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R12 Supplier already setup However not...

User467130-OC 235 posts since Sep 19, 2012

R12 Supplier already setup However not showing in the payee field in Payables payment manager Jul 9,
2013 10:47 PM Hello Friends,

In R12 Payables we have a Supplier already setup However its not showing in the payee field in Payables
payment manager.
Can anyone help me on this issue.I have attached the screenshots for your reference.

Kind Regards
Siva Charan
• Payment_Manager.JPG 89.0 K
• Supplier_2.JPG 81.7 K

Dilip Talluri 1,833 posts since Sep 4, 2008

Re: R12 Supplier already setup However not showing in the payee field in Payables payment manager
Jul 4, 2013 3:17 AM
Hello Siva

Check in the address book setup of the supplier by clicking on supplier > address book > Manage Sites >
check if pay flag is enabled

George Manasseh
Re: R12 Supplier already setup However not showing in the payee field in Payables payment manager
Jul 4, 2013 3:32 AM
Hi, SivaPlease check if you created you supplier with its site and associated it in another operating unit unlike
that you want to pay from.ThanksGeorge

User467130-OC 235 posts since Sep 19, 2012

Re: R12 Supplier already setup However not showing in the payee field in Payables payment manager
Jul 4, 2013 3:37 AM
in response to George Manasseh Hi Dilip,

R12 Supplier already setup However not...

Thanks for info, Yes-Payflag is enabled.

Kind Regards
Siva Charan

User467130-OC 235 posts since Sep 19, 2012

Re: R12 Supplier already setup However not showing in the payee field in Payables payment manager
Jul 4, 2013 3:40 AM
in response to User467130-OC Hi George,

Thanks for the info.

Can you please explain me the steps to check.

Kind Regards
Siva charan

user12084064 1,439 posts since Aug 10, 2013

Re: R12 Supplier already setup However not showing in the payee field in Payables payment manager
Jul 4, 2013 3:49 AM
in response to User467130-OC Hi Siva,

after Payflag is enabled still if you are facing the issue refer below notes may help you.
Not able to find some supplier on the "Payee" LOV when processing payment through payment manager [ID

Some Suppliers Not Displayed In Payee LOV While Making Payment Through PPR [ID 1531076.1]

George Manasseh
Re: R12 Supplier already setup However not showing in the payee field in Payables payment manager
Jul 4, 2013 3:52 AM
in response to User467130-OC Hi,Please follow these steps1 - Go to your supplier setup and check what
is the operating unit associated with the supplier site ( you can find it in address book ).2 - Go to your invoice
workbench for the responsibility your are trying to pay from .3 - The operating unit in the above two steps must
be matched.ThanksGeorge

User467130-OC 235 posts since Sep 19, 2012

Re: R12 Supplier already setup However not showing in the payee field in Payables payment manager
Jul 4, 2013 3:57 AM
in response to User467130-OC Hi George,

R12 Supplier already setup However not...

Thank you-Checked as per your advise.

both the operating units are matching which is CGL-AU-OU

Kind Regards
Siva Charan

George Manasseh
Re: R12 Supplier already setup However not showing in the payee field in Payables payment manager
Jul 4, 2013 4:09 AM
in response to User467130-OC Hi, SivaPlease check if you put date for inactive date field in the supplier
setup or for supplier site.ThanksGeorge

Dilip Talluri 1,833 posts since Sep 4, 2008

Re: R12 Supplier already setup However not showing in the payee field in Payables payment manager
Jul 4, 2013 4:39 AM
in response to User467130-OC Hello Siva

As you are saying that the supplier is active, pay site is enabled and right operating unit is attached, please do
one thing, go to invoices screen and see if the supplier is showing up in supplier field?
If it is not there then check if the supplier is not end dated

Purvi -Oracle 1,262 posts since Jan 18, 2014

Re: R12 Supplier already setup However not showing in the payee field in Payables payment manager
Jul 4, 2013 5:10 AM
in response to Dilip Talluri Hi,
Can you also try searching with supplier number as 20.In the payee LOV instead of Name try number and let
me know if you get any rows.

