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The HARTMANN medical edition
series of publications deals with Compendium
D-89504 Heidenheim
current subjects from the areas of
medicine and nursing. They em-
Wounds and Wound Management
Germany phasise not only basic knowledge,
but also present specialist and
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HARTMANN medicaledition – Compendium Wounds and Wound Management

tific knowledge, information must
United Kingdom above all be up to date. With this
in mind, this series of books aims
PAUL HARTMANN to be a source of advice not only
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Wounds and Wound Management
Table of contents
Published by
D-89522 Heidenheim
The skin and wounds 6
– Functions and structure of the skin 7
Conception, design, – Wounds and wound types 27
editing and production by
CMC Medical Information The processes of wound healing 34
D-89522 Heidenheim – The phases of wound healing 35
– Quantitative classification of wound healing 50
Scientific advisers:
– Influences on wound healing 54
Prof. Dr. med. Pavel Brychta
Prof. Dr. med. Günther Germann – Disorders of wound healing 61
Dr. med. Andreas Gericke – Wound infection 65
Prof. Dr. med. Walter O. Seiler
Dr. med. Jörg Tautenhahn Principles of treatment of acute wounds 80
Prof. Dr. med. Helmut Winter – The acute traumatic wound 81
– Complex traumatic defects 85
Translated from the German
– Thermal injuries/burns 88
edition ISBN 978-3-929870-60-2
– Incisions/surgical wounds 94
Printed on chlorine-free paper – Epithelial wounds 94
Principles of treatment of chronic wounds 96
– The venous leg ulcer 105
– The arterial leg ulcer 110
– The diabetic ulcer 116
– The decubitus ulcer 126
– The chronic post-traumatic wound 130
– Chronic radiation damage 132
– Wounds in tumour patients 134
Wound dressing 136
– Functions and requirements 137
– Dry wound treatment 144
– Moist wound treatment 148
– The dressing change 177
Glossary and index 194
Bibliography and Pictures sources 199

Table of contents [2.3]

Wound healing is a natural phenomenon. In the physiologi-
cal situation, nature follows a uniform pattern which, be-
ginning with blood coagulation, then cleanses the wound
of damaged tissue, foreign bodies and bacteria in catabolic
processes. The process ends with production of new tissue
to fill the defect which changes in time into scar tissue.

By no means is everything known about the physiology of

wound healing, and this can result in many problems, espe-
cially in the case of abnormal wound healing. Nevertheless,
therapeutic measures can be deduced from current knowl-
edge which support the body‘s own efforts to restore the
continuity of the skin covering.

An attempt has been made in this compendium to repre-

sent the basic features of the complex subjects of wounds
and wound healing. The structure and functions of the skin
are described, followed by the processes of wound healing,
influences on wound healing and possible disturbances
arising from them, principles of treatment of acute and
chronic wounds and treatment with dressings as an impor-
tant localised therapeutic measure. A later chapter focuses
on modern hydro-active wound dressings giving a detailed
description of their characteristics and uses. These expand
the range of therapeutic options especially in the treatment
of chronic wounds when they are used in the appropriate

Wound treatment concerns all the practical disciplines of

medicine and nursing. The present compendium is aimed
at providing doctors and nursing staff with information and
further education in this multifaceted subject.

Foreword [4.5]
The skin and wounds Functions of the skin
With an area of between 1.6 and 2 m2 in an adult and a
weight of up to 1/6 of the body weight, the skin is the
The healing of skin wounds is based on the skin‘s capacity for epithelial largest human organ. It constitutes the outer boundary
layer between the human body and its environment and
regeneration and the repair of the skin connective tissue. Regeneration
functions at this exposed site both as a barrier against the
means that the injured skin heals without scarring and is possible outside world and simultaneously as an interface between
when only the uppermost skin layer is damaged. Repair, on the other the outside world and the internal organs. It also has a
hand, involves the formation of replacement tissue in order to close a large number of tasks to fulfil that are essential to life,
skin defect. This is always the case if an injury involves the deeper skin which is why its undamaged state is so important to the
individual‘s health.
layers. The basis for our understanding of current knowledge of wound
▪ When the surface is intact, the skin prevents the loss of
healing is, firstly, adequate basic knowledge about the skin, the organ body fluids and offers protection against the invasion of
where this takes place. microorganisms into the body‘s interior.
▪ Its mechanical resistance to pressure, impacts and blows
is astonishingly high, which is why it is able to protect the
internal organs against damage.
▪ To a certain extent, the skin is able to protect against the
harmful effects of chemicals and ultraviolet light.
▪ It plays a decisive role in heat regulation – by expansion
and contraction of the blood vessels and by perspiration
– and so contributes to maintaining the vitally essential
body temperature of 37 °C.
▪ As a sensory organ, the skin enables the perception of
mechanical stimuli such as pressure, touch and vibration,
as well as temperature and pain. Many character-forming
sensations are obtained only through the skin, and the
human development process could not take place at all
without it.

Finally, of particular importance is the fact that the skin is

capable of regeneration and repair, which means nothing
other than that in the event of its being interrupted or
damaged, it can heal itself and restore its own continuity.

The skin and wounds [6.7]

The skin consists of the avascular Cross-section through the epider-
epidermis (1) and the dermis (2), a mis at the fingertip, clearly show-
highly vascularised and innervated 1 ing the five different cell layers:
connective tissue. This is attached 1) Basal layer –
to the subcutis (3) which consists stratum basale (also called
of loose connective tissue contain- stratum germinativum)
ing adipose tissue. The thickness 2 2) Prickle cell layer –
of the skin varies from 1 – 4 mm stratum spinosum
depending on the demands made 4 3) Granular layer –
on it in the different areas of the 3 stratum granulosum
body; it is thickest on the palms 4) Lucent layer –
of the hands and the soles of the stratum lucidum
feet. 2 5) Horny layer –
3 stratum corneum

The structure of the skin blood vessels of the dermis. If the skin bleeds due, for ex-
Like any other organ, the skin has a specific fine structure in ample, to an abrasion, then this means that the capillaries
order to be able to perform its many tasks. For this reason, of the dermis have been opened.
it is formed in layers having different tissue types: From
outside in, three layers of tissue can be distinguished: the The epidermis bears the main brunt of the protective func-
outer layer (epidermis), the dermis (also called the corium) tions of the skin, including defence against ultraviolet rays.
and the subcutis. Epidermis and dermis together constitute Wound healing is therefore seen as complete only once a
the cutis, i.e. the skin in the strict sense. The skin also in- new fully-functioning epithelium, which is able once more
cludes the skin appendages, such as hair, nails and various to protect the body against the outside, has formed.
The dominant cell type in the epidermis is the keratinocyte,
The epidermis which earns that name from its ability to synthesize kera-
The epidermis represents a keratinising stratified epithelium tins. Keratins are insoluble structural proteins which are
composed of five differentiated cell layers, which is perfect- highly resistant to extremes of temperature and pH and to
ly equipped for protective functions, given its stability and enzymatic degradation. They are divided essentially into
imperviousness. Cell division, which is a precondition for hard and soft keratins: hard keratins form hair and nails,
growth and regeneration, takes place in the two deepest whilst soft keratins are a main component of the horny cells
cell layers. From there, cells push their way to the surface of the outer epidermal layers.
with complete keratinisation occurring in the course of
this migration. The uppermost horny layer is shed in a con-
tinuous flaking process. Under physiological conditions,
renewal of the epidermis from cell division to shedding of
the keratinised cells takes about 30 days. The epidermis is
avascular and receives its nutrients by diffusion from the
The skin and wounds [8.9]
Apart from the keratinocytes, the epidermis has other cells Section through the epidermis:
known as migratory cells, these are cells that are distrib- At the top, the stratum corneum
(brown) with its layers of corneo-
uted through the tissues without any firm connection to cytes is visible. Adjoining this are
similar cells and undertake particular functions of the epi- the layers containing living cells
dermis. Important cell types: (lilac). At bottom left, the dermis
▪ Melanocytes produce the brown/black skin colouring (yellow), via which the epidermis
is fed, can be seen.
agent melanin, which they release in the form of mela-
nosomes to the keratinocytes. These store the pigment,
which then appears as a visible coloration of the skin.
This is intended to protect the keratinocytes against dam-
age by UV light while they undergo cell division. The The basal layer runs in a wavy form along the plug-like pro-
more UV light that falls on the skin, the stronger is the jections (papillae) of the dermis. Between the basal layer
melanosome formation, leading ultimately to tanning of and the dermis is the avascular basal membrane. It sepa-
the skin. The quantity and distribution of the melanin are rates the two skin layers but at the same time it serves to
also responsible for differences in skin and hair colour. anchor the basal cells and controls the transport of proteins.
▪ Merkel‘s cells, also known as Merkel‘s tactile cells, are
flattened, broadened nerve endings which function as Stratum spinosum – prickle cell layer (2)
slowly-adapting pressure receptors, i.e. they perceive The prickle cell layer contains up to six layers of irregularly
longer-lasting contact. They therefore appear plentifully in shaped cells which synthesise keratin peptides and still
the palm skin of the hands and the soles of the feet. have slight mitotic activity. They are connected to one
▪ Langerhans cells play an important role in the immune another by cell bridges (desmosomes) which give the cells
functions of the skin. They recognise a foreign antigen, their “prickly” appearance. Fluid is stored between the
absorb and process it, before performing interactions with desmosomes.
the immunocompetent T-lymphocyte cells.
Stratum granulosum – granular cell layer (3)
Stratum basale – basal layer (1) Gradual keratinisation begins in the granular cell layer.
The basal layer is the deepest cell layer of the epidermis. Depending on the thickness of the horny layer, it comprises
It consists of cylindrical keratinocytes which are capable one to three layers of flat cells which contain large gran-
of cell division (mitosis), ensuring continuous regeneration ules of keratohyalin. The granules contain, beside others,
of the epidermis. Cell division is subject to control by nu- a precursor protein which is believed to be involved in the
merous substances such as growth factors, hormones and formation of keratin fibres in the intercellular space.
vitamins. The so-called chalones, in particular, appear to
play an important part in keeping the regeneration process
constant by their inhibitory effect on the obviously unlim-
ited mitotic potential of basal cells. When there is a loss
of epidermis, which is associated with a fall in the chalone
level, there is rapid regeneration due to “disinhibition” of
mitotic activity in the basal cells.
The skin and wounds [10.11]
Stratum lucidum – lucent layer (4) The dermis is a connective tissue
The lucent layer consists of non-nucleated cells in which rich in vessels and nerves, which
is classified histologically into two
intense enzymatic activities take place. Keratinisation is layers, the papillary layer and the
continued here which includes the breakdown of the reticular layer.
keratohyalin granules of the granular cell layer to eleidin.
Eleidin is a fat- and protein-rich acidophilic substance with
strong light-diffracting properties. It appears as a homoge-
The stratum lucidum protects nous shiny layer – and it is from this that it gets the name
against the ingress of aqueous of stratum lucidum – and protects the epidermis from the
effect of aqueous solutions.

Stratum corneum – horny layer (5)

It is in this layer that the process of cornification is com-
pleted: The keratinocytes are filled with the horny material
keratin and are now designated corneocytes. They lie on
one another like roof tiles and are firmly bound to one The dermis
another by keratohyalin and very fine fibrils (tonofibrils). The dermis is attached to the basement membrane of the
The cell layer has about 15 to 20 layers of cells, the outer- epidermis. It is a connective tissue rich in vessels and
most of which is lost as skin scales. nerves which is subdivided histologically into two layers:
the outer papillary layer (Stratum papillare) and the inner
The corneal layer is involved, together with the secretions reticular layer (Stratum reticulare). The layers are distin-
of the sweat and sebaceous glands, in forming the surface guished by the thickness and arrangement of their connec-
film (the hydrolipid film), also known as the acid protective tive tissue fibres but are not separated from one another.
layer. It helps to keep the colonisation of the skin with mi-
The upper skin section reveals the croorganisms in a physiological equilibrium. If the epidermal Stratum papillare – Papillary layer
thickness of the corneal layer. The layer is damaged by eczema or injuries, germs and harmful The papillary layer is bound firmly to the epidermis by
scanning electronmicrograph of
the corneocytes shows that they substances can penetrate into the skin unhindered. projections of connective tissue, the papillae. There are
are layered like roof tiles. capillary loops in the region of the papillae which ensure
nutrition of the avascular epidermis as well as free nerve
endings, sensory receptors and incipient lymph vessels. The
connective tissue itself consists of a framework of fibrocytes
(resting form of the fibroblasts), interspersed with elastic
collagen fibres. The intercellular space is filled with a gel-
like ground substance, the extracellular matrix, in which
mobile blood and tissue cells can move.

The skin and wounds [12.13]

Stratum reticulare – Reticular layer The fibroblasts represent the most
The reticular layer consists of interwoven strong bundles important secreting cells for
forming skin connective tissue
of collagen fibres between which elastic fibre meshes are (nucleus blue, cellular skeleton
stored. This structure gives the skin its elasticity so that it orange).
can adapt to movements and volume fluctuations of the
organism. It is also capable of absorbing and giving off
water in a dynamic process.

The collagen fibres run in all directions but are oriented

mainly obliquely to the epidermis or parallel to the surface
of the body. The skin‘s natural crease lines, which run in the
direction of the least skin elasticity and perpendicular to
the skin tension lines, are called Langer‘s skin crease lines.
Incisions should follow their course where possible. Skin The fibre proteins of the dermis
incisions along these lines do not gape and give virtually The connective tissue fibres of the dermis consist of the
invisible scars while incisions running across them leave structural protein collagen which is an extremely resistant
markedly wider scars. biological material accounting for 60 – 80 % of the dry
weight of the tissue. The name “collagen” is derived from
The course of the Langer‘s skin Cellular components of the dermis the fact that these proteins swell when being boiled and
crease lines should be borne in The predominant cell type in the skin connective tissue is yield a glue, “colla” in Greek. Of the four biochemically dis-
mind where possible for incisions
to obtain cosmetically inconspic-
the fibrocyte which in its activated form is designated as a tinguishable collagen types occurring in the human body,
uous scars. fibroblast and provides a range of substances for producing the main one found in the dermis is the fibre-forming
new tissue: Fibroblasts synthesize and secrete precursors of type I collagen.
collagen, elastin and proteoglycans which mature outside
the cells into collagen and elastin fibres and, in non-fibrous The production of collagen fibres takes place in an intracel-
form, form the gel-like ground substance of the extracellular lular stage and an extracellular stage, beginning with the
matrix. fibroblasts. First, fibroblasts release intracellularly a triple
helix of procollagen into the extracellular space. This triple
In the dermis there are also found mast cells, the granules helix is made up from two thirds of the characteristic amino
of which contain heparin and histamine, macrophages, acids of collagen (glycine, proline, hydroxyproline) and from
which derive from the blood monocytes, and lymphocytes. one third of other amino acids. In the extracellular space,
The cells participate in the non-specific and specific defence further enzymatic modifications take place by which the
mechanisms of the body (phagocytosis, humoral and cell- still soluble procollagen is changed into insoluble collagen
mediated immunity). In addition, they secrete biochemically fibrils, finally being assembled into collagen fibres.
active substances which have communicating and regula-
tory functions and thus are essential for the progress of the
repair processes.

The skin and wounds [14.15]

Electron microscopic appearance Proteoglycans are very hydrophilic and can bind a large
of skin connective tissue with col- volume of water so that a sticky gel-like substance is form-
lagen bundles and elastic fibres.
The substances required for the ed. They are not purely structural proteins but also appear
formation of the fibre proteins are to have an influence on cell migration, cell adhesion and
provided by the fibroblasts. They cell differentiation.
synthesize precursors of collagen
and elastin which are released
into the extracellular space and Furthermore, the ground substance also contains a range
mature through various enzymatic of other glycoproteins with a lower proportion of carbo-
processes into collagen and elastin hydrate such as thrombospondine, laminine/nidogen com-
fibres. plex, k-laminine and tissue fibronectin. These have a similar
multiplicity of function as the proteoglycans. Fibronectin,
for instance, is an adhesive protein which binds cells to
collagen and thus also plays an important part in wound
Another fibre protein of the dermis is flexible elastin which
is also synthesized and secreted by the fibroblasts. Elastin Extracellular matrix
is a spiral polypeptide chain with highly elastic properties In tissue, the cells are usually closely bound to the sub-
from which a two-dimensional framework similar to a tram- stances they secrete themselves. To achieve this, the macro-
poline net is produced outside the cell. This structure allows molecules of the extracellular substances form complex
reversible stretching of the skin so that overstretching and three-dimensional networks which are called the extracellu-
tearing is largely avoided. lar matrix (ECM). Such a matrix can be found in every body
tissue, where the structure and composition have tissue-
Non-fibre ground substance of the dermis specific differences and depend on the type of matrix-
The space between the fibres of the skin connective tissue producing cells and the function of that tissue.
is filled with amorphous ground substance, salts and wa-
ter. An important constituent of the ground substance are Schematic diagram of the flow of
proteoglycans. These are compounds of polysaccharides factors/ Cell growth/ information: cell – extracellular
cytokines proliferation
and proteins with a high proportion of carbohydrates which matrix
were formerly known as mucopoly-saccharides.
Cell shape

Cell to cell State of

contact differentiation

Cell-matrix- products/
bonds extracellular

The skin and wounds [16.17]

Although all the functions of the ECM are not yet known, They are accordingly found in greatest density on the finger-
it is assumed that it serves not only as a filler substance be- tips. The Kraus end bulbs are important in the perception
tween individual cells, tissues and organs but also fulfils a of cold, the Ruffini corpuscles in the subcutaneous tissue
variety of tasks in the transmission of information between function as warmth receptors. Free nerve cells close to the
the cells embedded in it. skin‘s surface transmit pain sensations. The Vater Pacini
corpuscles of the subcutis react to mechanical deformation
The subcutaneous tissue and vibration.
The subcutaneous tissue is the deepest layer of the body‘s
outer covering. This layer consists of loose connective tis- The skin appendages
sue and is not sharply demarcated from the dermis. In its The appendages of the skin include hair and nails in addi-
depths, it is bound to muscle fasciae or periosteum. Apart tion to sebaceous, sweat and scent glands.
from a few sites in the body, fat can be deposited in the
entire subcutaneous tissue which has insulating, storage Hairs are flexible and at the same time strong thread-like
and modelling functions. structures made of the horny substance keratin. They dev-
elop from inward projections of the epidermis and the hair
Sensory receptors in the skin and subcutaneous tissue shaft, which is at an angle to the skin surface, extends
A large number of nerve receptors The skin is innervated by different types of free nerve deep into the dermis. Their growth follows an endogenous
makes the skin a sensory organ endings and stimulus-receiving receptors which enable it cycle which is specific for every hair root. Therefore no syn-
that is essential to life. Some to function as a sensory organ. The Merkel cells in the epi- chronous growth between neighbouring hairs takes place.
examples of this:
dermis can perceive prolonged touch. Along the papillary Hair roots cannot be regenerated so scar tissue always
1) Meissner‘s corpuscles
2) Free nerve endings bodies of the dermis are aligned the Meissner corpuscles remains hairless. However, epithelialisation can take place
3) Vater Pacini corpuscles which serve as touch receptors for very fine pressure. from the remaining epithelium of a damaged hair shaft.
Electronmicrographs of hairs
Finger- and toenails are translucent keratin plates which (above). The illustration below
shows hair roots with clearly
grow outwards from the nail root to the free edge. Growth recognisable epithelial cells. In the
is about three millimetres a month and is closely associated event of injuries, re-epithelialisa-
with many organ functions. Thus the condition of the nails tion can take place from the resid-
can often give important diagnostic clues. ual epithelial cells. The hair roots
themselves cannot be regenerated
so scars always remain hairless.

1 2 3

The skin and wounds [18.19]

Electronmicrographs of a sebace- The blood supply of the skin
ous gland (left) and a sweat pore The stepwise distribution of vessels in the skin corresponds
(right). Apart from the hairless
skin on the soles of the feet and to the layered surface structure of this organ. Numerous
the palm of the hands, sebaceous vessels arise form the arteries lying under the subcutane-
glands are found at all sites on the ous tissue, which form a cutaneous plexus between the
body and are particularly numer- subcutaneous tissue and dermis. Wherever the skin is more
ous on the face and scalp. Here
there can be up to 900 sebaceous mobile, the vessels take a pronounced tortuous course.
glands per square centimetre. The Individual arterioles run outwards perpendicular from the
human body also has a plentiful deep cutaneous plexus and branch at the foot of the pa- Blood vessels of the skin (electron-
covering of sweat glands, totalling pillary layer into the subpapillary plexus. Very fine looplike micrographs)
about 2.5 million.
capillaries extend from there into the papillae of the dermis
Sebaceous glands open into the hair funnels of the hair and thus ensure perfusion of the avascular epidermis.
follicles so that their presence is associated with hair folli-
cles with few exceptions. The sebum, a mixture of fats, cells The papillary layer is supplied copiously with vessels while
and free acids, lubricates skin and hair and protects them the reticular layer is relatively avascular. Removal of me-
from drying out. Control of sebum production is a complex tabolic products is effected via the corresponding venous
process which has not yet been investigated in every detail. networks and partly also via the lymphatic system.

Sweat glands also arise from cells of the epidermis, which Schematic diagram of the blood
then sprout into the depths of the dermis so that the actual supply in the skin. From the
cutaneous plexus between sub-
gland is in the corium. The excretory ducts open in the
cutaneous tissue and dermis (1),
pores on the skin‘s surface. Sweat is an acid secretion con- 3 individual arterioles (2) run per-
sisting, besides others, of water, salts, volatile fatty acids, pendicular to the surface and
urea and ammonia. Sweat covers the skin surface with a branch at the foot of the papillary
layer into the subpapillary plexus
protective acid coating. Sweat secretion serves mainly for
2 (3) which supplies the epidermis.
temperature regulation.
Scent glands, in contrast to the sweat glands, produce alka-
line secretions. Scent glands are found mainly in the axillae,
around the nipples and in the genital area. They commence
their secretory activity with the onset of puberty.

The skin and wounds [20.21]

The constituents of the blood Blood plasma
The blood, also called the liquid organ of the body, serves Plasma is a yellowish clear liquid consisting of water
as a transport medium for respiratory gases, nutrients, pro- (90 %), proteins (7 – 8 %), electrolytes and nutrients
ducts of metabolism etc. Moreover, the cells of the immune (2 – 3 %). Of the proteins, about 60 % are albumins and
system circulate in the blood in addition to the constituents 40 % globulins. A constituent of plasma which is important
of the coagulation system which contribute in the event of in wound healing is fibrinogen (factor I), which is essential
injured blood vessels to rapid sealing of the leaking sites. for blood coagulation. Plasma which no longer contains
The soluble (plasma) and cellular components (red and any clotting factors is called serum.
white cells, platelets) of the blood can be separated by
centrifugation. Red blood cells (erythrocytes)
About 95 % of blood cells are red cells: non-nucleated
disc-shaped cells with a central concavity, containing high
Composition Function
concentrations of the red blood pigment haemoglobin.
Blood plasma Water (90 %) Their main function is the transport of oxygen and carbon
Cations: Anions: maintenance and dioxide which are bound reversibly with haemoglobin. The
magnesium chloride regulation of water gas exchange itself is favoured by the hollows in the sides
potassium bicarbonate and electrolyte balance of the cells due to an increase in the surface area of the
calcium phosphate small blood cells. This shape also facilitates deformation of
sodium sulphate
Organic constituents the cells when passing through the smallest capillaries. The
Proteins (7-8 %) maintenance of oncotic erythrocytes are formed in the red bone marrow. Their life-
albumins, globulins pressure, protein reserve, span is about 120 days after which they are broken down,
transport proteins mainly in the spleen.
fibrinogen (factor I) blood coagulation
glucose The shape of the red blood cells
with their central concavity favours
Platelets blood coagulation the exchange of oxygen and
carbon dioxide and facilitates
White cells granulocytes immune system
passage through the capillaries.

Red cells carriers of the red blood transport of the respiratory gazes:
pigment haemoglobin oxygen and carbon dioxide

The skin and wounds [22.23]

White blood cells (leucocytes) stimuli, the leucocytes can migrate from blood vessels into
In contrast to the erythrocytes, the white blood cells have the surrounding area, the site of inflammation.
a nucleus. They are not a single cell type but are classified
into granulocytes, monocytes and lymphocytes according Granulocytes represent 60 – 70 % of all leucocytes. They are
to their shape or the shape of their nucleus, their function, classified according to the staining characteristics of their
staining characteristics of the cytoplasmic granules and granules into eosinophilic (stainable with acid eosin stains)
their site of formation. basophilic (stainable with basic stains) or neutrophilic (neu-
tral staining) granulocytes. The neutrophils are the largest
Subtraction-stained representation Granulocytes and monocytes arise from bone marrow stem group, accounting for about 70 % of the granulocytes.
of a white blood cell migrating cells. Precursor cells of lymphocytes also arise in the bone They play a major part in wound cleansing and defence
through the endothelium of a
marrow but later multiply in lymphatic organs such as against infection. Their nuclei contain a range of proteolytic
blood vessel. Because of their
capacity for movement, the leu- the spleen and lymph nodes. Only about 5 % of the total enzymes which enable them to dissolve detritus (injured or
cocytes can migrate to the “scene lymphocytes in the body circulate in the blood, while the denatured cell and tissue substance) and to phagocytose
of the action” and, for instance, majority are stored in organs and tissues or are loosely bacteria.
reach an injured skin area where
they can act as defence cells.
associated with vessel walls.
Monocytes are the largest blood cells. In the region of
Leucocytes serve for non-specific or specific defence and an injury, they leave the circulation and migrate into the
play a crucial part in the removal of bacteria and detritus injured area. There, they mature into tissue macrophages
(damaged or denatured cell and tissue substance). Their which take care of the removal of devitalised tissue by
capacity for amoeba-like movement which varies according phagocytosis (elimination of large particles) or pinocytosis
to the cell type is a precondition for them to be able to (elimination of dissolved material). The processes of phago-
carry out their functions. When activated by chemotactic cytosis and the other functions of the macrophages which
have a key role in wound healing are described in detail
in the chapter on “The processes of wound healing” from
Classification of white blood cells page 34.
(leucocytes) lymphocytes granulocytes monocytes

Lymphocytes are globular cells with a round or oval nucleus

which are capable of migration. They represent the main
functioning agents of specific immunity. B lymphocytes
are responsible for humoral immunity (antibodies) and
T lymphocytes for cellular immunity (phagocytosis).
neutrophils eosinophils basophils

The skin and wounds [24.25]

Non-nucleated platelets in cross
section: their numerous granules Wounds and wound types
can be seen clearly, containing
several coagulation factors.
Platelets take part in the initiation A wound signifies a break in the continuity of tissues cover-
of coagulation and thrombus ing the body which is usually associated with a loss of
formation. substance. Deeper injuries which involve the muscle tissue,
the skeletal system or internal organs are defined as com-
plicated wounds. Wounds are distinguished into different
types depending on their cause, depth and extent of the
▪ mechanical or traumatic wounds
▪ thermal and chemical wounds
▪ ulcer wounds
Platelets (thrombocytes)
Platelets are round non-nucleated discs which are produced Mechanical/traumatic wounds
by fragmentation of cytoplasm from giant cells of the bone Mechanical wounds occur as a result of a variety of forces,
marrow (megacaryocytes). They are the smallest cellular including the planned surgical wound.
elements of the blood. Their most important function is
haemostasis. They take part in the initiation of coagulation The type of trauma and the extent of damage are in turn
and thrombus formation. Accordingly, their numerous gra- used for further classification for prognosis and for treat-
nules contain important blood coagulation factors (platelet ment. In particular, the aetiology of the wound permits
factors). The coagulation processes are also described in assessment as clean, dirty and/or as infected. This assess-
the chapter on “The processes of wound healing” from ment is of fundamental importance for subsequent wound
page 34. management.

Closed wounds are characterised by injury of tissue, bones,

blood vessels and nerves lying under the skin without
separation of the skin taking place. Examples are closed
head injuries with brain contusion, closed fractures or
sprains and dislocations. Visible effects of the trauma are
mainly soft tissue swelling, haematoma, and pain.

The skin and wounds [26.27]

Superficial or epithelial wounds affect only the avascular 1) Haematoma in closed fracture
2) Abrasion or superficial
epidermis. Since the epidermis is capable of regeneration,
(epithelial) wound
the wounds heal without scarring. The skin surface later 3) Split skin graft donor site which
looks no different from normal. The abrasion is an epithelial is classified as a superficial wound
wound. Split skin graft donor sites and Reverdin graft sites 4) Perforating wound (incised)
wound as planned surgical wound
should be regarded as superficial wounds.
5) Crushing wound to thumb
6) Complicated wound; fracture
Perforating wounds occurs when the division of the skin 1 2 with significant soft tissue damage
affects the epidermis and dermis and sometimes the sub- 7) Complex open lower leg fracture
after traffic accident with severe
cutaneous tissue. Examples of perforating wounds, which
soft tissue damage
are also designated penetrating wounds include cuts and 8) Crushing wound with extensive
stab wounds, tearing, bursting and contused wounds, bites tissue destruction
and gunshot wounds. Depending on the type of trauma,
muscle tissue and internal organs may also be involved so
that the boundaries between a perforating wound and a
complicated wound are often fluid. The condition of the
wound and tendency to heal differ considerably depending 3 4
on the aetiology.

Complicated wounds such as extensive soft tissue trauma,

open fractures, severe crushing with degloving, amputations
and avulsion injuries can be the result of perforating and
blunt force. In addition they may also be due to thermal
or thermomechanical injuries. In the case of such complex
patterns of injury there is also a major problem with further
5 6
secondary damages. This may be due to vessel injuries with
resulting ischaemia, reperfusion phenomena or compart-
ment syndromes. Infections or inadequate primary care can
also be further causes.

7 8

The skin and wounds [28.29]

Thermal and chemical wounds 1) Third-degree burn with necroses
Thermal and chemical wounds arise from the effects of heat of the epidermis, dermis and por-
tions of the subcutis
and cold, tissue damaging rays, acids or alkalis. The skin 2) Third and fourth-degree burns
damage depends on the severity of the impact (duration, 3) Freezing
intensity, extent). Classification of burn and cold injuries 4) Alkali burn (“chemical burn”)
into three or four degrees of severity, respectively, aids in
prognostic assessment and therapeutic planning.
1 2
The four grades of burns are:
▪ First degree:
functional damage to the epidermal layer (stratum
corneum) manifested as erythema
▪ Superficial second degree:
destruction of the epidermis down to the basal layer
with formation of blisters
▪ Deep second degree:
3 4
deep dermal burn affecting the epidermis and nearly
the entire thickness of the dermis
▪ Third degree:
the special features of children‘s body dimensions are also
necrosis with complete irreversible destruction of
taken into account.
epidermis, dermis and often some of the subcutaneous
tissue (full thickness burn)
Cold injuries are also classified into four degrees of severity
▪ Fourth degree:
according to what proportion of skin is destroyed: Grade I =
9% carbonification involving muscles, tendons and bones.
erythema, Grade II = blister formation, Grade III = necrosis
The classification fourth-degree is not normally used
and Grade IV = formation of thrombus and vessel oblitera-
9% 18 % 9% tion.

