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| DESIGN PRACTICES EXKON HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT | 1 EXXON | EXCHANGER TYPES AND APPLICATIONS mea | fotze ENGINEERING | [ goseetsssct oan | PROPRIETARY INFORMATION — ror Auhoncea Conny Use Ont ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS Page score REFERENCES Basic Pracvces ther Reterences ERAE Toctnical Aegoris DEFINITIONS AND DESCRIPTIONS hitler Conaenser Gooier Evaporater Exchanger Heater Renoiler ‘Steam Genoraiore Saal reat Miscallaneous Typ APPENDIX Summary of Types of Heat Excnangers changer Design Information Check List : s = integraFin Tube : Nucieate Boling Tubes vusn Cleaning System serilating ite Claaning Systern ine Recreulaing Ball Clearing System \SBatle Hest Excha laa and Frame Heat nat Esenangar EXXON RESEARCH ANO ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLOAMAM PARK, 4. DESIGN PRACTICES Section [Pace HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT EXKON MA 2 of 26 EXCHANGER TYPES AND APPLICATIONS EXXON ‘ate Dec. 1890 ee ane eee et ol nemeerg REVISION MEMO Highlights of this revision are: 1 Total raview/revision/aditions to Section A including ~ additional definitions logic diagrams for enhanced heat tanster technology screening ~ descriotione/‘igures for ennancea heat vansier tecnnoioges The Customary and Metric versions have been comoined |_DESIGN PRACTICES _EKON | HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT EXXON EXCHANGER TYPES AND APPLICATIONS ENGINEERING | Dae PROPRIETARY INFORMATION —For Aunonted Company Use Only SCoPE ‘Ths subsection presents information concerning the common types of unlired heal exchangars that are avaliable and their ‘applications. Usually exchangers are saectically designed and fabcatad for each service; very itl heat exchange equipment ‘an ee purchased off ne shat. Therefore, to insure tne purchase of tne correct exchange, the designer normally completes a heat exchanger data sheet, gng the speciic requrements for ine unit. These requirements are a combination of calculated rocult ane attiate requests. Table & of Sutseesen C is an example of such a form, for shelbenstube heat exchanges ‘The calculation metnods are explained in the subsections which follow. Certain items, such as length, matena praterance and #39 are utually cupped by tho ifliate. Theze ahauld be included in the guevey rear lor a gage Loot9 retinery. Tor exting ‘efineries ana chemca plants, znisinfermaton may appearin the joo request leer or may be ceveloces inthe carly stages of the job, It the atflate has no specie requirements, economics should dictate the unt chosen. AEFERENCES Design Practices Secton K BO. GH, 1 Secon XV, Satety in Plant Cesign Basie rracuces BP6.1~1, TEMA Type Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers, Design 83P5.2-1] Couple Pipe Hest Srcnengers BPB.3.1, Plate Fin ana Hamesen Col Type Heat Exchangers, BPE.4-1, Air Coolea Heat Excraners Omer Ratorancas Stancards of Tuoular Excnanger Manufacturer's Association (TEMA) API Standard 380, Shell-ana-Tube Hoat Excnangers tor General Aafinery Service API Stancara 681, Av.Cooies eal Excnangers ‘or General Ratinary Sennces EHAE Technical Heports 1476.82, “Extenana Surface Heat Exchanger Tube Retiotts for Light End Condensers and Ronolers 2089, “Survey ui TuueSide Meat Tranbier Ennaticement Techmques +EESUES0, "Plate and Scval Heat Excnangers - A New Aoproacn lor Cost Elfectve Heat Transtar 92589. “A Review 21 New Technauas for CrLine Heat Exchanger Cieaning ‘Enhances ‘lucleate Soiing Tubes: New Tecanalogy for imacoved Heat Exchanger Ossaqn ira Satery of Plato Heat Excnangers” naneng “eat Excnanger Perormance win Turaulen Fouling in sat Excrangers: New Developments Plato Hoat Exchangers: Extending tha Flange of Applications wmthin Exxon LUsaate ta Fouing in Heat Exenangars: ineanwas for AAppiying Heat Exenanger Cn Line Mechanical Cleaning Cences™ Promaters DEFINITIONS ANO DESCRIPTIONS Hent transioe sowement can ce sonefing ther by ‘ype of construction of by service. Generally, within Exxon they are Ldoaignated by service. in some cases previous Exxon terminology nas Been cillarent fery Mat 19 uso by outside companias The following termnclogy 18 0 Jeneral use twrougnout ne industry. chiller | chiler cools a luis with a ‘aingerant to 2 temaaratura below that ebtamnable using air oF cooling water a8 1 Common reingerants ar ammona, ethylene anc oropylene; stiles water or annes are less trequenty used heat sink EXXON RESEARCH ANO ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORMAM PARK, Ni DESIGN PRACTICES | [Becton [Page HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT |_EXKON | ha, | EXCHANGER TYPES AND APPLICATIONS EXXON Dee. 1990 ENGINEERING PROPRIETARY INFORMATION — For Authorized Company Use Only ate DEFINITIONS AND DESCRIPTIONS (Cont) Condenser -Acandenear sn in which a peooaas vapar ie totally or pafially canvarted to liquid. The heat sink is ordinany 2 utility. such as cooing water but can be ancther process stroam. Generally the term "surtace condenser" refers spectically to shell and 2 units, used for te condensation of Iow pressure exhaust staam trom steam turbines oF engines. In some focations this term also applied to a vacuum pipestil overhead condenser, A" direct contact condenser” relers tea untin wnich the vapor condensad by dvect contact heat exchange with droplets of the Nest sink fd (usually water Cooter lar exznangoe “at between & tingle-phate process stroam and water or air Evaporator rater is an axchanger specially igned to concentate water solutions by vaporizing some ot the water. Exchanger sad Sense, an exchanger ary tem of unired heat Wanster equipmant whose function is to change the total enthalpy 08 preter to use “heat excnanger tO convey TIS Meaning.) In iy spe (aw snare usvall won, an excranger transfers heat between sirsams. Heater ficaton fnr haat transter eauoment that adds entnalov, usually without change ol chase. to a seam city (non-ereease stteam) as a source of heat, The ubity can be steam. a vapor heat transfer fluc such as Comiherm, or + uid heat transisrflud such #8 Exon Calora, Downer, or het oll Occasionally. a process stream of relavaly large -ontent ‘5 a uti, examoles are the compressor ascnarge in a tivat pump and the effvent stream of P ature procass -eactors, enoral classos ‘nat peins iatant haat at vazenzation to the bortom (general) of a fractionation ower There are revoiers, those which send Lot phases to the tower for saparation of vapor Irom nuit and thosa The former operate ey either natura! crculaton (usualy called tnermesyphon) o ereulation further discussion} puma” is aecied in some special applications where the overnead vapor is first compressed; the heat ootained by indensation 3 overhead vapors is then used to rebol the Lower Lotioms, in such cases, me cesignur wal iter anced heal transter tubes {0 recuee tha overall temperature aiference required to uroduce