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Water Air Soil Pollut (2008) 194:151–161

DOI 10.1007/s11270-008-9704-1

An Improved Gravimetric Method to Determine Total

Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Contaminated Soils
Mario Villalobos & Ana Paulina Avila-Forcada &
Margarita Eugenia Gutierrez-Ruiz

Received: 26 November 2007 / Accepted: 28 March 2008 / Published online: 25 April 2008
# Springer Science + Business Media B.V. 2008

Abstract A gravimetric method to determine heavy the extraction solvent and a 40–60 min treatment in an
fractions of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) in ultrasound bath of 260 W was found suitable to extract
soils is reported. The method was adapted and 80–95% of TPH extracted by the Soxhlet method.
calibrated by modifying previous standard methods Finally, the use of silica gel for cleanup of co-extracted
published, incorporating energy and cost savings natural organic matter was found unnecessary, because
where possible. Artificially contaminated soils with of the low amounts co-extracted for soils with up to 5%
different organic matter content, and aged in stationary organic carbon, and because the chemical nature of the
mode for a period of 8 months were used for co-extracted organic matter prevents its selective
calibration. Insufficient solvent evaporation was iden- adsorption to silica.
tified as the most prevalent and largest positive
interference in the gravimetric detection. To overcome Keywords Contaminated soils . Gravimetric method .
this, while minimizing the need for heating, a combi- Silica gel . Solvent evaporation . Total petroleum
nation of three 10-min rotary evaporator steps and hydrocarbons . Ultrasound extraction
30 min of vacuum in a desiccator were applied, for a
total solvent volume of 60 ml. Hexane was chosen as

1 Introduction
M. Villalobos (*) : M. E. Gutierrez-Ruiz
Grupo de Bio-Geoquímica Ambiental,
Laboratorio de FisicoQuímica Ambiental (LAFQA)
Soil pollution by petroleum hydrocarbons usually
Instituto de Geografía, originates from spills or leaks of storage tanks during
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), fuel supply and discharge operations. Most petroleum
Coyoacán 04510 D.F., México components are hazardous to human health and to the
soil biota (MDEP 1994); therefore, measurement of their
M. E. Gutierrez-Ruiz total concentration (total petroleum hydrocarbons—
TPH) is the initial and most general indicator of hazard
A. P. Avila-Forcada by hydrocarbons for environmental diagnostic purposes.
Dirección General del Centro Nacional de Investigación y The US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)
Capacitación Ambiental (CENICA), has published a series of methods for quantifying TPH
Instituto Nacional de Ecología, San Rafael Atlixco 186,
in solid matrices (including soils; Table 1). The four
Col. Vicentina,
Iztapalapa. D.F. 09340, México, México categories of analytical methods described in Table 1
e-mail: are based on the final detection method, i.e. gravimetry,
152 Water Air Soil Pollut (2008) 194:151–161

Table 1 USEPA methods to quantify TPH in various matrices (including soil; taken from Weisman, 1998)

Detection EPA method Extracting solvent and Approximate Aprox. Cost/ Advantages Disadvantages
method no. (year of most range of hydrocarbon detection limit, samplea
recent revision) species extracted mg/kg (soil)

Gravimetric 9071 B (1998) n-Hexane. Most 50 50 Simple, quick, Lack of specificity, low
1664 A, for compounds except and inexpensive sensibility, high loss of
water samples volatile fractions volatiles, prone to
(1999) interferences; only
useful for total
Infrared (IR) 8440 (1996) Supercritical CO2. 10 50–80 Simple, quick, Lack of specificity, low
Most compounds and inexpensive sensitivity, high loss of
except volatile and volatiles, poor
very heavy fractions extraction of high
molecular weight
hydrocarbons, prone to
interferences; only
useful for total
Gas chromatography 8015 C (2000) Methanol, n-hexane, 10 100–150 Detects a broad Normally it cannot detect
(GC) 2-propanol, range of compounds below C6;
ciclohexane, hydrocarbons does not detect polar
acetonitrile, acetone, compounds; hydrocarbons (alcohols,
methylene chloride, or simple and ethers, etc.); chlorinated
mixtures of these. sensitive; solvents may be
Normally between C6 chemical quantified as TPH
and C25 or C36 (may speciation is
be modified for a higher possible.
Immunoassay 4030 (1996) The extractant depends 10–500 13b Simple, quick, Low sensitivity, prone to
on the commercial kit. 64c inexpensive, interferences, primarily
Aromatic hydrocarbons and may be measures aromatics; low
(BTEX, PAHs) used in the field accuracy and precision;
must be used as a
screening method; only
useful for total
US dollars, MDEP (1994)
CMECC (1996)
VRAI (2007)

