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Bill Payables Setup

cvdam0908 849 posts since Jan 18, 2014

Bill Payables Setup May 1, 2013 6:13 AM Hi,

Can anybody recommend a Metalink Note to setup Bill Payables functionality in R12?

George Manasseh
Re: Bill Payables Setup May 1, 2013 4:26 AM
Hi, CvPlease follow these steps1 - Go to AP responsibility and get this pathAP responsibility > setup
> Payment > Payment administrator.2 - Go to Payment Methods section.3 - Press go to task.4 - There a find
screen shows up, please press create.5 - Choose the Code and the name.6 - Please check the check mark
of Use Payment Method to Issue Bills Payable.7 - Press Next.8 - Choose which of sub modules you want this
payment method appears in.9 - Press Next.10 - There is no validation needed.11 - Press Next.12 - Please
review your setup and press finish.13 - You will have a confirmation form system telling you that payment
method " Name" was created.ThanksGeorge

Dilip Talluri 1,833 posts since Sep 4, 2008

Re: Bill Payables Setup May 1, 2013 4:26 AM
Hello Cv

There are many discussions in oracle support on this

one of these is

Please Refer Page 5-51 of Payable User Guide.

Bills Payable

You can use Bills Payable to control the timing of your payments and, therefore, control

your cash flow. A bill payable, formerly known as a future dated payment, instructs

your bank to disburse funds to your supplier's bank on a specific date known as the

maturity date. Other commonly used terms for this type of payment are notes payable

or promissory notes.

Setting Up Bills Payable

To use Bills Payable in Oracle Payables, you must perform the following setups:
• Funds Disbursement Payment Method setup

Bill Payables Setup

• Payment Process Profile setup

You can search for bills payable and you get many more

Daphna Amal-Oracle 2,915 posts since Jan 18, 2014

Re: Bill Payables Setup May 1, 2013 4:58 AM
in response to Dilip Talluri Hi CV

Specifying Bills Payable Payment Methods

Bills payable is a payment method involving the transfer of funds between bank accounts,

where one party promises to pay another a specified amount on a specified date.

If you wish to create a payment method that is used only for bills payable,
you must enter a value in the Maturity Date Calculation field.

This value represents the number of days to add to today’s date to determine the bills payable
due date.

Bills Payable. If you use Bills Payable (future dated payments), enter the future dated payment account you
want to use. The Financials option value defaults to new suppliers, and the supplier value defaults to new
supplier sites. You can override these defaults.

When Payables creates a future dated payment, it uses the future dated payment account from either the
supplier site or the payment document, depending on which option you select in the Payment Accounting
region of the Payables Options window.

If you relieve liability for future dated payments when the payment is issued, then use an asset account. If you
relieve liability at clearing time, then use a liability account.

If you use the Multiple Organization Support feature, you can enter a value in this field only at the supplier site
For more details please review the Oracle Payments Implementation Guide, Release 12.1 - search for "Bills
For the Account issue see note: Where is Bills Payable Account setup (used to be known as Future Dated
Payments)? [ID 1450992.1]

Hope thus help,


Bill Payables Setup

George Manasseh
Re: Bill Payables Setup May 1, 2013 4:45 AM
Hi, CvKindly find attached the payment chapter in the payables user guide.Thanks to read the bills payables
section Page 5-51.George
• 121apug.pdf 3.5 MB Preview

cvdam0908 849 posts since Jan 18, 2014

Re: Bill Payables Setup May 1, 2013 5:26 AM
in response to George Manasseh Thanks George,

Does Oracle provide any seeded format/xml template that can be used to print the 'bill payable' in the same
way that it can be done with checks or is something that usually companies needs to customise?

Daphna Amal-Oracle 2,915 posts since Jan 18, 2014

Re: Bill Payables Setup May 1, 2013 6:12 AM
in response to cvdam0908 Hi CV,
Try the following:

Bills Payable Maturity Date Report

Use this report to review the amounts and maturity dates of bills payable that have not yet matured. This can
help you estimate your cash needs by showing you the amounts of bills payable due to mature on a specific
date. Note that this report uses only the payment's maturity date, and does not use information from Oracle
Cash Management to identify whether the payment has actually cleared your bank.

Data is grouped by maturity date for bills payable within a bank account, with subtotals for all payments in that
bank account that have the same maturity date. Totals are for all payments for all accounts with the same
currency and maturity date.

If an exchange rate is not defined between the payment currency and the bank account currency, the subtotal
for that maturity date does not include those amounts, and the report notifies you of this.

Report Submission

Bill Payables Setup

You submit this report from the Submit Request window. See: Submitting Standard Reports, Programs, and

Selected Program Parameters

Bank Account Name. Disbursing Bank account. Leave this field blank if you do not want to restrict the report
to a particular bank account.

Maturity Date. The report includes all future dated payments with a status of Issued and a maturity date up to
and including the date you enter. This report does not include any future dated payments that have a status of
Negotiable. Leave this field blank to review all future dated payments with a status of Issued.

Supplier. Enter a supplier if you want to limit this program to payments for a particular supplier. Leave blank if
you want to submit the report regardless of the supplier.

Supplier Site: Enter to limit report by a particular supplier’s site.

Selected Report Headings

Document Number. The payment number. For example, the check number.

Payment Date. Date the payment was created.

Maturity Date. Date recorded on the payment as the date funds are to be disbursed by the bank. This is the
date that the payment becomes negotiable.

Curr. Currency of the bank account.

Payment Amount. The payment amount in the bank account currency. If the payment amount currency is
different from the bank account currency and an exchange rate has not been defined for the payment rate
date of the payment, Payables prints asterisks instead of an amount. In addition, the payment amount is not
included in the subtotal for the maturity date.

Transaction Curr. The currency of the payment. This is the currency in which the payment is disbursed.

Transaction Amount. The payment amount in the transaction currency.

For more details please review the Oracle Payables User's Guide in
Search with "Bills Payable" to learn more about Bills Payable.

Hope this help,

Bill Payables Setup



cvdam0908 849 posts since Jan 18, 2014

Re: Bill Payables Setup May 1, 2013 6:13 AM
in response to Daphna Amal-Oracle Thanks Daphna,

But what I am asking is about seeded payment formats/xml templates to print the bill payables and give it to the
I know that there is one template for Spain (promissory notes) but is there any other format that is available?

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