vavoreton. A raduced ratte aiforancs requires less compression af tne overnagd vapors ana can maka the system cost attectwe. A wvampie of such an appication '§ i a propane-prepyiene lractionator. esypnon repair are by far the most common fe. Herizntal thermosyphons with vancrization on the snell side i monty used in re 2etroleum industry, nla varical units with intube vaponzation ar@ favored inthe chemical ncusty. in» ‘-ermosyphon reboie’, suticiant laud head i provided so that natural crculauon of the boiling medium ‘s mamntainec 0 cxculation ranoilars require a pump '0 force the Boling medium through the axcnanger. This type of reaoler “anuently used because of the added cost af pumaing the reboler fee ang reduced raiabilty due to purr falure, Dut ms fs 'squred "9 overcame nysrosiate Read limitations ar exeulaton problems. fers that return sniy vapor to the cower ste salad Kettle retoters. The operation of kere reboiers would be hon {80 as 900! Eoiing, These normally are more expensive Dut tend to be Me easest 10 operate ‘Steam Generators (Waste Hust Bulers ur Heal Recovery Steam Generators) fam generators are svecial ype of vaporizer used ta produca sieam as te vacor product. Generally, he neat sowice [3 nat Dayana ‘nat Which i raqured for presess; tis accounts for tha eamman rame of "waste Neat bole fo i ‘ros. Like rebolers, sfeam generators can be Heme. sump-hrougn, or thermesypnon type. 3oth oumo-throudls osypnons requira a separate steam drum 10 cisono. Suoerneater ueermeater heais a vapor, noemaly st EXXON RESEARCH AND ENCINEFRING COMPANY —~ FLORHAM PARK, Ha. DESIGN PRACTICES EXKON HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT Section EXXON EXCHANGER TYPES AND APPLICATIONS ENGINEERING [Pate PROPRIETARY INFORMATION —For Authonzed Comreany Use Only Dec 1980 DEFINITIONS AND DESCRIPTIONS (Cont) Vaporizor ‘A vaporzo s an exchangor that converts liquid into vapor. This tarm is sometimes imited to units Panding liquids oxner than water. intercooter Intercoolers are used fo cool the cischarge trom one stage of the compressor betors it goes 10 the nest staga of the compressor Interceoiera inerease volumatne elcieney of the comgreosor end garualy remove conaenzasle vapers, Attercooter Aftercooiers ata used to cool the discharge irom the final stage of a compressor to incroase gas density and to parva remove condansabie vapors, Increased density helps reduce aressute drop in the downstream eipng Recycle Cooler Recycle coolers are used to coo! compressor aischarge betore it's recycled to tne commaressor suction. Hecyciing \s necessary to stop comoressor surge, Recycle coolers are also called surge coolers or anusuige coolers Overhead Condenser Cvamead sondansars candensa vapors Irae the top of columa (Nemaily setilaion eaiumn) They can be eartal or ‘ota condensers A pan at the condensate is normally refluxed back to the top of the column, Pumparound Coolers Pumparound coolars sool a sda stream from an itotmadiata tray ofa dstilation column, The sive scam or sumparound, Aaner it nas bean cools. Is roturMeG 19 anotner ray in (Ap BIsalon CoWUN. A part ot te puINgaroUNY nay Ge CawN as se stream proauct Feea / Ettluent Exchangers ‘Thase exchangors ar@ used to heat cold lead to 3 reactor by using the heat avaiable from the same reactor attuent. These xchangers aoerate wih a close temoerature approaca to maximize neat recovery. In many instances. aiowacie cressure rag is spectieg as a combed feed side and eifiuent side oressure arop. GENERAL TYPES AND APPLICATION” When dosigning a naat exchanger, ane must tst determina the Type of exchanger to use, When ‘wo cr more ypes ate sopicable n ai) respects, the nasis for selaction « usually uconomes. The lolowng paraqraens outline the helds of Gbploativi of ne mae nfpMs OF Heat wAChANgers used Dy Caxor, There we, of course, agaitonal pos of oxcnangore not discussed below, fut they ae not offen used in the powoleuin industry Shell and Tube This isthe type of exenanger that's most commonty used in refineries, is avaligle in many sizes, and ican oe cesianed for ‘maderate ta hign pressure winout excessive cost. It consists of a bundle of parila tubes enciosea in a cwinancal casing called 2 shell (See Figure 1 of Subsection C for nomenclature) There are two basic typas of shell and tute exchangers. Tha fst isthe fixed tube sheet unit in whicn both tube sheets are fastened to the snl In this type of constructor, aifererial exnansion of the sre and tubes due to ailferant operating metal Temperatutes oF ritferent mitenais ut connor ay rwuUe Ue ub UT ait vxpanson joint oF a BacKES In ‘The secon type of shel and tube unt has only one restrained tube sheet located at the cnannel und, Citteretis|exoansion prowims atv avoued Ly usie oa recy any lay Woe sult Gr uuu at the other end, The tbe bundle 2 removable for ‘maintenance and mechanical cleaning on the shell sice. For detaied information on these designs. see Subsecuon C. LUstiny ts quo vasstons in shell and tube Unit in onzee of inereing exst for low to moderate proveur9 lovnie would gue tha following tabulation: +. Simple tea tube-chest unt (Singls 99% 2 sure site) EXXON RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, Na. DESIGN PRACTICES [Section [Page ] HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT EXXON [a | este | EXCHANGER TYPES AND APPLICATIONS EXXON te i ENGINEERING Dee 1980 PROPRIETARY INFORMATION — For Autnorzed Gomonny Use Oniy GENERAL TYPES AND APPLICATION (Cont) 3. Fixed tube-sneet unit with an expansion joint or packed joint or with multiple tubs passes. 4 Floaung tube-sheet unit (called “tloating head” unt) The designer should choose the least cost tyne of construction that is anplieable, (See Table 3 of Subssction C for pratarred 1A stabonary and rear neac types.) Where there is a choice of type of floating head and tne cient has not stated a retorence, a.non-pulthrough floating head unt the usual croice because of better neal transfor characterises and lower Sunstrucuun costs The Uusiger rast cate tb type Of Huauny teat for thos Cases wins te Calculation pruLeure use recognizes the cffect of floating head type. For shell iamoters above 80 inches (1524 mm), a pull through fcating nesc with An integral shel covet may bR mare acne ‘Shell ane tube excnangers are designed ans fabricated to the Standaas of the Tubular Exchanger Marutacturars Association (TEMA), 3s mocitiag by Exxon Engneenng Basic Practces SF6-1-1. Tha TEMA Stancards lst three mechanical stanaarcs ‘classes of excnanger construction: A, C and B. Of these, we consider ony classes A and B.