The degree of severity of thermal injury relates solely to the

1% Injuries due to acids or alkalis should be classified accord-
depth of the injury. However, an equally important criterion
ing to their pattern of damage as burn wounds (“chemical
for prognosis and treatment is the area extent of the burn.
18 % 18 % burn”). They are classified and treated as burn wounds after
Therefore, particularly in emergency situations, this is
neutralisation of the causative acid or alkali.
normally estimated using the “rule of nines” according to
Wallace‘s rule of nines to measure
the surface area of a burn Wallace, and expressed as a percentage. Also possible is
an estimate of the area by comparing it with the palm of
the hands area of the burned person, which represents
approximately 1 % of the body surface area. A more precise
area assessment can then be made using tables in which

The skin and wounds [30.31]

Ulcer wounds 1) Decubitus ulcer on heel with
A further group of wounds presenting particular healing closed cap of necrosis
2) Sacral decubitus ulcer with
problems is the ulcera, commonly known as ulcers. In con- necrosis and wound pockets
trast to acute wounds, they usually occur as a result of local 3) Venous leg ulcer which has
disorders of nutrition in the skin, caused by venous, arterial involved the entire lower leg, a
or neuropathic vascular damage or prolonged local pressure so-called gaiter ulcer
4) Leg ulcer, caused by a basal cell
or radiation. However, an ulcer can also be a symptom of a carcinoma
systemic disease, e.g. as a result of certain tumours, infec- 1 2 5) Diabetic ulcer (mal perforans)
tious skin diseases or haematologic disorders. According to 6) Radiation ulcer
the severity of the trophic disorder, the damage can affect
all skin layers and extend as far as bone.

Ulcer wounds usually require more than 8 weeks for healing

and are therefore classified by definition as chronic wounds.
The most important chronic wound conditions are described
under this classification from page 96.
3 4

5 6

The skin and wounds [32.33]

The phases of wound healing
The processes of wound healing Irrespective of the type of wound and the extent of tissue
loss, the healing of every wound takes place in phases
The regeneration of epithelium and, in particular, the which overlap in time and cannot be separated from one
another. The division into phases refers to the fundamental
demanding repair of skin connective tissue, are biologically morphological alterations in the course of the repair process
and chronologically well organised cooperative efforts in- without reflecting the actual complexity of the process. The
volving a variety of blood, immune system and tissue cells. usual division is into three or four wound healing phases;
These drive the healing process forward step-by-step in a the system of three basic phases will be used for the follow-
variety of wound-healing phases. ing descriptions:
▪ inflammatory or exudative phase for blood clotting and
wound cleansing
▪ proliferative phase for production of granulation tissue
▪ differentiation phase for maturing, scar formation and

In clinical practice, the three phases of wound healing

are also, for short, called the cleansing, granulating and
epithelialising phases.

Schematic representation of the temporal course of the wound healing phases:

inflammatory/exudative phase
proliferative phase
differentiation and remodelling phase

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

The processes of wound healing [34.35]

The inflammatory/exudative phase Platelets Sequence of physiological wound
Coagulation factors healing. In the ideal case, the
The inflammatory/exudative phase begins at the moment of

tissue missing from a wound is
injury and lasts about three days under physiological condi- Formation of a fibrin clot replaced by functional scar tissue
tions. The first vascular and cell reactions lead to haemos- – as wound seal
– matrix for collagen incorporation by various interdependent pro-
tasis and are complete after about 10 minutes. cesses such as blood coagulation,
Release of growth factors, inflammation and breakdown of
stimulating influx of inflammatory cells devitalised tissue, new vessel for-
Vasodilatation and increased capillary permeability result mation, formation of granulation
in an increase in the exudation of plasma into the intersti-

Inflammation and
tissue, epithelialisation and matu-
mast cells, neutrophilic macrophages

tium. This promotes the migration of leucocytes into the lymphocytes granulocytes
ration. The chronologically correct
wound area, especially neutrophilic granulocytes and ma- appearance of the participating
cells is essential for the wound
crophages. It is their job to defend against infection and to healing cascade to take place in
cleanse the wound by phagocytosis. At the same time, they a regular fashion. If there is a dis-
release biochemically active mediator substances, by means immune defence / phagocytosis order of only one of these partial
of which cells which are important for the next stage are steps, the entire wound healing
Release of growth factors and process can be influenced.
activated and stimulated. The macrophages play a key role cytokines, stimulation ...
in that process. Their presence in adequate numbers is cru-
cial to the progress of wound healing. fibroblasts vascular endothelial keratinocytes

The first goal of the repair process is to stop bleeding.
Vasoactive substances are released from the injured cells,
producing narrowing of vessels (vasoconstriction) to avoid synthesis angiogenesis ephithelialisation
blood loss until the vessel can be first sealed by platelet
aggregation. The platelets circulating in the plasma adhere Filling of defect
by granulation tissue
to the damaged vessels at the site of injury and form a plug
which first seals the vessels provisionally.

Contraction, scar formation, epithelialisation, maturation

The complex process of platelet aggregation activates the

coagulation system in order to seal the site of injury per-
manently. The coagulation cascade takes place in steps in
which about 30 different factors participate. This leads to
the formation of an insoluble fibrin mesh from fibrinogen.
A clot is produced which seals the wound and protects
against further bacterial contamination and fluid loss.

The processes of wound healing [36.37]

Blood clot consisting of platelets, Inflammation is characterised by the four classical symptoms
red blood cells and fibrin strands of infection, which are: erythema (rubor), warmth (calor),
swelling (tumor) and pain (dolor). The arterioles which
constrict briefly at the start of the injury subsequently dilate
due to vasoactive substances such as histamine, serotonin
and kinin. This leads to increased perfusion within the
wound area and therefore an increase in the local metabo-
lism required to eliminate the noxious sources. The process
is apparent clinically as erythema and warmth.

The vasodilatation at the same time leads to an increase in

vascular permeability with increased exudation of plasma
In order not to endanger the whole organism by spreading into the interstitium. The first phase of exudation takes
thrombotic processes, platelet aggregation and the coagu- place about 10 minutes after the injury has occurred, and
lation processes must remain restricted to the site of injury. a second phase occurs one to two hours later. Oedema, Inflamed wounds with the clearly
In flowing blood, the coagulation process is therefore which is apparent as swelling, develops due to the slowed visible symptom of reddening;
above, a burn wound; below,
countered constantly by substances of the fibrinolytic (clot- circulation and also to the localised acidosis in the wound an operation scar following a
dissolving) system. area. Today, it is assumed that the local acidosis increases vascular operation.
catabolic processes and that the toxic breakdown products
Inflammatory reactions of tissue and bacteria are diluted by the increase in tissue
Inflammation represents the complex defence reaction of fluid.
the organism against the effects of a variety of noxious
agents either mechanical, physical, chemical or bacterial Pain develops not only as a result of exposed nerve endings
origin. The goal is to eliminate or inactivate the noxious and swelling but also due to a number of inflammatory
agent, cleanse the tissue and provide conditions for the mediators such as bradykinin. Severe pain can result in a
subsequent proliferative processes. limitation of function (functio laesa).

Inflammatory reactions are thus present in every wound,

even a closed wound with an intact skin surface. However,
they are increased in the case of open skin wounds, which
are always contaminated by bacteria.

The processes of wound healing [38.39]

Phagocytosis and immune response Leucocyte migration continues for a period of about 3 days
About 2 – 4 hours after the injury, as part of the inflamma- until the wound is “clean” and the inflammatory phase
tory reaction, inward migration of leucocytes commences. is approaching its end. However, if infection occurs, the
These are now called phagocytes and are capable of phago- leucocyte migration persists and phagocytosis is increased.
cytosing debris, foreign material and micro-organisms. This leads to a prolongation of the inflammatory phase and
thus to a delay in wound healing.
In the initial inflammatory phase, neutrophilic granulocytes
predominate, secreting various inflammation-promoting The detritus-laden phagocytes and dissolved tissue form
messenger substances, the so-called cytokines into the pus. The killing of bacterial material inside the phagocytes
wound. These cells also phagocytose bacteria and release can only take place with the assistance of oxygen which
proteolytic enzymes (proteases) which remove damaged is why an adequate oxygen supply in the wound area is of
and devitalised constituents of the extracellular matrix. This paramount importance for the immune response.
signifies the first cleansing of the wound.
The dominant role of macrophages
About 24 hours later, monocytes migrate into the wound It is now believed that wound healing is not possible with-
area in the train of the granulocytes. These then differen- out functioning macrophages. The majority of the macro-
tiate into macrophages and continue the phagocytosis. phages have their origin in haematogenous monocytes
They also intervene crucially in the process by secreting whose differentiation and activation to macrophages take
cytokines and growth factors. place in the wound area. Attracted by the chemotactic
stimulus of bacterial toxins and further activation by neu-
trophilic granulocytes, the cells migrate in dense rows from
Course of phagocytosis: the circulating blood into the wound. During their phago-
After opsonisation of the foreign cytic activity, which represents the highest degree of activa- Macrophages during the phagocy-
body, the phagocyte moves delib- tosis of E. coli bacteria
tion of the cells, the macrophages are not limited only to a
erately to the foreign body (1) and
adhesion occurs (2). In the next direct attack on micro-organisms but they also assist in pre-
stage, the phagocyte encloses sentation of antigen to the lymphocytes. Antigens captured
the foreign body with pseudo- 1 2 3 and partially constructed by macrophages are presented to
podia (3). By further merging of
the lymphocytes in a recognisable form.
the pseudopodia (4), a vacuole
(phagosome) is produced which
merges with lysosomes to form Furthermore, macrophages secrete inflammation-promoting
phagolysosomes (5) in which cytokines (interleukin-I, IL-II and tumour necrosis factor ,
“digestion” of the foreign body 4 5 6 TNF-) as well as various growth factors (BFGF = basis
can then take place (6).
fibroblast growth factor, EGF = epidermal growth factor,

The processes of wound healing [40.41]

wounding New blood vessel formation and vascularisation
Without new vessels which will ensure an adequate supply
blood coagulation platelets of blood, oxygen and nutrients to the wound area, wound
healing can not proceed. New vessel formation starts from
intact blood vessels at the edge of the wound.
epithelial cells macrophages – lymphocytes, granulocytes fibroblasts
Through stimulation by growth factors, the cells of the
debridement, immune response angiogenesis
epithelial layer lining the vessel walls (here called endothe-
collagen breakdown collagen synthesis wound contraction lium), are capable of breaking down their basement mem-
brane, mobilising and migrating to the surrounding wound
remodelling proteoglycan synthesis
area and into the blood clot. By means of further cell divi-
wound closure sion, they create a tube-shaped structure which continues
to divide at its budlike end. The individual vascular buds
grow towards one another and combine into capillary loops
The role of macrophages in wound PDGF = platelet-derived growth factor and TGF- and - = which again continue to branch until they encounter a lar-
transforming growth factor  and ). These growth factors ger vessel into which they can empty. However, circulating
are polypeptides which influence the cells involved in endothelial stem cells were recently discovered in the blood
wound healing. They attract cells and promote their influx which may call into question the current teaching.
into the wound area (chemotaxis), subsequently stimulating
the cells to proliferate. A well-perfused wound is extremely rich in vessels. The 2
permeability of newly formed capillaries is also higher than
The proliferative phase that of other capillaries which takes account of the increas- The model of angiogenesis: break-
ed metabolism in the wound. However, the new capillaries down of the basement membrane
During the second phase of wound healing, cell proliferation
of intact blood vessels by various
predominates aimed at new vessel formation and filling are not very resistant to mechanical stresses which is why substances, with resulting release
of the defect by granulation tissue. The phase begins on the wound area has to be protected against trauma. With of endothelial cells, formation of
approximately the 4th day after trauma, but the conditions the maturing of the granulation tissue to scar tissue, the vascular buds by cell division (1),
vessels regress. which develop further into
for tissue growth were created in the inflammatory exuda-
capillary loops (2).
tive phase: Fibroblasts from the surrounding tissue migrate
into the clot and fibrin mesh formed during coagulation,
using it as a provisional matrix for incorporation of collagen.
The released cytokines and growth factors stimulate and
regulate the migration and proliferation of the cells respon-
sible for the formation of new tissue and blood vessels.

The processes of wound healing [42.43]

Granulation tissue Even if fibroblasts are regarded as a “uniform cell type”, it
Depending on the time of new vessel formation, filling of is especially important for wound healing that they differ
the defect with new tissue begins on about the 4th day in function and reaction. Fibroblasts of various ages are
after the occurrence of the wound. So-called granulation found in a wound, differing both in their secretory activity
tissue develops, the formation of which is initiated primarily and also in their reaction to growth factors. In the course
by the fibroblasts. They produce collagen which matures of wound healing, some of the fibroblasts change into myo-
into fibres outside the cells and gives the tissue its strength. fibroblasts in order to produce contraction of the wound.
They also produce proteoglycans which form the gel-like
ground substance of the extracellular space. Features of granulation tissue
Granulation tissue may be called a temporary primitive unit
Fibroblasts of tissue or an organ which “finally” closes the wound and
The spindle-shaped fibroblasts are not transported into the serves as a “bed” for the ensuing epithelialisation. After
wound with the blood circulation but migrate mainly from fulfilling its tasks, it is gradually changed into scar tissue.
the local tissue which has been injured. They are attracted
by chemotaxis. Amino acids serve as substrates, supplied The name granulation was introduced by Theodor Billroth
by the breakdown of the blood clot by the macrophages. in 1865 and is derived from the fact that the developing
At the same time, the fibroblasts utilise the fibrin mesh tissue exhibits a surface of bright red, glassy-transparent
Electronmicrograph of a fibroblast derived from the blood clot as a matrix for the ingrowth of granules. A vascular branch corresponds to each of these
which, as the most important cell collagen. granules with numerous fine capillary loops as they develop The structure of the granulation
type of the skin connective tissue, tissue is an important indicator
due to the new vessel formation. The new tissue is depo-
is responsible for the synthesis in assessing the healing tendency
and secretion of collagen, elastin The close relationship between fibroblasts and the fibrin sited beside the loops. When there is good granulation,
and the quality of wound healing.
and proteoglycans. mesh led in the past to the assumption that the fibrin is the granules increase in size with time and also increase The above illustration shows
changed into collagen. In fact, however, the fibrin mesh is in number so that finally a salmon red moist shiny surface spongy granulation tissue where
broken down as incorporation of collagen progresses and is formed. Such granulation indicates good healing. Stag- wound healing is inadequate; the
fresh red granulation (below), on
the sealed vessels are recanalised. This process, controlled nating healing pro-cesses are present if the granulation is
the other hand, is a sign of a good
by the enzyme plasmin, is called fibrinolysis. covered with sloughy deposits, looks pale and spongy or healing process.
has a bluish tint.
Fibroblasts thus migrate into the wound area when amino
acids from the dissolved blood clots are available and ne-
crotic tissue has been cleared away. However, if haemato-
mas, necrotic tissue, foreign bodies or bacteria are present,
both the growth of new blood vessels and fibroblast migra-
tion are delayed. The extent of the granulation formation
corresponds directly with the extent of the blood coagula-
tion and the inflammatory process and the body‘s own
wound cleansing process with the help of phagocytosis.

The processes of wound healing [44.45]

The differentiation and remodelling phase the collagen fibres taut at the same time. This makes the
Maturing of the collagen fibres begins between about the scar tissue shrink and pulls the skin tissue together at the
6th and 10th days. As the wound contracts, the granulation wound margin.
tissue contains less water and fewer vessels, becomes
continuously stronger and organises into scar tissue. Epi- Epithelialisation
thelialisation then concludes wound healing. This process Epithelialisation of the wound marks the conclusion of
consists of the formation of new epidermal cells by mitosis healing with the processes of epithelialisation being closely
and cell migration, mainly from the edge of the wound. linked to the formation of wound granulation. Granulation
tissue sends chemotactic signals for the migration of mar-
Wound contraction ginal epithelia on the one hand, while, on the other hand,
Wound contraction brings the undestroyed tissue sub- the epithelial cells require a moist sliding surface for their
stances closer so that the area of “incomplete repair” is migration.
kept as small as possible and wounds close spontaneously.
Wound contraction is aided by mobility of the skin. Re-epithelialisation is also a complex process which is based
on an increased rate of mitosis in the basal layer of the
Contrary to the earlier belief, that wound contraction takes epidermis and the migration of new epithelial cells from the
place by shrinkage of the collagen fibres, it is now known wound edge.
that this shrinkage plays a subordinate role. It is rather the
fibroblasts of the granulation tissue which are responsible Mitosis and migration
for the contraction. After these fibroblasts have completed The metabolically active cells of the basal layer which are
their secretory activity, they change partly into fibrocytes capable of the wound healing reaction obviously have an
(the resting form of fibroblasts) and partly into myofibro- unlimited potential for mitosis which is normally held in
blasts. The myofibroblast resembles the cells of smooth check by tissue-specific inhibitory substances, the so-called
muscle and like them contains the contractile muscle chalones, but which becomes fully active in the event of
protein actomyosin. The myofibroblasts contract pulling injury. Thus, if the extracellular chalone level falls greatly
after an injury of the epidermis, as a result of the loss of
Wound closure by clearly visible numerous chalone-producing cells in the wound area, there
contraction and epithelialisation is a correspondingly high mitotic activity in the cells of the
(left), epithelial margins still fragile
(right) basal layer. This initiates the cell multiplication required to
cover the defect.

The processes of wound healing [46.47]

Cell migration also has its special features. Where as during Migration of the marginal epidermis cells does not take
physiological maturing of the epidermis, the cells migrate place uniformly or inexorably but probably takes place
from the basal layer to the skin surface, the reparative cell intermittently, depending on the structure of the wound
replacement takes place by advancement of the cells in a granulation in each case. The first outgrowth of the margi-
linear direction towards the opposite wound edge. Epithe- nal epithelium is followed by a phase of thickening of the
lialisation from the wound edge starts with the break in initially single-layered epithelial cover by a heaping up of
continuity of the epidermis. The separated epithelial cells the cells. In addition, the epithelial layers are soon several
creep towards one another by active amoeboid movements, layers thick and are stronger and denser.
which are reminiscent of the ability of single-celled orga-
nisms, thus attempting to close the gap. These amoeboid Features of re-epithelialisation
movements however can occur only in slitlike superficial Only superficial abrasions of the skin heal according to the
wounds. In all other injuries of the skin, the migration of pattern of physiological regeneration, and the regenerated
the epithelia at the wound edge is linked to the filling of tissue is accordingly complete and uniform. All other skin
the tissue defect by granulation tissue. Epithelial cells do wounds replace the lost tissue, as described already, by cell
not descend into hollows or wound craters but require a migration from the edge of the wound and from preserved
smooth moist creeping surface. skin appendages. The result of this re-epithelialisation does
not represent a complete skin replacement but a thin sub-
stitute tissue which is poor in blood vessels and which lacks
Schematic diagram of re-epitheli-
Mitosis Migrating cells important constituents of the epidermis such as glands and
alisation by cell division and cell pigment cells, and adequate innervation.
migration. The epithelial cells Direction of
creep towards one another on the migration
slippery surface of the granulation
tissue. When the defect is closed,
the epithelial cells become heaped
up so that the epithelial cover
becomes stronger.

Contact inhibition


The processes of wound healing [48.49]

Quantitative classification of Wounds capable of primary healing are closed with sutures,
staples or wound closure strips. During blood coagulation,
wound healing fibrin ensures temporary loose adhesion of the wound sur-
faces while the phase of inflammation and exudation takes
place almost unnoticed. The repair processes supervene,
Since the time of Galen (A.D. 129 – 199), wound healing
characterised by the migration of fibroblasts, the formation
has been classified into healing by primary intention and
of ground substance and incorporation of collagen fibres.
by secondary intention. The word “intention” in Galen‘s
Numerous newly sprouting capillaries feed the young
understanding does not refer to the physiological nature
connective tissue and restore the connection with the cir-
of the healing processes but to the intention of the physi-
culation. Both wound surfaces are firmly united after about
cian to achieve primary wound healing with wound edges
8 days. However, the wound only attains its final tensile
close together and with few gaping wound edges. The
strength in the course of several weeks. The result of the
classification thus is above all of quantitative significance
primary healing is a narrow linear scar which is initially red
(more replacement tissue has to be produced in the case of
secondary healing) and is important in prognosis. In order
to take into account the therapeutic problems which result
Primary wound healing of non-
from the extent and type of the tissue destruction, a further infected, closely apposed wound
classification is made today into primary delayed healing, surfaces
regenerative healing and chronic wounds.

Primary wound healing (per primam intentionem)

Delayed primary healing when the
The conditions for wound healing are more favourable the wound is at risk of infection
less tissue has been damaged. The prospects of healing are
best in the case of a smooth, closely apposed wound sur-
faces of an incised wound with negligible loss of substance
and without inclusion of foreign bodies in a well-perfused
Secondary wound healing with
area of the body. Primary wound healing occurs in such
filling of the defect by granulation
cases if there is no wound infection. tissue which changes to scar
tissue in the course of healing
Healing by primary intention usually occurs after surgi-
cal incisions or accidental wounds made by sharp-edged
objects. With a respective type of less tissue destruction Regenerative or epithelial healing
of injuries affecting only the
by other mechanisms (e.g. tearing or bursting wounds), epidermis
surgical debridement may create the conditions for primary

The processes of wound healing [50.51]

due to the large number of capillaries. Later it becomes Secondary wound healing (per secundam
lighter in colour as the number of vessels is reduced. intentionem)
Finally, the scar is whiter than the surrounding normal skin. Secondary wound healing always occurs when tissue gaps
have to be filled or when a purulent infection prevents
Delayed primary healing direct union of the wound edges. The wound edges are now
Delayed primary healing occurs when an infection is an- no longer closely apposed but gape. To close the wound,
ticipated. In this case the wound should not be closed granulation tissue must be formed (as already described).
with sutures or wound closure strips. To observe for the The energy requirement of the organism is therefore greater
development of infection, the wound is loosely packed and than in the case of primary healing and likewise the forma-
held open. If no infection occurs, the wound can be sutured tion of the granulation tissue is more subject to endogenous
approximately between the 4th and 7th days. It then heals and exogenous influences.
by primary intention. If an infection becomes apparent,
the wound is classified as healing secondarily and receives Regenerative healing
treatment as for an open wound. Regeneration is defined as the replacement of destroyed
cells or tissues by others of equal value and is only possible
for cells which retain their capacity for mitosis. These in-
Examples of the different types of clude the basal layer of the epidermis. If only the epidermis
wound healing: is damaged by an injury, e.g. in a skin abrasion wound, it
1) Primary wound healing, in the
case of closely apposed wound heals without a scar. The healing processes correspond to
edges, which is normally possible the wound healing phase of re-epithelialisation.
with surgically produced wounds.
2) Regenerative or epithelial heal- Chronic wound processes
ing, whereby the healed tissue
hardly differs from the original 1 2
The chronic wound is one undergoing secondary healing
condition. which has to be closed by formation of tissue. If this pro-
3) Secondary healing with tissue cess requires more than eight weeks, the wound is clas-
formation – here after dehiscence sified as chronic. The change from an acute to a chronic
of a thoracic wound. A secondary
suture is made following appropri- wound can occur in each of the wound healing phases.
ate wound conditioning. However, the majority of chronic wounds develop from
4) Chronic healing process in progressive tissue destruction because of vascular disease
the case of a sacral decubitus from various causes such as disturbed blood circulation of
ulcer which, with the requisite
formation of granulation tissue, arterial or venous origin, diabetes mellitus, local pressure
3 4
corresponds to secondary wound injuries, radiation damage or tumours.

The processes of wound healing [52.53]

Influences on wound healing Nutritional status
Wound healing is impaired if the nutrients and nutrient
components required for the increased wound metabolism
The ability of the human organism to heal wounds is sub- (proteins and calories, vitamins and minerals) are not avail-
ject to great individual variation. How quickly and how well able in sufficient quantities. If, for example, not enough
a wound heals depends on the general bodily constitution protein is provided, protein synthesis is interrupted and
of the affected organism, on the aetiology of the wound with it, the proliferation of granulation tissue cells, and
and on the resulting specific circumstances. of other cells of the immune defence system. A protein
deficiency therefore impairs all the processes of wound
Systemic influences healing, without exception.
General influencing factors depend on the individual physi-
cal status of the person affected. Their relevance for the Diseases, particularly infections and chronic ulcers, switch
course of healing is very variable and some “influences” the metabolism via cytokine production to a catabolic state,
are themselves the cause of the wound. which in turn leads to malnutrition. The body then has a
shortage of nutrients available for energy production and
60 Years Patient age good wound healing.
50 Clinical research suggests that physiological aging delays
40 wound healing through the general reduction in cell activ- All vitamins, by their properties as coenzymes, positively
30 ities which can lead to a loss of quality in wound healing. influence wound healing and the deficiency of only a single
20 However actual disorders of wound healing result mainly vitamin may delay healing. Vitamins of the B complex, for
10 from the effects of age-related co-morbidity such as poor example, participate in collagen synthesis and stimulate
Days immune status or deficient nutrition. Ulcer wounds as a
0 antibody formation and infection defence. Vitamin A also
20 40 60 80 100
result of metabolic disease, vascular disease and tumour in- participates in collagen synthesis and cross-linking. Anti-
Healing of a 20 cm² wound evitably also occur more frequently. Then a correspondingly oxidants such as vitamins E and C capture the free radicals
according to the person‘s poor healing tendency can be expected. that are toxic and therefore harmful to the epithelial cells.
Furthermore, vitamin C plays a key role in the formation of
collagen, as well as being significant for the formation of
the intercellular substance, the basal membranes of vessels,
complement factors, and gamma globulins.

Of the minerals, it is above all zinc and iron deficiencies

that cause disruptions. Zinc is a central component of the
so-called metalloenzymes and has significant biological

The processes of wound healing [54.55]

effects in the organism, which also extend to wound heal- General (systemic) Local
Important systemic and local
ing. Iron deficiency leads to anaemia and therefore hinders influences on wound healing

oxygen transport to the wound area. ▪ Age ▪ Extent of injury

▪ Nutritional status (size, depth, etc.)
▪ Immune status ▪ Condition of wound bed
Malnutrition, possibly leading to cachectic conditions, can ▪ Underlying illnesses (pus, necrosis, etc.)
often be observed in severely ill, multimorbid and elderly ▪ Postoperative complications ▪ Condition of wound edges
persons. It can be caused by diseases such as tumours, ▪ Acute traumas (smooth, jagged)
▪ Medications ▪ Bacterial colonisation,
infectious diseases, organ disorders and severe pain. Nutri- ▪ Psychosocial situation contamination, infection
tional causes such as inadequate intake of nutrition or ▪ Site of wound
disorders of absorption often play a major part. ▪ Age of wound
▪ Quality of wound management
▪ Surgical conditions and
Immune status circumstances
The processes of the immune response play an important
role during wound healing. Accordingly, impairment or
deficiencies of the immune system cause increased sus- Postoperative complications
ceptibility to disorders of wound healing and infection. Numerous postoperative complications have a direct effect
Acquired immune deficiencies can result from operative on wound healing: thrombosis and thromboembolism,
trauma, parasitic, bacterial or viral infections and also occur possibly due to the increased fibrinolytic activity, postoper-
after periods of malnutrition, extensive burns, injury with ative pneumonia, postoperative peritonitis, postoperative
ionising radiation, entero- or nephropathies and cytostatic ileus and postoperative uraemia. The “intoxication” with
immunodepressant treatment. degradation products before they are excreted in the urine
apparently has an inhibitory effect on the course of healing.
Underlying diseases
Diseases with an inhibitory effect on wound healing are Affects of acute trauma/shock
again mainly those which impair the immune status of the Trauma associated with blood loss or major fluid loss, such
affected organism such as tumours, autoimmune diseases as in severe burns, causes a large number of mediator-
and infections. Delayed or abnormal healing can be antici- induced reactions which can lead to a disorder of the micro-
pated also in the case of connective tissue diseases (e.g. circulation. Subsequent tissue hypoxia, increased capillary
rheumatoid disease), metabolic disease (e.g. diabetes melli- permeability and clinically detectable abnormal perfusion
tus) and vascular diseases (e.g. peripheral vascular disease, develop as symptoms of shock. The resulting imbalance
venous insufficiency). Diabetes mellitus and arterial/venous between oxygen requirement and supply and the delay in
vascular disease, in particular, are themselves the cause of removal of products of metabolism particularly affects the
ulceration. initial phase of wound healing and the immune response.

The processes of wound healing [56.57]

Medications Local influences
Different drugs have a direct negative effect on wound The condition of the wound and the quality of the wound
healing, especially immune suppressant, cytostatic, anti- management are other important influences on wound
inflammatory (mainly glucocorticoids) and anticoagulant healing.
agents. Depending on the inhibitory effect of the various
drugs on coagulation, inflammatory processes and prolif- Condition of wound
eration, formation of granulation and scar are particularly A range of factors must be considered when assessing the
affected so that the wound‘s resistance to tearing can be condition of the wound and the resulting consequences for
expected to be reduced. However, the effects on the repair wound healing:
mechanism of the tissue depend on the dosage, the time of ▪ aetiology/extent of injury (size, depth, involvement of
administration and the duration of therapy. deeper structures such as fascia, muscle, tendons,
cartilage, bone)
Patient‘s psychosocial situation ▪ condition of wound edges (smooth, irregular, jagged,
Wound healing, especially healing of chronic wounds of undermined, with pockets)
metabolic origin such as diabetic ulcers, require a large ▪ condition of the base of the wound (proportion of
degree of collaboration of the patient. The individual‘s necrotic tissue, composition of the necrotic tissue: closed
psychosocial situation, however, can create a wide variety black necrosis, crust, sloughy tissue, dirty, presence of
of different starting conditions with regard to the patient‘s foreign body, clean)
willingness and motivation for cooperating in the treatment. ▪ composition of exudate (bloody, serosanguinous,
Above all, the number of elderly patients with chronic purulent, dried out)
wounds who also suffer from dementia is constantly increas- ▪ extent of bacterial colonisation/signs of infection
ing, so that adequate compliance is no longer assured with (see also chapter on “Wound infection”) Two methods for determining the
▪ site of wound (in well or poorly perfused region) size and volume of a wound: With
these individuals. Self-harming tendencies also have to be
a wound of large area (above), lay
taken into account. ▪ age of wound (acute trauma, time elapsed from injury to a transparent foil over it and mark
first aid/treatment, chronic wound conditions) the wound outline with a felt-
Moreover, alcohol and nicotine abuse as well as illegal tipped pen and calculate the area.
In the case of surgical wounds, the local influences include The size and volume of a wound
drugs may also have negative effects on wound healing.
may be determined by measuring
Apart from the vascular injury component of drug abuse type of operation, site of operation, duration and type of the fluid-holding capacity (below),
(arteriosclerosis, severe perfusion abnormalities) this group operative preparation, and the quality of hygiene manage- in that the wound is covered with
of patients is often in poor general condition with reduced ment in the operating theatre, operative techniques and foil and sterile fluid injected into
duration of the operation. it. The quantity of fluid in ml. or
immune responses and a poor nutritional status.
cc. represents the wound volume.

