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Exercise 1: Choose the word whose bold part is pronounced differently from that of the
others in each group.
1. A. expensive B. exchange C. exploration D. experience
2. A. calm B. talk C. folk D. poultry
3. A. chooses B. increases C. dances D. faces
4. A. ultimately B. celebrate C. nominate D. decorate
5. A. premises B. series C. period D. souvenir
6. A. tornado B. tobacco C. focus D. solid
7. A. capture B. question C. suggestion D. imagination
8. A. mosque B. query C. unique D. technique
9. A. conscience B. scenery C. scent D. science
10 A. alien B. appliance C. appear D. cafeteria

Exercise 2: Choose the word whose main stress position is placed differently from that of the
others in each group.
1. A. reputation B. literature C. newspaper D. garbage
2. A. environment B. volunteer C. describe D. examine
3. A. especial B. event C. appropriate D. feverish
4. A. precious B. multiple C. throughout D. image
5. A. environment B. productivity C. recommend D. uncontrollable
6. A. hurricane B. humid C. graduate D. donate
7. A. scarcity B. bamboo C. territory D. boundary
8. A. orderly B. female C. eradicate D. physical
9. A. goalkeeper B. template C. temporary D. solidify
10 A. solitude B. epidemic C. seriousness D. thorough


Exercise 3: Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence.
1. What were you doing in the park? You ________ your homework then!
A. should have done B. mustn’t have been done
C. ought to have been doing D. didn’t need to be doing
2. I never read ________ of films as I don’t trust the critics’ opinions.
A. reviews B. criticisms C. articles D. investigations
3. _______ did the passengers know that the driver was really an undercover police officer.

A. Little B. It was only later C. Only when D. Until

4. All his children speak ________ German.

A. flowing B. fluent C. affluent D. well

5. I was nearly _______ mad by the noise of the aeroplanes.

A. gone B. led C. made D. driven

6. He left in such a hurry that I _______ had time to thank him.

A. almost B. even C. nearly D. scarcely
7. It is absolutely imperative that you ________ the head office in advance.

A. contact B. contacted C. be contacted D. contacting

8. I ring my parents almost ______ weekend.

A. each B. every C. all D. both

9. If only you’d come, _________.

A. I’ll be the happiest girl alive B. I’d have had a lovely time
C. I would look forward to it D. I’d be happy
10. Do you mind ì I ______ with my work while you are getting tea ready?

A. get through B. turn to C. carry out D. carry on

11. __________ what most people say about him, he has a very good sense of humor.
A. Opposite to B. Against C. Contrary to D. Opposing
12. The new school timetable will __________ rearranging the meal breaks.

A. occur B. need C. afford D. mean

13. The zoo-keeper ___________ in the incident is now in a stable condition.

A. injured B. having injured C. to injure D. being injury

14. How can you and your large family _______ on such a limited income

A. get at B. get by C. get down D. get on

15. ____________ along the seabed, the divers were shocked to find a sunken car.

A. Swim B. To swim C. Swimming D. Swarm

16. I hope you won’t take _________ if I tell you the truth.

A. annoyance B. offence C. resentment D. irritation

17. Jenny: ‘Did you understand what she was saying?’

John: ‘____________’

A. It’s not enough. B. I’m sure she wasn’t.

C. Not really. D. Of course not.
18. I am not surprised that Monica failed to solve that problem. She did it _______ to get
it right.

A. quite quickly B. so quickly C. very quickly D. too quickly

19. I broke a tooth, _________ on a nut.

A. biting B. to bite C. bitten D. bit

20. Mike: ‘What color will you paint the room?’

Mary: ‘______________’

A. I hope it was right. B. We can’t decide.

C. It wasn’t very difficult. D. Easy.

Exercise 4: Give the correct form of the words in brackets to complete each sentences.
1. ‘Leave it to me. I’ll find a solution,’ the manager said, HELP

2. Tracy works as a ______________ for a large modelling agency. STYLE

3. Forecasting the weather with __________________ takes a great ACCURATE

deal of training.
4. I made several suggestions to improve production, but the RECEIVE
management was not very _____________ to my ideas.
5. The bag is made of _____________ leather. IMITATE

6. An entire month’s average ____________ hit Bilbao yesterday, RAIN

while cross the border in France, it’s the opposite problem. The SHOR
recent lack of rain is likely to lead to water ______________ in T
some areas.
7. Many _____________ products, such as cleaning liquids and bleach, HOUSE
contain _____________ chemicals.