infrared spectroscopy, gas chromatography, and immu- Presumably, for this reason, gravimetric methods
noassays. Currently, Mexican legislation has imple- show insufficient investigation pertaining proper
mented many of these as standard methods for method development, calibration, and validation that
diagnosis of contaminated soil sites, especially meth- allow identification of the important variables that
ods that employ various forms of gas chromatographic control interferences to the final gravimetric measure-
techniques, but also a gravimetric method has been ment. For example, it is not clear what conditions are
recently adopted (NMX-AA-134-SCFI-2006 2006). required (and what their sensitivity is) to ensure
Chronologically, gravimetric methods were among complete evaporation of the solvent once the TPH
the first ones developed, but were readily superseded extraction has been performed. Frequently, the proce-
with the advent of more specific spectroscopic and dures are vaguely stated to complete distillation in
chromatographic methods that additionally allow for less than 30 minutes (EPA Method 9071 B 1998;
varying degrees of hydrocarbon chemical speciation. NMX-AA-134-SCFI-2006), but no indication is given
Water Air Soil Pollut (2008) 194:151–161 153

about the way to guarantee or to quantify such 2 Materials and Methods

complete distillation. Thus, there is a high potential
either for TPH overestimation, or for over expenditure 2.1 General Gravimetric Method
of energy to ensure complete distillation, which
increases the costs of analyses. Soil samples were sieved (Sieve 10, ASTM—2 mm,
For laboratories with low resources, such as rural followed by Sieve 200, ASTM—75 μm), and dried to
laboratories in developing countries, gravimetry is the 105°C for 12 h (Schwab et al. 1999; Xie et al. 1999).
method of choice due to the lower costs involved as These were homogenized mechanically for several
compared to other methods. The most basic laboratory hours, and approximate accurately weighed 10 g
is equipped with an analytical balance as a basic tool, subsamples were placed in round flasks previously
and thus, gravimetric methods require no additional dried (105°C) to constant weight. Ten grams of
expense for detection of hydrocarbons. Additionally, anhydrous Na2SO4 were added to create a free-
gravimetry allows for simplicity and low-cost analysis flowing powder (EPA Method 3630 B 1996), and
per sample (Table 1), which decreases considerably 35 ml n-hexane (here to forth referred to simply as
overall costs in situations where large numbers of hexane) were used for extraction in an ultrasound bath
samples are required for analysis, as may occur in (EPA Method 3550 B 1996), the conditions of which
conditions of high soil pollution heterogeneity. were investigated for optimal extraction efficiency (cf.
Gravimetric detection is non-specific, although Section 3). The extracts were filtered through a
quite sensitive, and the potential for interferences is column packed first with 0.6 g treated cotton or glass
high. The present work focuses on developing/ fibre, and optionally second and third with 5 g treated
calibrating a gravimetric method for non-volatile silica gel, and 1 g treated celite (EPA Method 3630 B
TPH quantification in contaminated soils, in which 1996), respectively, and washed down with additional
cost-savings, simplicity, and speed have been defined 25 ml hexane to complete 60 ml in the final liquid
as sought-after attributes for general applicability in extract for analysis. The hexane was evaporated in a
low-resources laboratories. This investigation provided rotary evaporator, followed by drying of the flask
the procedures to recognize the important parameters for outer walls with lint-free absorbent paper and evap-
accurate quantification of TPH, identifying especially oration of the remnant hexane under variable con-
the highly sensitive steps that control the final precision ditions (cf. Section 3). The residue was weighed in an
and accuracy of the method. analytical balance and designated as TPH.
The starting gravimetric method chosen in the The equipment and material used were: a semi-
present work is EPA Method 9071 B (1998), in microanalytical Sartorious R 2000 balance; a Heidolph
combination with extraction EPA Method 3550 B Laborota Digital 4003 rotary evaporator, equipped with
(1996), which utilizes ultrasound treatment, both of Rotovac Senso vaccum system, and Rotacool cooling
which form the basis for the official Mexican norm system (the conditions on the rotary evaporator were as
NMX-AA-134-SCFI-2006. Ultrasound was chosen follows: Water bath temperature=40°C, Cooling water
over Soxhlet extraction to further decrease costs. temperature=14°C, Rotation speed=70 rpm, automatic
The latter method provides a highly quantitative mode. Subsequently the flasks were dried with absor-
extraction of TPH but is considerably more costly bent paper and placed in a desiccator for 2 h); two
time- and energy-wise. Furthermore, as a variation ultrasonic baths of 5.7 l: a Bransonic, Branson 3510
from the published methods, the use of an ultrasound R-MTH of 100 watts, and a Fisher Scientific, FS60, of
water bath instead of a probe horn was investigated, 260 watts; two Pyrex glass desiccators with silica gel
due to the higher availability of the former as basic desiccant: one of 7.5 l with plate diameter of 230 mm,
lab equipment. Three principal factors were investi- and a second one of 2.2 l and plate diameter 140 mm
gated in the overall method proposed: Extraction connected to lab vacuum; a Felisa 243, Series 87013
efficiency, quantitative evaporation of the extracting oven of 1500 W; 250 ml Erlenmeyer Pyrex flasks; 50 ml
solvent, and co-extraction of natural organic matter. In flat-bottom round Pyrex flasks; and glass columns of
this latter, the need for silica-gel cleanup of the 250 mm length×10 mm internal diameter.
extract, as recommended in some reference methods, The reagents employed were Baker analytical
was additionally investigated. reagents (n-hexane, acetone, silica gel 40–140, and
154 Water Air Soil Pollut (2008) 194:151–161