The processes of wound healing [58.59]

Quality of wound treatment
The quality of wound management has a significant influ-
Disorders of wound healing
ence on wound healing. Depending on the type and cause
of the wound, wound management requires a variety of Disorders of wound healing occur in different manifesta-
therapeutic measures. These include surgical procedures to tions and to a varying extent due to the effects of one or
treat acute trauma and complex causal therapies to control more of the influences described above. The more severe
chronic wound conditions or correct dressing treatment. disorders arise from stagnating wound cleansing, poor
Good wound management involves many medical disci- quality or delayed formation of granulation tissue, absence
plines and frequently the success in wound treatment is of re-epithelialisation along with typical post-operative
only possible with interdisciplinary collaboration. complications (seromas, haematomas, wound dehiscence
and hypertrophic scar formation) and wound infections.
The principles of wound treatment in acute (from page 80)
and chronic (from page 96) wounds are described in the Seromas
corresponding chapters. Seromas are hollow spaces in the wound area in which
blood, serum or lymph collects. They occur due to irritation
in the wound area, e.g. caused by foreign bodies, coagula-
tion necroses by excessive use of electrocoagulation or mass
ligatures, but also in the case of tension in the wound while
having tight sutures, or subclinical infection. Transudates
during protein deficiency, generalised illnesses or impaired
lymph flow are further causes.

Smaller seromas can be aspirated with a syringe, but a

formal wound revision is necessary for larger ones. The
wound is opened at the sutures and explored. Persistent
lymph channels should be coagulated with diathermy.
A Redivac drain is inserted and should only be removed
when the skin has attached firmly to the underlying tissue.
One complication can be that the primarily sterile seromas
become infected due to the stagnant fluids which favour
bacterial growth. Those seromas must then be treated as

The processes of wound healing [60.61]

Wound haematomas Wound dehiscence (rupture)
Wound haematomas form in the wound crevice as a result Wound dehiscence is a disorder of wound healing in which
of inadequate haemostasis of the vessels opening into the parts of the wound surfaces do not adhere and become
wound region. Postoperative rise in blood pressure and re- bound by connective tissue despite apposing sutures.
perfusion of collapsed vessels are other causes. They often Examples of predisposing factors include: sutures causing
occur when coagulation is impaired due to anticoagulant ischaemia, sutures removed too soon, malnutrition, factor
therapy or in the event of pathological deficiencies in the XIII deficiency, obesity, consuming neoplasms, postopera-
coagulation system. tive coughing or diabetes mellitus. In addition, treatment
Extensive wound haematoma with cytostatics, corticoids or antibiotics also increase the
The clinical signs of a secondary haemorrhage are increas- risk of rupture.
ed respiratory and pulse rate, fall in blood pressure, local
swelling. A blood count and coagulation screen should Postoperative wound dehiscence after laparotomy can
be performed with monitoring of vital signs. For small be complete (affecting all layers), incomplete (intact peri-
haematomas, the application of ice and aspiration may be toneum) or occult (skin suture still closed). The symptoms
sufficient to limit them. Larger haematomas must be eva- are a serosanguinous wound secretion commencing on the
cuated as potential foci of infection. The revision is usually 3rd day, increase in wound pain, gastric atony, paralytic
undertaken in the region of the previous skin incision. All ileus or evisceration (bowel protruding through the wound). Complete rupture with muscle
coagulum must be removed. After irrigation with Ringer‘s The dehiscence is treated by operation, if necessary insert- necrosis after a bypass operation
in the knee (above), rupture after
solution, a Redivac drain is inserted and the wound is ing a plastic mesh. The prognosis is good when treated large bowel resection (below)
closed. promptly and mortality is less than 10 %.

Soft tissue necrosis Hypertrophic scar formation

Soft tissue necrosis occurs when the supply of nutrients to Some people tend to form excessive scar tissue, the causes
the wound edges or soft tissues is reduced or interrupted of which may be disorders of collagen formation and cross-
by the injury or congestion of the supplying vessels, e.g. by linking. Hypertrophic scars develop soon after operation,
inadequate type of incision, severe trauma of the skin or usually remain limited to the wound and demonstrate a
incorrect suture technique. As a rule, it can be recognised spontaneous tendency to regress.
only in regions close to the skin wound and it should be
observed for demarcation. The wound site also plays a part in the formation of hyper-
Necrosis of wound edge in the trophic scars with regard to the skin‘s creases. If an incision Hypertrophic scar formation after
area of suture of an amputation In the early days of wound healing, it is apparent as pale runs vertical in the direction of Langer‘s lines, hypertrophic burn
or cyanotic areas of skin which gradually become brown in scarring can be anticipated. These circumstances gain
colour. Skin necrosis must be kept dry and should not be particular significance in regions of the body where tensile
removed prematurely as it functions as a sterile dressing. forces act in the longitudinal direction of the scar because
It is removed only after spontaneous demarcation. Moist of strong muscle activity. The result is then not only a cos-
necrosis, on the other hand, must be removed immediately metic failure. The scar crossing a joint restricts the range of
because of the risk of deep retention of pus. motion with increasing scar contracture.

The processes of wound healing [62.63]

When burns have healed in this manner, an attempt is
made to prevent scar hypertrophy by compression with
Wound infection
custom-made elastic clothing (pressure garments).
Wound infection is the most serious disorder of wound
Keloids healing. It is caused by a variety of micro-organisms
Distinguishing keloids from hypertrophic scars is difficult which invade the wound and multiply, producing harmful
initially. There are also scar growths which are rich in fibres toxic substances. The infection is usually limited locally,
and which tend to recur even after subsequent excision. and leads through destruction of tissue to disturbances
Their structure, which consists of thick glassy or hyaline of wound healing which vary in severity. However, every
cords of collagen embedded in a mucilaginous matrix, is wound infection can also extend systemically to become
crucial in distinguishing them from hypertrophic scarring. life-threatening sepsis.
Even the smallest incisions can cause sizeable keloids
Keloid with typical collagen cords which develop independent of muscle movement and rarely Signs of infection
over joints. In contrast to hypertrophic scars, keloids often The signs of wound infection described by the Roman
exceed the wound edges in their development and do not scientist Aulus Cornelius Celsus (1st century AD) such as
demonstrate any tendency to regress. Surgical correction rubor (erythema), tumor (swelling), calor (warmth), and
often aggravates the situation. dolor (pain), still serve as an aid to its recognition. They
are an expression of the defensive struggle of the immune
system against the invading micro-organisms. General signs
and symptoms include fever, rigor, leucocytosis and lymph-
adenopathy and leucocytosis. Fever, in particular, requires
careful elucidation.

The earlier the diagnosis of infection is made, the better is

the prospect of getting it under control in good time. How-
ever, recognising the onset of infections is associated with
difficulties because unequivocal symptoms are still absent. Aulus Cornelius Celsus, who lived
The continuation of a local state of irritation, febrile tem- in the first century AD is consider-
ed, despite uncertainty about his
peratures, persisting leucocytosis and increasing wound precise dates, to be the author of
pain are signs and symptoms which must be taken seriously. the most important medical works
of the ancient world.

The processes of wound healing [64.65]

Predisposing factors Many bacteria form poisonous substances or toxins. The
The occurrence of infection is a complex process influenced basis for toxin formation can be both exotoxin from the
by many predisposing factors. Of critical importance for the cytoplasm and endotoxin from the cell wall. The exotoxin
initiation of an infection are firstly the type, the pathogen- is produced continually by the bacteria from the interior of
icity, virulence and the number of micro-organisms involved. the cell, e.g. in the case of gas gangrene organisms.
The micro-organisms then find a certain environment in the Endotoxin is liberated only when the cell breaks up with
wound which more or less meets their living conditions. destruction of the cell wall.
This explains why age, genesis and the condition of the
wound (degree of contamination, extent of destroyed tissue Bacteria are classified as obligate aerobic bacteria if they
and degree of perfusion), are other important predisposing require oxygen to live, and as anaerobes if they need an
factors. How quickly and effective the local defence mecha- oxygen-free environment. They are facultative aerobes or
nisms can form, depends on the wound condition. anaerobes if they can exist in both milieus. Differentiation
of bacteria is by certain staining methods, for instance
This, in turn, is dependent on the general immune status of Gram‘s stain to distinguish them as gram-positive and
the involved organism. An already weakened immune sys- gram-negative bacteria.
tem, reduced general condition, certain metabolic diseases,
malignant tumours, advanced age, and malnutrition also
have negative effects on the immune response. This means
that penetrating micro-organisms find further favourable
growth conditions.

The causative agents of wound infections can be viruses, gram-positive gram-negative Structure and characteristics of
fungi and bacteria, with bacteria being implicated in the gram-positive and gram-negative
vast majority. nucleus equivalent capsule

Bacteria are unicellular micro-organisms, whose cell interior

is moderately differentiated. It consists of a “nucleus equi-
valent” containing genetic material as well as of cytoplasm
containing ribosomes, various enzymes and plasmids ribosomes
(carriers of resistance genes). The outer cell wall can be membrane
found covered with a capsule of varying composition which
pili periplasmic gap
can protect the bacteria against desiccation or against flagella
cell wall cyto- cell membrane
phagocytic cells. plasm

The processes of wound healing [66.67]

Electronmicrographs of bacteria Another group of bacteria is classified as non-pathogenic.
with differing pathogenicity:
However, in the predisposed patient, with reduced immune
1) Clostridium tetani, gram-
positive, cause of tetanus, highly defences, this can lead to opportunistic infections and
pathogenic wound infection. An example is Staphylococcus epidermidis
2) Escherichia coli, gram-negative, which is normally found as an innocuous bacterium on the
at early stage of division, faculta-
tive pathogen 1 2
3) Staphylococcus aureus, gram-
positive, complete bacterium with Virulence
a bacterium dissolved by effect of The pathogenicity, or the potential of bacteria for causing
antibiotic in right upper corner,
illness, should be seen in close association with their viru-
facultative pathogen
4) Staphylococcus epidermidis, lence (infective force) which ultimately determines the
gram-positive, during division; degree of pathogenicity. Virulence is an acquired alterable
non-pathogenic characteristic: avirulent or slightly virulent bacteria can
3 4
change genetically under the pressure of environmental
influences and can become extremely virulent. This problem
Pathogenicity is particularly present in hospitals. Here new genotypes
Bacteria only merit consideration as pathogens of infectious have developed due to the concentrated use of antibacterial
disease or of wound infections if they possess a disease- therapy which are more virulent and more resistant to
inducing potential (pathogenic). chemotherapeutic agents and disinfectants than, for ex-
ample, the same type of bacteria in a domestic setting.
Bacteria may already be highly pathogenic when they in-
vade the wound. The human organism then has no time to Dose of pathogen – manifest wound infection
activate the body‘s own defence mechanisms. Such infec- Every wound, even so-called aseptic surgical wounds, are
tions are life-threatening. An example is tetanus caused by colonised by bacteria. The mere presence of bacteria in
Clostridium tetani. the wound, however, does not mean the same as a wound
infection, but is designated as contamination. The body‘s
Other pathogenic strains are facultative, i. e. partially defence mechanisms are often capable of removing bacte-
pathogenic. These are often bacteria from the physiological rial colonisation so that infection does not occur at all. It is
colonisation of the human organism which have left their only when the bacteria penetrate deeper into the wound,
natural location, penetrated into the wound and unleashed multiply there, damage the tissue by their toxins and pro-
their pathogenic potential in the altered environment. This duce inflammatory reactions that infection can be said to
is the case, for example, when Escherichia coli from the be present.
bowel flora gets into the wound. In the case of Staphylo-
coccus aureus, likewise an important causative agent of
wound infections, the human carrier rate is about 30 %,
with the main reservoir being the nose.

The processes of wound healing [68.69]

Multiplication of bacteria is always by division. Apart from Condition of wound and susceptibility to infection
highly virulent bacteria, the reproductive activity of bacteria The fresh wound is highly susceptible to infection. With
begins a few hours after adapting to the new nutritional increasing organisation of the defence mechanisms, the risk
situation. This incubation time is generally eight to ten hours. of infection diminishes so that a wound with well vascular-
After that the bacterial count increases rapidly. ised granulation tissue can already counter the pathogens
with considerable resistance. Older chronic wounds also
The speed of division (generation appear to have a lower susceptibility to infection. However,
time) in a favourable environment as long as the wound is not protected by a closed epithe-
and at the optimum temperature
is about 20 to 30 minutes for
lium, the risk of infection persists.
many bacteria. The diagram shows
the theoretical multiplication of a The cells and substances important in local defence and
single bacterium with a generation antibody production and the oxygen required for phago-
time of 20 minutes after 4, 8 and
10 hours.
cytosis depend on sufficient circulation. If perfusion in the
4 hours 8 hours 10 hours wound area is reduced or absent, the risk of infection
4096 bacteria 16777216 bacteria 1073741824 bacteria increases considerably.

Logically, the number of invading bacteria, the pathogenic Necrotic tissue has no perfusion and represents an ideal
dose, is of critical importance. The more bacteria invade, breeding ground for bacteria. All traumatic wounds with
the greater the probability that a infection will occur. crushing, tearing and loculation of tissue are thus particu-
Measurements of standardised samples have shown that larly at risk of infection. In the treatment of such wounds,
104 pyogenic Streptococci/mm3 or 105 – 106 Staphylococcus infection should be assumed from the outset in order to
aureus/mm3 have to be present to produce a wound infec- create a “clean” wound situation in good time by compre-
tion. Depending on the clinical condition, a bacterial count hensive wound excision. If there are areas of closed necro-
of 105/mm3 tissue is the approximate guiding principle for sis (typical of decubitus ulcers) it should be borne in mind
an infection requiring treatment. that there may be a purulent infection beneath the necrosis
which can spread into deeper tissue layers.
When taking a wound swab, correct technique is crucial
for a reliable result. The swabs should be taken from the Moreover, stagnant secretions loaded with bacteria, such
depths of the wound and from the wound edges as the as in deep and gaping wounds, are also dangerous. It
pathogens are concentrated at these sites. may occur a so-called moist chamber where this negative
effect may be reinforced by an unsuitable dressing with
inadequate absorbency and moisture permeability.

The processes of wound healing [70.71]

Foreign bodies, such as suture material, plastic parts or im- All wounds due to external force, such as stabbing, crushing
plants may cause a local reduction of the body‘s defences. and impalement wounds, should generally be considered
They may cause a marked ischaemia and a risk of infection. as being infected, as organisms always get into the wound
The site of the wound is also of significance with respect along with the object causing the injury. The same applies
to the risk of infection as the individual body regions have to bite wounds as very virulent micro-organisms are trans-
both a variable perfusion and a variable level of bacterial mitted with animal and human saliva.
Types of infection
Finally, the aetiology of the wound plays a major role in the The different types of pathogens produce specific tissue re-
risk of infection. In the case of surgical incisions, the risk actions which characterise the clinical signs and symptoms
of infection is always dependent on the type of operation of the infection.
with its specific hygienic risks (aseptic and partially aseptic
procedures, surgery in a primarily contaminated and in a Pyogenic infection
primarily septic wound area). Other risks emanate from The causes of pyogenic, or pus-producing infections are
operative preparation and performance and from post- above all the pygenic agents such as gram-positive staphy-
operative wound care. Important factors confirmed by lococci and streptococci as well as gram-negative pseudo-
various studies include: monas and Escherichia coli. An experienced clinician can
▪ duration of pre-operative stay on the ward, because deduce the main type of pathogen from the appearance
with each day the patient´s colonisation by nosocomial and smell of the exudate. Nevertheless, a culture swab with
organisms increases antibiotic sensitivity should not be omitted as the basis for
The blue-green sweetish-smelling
▪ preoperative antibiotic regime adequate antibiotic treatment. pus is typical of a pyogenic
▪ preoperative shaving of the operative field ▪ Staphylococci: creamy yellow odourless pus pseudomonas infection
▪ hygiene status and quality of hygiene management in ▪ Streptococci: runny yellow-grey pus
the operating theatre ▪ Pseudomonas: blue-green sweet-smelling pus
▪ operative techniques, degree of tissue trauma (faulty ▪ Escherichia coli: brownish faeculent-smelling pus
incision, diathermy, suturing and ligating technique)
▪ duration of operation (the number of pathogens increas- Putrid infection
es, exposed tissues are jeopardised more because of Putrid infection or putrid faeculent tissue gangrene develops
drying, circulatory disturbance, reactive oedema etc.) from mixed infections with Escherichia coli and the putre-
▪ wound drains and their postoperative care factive organisms Proteus vulgaris and Streptococcus
putrides. The putrefactive organisms destroy the tissue
and foul-smelling gases form during the breakdown of the
protein structures. The clinical appearance is of gangrenous
inflammation with gas phlegmon in the surrounding tissue.

The processes of wound healing [72.73]

Emergency treatment with an antibiotic effective against Rabies
both aerobes and anaerobes must be started without wait- Rabies, caused by rhabdovirus, is transmitted with the
ing for bacteriological diagnosis. saliva in a bite from an infected animal. The virus enters
the bite wound and ascends along the nerves to the central
Gas gangrene nervous system. Total paresis and death occur. When the
The gas gangrene pathogens Clostridium perfringens, condition is established, every therapy fails so that treat-
Clostridium novyi and Clostridium septicum which occur in ment must be given as soon as rabies is suspected
soil and street dust are obligate anaerobes and find ideal (abnormal behaviour in the biting animal).
growth conditions in gaping, necrotic and poorly perfused
wounds. They rapidly give off tissue-dissolving and gas-pro- Erysipelas
ducing exo- and endotoxins which quickly lead to general Erysipelas is a relatively common bacterial disease, usually
intoxication of the organism. Genuine gas gangrene (as caused by -haemolytic streptococci. It starts acutely with
Gas gangrene with soft tissue opposed to gas phlegmon in putrid infections) occurs rarely fever, rigor, swelling, erythema, and tenderness of the
necrosis which has already turned and is usually fatal. affected skin. Favoured sites are the lower leg and face.
black; typically, there is crepitus on
The diagnosis can be made easily from the typically sharp
Tetanus demarcation between healthy areas of skin and the fiery
The aetiological agent is Clostridium tetani, also an obligate erythema. Tiny erosions of the skin or mucous membrane
anaerobe occurring in soil and street dust. Once again, are sufficient as an entry portal; outflow obstructions in the
gaping, contaminated and poorly perfused wounds are lymphatic and venous system favour its occurrence. A rare
particularly at risk, but every tiny injury of the skin can be form causing severe illness is necrotising erysipelas with
the site of entry. The nerve toxins released by the bacteria symptoms of shock.
migrate along the nerve tracks to the spinal cord and cause
severe spasms which spread in a craniocaudal direction. Prevention and treatment of wound infections
Tetanus immunisation offers protection against tetanus The prevention of a wound infection means the greatest
which has without immunisation a fatal outcome in about possible prevention of bacterial colonisation, while treat-
50 %. If immunisation is uncertain in the event of an injury, ment concentrates on a corresponding reduction of the Erysipelas of the lower leg with
existing bacterial colonisation or on elimination of the in- typical sharp demarcation from
the patient is considered non-immune and receives active
the healthy areas of skin (above);
and passive immunisation protection. vading bacteria. The measures which serve for prophylaxis advanced, already necrotising
and treatment should not be seen in isolation but as an erysipelas, also of the lower leg
overall concept, and require a disciplined approach by all (below).
involved in wound care.

The processes of wound healing [74.75]

An overriding measure is strict observance of asepsis. It Antiseptics
is an essential requirement for preoperative preparation, According to the general definition, the prophylactic/thera-
intra- and postoperative activity and for the open wound peutic aims of antisepsis consist in killing or deactivating
treatment in all acute and chronic wound conditions. microorganisms, or preventing them from multiplying by
using locally acting chemical substances designated anti-
Even wounds which are already clinically infected should be septics or antiinfectives. Since wound antiseptics have a
treated exclusively under aseptic conditions. Apart from the more or less cytotoxic potential, the most suitable wound
fact that further secondary infections must be prevented, antiseptic needs to be chosen in each treatment case. The
such wounds represent a reservoir of extremely virulent following basic requirements should be met by the prepa-
organisms, spread of which can be prevented only by com- ration:
prehensive asepsis. ▪ reliable germ-killing (microbicidal) or inactivating effect
against a wide spectrum of microorganisms
Other measures to prevent and treat wound infections ▪ no protein-related faults, i.e. no loss of effectiveness of
are in turn dependent on the condition of the wound and the antiseptic when affected by proteins (since during
require an adequate procedure: open wound treatment, the antiseptic is always in
contact with proteins, e.g. in the blood and wound
In the case of infected wounds which have had primary secretions, particular attention should be paid to this
closure, rapid drainage of secretions should be obtained by point)
opening the suture and using suitable wound drains. In all ▪ rapid onset of effect
wounds healing secondarily such as traumatic or chronic ▪ no development of microbial resistance or gaps in
ulcerative wounds, extensive surgical debridement is to effectiveness
the fore: necrotic and devitalised tissue must be removed ▪ no pain caused
generously, wound loculations opened up, sloughy deposits, ▪ greatest possible cell and tissue tolerance and toxi-
foreign bodies and infected areas excised. At the same cological safety
time, tissue perfusion is ensured with oxygen delivery which ▪ simple use and storage
is essential for the body‘s local defences.

If surgical debridement is not possible because of certain Infective agents are present every-
circumstances, physical wound cleansing with moist where, even if they are not visible
to the naked eye. The illustrations
dressing treatment and possibly the topical application of show an apparently clean needle
enzymatic preparations is indicated. tip (1). The magnifications (2) and
(3), however, reveal heavy bacterial
colonisation (yellow).

1 2 3

The processes of wound healing [76.77]

A reduced-risk application of antiseptics in open wound Left: Escherichia coli, resistant to
areas therefore always presupposes that the user is two antibiotics (no halo).

thoroughly informed about the particular properties of the Right: Staphylococcus aureus dur-
selected substance and, in particular, about its effects on ing destruction by an antibiotic:
the immunologically active cells. destruction of the outer cell wall
with release of intercellular mate-
rial into the surroundings.
In general, the principle applies that treatment with anti-
septics should be carried out as briefly as possible. Anti-
septic application should be stopped as soon as the clinical
signs of infection cease (e.g. when secretion and swelling Antibiotics
subside). The progress of treatment should be assessed Treatment with local antibiotics is a controversial subject
daily and possibly checked with microbiological diagnostic and is generally regarded today as obsolete. The reasons
methods. for this lie in their selection of resistant germs, sensitisation
of the patient and the consequent loss of a potential anti-
Above all in the case of chronic wounds, it is not infrequent- biotic for systemic treatment, as well as the danger of super-
ly observed in clinical practice that antiseptic treatment may infection with fungi. Contrasted with this, the systemic
be continued for weeks or months without problems and administration of antibiotics for local progressive infections
without regard to any treatment success. Whereas during (phlegmons, lymphangitis, etc.), deep infections (emphyse-
the infection stage, the disruption of sensitive wound ma, osteomyelitis, etc.) and generalised infections (sepsis)
healing processes by relatively cytotoxic antiseptics can is absolutely necessary. When choosing an antibiotic, the
be disregarded, since they are already severely disrupted pathogen spectrum needs to be taken into account in
by bacteria, long-term use carries the potential for signifi- accordance with the germ identification and resistance
cant damage. The undesirable effects of these substances testing. In the event of a dramatically developing infection
significantly worsen the poor healing tendency of chronic process, an empirical initial treatment should be begun,
wounds, and can trigger contact allergies. Added to this is and broad-spectrum antibiotics have proved valuable for
the fact that long-term use of antiseptics is often regarded this. The treatment is then assessed following performance
as a sufficient and safe wound treatment method, so that of an antibiogram and a resistogram and adjusted accord-
nothing is done to diagnose and treat the actual causes of ingly if required.
the poor wound healing.

The processes of wound healing [78.79]

Principles of treatment of acute wounds The goal of every wound treatment is to assist the organism
to achieve as soon as possible functional regeneration or
repair of the injured tissue. Fundamental measures include:
The treatment of acute traumatic wounds was probably the ▪ evaluation of the wound with regard to aetiology, site,
earliest medical activity. Pioneering successes were achieved age and condition along with any concomitant injuries
and underlying illnesses
towards the end of the 19th century when, with the dis- ▪ elimination of bacterial colonisation and factors favour-
coveries of antisepsis and asepsis and the development of ing it by means of thorough debridement
anaesthetic techniques, the restricting factors of surgery ▪ wound closure by primary or secondary suture or by skin
were cleared away. Today, the surgical treatment of trau- or flap transplantation
matic wounds has reached a high level. Particularly helpful
The degree and extent of the individual measures differ
are the possibilities of plastic surgery, which offer survival according to the wound findings and the healing that can
and acceptable wound healing results to some severely be expected. The principles and techniques of wound treat-
injured people. ment in the case of acute traumatic wounds are summaris-
ed in brief below. However, it must be borne in mind that a
rigid treatment plan is ruled out by the variety of individual
patient circumstances. Ultimately, the skill of the person
treating the patient is of fateful significance for the patient.

The acute traumatic wound

Related to the mechanism and the circumstances of the
accident, traumatic injuries cause a wide spectrum of
damages. They range from the incised wound to complex
defects with involvement of tendons, muscles, nerves,
vessels, bones or internal organs. Apart from trivial injuries,
treatment is classified for practical reasons as provisional or
definitive wound treatment.

Acute wounds [80.81]

Provisional wound treatment includes: Provisional wound treatment Management of traumatic
▪ first aid measures for haemostasis
 treatment of shock, where necessary
▪ application of an emergency dressing to protect against  haemostasis
infection and for transport  emergency dressing
▪ if necessary, immobilisation of the injured body parts and  immobilisation
limbs  transport to hospital

Definitive wound treatment

However, in the case of severe injuries accompanied by
shock, immediate initiation of shock therapy and stabilisa-  operative wound exploration
tion of the vital parameters, always takes precedence over  debridement
 decision on wound closure
provisional wound care.
Wound closure
Definitive treatment or primary care follows basic surgical
principles. With the exception of superficial skin defects, all primary / primary delayed
Lower leg fracture (above), severe other wounds are explored surgically with adequate anal-
finger trauma due to injury on a dressing to protect wound
gesia and under aseptic conditions. Inspection of the outer
conveyor belt (below).
wounds suffices only in very rare cases. Further radiological secondary / open
or neurological investigations may be necessary to confirm
moist dressings to condition the wound
suspected foreign bodies in the depths of the wound, frac-
tures or nerve an head injuries. later closure by secondary suture,
spontaneous epithelialisation,
Prompt debridement has the aim of rendering a wound skin graft, plastic surgical procedure
low in bacteria and well perfused. Tissue with impaired
perfusion such as obvious necrosis and crushed soft tissues
is excised in order to obtain a smooth and clean wound, epithelial wounds are cleaned by irrigation. Finger and
thus removing the breeding ground for wound infections. facial injuries are not excised provided the wound edges
Nerves, tendons and muscles should be protected and pre- have not been crushed.
served as far as possible. Injured vessels should be treated
immediately by vascular surgical techniques. In general, debridement of the wound is a demanding sur-
gical operation and requires meticulous care on the part of
Particular care is warranted in the case of deep and gaping the surgeon, based on solid anatomical knowledge.
wounds. Foreign bodies such as particles of dirt, fragments
of cloth or glass splinters may be detected by soft tissue The decision on wound closure depends on the extent and
X-rays only with difficulty but must not remain in the wound the result of the debridement. Primary wound closure by
because of the associated high risk of infection. Superficial

Acute wounds [82.83]

suture, staples or wound closure strips is possible if the Postponed primary care is often considered in the case
wound edges can be approximated without tension and if it of wounds which are unsuitable for primary closure. The
can be ensured that the wound is sufficiently clean. wound is debrided but is then kept open for observation
with sterile moist dressings or by packing for a few days. If
A wound must never be closed under tension as every no signs of infection appear, the wound can be closed by
forced wound closure endangers wound healing because suture, usually between the 4th and 7th days. The sutures
the sutures cause ischaemia resulting in a disturbance of for wound closure are usually inserted during the initial
tissue perfusion leading to necroses and infections. In case treatment but left untight.
of doubt, the wound should be left open for secondary
wound healing. The question of wound closure in the case of wounds which
are healing secondarily with their varying degrees of tissue
To ensure low levels of micro-organisms when primary destruction is much more complex. Simple skin defects
wound closure is attempted, apart from correct debride- with or without exposed muscle can usually be closed by
ment, the following conditions must be met: secondary suture after operative revision, adequate debri-
▪ the wound must not be older than 6 – 8 hours and dement and conditioning of the wound with skin substitute
▪ it must not be due to causes which from the start involve materials or can be covered by split skin grafts. If there are
a high probability of primary infection complex defects, reconstruction of the soft tissues using
plastic surgical procedures is essential.
This includes all bite wounds, including human bites, tear-
ing and scratch wounds from animals, stab and shooting Complex traumatic defects
injuries. In addition, it includes injuries in persons who In complex defects, several functionally important struc-
have come in contact with infectious material such as tures of the limb are injured. This may occur in various
human or animal pus or excrement. combinations. In the case of compound fractures, muscle
tears and zones of contusion are often found in addition to
Knowledge of the mode of injury and accompanying nerve, tendon or vascular injuries. The involved structures
circumstances are thus of crucial importance for assessing are exposed and cannot be managed adequately and defi-
the risk of infection and the procedure to be adopted. nitively with simple skin grafting.

Bite injuries from animals (at left,

a dog bite wound) or gunshot
wounds (right) have to be classi-
fied as infected from the start and
treated accordingly.