(Ciass Bis very siruiar to Class C] Equoment tabaesiad in accordance with the requrements ot Class R will adequately meet the heavy-duty service requirements of relinery units. owever, mere ars rumerous applications that do not requite this type of construction. These are characterized by low fouling rosiwly tercencres, requring fouling factors ot exceeding 0,002 and corrosion allowances not exceecing 1% inca tor ‘he unit under consiceration. Suen units would be considare low-maintenance iloms, Services faling i ths category are drntor lo water sxcnangers, ar coolers, and similar non-nyarocarben applications, 22 well a5 some light duty Ayaracarmon ferwces such as lignt ends exchangers, offsite lube ol heaters, anc some tank suction neaters. For such servcws, Class & construction shouls 0¢ consideres (See 8PS.1-1). Although units fabricated to ether Class A or Class 8 standaras comaty wth ailthe requerements a the portent codes (ASME or other national coves), Class 3 units are dessgred for maximum economy fang may result in 4 cost saving of a8 mucn as $% over Class R, especially for small or low-ressure excnangers Enhanced Heat Transter Technologies Use of Enhanced Vest Trans (EHT) technologies a new or replacement heat oxehangers can often reduce costs, imarove reliabiity, and facitate debotlenecking, It has Been estimated tat more tnan 25% of the neat exchangers in a refinery oF ‘omical plant sre sutable canaidatas or some form of EHT technology. Additional benefits of reduced holding vowumes ot hararcous lds and reduced foving also can cesult in safery anc onvrcnmental crecis For sjtner new or axistng exchangers, EHT technologies can provide opporuniie wa the operating aticiency iiprove ‘eiabiity ans/or recuce raaintenance, ang eliminate comtenecks, in aadtion, ine tecnnoi yield more cost sifective grass ‘0018 designs. Some examoles of the ways improves performance can result n capital oF operating cost © Replacing an exsting puncle with an EHT tecnnology bunala while saving the existing shel, pein nology, ana reauce ‘© Using fewer neat exchangers 1 perform the same duty that would be required win tracitonal tect iniiat investment cost ana plot soace. '* Gaining energy credits by using lower prassure steam or closer temuet ‘ragtonal tecraotogy. © Cebortlenecking process heat exchangers ay more cast effective Suncle oF snail replacement Te results of secent R&O work have includes repcns that summarize the tach elerances). Those cepors provide afflates with characteristics ana imfations, 81 of Erxon exoenence, and suggested potential applications. ne five EHT tecnnotoges bret described in the following paragraons wil Nave more geraled sections covery tnt charactenstics, mations, and calculation procedures in future updates of OP Sectian IX, Unvl these sections nave been Competed, this section and the roferoneed reports will carve ae an intraauction to the teennolagias, Thay alko provide 8 ‘neans for engineers to uckly screen the technologies for nossile applications. ‘Tho major use othe fva taennolagiee ici eholl and tube axchangars. However. most of tbe apotie in thar tubular type exchangers auch a¢ deUble-pipe ang af-cooied heat exchangers. The EHT tacnnoiegies can provda an important cost-saving edge inthe design of new exchangers, Taay can also be avovee a3 “otea-n"” tecmeicgy n gusting bauipment to neia eliminate some excrangers ‘siabuty sroblems, 3 “0 srowice ebonienecking capaoilty, The tecnnologias ara al commerciaiy avalacla et, east sre Ju tyoe has cen applied Sy an Locker amare 198 and describe field tosis of some (see ering calculation prceccures, sumimarms EXXON RESEARCH ANO ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, NJ T |_DESIGN PRACTICES EXKON | HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT Seaton | | | EXXON EXCHANGER TYPES AND APPLICATIONS ENGINEERING Dee. 1990 PROPRIETARY INFORMATION — For Auhonzod Company se Only GENERAL TYPES AND APPLICATION (Cont) For an initial screening, Figure 1 is a frst pass logic diagram to help determine if an EHT technology is applcatia under a ‘aiven set of fluid conditions. The figure is applied by staring with the scecticaton sheet conattions for the traditional equipment (e.g shell and tube) and following the logic diagram. Once an EHT technology is identified, one of the fllowing descriptions can be reviewed to determine il the application should be further pursued. Integral-Fin Tubes (IFT) IntegralFin Tubes nave extended external heat transfer surface area in the form of short fine ranging in density ftom 1 fins Brinch (fp to a0 fp (490 to 1575 fin/meter) and in heag irom 0.030 to 0.056 inch (0.75 to 1.4 mm). Figure 2s a sketch of an IFT. Although IFT are nat a new tecnnoloay (see Subsection G) significant advancements have expanded ther applicability The most maortant advancements are thei availabilty in a wide range of alloys that can rasist corrosion and new fin designs with improved heat transfer charactensics. The new features allow IFT to be considered for applications prewousiy rejactea ‘A major advantage ol IFT is that they can be installed by simply retubing the exising tube bundie wile utlizng current equipment. This advantage makes (FT paricultty attractive fo help solve redesign problems. For exarnpia, tne tuba-for-tupe replacement of bare Tubes in a waler-ccolea conaenser provides 2.5 oF more umes the condensing surface area wile fetaining the same shel, ping, and ingulavon, Recent research ras found that fluid oropertes such as surface tension can Significantly influence the pertarmance of FT in condensing applications. Thasa elas can ha investigated wih tha deta! heat exchanger models deserted in Section 1XK Thera s¢ aot a singin, gonarat anewar In tha question of wneinar finned tubes ata susceptible t0 fouling. Sesearcn and lexperinnces (some wthin Faxon more than 20 years ago) have shown that there are types of fouling for which waned TUDes actually tou! less and are easier o clean tnan care tubes, In other cases, usualy where a foulant formed between tne fins anc ‘xpandea dung formation, tha fouing caused damage (0 tne tubes. If tinned tubes Iook promising lara paruicuar appiaton, ‘chees local experiance ot rater to the Combustion ang Meat Transfer Secuon at EAE for the most recent axoentence base. [Anatner consiaeration is ine eft of IFT on tube side pressure drop. When tues are manufactured win intograt ins, me outside diameter of the finned section 1s mage equal to 2F sighty less than the outside diameter of the are tube ond ‘Theratora, the huight of tha fn wil equa a reduction of ha ineida radue of tha tbe anor fin. tne wall hickrss ig maintainad, the side f@dus must be reduced by the ba neigh, which increases Tube side Ores ‘top ana neat transter ‘or the same How rate, These elfecis must be checked by he engineer to sae \ Ihe design constrains ean til be met, In finned tube anoicatons wnere metallurgy nas been ungraded, par of the fn height ctfoct may ba reaucca thinner wall. In Such cases ts important to cneck the eifect of ne thimnar wall on the vibration analysis o Finnec-tube technology can algo be combines with one of tho tube side ennancements described in this section. The combination of eennoicgies (e.g FT with TP or OMG in Concensers} can sometimes 29 cost effective wnen a tecncieyy by salt would not be