anhydrous sodium sulfate). Celite (Química Meyer) volume in the rotary evaporator and filtered through a
and cotton (Protec) were industrial grade. The diesel cotton-packed column, washing with additional hex-
used was from PEMEX (Mexican State Petroleum ane to make a total volume of 60 ml. The procedure
Company), and a Diesel/Lubricating Oil Standard described in the general method was followed from this
(BAM 2000) was utilized. Hexane was chosen as the point onwards.
extractions solvent due to its lower toxicity, in
contrast to other solvents, such as dichloromethane,
which have been identified previously as ideal in 2.2 Preparation of Standard Soils Contaminated
mechanical shaking extractions (Schwab et al. 1999). with TPH

Cotton Treatment Washed first with acetone, and then Four non-contaminated soils were characterised (cf.
with hexane both in ultrasound bath for 25 min. Each Table 2) and artificially contaminated and aged in a
solvent was decanted and the remnant evaporated in stationary mode for 8 months, to be used in the final
the hood after the washing procedure (EPA Method calibration of the method, especially pertaining
3550 B 1996). optimization of the extraction procedure. Diesel was
chosen as representative of relatively heavy TPH
Silica Gel Treatment Washed first with hexane in fractions, due to its homogeneous composition (well
ultrasound bath for 25 min. Filtered, and washed balanced between aliphatic and aromatic compounds
again with fresh hexane, which was decanted. Left in in a C9 to C28 range; Schwab et al. 1999), and high
the hood all night to ensure dryness. ‘Activation’ was boiling point (about 400°C).
performed at 150°C for at least 16 h (EPA Method For the artificial contamination (BAM 2002; Arce
3630 B 1996). 2000), soils were sieved and dried as described above,
and 100 g lots of each were weighed in round flasks
Celite Treatment Washed with distilled water in an of 1,000 ml. Mixtures of different amounts of diesel,
ultrasound bath for 25 min, and filtered. Washed accurately weighed, and dissolved in approximately
secondly with dicholoromethane for 25 min in 100 ml hexane were added to each lot, and homog-
ultrasound bath. Filtered and dried in hood all night. enized by shaking for 6 h, followed by evaporation of
Heated in oven to 150°C for 4 h (Ricardo Alfaro, the bulk hexane in the rotary evaporator. Soils were
Chemistry Institute, UNAM, personal communication). left overnight inside the hood (to achieve remnant
hexane evaporation) covered with aluminium foil, and
Soxhlet Extraction Ten grams of soil samples were then kept stationary in the lab for 8 months. This
accurately weighed in duplicate in Whatman thimbles, provided conditions for diesel sorption to the solid
and placed inside the glass tube of a Soxhlet apparatus minerals and natural organic matter (NOM) that were
with 180 ml hexane extractant. An empty thimble as more representative of aged contamination scenarios,
blank was also processed. The extraction was per- as compared to fresh contact. For each soil, five
formed for 8 h to ensure maximum recovery, after samples were contaminated with the diesel concen-
which the extract was concentrated to 40-ml total trations shown below, which represent a wide range