Acute wounds [84.85]

Covering of defect by plastic Later in the course of such an injury after inadequate pri-
surgical procedure:
mary treatment, a soft tissue or bone infection can occur
1) Complex defect on the dorsum
of the hand after a motorcycle which then complicates the local situation. The emphasis is
accident with loss of all soft tissues then on treatment of the infection by means of stable soft
and extensor tendons of the tissue cover. Reconstruction of defective structures under
middle fingers.
such conditions has to be carried out secondarily, as the
2) A tendo-fasciocutaneous flap
1 2 risk of infection is too great for the reconstructed structure
is raised from the dorsum of the
foot. if done primarily.
3) Function after 8 weeks.
4) Acceptable defect at donor site. Principles of treatment of
The same basic principles of treatment apply to all stages of
complex defects
soft tissue injury. Securing and stabilising the vital parame-
▪ Stabilisation of the patient
ters are followed by evaluation of the patient, in interdisci- ▪ Interdisciplinary evaluation of
plinary collaboration whenever possible. During the primary the patient
operative exploration, the fracture is stabilised, the wound ▪ Operative exploration of soft
3 4 tissue and bone situation
is debrided and where possible all damaged structures are
▪ Fracture treatment
reconstructed. ▪ Radical debridement
▪ Primary reconstruction of injured
Treatment of a traumatic finger structures
If definitive debridement is possible during the initial man-
injury: ▪ Possible second look
1) Partial amputation of 2nd to agement, the wound can receive its final primary covering.
▪ Definitive differentiated cover/
5th fingers on admission. If there are doubts about the vitality of the remaining closure within 5 – 7 days
2) Subsequent completion of tissue, definitive optimum closure can be attempted within
amputation with two free skin
5 – 7 days following a planned “second look”.
flaps. Revision was necessary
because of increasing necrosis
1 2
of the ring finger. The guiding principle of treatment must be to offer the
3) Findings after 8 weeks. patient the “optimum” solution. This means that the pro-
4) Good functional result.
cedure at the correct stage to reconstruct the soft tissues is
guided by the size and nature of the defect, the local situa-
tion, the patient‘s overall condition, and also the medical
and social profile of the patient. The wound should receive
its definitive treatment as soon as possible. In the case of
complex defects, where immediate reconstruction is not
3 4
possible, an interim soft tissue cover is required.

Acute wounds [86.87]

Thermal injuries/burns
Depending on the intensity and type of the thermal medi- During emergency treatment, cooling of burn wounds as
um acting on the skin, a burn wound of varying severity is soon as possible with tap water for approximately 30 min-
produced. Its appearance ranges from superficial erythema utes is a priority measure. However, care should be taken
to total skin necrosis. Extensive severe burns are among the with babies and young children to avoid hypothermia.
worst injuries which a human being can sustain. Cooling can lessen pain and reduce or avoid “afterburning”,
which is caused by energy storage for almost an hour in
At the accident site a decision is made, based on findings, the well heat-insulated skin. This heat, together with con-
as to whether treatment should be undertaken on an out- tinuing intravascular coagulation in the injured skin, lead
patient or an inpatient basis. For superficial first-degree to further tissue damage, so that a primarily superficial
burns and second-degree burns of type a, covering less burn can turn into a deep burn.
than 10 % of the body surface area or third-degree burns
over less than 0.5 % of the body surface area and located In the case of a first-degree burn, which is characterised as
on the trunk, upper arm or thigh, outpatient treatment is damage to the uppermost epidermal layer and manifests
recommended. For deep second-degree of type b or third- itself as erythema, healing takes place spontaneously in a
degree burns, covering more than 10 % of the body surface few days without scar formation.
area, the patient is admitted to the nearest hospital regard-
less of the location of the burns. A decision must then be A second-degree burn of type a, involves the entire epi-
made whether transfer of the patient to a centre for burned dermis and is extremely painful. Vesiculation, caused by
persons is necessary. plasma escaping from the injured capillaries, occurs after
a delay of between 12 and 24 hours after burns. Since
in the papillary cones and in the intact skin appendages,
enough vital cells are still present for rapid re-epithelisa-
tion, spontaneous healing without scar formation generally
occurs within about 14 days. Of great importance is sterile
The severity of burns is classified treatment of the wound by disinfection and covering with
into three degrees for prognosis Epidermis
suitable wound dressings (e.g. ointment dressings, such
and treatment, with second degree
further subdivided into grades IIa as Atrauman, or cooling hydrogel dressings, such as
and IIb. The classification refers to Dermis/ Hydrosorb). Large area injuries of this degree of severity,
the depth of the injury, i.e. which corium e.g. scalding in children, can induce a shock reaction.
parts of the skin are burnt.


Muscles, tendons
and fascia

grade I grade IIa grade IIb grade III Burn grade

Acute wounds [88.89]

In second-degree burns of type b, the epidermis, almost Degree III:
the entire depth of the dermis and, to a large extent, the Necrosis of epidermis, dermis and
parts of the subcutaneous tissue
skin appendages are destroyed. In such cases, spontaneous (left); the skin is brownish, black,
healing takes several weeks and frequently leaves a hyper- leathery and insensitive to pain,
trophic scar. Often, despite all efforts, the injury deepens to hairs and nails fall out. Circum-
become a third-degree wound. In general, second-degree, ferential burns on the trunk with
relieving incisions to facilitate
type b wounds resemble third-degree burns in their clinical breathing (right).
appearance, so that treatment by necrosis removal and
Grade IIb: Deep dermal burn of the subsequent covering of the defect (with the patient‘s own
epidermis and almost the entire skin or a skin replacement) is also similar to that for third- With the so-called granulation method, in a phased process
dermis with the skin appendages.
The wound base is red or whitish degree wounds. (about every 3 or 4 days), the eschar is thinned on the
at the more deeply burned skin surface with a knife or removed with hard brushes. Between
areas. There is always an acute In third-degree burns, the epidermis, dermis – and often debridements, the burn wounds are protected against
risk of increasing the thickness to partially the subcutis also – are irreversibly destroyed (full infection usually by antimicrobial (ointment) dressings. Treatment of burn wounds
that of a third degree burn. ▪ Degree I
thickness burn). Spontaneous healing with very slight This “closed treatment” also prevents drying out of the
Spontaneous healing in a
extension of the wound edges is possible only with scar wound surfaces, so that the danger of secondary necrosis few days
tissue. Otherwise, the coagulation necrosis of the skin is reduced. ▪ Degree IIa
causes massive contractions. The patient does not feel any Spontaneous healing within
more pain and the nails and hair fall out. Treatment of such In the case of third-degree circumferential burns on the about 14 days
▪ Degree IIb
burn wounds is purely surgical. neck, trunk and extremities, relieving incisions (escharo- Partly conservative, partly
tomy) in the eschar are necessary. Otherwise, the conta- surgical depending on clinical
On principle there is a high infection and sepsis risk with minated, necrotic skin coupled with the excessive oedema appearance
all open burn wounds. Wound infections represent the formation lead, during the course of the burn disease, to ▪ Degree III
Surgical with necrosectomy and
commonest cause of death in burned persons. A badly suffocation symptoms and to disturbed blood circulation skin grafting
burned person is exposed to additional risk of burn shock and compression of the neurovascular bundles.
and consequent sickness. Careful observation of the clinical
appearance, informed decisions on individual treatment A further technique for removing necrotic skin tissue is
steps and adequate intensive care are therefore of decisive tangential excision. This comprises area removal of destroy-
importance to the survival of the patient. ed skin with a dermatome, layer by layer until a bleeding,
vital wound surface is reached, onto which the split-skin
Wound conditioning of deep burns graft can grow. A disadvantage of this method is the poorly
The aim is the creation of a vital wound base into which controlled capillary bleeding and the difficulty of finding
a variety of skin transplants or skin replacement materials exactly the right excision depth at the transition to the
can become incorporated for definitive or temporary wound healthy tissue. Following the excision, wound closing is
closure. A variety of techniques are available for removing immediately carried out with patient‘s own skin transplan-
necroses, depending on the depth and extent of the burn. tation.

Acute wounds [90.91]

Using the technique of total or deep epifascial excision, A further option for temporary coverage is xenotransplan-
however, the destroyed skin is radically removed down to tation with porcine skin. While the allografts heal for about
the healthy muscle fascia. Bleeding can be controlled better 14 days, the xenografts have to be removed after 3 – 4 days.
than in the case of tangential excision and healing of the The xenografts have the basic effect as human skin replace-
grafts is generally good, since a healthy wound base is ment even if not to the same extent. Not least for cost
reliably produced by the deep excision. The cosmetic result reasons, synthetic wound dressings such as Syspur-derm
cannot be regarded as optimum, however. This method is are often used for temporary cover. The use of allo- or
indicated, above all, for life-threatening third-degree burns xenografts is primarily limited to cases of critical burns.
Deep epifascial excision with whereby survival is a higher consideration than function
radical removal of destroyed and aesthetic result. Methods of autografting
skin and fatty tissue down to
the fascia. Split skin is taken initially for autografting using a special
Less well-known is necrosectomy with 40 % benzoic acid knife or dermatome. If there are enough donor areas, it can
in white vaseline (salicylic acid was used in the past) for be left in this form for grafting. Usually, however, because
bloodless removal of necrosis, e.g. in elderly patients, in the of a lack of donor sites, the skin has to be processed into a
case of burns on the dorsum of the hand and wherever sub- mesh graft with a mesh dermatome. For both aesthetic
cutaneous structures are directly beneath the skin surface. and functional reasons, use of mesh transplants is contra-
indicated on the face, neck and hands.
Temporary coverage of burns
After removal of necrotic skin tissue by the various excision The mesh transplant is laid on the well-prepared wound,
methods, the wound surface is usually immediately trans- fixed with sutures and staples and covered by a slightly
planted. In cases where the wound cannot be grafted or compressing, non-adhering and absorbent dressing.
there are not enough donor sites because of the extent of Depending on the secretion, the dressing is changed at
the burns, the wound still has to be covered temporarily. intervals of a few days, about every 2 – 5 days.
Biological wound covering materials are used, the most suit-
able of which is an allograft of human skin. This is either
fresh skin or preserved cadaver skin. Apart from its massive
stimulatory effect on wound healing, allografts stem the
loss of secretions and protein, reduce pain and contribute
markedly to microbial reduction.
Autografting split skin graft: remov-
al of donor skin (left); coverage of
well-prepared wound surface with
the mesh graft and fixation with
staples (right).

Acute wounds [92.93]

With critical burns affecting 80 % of body surface, the Moist wound treatment is of
crucial importance for a cosmetic
lack of donor sites is dramatic. A solution for this situation
result of wound healing of epithe-
could be the method of culturing keratinocytes in vitro, by lial wounds:
means of which up to 1 – 2 m2 of autologous epithelium 1) Primary aseptic wound after re-
can be grown from 2 – 4 cm2 of the burn patient‘s skin. moval of split skin from the thigh.
2) Application of Hydrosorb plus*
To do this, the keratinocytes are isolated from the piece of
on the split skin donor site.
the patient‘s skin using certain processes and brought to 1 2 3) Re-epithelialisation is complete
division in a nutrient medium until a layer of cells capable on the 5th day.
of being grafted has formed. 4) Condition 5 months after the
start of treatment, the donor area
has regenerated almost completely.
Incisions/surgical wounds *Hydrosorb plus is also available
Surgical wounds usually involve negligible tissue loss and as Hydrosorb comfort with a trans-
are predestined for rapid healing by primary intention, if parent continuous adhesive edge.
there are no wound infections or other disorders of wound
healing. According to the circumstances of operation,
3 4
wound drains are inserted to remove serous secretions and
blood in order to avoid seromas and haematomas.
Abrasions are cleaned mechanically, and haemostasis of
Incisions closed with sutures are The surgical wound is covered with an absorbent and the exsudate with warm moist compresses may be required.
predestined to heal rapidly by air-permeable dressing pad which has the function of ab- A dressing is then applied which protects against infection
primary intention provided there
are no wound infections or other sorbing any secondary bleeding and protecting the wound but, if selected correctly, can also promote the process
disorder of wound healing. against secondary infection and mechanical irritation. of epithelialisation. The dressing has to keep the wound
moist and supple and must not dry out or adhere. Drying
Epithelial wounds results in formation of a scab which delays healing. If the
Epithelial wounds or superficial wounds affect only the dressing adheres, newly formed epithelial cells are removed
avascular epidermis. They re-epithelialise spontaneously when the dressing is changed and the change of dressing
and heal without scarring because replacement tissue does is painful. Suitable dressings for treating epithelial wounds
not have to be produced. However, because the fine capil- are ointment dressings such as Atrauman, absorbent dress-
laries lying directly under the germinal layer are also open- ings with a non adhering gel coating such as Comprigel or
ed, superficial wounds can bleed and secrete a great deal hydrocolloid and hydrogel dressings such as Hydrocoll and
and therefore tend to adhere to the dressing. The wounds Hydrosorb.
Epithelial wounds affecting only are also often quite painful because many nerve endings
the avascular epidermis heal with- are exposed. Epithelial wounds are produced by accidental Split skin and Reverdin donor sites are like skin abrasion
out scarring.
skin abrasions or by split skin removal. wounds and are treated accordingly. Removal is followed
by haemostasis and the wound surface is dressed with a
moist dressing in the operating theatre.

Acute wounds [94.95]

Principles of treatment of chronic wounds By definition, a wound healing secondarily which shows no
tendency to heal after 8 weeks, despite correct local and
causal treatment, is designated as chronic. Chronic wounds
The treatment of chronic wounds of varying genesis places can develop at any time from an acute wound, because of
an undetected persisting infection or inadequate primary
the greatest demands on therapeutic management. After
management. In the majority of cases, however, chronic
all, by no means all the processes that can adequately wounds represent the final stage of progressive tissue
explain faulty cell mechanisms are known. It is, however, destruction, produced by venous, arterial or metabolic
increasingly possible, based on the actual knowledge vascular disorders, pressure injuries, radiation damage or
about physiological wound healing mechanisms to inter- tumours.
vene actively and correctively even in disrupted healing
As might be expected from the causes, it is mainly elderly
processes. people who are affected by chronic wounds and the altera-
tion in the age structure of the population with an increas-
ed proportion of elderly persons will lead to a further
marked increase in chronic wounds. In order to meet this Examples of chronic wounds:
requirement, it is urgently necessary, on the one hand, to mixed ulcer due to chronic venous
insufficiency and peripheral ar-
enhance the prophylactic efforts and, on the other hand, terial occlusive disease (above),
to introduce a scientifically based and effective wound venous ulcer as a result of post-
management with corresponding quality controls. thrombotic syndrome (below).

General principles of therapy

Although the appearance of chronic ulcers is very hetero-
geneous, the pathophysiological mechanisms leading to
chronicity are very similar. All underlying vessel damage,
even if of different origin, results ultimately in disorders of
nutrition of the skin tissue, with increasing hypoxia and
ischaemia which then results in cell death (necrosis).

This situation is the worst conceivable starting point for

wound healing which, as with acute wounds, takes place in
the three known phases of cleansing, granulation formation
and epithelisation.

Chronic wounds [96.97]

The repair work of the cells has to be started in a skin area tissue destruction. In practice, this means treatment of
which is extremely metabolically damaged, so that from the the cause, i.e. the causes of the ulcer must be diagnosed
start it cannot be guaranteed that the “right cells do the exactly and treated adequately.
right thing at the right time”. However, regular wound heal- ▪ By thorough cleansing of the wound bed, the chronic
ing is only possible if the involved cells appear in proper wound should be converted into the condition of an
chronological order. acute wound. This gives an opportunity of starting the
processes required for healing in the physiologically
During chronic wound healing, the continuing tissue dam- correct cellular and temporal sequence which can then
age maintains the influx into the wound area of inflammato- take place in an orderly fashion.
ry cells such as neutrophilic granulocytes and macrophages.
These in turn secrete inflammation-promoting cytokines The possibilities for causal therapy such as vein surgery,
which synergistically increase the production of certain compression therapy, recanalisation of lumen narrowing by
proteases (matrix-metalloproteases, MMP), while the rate dilation techniques, optimal diabetic control and relief of
of synthesis of the MMP inhibitor (tissue inhibitor of me- pressure will be listed when describing the most important
talloprotease, TIMP) is reduced. Because of the increased types of ulcers.
Examples of chronic wounds: activity of the MMPs, extracellular matrix is broken down,
trophic ulcer in diabetes mellitus and cell migration and laying down of connective tissue are Local therapeutic methods
(above), decubitus ulcer due to
effect of pressure (below). disturbed.
Wound cleansing
Moreover, growth factors including their receptors are The treatment of choice to clean the wound bed is surgical
degraded on the target cells, so that the wound healing or sharp debridement. It means excising of necrotic tissue
cascade cannot be continued because the mediators for exactly at the border with healthy tissue using a surgical
the corresponding stimulation are missing. The inflamma- instrument such as a scalpel, scissors, sharp curette or
tion persists. At the same time, toxic breakdown products laser. This method is classified as selective, since healthy
from the tissue and also bacteria infiltrate the surrounding tissue is not damaged when it is carried out properly, or –
wound area, causing further tissue destruction and sustain- if required for prophylactic reasons – is excised only in
ing the chronicity of the wound. minimal quantities.

According to this hypothesis, the wound healing cascade The advantages of surgical debridement lie, among other
can only be restored when the vicious circle of persisting things, in its life-saving speed when combating severe
inflammation with its increased protease activity is interrupt- infections. It also saves time during wound treatment.
ed. Two interdependent conditions appear to be essential Through surgical debridement, all the factors that hinder
for this: local wound healing, such as necroses, coatings, foreign
▪ The blood supply and microcirculation in the affected bodies, germs, etc., are thoroughly cleared from the wound.
area of skin must be normalised, in order to put an end It is particularly indicated in ulcers with thick, adherent,
to the defective nutritional situation which has led to the necrotic deposits and is necessary when there is advanced
cellulitis or sepsis.

Chronic wounds [98.99]

Surgical debridement is a task for the doctor in both the History and baseline diagnosis Algorithm of treatment
inpatient and outpatient setting. Depending on the wound of chronic wounds
for exact clarification of the cause of ulcer including differential
situation, a decision should be made on an individual basis diagnostic measures
as to whether the necrosis should be removed in a single
procedure by operation under general anaesthetic or if a Causal therapy
removal step by step in several treatment sections should
to restore or compensate the circulatory situation as much
take place. In the case of clinically apparent infection, a as possible in the diseased area of skin
single-stage procedure is advisable, in order to remove the
Measures according to the causes, e.g.
nutrient medium as quickly as possible from the infection.  vein surgery
 compression therapy
Should surgical debridement not be possible due to specific  angiosurgical dilation techniques
 optimum diabetic control
situations (patient refusal, multimorbidity and poor general
 relief of pressure
condition, Marcumar or heparin treatment, fever, metabolic
disturbances, etc.), moist wound treatment in order to Wound diagnoses/assessment
soften necroses and, if necessary, enzymatic debridement
with proteolytically active substances offer an alternative.
Wound bed treatment/cleansing
Both methods may be indicated in addition to the surgical
debridement to loosen thin superficial layers of necrosis, if possible by surgical debridement, otherwise wound
which are impossible or difficult to remove by mechanical cleansing by means of moist wound treatment,
possibly enzymatic also
Wound conditioning/promotion of
Sharp debridement is best per- A range of hydroactive wound dressings are available for granulation
formed in the operating theatre, wound cleansing using moist wound treatment, which are
especially when extensive debri- with the use of moist wound treatment
dement is required or it is not yet
effective and can be used without problems. They absorb
clear how deeply it must extend. bacteria-laden exudate, by providing moisture they pro-
Wound closure
mote the loosening of coatings and overall they create a
physiological cell-preserving microclimate that effectively  by contraction and spontaneous epithelialisation
promotes the body‘s own autolytic cleansing mechanism.  closure by split skin grafting
 by plastic surgical procedures (myocutaneous flap)

Chronic wounds [100.101]

Moist wound treatment is also regarded as selective, since It should be pointed out explicitly that disorders can arise
only devitalised tissue is softened and cleared. Healthy because of the cytotoxicity and other side effects of sub-
tissue is not traumatised. The method is safe, free from stances used for wound treatment. Antiseptics, antibiotic-
side-effects, and simple to carry out in all the treatment containing ointments, dyes, stain solutions, metal-contain-
domains, for example also during wound treatment at ing pastes, etc., all have a more or less marked potential
home. It must always be considered, however, that this for wound-healing impairment. When such substances are
type of wound cleansing requires more time than surgical used for short periods, it may be assumed that local damage
debridement. The mode of action of the individual wound is slight, whereas with long-term use on chronic skin ulcers,
dressings is described in detail in the section headed “The the situation is different. Healing may be significantly de-
wound dressing”. layed or impaired by their undesirable effects, quite apart
from the fact that the various substances may be trigger of
In the case of very difficult infectious wounds, additional contact allergies and the development of resistance.
continuous irrigation with Ringer‘s solution through an in
situ catheter has a good cleansing effect. If necessary, Wound conditioning (wound bed preparation)
irrigation just at every change of dressing can be sufficient. If direct surgical closure of the defect, e.g. by various flap
procedures is not possible following surgical debridement,
With the initial debridement, however, the process of cleans- the wound has to be conditioned. That means all treatment
ing and treating the wound bed in the case of chronic measures which are suited to promote granulation tissue
wounds is usually not complete, as the improvement in the until the defect has filled up almost to the level of the skin.
Necroses removal and refreshing nutritional state of the tissue cannot be improved promptly. In the case of successful conditioning there is a fresh and
of the wound edge with a scalpel Depending on the development of further necrosis or clean granulating surface which represents the basic pre-
in the case of a decubitus
the formation of fibrin deposits, fine debridement, careful condition for subsequent spontaneous epithelialisation or
freshening of the wound edges or removal of the fibrin coverage by a skin graft. Conditioning of the wound takes
deposits may become necessary just as bacterially conta- place by means of a moist dressing
treatment. The examples show
minated and excessive exudate still has to be removed from The most important measure for promoting granulation conditioning with the calcium
the wound. Correctly performed moist wound treatment is growth is keeping the wound bed permanently moist by alginate compress Sorbalgon,
once again an adequate means for this. treating it with hydroactive wound dressings. This prevents which is packed in dry and then
the cells from dying by drying out and creates a micro- changes into a moist gel when
it absorbs secretions.
An attempt is often made precisely in the treatment of climate in which the necessary proliferative cell activities
chronic wounds to curtail the cleansing and healing process can take place.
by scientifically unproven use of a wide variety of measures.

Chronic wounds [102.103]

Wound closure The venous leg ulcer
Epithelialisation concludes wound healing. However, Vein abnormalities and vein disorders are among the com-
chronic ulcers usually epithelialise poorly. As Seiler et al. monest disorders of health and well-being and about 70 %
demonstrated in 1989 for decubitus ulcers, epithelial cells of leg ulcers are caused due to vein disorders. Many ulcer
at the immediate edge of the ulcer demonstrate a greatly patients have suffered for decades because of inadequate 1

limited migration. The rate of outgrowth was only 2 – 7 %, and frustrating attempts at therapy.
while the rate of outgrowth of healthy skin in controls was
about 80 %. The venous leg ulcer reflects the worst metabolic disturb-
ance of the skin and subcutaneous tissue due to chronic
The current standard in the treatment of the epithelialising venous insufficiency. If the venous return of blood to the 3
wound surface is a moist and atraumatic wound therapy. heart is disturbed (venous insufficiency), less blood is trans-
Every drying and every injury of epithelial cells during ported out of the involved venous segments and the venous
dressing changes result in the destruction of cells and thus pressure does not fall sufficiently (venous hypertension).
a further reduction of this already scanty cell population, This overstretching of the veins acts as a backward decom- Post-thrombotic vascular and flow
pensation back to the capillaries of the final circulation. situation: the deep vein is scarred
delaying the wound healing.
and recanalised after the throm-
The low pressure values required for a regular metabolism bosis (1). Blow out by dilated
If the tendency to spontaneous epithelialisation is poor, can not raise, and the circulation in the vessels is slowed or communicating veins (2), resulting
especially with large wound surfaces, wound closure with even at a standstill. Metabolism, particularly in the skin and in development of secondary
subcutaneous tissue, is impaired. In the long term, the lym- varicosities (3).
a split skin graft or Reverdin graft should be considered.
Another possibility is grafting of autologous keratinocytes phatic system is also affected by this, since it is only able
cultured in vitro. However, a prerequisite for all procedures to compensate in the early stages of an impaired drainage
is an adequately conditioned, well-perfused and infection- situation for fluid build-up in the intercellular spaces (inter-
free wound base. To prepare the base for grafting or when stitial fluid) by increased lymph flow.
there is no tendency to heal despite correct therapy, local
application of growth factors can sometimes be worth- The earliest identifiable result of the disturbance in venous
Transplantation of autologous while. return is oedema, which in turn results in further rises in
keratinocytes cultured in a suitable pressure and deposition of fluid, thus increasing the meta-
nutrient solution seems to have a
variety of stimulating effects in the bolic disturbances. Perivascular fibrosis and degenerative
treatment of chronic wounds. and inflammatory processes occur with trophic skin chan-
ges. Through further obliterative inflammatory processes in
the venules and arterioles, a leg ulcer finally develops first
in areas with poor venous haemodynamics (ankle area), as
the now visible sign of decompensated venous hyperten- Lymphatic ankle oedema
sion an the metabolic disorder.

Chronic wounds [104.105]

The severity, site and duration of the disorder in venous CVI can result both from primary varicose veins when the
return and the degree and duration of the load on the leg dilated lumen and valve insufficiency of the superficial leg
vein system determine the various clinical symptoms which veins extend to the perforating veins and subfascial veins,
gradually and continually increase. They are summarised and can also be the sequela of a postthrombotic syndrome
under the concept of chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) and with decompensated subfascial veins. It also represents
usually classified into three degrees of severity: the sequela of a postthrombotic syndrome (PTS), which
▪ CVI grade I is characterised by venous flare around the usually occurs as a secondary consequence of a deep leg
ankles and above the arch of the foot. There is also ankle vein thrombosis. PTS is the commonest cause of a leg ulcer
oedema. (ulcus cruris postthromboticum), whereby the anatomical
▪ Grade II is expressed by hyper- and depigmentation of location of the flow impediment is a decisive factor for the
the skin, oedema of the lower leg and dermatoliposcle- clinical prognosis. In the case of primary varicose veins
rosis extending to white atrophy (also called capillaritis when the valve apparatus of the perforating veins is still
alba). functioning, ulcerations can nearly always be attributed to
▪ Grade III is manifested as a florid or healed venous leg injuries, blunt trauma or rupture of a varix. Its prognosis is
ulcer. It occurs mainly in the area of the ankle but can accordingly more favourable.
also occur at other sites on the lower leg.
Diagnosis of a venous leg ulcer (ulcus cruris venosum)
includes reliable anamnesis, clinical and laboratory exami-
nation with recording of the venous and arterial status as
well as differential diagnostic measures to exclude factors
1) Marked dermatoliposclerosis in of non-venous origin.
CVI grade II, which can be attribut-
ed to increasing fibrosis of the skin
and subcutaneous tissue. Ulcus cruris venosum (venous leg ulcer) is a chronic wound
2) White atrophy with white which heals poorly or not at all and which, because of its
atrophic skin changes. cause, cannot be induced to heal by local treatment alone.
3) Florid venous leg ulcer in The venous hypertension causing the ulcer must effectively
grade III.
4) “Gaiter ulcer” involving the be rectified in order to improve the nutritional situation in
entire lower leg. 1 2 the damaged skin area. An ulceration can only heal when
the oedema has ceased and the venous outflow in the leg
has again reached a compensated condition (Hach).

These therapeutic aims may be essentially achieved by

compression treatment and possibly by invasive treatment
methods. In modern phlebology, sclerosing therapy and
operation offer mutually complementary invasive methods.

3 4

Chronic wounds [106.107]

Which method is used depends finally on the anatomical Diagnosis Treatment algorithm in
location of the disorder in venous return and the extent of venous leg ulcer
 clinical examination
chronic venous incompetence.  diagnostic investigations
 differential diagnosis (arterial ulcers, venousarterial mixed
Local ulcer therapy is based on proper wound treatment ulcers, diabetic ulcers, exogenous infectious ulcers, ulcers
which is appropriately geared to the individual healing due to blood disorders, neoplastic ulcers)
phases. During treatment, wherever possible, all factors
that have a generally impairing effect on wound healing, Treatment

such as infections, the influence of concomitant diseases, Compression therapy

the side-effects of other treatments and negative psycho-
 prolonged bandaging with zinc adhesive dressings
social factors, must be removed.
 changes of dressing with elastic bandages
 general: the patient should move as much as
Proper wound treatment includes, phase-adapted, thorough possible with the bandage
cleansing and conditioning of the wound and promotion
of epithelisation. If the patient‘s medical condition allows, Invasive therapy
the most complete possible removal of necrotic tissue and  to compensate the CVI: sclerosing therapy,
A range of hydroactive wound inadequately perfused tissue by means of surgical debride- phlebosurgery
dressings are available for trouble- ment should be attempted. If surgical debridement is not  to treat the ulcer: possibly paratibial fasciotomy or
free moist wound treatment. endoscopic ligation of perforating veins
The example shows treatment of practicable, cleansing should be carried out with moist
an extensive venous ulcer with wound treatment, which is continued in order to condition
Local ulcer therapy
TenderWet, which brings about the wound bed until complete epithelisation has been
rapid cleansing of wounds with its achieved. Continuous compression treatment to improve  surgical debridement
“absorbing and rinsing” effect.  physical cleansing by moist dressing treatment
the haemodynamic situation is also important.
 continuation of the moist dressing treatment during
the production of granulation tissue until spon-
Uncertainties in the treatment often arise with regard to taneous epithelialisation or skin grafting
prevention and treatment of infection. Bacterial colonisa-
tion of the ulcer may usually be assum, though the conta- Aftercare
mination leads – particularly in the case of purely venous
 compression stocking to preserve the result of therapy
ulcers – rarely to a clinically manifest infection. The gener-  avoidance of risk factors with as much movement as possible
ally observed low infection susceptibility of older chronic and elevation of the legs, weight reduction if indicated
wounds also appears to apply to venous leg ulcer (ulcus  possibly drug support by anti-oedema medications
cruris venosum). Prophylactic disinfection of the ulcer or
topically used antibiotic therapy may therefore generally
be considered as not useful, especially with regard to the
potential for inhibiting wound healing of many of these
substances as well as the high risk of sensitisation. In the
case of severe infections and markedly increased C-RP

Chronic wounds [108.109]

(C-reactive protein; indicator of inflammation) and with Atherosclerotic plaques (grey
problem ulcers, on the other hand, systemic antibiotic deposits) in an arterial wall

therapy can be necessary.

With treatment-resistant ulceration, a vascular reconstruc-

tion may be required. Procedures with good success rates
have proved to be the paratibial fasciotomy and the endo-
scopic ligation of perforating veins, in particular.

