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Correlative Conjunction Exercises

Complete each sentence using the correct correlative conjunction pair from the


1. I plan to take my vacation _________ in June _________ in July. (whether / or, either /
or, as / if)
2. _________ I’m feeling happy _________ sad, I try to keep a positive attitude. (either / or,
whether / or, when / I’m)
3. _________ had I taken my shoes off _________ I found out we had to leave again. (no
sooner / than, rather / than, whether / or)
4. _________ only is dark chocolate delicious, _________ it also can be healthy. (whether /
or, not / but, just as / so)
5. _________ I have salad for dinner, _____________________I can have ice cream for
dessert. (if /then, when / than, whether / or)
6. _________ flowers _________ trees grow during warm weather. (not only / or, both /
and, not / but)
7. _________ do we enjoy summer vacation, _________ we _________ enjoy winter break.
(whether / or, not only / but also, either / or)
8. Calculus is _________ easy _________ difficult. (not / but, both / and, either / or)
9. It’s going to _________rain _________ snow tonight. (as / if, either / or, as / as)
10. Savory flavors are _________ sweet _________ sour. (often / and, neither / nor, both /

Each correlative conjunctions comes in a pair of words. Use one of the following pairs to
complete each sentence:
either … or, neither … nor, both . . . and, not only . . . also, not only . . . but also , whether
… or
1. "Could I come over at __either___ three __or___ four o'clock?" asked Joan.
2. The teacher refused to mark his work because his book was _both____ torn __and___ dirty.
3. I really need a holiday but _neither____ in Spain __nor___ France.
4. I'm going to fish tomorrow, __whether___ it rains __or___ shines.
5. __not only___ did he borrow a lot of money from us, he __also___ refused to pay back a
single cent.
6. The children at the centre can __neither___ hear __nor___ speak.
7. She employs a maid to do __both___ the cooking _and____ washing for her family.
8. We have enough spices for only one type of curry. We can cook __either___ chicken curry
__or___ mutton curry.
9. The boy is really talented. He _not only____ knows how to play the piano _but also____ can
also compose music.
10. I do not like him. He is __not only___ rude __but also___ selfish.
11. We do not know __whether___ it's you __or___ me who will have to do it.
12. Each class is to present _both____ a drama _and____ a song for the concert.
13. The invitation is for two persons, so __both___ Jack __and___ his wife can attend the
14. We are waiting for the boys. _neither____ Roy __nor___ Joseph has come yet.
15. Alfred _not only____ got up late this morning __but also___ missed the train.
16. "Why is the baby crying?" "__either___ she is hungry __or___ her nappy needs changing."
17. _whether____ we go now __or___ in an hour's time, it doesn't matter as it's still very early.
18. Our Yellow House was __both___ first __and___ last in this year's sports.
19. "Oh, dear! I have left __both___ my purse __and___ keys in the other bag," said Jean.
20. _whether____ you ask Mary __or___ Lucy, she will give you the same answer.

Use one of the following correlative conjunctions to complete each sentence:

either … or, neither … nor, both . . . and, not only . . . also, not only . . . but also , whether
… or
1. The father was _not only____ disappointed _but also____ angry with his son's exam results.
2. We are going to watch _whether____ the documentary __or___ the current affairs programme
3. "Would you marry a man who has __both___ fame ___and__ money?" Mary asked her best
4. The boss _not only____ came in late, he was _ also___ in a bad mood.
5. Mother said, "You __either___ help me prepare dinner __or___ do your homework."
6. The police are investigating __either___ the fire was started by someone __or___ by other
7. Bill was so worried about his missing daughter that he could __neither___ sleep _nor____ eat
8. _not only____ does she run her own business, _but also___ (she) does a lot of work for
9. __both___ my mother __and___ my aunt are twin sisters.
10. She said she's going to marry him _whether____ her parents like it _or____ not.
11. We are required to sit for _both____ the Mechanics paper __and___ the Statistics paper.
12. Since their dad died, _both____ Roy __and___ his brother have done a lot of drinking.
13. The intruder _not only____ robbed his victim, he __also___ shot him dead.
14. __neither___ the workers __nor___ their supervisor is to be blamed for the accident.
15. If the firefighters fail to put out the fire it will spread __not only___to our houses, _but
also____ the row of retail stores.
16. The court will decide _____ _____ not she is guilty of using the gun to kill him in self-
17. You can colour the design with __both___ crayons ___and__ paints.
18. _not only____ did the team lose the match, it __also___ had one player sent off.
19. You must have been _neither____ daydreaming __nor___ sleeping in class again.
20. You are _both____ a wonderful husband __and___ a loving father.
Choose the correct answers:

1. I like spaghetti. I like lasagna.

A.   ?    both ... and / not only ... but also

B.   ?    either ... or

C.   ?    neither ... nor

2. The student is here. The tutor is here.

A.   ?    both ... and / not only ... but also

B.   ?    either ... or

C.   ?    neither ... nor

3. Maybe Jed will pick me up at the airport in Miami. Maybe my cousin Ted will pick me

A.   ?    both ... and / not only ... but also

B.   ?    either ... or

C.   ?    neither ... nor

4. Mrs. Alverado has her green card. Her daughter Alicia has her green card too.

A.   ?    both ... and / not only ... but also

B.   ?    either ... or

C.   ?    neither ... nor

5. I haven’t met my girlfriend’s father. I haven’t met her mother.

A.   ?    both ... and / not only ... but also

B.   ?    either ... or

C.   ?    neither ... nor

6. Sugar cane isn’t grown in Colorado. Pineapples aren’t grown in Colorado.

A.   ?    both ... and / not only ... but also

B.   ?    either ... or

C.   ?    neither ... nor

7. Fran speaks French. Her sister Fern speaks French.

A.   ?    both ... and / not only ... but also

B.   ?    either ... or

C.   ?    neither ... nor

8. The Jones boys might play tennis this weekend. They might go sailing instead.

A.   ?    both ... and / not only ... but also

B.   ?    either ... or

C.   ?    neither ... nor

9. My brother Randy won’t win the spelling bee. My best friend Ron won’t win the spelling
bee. They’re both poor spellers.

A.   ?    both ... and / not only ... but also

B.   ?    either ... or

C.   ?    neither ... nor

10. Paula may go to the Bahamas on her vacation next month. Maybe she will decide to go to
Hawaii instead.

A.   ?    both ... and / not only ... but also

B.   ?    either ... or

C.   ?    neither ... nor

11. Maybe Dennis will get accepted by Stanford University. Maybe he’ll get rejected.

A.   ?    both ... and / not only ... but also

B.   ?    either ... or

C.   ?    neither ... nor

12. The driver of the truck wasn’t injured in the crash. The driver of the small car wasn’t
injured either.
A.   ?    both ... and / not only ... but also

B.   ?    either ... or

C.   ?    neither ... nor

13. Dr. Harris might become the next head of surgery at St. Mary’s Hospital. Dr. Bentley has
a chance too, but those are the only two in the running.

A.   ?    both ... and / not only ... but also

B.   ?    either ... or

C.   ?    neither ... nor

14. Evelyn rides her bicycle on weekends. Evelyn bakes desserts on weekends.

A.   ?    both ... and / not only ... but also

B.   ?    either ... or

C.   ?    neither ... nor

15. Mrs. Alverado doesn’t speak English. Her husband doesn’t speak English.

A.   ?    both ... and / not only ... but also

B.   ?    either ... or

C.   ?    neither ... nor

Correlative Conjunctions
Choose the correct pair of correlative conjunctions to fill in the blanks.

                                   you go to the party                                    you go to the movies. You can't do both.

a. Both/and
b. Either/or
c. Neither/nor
d. Not only/but also
Choose the correct pair of correlative conjunctions to fill in the blanks.

                                   do I have to bake a cake,                                    I promised to bake a dozen cookies.

a. Both/and
b. Either/or
c. Neither/nor
d. Not only/but also
Choose the correct pair of correlative conjunctions to fill in the blanks.

                                   friends                                    relatives are people you want to forget during the holidays.
a. Both/and
b. Either/or
c. Neither/nor
d. Not only/but also
Choose the correct pair of correlative conjunctions to fill in the blanks.

Sarah will                                    fly in on Monday                                    drive and arrive on Tuesday.

a. Both/and
b. Either/or
c. Neither/nor
d. Not only/but also
Choose the correct pair of correlative conjunctions to fill in the blanks.

Maria was                                    on time                                    prepared for class.

a. Both/and
b. Either/or
c. Neither/nor
d. Not only/but also
Choose the correct pair of correlative conjunctions to fill in the blanks.
After his disastrous performance, Carter
was                                    embarrassed                                    annoyed with himself.
a. Both/and
b. Either/or
c. Neither/nor
d. Not only/but also
Choose the correct pair of correlative conjunctions to fill in the blanks.

                                   did Mom join the PTA,                                    she                                    volunteered to run the

bake sale.
a. Both/and
b. Either/or
c. Neither/nor
d. Not only/but also
Choose the correct pair of correlative conjunctions to fill in the blanks.

We                                    have to take the stairs                                    use the elevator because the escalator is
a. Both/and
b. Either/or
c. Neither/nor
d. Not only/but also
Choose the correct pair of correlative conjunctions to fill in the blanks.

                                   the cat                                    the dog came inside when I called them, so I called them
a. Both/and
b. Either/or
c. Neither/nor
d. Not only/but also
Choose the correct pair of correlative conjunctions to fill in the blanks.

My smoothie was                                    cold,                                    smooth, so I asked for a new one.

a. Both/and
b. Either/or
c. Neither/nor
d. Not only/but also

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