Table 2 Main characteristics of non-contaminated soils used in the preparation of TPH-contaminated soil standards

Code Soil descriptor pH Electric conductivity (mS/cm) % Organic carbon (OC)a

F Fertilized 7.7 0.730 1.72

S Sodic saline 9.5 1.322 0.46
V Vertisol 7.1 1.500 4.56
R Red 7.2 1.224 0.57

Soils provided by courtesy of Dr. Arturo Aguirre Gómez, Department of Chemistry, FES Cuautitlán, UNAM.
Analysed in triplicate according to Aguirre et al. (2002)
Water Air Soil Pollut (2008) 194:151–161 155

of TPH soil contamination levels (from 0.1% to 10% (rate, 6°C/min) to 300°C (rate, 4°C/min); total time,
in weight): 49 min.
Soil number code 1 2 3 4 5
Applied diesel concentration 1,018 2,135 20,103 100,110 0
(mg/kg) 3 Results and Discussion

In the following section the details of the proce- 3.1 Evaporation of the Hexane Extractant
dures carried out and the parameters studied to
calibrate the method are described in the order in In gravimetric methods any mass that contributes to
which they were performed, providing proper sensi- the final measured extract weight not originating from
tivity tests to these parameters. the analyte of interest generates a positive interference.
These types of interferences are the most common ones
2.3 Detection Limit (DL) and Quantification Limit in such methods when applied to measurements of
(QL) heavy-fraction TPH, and it’s of utmost importance to
minimize them. Principally, two steps in the procedure
The DL definition adopted here is the one obtained for evaporating the extractant potentially contribute to
from three standard deviations of the blank. In this such positive interferences: (1) water sorbed to the
particular case, because no standard soil with non- glass of flasks placed on the rotary evaporator, and
hexane-extractable NOM content was available that especially (2) insufficient evaporation of the solvent
would serve as adequate blank, we limit this to a used, because of its high relative initial volume.
calculation of a theoretical DL, taken from the The mass contributed by (1) was found to be
uncertainty of the analytical balance of 0.0005 g. negligible for the glass flasks utilized, either from
The DL is thus 0.0015 g. If this figure comes from a drying at 105°C flasks that were not previously oven-
10 g soil sample processed by the method, the overall dried (error<0.0007 g), or from previously oven-dried
DL corresponds to 150 mg/kg. The quantification flasks at 105°C that were subjected to the conditions
limit, defined as 10 times the uncertainty of the of the rotary evaporator procedure, simulating the
balance, i.e. 5 mg, translates to an overall QL of solvent evaporation step, and placed in the desiccator
500 mg/kg for a 10 g soil sample extraction. Analysis for 2 h after drying externally with lint-free absorbent
of detection limits will be discussed below for soils paper, (error<0.0005 g).
with hexane-extractable NOM. Optimal conditions to achieve quantitative hexane
evaporation were investigated in sets of duplicate
2.4 Chromatographic Detection of Hexane-Extracted flasks to which approximate amounts of 0.6 g diesel
Soil NOM and TPH Standards were accurately weighed in each, corresponding to
hypothetical 60,000 mg/kg TPH extracted from 10 g
Gas chromatograms were generated from the soil of soil, and were mixed with 60 ml hexane. Two
NOM extracted by hexane, using GC-FID (Varian rotary evaporator time length regimes were investi-
Star 3400 CX series) and compared to those generated gated: (1) varying a first time step from 15 to 120 min
under the same conditions for two TPH standards while maintaining a second step constant at 10 min;
(commercial PEMEX Diesel used in the present work, and (2) applying three 10-min time-steps to achieve
and certified diesel/lubricating oil BAM standard higher evaporation efficiencies.
mixture; BAM 2002), and for the extracts of an Figure 1 shows the average results obtained for the
actual petroleum+oil−contaminated soil and several set of experiments (1). Evaporation times above
non-contaminated soils, including one adjacent to the 60 min were necessary to achieve quantitative hexane
contaminated one. The GC conditions applied for evaporation, but losses of diesel were observed at
these experiments were: Column injection technique, higher times, producing negative errors.
DB-5 (30 m × 0.25 mm ID × 0.25 μm) column; The practical application of this experiment to real
nitrogen carrier gas (1 ml/min); flame ionization samples has two limitations. One arises from the high
detector temperature, 320°C; furnace program, 70°C sensitivity of the final evaporated mass to the
(isotherm, 0.5 min) to 125°C (rate, 8°C/min) to 245°C evaporation time, in such a way that a very accurate
156 Water Air Soil Pollut (2008) 194:151–161