The arterial leg ulcer

The cause of the arterial leg ulcer is predominantly arteri-
osclerosis obliterans of the large and medium vessels with
resulting tissue ischaemia. Sketched in outline, it originates complete closure of the affected vessel, while the extent of
from a lesion of the intima of the vessel wall, which pro- the resulting underperfusion depends on the degree of
duces platelet aggregation at the damaged site in reaction stenosis and on the available collateral circulation.
and in turn results in increased proliferation and migration
of smooth muscle cells from the media into the intima of Circulatory disorders of the legs can result both from oblit-
the vessel wall. The muscle cells produce large quantities erative processes of the aorta itself and also of the periph-
of fibre proteins (collagen and elastin) and proteoglycans eral arteries. Depending on the site of the obstruction, the
(important constituents of the extracellular matrix), which site of obliteration is classified according to Ratshow, as
change into the so-called atherosclerotic plaques by accu- aortic bifurcation type, pelvic type, femoral type and periph-
mulation of lipids. These plaques then lead to stenosis or eral leg type with combinations of these being possible.

Typical of arteriosclerosis is the Arteriosclerosis as such is not purely a disease of old age.
formation of plaques at particular While there is a rapid increase in severity between the ages
foci. These arise after damage to
of 45 and 60, there is a significant range of contributory
the vessel inner wall when blood
fat and calcium compounds which risk factors implicated in the occurrence of the illness. Apart
are transported in the blood- from constitutional disposition, hypertension, diabetes
stream, become deposited at the mellitus, hypothyroidism, nephrosis, abnormalities of lipid
site of damage.
metabolism, thrombophilia, respiratory insufficiency, a
faulty life style with a diet high in fats and calories, over-
weight, stress and above all smoking are important risk

Chronic wounds [110.111]

Examples of arterial ulcers: Necrosis due to severe circulatory disorders are situated
1) Toe necrosis mostly on the lateral foot edge, the heel, in the interdigital
2) Necrosis on the lateral border of
the foot and region of calcaneus space and on the extensor sides of the lower leg. In the
and Achilles tendon differential diagnosis of the venous ulcer, there is pain in
3) Complete gangrene of the the area of the ulcer. In diabetics, the ulcer is also distin-
lower leg guished as an angiopathic or a neuropathic form (see from
4) Mixed leg ulcer of the lower leg
1 2 page 117). The degree of wound severity can be divided
into six grades according to the classification formulated by
Knighton for chronic wounds into stage I to VI.

In the initial stages, prompt recognition facilitates therapy

and improves the prognosis, while a detailed history should
pay attention to the typical features of claudication pain.
The clinical staging of occlusive arterial disease is modified
3 4
after Fontaine:
▪ Stage I: asymptomatic, possibly slight fatigability
Men suffer from obliterative arteriosclerosis about 5 times ▪ Stage IIa: onset of pain after walking 200 m
more often than women, though the sex differences level ▪ Stage IIb: walking distance less than 200 m
off in older age groups. ▪ Stage III: rest pain
▪ Stage IV: continuous pain, necrosis, ulcer, gangrene.
Furthermore, it is of importance for the occurrence of the
illness that a conjunction of several risk factors causes the After making the diagnosis and localising the site of oblit-
risk of the disease to rise nearly exponentially when a single eration, a plan of treatment must be drawn up, taking into
risk factor such as diabetes mellitus can multiply the prob- account the various pathogenetic factors where possible.
ability of developing arterial obstruction of the lower limbs. It contains:
It is thus a very complex disorder that demands treatment ▪ elimination of risk factors
of all the factors which have a negative influence. ▪ treatment of concomitant illnesses (e.g. achieving normal
blood sugar levels in diabetes mellitus)
Sites of predilection for arteriosclerotic ulcers on the foot ▪ measures to restore or improve the circulation by vascular
are the distal phalanges of the toes and nails, the nail bed surgery, angiology and interventional radiology
and the heads of the 1st and 2nd metatarsals. They often ▪ local wound treatment
arise due to pressure of the shoe on bony prominences and
are apparent as haemorrhages which appear dark blue to
black. Another frequent cause of ulcers are lesions from
incorrect pedicure or trivial injuries of the toes.

Chronic wounds [112.113]

In the hierarchy of treatment measures, reconstructive arte- Diagnosis Treatment algorithm in
rial procedures and angioplasty are the most important arterial leg ulcer
 determine severity of peripheral arterial disease and site of
methods of treating the primary cause of the arterial leg ul- obstruction
cer. The choice of the surgical procedure should be guided  evaluation of concomitant illnesses/risk factors (hypertension,
by the location and extent of the arterial occlusion as well diabetes mellitus, abnormalities of lipid metabolism, smoking,
as by the general condition of the patient. Apart from revas- overweight etc.)
cularisation, drugs may be considered to improve perfusion,
which can influence in particular the hyperproliferative cell
processes and the flow characteristics of the blood, e.g. Causal therapy
prostaglandin E1.
 removal of risk factors (avoid smoking, alcohol
During local wound treatment, the basic risk must be borne  treatment of concomitant illnesses (reduce high
in mind that the tiniest injuries in a patient with occlusive blood pressure, obtain normal blood sugar etc.)
disease, ignored or trivialised at first, can extend rapidly  measure to restore or improve the circulation
(angioplasty/vascularsurgery; medical procedures,
within a few days.
leg lowering, vessel training)

A further central problem is the high risk of infection of Local ulcer treatment
arterial ulcers. Accordingly, surgical debridement serves for
rapid treatment of infection. Necrotic areas must be remov-  surgical debridement
 treatment of infection (systemic antibiotic therapy)
ed, loculations opened up widely, sloughy deposits remov-  moist dressing treatment for further wound
ed and infected areas excised. Free flow of secretions is cleansing, conditioning and epithelialisation
ensured by drainage (osteomyelitis suction/irrigation drain).  if amputation is indicated:
– heal infection as much as possible
– convert wet to dry gangrene
Examples of treatment:
– attempt maximum possible revascularisation
1) Occlusive arterial disease of
femoral-lower leg type stage IV,
condition after surgical debride- Aftercare
ment, posterior tibial saphenous
 train patients, reinforce their own responsibility
vein bypass.
 orthopaedic shoes with appropriate distribution of pressure
2) Diabetic gangrene with occlu-
 inspect feet daily for changes (callosities, fissures, fungal
sive arterial disease of femoral- 1 2 infections of the nails)
lower leg type stage IV, condition
 do not use any cutting implements for foot care, foot baths
after incision and drainage.
at body heat only, do not go barefoot, use no outside heat
3) Dry gangrene in the area of the
sources to promote perfusion (hot water bottles, heated
4th and 5th rays, of the lateral
pads) but only body warmth (socks, fleece boots)
edge of the foot, in the calcaneus
and in the dorsal area of the foot.
4) 4 months later following remov-
al of necroses and amputation of
the 4th and 5th rays.
3 4

Chronic wounds [114.115]

After surgical debridement, wound cleaning and condition- Neuropathic foot Angiopathic-ischaemic foot
ing are continued using moist wound treatment. Antiseptic
Anamnesis Diabetes mellitus for many years, Diabetes mellitus for many years,
dressings may be indicated until the infection subsides.
possibly additional alcohol con- possibly lipid metabolism disrup-
sumption, further delayed damage tion, heart diseases, nicotine
If amputation is necessary, this should be performed if from diabetes abuse and arterial hypertension
possible after resolution of the concomitant infection, after Clinical presentation
conversion of a wet gangrene into a dry gangrene and
Skin colour/temperature rosy, warm pale to livid (position-dependent),
achievement of maximum revascularisation in the necrotic
border zone.
Sweating/secretion disturbed; dry, cracked skin atrophic skin, loss of skin
appendages (hair loss)
The diabetic ulcer
Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disruption of the carbohydrate Sensibility reduction or loss of perception of unaffected, sensation present
vibration, pain, pressure, tempera-
metabolism and has reached almost epidemic proportions
ture, touch; reflexes impaired
worldwide. In Germany currently, some 300,000 people
suffer from type I diabetes and about 4 or 5 million are Pain pain at rest or at night present, claudicatio intermittens;
pain symptoms
affected by type II diabetes. Since type II diabetes is partial-
ly age-dependent, increasing numbers of diabetics can Foot pulse palpable not palpable
be expected, purely due to changing age patterns. Hyperkeratosis frequently at sites exposed to relatively minor
Among the complications of diabetes, diabetic foot syn- Bone deformation frequently changed bone rarely
drome (DFS) takes a prominent position. According to epide- structure, early osteolysis
miological surveys, it may be assumed that approximately Predisposed sites of lesions foot sole, in particular in region of acral necroses
15 % of diabetes mellitus patients suffer from foot lesions metatarsophalangeal joints
of differing severity and characteristics during the course of
their disease, and these all too often end in amputation.

The basic precondition for the occurrence of diabetic foot Occurrence of a neuropathic lesion
lesions is the presence of diabetic (poly)neuropathy and/or Diabetic neuropathy, characterised as increasing sacchari-
peripheral arterial disturbed blood circulation. Although the fication of the nerve cells and progressive damage to the
statistical surveys differ somewhat, the following distribu- nervous tissue affects autonomous, sensory and motor
tion can be taken to apply: in about 45 % of cases, diabetic fibres equally. Clinically, these types of damage lead, alone
neuropathy is the cause, whilst in a further 45 %, the aetiol- or together, to the characteristic changes in the foot of a
ogy is a mixture of neuropathy and disturbed blood circula- diabetic person:
tion and, in 10 % of cases, isolated peripheral disturbed
blood circulation alone.

Chronic wounds [116.117]

▪ Damage to the autonomous fibres causes a reduction in The formation of a
“mal perforant”
sweat secretion with atrophic dry warm skin.
▪ Sensory function impairment brings about reduced pain
and temperature sensations or loss of pain sensations.
▪ Reduction in motor neural activity leads to atrophy of the
foot internal musculature with static changes and defec-
tive regulation of the foot motor function.
Excessive pressure and shear forces lead to hyperkeratosis and callus
due to changed static forces in the formation,...
This produces the conditions for development of a neuro- foot and changed motor function...
pathic ulcer, whereby callus formation on the foot sole is a
possible indicator of impending ulceration. The reason for
this is that enhanced cornified skin formation (hyperkera-
tosis) leading to formation of a callus results as a reaction
to the effect of increased pressure on the foot sole (with
the preferred localisation being the metatarsophalangeal
joints). The callus then conducts the pressure forces into
deeper tissue layers lying beneath the skin.
cracks, haemorrhage, haematoma and finally to an infected defect,
and bacteria colonisation,... known as a “mal perforant”
At the same time, due to increased pressure and shearing
forces, detachment of the cutis and subcutis occur in the
hyperkeratotically changed skin, with formation of fissures, Added to this is the difficulty that the processes of ulcer
haemorrhages and haematomas, which later become development are often barely noticed by the person affect-
colonised by bacteria. As a result, a central, infected tissue ed, since pain perception is impaired. This therefore often
defect, “mal perforant du pied” (Malum perforans pedis) brings about a risky temporal delay since, with the diabetic
develops. patient‘s generally weakened infection defence, the initially
localised infection can rapidly spread in depth and jeopard-
Ulcer formation can also be triggered by other traumas. ise the main anatomical structures (tendons, muscles) and
Among these is the unphysiological pressure loading due to bones (bacterial osteitis). Inflammation of the bones can
ill-fitting footwear, also pressure points due to in-growing even lead to the total collapse of the foot skeleton. The
toenails, minor injuries, such as, from cutting, sharp devices consequence is that Charcot‘s foot, or deep inflammation of
used for foot care or thermal trauma, e.g. from excessively the foot tissues (pedal phlegmon) arises, which endangers
hot footbaths. the blood circulation to the toes, so that finally, diabetic
gangrene threatens to develop.

Chronic wounds [118.119]

In order to plan treatment and The first signs of neuropathic disruptions in the legs are dry
assess the prognosis, a precise skin, burning and tingling sensations and pains at rest,
description and classification of
the various lesion types is indis-
particularly at night. However, there is hardly any pain
pensable. This also serves to en- sensation from injuries.
sure clear communication between
the different individuals involved Occurrence of an angiopathic-ischaemic lesion
Degree 0: no lesion, possibly Degree 1: superficial ulceration
in the necessarily multidisciplinary
treatment. A variety of classifica-
deformation of foot or cellulites Reduced blood circulation in the tissue due to micro- or
tions are available for describing macroangiopathy is a serious risk factor for the develop-
the lesions, of which the so-called ment of a diabetic foot ulceration and impairs the healing
Wagner classification is the most of existing ulcerations.
widespread classification of dia-
betic foot lesions throughout the
world. With its six stages (0 to 5), The macroangiopathy of the diabetic person, which has no
it has the advantage that is simple Degree 2: deep ulcer reaching to Degree 3: deep ulcer with abscess independent existence either from the histological or from
to use in clinical practice. joint capsule, tendons or bones formation, osteomyelitis and infec- the histochemical standpoint, can be characterised as an
tion of joint capsule advanced, particularly severe type of arteriosclerosis. This
sclerosing of the arteries ages an individual by 10 to 15
years relative to a person of healthy metabolism, with the
result that diabetic person suffer cardiac infarctions, strokes
and occlusions in the legs earlier and more often than per-
sons of healthy metabolism.
Degree 4: limited necrosis in Degree 5: necrosis of entire foot
forefoot or heel region
Microangiopathies are diseases of the terminal vessels and
Stages of a malum performans,
are grouped together as microcirculation disruptions. They
according to Arlt involve, in particular, vessel wall restructuring, blood flow
properties and conditions, and metabolic processes at the
interstitium and in the peripheral portions of the lymphatic
system. The aetiology is still unclear, although the meta-
bolic theory remains at the forefront of pathogenic observa-
Stage 1: necrosis of epidermis Stage 2: malum perforans extending
(pressure point) subcutaneously as far as the bones
or joints, but without lesions in these
The preferred sites for ischaemic diabetic ulcer are similar
to those for arterial ulcer: the end phalanges of the toes
and the nails, the nail beds and the heads of metatarsals
I and II. Necroses resulting from the most severe blood
circulation insufficiency are usually located on the lateral
Stage 3: malum perforans with Stage 4: infection no longer restrict-
foot edge, the heel, in the interdigital spaces, and on the
bone and/or joint involvement ed to a region spreading from a extensor sides of the lower leg. Not uncommonly, traumatic
malum perforans events, such as pressure points from shoes, improperly
Chronic wounds [120.121]
performed pedicures and other minor injuries of the toes Diagnosis Treatment algorithm for
also contribute to the development of ulcers. neuropathic ulcer
exact verification:
 of underlying cause (according to symptoms of neuropathy Treatment algorithm for angio-
Before ulcerations ever develop, inspection can reveal and angiopathy, mixed ulcer) pathic ulcer corresponds to that
trophically disturbed nails, mycoses, reddening, marbling  of the immediate trigger of the lesion (injury, infection, etc.) for Ulcus cruris arteriosum
and loss of hair, which illustrates how regular inspections  of the metabolic situation of the diabetes (arterial leg ulcer)
 of the inflammatory parameters
can contribute to prevention.
The principles of treatment
The aim of treatment for diabetic foot syndrome is primarily Causal treatment
a reduction in amputations, preserving function in the ex-  optimum adjustment of diabetes
tremities and maintaining the quality of life of the diabetic
patient. Treatment is an interdisciplinary task and success Local ulcer treatment
is only possible with broadly spread measures. The special-
 treatment of infection (systemic antibiotic therapy)
ists involved are internal medicine specialists, vascular
 absolute relief of pressure on ulcer until healed
surgeons, orthopaedic specialists, neurologists and derma- (walking aids, wheelchair, bed rest)
tologists.  adequate surgical debridement
 moist dressing treatment for further wound
cleansing, conditioning and epithelialisation
A basic measure in the treatment of all diabetic lesions
is optimal adjustment of the diabetes (normoglycaemia),
which is also the best treatment for the neuropathy. Further
conservative treatment is focused on improving the central  train patients, reinforce their own responsibility
haemodynamics (treatment of cardiac insufficiency or ven-  orthopaedic shoes with appropriate distribution of pressure
 inspect feet daily for changes (callosities, rhagades, fungal
tilation disruption, blood pressure regulation), the haemor- infections of the nails)
heology and vasodynamic (blood flow/conditions) as well  do not use any cutting implements for foot care, foot baths
as the anticoagulation. at body heat only, do not go barefoot

A primary and central problem in the treatment of diabetic

ulceration is the extraordinarily high risk of infection. Only
very few angiopathic lesions show no sign of surrounding
infection. Mixed forms of neuropathic and angiopathic foot
and purely neuropathic ulcers, however, can generally be
assumed to be infected. The opportunities for spreading of
an infection in the foot are particularly favourable, due to
the differentiated connective tissue apparatus, so that con-
sistent systemic antibiotic treatment is always worthwhile.

Chronic wounds [122.123]

The following therapeutic principles may be formulated for The methods for treating the wound ground, in principle,
the local treatment of the neuropathic ulcer: are surgical removal of necrosis, border zone amputation
▪ absolute removal of pressure on the lesion (walking aids, with extensive secondary wound healing as well as ampu-
wheelchair, bed rest) tations through the classical amputation lines with primary
▪ correct wound treatment with adequate debridement wound closure. Determination of the treatment measures in
and moist dressing treatment until there is complete each case requires clinical experience. The decision should
wound closure by strong epithelium be made after careful consideration and should not be
▪ treatment with suitable orthopaedic footwear hasty. The supreme goal of treatment is preservation of the
▪ specialised aftercare, training of the patient and preven- extremities.
tion of recurrence
If surgical removal of necrosis is sufficient, this should be
Despite all difficulties, a neuropathic lesion always implies regarded as the method of choice. Even if secondary heal-
a prospect of wound healing, so that, where possible, after ing can possibly take months, the result obtained in this
surgical debridement, a conservative procedure is primarily manner is still the best. With good prophylaxis against
indicated for conditioning of the wound area. The most infections, the patient can put pressure on the foot – in
frequent local surgical measure for correcting pressure contrast to the neuropathic foot – in the case that the
points that hinder wound healing is resection of the meta- wound is free of necrosis. The so-called vascular training
tarsal head. favours revascularisation and wound healing.

The angiopathic gangrene in the presence of arterial occlu- Border zone amputations are always required when bony
sive disease requires a different approach, which depends parts of the foot lie within the necrotic area. Yet the point
essentially on the vascular status and on the result of re- of time for amputation should only be determined if an
vascularisation. In contrast to the neuropathic foot lesion, extensive demarcation of the findings is clear. Demarcation
amputation are not easily avoided. denotes the clearly visible border between black (dead) and
healthy tissue. Operations in inflamed tissue often result in
secondary necrosis due to wound oedema when blood
circulation is reduced. When determing the amputation
line, the subsequent possibilities for prosthetic or special
shoe provision should be kept in mind.
Diabetic ulcers of neuropathic
genesis under conservative

Chronic wounds [124.125]

The Decubital ulcer Classification of decubital ulcer:
A decubitus is defined as damage to the skin as a result of Epidermis Stage I: Sharply defined reddening
of intact skin, which does not
continuous local pressure. Its occurrence can be sketched blanch on pressure. As a guide:
Stage I

out schematically as follows: when sitting or lying, the overheating of the skin, hardening
human body exerts pressure on its contact surface, which Dermis Stage II
or oedema.

in turn exerts a counterpressure on the skin area of contact. Stage II: Partial skin loss of the
epidermis up to the dermis. This is
The size of the counterpressure depends on the hardness a superficial ulcer which appears
of the contact surface, although normally it is above the clinically as an abrasion, blister or
physiological arterial capillary pressure of ca. 25 – 35 mm Hg. Subcutis
flat crater.
Stage III Stage III: Damage to all skin layers

(epidermis, dermis, subcutis) which
Pressure / In the short term, the skin itself can tolerate the applica- can extend to fascia, although
pressure rest time tion of relatively high pressures. However, if the pressure these are not yet involved. The
local blood circulation insufficiency
is maintained, due to compression of the capillaries con- Muscles, ulcer appears as a deep, open ulcer
veying the blood in the affected skin area, blood circulation Tendons, with or without undermining the
Bones surrounding tissue.
oxygen shortage / insufficiency and oxygen shortage (hypoxia) come about. Stage IV

Stage IV: Skin loss over the entire
build-up of toxic
The body reacts to this nascent damage in the form of a thickness of the skin with exten-
metabolic products
warning pressure pain. In a healthy person capable of sive tissue necroses and damage
increase of capillary permeability, movement, this is the trigger to relieve the compressed sustained, as a consequence of the further increased to muscles, tendons and bones.
vascular dilatation, cellular Even undermining and pocket for-
skin areas by a positional change. ischaemia and hypoxia, irreversible skin cell death with mations occur often. In stage III
infiltration, oedema formation
necroses and ulceration formation take place. and IV risk through septic com-
vesiculation If a person is not able to perceive this pressure pain due, plications!
for example, to complete immobility from unconsciousness The time for which the skin tissue can survive under (according to “National Pressure
total ischaemia, Ulcer Advisory Panel”, 1989)
or narcosis, or due to relative immobility as a consequence ischaemic application of pressure without damage is about
irreversible death
of skin cells of severe pain, fever, dementia, age-related weakness, etc., two hours. However, this tolerance range is subject to great
then the compression of the skin area is sustained. The variations from one patient to the next. It is influenced by
Ulcer / necrosis blood circulation insufficiency worsens and leads to a build- the severity of the applied pressure, and the general con-
up of toxic metabolic products in the tissues and increased dition of the skin. A young, elastic skin is more resistant
capillary permeability, vascular dilatation, cellular infiltra- to pressure than the thinner aged skin. Furthermore, any
tion and oedema. disease associated with acute or chronic hypoxic conditions
of the skin cells, or external damage to the skin is signifi-
Assuming the affected skin area is completely relieved of cant.
the pressure, the cells are still able to regenerate at this
time, since the inflammatory reactions favour the removal
of toxic metabolic products. However, if the pressure is

Chronic wounds [126.127]

Decubital ulcers can in principle develop in any sites of the Initial assessment of overall situation Treatment algorithm in
body. However, the greatest risk occurs when the pressure decubital ulcer
 localisation of ulcer, degree of severity,
on the body, and the counterpressure from the surface be- general condition of wound
low, act on a skin area lying over a bony prominence which  evaluation of patient status, compliance
is not cushioned by subcutaneous fat tissue. Therefore the
classical sites are: the sacral region, heels, ischia, greater Treatment
trochanters and lateral malleoli. About 95 % of all decubi-
Causal treatment
tal ulcers occur at these sites.
 complete pressure relief to restore blood supply
Apart from perpendicular application of pressure on a throughout the treatment period for the ulcer
until healed
skin area, a risk also exists from shearing forces. The term
shearing implies tangential displacement of the skin layers
Local ulcer treatment
over one another, by means of which blood vessels are also
narrowed and compressed. It is above all the region of the  adequate surgical debridement
buttocks that is subject to tangential shearing forces, for  treatment of infection if required
 moist dressing treatment for further wound
instance when the patient is pulled into a new position cleansing, conditioning and epithelialisation
instead of being lifted, or if he slips when sitting up in bed,  plastic surgical procedure if required
due to insufficient support for the feet.
Adjuvant treatments
The treatment of the decubitus is based on three therapeu-
 improve general condition
tic principles: The supreme requirement of every decubitus  improve nutritional status
treatment is restoration of the blood supply of the damaged  pain control
skin area by a complete relief of the pressure. Without  establish and, as far as possible, eliminate local
and general elements disrupting wound healing
relieving the pressure, healing is not possible and all other
measures may fail. Therefore the relief of pressure must
Ulcer healing?
be maintained throughout the entire period of treatment.
Every pressure, even if only for a few minutes, causes fresh
yes monitoring and continuation of therapy
damage and leads to relapses in the healing process. according to treatment plan

Local wound treatment includes thorough debridement, no careful scrutiny of measures (especially if
surgical if possible, as well as continuing wound cleansing relief of pressure is sufficient)

with hydroactive wound dressings. This is followed by

conditioning of the wound with formation of granulation
tissue as well as eventual epithelialisation by moist wound

Chronic wounds [128.129]

As the case may be the long lasting and stressing healing Post-traumatic ulcers Radiation damage Tumour wounds
times can be reduced by plastic surgical covering of the
Cause inadequate primary therapy, ionising radiation, some- benign, malignant or
decubitus. But even in this case previous wound condi-
e.g. of soft tissue contusions; times in association with semimalignant cell growth
tioning is recommended to ensure the surgical result and complications of wound other risk factors such as
avoid recurrences. healing which were not trauma, chemical factors
dealt with immediately, infections etc.
such as necrosis, infections,
As the third therapeutic principle, adjuvant therapies are
unstable scars etc.
indicated to improve the patient‘s general condition and
the nutritional status as well as the pain control. Cachexia Causal removal of focus of infection adequate tumour therapy tumour therapy as needed
therapy where necessary and anti- and/or therapy of concomi-
with conditions of protein deficiency, which inhibit wound microbial treatment tant risk factors as needed
healing, is often observed in elderly patients so that ade-
Treatment cleansing as early as pos- cleansing as early as pos- if radical therapy is possible,
quate nutritional intake and a sufficient supply of vitamins
sible by radical debridement sible by radical debridement the wound caused by the
and minerals must be ensured. and plastic reconstructive and plastic reconstructive tumour is converted into a
procedure procedure surgical wound and treated
The chronic post-traumatic wound as such
The chronic post-traumatic wound occurs as a result of
inadequate primary treatment of an injury or due to com-
plications during primary management which were not The goal of all measures to treat a chronic post-traumatic Overview of causes, causal treat-
rectified in the immediately following phase of treatment. wound is stable soft tissue cover. Debridement and the ments and treatment of other
chronic skin ulcers
Typical causes of post-traumatic wounds taking a chronic removal of all areas of necrosis and foci of infection in turn
course are soft tissue contusions, degloving injuries, skin represent the first step. It can sometimes be impossible
necrosis, osteitis, infected implants, joint arthroplasty to take into consideration functional structures such as
infections, joint infections or deep soft tissue infections. tendons, fascia and even nerves and vessels. A soft tissue
Frequently, this development can be attributed to an initial situation must be created in which it is possible to cover
underestimation of the soft tissue injury underlying the ini- the defect without a risk of persisting necrosis and thus
tial trauma. Among primary injuries, the compound fracture persistence and spread of infection.
is particularly difficult. Contamination can cause soft tissue
and bone infections which often prove to be severe. Planning of later reconstructive procedures must be includ-
ed during the debridement operation. A decision must be
Unstable scar in the popliteal The unstable scar, such as that found in areas subject to made early as to whether both soft tissue and bone defects
fossa after burn as a special form mechanical stress after wounds have undergone secondary can be closed in a single session or whether individual re-
of chronic post-traumatic wound
(above) and its treatment by healing or after split skin grafting occupies a special posi- construction steps should be postponed, to be performed
microsurgical scapula flaps tion. With this type of scar, the integrity of the skin is not later when the soft tissues have healed.
(below) broken, but ulceration easily occurs with a corresponding
risk of infection, so that treatment of the soft tissues is
required in this situation also.

Chronic wounds [130.131]

Overall, the time factor should not be overlooked in plan- A 64-year-old patient developed a
ning. Bones and tendons exposed after debridement can squamous cell carcinoma after ir-
radiation of a haemangioma in his
become infected secondarily or can dry out. As a rule, youth, which led to amputation of
definitive wound closure can be undertaken two days after the arm.
the first debridement during a planned second look. Plastic 1) Preoperative appearance
reconstructive methods are required for soft tissue cover, 2) and 3) In order to obtain a stump
capable of taking a prosthesis, a
ranging from simple split skin graft to free microsurgical pedicled latissimus dorsi flap was
flap transfer. Skin grafts always need a clean granulating 1 2 wrapped around the upper arm...
surface with covered functional structures and no mechani- 4) ...and a stress-stable amputa-
cally stressed regions. tion stump was obtained.

Chronic radiation damage

Treatments with ionising radiation lead to inevitable dam-
age to the skin and the underlying tissue. Even though this
damage does not have to be visible macroscopically, the
first sign of the chronic sequelae of radiation is telangiecta-
sia, which can be interpreted as re-generation of destroyed 3 4

The skin and subcutaneous tissue are not as well perfused If an initially stable area of irradiated skin suddenly becomes
after exposure to radiation and undergo secondary atrophy. unstable, recurrence of the primary tumour or a malignant
The skin becomes thinner and is bound firmly to the un- neoplasm due to the radiation can be the reason. Skin
derlying structures due to the loss of the subcutaneous fat. metastases occur preferentially in irradiated areas of skin.
In addition, there is general tissue fibrosis and direct cell Other causes for such a development are trauma such as
damage with chromosomal changes. Local lymphoedema, injections, biopsies, insect bites or chemical factors such a
increasing hyalinisation at the expense of elastic fibres and topical therapy, local long-term irritation or occupational
thrombosis in the arterioles and venules lead ultimately to exposure to hazardous chemicals. Skin infections, osteomy-
local disturbances of nutrition and thus to a poorly healing elitis and non-infectious skin diseases, such as varicose vein
ulcer. These ulcers, in the worst case, may undergo malig- disease and varicose dermatitis can also produce chronic
nant transformation after a latency of 4 to 40 years. injury, as can internal illnesses such as diabetes mellitus or

Chronic wounds [132.133]

The indications for surgical treatment consist of the resec- Large defect on the back following
tion of local recurrences, resection of an unstable scar or excision in accordance with lymph
flow continuity of a malignant
resection of the radiation-damaged skin to relieve pain, melanoma (left); ulcerated breast
facilitate nursing and improve the patient‘s quality of life. carcinoma (right)

The surgical treatment of the consequences of radiation

firstly requires radical debridement with histological exa-
mination of the resected tissue, the resection edges and
depth. This can also require resection of bone, including
ribs, sternum or the entire chest wall. Without such debri- Wounds in tumour patients
dement, osteoradionecrosis in particular cannot be treated. The growth of benign or malignant tumours under or in the
As direct wound closure should usually not be attempted skin leads to destruction of tissue continuity. Ongoing over
and cover with a split skin graft is also often insufficient, months and years these growths may lead to open ulcera-
well-vascularised skin (muscle) flaps should be considered tion.
to cover the often large defects.
If the stage, extent and site of the tumour allow, a radical
It must be noted that many radiation injuries are often treat- operation is attempted as the surest way to treat the tumour.
ed conservatively and therefore undergo surgical treatment This means that the lesions caused by the tumour are con-
too late. Experience has shown and it should be borne verted into surgical wounds and can be treated and closed
more in mind that ulcers in irradiated areas as a rule do not accordingly. Depending on the extent of the tumour surgery,
heal with conservative treatment and that chronic ulcers in closure of the defect can be required after conditioning
this situation can all too easily become the site of seconda- of the wound. If only palliative treatment of the tumour is
ry malignancies. Quite apart from the fact that the patient‘s possible at the terminal stage, this also applies equally to
suffering can be cut short, early surgical treatment in many wound treatment. Dressings in this situation serve primari-
cases obviate the need for complex reconstructions. ly to relieve pain, stem unpleasant odours and keep the
wound in a tolerable condition as long as possible.

