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Research Tittle

The Propeller as Source of Current to Power a LED Bulb

A Simple Science Investigatory Project


Joben Bonggot Balino

Science Technology Oriented High-school of

Occidental Mindoro

Academic Year 2018-2019

Argie Borcillo, Ferlyjoy Tomas

Research Adviser
I. Rationale

Nowadays, some people do not update their knowledge about current, there are

some cases that people encounter’s, shortage. That is one of the problem that have to be

solved, specially when students have assignments, then the current will be shut-off. Some

researcher think how to get free current to power a bulb even though not making any

cost money.

The process of this device is hand power or manual, because if researcher will

not rotate the pedal, the propeller will not rotate also and if the propeller will not rotate,

then it will not produce current. This study refers to light up our work at night. The

propeller will be used is not just a propeller, it is a metal and it is heavy so it will

rotate fast and can last long. The researcher use the metal that will be used is already

old and junk.

The researcher decided to come up to this study because researcher knew that,

even if junk metal can be a source of current like round metal. This study is focus in

making free current by using junk things and producing current for LED manually.
II. Objective of the Study

General objective

This research will aims to determine the effectiveness of the propeller as

source of current to power a LED.

Specific Objective

1. To determine the amount of current that is produced by the propeller as source

of current, in set-up A with 5 rotation of pedal and set-up B with 10 rotation of

pedal in terms of:

a.) Amount of current produced

b.) Time it take to power a LED

2. To determine the significant difference in the amount that is produced by the

propeller as source of current in set-up A with 5 rotation of pedal and set-up B

with 10 rotation of pedal in terms of:

a.) Amount of current produced

b.) Time it take to power a LED

III. Statement of the Problem

The main problem of these study is to determine the effectiveness of the propeller

as source of current to power a bulb.

Significantly this study will be conducted to answer the following:

1. What is the amount that is produced by the propeller as source current in set-

up A with 5 rotation of pedal and set-up B with 10 rotation of pedal in terms of:

a.) Amount of current produced

b.) Time it take to power a LED

2. Is there a significant difference in the amount that are produced by the

propeller as source current in set-up A with 5 rotation of pedal and set-up B with 10

rotation of pedal in terns of:

a.) Amount of current produced

b.) Time it will take to power a LED

IV. Hypothesis

There is no significant difference in the amount of current produce by the

propeller as source of current in set-up A with 5 rotation of pedal and set-up B with 10

rotation of pedal in terms of:

a.) Amount of current produced

b.) Time it will take to power a LED

V. Research Design

An experimental research will be conducted in order to determine the effectiveness

of the propeller as source of current. There will be two set-ups that will be conducted

in the experimentation namely, set-up A and set-up B. In set-up A, 5 rotation of pedal

will be used and set-up B, 10 rotation of pedal will be used.

The amount of current that will be produced is recorded until the propeller is

stopped rotating. Three and five trials will be done in two different set-ups. The results

and data will be gathered and recorded.

The t-test will be used in order to determine the amount of current of the

propeller as source of current in set-up A and set-up B in terms of amount of current

produced and time it will take to power a LED.

VI. Methodology

A. Preparation of Materials

In order to finish the device, the researcher will collect the following needed

materials such as; old round part of wheel, stands, propeller, bearings, sprocket, dynamo,

chain, wire, LED, ferns, flat wood, capacitor, belt, poly and metal stick.

B. Construction of Device

After gathering the needed materials will assemble the device, the researcher need

wood to make a rectangle shape. The old part wheel and propeller are attached together

to be heavier and faster, on the side of the old part of wheel the sprocket is being

placed. Old part of wheel, propeller and the sprocket are placed to only one metal stick.

The other metal stick have chain plate and the chain is attached. The researcher put two

bearings in each sides to make the metal stick rotate smooth. The pedal is attached to

the metal stick where the chain plate is also placed or located. The poley is under the

middle of two metal stick, where the belt or rubber band is placed and connected to the

old part of wheel. The twelve volts dynamo is attached to metal stick where the poley

is located. The researcher put diod and capacitor is attached to the dynamo to help

capacitate the voltage produced by the device the propeller as source of current for LED

C. Experimentation

When the device is done, the effectiveness of the device will be tested. The

experimentation will be done by rotating the single pedal of the same force.

There will be two set-ups that will be conducted in this experimentation namely

set-up A and set-up B. in set-up A, 10 rotation of pedal will be used and in set-up B,

20 rotation of pedal will be used.