cost allectve Nucleate Boiling Tubes (NBT) Eninanced Nucleate Boing Tubes hava a specially ereparca curiace containing cauties (niciestion sites) that vaporizing sice neat ‘ranster resistance ov more than a laetor ef 70, The sunace can 98 manuiactur2e in a number of ways, mneluding coating and mechanical deformation. Figure 3 shows Samples of several of tnasa tubes. Tha recuceg baling Nest transier resistance provides the opparumty to operate the exchanger wih 2 much smaller temperature sitference or {0 aebottenecx existng equoment with a buncia rato. In new equioment it may be possible to use fewer excrangers with NBT than with taaitonal equipment. tis important to remember, however, that ony baling in the nucieats boing regime s enhanced by hase tubes. Cases of tim oling or complete aryaut do not Reneit trom NET. Far example. a large temperature aifranca Igroator than 80 © of 28 C) betwen tha hwo haat exchanger fds can offen result in tim Souing coneitons The NBT touhnology, the tne IFT toennalegy dozenbea acrier, can cena rom the use of double enhancement (ennancemant on B01 sides ofthe tube) n cases wnere the foiling ice neat transfers not controling, For examave, double ‘enhanced tubes have been used in thermasipnon revallers at Zayway Cremcal Plant. There, the venical up-ilow boiling tut side was enhancad oy NBT and the anell aa condensation oy oxtermal in suns ‘Turvunenee Promoters (TP) Turoulence Promoters are luce sve cevices thst mix ths 38 Figure 40} o¢ any soar tha tuo9 wall (208 Figure sb). Troy [EXXON RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORMAM PARK, Ha DESIGN PRACTICES | 7 a HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT |e EXKON A eotz8 | EXCHANGER TYPES AND APPLICATIONS | EXXON a Dec, 1990 | enopmieTaRY IrORMATION _ForAunents Gonsany vse Coy_| ENGINEERING GENERAL TYPES AND APPLICATION (Cont) The improved maxing or turbulence provided by TP’s increase the tube side heat transfer 1.5 to 3 tes over that available with bora tubs at tho came flow rato. Along withthe Neat vanater enhancement is @ corresponding incroaae in Incton factor (i pressure drop). The magnitude of th prossure drop inerease depends on whather tha low is laminar oF turbulent and the type of enhancement device. In vary general terms, the pressure drop increase corrasconsing to a 1.5 to 3 times increase in heat transfer is approximately 3 10 10. The sensitivity of the heat transter/fncten factor relationship depends strongly on the flow regime and ennancement technology. AS described under the NET and IFT technologies, the TP technology may prove very bvenencial in combination win another EHT technology. CCases that would benefit from TP technolagy alone are mainly in heat exchangers where the tube side heat transfer is onoting. This often tua in axchangers where the process td's neated by & steam source, wnerw fouling i a prooiem because o! temperature-sensitve fuss, or where turndown conditions cause low flow rates. Its important to ensure that there is a means of constraining a TP device within the tube so tnat t does not sio out during operation (On Line Mechanical Cleaning (OMG) Devices a Line Mechanical Cleaners are devices that can maintain the tube side of @ shell ang tube Sundle atthe clean. start up Condition. Sines fouling resistance often represents 30% or more of tne surtace area require in a heat exchanger aesign, the ‘OME tecnnoiagy can ue used to design smailer exchangers or to gain heat duty ‘fom the same area. These tecnnotogies can be agpled to rotatit or new designs Three types ot on tine mecnarscal clearing Gavices are considered nere: The rst is Srush-anc-ZasKet tecnnoiogy, in wnicn brushes are cycied in both directions inca the tubes. The secon on ine cleaning technology is Ostilaing Wite. in which a loggely Sting airs ie susaended fram one or both ands of the tube: the wira contacts tha tina wall a6 2 eae of Hurtindent ‘motion ana tnareby minimizes the fouing layer. The third om line cleaning technology is Recwcsiaung alls tecnnology, st Which sponge rubber balis continuously crculata through the tube side of the exchanger Brushand. Basket Figure 5 snows an example of the brush and basket technology. Currently this technology iS avaiable on for tube side ppications, Therefore, t would nat normally ba considered for Neat exchangers that have severe snell side Iouing since the heat vanstar resistance and raqured maintenance on that side would signcanty requce the incentive for tune side on tine cleaning The aolity of the brushes fo mantan the tube side at startua fouling condition can be vary valuable to reduce Doth energy Consumation and mainienance. However, tha need to meaty the snell channel Oexes may force consideration of :nis technology for new designs rather than rete Is tacanology Was MSt ceveloged only tor cooing Water Serncos. However, the manuiacturer nas suecesstully applied brush-and-vasket devices in velinery crude preneal exchangers, in both revott anc new cesians, Osettanng Win Two versians of this technology are commercially avaiable. Exxon nas hae successful experiences with botn wnen comolete operaing ana tus cones, and foulant coniion thave Owen curskieied, Fiyure 8a shuws ne technology tat is susoenced between TWO ends of 2Ach tube. Intl expetience shows that the most successiui aopicavons have used a stand-off” euceort that actually moves the suspension coint slgmlv out from the tube ena. Partcuiaty for services where some foulant anvers withthe stream or is formed atthe tube inet. Ins form of installation orawices wire movement over the complete length of the tube, Figure 6b shows a saccnd tacnnology consising of a 7gid. rciabng wire that ‘5 installed suspences from only the inlet end of each tube. ‘These teennologias have been applied in only single-phase lquas, mostly m crude preneat sopications. Manulacturer’s cetaled designs are requred or tinal apaicatons, ut screening investigations to determine possice acpications can use te heat exchanger calculations based on a minimum fouling resisanca Hecrcuated Hails nly cooling water services can be considered for this technology because the recrculaten balls are not hnyarocarcon streams. Theverare ta We of ine reeyculatee bals can O@ Sgnifcaruyroguceg By rwurcvarbuM Weakage mo the ceoiing water siroam. Figure 7 shows a sketch of a system instalation. roleay 's ary usee 19 large power plant Ssctace eanaansers. 