Chronic wounds [134.135]

As always, wound coverings have the task of protecting the
The wound dressing wound against the ingress of external noxious influences.
Furthermore, the most up-to-date wound dressings can be
Since ancient times, humans have bound their wounds used individually and in targeted manner for wound heal-
ing, because of their differentiated physical effects. Latest
and thus instinctively taken the right measures; arresting experience in wound treatment, in conjunction with special
of bleeding and wound protection have been the main wound dressing materials have led particularly, to an in-
tasks of dressings for thousands of years. And they are still creased extent, to staged wound treatment being practiced,
today. But thanks to the biochemical and morphological and this stimulates cellular activity in the individual stages Picture from the inside of an Attic
for qualitatively better wound healing. bowl of the potter Sosias, c. 500
relationships of wound healing that have come to light BC: Achilles bandaging Patroclos
over the last few decades, it has been possible to develop Functions of the dressing
wound dressings that serve therapeutic purposes to a high Until the wound has healed and the skin defect is closed,
degree. Thus the modern wound dressing has become an the dressing takes over important functions of the intact
indispensable component of local wound treatment, in skin in the interim. It offers:
particular for treating chronic wounds. ▪ protection against mechanical influences (dirt, impacts,
chafing), against contamination and chemical irritation
▪ protection against secondary infections
▪ protection against drying and loss of body fluids
(electrolyte losses)
▪ protection against loss of heat

Apart from comprehensive wound protection, the wound

dressing can also influence the healing process actively by
cleansing the wound, creating a microclimate which pro-
motes wound healing and maintaining rest for the wound.

Functions in the cleansing phase

In every wound, an exudate first collects in a variable amount
which is full of dead cells, fragments of tissue, dirt and
bacteria. If large quantities of exudate remain in the wound,
the progress of healing is hindered both mechanically
and biologically, and the risk of infection grows. Excessive
exudate must therefore be absorbed by the dressing. In
this way, bacteria, harmful metabolic products, devitalised
tissue, dirt and foreign bodies are removed from the wound
at the same time and do not have to be eliminated by the
body‘s own phagocytosis. The dressing supports and
The wound dressing [136.137]
speeds up the cleaning of the wound and helps to prevent Functions of the dressing:
infection by the pathogenic micro-organisms present. At 1) In the cleansing phase, the
dressing absorbs excessive con-
the same time, it protects the wound against further con- taminated secretions and supports
tamination. the body‘s own cleansing mecha-
Functions in the granulation phase 2) In the granulation phase, the
dressing promotes tissue forma-
Apart from a functioning microcirculation, a balanced moist tion by means of a moist environ-
wound environment is another important requirement for ment
the formation of granulation tissue. The progress of healing 3) In the epithelialisation phase,
is disturbed both by drying of the wound and by excessive the dressing speeds up cell migra-
tion and cell division

1 2 3
Appropriate regulation of wound moisture is only possible
by means of the dressing; it absorbs excessive secretions,
prevents drying of the wound and delivers adequate has the function of ensuring secure protection against
amounts of moisture to it as needed. Naturally, the wound infection, even though the risk of infection decreases in
dressings employed must have specific physical character- proportion to the formation of healthy granulation tissue.
istics if they are to fulfil these functions. The principles of
action of the individual dressing materials are explained Functions in the epithelialisation phase
from page 148 on. Mature granulation and a moist sliding surface are the
requirements for final epithelialisation. The dressing, there-
Protection of the granulation tissues against every kind of fore, must continue to keep the wound moist in balanced
further trauma is also important in this phase. Due to the fashion. If excessive secretions remain in the wound, the
protein-rich secretions and the large number of fine hair- epithelial cells swim upwards. If the wound is too dry, scab
like capillaries, it has an extraordinary tendency to adhere. forms which impairs re-epithelialisation because the epithe-
That is the reason why the wound dressing must be atrau- lial cells have to creep under the scab. Hydroactive atrau-
matic, which means it must not stick to the wound. Other- matic wound dressings are needed in this phase to protect
wise the granulation tissue is damaged by cell stripping at the wound surface from drying and protect the epithelial
every dressing change so that it regresses at least partially cells from cell stripping during dressing changes.
to the inflammatory phase. Furthermore, the dressing also

The wound dressing [138.139]

Requirements of wound dressings Gas permeability
To what extent the individual wound dressing can fulfil the Another important function of wound dressings is to allow
specific functions depends on the characteristics of the gas exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide and the giving
material employed. Never the less a few basic demands off of water vapour. It is assumed that continuous gas
can be made of wound dressings. exchange has effects on the concentration of oxygen and
the pH in the wound and thus influences cellular processes.
Absorbency and absorptive capacity In particular, epithelialisation of the wound is promoted
The defined absorbency of a wound dressing is one of its by the availability of oxygen which dissolves in the wound
most important characteristics so that it can cleanse the secretions and is utilised directly by the epidermal cells. The
wound by absorbing excessive exudate. In order to prevent permeability of wound dressings for water vapour contrib-
recontamination, the exudate should be absorbed into the utes to provision of a balanced moist wound environment.
capillaries, i.e. into the material structure of the dressing,
and should be held there. The degree of gas and water vapour permeability of a
wound dressing depends on the material used. It is higher
Textile materials such as woven gauze, non-woven mate- in the case of textile and textile-like materials such as gauze,
rials, combined dressing pads of non-woven material with non-woven materials or calcium alginate dressings than in
pulp filling or foam dressings have a high spontaneous ab- the case of synthetic materials like hydrogels or hydrocol-
sorptive capacity. However, this can also lead to excessive loids with their occlusive characteristics. The latter permit
stimulation of the flow of secretion by the suction action gas exchange to a certain extent which is actually increased
and the risk of oedema is increased. Moreover, absorption as saturation with absorbed wound secretions and the
of the exudate by textile materials is mainly intercapillary, associated stretching of the material structures increase.
that is, between the fibres, so that secure inclusion of They are described as semipermeable.
bacteria with protection against recontamination is not
guaranteed. The gas and water vapour permeability of a wound dressing
is regarded in clinical practice as an important criterion
Interactive wound dressings for moist wound treatment of its suitability for use in the case of infected wounds.
such as calcium alginate dressings, dressings with superab- Wound dressings made of textile and textile-like materials
sorbent material in the absorbent pad and hydrocolloid or with higher permeability are considered more suitable than
hydrogel dressings, have a material structure which allows semipermeable systems such as hydrogels or hydrocolloids
intracapillary absorption of secretions which thus retain which continue to be contra-indicated in the case of clini-
the bacteria-laden secretion. The degree of their absorptive cally apparent infections as a precaution.
capacity is determined by the nature of the material. For
instance, calcium alginate dressings have a higher spon-
taneous absorption than hydrogel dressings, but the latter
can absorb secretion over a prolonged period.

The wound dressing [140.141]

This contra-indication is based on experience with the earlier when the dressing is changed. At the same time, the
occlusive dressings which were usually airtight so that there atraumatic characteristics of a wound dressing allow a less
was a danger of the formation of moist chambers and a painful change of dressing.
high risk of infection especially with regard to anaerobe
infections. Modern semi-permeable wound dressings, how- With textile absorbent dressings, atraumatic characteristics
ever, are so constructed that this potential risk is minimised. are achieved with water-repellent impregnation such as
They absorb infected secretions so that dangerous pooling ointments (ointment dressings) or coating with gels. More-
of secretions leading to a moist chamber does not even over, the risk of adhesion can be counter-acted by the use
occur, and the bacteria are enclosed securely in the material of a layer of hydrophobic fibres adjacent to the wound. All
structure. In addition, the gas exchange which is possible hydroactive wound dressings are also wound-friendly as
to a certain degree contributes to the balanced moisture they do not adhere to the wound surface because of their
level. specific material structure despite their absorbency.

Atraumatic wound treatment Safety in use

A disadvantage of textile absorbent dressing materials such Wound dressings must be inert mechanically and biochemi-
as gauze or non-woven dressings is their marked tendency cally. Mechanical irritation is due especially to movement
to stick to the secreting wound surface when the absorbed of the dressing and occurs mainly in the case of dressings
secretion dries into the dressing and becomes rigidly bound with a textile basis. They must not become wrinkled or be
to it. This leads to the underlying newly formed tissue being too thin or loosely-woven as two-dimensional movements
torn off along with the dried secretions when the dressing on the wound lead to stimulation of secretion.
is changed.
The biochemical inertness refers to the possible potential Sterile, ready-to-use and individu-
In order to avoid this disorder of wound healing, wound for a wound dressing to have a cell-damaging (cytotoxic) ally packed wound dressings
facilitate wound care under sterile
dressings must have wound-friendly or atraumatic charac- and sensitising effect; the traditional wound dressings of conditions.
teristics. They must not adhere even after prolonged use textile materials and the new synthetic materials are affect-
on secreting wounds so that further damage is prevented ed equally by these problems. In order to exclude interfe-
rence, wound dressings must also be neutral in behaviour
towards other substances which are used for local wound
Gauze dressing materials adhere
to the wound (left); during dress-
ing changes, newly formed tissue
is pulled off also. This disturbance
of wound healing can be avoided
by the use of atraumatic wound
dressings such as calcium alginate
dressings (right).

The wound dressing [142.143]

Safety in use also means that a wound dressing is easy to Wound dressing pads
use, is packed ready to use and clearly labled. Naturally, all Apart from classical gauze dressings (ES gauze swabs) or
wound dressings must be sterilisable or be available already gauze-like non-woven materials (Medicomp), combined
sterilised and ready to use. wound dressings are used for dry wound treatment. These
are constructed in layers from different materials and thus
Methods of wound treatment demonstrate good absorbency. Exudate is not only distrib-
Depending on its conditions, wounds are treated “dry” or uted over the area but is drawn away from the wound and
“moist”. Moist wound treatment is further distinguished held in the depths of the absorbent core. They are perme-
into moist wound treatment with permeable, that is, air- able to air and water vapour, soft and drapable and have a
and water vapour-permeable dressings and occlusive moist good padding effect to protect the wound. Examples of dif-
wound treatment with semipermeable dressings. ferent kinds of absorbent dressing pads are Zetuvit, Zetuvit
Plus and Cosmopor steril.
Dry wound treatment
The use of dry wound dressings is today limited to the Zetuvit derives its wound-friendly characteristics from its
following indications: non-adherent non-woven cover and can also absorb large
▪ treatment of wounds as part of first aid quantities of secretion because of its core of highly ab-
▪ treatment of primarily healing wounds closed with sorbent cellulose fluff. Zetuvit is therefore suitable for the
sutures to absorb oozing blood, to protect against treatment of acute highly secreting flat wounds and for the
secondary infection and as a cushioning protection treatment of primarily healing wounds.
against mechanical irritation 1
Zetuvit Plus is a combined absorbent dressing pad espe-
A special indication for dry dressing treatment is represent- cially for the treatment of very severely exuding wounds.
ed by the interim covering of burn wounds or conditioning Four layers of different materials provide Zetuvit Plus with
of soft tissue defects with synthetic skin substitutes. its excellent performance characteristics: The absorbent
core consisting of soft cellulose fluffs is blended with liquid-
Finally, ointment dressings, which are used to keep wound absorbent polymers (superabsorbent polymer (SAP)) (1).
surfaces supple, are neither dry nor moist. As they them- Due to this Zetuvit Plus absorbs more than double the vol-
selves have no absorbency because of the ointment im- ume of conventional absorbent dressing pads. The exudate 2
pregnation, they have to be combined with absorbent dry is trapped in the absorbent core, so that Zetuvit Plus can 1) Zetuvit - combined absorbent
wound dressings to absorb secretions. also be applied under pressure, e.g. beneath a compression dressing pad with good padding
bandage. effect.
2) Zetuvit Plus - combined absorb-
ent dressing pad with superab-
sorbent polymer (SAP) for the
treatment of very severely exuding
[144.145] wounds.

The wound dressing [144.145]
However, the inclusion of excessive exudate also contri- Ointment dressings
butes to reducing the risk of infection as germ-laden ex- Ointment dressings such as Atrauman consist of a thin soft
udate is kept away from the wound and the risk of reinfec- open-weave tulle of hydrophobic polyester fibres impregnat-
tion is reduced. In addition the soft quality of the absorbent ed with a non-medicated ointment. Both the hydrophobic
core provides a good padding effect whereby the wound is polyester tulle and the ointment impregnation counteract
well protected from harmful mechanical influences such as adhesion to the wound so that very gentle dressing change
pressure or impact. The particularly highly absorbent core is possible with Atrauman. The ointment allows Atrauman
is completely covered with thin non-woven fabric (2) which to keep both wound surface and wound edges supple, pro-
evenly distributes the fluid and/or the exudate to the absorb- tects the wound from drying and prevents scar contracture.
ent core. A hydrophobic but air-permeable special non- The ointment itself is gas-permeable and permeable to
woven (3) on the side of the absorbent core facing away secretions. This ensures adequate air access to the wound
from the wound counteracts moisture penetration of the as well as rapid removal of excessive secretions. An ab-
dressing. The special non-woven is dyed green so that sorbent dressing should be applied on top of Atrauman to
Zetuvit Plus can be correctly applied. The green side is absorb the secretions.
always the side facing away from the wound (See photo-
graph on page 145). The outer covering of Zetuvit Plus Ointment dressings are used for atraumatic wound treat-
The ointment dressing Atrauman
comprising a two-layer non-woven (4) has the following ment in all phases of wound healing, e.g. for abrasions, keeps the wound margins and
functions: The hydrophobic outer surface of the non-woven burns, scalds, and to cover skin graft donor and recipient surfaces supple and prevents ad-
reduces the tendency of adhesion to the wound which also sites. hesion to the wound.
provides for a more pleasant dressing change. The hydro-
philic cellulose fibres of the inner surface of the non-woven, For the treatment of infected wounds or wounds in dan-
however, have a high capillary activity and pass exudate ger of infection the silver-containing ointment dressing
quickly in the absorbent core. As a result accumulation of Atrauman Ag with antimicrobial effect is indicated. It
exudate on the wound is prevented. consists of wide-meshed hydrophobic lattice tulle made of
polyamide which fibres are coated with elemental silver and
Cosmopor steril is a self-adhesive wound dressing made additionally impregnated with an ointment mass. The silver
of a soft non-woven fabric as support material and with ions are chemically firmly bonded to the carrier material
a wound dressing pad made of 100 % absorbent cotton resulting in good tissue tolerability with only slight cytoto-
wool. As a reliable protection against adhesion to the xicity. The good tissue tolerability has been substantiated The silver-containing ointment
wound Cosmopor steril has a hydrophobic microgrid layer in tests with the human keratinocyte cell line HaCaT. The dressing Atrauman Ag with a wide
antimicrobial effect is indicated in
as wound-facing layer which additionally pass wound ex- antimicrobial activity spectrum is extraordinarily broad and
infected wounds or in wounds in
udate or exudate quickly to the absorbent pad above. Due includes both gram-positive and gram-negative strains of danger of infection.
Cosmopor steril, self-adhesive to a hypoallergenic polyacrylate adhesive, the self-adhesive bacteria. The ointment impregnation keeps the wound mar-
wound dressing with hydropho- area is particularly tolerable to the skin. Cosmopor steril gins soft and supple. Atrauman Ag can even be combined
bic microgrid layer as protection
against adhesion.
allows problem-free treatment of surgical wounds but also with hydroactive wound and foam dressings without loss of
of minor injuries, e.g. in first aid treatment. effect.

The wound dressing [146.147]

Moist wound treatment Therefore cell stripping during dressing changes, which
Moist wound treatment is regarded as the standard treat- disrupts the wound healing process, is avoided. Resting of
ment for all wounds undergoing secondary healing where the wound, so important to healing, is preserved.
production of tissue is required to fill the defect. It has prov-
en its worth especially in the treatment of chronic problem Wound dressings for moist wound treatment
wounds. The scientific basis of moist treatment was laid by A series of hydroactive wound dressings are available today
the work of G. D. Winter (1962, first published in “Nature”). for moist treatment and can be used to cover the whole
He proved that a moist and permeable wound dressing and bandwidth of therapeutic requirements within the frame-
the resulting moist wound environment led to more rapid work of phase-adapted wound treatment.
healing than a dry wound environment exposed to the air. 1
TenderWet – wound pad dressing with super absorber
Moist wound treatment has positive effects on all phases TenderWet is an extremely effective wound dressing for
of wound healing: during the cleansing phase moist wound quick cleansing, necroses detachment, germ reduction and
dressings show a good wound cleansing effect and allow for treating the wound ground especially of chronic and
physical debridement without damaging cells. Furthermore, infected wounds. The basis of the high effectiveness is the
the moist environment is able to avoid the deactivation of unique mode of action which allows continuous “rinsing”
immunocompetent cells (Seiler). of the wound.

In the granulation phase moist dressings create a physio- TenderWet is a multilayered, pad-shaped wound dressing
logical microclimate similar to a cell culture medium which containing superabsorbent polyacrylate as the central
promotes cell proliferation and therefore the formation of component of its absorbing and rinsing core. The non-
granulation tissue. According to Turner/Beatty et al. (1990), medicated super absorber is activated before use with an
permanently moist treatment brings about a significantly appropriate quantity of Ringer‘s solution which is then 3

faster reduction in the wound area and leads to a larger delivered continuously to the wound for hours. By the per- The mode of action of TenderWet
quantity of granulation tissue. manent delivery of Ringer‘s solution necroses are softened,
loosened and rinsed out (1).
In the epithelialisation phase the conditions for mitosis
and migration of epithelial cells are improved under moist Even at the same time, germ-laden wound exudate is
dressings. This generally leads to rapid epithelialisation absorbed and bound into the wound dressing pad. This
with cosmetically more favourable results. exchange – Ringer‘s solution is delivered and proteins are
taken up – functions because the super absorber of the
Generally patients cite a relieving of pain under moist wound wound dressing pad has a greater affinity for the protein-
treatment. Modern hydroactive wound dressings used for containing wound exudate than for the salt-containing
moist wound treatment do not normally adhere to the Ringer‘s solution (2). Thus the Ringer‘s solution is displaced
wound due to their atraumatic properties allowing thus from the pad.
painless and atraumatic dressing changes for the patient.

The wound dressing [148.149]

As soon as the wound healing-inhibiting factors have been TenderWet has no contra-indica-
removed, i.e. the wound is cleansed of necroses, detritus tion and can be used in all wound
conditions, both infected and
and coatings, the conditions are provided for the formation non-infected. The rinsing effect
of granulation tissue: Proliferative cells are able to migrate of TenderWet is seen to best
into the wound area and new capillary growth can take advantage during the cleansing
place (3). The moisture and the electrolytes contained in the phase and at the beginning of the
granulating phase. The examples
Ringer‘s solution such as sodium, potassium and calcium show TenderWet and TenderWet 24
contribute to the cell proliferation. 1 2 used for treating venous ulcers
(1 and 2), a burn wound (3) and a
TenderWet has no contra-indications and can also be used diabetic foot lesion (4).

on infected wounds. In certain cases, there is an apparent

increase in the size of the wound during the initial clean-
sing with TenderWet. This means that with this method
devitalised tissue which was not recognisable as such was

In the case of deep wound conditions, TenderWet should 3 4

be packed in loosely without pressure to ensure the direct
contact needed for the fluid exchange. The physical pro-
perties of the super absorber in conjunction with the outer The rapid and efficient cleansing
woven cover of the wound dressing pad give TenderWet the effect of TenderWet proved its
value with this dehiscent medial
necessary tamponing properties. With extensive wounds, abdominal wound in an 83-year
the TenderWet wound dressing pads should overlap slightly old patient (case report M. Butcher,
when applied. Plymouth, England).
5) Condition of the wound
following dehiscence with firmly
TenderWet is available in different sizes and round and rec- adhering necrotic coatings
tangular shapes to ensure it fits well to the various wounds. 5 6 6) Start of TenderWet treatment on
28/1 with 10x10 cm TenderWet
For simplified application, TenderWet is available in an and dressing changes every
12 hours
already activated form as TenderWet active cavity and 7) Wound condition two days after
TenderWet 24 active with an integrated moisture-repellent start of treatment already with
protective layer. These “active” wound dressing pads are marked reduction of the coatings
soaked with ready-to-use Ringer‘s solution and can be 8) Condition of the wound on 17/2
TenderWet 24 active and
with graftable granulation tissue;
TenderWet active cavity are applied immediately. This means that a preparatory proce- final covering takes place with a
pre-activitated with Ringer‘s
dure can be omitted, that helps saving time. But a further split skin
solution and ready-to-use
advantage of already activated wound dressing pads is also 7 8
that a significantly greater volume of Ringer‘s solution can
be introduced into the absorbent core than with manual
The wound dressing [150.151]
The packing of deep decubiti with immersion. This way the wound can be kept moist over a
gauze strips (Fig. 1) soaked with longer period.
antiseptic does not always guaran-
tee adequate cleansing so that as
an alternative rapid and thorough Furthermore, the wound dressing pads are soft and easy to
debridement with the TenderWet mould; this is a particular distinguishing feature of Tender-
active cavity wound dressing Wet active cavity, with which even deeper wounds can be
pad should be considered (Fig. 2
to 4, case report F. Meuleneire, packed without difficulty (=cavity). TenderWet 24 active, by
Belgium). Local wound treatment 1 2 contrast, should not be packed, due to its moisture-repel-
must of course be consistently lent protective layer.
supported by pressure-relieving
measures such as placing the pa-
tient on antidecubitus mattresses Prior to its application the classic TenderWet has to be
or regularly repositioning. soaked with Ringer's solution. How much Ringer‘s solution
is needed for activation depends on the dressing size and
is indicated on the package correspondingly. For the easy
activation of TenderWet as well as of TenderWet 24, Tender-
Wet solution is available in ready-to-use ampoules as well.
3 4 The composition of the sterile, pyrogen-free and isotonic
solution is similar to that of a Ringer‘s solution.

The rapid necrosis removal and TenderWet 24 active and TenderWet 24 have a special
methods for treating the wound design feature which also contributes to prolonging the ab-
ground possible with TenderWet TenderWet and TenderWet 24
24 active was also seen in the sorbing and rinsing effect to around 24 hours: The wound
must be activated before use
debridement of a haematoma dressing pads are fitted with a moisture-repellent protective with TenderWet solution or with
with distinct blood clots, 78-year layer, primarily in order to prevent moisture emerging from Ringer‘s solution
old female patient (Case report F. the dressing to the outside. The dressing side with integrat-
Meuleneire, Belgium).
5) Debridement of the haematoma ed protective layer is marked with parallel coloured stripes,
on 2/2 5 6 ensuring the wound dressing pad can properly be applied.
6) Condition after debridement, As already mentioned, TenderWet 24 active and TenderWet
wound with necrotic residues 24 should not be packed because of this protective layer.
7) Start of wound cleansing only
with TenderWet 24 active, dress-
ing change once daily The following applies, in general, for all TenderWet wound
8) Just 5 days after the start of dressing pads: they are not self-adhesive and must be ade-
treatment (7/2) the wound is al- quately fixed, for instance completely covered with elastic
most completely clean. The female
patient was also very pleased with non-woven sheet dressings (e.g. Omnifix) or with elastic
the rapid wound cleansing and conforming bandages (e.g. Peha-crepp, Peha-haft).
dressing changes were problem 7 8
and pain-free.

The wound dressing [152.153]

Sorbalgon – Due to its excellent packing
tamponading calcium alginate dressings capability, Sorbalgon is the ideal
wound dressing for problema-
Sorbalgon is especially suited for cleansing and the formati- tically sited and deep wounds, as
on of granulation in superficial and deep, infected and non- examples 1 – 4 show. Sorbalgon
infected wounds. Sorbalgon can excellently be packed and ensures tissue-protecting tampo-
thus provides effective wound cleansing and conditioning, nade, which can also be removed
atraumatically and without caus-
particularly even in deep wounds. ing pain.
1 2
Sorbalgon is a non-woven dressing made of high-quality
calcium alginate fibres which are packed dry into the
wound (1). On contact with sodium salts, such as those
found in blood and wound secretions, the fibres swell and
1 transform into a moist absorbent gel which fills the wound
(2). The close adaption of Sorbalgon to the wound surface
means that bacteria are absorbed deep in the wound
and enclosed securely in the gel structure (3). This leads
to effective reduction in bacteria and helps to avoid re- 3 4
contamination (3). Wounds are cleansed rapidly so that
Sorbalgon has proved valuable especially in the treatment
of chronic and infected wounds. In clinical practice, not only does
Sorbalgon prove to be well suited
to the cleansing of wounds, but
Sorbalgon‘s gel-like consistency also acts like a moist dress- also shows itself in the condition-
ing which prevents the wound from drying. A microclimate ing of wounds: 85-year old patient,
favourable for wound healing is produced which promotes stage III decubitus (case report
the formation of granulation tissue and keeps the wound F. Lang, Leonberg, Germany).
3 5) Admission finding: there was
surfaces supple. a large necrotic plate on the os
The mode of action of Sorbalgon 5 6 sacrum, which was removed with
Because of the gel formation, Sorbalgon does not stick to surgical debridement
the wound and dressing changes are painless. However, 6) and 7) Start of the treatment
with Sorbalgon 10 days after the
complete conversion of the calcium alginate fibres to a gel surgical debridement
needs adequate secretion. Should gaping wounds produc- 8) Wound condition after 20 days
ing little secretion be packed, moisten Sorbalgon with of exclusive Sorbalgon treatment
Ringer‘s solution. Any fibres remaining in the wound can showing well developed granula-
tion tissue – patient then discharg-
be rinsed out with Ringer‘s solution; otherwise the gel plug ed for further care at home
can be removed from the wound with forceps.
7 8

The wound dressing [154.155]

The frequency of dressing changes depends on the individ-
ual wound situation. During the wound cleansing phase,
a dressing change once or twice daily may be required
depending on the degree of exudation. Later, as granulat-
ing commences, a dressing change every two to three days
may be sufficient. Sorbalgon is offered in three dressing
sizes. Particularly in cases of voluminous wounds Sorbalgon
T is available as tamponing ribbons.
The large foam pores on the wound-facing side ensure that The basis for the therapeutic effec-
Sorbalgon is available in three PermaFoam – hydroactive foam dressing even viscous secretions and detritus are absorbed without tiveness of PermaFoam is its spe-
dressing sizes and as tamponing cial pore structure: large pores on
The foam dressing PermaFoam is indicated for medium blocking the pores. By absorbing the wound exudate the the wound-facing side decrease
to heavily exuding, non-infected wounds in the cleansing polyurethane foam swells slightly insuring thus the contact steadily in size towards the top
phase and during the granulation phase. The basis for its with the wound base required for exudate removal. layer, which produces a strong ver-
therapeutic effect is its special pore structure. tical capillary effect. This causes
exudate to be rapidly absorbed
The absorbed wound exudate becomes distributed laterally into the depth of the absorbent
PermaFoam is a combination of two differently structured under the top layer. An important factor here is that Perma- core, and also provides for a high
foam materials, which are linked to one another by means Foam – due mainly to its special pore structure – has a large level of retention for reliable bind-
of a special lamination. The absorbent layer of PermaFoam retention capacity for fluids. Even if pressure is applied from ing of the fluid.

comprises hydrophilic polyurethane polymers, which are outside, for example with compression bandaging, the exu-
able to store up to nine times their own weight of fluid in date is still held within the foam material. Added to this is
their polymer chains. The polyurethane matrix has a unique the fact that PermaFoam loses its absorption capacity only
pore gradient, i.e. the large pores on the wound-facing side slightly when under pressure from a compression bandage.
The hydrophilic foam dressing become ever smaller towards the top layer, which creates a For example, under a pressure of 42 mmHg, the absorption
PermaFoam expands the treat- large vertical capillary effect. The top layer of PermaFoam capacity is reduced by only 12 % compared with the unload-
ment options for chronic wounds
with its excellent physical effect
is made of a flexible, closed-pore polyurethane foam and ed condition.
is semipermeable, i.e. impermeable to germs, but allows
water vapour through. All these properties together bring about not only the
desired rapid regulation of exudation, but also protect
This material combination and structure provides product the wound edges against maceration, since the absorbed
properties with which the maceration problem that fre- wound exudate no longer presses back into the wound.
quently occurs in chronic wounds can be limited: as a Furthermore, the good water vapour permeability of the
consequence of the large capillary effect, excess aggressive top layer brings about a balanced moist microclimate in
wound exudate is rapidly carried to beneath the top layer. the wound, which further promotes healing.

The wound dressing [156.157]

Extensive observational studies PermaFoam is atraumatic, adhesion to the wound or growth 1
have shown convincingly that of the tissue into the foam structure is minimised. Thanks to
PermaFoam is able to meet require-
ments for cleansing and condition- the high absorption capacity and very good retention, even
ing of problematic wounds. where secretion is severe (in the absence of complications)
Case example 1 (F. Lang, Leonberg, PermaFoam can be left on the wound for several days. 5 4
Germany): 83-year old female 3
patient with decubitus in gluteal
region on right and left sides with PermaFoam is soft and supple and fits snugly to the wound PermaFoam is available in special
shape. The foam dressing is fixed with elastic conforming sizes adapted to different wounds,
infected necrosis on the right; 1 2
so that optimum wound treatment
surgical removal of all necroses bandages (e.g. Peha-haft) or over the whole surface with can be achieved in every case.
into healthy tissue. elastic non-woven sheet dressing for dressing retention PermaFoam sacral (1) for the use
1) Condition of decubitus after
surgical debridement (e.g. Omnifix elastic). The product version PermaFoam in the sacral region, PermaFoam
comfort is designed for an easy fixation with an adhesive concave (2) for the use on heel
2) and 3) Cleansing and condi-
and elbow, PermaFoam trache-
tioning were carried out exclusively border. The used adhesive is gentle on the skin. PermaFoam ostomy (3) for the treatment of
with PermaFoam; continuous is available in a variety of versions and sizes. puncture points, PermaFoam
healing progress observed
cavity (4) for the treatment of deep
4) Condition of wound after
Hydrocoll – absorbent hydrocolloid dressing wounds and PermaFoam round (5)
65 days with partially stable
for the treatment of smaller ulcers
epithelium 3 4 Hydrocoll is a self-adhesive absorbent hydrocolloid wound at problem zones.
dressing for cleansing and conditioning non-infected
wounds with moderately severely to slighty secretion.
Case report 2 (F. Lang, Leonberg,
Germany): The term “colloid” derives from Greek and means a sub-
86-year old female patient with
large abscess of the abdominal stance which is integrated in a matrix when dispersed into
wall after dislocated PEG. its smallest constituents. Accordingly, Hydrocoll consists of
5) First dressing change after PEG absorbent and capable to swelling hydrocolloids covered
removal and abscess removal, by a self-adhesive elastomere. A semipermeable layer func-
wound cavity with necrotic resi-
dues, severely exuding tions as an impermeable to liquids and bacteria cover. The mode of action of Hydrocoll
6) PermaFoam cavity is placed 5 6
loosely into the abscess cavity. The hydrocolloids, included in the carrier layer, represent
The soft foam material and the the main component of the mode of action of Hydrocoll.
special pore structure allow good
adaptation to the wound surfaces. When wound secretions are absorbed, the hydrocolloids
7) Wound cavity ready packed swell up and change into a gel which expands in the
with PermaFoam cavity. wound and keeps the wound moist. The gel remains ab-
8) During treatment with Perma- sorbent until the hydrocolloids are saturated. At the same
Foam cavity granulation issue
increasingly forms so that on the time, along with the swelling process, the wound secretion,
day of discharge the treatment is which is always laden with detritus, bacteria and their
changed to Sorbalgon. 7 8 toxins, is securely bound into the gel structure.

