Chuyên 4

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Exercise 1: Choose the word whose bold part is pronounced differently from that of the others
in each group.
1. A. preference B. preview C. precious D. preparation
2. A. cathedral B. breathe C. increase D. enthusiasm
3. A. photography B. pollute C. oppose D. mature
4. A. career B. volcanic C. character D. statue
5. A. marketing B. particular C. apartment D. department
6. A. major B. portray C. portrait D. prayer
7. A. memory B. freedom C. donkey D. original
8. A. impressed B. disappointed C. wished D. stopped
9. A. garage B. religion C. enjoy D. village
10 A. weather B. breathe C. healthy D. although

Exercise 2: Choose the word whose main stress position is placed differently from that of the
others in each group.
1. A. politician B. immortality C. mausoleum D. memorial
2. A. entertain B. minority C. equation D. example
3. A. canal B. according C. accidental D. technology
4. A. adventure B. possibility C. competitor D. consider
5. A. children B. Chinese C. pleasure D. primary
6. A. avoid B. prepare C. custom D. exact
7. A. invent B. interact C. develop D. control
8. A. power B. solar C. resource D. nuclear
9. A. natural B. disaster C. volcano D. typhoon
10 A. nominate B. dormitory C. category D. invaluable


Exercise 3: Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence.
1. Mr. Brown is the landlord ________ we rent the house.
A. who B. whom C. from who D. from whom
2. Earthquakes are regarded as one of the most devastating forces known to man.
A. terrifying B. destructive C. fascinating D. mysterious
3. ‘Let’s _________ about our examination results’.

A. to stop to worry B. stop to worry C. stop worry D. stop worrying

4. Ned sees ________ every time someone makes a joke about his handicapped sister.

A. red B. blue C. green D. black

5. A(n) ________ sports car was parked in front of the restaurant.

A. beautiful Italian new B. new Italian beautiful

C. beautiful Italian new D. Italian beautiful new

6. There was no hot water. I had to wash in __________.

A. cold one B. cold C. the cold one D. your one
7. At not time _________ I was going to fail the exam.
A. did I think B. thought I C. I thought D. was I thought
8. _____________ to continue my studies, I decided to become a dress designer.

A. I didn’t wish B. Not wished C. Wishing not D. Not wishing

9. Anne’s work was _________.

A. as good as, if not better than, ours B. so good as, if not better than ours
C. as good like, if not better than our’s D. as well as, if not better than, ours
10. The machines often broke down because the staff were not _______ careful.

A. sufficient B. enough C. sufficiently D. too

11. The tests in this book are arranged _________.
A. in order of difficult B. in order of difficulty
C. in orderly difficult D. in the order of difficulty
12. This pair of scissors ___________ every two months.

A. needs to sharp B. needs sharpen C. needs sharpening D. need to be sharpen

13. __________ he climbed, __________ he became.

A. High / more frightened B. The higher / the more frightening

C. The more highly / the more frightened D. The higher / the more frightened
14. The management decided to _______ the old machinery and modernized the factory.

A. do away with B. make up with C. grow out of D. come up with

15. She wants some pens, but there are _________ in the bookcase.

A. no B. none C. less D. any

16. The ___________ at the football match cheered their team on.

A. audience B. congregation C. spectators D. demonstrators

17. John: ‘What do you do for a living?’

Mary: ‘____________’

A. I work in a bank B. I get a high salary, you know

C. I want to be a doctor, I guess D. It’s hard work, you know
18. Nothing ever happens here, ___________?

A. is it B. are they C. do they D. does it

19. You can go where you like _____________ you get back before dark.

A. owing to the fact that B. as long as

C. or else D. even if

20. Peter: ‘Shall we play that new computer game?’

Janet: ‘______________ .’

A. It’s all right B. Yes, it is C. If you’d like to D. You’re welcome

Exercise 4: Give the correct form of the words in brackets to complete each sentences.
1. The directions you gave us were rather ___________ as we still got HELP

2. Our football team won the championship at the end of the season SPONSOR
and received ______________ from a large company.
3. ______________ can be an enjoyable experience. Yet, more and PARENT
more couples these days are deciding to remain _____________ . CHILD

4. Children should be ______________ examined at least twice a MEDICINE

5. The FBI is the best known of America’s law _________________ FORCE

6. I detest people who _______________ animals or use them in TREAT

scientific research.

