.

If the cert number is found the details of the vehicle will be displayed and your
options are outlined below.


Figure 63: Cancel Cert: Cert Number Found

 Cancel the cert completely.

When you select this option you will be asked to scan your tester’s badge to
approve the cancellation of the cert.

Figure 64: Cancel Cert: Scan Testers Badge


 To cancel and issue a new cert.

When you choose this option you will be prompted to enter the new cert
number which will replace the old one. Once this is entered you will need to scan
the testers badge for approval of the cancellation and re-issue.

Figure 65: Cancel Cert: Cancel Cert and Re-issue

Once the testers badge has being scanned and verified the system will display the
message below

Figure 66: Cert Cancelled.

Otherwise if the cert number entered is not found then the system will ask you do
you want to add it.


Figure 67: Cancel Cert: Cert Not Found.

If you click “Yes” you will firstly be prompted to select a signoff date then secondly
the vehicle type and test-type of the inspection.

Once this information has been selected the tester can scan their badge the usual
way and the cert can be cancelled.

8. Appendix A (CVT-Connect Users)

8.1. CVT-Connect (Brake)
CVT-Connect (brake test) is a facility which eliminates the need to re-enter the
brake readings taken from the brake tester. The figures can be passed directly
from the brake tester to FM-Inspect which will save time when carrying out the
inspection. The version of CVT-Connect needed will vary depending on the type
of brake tester used by the operator.

To use CVT-Connect (Brakes) you should

 Click on the “Brake Tester” button on the brake test tab (Main Form).
This will then start up the CVT-Connect program and the brake tester software


Figure 68: CVT Connect: Brakes

 Carry out the brake test as normal.

 Print the results from the brake tester.

The CVT-Connect program will then display the figures taken from the brake
tester which will be passed to FM-Inspect.

Figure 69: Passing figures from brake tester.


 Click on the “Save” to pass the figures to FM-Inspect. This will also close CVT-
Connect and the brake test software.
 The Inspector should then verify and accept the figures in FM-Inspect.

The side slip and suspension results will also be passed and displayed within the
“Brake Test” tab.

Figure 70: Accepting/Verifying brake readings

8.2. CVT-Connect (Smoke)

CVT-Connect (Smoke) is similar to the CVT-Connect (brakes) in that it allows you
send the smoke figures directly from the smoke tester to FM-Inspect, like CVT-
Connect (Brakes) the version of the software needed will depend on the type of
smoke tester used by the operator. Having this facility means that there is no
need to manually enter the figures after the smoke test is carried out and
reduces the time needed to carry out the inspection.

To use CVT-Connect “Smoke” you should

 Click on the “Smoke Tester” button on the Smoke figures tab (Main Form)


Figure 71: CVT Connect: Smoke.

This will then start up the CVT-Connect program and the smoke tester software

 Carry out the smoke test as normal.

 Print the results from the smoke tester.

Figure 72: Accepting Smoke Figures

When the smoke test is printed the results will be displayed as shown above. The
system will display the result taken from the smoke tester and the allowed smoke
tolerance limits for that type of inspection.

 Click on “Accept” when the smoke details have been checked and verified.
A more detailed analysis will then be displayed within the Inspection with a
breakdown of the “K” and “Rpm” values.


Figure 73: Detailed Smoke Analysis

9. Appendix B (TMS Users)

TMS users have the facility to link to FM-Inspect. This can be setup as part of the
system configuration. It allows the inspectors to automatically log in/out of TMS
from within FM-Inspect. It eliminates the need to log on/off both systems separately.

Assuming the TMS facility is setup:

If you click on the “log on” button the system will automatically log you in to TMS if
you have not already done so.

Figure 74: TMS login with job clocking

If you wish to log out of TMS from within FM-Inspect you can click on the “Job
clocking” button on the main form.


Figure 75: Job Clocking

The form will them show the clocking date and time, the tester and the job number
the tester is currently working on.

Figure 76: TMS Clock In/Clock Out

10. Appendix C (VRS Interface Users)

If the VRS interface facility is being used the VRS Database is checked for details of
the vehicle at check-In. If the vehicle is found the vehicle record is retrieved
otherwise the Fleetminder database is checked for the registration number
provided. If the vehicle is found on the Fleetminder database the vehicle details will
be displayed if not the vehicle will have to be added in the normal way.


Once the details of the vehicle have been retrieved or added the vehicle can be
checked in for an inspection in the usual manner.

Check In Check In
Enter Vehicle Retrieve
Registration Found in Yes VRS vehicle
Number VRS? Details


Found in Check In
Check In Fleetmind No Add New
Check er? Vehicle
Database for

Check In Check In
Retrieve Check the
Fleetminder vehicle in for
vehicle Details Inspection

11. Appendix D (System Specification)


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