8. The fire-prevention system is _____________ by any small ACTIVE

increase in temperature

Exercise 5: Fill each blank in the following sentences with a suitable preposition or adverb

a. (1) __________ Lucy’s appearance, you wouldn’t guess that she was (2) ____________ fifty .

b. He forgave me (3) ___________ arriving late (4) ____________ his performance.

c. I replied (5) _____________ the invitation (6) ____________ the party.

d. The contents (7) __________ the parcel were broken (8) __________ arrival.

e. Someone planted a bomb (9) _________ platform (10) ___________ Victoria Station.

f. Let’s go (11) _____________ a cruise (12) _______________ the Mediterranean.

g. Your order will be sent (13) ___________ post (14) ____________ 3 days.

h. Many Asian countries, India (15) _____________ instance, use English (16) ___________ a
second language.

i. He had to win the election (17) _________ all costs as it left him seriously (18) ____________ debt.

j. She left the oven (19) ___________ all day (20) ____________ accident.
Exercise 6: Give the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets

a. (1. give) ________________ an injection wasn’t as painful as I thought it (2. be)


b. The prisoner (3. think) _____________ (4. behave) _________________ violently in the past.

c. They (5. discuss) __________________ what to do for many days, but by the end of this week
they (6. decide) ___________________ it.

d. It was more than a month before I (7. realize) _______________ what (8. happen)

e. He wasn’t looking where he (9. go) _________________. He (10. not/ walk)

_____________________ into the wall, otherwise.

f. For many years scientists (11. try) __________________ to define the nature of human
intelligence. However, they (12. be) _________________ unable to agree on whether there is one
kind of intelligence, or several kinds.
g. The boat (13. strike) _______________ a rock, (14. throw) ________________ the crew into the
sea last year.

h. I know you’re anxious (15. get) ______________ get out of here and get back home, but you
should seriously consider (16. stay) ______________ in the hospital a few more days.

i. There’s a black car (17. park) ____________ outside with two policemen (18. sit) ___________ in

j. Once you (19. see) ______________ Ani, (20. not/ forget) _________________ her.

Exercise 7: Identify the underlined part in each sentence that is not correct and then get it

1. Supersonic flight is flight that is faster the speed of sound.

2. The botanists Katherine Hunter and Emily spent many difficult months making research in the
Rocky Mountains.
3. The sun is so bright to look at directly.
4. Despite their strength, the giraffe’s neck has the same number of vertebrae as a human being’s.
5. Potatoes grown in vast amounts in Southern Idaho.
6. A successful salesperson must have an intuitive understanding of psychology human.
7. The molecules of a liquid are held together tighter than that of a gas.
8. In space, with no gravity for muscles to work against, the body becomes weakly.
9. Mrs. Stevens, along with her cousins from New Mexico, are planning to attend the festivities.
10. Paul did so well in his speech this morning that he should have rehearsed it many times this

past week.


Exercise 8: Read the passage below and choose the correct answer for each question.

The kind of music that you like says something about your personality. So does the way you dance to
certain kinds of music. These findings come from research in psychology. Two different research
projects used surveys to find out what kinds of personalities people had. Then researchers looked at
either how personality types matched with people’s favorite kinds of music or how people danced.

A team of researchers at a university in Scotland conducted the personality study that also looked at
people’s taste in music. This team, led by Dr. Adrian North, surveyed more than 36,000 people.
These people came from six different countries around the world. In the survey, Dr. North and his
team first asked people questions to find out if they were outgoing, creative, hard-working, or
confident, among many other personality types. He also asked the people taking the survey to rate
how much they liked different kind of music.

The findings of this research were quite interesting. It turns out that people who like the same kind of
music seem to have similar personalities. And this is true even if the people are from different
countries. For example, people who like jazz are usually confident and creative but are often not
outgoing. People who like rock or heavy metal music are not hard-working and not confident,
according to their survey answers, but they are creative. People who like country music are hard-
working but not outgoing. Of course, the findings did not match everyone exactly, but in general,
people’s personality types and taste in music matched surprisingly well.

In a different research project, a professor at a university in Finland, Dr. Geoffrey Luck, studied the
connection between personality and how people danced. Like Dr. North, Dr. Luck also used a survey
to determine the personality types of 900 people. Then from this group, he asked 60 people with
“strong” personality types to dance to various kinds of music. While the people danced, Dr. Luck
recorded them on video. He then used a computer program to analyze the way the people moved
their bodies.

In this research, Dr. Luck found that outgoing people move around a lot while dancing. Hard-working
people tent to move around a lot as well, but they also use their hands more while dancing. People
with easy-going personalities tend to dance from side to side and move around more smoothly. Shy
or nervous people do not move smoothly and they shuffle their feet while dancing.

The next time you go dancing, watch the people around you and ask them what kind of music they
like. According to psychology research, you can learn a lot about people this way.
1. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. How things we like or do show something about us.
B. What researchers learned about professional dancers.
C. Where various kinds of music and dance started.
D. Why people dance different ways to popular music.
2. What did Dr. North study?
A. Music preference and personality B. The music of six countries
C. Old and young people’s taste in music D. Surveys of music lovers from past research
3. According to North’s research, what is usually true of people who like rock music?
A. They are confident. B. They are easy-going.
C. They are creative. D. They are hard-working.