The wound dressing [158.159]

The adhesion of the elastomer means that Hydrocoll can be Hydrocoll is a self-adhesive,
applied to the wound like a plaster. As the gel forms, the absorbent hydrocolloid wound
dressing for cleansing and con-
adhesion in the region of the wound disappears, so that ditioning non-infected wounds
Hydrocoll protects the wound by being fixed only to the with moderate or slight secretion.
intact skin surrounding the wound. For clinically appropriate and
economical application, Hydrocoll
is available in a variety of shapes
The hydrocolloids used in Hydrocoll have particularly good and presentations:
absorbing and swelling capabilities, as well as the prop- 1 2 1) Hydrocoll in the standard version
erty that their gel structure remains compact. Hydrocoll 2) Hydrocoll thin for already
expands as usual into the wound, but in the gel condition, epithelised wounds
3) Hydrocoll sacral specifically for
it may then be removed in one piece from the wound. No wound treatment in the sacral
gel residues remain in the wound, so that the rinsing out of region
gel residues with a pus-like consistency, as was previously 4) Hydrocoll concave in a form
necessary, is largely dispensed with. Dressing changes are perfectly adapted to elbows and
therefore simpler and less unpleasant. In addition, reliable
wound assessment is also immediately possible.
3 4
The mode of action of Hydrocoll shows its effects in all
wound-healing phases. Since excessive bacteria-laden
wound secretion is rapidly absorbed, by the absorption Illustrations 5 – 8 show stages in
and swelling process, into the hydrocolloid portions of the the course of wound healing of
a stage II decubitus with vesicu-
dressing, rapid and good wound cleansing takes place. lation on the left heel. Wound
General investigations have shown that the microcircula- treatment was carried out with
tion in the wound area is also improved with enhanced Hydrocoll and was free from com-
cleansing. Particularly in chronic wound conditions with plications. Due to its high absorp-
tion capacity, Hydrocoll could be
a stagnating cleansing phase, the body‘s own cleansing left on the wound for several days,
mechanisms are reactivated. During the granulation phase, 5 6 making treatment simple and, due
the moist environment under Hydrocoll stimulates and to the reduced dressing change
promotes the formation of granulation tissue. This means frequency, more economical
(documentation Gabi Michl,
that with Hydrocoll, a balanced moist wound environment Kötzting).
may be maintained without difficulty and without the dan-
ger of exudate accumulation, even over long treatment pe-
riods, and drying out of the granulation tissue is reliably

7 8

The wound dressing [160.161]

prevented. In the epithelisation phase, the cell-friendly Treatment of a split-skin graft
moist environment promotes mitosis and migration of the donor site (1) and the recipient
site – an accident injury on the
epithelial cells. In addition, unwanted eschar formation, right knee (2) - with the hydro-
which would impede healing, is prevented. The imperme- active ointment dressing Hydrotul
able to bacteria and liquid top layer acts as a reliable (Case report F. Lang, Leonberg,
barrier against germs and protects the wound against dirt Germany). Complication-free
healing process with cosmetically
and moisture. Mobile patients are able to shower with the very acceptable healing results
dressing in place. 1 2 (3/4). The new epithelium is fine
and uniform and forms conspi-
Hydrocoll is available in different shapes, e.g. as “concave” cuously rapidly from the margin of
the wound.
for the wound treatment to elbows and heels or as “sacral”
for the treatment of sacral decubitus ulcers: The rectangular
standard version is also available in sizes suitable for small
wounds. The “Hydrocoll thin” version is specifically suited
to wounds that are already epithelising.

Hydrotul – hydroactive ointment dressing 3 4

The development of the hydroactive ointment dressing
Hydrotul combines the benefits of conventional ointment
dressing with modern hydrocolloid technology. This opens Treatment of an acute wound
up wide areas of application for the hydroactive ointment (Burst blister as a result of hyper-
keratosis) with Hydrotul (Docu-
dressing. Hydrotul is suitable for the treatment of acute as
mentation from an observational
well as chronic superficial wounds in the granulation and/or study). The condition of the wound
epithelisation phase. before the start of treatment on
30/05 (5) and treatment of the
wound with Hydrotul (6). The
3) The honeycomb like structure of
secondary dressing for absorbing
the carrier material prevents 5 6 wound exudate consisted of gauze
accumulation of exudate.
swabs. First dressing change on
02/06 (7), second change on
06/06 (8), the wound was com-
pletely epithelised.
2) The Hydrotul ointment keeps
the wound margins soft and

1) Hydrocolloid particles keep the

wound moist.

7 8

The wound dressing [162.163]

The results of various observational studies allow the con- The adequate mesh width of the polyamide carrier fabric
clusion to be drawn that the hydroactive ointment dressing of Hydrotul (3) permits the removal of the excessive wound
Hydrotul promotes the healing process, particularly in the exudate without congestion in the secondary wound
case of acute and chronic wounds in which previous treat- dressing. As with classic ointment dressings Hydrotul can
ments were unsuccessful. The presence of an infection is be combined with all common absorbent dressing pads.
not a contra-indication as unimpeded exudate removal is The hydroactive ointment dressing Hydrotul can also be
possible. handled without any difficulties. It can be readily cut to size
using sterile scissors to fit the wound size and shape and
The hydrocolloid particles (1) deposited in the polyamide fab- won’t stick to examination gloves.
ric is decisive for the improved wound healing-promoting
effect and the atraumatic properties of Hydrotul. These ab- In observational studies it could also be confirmed that in
sorbing granules made of carboxymethyl cellulose take up local treatment the hydroactive ointment dressing Hydrotul
the wound exudate and create a physiological moist wound did not only reduce persistent wound pains, Hydrotul could
environment as in conventional hydrocolloid dressings, be removed during the change of a dressing without any
which assist the wound-healing process in all phases. A fur- problems or pain. The dressing Hydrotul is available in the
The adequate mesh width of the ther advantage of hydrocolloids is that Hydrotul can remain sizes 5 x 5 cm, 10 x 12 cm and 15 x 20 cm as a sterile and
carrier fabric of Hydrotul (Photo- on the wound without the risk of drying out for longer than individually sealed version.
graph above) permits an unimped- conventional ointment dressings as the wound base is kept
ed exudate removal. How well
Hydrotul keeps wound surfaces moist by the mode of action of the hydrocolloids. Hydrosorb – transparent hydrogel dressing
moist and supple without sticking In case of wounds of large areas, Hydrosorb is particularly
is shown by the use of Hydrotul in In addition, the impregnation of the polyamide carrier fabric suitable, for keeping granulation tissue moist as well as
the case of a burn wound (Photo- with a non-medicated hydroactive ointment mass on trigly- promoting new formation of epithelial cells. Hydrosorb
graph below). 1
ceride basis (2) is important as it prevents an adhesion of is thus the optimum wound dressing for phase-adapted
the dressing to the wound surface and increases the atrau- further treatment after wound treatment with TenderWet,
matic properties of the hydrocolloid component, keeps the Sorbalgon or PermaFoam.
wound margins soft and supple and prevents macerations.
Also, with this triglyceride based ointment mass it was pos- In physical terms Hydrosorb is a three-dimensional network
sible to develop a fat component that does not leave un- of hydrophilic and thus absorbent polymers with a high
pleasant ointment residues and can be broken down in the water content of 60 %. In spite of this high water content, The mode of action of Hydrosorb.
wound. In this way the condition of the wound can always Hydrosorb can additionally bind large quantities of fluids
be reliably assessed. This is of practical importance for the due to the presence of hydrophilic groups. In doing so Hy-
treatment of all wounds, but particularly important for burn drosorb swells up without losing its gel structure. This pro-
wounds in the case of which reliable wound assessment perty results in the specific benefit of Hydrosorb in wound
must be possible at all times in order to detect any deterio- treatment: Right from the start Hydrosorb constitutes a fully
ration in good time. Hydrotul should be used on 3rd degree functional moist dressing which in contrast to calcium al-
burns only when ordered by the treating physician. ginates or hydrocolloids no longer requires wound exudate
for gel conversion.

The wound dressing [164.165]

Superficial wounds, such as burns A) The individual macromolecules
of degree 1 and 2a or chemical with their integrated water mole-
burns can be treated optimally cules form polymer chains through
with the hydrogel dressing Hydro- special cross-links.
sorb. The slightly cooling effect is B) Absorption of the exudate.
perceived as particularly pleasant C) The cross-links are expanded
and pain-relieving by the patients and create room for the secure
(Case report 1: F. Meuleneire, inclusion of germs, exudates and
Belgium) A B C odour molecules.
1) Treatment of a chemical burn 1 2
wound with the hydrogel dressing
Hydrosorb Thus, with its very good biocompatibility Hydrosorb au-
2) Good wound cleansing results
after only one week
tomatically delivers moisture to the wound over a period
3) Further treatment with Hydro- of several days immediately after application (1). At the
sorb same time, Hydrosorb absorbs excessive, germ-laden exu-
4) Healing result after one month date which is trapped in the gel structure. Because with
the absorption of exudate the cross-links of the polymer
chains expand so that within these macromolecules there
3 4 is room for included foreign bodies, such as germs, detritus
and odour molecules from which they cannot escape. This
exchange ensures the optimum moisture level for wound
The hydrogel dressing Hydrosorb is healing and thus accelerates the formation of granulation
ideal for a phase-adapted further and epithelisation (2). The surface is impermeable to water
treatment in the granulation and
epithelisation phase.
and germs in order to safely protect against secondary in-
In the shown case report (F. Meu- fections.
leneire, Belgium) an ulcer due to
haematoma was initially cleansed However, it should be noted that hydrogels show a differ-
with TenderWet 24 active, then
conditioned with PermaFoam and
ent absorption behaviour from, for example, textile mate-
finally treated with Hydrosorb 5 6 rials or calcium alginates. Hydrogels cannot spontaneously
for moisturisation and protection absorb fluids; their fluid absorption capability only begins
against granulation and epitheli- after some time and increases slowly. However, hydrogels
um (5 to 8), which rapidly brought
on the re-epithelisation of the
such as Hydrosorb are then able to provide long-lasting and
wound. Within a little over two continuous absorption capacity. Hydrosorb does not stick to
months the problematic wound the wound and can be removed even after prolonged peri- The transparency of Hydrosorb
had practically healed with this ods on the wound without the risk of wound irritation. is one important factor for the
therapeutical concept. economical use. The wound can
Hydrosorb can be removed in its entirety as the gel struc-
be inspected any time through the
ture does not break down because of the absorbed wound
dressing so that Hydrosorb can
7 8 exudate. No residues remain in the wound and the con- stay on the wound for days and
dition of the wound can be assessed safely without prior dressing changes are unnecessary.
The wound dressing [166.167]
Hydrosorb is available in two versions as Hydrosorb and by the consistency of the gel. The gel is firm enough not to
Hydrosorb comfort. Hydrosorb does not have a self-adhe- run immediately and soft enough to adapt to the wound
sive fixing edge and is secured with a conforming bandage, base.
adhesive tapes or with a compression bandage. Hydrosorb
comfort is fitted with a hypoallergenic adhesive film for a
reliable and impermeable to germs fixation.
The dosing syringe is simply to use with one hand whereby
Hydrosorb Gel – for rehydration of dry wounds the dose of the gel can easily and precisely be set. In addi-
Hydrosorb Gel is a clear, viscous and sterile gel, based on tion, unlike tubes, where a lot of gel often tends to be left
carboxymethyl cellulose, Ringer’s solution and glycerine unused, the Hydrosorb Gel syringe can be effectively emp-
that immediately delivers healing-promoting moisture to tied. Precisely the amount required for wound treatment
dry, deep and fissured wounds and wounds at risk of drying can be taken from the syringe. Of particular advantage is
out. also the reverse ml scale of the syringe. This allows imme-
diate determination of how much gel is still in the syringe
The constituents of Hydrosorb Gel guarantee continuous and how much as been administered into the wound.
and adequate delivery of moisture to the dry wound with The administered quantity of gel can be used to deter-
subsequent therapeutic benefits: Fibrinous and necrotic mine the wound volume and can be entered in the wound
coatings are softened and detached. To a small extent Hy- documentation folder. After the application of Hydrosorb
drosorb Gel can simultaneously absorb germ and detritus- Gel, the wound must be covered with a suitable secondary
laden exudate. This effectively supports endogenic, physical dressing whereby almost all current wound dressings can
debridement and the physiological exudation necessary for be used.
wound healing can be restored. In the wound conditioning
stage with the build-up of granulation tissue the electro-
lytes, such as sodium, potassium and calcium, contained in
the Ringer solution contribute to cell proliferation.

Dry wounds or wounds at risk of drying out particularly

develop in long existing, chronic leg ulcers (Ulcus cruris)
and decubital ulcers. In burn wounds up to degree IIb Hy-
Hydrosorb Gel serves for efficient
drosorb Gel has a cooling and pain-relieving effect due to
rehydration of dry wounds and
is available in easy to use dosing its moisture. It should only be used in the case of infected
syringes with 15 g and 8 g. wounds under medical supervision.

Hydrosorb Gel is available in practical dosing syringes with

15 g and 8 g, which ensure simple application in all wound
conditions: Through the long syringe outlet Hydrosorb Gel
can be administered directly and cleanly even into deep
and fissured wounds. This reliable application is supported
The wound dressing [168.169]
Further products
Wound dressings for chronic problematic wounds/wound pattern
Cosmopor steril
Wound cleansing Granulation Epithelisation
Self-adhesive wound dressing with
Necrosis Infection Fibrin coating high absorption capacity and good
superficial wounds cushioning effect for postoperative
wound treatment as well as for
sterile treatment of minor injuries.
Hydrofilm plus
Self-adhesive, waterproof, trans-
parent wound dressing with good
absorption and padding effect
Exudate ++ for postoperative care of slightly
 TenderWet 24 active  TenderWet 24 active intact wound site intact wound site intact wound site secreting wounds and for protec-
(if needed in combination  Sorbalgon  PermaFoam comfort  PermaFoam comfort  Hydrocoll thin tion against secondary infection.
with Atrauman Ag*)  Atrauman Ag*  PermaFoam sacral  PermaFoam sacral  Hydrosorb comfort Rolta Soft
 PermaFoam  PermaFoam concave  PermaFoam concave  Hydrofilm** Very soft, skin-friendly synthetic
(in infected wounds only  TenderWet 24 active previously damaged  Hydrotul* padding bandage, which is
under medical supervision) previously damaged wound site previously damaged particularly suitable as padding
wound site  PermaFoam wound site material under support bandages
 PermaFoam  Hydrotul*  Hydrosorb and compression dressings.
Exudate +  Hydrotul* Cosmopor I.V:
Medicomp Drain
 TenderWet 24 active  TenderWet 24 active intact wound site
Peha-Slit dressing
 Atrauman Ag*  Hydrocoll
PermaFoam tracheostomy
 Hydrocoll sacral
For the use with drainages and
 Hydrocoll concave
previously damaged
wound site Fixation
 Hydrosorb normal skin:
 Hydrotul* Omnifix elastic, Omniplast,
Omnisilk, Peha-haft, Stülpa-fix
deep or gaping wounds sensitive skin:
Pehalast, Omnipor, Peha-crepp,
Peha-haft, Pehalast, Stülpa-fix
Lastodur straff, Stülpa-fix,
Omnifix elastic
Exudate ++
Fingers and toes:
 TenderWet active cavity  TenderWet active cavity  TenderWet active cavity  PermaFoam cavity Stülpa Fertigverband, Peha-haft
 Hydrosorb Gel  Sorbalgon/Sorbalgon T  PermaFoam cavity  Sorbalgon/Sorbalgon T Sacral region:
 Atrauman Ag*  Sorbalgon/Sorbalgon T Omnifix elastic, Stülpa-
 PermaFoam cavity fix,Molipants (inco-system),
Exudate +
* As primary wound dressing in
 TenderWet active cavity  TenderWet active cavity  Hydrosorb Gel combination with absorbent wound
 Atrauman Ag*  Hydrosorb Gel ** For wounds with almost no exudate

The wound dressing [170.171]

Zetuvit Zetuvit Plus Cosmopor steril Atrauman Atrauman Ag

Products for
dry wound

Product characteristic Wound compatible absorbent Combined absorbent dressing Self-adhesive wound dressing Wound compatible ointment Silver-containing ointment dress-
dressing with non-adherent non- pad consisting of four layers of with hydrophobic wound contact dressing made of hydrophobic ing with antibacterial effect. The
woven cover and absorbent core different materials: Absorbent layer, absorbent pad of pure polyester tulle, impregnated with support fabric, which is coated
of cellulose fluffs. core consisting of cellulose fluffs, cotton wool, soft non-woven an ointment mass that is free with silver and made from hydro-
blended with super absorber, support, coated with hypoaller- from active agents. phobic tulle is also impregnated
non-woven covering of the genic polyacrylate adhesive. with an ointment mass that is
absorbent core, water-repellent free from active agents.
special non-woven and two-layer
outer non-woven.

Properties and use Highly absorbent, soft and con- Extra absorbent, absorbs more Fast transfer of secretions into Permeable to secretions and air, For treating infected wounds
formable, permeable to air, good than double the volume of con- the absorbent pad through the does not adhere to the wound, and those in danger of infection;
cushioning effect, for treatment ventional absorbent dressing hydrophobic wound contact la- no residues in the wound because broad antibacterial activity
of acute wounds of large area pads, the super absorber traps yer, non-adherent, good absorp- of self-emulsifying ointment mass, spectrum gram-positive/gram-
with very severe secretion, good exudate in the absorbent core, tion capacity and cushioning ef- no sensitising effect, to keep negative, long-lasting bacteri-
protection against contamination reduced tendency of adhesion by fect, permeable to air and water acute and chronic wounds supple, cidal effect, demonstrable good
due to an integrated hydrophobic the hydrophobic outer surface of vapour, reliable adhesive zone especially in dermatology as well tissue tolerance and only slight
cellulose layer which prevents the the non-woven, well protection at the edges of the dressing, for as in patients with sensitive skin toxicity; the ointment impregna-
secretions from striking through. against contamination by water- postoperative wound treatment and drug intolerances. tion treats wound edges; apply
repellent special non-woven, for and for sterile treatment of minor with absorbent secondary dress-
the treatment of very severely injuries as part of first aid. ing.
exuding wounds.

Presentations Zetuvit, sterile and non-sterile, Zetuvit Plus, sterile, 10x10, Cosmopor steril, 7.2x5, 10x6, Atrauman, sterile, Atrauman Ag, sterile, 5x5,
10x10, 10x20, 13.5x25, 20x20 10x20, 20x25 und 20x40 cm 15x6, 10x8, 15x8, 20x8, 20x10, 5x5 and 7.5x10 cm 10x10 and 10x20 cm
and 20x40 cm 25x10 and 35x10 cm

The wound dressing [172.173]

TenderWet Sorbalgon PermaFoam Hydrocoll Hydrotul

Products for
hydroactive wound

Product characteristic Wound dressing pad with Calcium alginate dressing free Hydroactive foam dressing made Self-adhesive hydrocolloid wound Hydroactive ointment dressing
absorbing and rinsing core of from active agents and can be from foam materials of differing dressing with particularly ab- with integrated hydrocolloid
superabsorbent polyacrylate, used to pack wounds, which structure, with high vertical sorbent and swelling-capable particles in the wide-meshed
is activated prior to use with transforms into a moist gel on capillary effect and retention for hydrocolloids, combined with a polyamide carrier tissue and non-
Ringer‘s solution, which is then contact with wound secretions; reliable fluid binding, top layer semipermeable top layer, imper- medicated ointment impregna-
continuously delivered to the with the swelling process, germs impermeable to germs. meable to bacteria and liquids. tion based on triglyceride.
wound in exchange with wound are also securely enclosed within
secretions. the gel structure.

Properties and use Fast active wound cleansing and High absorption capacity with ef- Fast regulation of wound exudate, Provide for good cleansing, Ensures an optimum moist
promotion of proliferation of ficient cleansing effect, keeps the protects wound edges against improved microcirculation in the wound environment for fast
tissue cells by continuous supply wound moist after transformation maceration, particularly suitable wound area, promotes granula- healing, does not stick to the
of Ringer‘s solution and simul- into gel, promotes formation for treatment of venous ulcers in tion formation, no adhesion to wound, protects against trau-
taneous absorption of bacteria- of granulation, by means of its combination with a compression the wound, in the gel condition, matisation during dressing
laden secretion (= absorbing and excellent packing characteristics treatment, for the treatment of can be removed from the wound changes, keeps wound margins
rinsing effect), for treatment of it is particularly suitable for burns up to second-degree, type in one piece, particularly suitable soft and supple and prevents
chronic, infected and non-infect- cleansing and conditioning deep a, for deep wounds or problem for conditioning non-infected maceration, for the treatment
ed wounds during the cleansing and gaping, infected and non- zones that are difficult to treat, wounds with moderate or slight of superficial, acute and chronic
phase and at the start of the infected wounds as well as after the respective specific sizes. secretion. wounds in the granulation and
granulation phase. a surgical debridement. epithelisation phase.

Presentations TenderWet 24 active, sterile, Sorbalgon, sterile, 5x5, 10x10 PermaFoam, sterile, Ø 6, 10x10, Hydrocoll, sterile, 5x5, 7.5x7.5, Hydrotul, sterile, 5 x 5 cm,
Ø 4, Ø 5.5, 4x7, 7.5x7.5, 10x10 and 10x20 cm; Sorbalgon T 10x20, 15x15, 20x20 cm; Per- 10x10, 15x15 and 20x20 cm; 10 x 12 cm und 15 x 20 cm
and 7.5x20 cm; TenderWet ribbons, sterile, 1 g/30 cm and maFoam comfort, sterile, 8x8, Hydrocoll sacral, sterile,
active cavity, sterile, Ø 4, Ø 5.5, 2 g/30 cm 11x11, 10x20, 15x15, 20x20 cm; 12x18 cm; Hydrocoll concave,
4x7, 7.5x7.5, 10x10 and 7.5x20 PermaFoam sacral, sterile, sterile, 8x12 cm; Hydrocoll thin,
cm; TenderWet 24, sterile, Ø 4, 18x18, 22x22 cm; PermaFoam sterile, 5x25, 7.5x7.5, 10x10 and
Ø 5.5, 7.5x7.5 and 10x10 cm; concave, sterile, 16.5x18 cm; 15x15 cm
TenderWet, sterile, Ø 4, Ø 5.5, PermaFoam cavity, sterile,
7.5x7.5 and 10x10 cm 10x10 cm; PermaFoam trache-
ostomy, sterile, 8x8 cm

The wound dressing [174.175]

Hydrosorb Hydrosorb Gel The dressing change
Products for
hydroactive wound
treatment Depending on the type of wound being treated the dressing
change is characterised by special problems. Primarily heal-
ing wounds closed by suturing cause the least difficulties.
The dressing has the function of absorbing any oozing
and protecting the wound against secondary infections or
mechanical irritation. In contrast, the demands made on
those responsible for changing the dressings of acute and
Product characteristic Transparent gel dressing made of Clear, viscous and sterile chronic wounds undergoing secondary healing are higher.
absorbent polyurethane polymers hydrogel based on carboxymethyl In this case, the wound dressing is an essential therapeutic
in which a large water content of cellulose, Ringer’s solution and measure which can influence all the phases of wound heal-
60 % is stored, combined with glycerine.
ing. Accordingly, the quality of the dressing change contrib-
semipermeable, top layer imper-
meable to germs and liquids. utes to the further healing process.
Properties and use Provides the wound from the Rehydrates wounds at risk of
beginning with moisture, enables drying out and dry deep and
Complete asepsis
inspection of the wound due fissured wounds; fibrinous and Every dressing change must take place under sterile condi-
to its transparency at any time necrotic coatings are softened tions. Even wounds which are already clinically infected must
without dressing change, (= high and detached; effectively sup- be treated exclusively under aseptic conditions. Apart from
economic efficiency because of ports the autolytic debridement;
longer dressing change intervals), the electrolytes contained in the
the fact that secondary infections must also be prevented,
ideal for keeping granulation and Ringer‘s solution contribute to such infected wounds represent a reservoir of extremely
epithelium moist after therapy the cell proliferation; easy to use virulent germs, spread of which may only be prevented by
with TenderWet, Sorbalgon or by dosing syringes. comprehensive asepsis.

Presentations Hydrosorb, sterile, 5x7.5, 10x10 Hydrosorb Gel, sterile, dosing Since most wound infections are transmitted by hand, the
and 20x20 cm; Hydrosorb syringes with 15 g und 8 g
so-called “no-touch technique” must always be used during
comfort, sterile, 4.5x6.5, 7.5x10,
12.5x12.5 and 21.5x24 cm dressing changes, so that the wound and the dressing are
never touched with bare hands. This is carried out by two
people in order to counter the increased risk of infection
when a septic dressing is being changed.

The wound dressing [176.177]

Material requirements and planning needs sterile material, for instance when discarding used dressing
All materials which come, or could come, into direct contact materials.
with the wound, or which are used in a sterile procedure,
must be sterile. The sterile material needs should be estimat- The sterile materials must lie on a sterile sheet. Further-
ed as precisely as possible in order to avoid sending items more, the materials should not be prepared too early so
back for resterilisation. that they are contaminated by standing open for long
periods. If early preparation of materials cannot be avoided,
The material is stored in the dressing trolley which is used the materials should be protected with a sterile covering.
for transport and to prepare for the change of dressing. It
has proven useful in practice to leave the dressing trolley All multi-use items (dressing tables, trays and instruments)
outside the patient‘s room and assemble the materials must be easy to clean and disinfect or sterilise. A disinfec-
required for the individual dressing change on a tray (or tion container (disposal box) and a refuse container must
on a multifunction trolley in the case of dressing changes also be available for immediate disinfection of instruments
requiring a lot of materials). The tray must not be placed on and to dispose of dressings. In the case of septic dressings,
The dressing trolley is used for
transport and preparation of the the patient‘s bed. If necessary, it can be put on the locker it should be remembered that these are usually very large in
necessary materials extension. volume and this should be borne in mind when choosing a
refuse container.
The working surface is placed so that it is beside the person
doing the dressing, never behind him/her. Arrangement of If several dressing changes are to be carried out on the
materials into sterile and non-sterile is such that non-sterile ward, the non-infected wounds should be treated first.
materials are closer to the patient, and sterile materials
furthest from him. This arrangement avoids reaching over The practical performance of dressing change

Sterile material Non-sterile material

Protective measures
In accordance with hygiene guidelines, hygienic hand
 Toothed and non-toothed forceps for removing  Fixing materials such as adhesive tapes, dressing
disinfection must take place prior to preparation of the
dressing, debridement and cleansing retention sheets, bandages, net or tubular
 Scissors and scalpels for debridement and for bandages materials. 3 – 5 ml of a suitable hand disinfectant from a
freshening wound edges  Dressing scissors dispenser or single bottle, are rubbed in thoroughly for at
 Staple remover  Disposable gloves least 30 seconds. Take care that the spaces between the
 Blunt cannulas and probes to explore the depth of  Containers for refuse and disinfectant
fingers are even disinfected.
the wound and for irrigation  Hand disinfectants
 Syringes and irrigation fluids (sterile water, normal  Protective clothing such as disposable apron
saline, Ringer‘s solution), a well tolerated wound and face masks, possibly also surgical caps A fresh (disposable) apron is put on over clean protective
disinfectant if required (Lavasept) clothing. A face mask is required when large area wounds
 Swabs and cotton wool applications for wound
(e.g. burns) are being treated or when the person doing the
 Appropriate wound dressings or packs dressing is suffering from a cold. Covering the hair with a
 Disposable gloves and drapes surgical hood is indicated in the treatment of large wounds,
those at high risk of infection or those already infected.

The wound dressing [178.179]

When changing dressings in AIDS and hepatitis patients or Removal of the dressing
patients with treatment-resistant staphylococcus strains, Put on non-sterile disposable gloves, remove and discard
the person doing the dressing must protect him/herself the dressing carefully with a sterile forceps. If the wound
particularly against the risk of infection: Suitable disposable dressing cannot be removed because it has stuck to the
gloves, eye protection and a mouth and nose mask are wound, it should never be pulled off. It should be moisten-
required. ed with Ringer‘s solution until the adhesion has dissolved.