19 minimize the elects of anaing water ‘owing empatibie mith EXON DESIGN PRACTICES EXXON ENGINEERING HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT EXCHANGER TYPES AND APPLICATIONS PROPRIETARY INFORMATION — Fx Aunarzed Comoary Use Only Dee. 1980 GENERAL TYPES AND APPLICATION (Cont) Rod-dattle Exchangers (RBE) od Battie Heat Exchangers difer trom vastonal batted aholl and tube Neat exchangers in that PGE batflos conast of sats of ‘eds, as shown in Figure 8, that produce longitudinal shell sda flow. This battle configuration results in very iow prassure droo ang signficanty reduces any tendency for tube viation. ‘Test rasults for an exchanger wth singie phase flow showed that the RBE had approximately 80% of the heat transfer out only (of Ine pressure grap compared to same flow through a double-seqmenta bait bunale, Therefore, the designer mgnt use a simallr shell ameter, or a TEMA F-lype shell to achieve the same heat transfer out with less pressure drop than required for traditional baile technology. Conversely, higher tlow rate could be run through the exstng exchanger wit an ABE bundle f te sxisung bundle siyle was bulllereckeu by pressure drop. ‘The ABE can provide an excellent solution for tube wioation problems, especialy because the replacement bunale can be italien ine emating anell for any standard TEMA configuraton. Aintoniad Heat Exchangers [An aiccoled heat exchanger consists of ane or more fans and one of more heat transfor uncles mounted an a frame. The bundles usually consist of finned tubes, The hot Had passes Uirough the tubes, which are cooled by arr supcied by the fan The choice of a coolers er condensers over conventional shell and tube equipment Cenends on economics, considering ‘onsite and, offs intial investment and operating costs In general, at-cooled heat exchangers should be considered for use in locations requiring a cooling tower for water, where pollution laws sot stact efiuent water requirements, where expansion of once-through cooling water systems would be ecuied, oF where ihe nalure of coving causes leaquent plugging oF cortosion problems. Aircooled heat exchangers are frequently used to remove high level heat, wiih water cooling used for final “tim” cooing ed heat exchangers can be uss as emergency pumaoUt coalers. With tho fan off, natural convection wil allow an ar ‘cooled Unit to C00! at about 15 to 35% of design duty, depending upon the temperature level of the process thd tothe Unt. hangers eccuay relatively large plat aroas. Tharsfore. they are fraquently mounted over pipe racks ana process equioment such ae gums and exenangers (lor safety considerations, see Section XV}. When considering this type of installation, ane ahould cneck the heat losses ftom surrounding equlment, to determine if there is an effect on the air niet Double-Pipe Exchangers Commercial coubie-ipe exchangers Consist of one oF more pipes oF tubas inside @ pipe shel: such units very often have two Shag fens connected at one ona ta form a U or “hairpin (eferenee DP 1X-I{ Toe pictures). Although some uoubie 0160 Sectors have bare tubes, the majony nave longiudinal tins on the outside of the inner tuba. These units can be easly cismantled for cleaning by remowng a cover atthe raturn band, disassemaling both frontend closures, anc wiinctawing the neat transfer slamant from the rear, These excnangers are avalable as manutacturer s standard unt, uble-oige sactions corm tue counter-current or tus co-current flow, wnich may be of paricular advantaga whan very close temperature aporoaches or very wide temperature ranges are reaured. In addition, double.pipe unis are wel suited or Nigh pressure appicatons, Secause af thei lately small diameters, This allows the use of small flanges and thin wall sections, 35 compared ig conventional shall and tuve equament. Qoublepige sectons nave been designed fer up te 2.400 psig 580 xPa) on ne shoil se ane up {0 15.000 psiq (703,600 KPa) on the tube side, Metal-o-matal ground joints, ring jot, ‘kad in the Ieentond closures at lawer peassutes. For extremely high pressures (above 1000 asia the Combustion and Heat Transfer Section of ETD, Commercialy avaianle single tube double-pipe sections range from 2 inch through 4 inch (St to 102 mm) pipe size shels with inner tubes varying tom 9/4 ingh #0 21/2 inch (19 t0 44 mmm) niga ste. Thay can usually be jstiiad economically ifthe ‘quwvalent shell and tube surface required is less tnan about 200 square feel (28 square meters), CDoubie-nige sectons wih multiple tube elements contain up to 64 tubes within the outer pipe shell The inner tubes. which may be miner nare or innca, are available wih outside Gametors of §/8 inch to 1.0 inch (18.875 to 25.4 mm). However, normally ony bar taining more than 1Y tupea. Nominal shel sees vary from 4 wit Ww 18 jie (102 to “208 men) 2.0. DESIGN PRACTICES Beaton Pase | HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT _E2KON a jootes | EXCHANGER TYPES AND APPLICATIONS = EXXON ate | oe 0 pwopnerany nsoruaron rr umes conan un on _ ENGINEERING GENERAL TYPES AND APPLICATION (Cont) Extended Surtace Fxtanrert surface exchangers ara charanterized by tubes wath either longitudinal af tranevarea nolcal tine. Ths type of surface 's best employes when tne neat transter properties of one ‘uid result in a igh resistance fo Neat ow ane those of the other tu resuitin a law resistance. The fluid withthe high cesistance to heat flow contacts the fn surace, See Subsacuons C, G, ‘ang H for guidelines concerning the use of extended suraces in shell and tuoe exchangers. Brazed Plate Fin Srazed plate ln heat exchangers are made uo of a stack of layers that consist ofa corrugated fin between olato metak shears, ‘staluc aif on "ao sides by channele or bare 10 farm a 2288299 for tne Hlow of fluid. Maumnum assign conuitions are ABOU" 500 psig at 00°F (4240 KPa at 97.2°C). Typical aesign cancitons are for lower pressure and subzero tormperatures. Exxon has speciied plate-in type exchangers in applicable services in ethylene plant designs. Flecenty, several anpications invotwng crazed plate fin neat exchangers. called “core-n-a-crum” neat exenangers, have bboen investigated. This style looks attractive as a substitute for some kattla recoier exchangers. Plate Heat Exchanger Ine plate neat exchanger (PH), snown in Figure 8, consists of 4 number of parallel ow channels Thase channels are foamed by adjacant metal plates tnat are sevarated by gasket matonal around the permeter of eacn plate. The plates are Fanguicned together by an ouitce rams ana te ‘eae that provide unotm costing af tho adjacent plata qacnot members The platos are pressed trom a varety of metals with the most common being stainless steel, The plates are an ine oraer of And mes [1 mm) thick Tha siza of che inauadual plaios ranges from 2 minimum of aoprowimatoly 0.5 ft x 15M (152 mm «487 mmy to as large as ¢ fx 10 ft/1220 mm < 3050 mm), PHES that are manulactueed from such plates nave heat tanster sutace areas rangng trom 5H t0 19000 H? (0.465 to 1210 mr), ‘The manufacturing process presses the plates into some corugated shape that 's promcetary to each manufacturer, The cortugauons (someumes called ris or cnevrens by diferent manutacturers) Doth increase the mixing ofthe flow stvearn ana ad0 strongin to the plate, \Whon the PHE is assembled, the flow channel between aciacemt lates ranges irom 0.05 to 0.25 inch (1.27 to 6.35 mm) Because tne not ana cold flow steams pass tmougn adjacent crannels over tne entre