D. Data Gathering

The researcher will gather the data through survey to determine the level of

acceptance, the level of acceptance of the respondent, where 1 is the lowest rate and 5

is the highest from the qualities given in the criteria.

E. Analysis and conclusion

After gathering the data it will be statistically analysis using the t-test until the

conclusion is formed.
VI. Flow Chart

Preparation of Materials
In order to finished the device, the researcher will collect the following

needed materials such as; old round part of wheel, propeller, bearings, sprocket,

dynamo, chain, belt, wire, chain plate, diod, LED, ferns, woods, , flat wood, capacitor

and poley.

Construction of the Device

After gathering the needed materials will assemble the device, After gathering

the needed materials will assemble the device, the researcher need wood to make a

rectangle shape. The old part wheel and propeller are attached together to be heavier

and faster, on the side of the old part of wheel the sprocket is being placed. Old part

of wheel, propeller and the sprocket are placed to only one metal stick. The other

metal stick have chain plate and the chain is attached. The researcher put two bearings

in each sides to make the metal stick rotate smooth. The pedal is attached to the

metal stick where the chain plate is also placed or located. The poley is under the

middle of two metal stick, where the belt or rubber band is placed and connected to

the old part of wheel. The twelve volts dynamo is attached to metal stick where the

poley is located. The researcher put diod and capacitor is attached to the dynamo to

help capacitate the voltage produced by the device the propeller as source of current

for LED bulb.

There will two set-ups that will be conducted in this experimentation
namely set-up A and set-up B. In set-up A, 5 rotation of pedal will be used and set-
up B, there will be 10 rotation of pedal. Three and five trials will be conducted in
conducting set-ups.

Data Gathering Recording

Data Analysis
After gathering the data if will be statistically using the t-test until the
conclusion will be formed.

 Propeller
 Pedal
 Dynamo
 Chain
 Wire
 Led Light
 Ferns
 Woods
 Connector
 Sprocket
 Bearings
 Poly
 Old Part of Wheel
 Capacitor
 Diod
 Chain plate

VI. Schedule of Activities

Activities Time Allotment
Topic Research 3 days
Gathering Background Info 4 days
Formulation of Research Plan 4 days
Collection of Materials 6 days
Preparation of Set-ups 5 days
Experimentation/Observation and Collection 31 days
of data
Data Analysis 4 days
Formulation Conclusion and 3 days
Preparation of Write-up 5 days
Editing Write-up 3 days

VII. Bibliography
 Wikipedia (2016). Neoymium Magnets. Wikipedia the encyclopedia.

Retrieved july 10, 2017 from https// magnet

 Thomas Fuchs, since 1825, Meriam Webster from LIENCE

 [TITTLE] Science Probe 8, UK-Science Series [Authors], Baumann, Frank

K. Bullard.[PUBLISHER], Nelson education Limited, 1995,

[ISBN]0176047158,9780176047153. [LENGTH] 543 pages.

 Ben Finio, PHD(2016). Human-powered energy. Science Buddies. Retrieved

July 6, 2017 from https://www.sciencebuddies/sciencefair

 What is the In duction? Universal Class, Inc. Retrieved July 10, 2017 from

Research Paper
Research Tittle

The Propeller as Source of Current to Power a LED

A Simple Science Investigatory Project


Joben Bonggot Balino

Science Technology Oriented High-school of

Occidental Mindoro

Academic Year 2018-2019

Argie Borcillo, Ferlyjoy Tomas

Research Adviser
The Propeller as Source of Current
Joben B. Balino
Science and Technology Engineering Program of Occidental Mindoro
Sablayan National Comprehensive High School

There were many things on materials can be used in lighting bulb like direct in
current supply and battery supply and battery supply. By using direct to the current
supply, it can cost you money. Free light is a method of preventing cost of money. It
works by rotating the pedal, using this device, free current is used to light up the bulb.
The device is style box that is covered by fly-wood so that people can put some things.
In this case, shortage problem is to be solve by just rotating as easy as that. The
amount of current produced is measured by voltmeter. An example of cases are doing
work at night and current is blocked, using this device, people can still finish their work
even at night. This study is one of many alternative solution of shortage. The propeller
as source of current have the purpose of lighting up bulb even current supply is
blocked. The researcher decided to think up the device that is manual without any cost
of any amount. This device help people because the materials needed are not all from
market like propeller, it is full metal, the researcher just picked up at the house and old
round old part of wheel. Electricity is every day life. It is half of peoples lives and also
depends on it. It is very effective at remote areas, like in farm, many farmers are often
to shortage. People thought that all stained or old metal are to be sell to junkshop, but
the researcher think it can also use to produce current supply.
The researcher decided to create the propeller as source of current to help people
specially in the Philippines to get rid of often shortage. This device are space free,
environmental and manual.