7. Being unable to meet John, I rang to apologize for the CONVENIENT

________________ I had caused him

8. ________________ was down to a meter due to the thick fog, so VISIBLE

we had to drive very _____________ CAUTION
Exercise 5: Fill each blank in the following sentences with a suitable preposition or adverb particle.

a. The statue in the square is (1) _________ memory of the soldiers who fought (2) _________the war.

b. Rainwater is carried (3) _________ from the streets (4) _________ means of a drainage system.

c. (5) _________ all means, you can help yourself (6) _________ anything that’s in the fridge.

d. A further delay (7) _________ our schedule will create a bad impression (8) _________ our clients.

e. Mr. Brown is dependent (9) _________ his son Richard (10) _________ his support.

f. The interstate highway is not (11)_________ use now. It’s (12) _________ major repair.

g. People look (13) _________ him (14) _________ the greatest living novelist.

h. We gave him some money (15) _________ payment (16) _________ his service.

i. When the temperature falls (17) _________ zero, there is a danger (18) _________ ice on the roads.

j. Sally bought an old house (19) _________ a view (20) _________ renovating it in the future.
Exercise 6: Give the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets

a. It is advisable that everyone (1. have) ______________ a map to avoid (2. lose) ______________ in

b. Rarely (3. I / think) ______________ that one day my best friend (4. become) ______________ prime

c. We (5. not / stand) ______________ by the side of the road at the moment trying to get a lift if (6. we /
bring) ______________ a spare tire with us.

d. He said he (7. give) ______________ me a ring as soon as he (8. reach) ______________ Paris the
next day.

e. I have supported you all through university. Now I (9. think) ______________ it’s time you (10. begin)
______________ to support yourself.

f. I hope they (11. repair) ______________ this road by the time we (12. come) ______________ back next
g. The number you (13. dial) ______________ (14. not / exist) ______________. Please try again.

h. (15. see) ______________ an advert in the paper, we decided (16. write) ______________ off for more

i. We (17. only / give) ______________ a room with a balcony after (18. complain) ______________ to the

j. He was a little mad. He (19. always / try ) ______________ to prove that the earth (20. be)
______________ flat.

Exercise 7: Identify the underlined part in each sentence that is not correct and then get it right.

1. Gone with the Wind written after Margaret Mitchell quit her job as a reporter because of an ankle injury.
2. Neither his parents nor his teacher are satisfied with his result.
3. I’d rather have a room of my own, whatever small it is, than share a room.
4. Daniel said that if he had to do another homework tonight, he would not be able to attend the concert.
5. The tongue is the principle organ of taste, and is crucial for chewing, swallowed, and speaking.
6. Water covers two-three the area of the world.
7. Marmalade was used as a treat for coughs in Britain.
8. Studying the science of logic is one way to cultivate one’s reason skill.
9. Mined over 2,000 years ago, copper is one of the earliest know metals.
10. There is a motel at the corner of this street, that the travelers can stay.


Exercise 8: Read the passage below and choose the correct answer for each question.

A fun way to ger around

One of the very first things travelers look for when they arrive in a new city is how they will get around. In
most Asian cities, just as in Europe, visitors can use buses, taxis and trains to get from place to place. But
unlike most European cities, Asian cities sometimes offer other more adventurous modes of transport.
Tuk-tuks are small three-wheeled vehicles that look like motorcycles with carriages on top. These carriages
can hold two or three passengers comfortably. Tuk-tuks are very popular in Thailand’s busy capital city,
Bangkok. Often they are faster than buses and taxis since they are capable of moving in and out of traffic
more easily than bigger vehicles.
Visitors who plan to take a ride in a tuk-tuk for the first time should be ready for the trip of their lives! Tuk-
tuk drivers are well known for driving very fast and very dangerously! For this reason, many foreigners find
themselves holding onto their seats very tightly! Nevertheless, tuk-tuk rides continue to be incredibly
popular with tourists. Indeed, riding a tuk-tuk has become an essential experience for every visitor to the
1. What are the popular means of transport for visitors in most Asian cities?
A. buses, ferries and trains B. buses, private cars and motorbikes
C. buses, taxis and subways D. buses, taxis and trains
2. What is a tuk-tuk?
A. an animal B. a vehicle C. a motorcycle D. a kind of food
3. Why are tuk-tuks faster than taxis and buses?
A. Because they are more modern
B. Because they have better engine
C. Because the can move in and out of traffic with more ease
D. Because tuk-tuk drivers are fast
4. Who should be ready before taking a tuk-tuk trip because the drivers often drive very fast?
A. people in Thailand B. visitors to Bangkok
C. foreigners D. first-time travelers on this vehicle
5. What are tuk-tuk drivers famous for?
A. driving fast B. driving dangerously
C. driving fast and dangerously D. driving fast but carefully.