lengin of ine excnanger, the PHE ras approxmately he same hign Neat tanster ailectveness as 4 tue countertow neat excnanger Tha maxamum temperature ang pressure lamts on PHES are appronmately 450° ang 380 psia (232°C and 2520 Pal However. Sxxon expentence indicates thal designs operating at less tnan maximum limitations of 300°F anc 250 psta (143°C ano 1827 HPs} result m tho most succeestel appheatione, Because or its basic configuration ‘exoosed clamaing bolts and long seating length of gaskets), the PHE may ve more ‘umersbia 15 ht oxnosure and ienange of nazaraous Hie than # shell ann tube However, tha PHE constrict minimisne the amount of gasket sutace exzased to amorent conattons, Also, ha holding volume of a PHE is atten ‘ass inan hait ofthe helaing voume in an equvalent snail and tuve. (Gne manutaectuar produces a fre grotection cover that under test has withstoad a totally engulfing spiltyoe ite. Detals are rapcne in the reterencea repon. Other manutacturers are investigating protective smieid devices, but they nave not been xoerence min Sucn 4xchangers, several affiiate agpicauors are under investigation. The totaly weided form ot lecnnciagy "as raisea the aoplcabon oressure and temperature mts to over S00°F and S00 psia (260°C anc 2850 KPa) ype 204 stamloee st00) minimum material, emmlar te tha ‘squrement for aaakotod PHE, i The man aavantages of PHE are iner compact size ana high heat ranster etfeciveness. They are especialy attractwe incest nan sno aquiuaiant erell ang tuee axenanger would raqute ally shell or tubes, The minimum material! canstructan Fype 204 stamniass steel, PHE are cresently cperating in suc lauiaud services as heat recovery cops, chemical process coolers ana nesters, ai latterm aopications, and sea water cooling {KON RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, NJ. i DESIGN PRACTICES |_EXKON i HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT ‘econ Page EXXON EXCHANGER TYPES AND APPLICATIONS = | kA | _tt ot 20 ENGINEERING PM dec. 1990 PROPRIETARY INFORMATION — For Aulnorzed! Company Ute On GENERAL TYPES AND APPLICATION (Con!) Spiral Heat Exchanger Ie spy! neater exchanger (SHE}, snown in Figure 10, — also calee a spa’ plate Neat exchanger nas many of ine same heat transfor charactersties as te plate heat exchanger (PHE). The major differences netween the PHE and SHE are in he geometry and gaskating, The SHE is composed ofa number af parallel plata, spirally wound haat transfer channels. Linke the HE, the acjacont SHE heat iranster channels are walded together at the edges instead of being separated by gaskets. in SHES, te gasket material is used only to eliminate short cicuting between the flow channels on the sama side of the ‘exchanger iit, face gasket) The SHE design allows much highor temperatura imtatons than are alowed for the PHE The SHE can be manutactured from several types of weldaale metals, The most common material used is mid steel The se of a SHE ranges trom 0.8 to $.2 ft (244 to 1885 mm) in diameter with the hegnt ranging ffom 0.8 to over 7 ft (244 to 2133 mm). These cimensions result n exchangers with heat transfer area ranging om approximately 10 t” to over 9200 tt? (0.93 10 207 mr) wr sinters The plate materia furs which ine SHE is mave rangas in tickess from 0.07 incn co 0.28 inch (1.8 t 18 mm) and the channel formed between acjacent spiral memoers ranges irom 0.2 inch ($ mm) to spprewimately t inch (25.4 mm. ‘There are tree basic geometies of SHE manufacture (Figure 11) Type ! gives full countertlow. This type gives tne hughest neat transter effectiveness ana ie mest ation used for igu-tasiau eat vancier Typa Il angi eens spl flow an one ‘308 of the exchanger and cross flow on the other. They ara usually uaed for condensation oF vapor flow docause of ine reduced pressure arop. However, te cr0ss flaw Types do not have the high neat vanster effectiveness ofthe ull counteriow, Type | design. Te usual maxumum temperature and pressure hits on SHES are approximately 360°F (176°C) and 250 psi (1825 KPal Howover, with specal gaskeurg, SHES are operating succosstully at greater then 1000"F (536°C ‘The maximum How rates forthe soia! vary with te particular type of geometry I ‘on bon sites (Type I), the azproxmste maxmum tlw rate is 14,000 f"/h (400 m*/hr for kquic. and 141 H¥/he (¢ m*?hn for vapor. For £5 flow on ane sige (Types Il andl) the approximate maximum tlw rate is 250 1°7hr (7 mh for que, ane 2500 t/he (70.0 mite) for vaper Miscallanaous Types af Hest Exchangers The followng excnanger 1yoes are used only under special procass ot matenal conattions, Therelore, they are not wiscussed in any further data in iis manual, For further information concerning those types of exctanaers, consult the Combustion ana Heat Transter Section at ERAE, When excnangers of this pe are required, tney are normally duy-epeciiac ratner than ply these specialized ypes ot equipment P i6latt to the vendors who sh Bayonet Type — # oayonet type element consists ofan outer and inner tube, The nner tube simply supplies ine Hus to the annulus between ine outer an inner tubes, wih the neat transfer occuring only through ie outer tube. Frequently, the euter "ube 'G an expensive alloy material ana the inner tbe +S earbon sted Bayonet type neat exchanger: r2 sell when there isan extremely high temperature cifference between shell side and tube ‘36 tus, ince ab 93rs suOjet fo Giterennal expansion are ree fo move indepencenty. ney are used for cnange-ol-ohase sarven where two-0nase low against gravity is undasvacie, This Type of unit Somatimes inserted ito tanks and process vasael | 0a cosling purposes. Cost pet aguare foot for ony the outa tbe ‘ransters twat tothe snail sige Tuc. A requent application of the bayonet type neal exchanger is vaponaing ‘ow temperature teuing flues wath steam Cascade Coolers — 4 cascade cooler has a sores of tubes meunted Nenzontaly, one above the athe. Cating water from a aistnbutng treugr cries over each tube and then 1a grain. General the hot tha laws countercurrent ta tne water, Cascade 2017S a8 Sea onW ware the aiccass Mud isPighly Corrosive, such as in sullunc actd coglng. These unis are miso Caled as Trombone cools, Mekle esolers, or serpentine coolers. Direct-Contact Candenser — A dect-contact condenser i actualy a smal contacting ower through which water and vapor ass togotner. Tha vagor is condensee by arect-contact neat exchanga with droplets of water. A soecial tye@ of eect-contact ium Sa Sarorrune CoNGENSeT, wMICN OpEraIES UNGEF a vECUUM. It cofives iS name irom ine long lalDEe or ' reaured Ic allow continuous aiscnarge of condensate Comcicunuc urus srould be used omy Where coolant ano process fia muual SoUbllius ale such that RO waLer POLL oF ciniammauen croolems are created. Process flua loss in the coolant must also De evaluate. vious Grasniie irservous 3/aEme Neal exchangers aie used only i highly Coosa heat 2 1 ang in gimar anc acid concentration plants. These