costs, and it optimizes the desiccation step by, simulta-
neously: cooling, desiccating external adhered water,
Final hexane weight/(g)

and evaporating final hexane fractions. Finally, repro-
0.1500 ducibility was considerably improved with this final
evaporation method [relative standard deviations (RSD)
of 0.2–0.3%], as compared to all previous experiments
0.0500 (RSD of 2–7%).

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 3.2 Natural Organic Matter Co-extraction
and Cleanup
Fig. 1 Weight of hexane as a function of time of the first step
The fraction and nature of natural organic matter
in the rotary evaporator procedure (programmed vacuum (NOM) extracted from the standard soils by the
pressure=352 mbar) hexane treatment was investigated. NOM is responsi-
ble for most of the sorption phenomena that petroleum
hydrocarbons experience when equilibrating with soils
presumably via a homogeneous distribution through-
time must be reproduced in every experiment to avoid out the entire volume of NOM, in an analogous process
the positive or negative interferences that are incurred to solvent partitioning (Essington 2004). Due to its
around it; and two, and most important, is the long low polarity, hexane is expected to extract a low
time required for complete evaporation, which ele- fraction of this NOM, which contains a variety of
vates the energetic costs of the overall procedure. polar functional groups (Essington 2004), however
In the set of experiments (2), other conditions were even low fractions in absolute terms may represent
investigated to achieve the quantitative evaporation high relative gravimetric errors in the final determi-
while reducing the total time in the rotary evaporator. nation of extracted TPH.
After each 10-min time step the distilled hexane was
removed from the receiving flask of the evaporator 3.2.1 Quantification of NOM Extracted by Hexane
system to alleviate vapour saturation. Decreasing the
programmed vacuum pressure from 352 mbar, recom- Quantification was performed on the clean soils
mended for hexane, down to 200 mbar, was found to described in Section 2.2, with NOM contents ranging
achieve high evaporation yields (total “diesel recoveries” from 0.5 to 4.6% organic carbon. The general
of 107–116%). However, quantitative evaporation was extraction procedure was followed (cf. Section 2) at
only accomplished after implementing an additional two different ultrasound power conditions (100 and
vacuum system in the final desiccation step (100.3% 260 W), for a period of 25 min. The total hexane
diesel recovery). The optimal conditions found for the volume after extraction and filtration was evaporated
applied vacuum were 30 min at 22.5 in Hg (=0.75 atm), according to the optimal conditions found in the
but the procedure was not found to be too sensitive to the previous section. Additionally, two soils from the
vacuum time, since increasing it to 60 min yielded only a Tabasco region in Southeast Mexico(courtesy of Dr.
1.1% diesel loss (i.e., 98.9% diesel recovery). Rutilio Ortiz, LAFQA, Geography Institute, UNAM),
Thus, an approximate 30 min total vacuum time is with very high organic matter contents were included
enough to achieve complete evaporation of hexane, in the experiments: Soils T1 (pH 4.8, 40.1% organic
but the procedure does not require a very strict control carbon), and T2 (pH 3.6, 78.6% organic carbon). All
to adhere to this exact time. This makes it a very analyses were performed in triplicate.
practical procedural step, while at the same time Table 3 shows that for soils with OC contents
reducing rotary evaporator time costs to half of what below 5%, extracted NOM was found below or barely
was necessary in the previously found conditions [set at the detection limit of the method (150 mg/kg) (thus
of experiments (1)]. Also, it avoids the use of a drying explaining the high relative errors found). From these
oven as a final step (EPA Method 1664 A 1999; experiments, the potential co-extraction of NOM from
NMX-AA-134-SCFI-2006), which decreases energetic soils with hexane was not deemed interfering with the
Water Air Soil Pollut (2008) 194:151–161 157