User467130-OC 235 posts since Sep 19, 2012

Re: R12 Supplier already setup However not showing in the payee field in Payables payment manager
Jul 4, 2013 8:41 PM
in response to Purvi -Oracle Hi,

R12 Supplier already setup However not...

Tried all the options,its still not working.

Hi Bala,

Not able to find some supplier on the "Payee" LOV when processing payment through payment manager [ID

Some Suppliers Not Displayed In Payee LOV While Making Payment Through PPR [ID 1531076.1]

The above two notes is returning this discussion topic?

Kind Regards
Siva charan
• Payment.JPG 70.1 K

User467130-OC 235 posts since Sep 19, 2012

Re: R12 Supplier already setup However not showing in the payee field in Payables payment manager
Jul 4, 2013 8:56 PM
in response to User467130-OC Hi,

This issue is happening at the

Submit single Payment Process Request.

Iam not able to get the payee in the LOV either by name or number.

Kind regards
Siva charan

Dilip Talluri 1,833 posts since Sep 4, 2008

Re: R12 Supplier already setup However not showing in the payee field in Payables payment manager
Jul 5, 2013 5:46 AM
in response to User467130-OC Hello Siva

As you are saying that it is happening only with single payment request and not on invoices, please check if
hold all payments flag is enabled in supplier site

User467130-OC 235 posts since Sep 19, 2012

R12 Supplier already setup However not...

Re: R12 Supplier already setup However not showing in the payee field in Payables payment manager
Jul 7, 2013 9:33 PM
in response to Dilip Talluri Hi Dilip,

Can you please give me the steps to test this solution please?

Kind Regards
Siva Charan

George Manasseh
Re: R12 Supplier already setup However not showing in the payee field in Payables payment manager
Jul 8, 2013 1:35 AM
in response to User467130-OC Hi, Sivaplease go to your supplier screen then click on invoice
management tab then invoicing tab then check Hold from Payment check marks as screen shot
• 081.jpg 285.2 K

Dilip Talluri 1,833 posts since Sep 4, 2008

Re: R12 Supplier already setup However not showing in the payee field in Payables payment manager
Jul 8, 2013 3:29 AM
in response to User467130-OC Hello Siva

Sorry for the delay

George has replied to your comment, please check there and let me know if you stil need any help

Kamalakar.N 1,164 posts since Nov 25, 2010

Re: R12 Supplier already setup However not showing in the payee field in Payables payment manager
Jul 8, 2013 5:59 AM
in response to User467130-OC Hi Siva,

please run the below query and check if the start date has a value?
SELECT pv.vendor_id,pv.vendor_name,pv.segment1 vendor_num,pv.start_date_active,pv.end_date_active
FROM ap_suppliers pv WHERE pv.segment1= '20'

in one of our R12 instance the start date was blank and hence the LOV was not returning the supplier.

R12 Supplier already setup However not...


User467130-OC 235 posts since Sep 19, 2012

Re: R12 Supplier already setup However not showing in the payee field in Payables payment manager
Jul 8, 2013 9:40 PM
in response to Kamalakar.N Hi Kamal/George/Dilip,

Thanks for the reply.

Kamal-Yes you are right the start date is empty.

Kind Regards
Siva Charan

Kamalakar.N 1,164 posts since Nov 25, 2010

Re: R12 Supplier already setup However not showing in the payee field in Payables payment manager
Jul 9, 2013 3:26 AM
in response to User467130-OC Hi Siva,

looks like you are facing the issue specified in below note, apply the recomended patch to resolve the issue.
Some Suppliers Not Displayed In Payee LOV While Making Payment Through PPR [ID 1531076.1]
PS: please mark the thread as appropriate to help others (answered or helpful answer).


User467130-OC 235 posts since Sep 19, 2012

Re: R12 Supplier already setup However not showing in the payee field in Payables payment manager
Jul 9, 2013 10:47 PM
in response to Kamalakar.N Thanks a lot Kamal,

The patch seems to have done the trick.

Kind Regards
Siva Charan
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R12 Supplier already setup However not...

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