uns 2 ange sence ceansiructed in OSS typieet emiteations one in Lrcbubyleme :XKOM RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, Nl DESIGN PRACTICES ] ection Page HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT EXKON A 12 of 26 EXCHANGER TYPES AND APPLICATIONS EXXON Date j Dec 1990 |_propmierany wromuarion tor Aumenee Consny use oay__ ENGINEERING GENERAL TYPES AND APPLICATION (Cont) 1. Cubic graphite exchangers consist of @ canter cube block of impervious graphite thal is cross dhiled to provide paveages forthe process and cervicaluide. Headers are bolted to the aidoe ofthe cube fer hud cietrBution. Also, the ‘cubes can be interconnected to obtain addtional surtace area, 2. Block type graphite exchangers conciet of an impervioue graphite block encleeed ina cylindrical chal. Tho process fluid (tube side) lows through axial passages in the block, and the service tui (shell side) flows through cross passages in the block, ‘Shell and tube type graphite exchangers are like other shell and tube exchangers except that the tubes, tube sheets, and heads are constructed of impervious graphite ‘Thase should be considered only fr large surface areas, over 2000 square feet (185 square meter), and low pressures, below 50 psig (945 KP) Scraped-Surtace Exchangers — Scrapec-surface unts have a rotating element wih a soanguloaded scraner to wipe the heat transfer surface. They are generally used in plants where the process fluid crystalizes, or in units where the tid is extremely fouling or righly viscous. Scraped:surtace unts are of double-pipe construction, The inner pipe, which caries the scrapers, i$ avaiable in 6, 8. ana ‘12 inch nominal pipe sizes. The extenor pipe, which forms an annular passage for tho coolant or refngorant, is sized as requed. Up ‘0 ten 12 men individual narizontal sections, or twee of the smaller sections, coanecied in senas or serea/earalisl and stacked in two vertical banks on a auiable structure, 2 the most commen arrangement. Suen an ‘arrangement is called a "stand." Motors and chain ot geat drives, plus appropnete guarcs, complete the stand Spiral Wound (Hampson Coil) — Spa tube heat exchangers consist of @ group of concanti, spirally Wound cols, which ara Connected to ube anaete, Features inciuce counter evrront flaw, amination of aiferential expansion problems, compactness, and prowsion for more than two fluids exchanging heat, In general, these units are used in eryogante appications where the process prassure is 650 psig or greater. al racocaing coquence is ano oF mera exchanger stands followed by one er mera refngorant earvced chiar stanae. fr flows down the inside Vertical Falling Fim Coolers — Vervcal fling film coolers are of fixed tube sheet constu of the tubes an a thek film, water flow is contoled by a metenng device in each tube inlet Worm Coolers — Worm ccolers consist of pipe co's submargad in a box filed with water. though worm coolers are sim constructed, they are extrematy expensive on a square foot basis. Therefore, worm coolers are used onty for soecial reasons such as @ case wnsre emergency cooling is required and there is but one source of water supply. The box contains encugn water to e201 qu pumg-out in ine event of @ unt upset and cooling water fare. When worm coolers are installed, hey should also ke used in regular serace as part of she cooling cxcut | raquiatons vesvict use of these due ta low pressure steam escaping drect Wet Surface Air Coolers — These exchangers in principal are very similar to cascace coolers exceot that thay are large ana normaly assocratoa with a cooling tower, Shel sie waters normaly about °F (3°C) above the wat aulb temperature. Cooing roam 19 18°F (@.9°C) above the dew gointe possible, Thaea can be eoneidaraa with a new cooing tower. Capital .Gh, But operating costs are considerably tower than equivalent standard ar cooled heat exchangers. DESIGN PRACTICES _EXKON | HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT Section | Pase EXXON EXCHANGER TYPES AND APPLICATIONS =| IKA 13 of 26 ENGINEERING | |__ PROPRIETARY INFORMATION — For Autnonzea Company Use OW. Dac. 1980 TABLE SUMMARY OF TYPES OF HEAT EXCHANGERS Type Major Characteristics Application She and Tuva Bundle of toes encased a a Always the fist type of exchanger to consider. vlinereal shea ‘ir Cooled Heat Excnangers Rectangular tube bundles mounted _Econamical where cost of coaling water is high ‘on rame, with ait used a the cooling medium Dounie a0 Pino within 2 pipe: ianer pipe may be For emall units firmed plain Enhanced Surtaco Integral tinned tube Services wnere the nest tanster‘esictance on Tune side tufoulence promoter side under consiaeration s apprecianly greater -Nucleate bating tute than the cesistance on the otter sce. Also used in denotenecking existing units owt Raftla Facnanger (Can repiaca any standard TEMA shell Solution for wbration orabiems. Can also ang tuoe excranger Brovice low pressure drop design Biased Plate Fin Sonos of plates separated by Cryogenic senacos: all fds must he clean corrugatec ins. Spiral Wound Spally wound ‘ube cols within a Cryagenie services: fluids must be clean, shel Serapes Surtaco Pipe within @ oe, wth rotating blades Crystalization cooling applications. Seraping ihe insida wall of the inner p10. Bayonet Tube Tube olemant consists of an outer _Usell for high temperature difference between and inner ‘uve. shel! ang toe fluids Faling Firm Coolers Verical unis using a thin tim of water Speca! cooling applications. in tubes. Worm Coolers Five cols submerged in a box of erganey coming water Barometne Condenser Direct contact of water and vapor. Where mutual solubites of water and arocass ‘tue sec Cascade Coolers Cooling water flows over series of — Soecial cooling applications for vary corrosive tubes. process figs Impervious Graphite Constructed of grachite for corrosion Used in very highly comraswe Naat excrangs protection sences, Plate Heat Exchanger Series of parallel corrugated plates Where ign eat tanster otfec: 's separated ty floxble gaskets, requres Process tds flow in neany true countertiow: comoact size Spiral Heat Exchanger ‘Two long caraliel plates wound in Where nigh fouing process fluias or shuies are spral shape, Process fluds can be present. Also usad as lower mounted designed fer countertiow or crossflow. condensers or thermosonon reba Wet Surface Air Coolers are tuoe unis where cooling waters Where process fluid neaas to be cocted below sprayed over an ait cooler buncle. —_almosohane ar temoerature EXON RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, Na DESIGN PRACTICES | ] ~lPie] HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT | EXKON iot26__| EXCHANGER TYPES AND APPLICATIONS EXXON Dea. 1990 | | ENGINEERING 8 | _ PROPRIETARY INFORMATION — For Auoized Comeany Use Orit _| TABLE 2 EXCHANGER DESIGN INFORMATION CHECK LIST Shall ane The Aaale Dasiga(" Plant Preference Maxmum Shei lnsde Diameter Gin. (1524 mm) seen > Macmum Tube Sunaio Woignt 25 tone (23 tone) ee : Low Fin Tubes Yes Yes No U Tubes Yes Yes No Tube Length 20 Rt. (6096 mm) 324°, 26°81 20, 16 (7915 rom'¥3), 5056 mm, 4877 mm) Tube 1D. and Min, Wail Thickness Cooing Water Service = Nonferrous 9/4 in~0.085 in a (605 mm=1.85 mm) Ferrous (2) 1 i. -0.108 in, (25.4 mmn-2.77 mm) Hyerocatbon Service - Ferrous 374 in 0.08 1 re (18.05 mm=2.1 mm) torte tn 0.108 jn, (254 men=2.7 mm) = - uae Materal - Cooling Water Carson Steei®? Aemsaly oF = = Seonce Aluminum Brass Tiangular Tube Layout ‘res ves No Norspull Tougn Floatng Heag ves Yes No Two Pass Shei) es ves No Fed Tube Sheets? yes vyes No County of Manuiactue Air Cooled Heat Exchangers eager Type Pig Plug cover Pate Speed Reducers Cog Bet 0g Belt Gear vibration ‘Sen No ves No otner Longtuginat Fin Excrangers! ves ves No ng Water Temperatures esgn nist, Yearly Tomoerature Records ves Ne atachea esign Outlet ccnanger Cleaning Method chemal or ves ves No Notes: Inis incawaorating these features shoule be sbectied wnen no oiner preference is shown. 