Table 3 Average concentrations (mg/kg) of NOM extracted by n-hexane from non-contaminated soils at two ultrasound power
conditions, for 25 min


Ultrasound Power (W) F V S R T1a T2a

100 93 108 30 75 – –
260 180 160 – – 480 2,400
Relative SD (%) 30 and 32, respectively 34 and 33, respectively 33 23 – –
These soil were obtained in a later phase of the experimental procedure, in which a higher ultrasound power was deemed necessary,
therefore their extraction was performed only at the higher power.

determination of contaminating TPH at a quantifica- were mixed with 35 ml of hexane. The mixture was
tion limit of 500 mg/kg. eluted through a column packed with cotton, silica
However, in soils with very high NOM, extracted gel, and celite, according to the description in the
fractions are considerable and depend on the total general method, and subsequent hexane washings
NOM content. If no selective cleanup of these co- through the column were applied: one of 5 ml, and
extracted fractions is performed, they will necessarily two of 10 ml (i.e., at the end, the extract contained a
raise the effective TPH quantification limits on these total of 60 ml hexane). The hexane was evaporated
soils. For example, for soil T1 the DL would be according to the optimal conditions established above.
1.44 g/kg and the QL 4.80 g/kg, while for T2 these A 0.3% diesel loss was registered. This corresponds
would amount to 0.72% and 2.40% in mass, to a negligible concentration of 180 mg/kg loss from a
respectively (see DL and QL definitions in Section 2). hypothetical 10 g soil (i.e., barely above the detection
limit of 150 mg/kg, and below the quantification limit
3.2.2 Extract Cleanup Using Silica-gel of 500 mg/kg—cf. Section 2.3), and was deemed
Silica-gel, according to EPA methods, is utilized to
eliminate interferences that are co-extracted with the Efficiency of Silica Gel for Eliminating Co-Extracted
analytes. It is not clear what the actual cleanup Soil NOM Accurately weighed 0.0025 g of NOM
mechanism is since the hydroxyl groups at the silica extracted from the Vertisol (V) soil in the experiment
gel surface tend to be deprotonated and thus negatively of the previous section were mixed with 0.0103 g of
charged (Langmuir 1997) and would in principle diesel (accurately weighed) in 35 ml of hexane. These
show repulsion for predominantly negatively charged proportions correspond to a hypothetical extraction of
NOM functional groups (Essington 2004). Nonethe- 10 g of soil containing 1 030 mg/kg TPH, from which
less, the use of silica-gel as a sorbent of interferent 250 mg/kg NOM was co-extracted, which represents
compounds is widespread in standard methods that an amount intermediate from soils with total OC
quantify hydrocarbon contamination, and its efficacy contents between 5% and 40%. The mixture was
will be investigated here. transferred through a column packed according to the
According to results shown in the previous general method, and washed with additional 25 ml of
subsection, and given that NOM does not vary widely hexane. The total hexane was evaporated according to
in composition across soils in this range (Essington the optimal conditions found before.
2004), this cleanup procedure would only be neces- A total mass recovery of 0.0120 g was registered
sary for soils with total natural OC contents higher from the total 0.0128 g added, i.e. a 0.0018 g loss. If
than 5%. The following experiments were designed to we consider that this loss pertains exclusively to co-
quantify the effectiveness and errors involved by extracted soil NOM retained, it would correspond to
introducing such a cleanup step in the overall (0.0008/0.0025×100=) 32% retention by the silica
gravimetric method. gel. This amount represents a very low retention
efficiency, as was expected. To find out possible
Diesel Recovery After Eluting Through a Silica-Gel reasons for this low experimental efficiency of silica-
Packed Column Accurately weighed 0.6 g of diesel gel as an adsorber of hexane-extracted soil NOM, a
158 Water Air Soil Pollut (2008) 194:151–161

more theoretical investigative approach was followed shows bands and peaks that appear in the 13 to
by comparing the polar nature of this co-extracted 24 min time range. Figure 2a shows a chromatogram
fraction with that of TPH standards used, through example of such extracts for soil F. This same pattern
gas chromatography with flame ionization detection was confirmed on the extracts of other non-contaminated
(GC-FID). soil samples listed in Table 2 (chromatograms not
shown). The bands and peaks observed overlap with
Brief Chromatographic Investigation of the Nature of those of the diesel (Fig. 2b) and the diesel/lubricating
Hexane-Extracted Soil NOM Figure 2 shows the oil mixture standards (not shown), which appear in
corresponding gas chromatograms of soil extracts the same region. The nature of the compounds
and standards. The non-contaminated soil extracts detected in this time range is of very low polarity or