4. What is true about both Dr. North and Dr. Luck?

A. They asked people to listen to music. B. They used surveys.
C. They studied the same people. D. They worked for the same university.
5. According to Dr. Luck’s research, a man who is both hard-working and easy going probably
dances ….
A. from side to side while stopping and starting often.
B. in a way like others around him.
C. smoothly while moving his hands.
D. without moving much, just shuffling his feet.
Exercise 9: Read the following passage carefully and fill each numbered blank with ONE
suitable word.
Mr. Bean

The comedy character Mr. Bean is one of Britain’s most successful exports. The original television
show, only half-an-hour in length, was first broadcast in 1990. (1) __________ then, the fourteen
episodes of the show have been shown on (2) _________ than 200 TV stations around the world,
as (3) _________ as on fifty airlines. The film Mr. Bean’s holiday was a global smash hit and the
character, played (5) __________ the actor Rowan Atkinson, is instantly recognizable to millions of
people around the world.

So why is Mr. Bean so popular? (5) ____________ many people regard Mr. Bean as a typically
British character, the initial inspiration came from a French comic character known (7) __________
Monsieur Hulot, created by the French comedian Jacques Tati.

According to Rowan Atkinson, however, the actual character of Mr. Bean is mostly based (7)
________ his own personality as a nine- year-old. Mr. Bean is a man (8) _________ is awkward,
self-conscious and accident-prone. He is very selfish and doesn’t really understand very much about
the world (9) _________ him. He is really a child in a man’s body. This, as Atkinson explains, is the
basis for a lot of visual comedy and he mentions comedians (10) __________ as Charlie Chaplin
and Stan Laurel as other famous examples.

Exercise 10: Read the passage below and choose the correct word to complete each
numbered blank.

The magic of sleep

A study which looked at school start times has shown that a later start can (1) _______ in improved
attention and mood of students.

Over 200 students aged between 14 and 18 took (2) _______ om the study at a school in Rhode
Island, USA. Rather than beginning classes at 8 a.m., they (3) _______ they start of the school day
by half an hour (i.e. until 8.30 a.m.). The students all (4) _______ in a questionnaire both before and
after the study. The number of them who (5) _______ to sleep for more than eight hours per night
rose from 16.4% to 54.7% during the study. The researchers who (6) _______ out the study claimed
that students needed to (7) _______ around nine hours a night sleeping. This amount of sleep
enabled them to function properly during the day and, in particular, to (8) _______ on their lessons.

What else did the researchers find out? The percentage of students who said they were unhappy
dropped from 65.8% to 45.1%. They also felt more positive about school and, because of this, they
(9) _______ more of their lessons and they (10) _______ more progress.

The students and teachers were so pleased with the effect that they voted to continue to start at
8.30 a.m. the following term.

1. A. develop B. lead C. result D. follow

2. A. place B. position C. piece D. part
3. A. postponed B. stopped C. put D. cancelled
4. A. completed B. finished C. answered D. filled
5. A. succeeded B. managed C. achieved D. arrived
6. A. set B. carried C. dealt D. based
7. A. take B. pass C. spend D. last
8. A. think B. consider C. remember D. concentrate
9. A. attended B. appeared C. associated D. accompanied
10 A. took B. did C. made D. went


Exercise 11: Finish the second sentence in such a way that its meaning is similar to that of
the original one.

1. ‘It’s your turn next, Jessica’, Rick said to Jessica

→ Rick reminded __________________________________________________________.
2. I do like travelling to Sweden, but I don’t want to stay there in the winter.
→ Much as _______________________________________________________________.
3. Except for the inspector, everyone was in uniform.
→ The inspector was the ____________________________________________________.
4. Alan is a much better pianist than Jenny.
→ Jenny is nowhere as _____________________________________________________.
5. “I haven’t got much cash at the moment.
→ I am in ________________________________________________________________.
6. You must not communicate in any way with anyone involved in this case.
→ You must have __________________________________________________________.
7. Norman was sorry he had lost his temper.
→ Norman regretted _______________________________________________________.
8. Without your support, I’d never have been able to find a new job.
→ If it hadn’t _____________________________________________________________.
9. Inflation has gone up by 3% this year.
→ There _________________________________________________________________.
10. There is a rumor that the escaped prisoner is living in Spain.
→ The escaped prisoner ____________________________________________________.

Exercise 12: Rewrite each of the sentences below in such a way that its meaning is
similar to that of the original one, using the word given in brackets. Do not
change this word in any way.

1. Denise complete ignored her elder sister’s advice. NOTICE

→ _____________________________________________________________
2. Could you watch my bag while I’m away, please EYE
→ _____________________________________________________________
3. You must eat less sugar INTAKE
→ _____________________________________________________________
4. My views on this subject are exactly the same as yours DIFFERENCE
→ _____________________________________________________________
5. You would benefit from a change GOOD
→ _____________________________________________________________

Exercise 13: Use the suggested sets of words and phrases to write complete sentences. You
can make some changes if necessary.

1. Paul / only person / who / reply / invitation.

→ _____________________________________________________________

2. It / wrong / you / borrow / my jacket / without ask.

→ _____________________________________________________________

3. It / no good / cry / baby.

→ _____________________________________________________________

4. My sister and I / look forward / spend / summer holiday / grandparents’.

→ _____________________________________________________________

5. She / suggest / go / picnic/ weekend.

→ _____________________________________________________________

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