2, When sccnomes! and aopik 3. Caraan stael usee any wih trasn water. 4. For very large, siean sence, teed fuse sreet unis DESIGN PRACTICES HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT Section Page EXXON EXCHANGER TYPES AND APPLICATIONS eA 15 of 28 ENGINEERING ae, PROPRIETARY INFORMATION — For Autnorses Company Use Only Dee, 1990 Figure 1 LOGIC DIAGRAM FOR INITIAL SCREENING OF ENHANCED HEAT TRANSFER (EHT) TECHNOLOGY APPLICATIONS, ALL CASES. un Computer Program f Determine Which Side Has Controlling Resistance Select One Fluid = ‘What Is The Phase Of Selected Fluid Singlo Phose Ui Two Phase Vapartng | Go fo Figue Te ([ oe Figure 1a [ees esos a eh ea) y | Two Phase Condensing , | y (Catron) core Fgan te EXXON RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, MJ. DESIGN PRACTICES EXXON [ection jase | HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT A 16 of 26 | EXCHANGER TYPES AND APPLICATIONS | EXXON Pat 09. 1990 | ENGINEERING PROPRIETARY INFORMATION —For Autnonras Company U89_ Gn Figure 1a LOGIC DIAGRAM FOR INITIAL SCREENING OF ENHANCED HEAT TRANSFER (EHT) TECHNOLOGY APPLICATION FOR SINGLE PHASE LIQUID Single Phase Gas Or Two Phase Siogia Phase quid 6070 sstwo Phase Condensing Flo. 1¢ fe Two Phaza Vaporizing Fig. 1 Je Single Phase Gas Fig. 1b Fain : Tae mam [mim = jane ] ] [ee] = [iow] Ce tow] [rion] Tow 1 1 1 -Oniine Meh. | *Onne Mech. | nine Mech | ‘leaning Cleaning soning Meet. | Siang | | saute | otal Heat Cag | oar | Exchanger Exchanger. | ‘Exchanger ! L | pam Hew Spal et Pane Exchanger strap Fa | sintagral Fin ae sire Fin “ie tee | Exchanger on sTurbulanes: iuroulancs | Promoters: Promoters | sintegra Fn be aa Turbulence Pometars EXXON RESEARCH ANO ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, Nu E DESIGN PRACTICE: | IKON HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT | Section s EXXON EXCHANGER TYPES AND APPLICATIONS =| IK. ENGINEERING ate PROPRIETARY INFORMATION —Fot_Auronzed Lompany Use Oriy Figure 1h LOGIC OIAGRAM FOR INITIAL SCREENING OF ENHANCED HEAT TRANSFER (EHT) TECHNOLOGY APPLICATION FOR SINGLE PHASE GAS What ts The Other Fuld Phase Single Phase Liquid Is Uguid Resistance Controlling Is Gas Side Resistance coo | single Prase Goes | Uguid Fig, ta | y / Contaiting Ss Resistance inside bes co 7 siwo Phase Condensing | ne | etwo Phase vaponzng | [ Fig. 14 ‘imegrat Fin Turbulance Tete Promoters fod Bathe Exchanger DESIGN PRACTICES | EXON [Section [Page HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT ae kA} ot 26 EXCHANGER TYPES AND APPLICATIONS EXXON ~ ENGINEERING Dec. 19 PROPRIETARY INFORMATION — For Authornnd Camoany Use Orly Figure tc LOGIC DIAGRAM FOR INITIAL SCREENING OF ENHANCED HEAT TRANSFER (EHT) TECHNOLOGY APPLICATION FOR TWO PHASE CONDENSING Single Prasa Two Phasa Vaporizing ‘What Is The Other Fluld Phase 13 vaporming Resistance Controlling Is Single Phase Resistance Controting 6070 | q Fouling On So 70 saa me Us Forbes) sty pt hace : Fig. id Single Phase Gas Fig. 1b — ign tow | integrat Fin Tube “Spiel Heat Exchanger fod ‘sffle Exchanger ‘Spiral Heat Exchanger | EXXON RESEARCH ANO ENGINEERING COMPANY —— FLORHAM PARK. Hi. DESIGN PRACTICES _EXKON | er) HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT EXCHANGER TYPES AND APPLICATIONS EXXON ENGINEERING Figure 14 LOGIC DIAGRAM FOR INITIAL SCREENING OF ENHANCED HEAT TRANSFER (EHT) TECHNOLOGY APPLICATION FOR TWO PHASE VAPORIZING Single Phase Two Phase Condensing What Is The Omer Fluid Prase I Condensing Resistance Contaling 6070 Single Phase Liquid Fouting on oT Fig. 1 7 (aporiing Two Phase Condensing ‘Single Phase Gas Fig. 1b Si Fig. te [ew] C=] Splral Heat Exchanger | Rod Settle Exchanger ucteate Boiling Tubes “Spiral Heat Exchanger sod atte Exhanger | sintegral Fin Tobe DESIGN PRACTICES | [Becton Pose + HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT _EXKON | EXXON Tha of 26 EXCHANGER TYPES AND APPLICATIONS | ENGINEERING PROPRIETARY INFORMATION — For Authonzed Company Use Onl, Figure 2 INTEGRAL-FIN TUBE Figure 3 NUCLEATE BOILING TUBES @ (A) Rolled-over low tins. Figure 2: Zonaneas coiling suraces [ 1B) Tunnel aro gore avrangemant. (C) 1D) Xnunea ‘ow fins. (E) Sintered goreus metalic mainx surtace, EXXON RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, Nu DESIGN PRACTICES _EXKON i HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT & Page EXXON EXCHANGER TYPES AND APPLICATIONS A 21 of 25 ENGINEERING Deu. 1990 i PROPRIETARY INFORMATION — For Autnorzed Camoany Use Only Figure 4 TURBULENCE PROMOTERS Tube INSERT INTERNALLY FINNED TI TWISTED WIRE COIL INSERT CORRUGATED OR ROPED TUBE 4a. Bulk Fluid Mixers 44>, Noar-Wall Fluid Mixers EXXON RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, Nu. Section SIGN PRACTICES | O Trae) HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT _EXKON_ 26 EXCHANGER TYPES AND APPLICATIONS EXXON ENGINEERING kA PROPRIETARY INFORMATION — For Authonzeo Comoany Use Oni Figure 5 ON-LINE BRUSH CLEANING SYSTEM BUILT IN CHANNEL 80 TYPE FOR AUTOMATIC FLOW REV LIMINATING COMPLEX EXTESNAI PIPING MODIFICATIONS OW OIVERTER Lil E NALLY INSTALL EXXON RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, Nl HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT ‘Section [Pease EXCHANGER TYPES AND APPLICATIONS Dea, ENGINEERING Dec. 1980 PROPRIETARY INFORMATION — For Authored Company Use Ory EXON | DESIGN PRACTICES 23 of 26 Figure 6 SIMPLIFIED DRAWINGS OF ON-LINE MECHANICAL CLEANING OSCILLATING WIRE SPRINGS a. Spirelf Head Metal \ Exchanger Tube a / Fuid | =i i in AM This End Not a Attached L- Helicaidal Part (Rotated by Fluid Flow) b, Turhotal EXXON RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK. NJ. Faction [Pace ee. 1980 DESIGN PRACTICES | | EXON eA 24 of 28 EXCHANGER TYPES AND APPLICATIONS = | EXXON 1 HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT ENGINEERING | paopmerany mroRWATION

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