Fig. 2 GC-FID chromatograms of hexane extracts from non-contaminated soils and of TPH standards [relative intensity (mV) vs.
time (min)], non-contaminated F soil (a), PEMEX diesel standard (b)
Water Air Soil Pollut (2008) 194:151–161 159

altogether non-polar, and the results suggest that at Table 4 Recovery of diesel from artificially contaminated
standard soils ‘V’ and ‘F’ by two different extraction procedures
least a fraction of the extracted soil NOM is
composed of compounds with similar chemical nature Soil Contamination % Recovery Relative
as the diesel compounds. This explains why these code level (mg/kg) average difference (%)
NOM compounds are co-extracted by hexane from
Soxhlet extraction
soils with TPH, why a major fraction of co-extracted
V1 1,018 103 3
NOM is not retained by silica, and confirms their V2 2,135 87 2
potential positive interference in the gravimetric F1 1,018 90 3
determination of petroleum-contaminated soils, if F2 2,135 89 2
high enough quantities are co-extracted (for example Ultrasound extraction bath at 100 Watts for 25 min SD (%)
from soils with very high NOM). F1 1,018 72.1 0.2
From these results it was decided that silica gel F2 2,135 68 1
F3 20,103 85.7 0.3
cleanup was not efficient and could be avoided in the
F4 100,112 90 3
overall method. However, this poses limitations of the
gravimetric method on the quantification limits for
soils with very high NOM contents. For example, for
soils with natural OC contents of 40%, in the absence not under investigation; these recovery figures will be
of silica gel cleanup, the DL would be approximately used solely as references for the ultrasound extraction
one order of magnitude higher than the DL for more recoveries.
average soils with OC contents below 5%. For soils TPH extractions following the general method
with near 80% OC, the DL would be approximately were performed using ultrasound baths at 100 W,
50 times higher. and at 260 W, using soil F. The results for the 100-W
bath are shown in Table 4 for the four levels of
3.3 TPH Extraction Efficiency Using Ultrasound contamination, and for 25 min extractions in triplicate.
Notice the low extraction efficiencies for F1 and F2, as
Soxhlet extractions of artificially-contaminated stan- compared to the Soxhlet extraction (Table 4). Figure 3
dard soils was performed to serve as reference for the shows the results for both ultrasound powers, for soils
ultrasound extraction investigations, by computing F1 and F2, and as a function of extraction time,
the maximum extractable fractions in these. The performed in triplicate. The results in this figure were
procedure was performed for samples V1, V2, F1, normalized to those obtained for the Soxhlet method
and F2. After extraction, the optimized hexane (Table 4), considering that the latter represent the
evaporation procedure described in Section 3.1 [set maximum extractable amount of diesel in the con-
of experiments (2)] was performed. ditions of the aged contaminated soils.
The results of these extractions (in duplicate) are Figure 3 shows a considerable direct effect of the
reported in Table 4 after correction from the blank, extraction time and ultrasound power on the total
but not corrected for possibly co-extracted NOM. TPH extraction. However, an increase in the hexane
Complete recovery of the diesel used as contaminant extractant volume from 35 to 45 ml did not yield
was obtained only for soil V1, the remaining soils improved extraction efficiencies. Extraction times
showed recoveries close to 90%. Since no measure- between 40 and 60 min were chosen as optimal;
ments, and thus no corrections, were made for co- however, under these conditions, it must be noted that
extracted NOM, the real diesel extraction efficiencies the recoveries obtained are somewhat lower by a
are most probably somewhat lower than the values range comprising 5–20% than those of the Soxhlet
reported in Table 4. extraction.
These apparently incomplete recoveries may be a In a final attempt to improve the ultrasound
result of diesel losses during preparation of the extraction efficiencies, the effect of sequential extrac-
contaminated standards, and/or presence of diesel tions was investigated, as suggested in standard
fractions that have become non-extractable with methods. The above extraction method was repeated
aging. However, the reasons for incomplete recovery three consecutive times on the same flask containing
do not concern us here, since the Soxhlet method is the initial 10 g of soil sample (V1 and V2 only). After
160 Water Air Soil Pollut (2008) 194:151–161
Soil F1 - 260 Watts
100 Soil F1 - 260 Watts, 45 mL
Soil F1 - 100 Watts
4 Conclusions
Soil F2 - 260 Watts
Soil F2 - 260 Watts, 45 mL
95 Soil F2 - 100 Watts
% Extraction efficiency