Preparation of the patient The wound dressing is examined for signs of pus and other
The patient should be informed about the imminent change deposits and discarded into the refuse container. The used
of dressing and wound treatment. If pain is to be expected forceps should be put in the disposal box filled with disin-
during the dressing change because of the condition of the fectant solution.
wound, pain-relieving medication should be given about
half an hour before the dressing change. The use of a local The gloves are then changed, and sterile disposable gloves
anaesthetic cream may be indicated for pain reduction. are put on.
Take care of the exposure times recommended by the
manufacturer. Wound inspection
Assessing the condition of the wound correctly is not always
The patient should be positioned so that he is lying com- easy even for the experienced. However, reliable evaluation
fortably and the wound area is readily accessible. A good is an important basis for choosing subsequent local therapy.
light source is particularly important. Privacy and dignity of The following should be assessed:
the patient must be observed. ▪ wound size, wound depth, undermining etc. (Has the
wound got bigger/smaller since the last dressing change?)
During the change of dressing, the room should not be ▪ degree and nature of deposits and necrotic tissue
entered by other persons, to prevent organisms from being (black, leathery, scab, sloughy, purulent)
stirred up. That is the reason why there should also be no ▪ nature of exudate (serous, bloody) and degree of
draught in the patient‘s room. Cut flowers or other obvious secretion (highly secreting, wound becoming desiccated)
reservoirs of organisms should be removed from the area of ▪ presence and nature of granulation (no granulation tissue
the dressing change. present, pale, spongy, pink, red, firm)
▪ extent of epithelial formation
If wound irrigation or other more extensive wound cleans- ▪ degree of bleeding tendency
ing has to be undertaken, the bed should be protected ▪ painfulness of the wound
against contamination by disposable sheets. ▪ signs of infection (swelling, erythema, yellowish or
greenish sloughy deposits, odour)

The wound dressing [180.181]

The condition of the wound is documented in writing only If cleansing is necessary, it is done
after the dressing change is complete so that there is no from the inside outwards in the
case of primarily healing, aseptic
interruption which could jeopardise the sterile chain. wounds (left) as well as in the
case of septic wounds (right) in
Cleaning the wound and wound surroundings order to prevent germ migration
Simple cleaning with a sterile swab or sterile cotton wool into the wound.

applicator from within outwards is sufficient for prima-

rily healing aseptic wounds. Disinfection of the wound
surroundings is usually not necessary.
Irrigation with Ringer‘s solution contributes to efficient
By the latest recommendations, also infected and septic wound cleansing. The irrigation fluid is drawn sterile into a
wounds are cleaned from the outside inwards, using a well syringe (10 to 20 ml depending on wound depth and con-
tolerated disinfectant if appropriate. Depending on the dition) and the wound is irrigated with light pressure. With
condition of the wound, more extensive cleansing measures deeper gaping wounds, irrigation is through a blunt probe
may be necessary for wounds healing secondarily: or short catheter. The fluid can be collected either with
compresses or a kidney dish. After irrigation, the wound
Slough and devitalised tissue can be removed mechani- area is dried carefully with sterile compresses.
cally with scalpel, scissors or a sharp curette. Of the three
instruments, the scalpel is to be preferred as removal with This can be followed by another change of gloves, e.g. in
frequently blunt scissors or blunt curettes involves a risk the event of contamination during the cleansing procedure.
of crushing and traumatising tissue.
The wound surroundings may exhibit eczematous altera-
Mechanical removal can be facilitated if the slough is tions, especially in the case of chronic wounds. Treatment
Removal of necrotic tissue and softened beforehand by hydroactive wound dressings. is in accordance with the principles of eczema therapy:
slough is best done with a scalpel Superinfected eczema can be treated with suitable anti-
in order to avoid tissue crushing
Adequate pain relief should be ensured for debridement. septic solutions. Caution: The antiseptics should not reach
Extensive formal debridement should be performed in the the wound. Subacute or chronic eczema requires different
operating theatre. treatment where exclusively non-allergenic ointment bases
and medications should be used.
Disinfection of the wound area should only be undertaken
where strongly indicated and, where possible, only for a If self-adhesive dressings are applied after this treatment,
short time with an antiseptic which has proven effective- they must be sufficiently large to adhere to non-greasy skin.
ness, low cytotoxicity and causes no pain.

The wound dressing [182.183]

Care of granulation tissue and wound edges In the case of chronic wounds with their often prolonged
The presence and nature of the granulation tissue is an healing process, the wound edges tend to epithelialise and
important indicator of the quality of the repair process in project inwards. Since no further epithelialisation can then
secondary wound healing. The granulation tissue may take place from the wound edges, freshening of the edges
be designated a “temporary organ unit” which reacts ex- with the scalpel or with a sharp scissors is indicated.
tremely sensitively to exogenous influences and disturbing
factors. It should be treated as gently as possible. The sensitive skin area immediately surrounding the wound
should, if necessary, be treated with a moisturising cream
Fresh red granulation does not need cleaning and irrigation or a water in oil emulsion. The preparations used must not
with disinfectants and no ointments for supposed promo- contain preservatives or perfumes. Ointment dressings such
tion of granulation. Maintenance of an undisturbed wound as Atrauman are also suitable for the care and protection of
is essential by using atraumatic, non-adherent wound wound edges and the surroundings of the wound. Skin are-
dressings and keeping the granulation surface moist as which have evidence of eczematous changes are treated
constantly to prevent it from drying out. Hydrosorb or according to the principles of eczema therapy, as described
alternatively Hydrocoll are available for this purpose. These earlier.
The best way of promoting well- ensure that the wound is kept moist in a simple and
formed fresh red granulation tissue time-sparing manner and also provide for an atraumatic Treatment of epithelialising wounds
is to keep it moist continuously
and to protect it from trauma dressing change. Well-advanced epithelial cells, like well-developed granu-
during dressing changes lation tissue, need no other treatment beyond being kept
With sloughy, lax or stagnating granulation, the treatment moist and protected from cell stripping during the dressing
measures used previously should be reevaluated. Possible change. Smaller epithelialising wound surfaces can be
causes for reduced production of granulation tissue may be treated with Comprigel. For more extensive wounds, espe-
reduced blood supply in the wound, pressure or inadequate cially chronic wounds, Hydrosorb is particularly suitable
wound cleansing. because it provides the epithelial cells with more moisture.
Reverdin‘s method for wound clo-
sure: Epidermal flaps are obtained
Excessive granulation is usually removed with a caustic If there is no spontaneous epithelialisation or the process
with a scalpel and transplanted
stick (silver nitrate), more or less for want of a better is stagnating, which is frequently the case with chronic onto the well-conditioned wound.
method. wounds, plastic surgical measures (e.g. skin grafting) Further epithelisation is able to
should be considered to achieve wound closure. spread out from these islands of
It is not uncommon to find that parts of the wound are
already granulating while other parts are still at the cleans-
ing phase. Particular caution is needed around the granula-
tion tissue if wound disinfection is required and during
mechanical cleansing.

The wound dressing [184.185]

Application of the new dressing Possible dressing fixations: Even
The new dressing is chosen which has a mode of action dressing with the adhesive tape
Omniplast which ensures secure
meeting specific wound requirements (see overview wound fixation because of its adhesive
dressing p. 170 – 176). It should be ensured that the strength (left). The hypoallergenic
selected dressing fits the wound surface well, for wound adhesive tape Omnipor made of
secretion can only be absorbed when there is good contact highly air and water vapour permea-
ble non-woven support is well-suited
between the dressing and the wound. Deep and gaping for patients with hypersensitive skin
wounds should be packed carefully with suitable dressings (right).
such as Sorbalgon to ensure absorption of infected secre-
tions even deep within the wound. The non-woven for dressing reten-
tion Omnifix elastic is easy to use.
It fits securely and without creases
In the case of deep, gaping wounds, particular care should even to joints and conical parts of
be taken that they are not too firmly packed. The pressure the body by means of the transver-
of excessive packing impairs the microcirculation of the sely elastic support of non-woven
wound surface and particularly of the granulation tissue. fabric.

White sloughy deposits and necrosis appear as a result

The wound dressing must provide of the compression. If the firm packing continues, sepsis
optimum fit to the wound base may occur. Moreover, it should be possible to remove the
so that wound secretion can be
absorbed. Examples for use of this packing without cell stripping and increased pain, which is The cohesive elastic conforming
ensured with Sorbalgon. bandage Peha-haft* holds securely
are TenderWet (above) to treat
without end-fixation and is par-
wounds of large area or Sorbalgon
ticularly economical to use (left).
(below) to pack deep wounds. Securing the dressing Simple securing with elastic
Securing the dressing using adhesive tapes is usually bandages over joints, in this case
sufficient in the case of primarily or small secondarily with Pehalast (right).

healing wounds.

In the case of larger injuries, adhesion over the entire area

with adhesive dressing retention sheets or conforming The highly elastic net tubular
bandages is indicated. Dressings which are not secured bandage Stülpa-fix only needs to
be lifted to change the wound
firmly can cause irritation of the wound leading to disturb- dressing (left). The tubular band-
ances and delays in wound healing. age Stülpa is indispensable espe-
cially for special fixations, e.g. as
a finger bandage (right).

* Warning: Since Peha-haft is a cohesive conforming bandage, it should be used with

care in patients with disturbed blood circulation. Do not apply too tightly.
The wound dressing [186.187]
In some wounds, it is necessary to prevent the occurrence The dressing should be inspected and, if necessary, remov-
of oedema at the wound edges by slight flat pressure on ed promptly:
the wound surface. Even pressure is obtained by applying ▪ if the patient complains of pain,
elastic cohesive bandages or cotton crêpe low-stretch ▪ if pyrexia occurs,
bandages somewhat more tightly. It is necessary to check ▪ if the dressing is softened and soiled or the absorptive
carefully that there is no tourniquet effect. Elastic support capacity of the dressing is exhausted,
bandages are also available to stabilize wounds after chest ▪ if the dressing has come loose.
and abdominal operations.
In the case of an aseptic wound undergoing primary heal-
A dressing retention bandage helps to protect the wound ing, a surgical wound, the dressing normally stays in place
from the penetration of dirt and micro-organisms in addi- until the sutures are removed. However, the dressing should
tion to the wound dressing and to cushion it against pres- be replaced if blood oozes during the hours after the opera-
sure and impacts. It also has a psychological effect. As a tion.
visible conclusion of wound treatment, it may be assessed
by the patient as a professional treatment and so give him On the other hand, it is more difficult to estimate the
the feeling that he is being well looked after. frequency of changes of dressing in wounds undergoing
secondary healing. In the cleansing phase, depending on
Concluding tasks the degree of exudate or in the presence of an infection, a
After the dressing change, the patient is replaced in the change of dressing once or twice a day may be necessary.
desired or required position (for example, avoiding pressure
on the wound area in the case of pressure sores, legs lower If the wound is clean, free from infection and bright red
in the case of peripheral arterial occlusive disease). granulation tissue is gradually becoming visible, the
frequency of dressing changes can be reduced. When
The used materials are prepared for final disposal or for hydroactive dressings such as Hydrosorb or Hydrocoll are
reprocessing in accordance with the hygiene plan. Hygienic used, they can be left on the wound for a few days. With
hand disinfection concludes the procedure. Hydrocoll, the formation of a blister indicates that the
absorption capacity is exhausted while in the case of
Frequency of dressing change Hydrosorb, the gel has a slight milky to cloudy appearance
Not only an atraumatic dressing change but also the correct indicating that the dressings need to be changed. Hydro- The formation of a blister in the
timing are important for an optimal healing process. The sorb also allows problem-free observation of the wound hydrocolloid dressing Hydrocoll
indicates that the dressing needs
frequency of the changes of dressing depends on the con- because of its transparency. It gives the doctor and nursing to be changed
dition of the wound and the characteristics of the wound staff the security of knowing that any complications can be
dressing. Unnecessary changes should be avoided as recognised immediately.
every dressing change means a disturbance of the wound.

The wound dressing [188.189]

With increasing wound contraction and advancing epitheli- Furthermore, wound documentation allows progress,
alisation, the physiological secretion of the wound dimin- stagnation or set-backs in the treatment to be assessed reli-
ishes so that the intervals between dressing changes can ably, so that treatment measures may possibly be amended
become longer. Provided there are no complications of accordingly.
wound healing, Hydrocoll and Hydrosorb can remain on the
wound for up to seven days. The documentation also, above all, ensures an information
flow between physicians and nursing staff. This can also
Documentation of dressing changes and wound care prevent, for example, that contrary measures are taken
Precise wound documentation describes all the criteria that from one dressing change to the next, because different
serve both, treatment planning and prognosis estimation, people are performing the wound treatment.
as well as treatment control and the healing process. It is
therefore the basis for every effective wound treatment, but And lastly, evidence of medical/nursing care which meets
should also be regarded and accepted as an indispensable the prevailing standard is made by law into a self-evident
instrument for securing treatment quality. obligation, so that written documentation is indispensable
for safeguarding the medical or nursing care from the legal
Careful recording of data is a compulsory guideline for all and third party liability standpoint. Oral agreements, for
involved in wound treatment and care and it simplifies instance during ward hand-over or ward consultations are
consistent procedure, starting from diagnosis of the reasons not suitable for providing the legally required evidence of
for the wound, determining adequate causal treatment, the quality of treatment and care.
i.e. estimation of the wound condition, and from this, sti-
pulation of local wound treatment. The treating personnel The entry of data in the documentation should be made
therefore concern themselves extensively with the wound as soon as possible following the performance of wound
problem in question. In the case of chronic wounds, this treatment or a dressing change. This means that the wound
increases the chances of the defect healing more rapidly, condition is still fresh in the memory and no important in-
which may possibly spare the patient years of suffering. formation will be lost. The documentation is then always up
to date during a shift. The practice sometimes followed of
Precise initial recording of findings which acknowledges making entries collectively shortly before a ward hand-over
wound problems promotes, in particular, the urgently need- should be avoided as unreliable and imprecise.
ed early interdisciplinary cooperation. If, for example, the
hazardousness of a beginning diabetic ulceration is recog- For the sake of useful documentation, an “appropriate”
nised and if coordinated treatment by diabetics specialists, choice of words which precisely describes the condition of
angiologists, surgeons, etc., is begun early, life-threatening the wound is of great significance. However, this frequently
amputations can be avoided in many cases. presents difficulties in practice and the statements are

The wound dressing [190.191]

often relatively imprecise. In order to avoid lack of clarity, a
documentation system can contain clear descriptions of the
individual parameters, which then need only to be ticked
off. Or the descriptions to be used are worked out in a team
and stipulated as the “norm” for the documentation, which
is then binding on all in the wound team.
1 2 3

Additional photographic documentation is also particularly

well suited to recording the condition as well as the healing ▪ With regard to the settings used it must be ensured that
process of the wound clearly and precisely. Misinterpreta- not only the central wound area is sharply defined but
tions that can arise in purely written wound descriptions also the near and further way areas of the body.
are avoided. Certain legal aspects need to be paid regard ▪ If there is not sufficient daylight available, a flash can
to in the context of photographic documentation, mainly be used for illumination if necessary, whereby it must be
relating to the consent of the patient. ensured that no reflections occur. The use of special
colour cards is also useful which in the case of differing
Here are a few tips for carrying out the documentation: light conditions allow the images to be corrected to
▪ Basically it has to take care that photographs which “standard conditions” and can thereby be compared.
record the progress of a wound are always taken under ▪ The selected background should be as “quiet” as possible
the same conditions in order that, even if the dates of – i.e. without any structure (2).
the photography are different, useful comparisons can be ▪ The camera should be held with its exposure plane as far
made. as possible parallel to the subject. If the exposure plane
▪ Digital photography has been become the standard and the subject are not parallel, the image will be dis-
means of imaging, allowing photographs to be produced torted and will not show the exact size relationships (3).
and filed cost-effectively. Even though cameras with over
10 million pixels are now available, for the purpose of
wound documentation a model with 3 million pixels is
usually sufficient.
▪ Perhaps, all pictures have to retain their evidential value
even years later. Therefore it is important that the files are
carefully administered. This includes meaningful naming
of the files (e.g. “Surname_Forename_Date.jpg” instead
of “DSC35469.jpg”), regularly backing up all files (e.g. on
CD-ROM or DVD) and if necessary keeping print-outs pro-
duced with suitable photo printers in the patient files (1).

The wound dressing [192.193]

Dermatome, mesh dermatome ➞ Fracture ➞ break, surgery:
Glossary & Index surgical cutting instrument
Enzymes = protein molecules
which, as a catalysts, accelerate bone breakage ➞ 29
for removing skin flaps for trans- biochemical reactions
Frequency ➞ 179
plantation Epidermis, top skin layer ➞ 8
Freezing ➞ 31
A Betahaemolysis, betahaemolytic Combined absorbent dressings Dermis (Corium) ➞ 13 Epithelial wounds ➞ 94, 176
➞ complete haemolysis (dissolu- ➞ 145 Functions of the skin ➞ 7
Acid and alkali injuries ➞ 31 Diabetic ulcer ➞ 33, 117 Epithelisation ➞ 47
tion of erythrocytes and of freed G
Complicated wounds ➞ 28 Differentiation stage ➞ 46
Acidophil ➞ acid-loving, stainable haemoglobulin) in blood agar Epithelium ➞ covering tissue as
with acidic dyes (culture medium) on colonisation Conforming bandages ➞ 178 the delimiting cell layer of internal Galen ➞ Claudius (Clarissimus?)
Disposing factors for wound
Galenus of Pergamon
Acute traumatic wounds ➞ 81
of the culture medium with beta-
Contraction, contract ➞ pulling infection ➞ 66 and external body tissue (Latin:
streptococci and staphylococci epithelium = uppermost cell layer, (129 – 199 AD) regarded as the
together, e.g. of muscles or Disruptions of wound healing most important of the historically
Adhesive tape ➞ 178 covering tissue)
Blood ➞ 22 granulation tissue during ➞ 61 recorded ancient physicians
Adhesive dressing retention reformation of scar tissue ➞ 46 Erysipelas ➞ 75
Blood coagulation ➞ 36 Distortion ➞ sprain, closed joint Gas gangrene ➞ 74
sheet ➞ 178
Contusion, contusion zone ➞ injury (Latin: distorsio = twisting, Erythrocytes (red blood corpuscles)
Blood plasma ➞ 23 Gas permeability ➞ 141
Adiposity, adipose ➞ excessive bruising, crushing, bruising or sprain) ➞ 23
accumulation of fatty tissue in the Blood supply to the skin ➞ 21 crushing region Gauze dressings ➞ 142, 145
Documentation ➞ 181 Escherichia coli ➞ 68, 79
body, obesity
Burns ➞ 30, 89 Corneal layer (stratum corneum) Genotype ➞ total genetic
Dressing change ➞ 168 Excision, excising ➞ cutting out
Age of patient ➞ 54 ➞ 12 information of an organism
C or removal of part of a tissue or
Agent ➞ medical: factor/ Corium (dermis) ➞ 13 Dry wound treatment ➞ 144 organ with the aid of a sharp
Cachexia, cachectic ➞ wasting Germ layer (basal layer, Stratum
substance causing ill
away due to severe weight loss, Cytoplasm fragmentation ➞ E instrument basale) ➞ 10
Aggregation ➞ medical: accu- reduction in strength as a result break-up of cellular plasma into Electrocoagulation ➞ (thermo- Execution ➞ 169 Gram-positive, gram-negative ➞
mulation/amalgamation of of an underlying disease, wasted fragments coagulation), surgical procedure staining of bacteria by Gram‘s
Exogenous ➞ medical: exerting
platelets (thrombocytes) ➞ 36 ➞ 56, 66 for destruction of tissue with a staining technique; blue = gram-
Cytostatics ➞ medications, which an influence on the organism from
Allo- ➞ other, foreign Capillaries ➞ smallest blood delay or hinder nuclear or plasma powerful electric current; heating outside, entering into it, e.g. a positive, red = gram-negative;
(Greek: allos = other) vessels division of the protein also stops bleeding pathogen (Latin: ex(-) = ex(-) staining behaviour is an important
criterion for bacterial classification
Antibiotics ➞ 79 Chemotaxis ➞ chemical stimulus D Embolism ➞ sudden occlusion of Exotoxin (Ectotoxin) ➞ toxin and for antibiotic therapy
which activates the movement an artery by a blocking particle, continuously discharged from the
Antiphlogistics ➞ medication that Debridement ➞ 99 e.g. a thrombus Granular cell layer (Stratum
of cells, such as leukocytes or interior of bacterial cells
counter inflammation
Dehiscence ➞ splitting apart of granulosum) ➞ 11
macrophages Emphysema ➞ inflation, medical: Exudative phase ➞ 36
Antiseptics ➞ 77 structures/tissue sections, e.g. Accumulation of air (gas) in the Granulation tissue ➞ 44
Chronic post-traumatic wound
a wound suture, by mechanical lungs (pulmonary emphysema) or F
Apocrine sweat glands ➞ 20 ➞ 130 Granulocytes ➞ 24
forces in other tissues, e.g. the skin Fasciae ➞ collagenous connec-
Arterioles ➞ the smallest arterial Chronic wounds ➞ 96 H
Decubital ulcer, decubitus ➞ 33, Endotoxin ➞ bacterial toxin that tive tissue sheath round skeletal
blood vessels, splitting into capilla-
Chronic wound healing ➞ 33, 102, 126, 153, 156, 159 is released on cellular breakdown muscles Haematoma ➞ 29, 62
ries (Latin: arteriola = little artery)
53, 97 with disintegration of the cell wall
Degree I ➞ 30, 89 Fibrinogen ➞ component of blood Haemodynamic situation ➞ study
Asepsis ➞ 168
Closed wounds ➞ 27 Enzymatic, enzymes ➞ brought plasma, factor I for blood coagula- of the physical basis of blood flow
Degree IIa ➞ 30, 89
B about by enzymes tion ➞ 23, 38 ➞ 105
Clostridium tetani ➞ 68
Degree IIb ➞ 30, 90
Basal layer ➞ 10 Enzymatic debridement ➞ 100 Fixation of the wound dressing Haemostasis ➞ 36
Coagulation necrosis ➞ dead
Degree III ➞ 30, 90 ➞ 177
Basal membrane ➞ 10 tissue (necrosis) as a result of
protein coagulation ➞ 90 Delayed primary healing ➞ 52

Glossary & Index [194.195]

Hair ➞ 19 Interrupt ➞ stop, cease Migration ➞ 47 P Predisposition ➞ proneness/ Reverdin‘s graft ➞ skin transplant-
palliative ➞ disease-reducing susceptibility to a particular ing procedure with epidermal flaps
Hyalinisation, hyaline ➞ abnormal Interstitium ➞ intermediate space Minor injuries ➞ 81
(Latin: palliativus = removing disease brought about by obtained with a scalpel (named
formation of glassy, transparent between organs and tissues
Mitosis ➞ 47 immediate symptoms) various factors after Jacques-Louis Reverdin,
substances, e.g. in the connective
Intoxication ➞ poisoning 1842 – 1908) ➞ 176
tissue (Latin: hyalus = glass) Moist wound treatment ➞ 147 Papillary layer (Stratum papillare) Prickle cell layer (Stratum
(Greek: toxicon = poison)
➞ 13 spinosum) ➞ 11 Reversible ➞ able to reverse
Hydrocoll (hydrocolloid dressing) Monocytes ➞ 24
Ischaemising ➞ causing blood cir- (lat. reversibilis = able to reverse)
➞ 157 Pathogen dose ➞ 69 Primary wound healing ➞ 50
culation insufficiency or ischaemia Morphologic, morphology ➞ of
Recurrent ➞ relapse, medical:
Hydrosorb (hydrogel dressing) ➞ the form/shape; Morphology = the Pathogenicity ➞ 68 Proliferation ➞ increase of tissue
K return of a disease
160 study of the shape of the body and due to overgrowth as a result of
Keloids ➞ 64 the form and structure of the inter- PAOD ➞ peripheral occlusive inflammatory processes, e.g. in Red blood corpuscles
Hydrosorb Gel ➞ 168
nal organs (Greek: morphe = form) arterial disease the context of wound healing (erythrocytes) ➞ 23
Krause‘s corpuscles ➞ 19
Hydrotul (hydroactive impreg- Perforating wounds ➞ 28 following the inflammatory stage
Myofibroblasts ➞ 47 Ruffini‘s corpuscles ➞ 19
nated dressing ➞ 162 L (Latin: proliferatus = sprouting,
N Peritonitis ➞ inflammation of overgrown) Rupture ➞ tearing of tissue or
Hypertrophic ➞ medical: showing Langer‘s lines ➞ 14, 63 peritoneum (Latin: peritonaeum = organ, usually due to injury (Latin:
excessively enlarged tissue Nails ➞ 19 Proliferative stage ➞ 42
Leukocytes (white blood peritoneum) ruptura = crack, burst) ➞ 63
Hypertrophic scar formation ➞ 63 corpuscles) ➞ 24 Necrosis ➞ local tissue death, Permeability, permeable ➞ allow- Provisional wound treatment ➞
dead tissue (Latin: necros = 82
I Leukocytosis ➞ increase in the ing passage; pervious
corpse) Sebaceous glands ➞ 20
number of white blood corpuscles Putrid infection ➞ 73
Ileus ➞ intestinal obstruction ➞ PermaFoam (hydroactive foam
(more than 10,000 leukocytes Neoplasm ➞ new formation of dressing) ➞ 154 Secretion ➞ product of an organ
57, 63 Pyogenic infection ➞ 73
per micro litre of blood) through tissue in the form of a swelling or a wound (Latin: secretum =
Immune status ➞ 56 various causes, e.g. infections, Per primam intentionem ➞ Q exudation)
Reticular layer > Stratum reticulare primary wound healing ➞ 50
diseases of the blood-forming
Immunosuppressant ➞ medica- ➞ 14 Quantitative classification of Secondary healing ➞ wound heal-
system etc. Per secundam intentionem ➞
tion for artificial suppression of wound healing ➞ 50 ing by formation of replacement
Net tubular bandages ➞ 178 secondary wound healing ➞ 53
immune reactions, e.g. on Lucent layer (Stratum lucidum) tissue (granulation tissue) in con-
transplantation of organs or in ➞ 12 Noxious influences ➞ harmful- Persisting ➞ enduring (Latin: trast to wound healing by wound
autoimmune disease ➞ 58 ness, disease cause (Latin: noxa = Rabies ➞ 75 suture = primary healing ➞ 53
Luxation ➞ dislocation persistens = continuing, ongoing,
harm, cause of disease)
Incisions/operation wounds ➞ 94 (Latin: luxare = dislocate) permanent) Radiation lesion ➞ 33, 132 Sensory receptors ➞ 18
Nutrition ➞ 55 Phagocytosis ➞ 40
Incretory disruption ➞ disruption Lymphangitis ➞ inflammation of Regeneration ➞ biological: renew- Sepsis ➞ colloquially “blood
affecting internal secretions the lymphatic vessels O Phases of wound healing ➞ 35 al, restoration; medical: new for- poisoning”, reaction of the
mation of lost cells and tissue; the organism to an uncontrollable
Infection symptoms ➞ 65 Lymphocytes ➞ 24 Obsolete ➞ old-fashioned, super- Photographic documentation ➞ capacity for regeneration is linked infection spreading throughout
seded, no longer corresponding to
Infection types ➞ 73 M 183 to particular cell and tissue types the whole body via the blood-
the rules of medicine (Latin: obso-
Physiological ➞ relating to in humans stream
Infective agents ➞ 66 Macrophages ➞ 41 letus = worn-out, old-fashioned)
normal (natural) life processes, Regenerative wound healing ➞ Seromas ➞ 61
Inflammatory reactions ➞ 38 Manifestation, manifest ➞ appa- Ointment dressing ➞ 146 not diseased 53
rent, clear, medical: the becoming Skin appendages ➞ 19
Inflammatory stage ➞ 36 Operative wound examination Platelets ➞ 22, 26
clear of a disease by the relevant Repair ➞ medical: replacement
➞ 83 Skin glands ➞ 20
Influences on wound symptoms Pneumonia ➞ lung inflammation of body tissue by granulation or
healing ➞ 54 Osteomyelitis ➞ acute or chronic scar tissue Sorbalgon (packable calcium
Mechanical wounds ➞ 27 Post(-) ➞ Latin: after Postopera-
inflammation of bone marrow alginate dressings) ➞ 152
Interference ➞ overlay, Requirements to wound dressings
Meissner‘s corpuscles ➞ 18 including the bone tissue and the tive wound-healing impairments
intersecting ➞ 61 ➞ 140 Split-skin removal ➞ 93, 95
Merkel‘s cells ➞ 10, 18
Glossary & Index [196.197]
Soft tissue necroses ➞ 62 Treatment of acute wounds ➞ 80
Squamous epithelium ➞ upper- Tubular bandage ➞ 178
most top layer, made of flattened,
particularly resistant cells ➞ 8 Blank, I.: Postoperative Wundhei- Lang, F., Lippert, H., Piatek, S., Schenck, K.: Verbandstoffkunde
Ulcera ➞ 32 lungsstörungen und Komplikati- Vanscheidt, W., Winter, H.: Häu- Teil I: Calciumalginate zur feuch-
Staphylococcus ➞ 68, 79
onen, in WundForum 4/1997 fige Probleme bei der Behandlung ten Wundbehandlung, in WundFo-
Ulcus cruris arteriosum – arterial
Stratum basale (basal layer) ➞ 10 Brychta, P.: Die Verbrennungs-
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Stratum spinosum (prickle cell rum 1/1998 Niedner, R., Vanscheidt, W.: Die Seiler, W. O.: Impaired wound
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Wundinfektion – folgenschwerste healing bei Dekubitalulzera, in
tone Komplikation der Wundheilung, in WundForum 2/1994
Subcutis ➞ 18 Defektdeckung bei akuten post-
Vater Pacini corpuscles ➞ 18 WundForum 2/1994
traumatischen Wunden, in Wund- Tautenhahn, J., Bürger, Th., Pi-
Superficial wounds ➞ 28 Forum 4/1994 Nusser, B.: Die Fixierung von atek, S., Lippert, H., Halloul, Z.:
Virulence ➞ 69 Wundauflagen – Material und Me- Diagnostik und Therapie des Ulcus
Sweat glands ➞ 20 Germann, G., Schmidt, J.: Die
W thoden, in WundForum 3/1995 cruris arteriosum, in WundForum
chronisch posttraumatische
T Wunde, in WundForum 1/1996 Rietzsch, H.: Diabetische Fußläsi-
White blood corpuscles
onen – Pathogenese und Therapie, White R.: Skin care in wound
Temporary covering of burn (leukocytes) ➞ 24 Gray D.: A pocket guide to clini-
in WundForum 2/1995 management: assessment, preven-
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Wound conditioning ➞ 103 tion and treatment, Wounds-UK
management, Wounds-UK Books Röthel, H.: Verbandstoffsysteme
Books 2006
TenderWet (wound dressing pad 2005 für die feuchte Wundbehandlung,
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with super absorber) ➞ 148 Gray D., White R., Cooper P. and
in WundForum 2/1996 Wilde, J., Wilde jun., J.: Wundhei-
Wound dehiscence ➞ 63 lungstörungen I und II, in Wund-
Tetanus ➞ 74 Kingsley A.: Essential wound Röthel, H., Schenck, K.: Passive
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management: an introduction und interaktive Wundauflagen
Wound documentation ➞ 181
Thermal and chemical wounds ➞ for undergraduates, Wounds-UK – Aufbau, Wirkung und Einsatzbe-
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Thrombocytes ➞ 26 Wound infection ➞ 65 Gray D., White R., Cooper P. and Röthel, H., Vanscheidt, W.: Ba-
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Total paresis ➞ complete paralysis Wound inspection ➞ 59, 172 systematic approach to advanced nagement (I): Die Reinigung der
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