Exercise 9: Read the following passage carefully and fill each numbered blank with ONE suitable

“A healthy mind lives in a healthy body” is a saying (1) __________ is believed to have often been used
by the ancient Greeks. Thousands of years later, the same idea still applies. According to health experts,
it’s advisable to (2) __________ eight to ten glasses of water every day. However, water itself is not
enough; a balanced diet is essential, (3) __________. A healthy body naturally is the result of (4)
__________ exercise. Many people, however, do not like gyms and object (5) __________ going there for
different reasons. Some, for instance, say that aerobic sessions are too difficult to follow (6)
__________ others claim that gyms are just too expensive. Many people also claim that they have
difficulty in finding time to exercise due to their hectic lifestyle. Regardless (7) __________ the way
people choose to exercise, (8) __________ is important to remember that there’s no point in doing it
only for a short period of time.
Last but not least, having a (9) __________ attitude and doing away with negative thoughts contributes to
one’s well-being. In short, (10) __________ this simple advice surely helps in having a healthy mind and
Exercise 10: Read the passage below and choose the correct word to complete each numbered

Barking dogs can seriously damage your health

We all know that barking dogs can be annoying, but did you know that the sound (1) _______ be loud
enough to seriously harm your health? Scientists use a unit called a decibel to (2) _______ sound levels,
and experts agree that (3) _______ we listen to noises above 80 decibels for a long time, it will damage
our hearing.
When a dog barks (4) _______, the sound level can be (5) _______ high as 110 decibels. (6) _______
means it is louder than busy traffic (70 decibels), an alarm clock (80 decibels) and a lawn mower (90
decibels), (7) _______ not quite as loud as a jet engine (120 decibels). In contrast, normal conversation is
only 60 decibels.
Dogs are not the (8) _______ animals, though. The call of the blue whale is a deafening 188 decibels,
which can be (9) _______ hundreds of miles. Luckily for you and me, they usually make the sound (10)
_______ water.
1. A. could B. will C. must D. should
2. A. lower B. measure C. count D. decrease
3. A. while B. since C. unless D. if
4. A. hard B. hardly C. loud D. loudly
5. A. as B. too C. so D. enough
6. A. They B. He C. This D. It
7. A. so B. either C. or D. but
8. A. friendliest B. noisiest C. softest D. largest
9. A. heard B. listened C. seen D. made
10 A. beyond B. on C. under D. down


Exercise 11: Finish the second sentence in such a way that its meaning is similar to that of the
original one.
1. Only the timely arrival of the police prevented the fight from escalating.
→ If it ___________________________________________________________________.
2. Two of their players were sent off, but they still won the game.
→ They won the game despite ________________________________________________.
3. Can anyone solve this problem?
→ Can anyone come _______________________________________________________.
4. They little suspected that the musical was going to be a runaway success.
→ Little __________________________________________________________________.
5. The manager asked, ‘Have you made up your mind about the job?’
→ The manager wanted _____________________________________________________.
6. I haven’t got my wallet – it must be at home.
→ I haven’t got my wallet – I must _____________________________________________.
7. ‘I did not remove the money from the safe’, said Peter
→ Peter denied ___________________________________________________________.
8. You will still have to pay the mechanic even if the car cannot be repaired.
→ Whether _______________________________________________________________.
9. Tom is the only person to have won the championship four times in a row.
→ No one except __________________________________________________________.
10. Elizabeth was shocked when she heard the news of her brother’s arrest.
→ It came ________________________________________________________________.

Exercise 12: Rewrite each of the sentences below in such a way that its meaning is similar to
that of the original one, using the word given in brackets. Do not change this word
in any way.

1. I have always admired my father for all the work he does. LOOKED
→ _____________________________________________________________
2. Diane was supposed to write to her parents last week. OUGHT
→ _____________________________________________________________
3. He took no part in the discussion. CONTRIBUTE
→ _____________________________________________________________
4. Do you regret becoming a freelancer writer. WISH
→ _____________________________________________________________
5. People believe terrorists are hiding out in the north of the country. BE
→ _____________________________________________________________

Exercise 13: Use the suggested sets of words and phrases to write complete sentences. You can
make some changes if necessary.

1. They / believe / him / be / one of / famous playwrights / these days.

→ _____________________________________________________________

2. I / like / congratulate / you / pass / your exam.

→ _____________________________________________________________

3. The astronaut’s father / take / great pride / his son’s progress.

→ _____________________________________________________________

4. John / be / unlikely / get / job / he / apply.

→ _____________________________________________________________

5. Jill / work / clerk / a law firm / before / enter / politics.

→ _____________________________________________________________

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