Soil V1 - 260 Watts

Soil V2 - 260 Watts
The procedure of the developed gravimetric method
90 for TPH in soils in the present work may be
summarized as follows: (1) Accurate weighing of
approximately 10 g homogenized soil in round flasks,
80 and addition of 10 g of anhydrous Na2SO4; (2) TPH
extraction using 35 ml n-hexane in a 260-W ultra-
sound water bath for 60 min; (3) filtration of the
70 extracts through a column packed with 0.6 g treated
20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65
Ultrasound extraction time (min)
cotton or glass fibre, and down-washing with addi-
Fig. 3 Ultrasound extraction efficiencies of diesel-contaminated tional 25 ml hexane to complete 60 ml in the final
soils F and V as a function of time and ultrasound power, liquid extract for analysis; (5) evaporation of the
normalized to extraction data of an 8-h Soxhlet extraction hexane in three 10-min steps in a rotary evaporator at
40°C, followed by quantitative evaporation of the
remnant hexane in a desiccator under 22.5 in Hg
(0.75 atm) vacuum for 30 min; and (6) weighing of
the first and second extractions, the major portion of the residue in an analytical balance.
the hexane + hydrocarbon extract was carefully The novel aspects of the method presented relate to
decanted to the round-bottom flasks for evaporation, cost- and time-saving steps. These are reflected in the
through a cotton-packed glass column, but ensuring extraction procedure by using a relatively low volume
that no soil particles were transferred to the columns. of hexane extractant and an ultrasound bath for 1 h,
Additional 25 ml of hexane were added to clean the instead of the 4 to 8-h Soxhlet extraction recommended
columns, making a total volume of 60 ml after each in standard methods; also, the overall use of a heating
consecutive extraction, which were collected sepa- oven was minimized, since evaporation of the solvent
rately. After the third extraction, the whole soil was (and of possible water adsorbed to the flask wall) is
decanted to the column and both the original flask and completed using vacuum (inside a desiccator). Method
the column were sequentially washed with 25 expediency was achieved by eliminating a silica-gel
additional milliliters of hexane. The weights after cleanup procedure, which was justified by independent
evaporation of the three flasks for each sample were experiments that showed that silica-gel does not
added together to compute total extraction efficiency. selectively retain co-extracted natural organic matter.
No improvement was obtained upon three sequen- Insufficient solvent evaporation was identified as one
tial extractions of the two soil samples, as compared of the most important positive interferences in the
to one single extraction, which means that the first gravimetric detection in general, and it is highly
extraction removed the whole ultrasound-extractable recommended to carefully calibrate this step in any
fraction of diesel sorbed to the soils, and the method modification, especially as a function of type
following two extractions did not contribute to any and total extractant volume. Quantitative hexane
additional extracted analyte. This was not immediately evaporation via the desiccation under vacuum step
obvious because of the nature of the experiment, where investigated was not found to be highly sensitive to
remnants of the first extraction contributed to the time and thus allowed for method convenience.
second and third extracted fractions. Thus, extraction However, the method was found to be positively
efficiencies for these two soils ranged from 80 to 96% sensitive to the extraction time and power of the
of the amounts extracted by the Soxhlet procedure ultrasound bath used, and these parameters should also
using the high-power ultrasound bath (Fig. 3). These be carefully calibrated in any method modification.
fractions may be regarded as representing those that
may become potentially available and eventually Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to: Dr. Arturo
hazardous to the biota and humans, in contrast to Aguirre Gómez from the Department of Chemistry at FES-
the non ultrasound-extractable fractions. Cuautitlán, UNAM for supplying the soils of study, for the pH
Water Air Soil Pollut (2008) 194:151–161 161

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