In order to finish the device, the researcher will collect the needed materials such
as; rectangle shape box made of wood, old part wheel, bearings, sprocket, propeller,
dynamo, chain, belt, LED bulb, ferns, woods capacitor, chain plate and diod. The old
part wheel and propeller are attached together to be heavier and faster, on the side of
the old part of wheel the sprocket is being placed. Old part of wheel, propeller and the
sprocket are placed to only one metal stick. The other metal stick have chain plate and
the chain is attached. The researcher put two bearings in each sides to make the metal
stick rotate smooth. The pedal is attached to the metal stick where the chain plate is
also placed or located. The poley is under the middle of two metal stick, where the
belt or rubber band is placed and connected to the old part of wheel. The twelve volts
dynamo is attached to metal stick where the poley is located. The researcher put diod
and capacitor is attached to the dynamo to help capacitate the voltage produced by the
device the propeller as source of current for LED bulb.
Table of Contents

Title Page………………………………………………………………………………………...


Table of Contents……………………………………………………………………………......


Background of the Study………………………………………………………………….......

Objective of the Study………………………………………………………………………...

Statement of the Problem…………………………………………………………………......


Significance of the Study……………………………………………………………………..

Scope and Limitation………………………………………………………………………….

Definition of Terms……………………………………………………………………………

Review of Related Literature………………………………………………………………...


Result and Discussion…………………………………………………………………………

Conclusion and Recommendation……………………………………………………………


Appendices (Photo Credits)…………………………………………………………………...

Photocopy of Journal………………………………………………………………………….

The researcher would like to express his heartfelt and gratitude to his research

advisers Ms. Lara Lyn Aranda, Mr. Argie Borcillo, Ms. Ferlyjoy Tomas to Mrs.

Lorina Sao-an, the head teacher of science departments, to Mr. Arnaldo G. Ventura the

school principal especially the parents of the researcher for giving financial support and

to researcher classmates in helping in making papers.

Most of all, the researcher would like to extend his warmest thanks and great

acknowledgement to GOD almighty for making the project successful.

Background of the Study

There were many things that can be used in lighting bulb like direct on current

supply or battery supply. By using direct to the current supply that can cost you money.

Free light is a method of preventing cost of money. It works by rotating the

pedal, using this device, free current is used to light up a LED. The device is style box

so that people can put some things. In this case, shortage is to be solved by just

rotating the pedal as easy as that. The amount of current that is produced is measured

by the voltmeter. An example of cases are doing work at night then the current is being

blocked, using this device people can still finish even at night. This study is one of

many alternative solution of shortage. The propeller as source of current have the

purpose of lighting up bulb even current is blocked, researcher decided to think up the

device that is manual, without any cost of any amount. This device also help people,

because the materials needed are not all from the market
Objectives of the Study

General Objectives

The main objective of the study is to determine the effectiveness of device The

Propeller as Source of Current to power a LED bulb.

Specific Objectives

1. To determine the amount of current produced by the device the propeller as source of

current in set-up A with 5 rotation of pedal and set-up B with 10 rotation of pedal in

terms of:

a) Amount of current produced

b) Time it take to power a LED bulb

2. To determine the significant difference in the amount that are produced by the device

the propeller as source of current in set-up a with 5 rotation of pedal and set up B with

10 rotation of pedal in terms:

a) Amount of current produced

b) Time it take to power a LED bulb

Statement of the Problem

The main problem of these study is to determine the effectiveness of the propeller

as source of current to power a LED bulb.

Significantly this study will be conducted to answer the following:

1. What are the amount of current produced by the propeller as source of current in set-

up A with 5 rotation of pedal and set-up B with 10 rotation of pedal in terms of:

a) Amount of current produced

b) Time it take to power a LED bulb

2. Is there any significant difference in the amount that are produced by the device the

propeller as source of current in set-up a with 5 rotation of pedal and set up B with 10

rotation of pedal in terms:

a) Amount of current produced

b) Time it take to power a LED bulb


1. There is no significant difference in the amount that are produced by the device the

propeller as source of current in set-up a with 5 rotation of pedal and set up B with 10

rotation of pedal in terms:

a) Amount of current produced

b) Time it take to power a LED bulb

Significance of the Study

The study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of the device The

Propeller as Source of Current as alternative light source. People that are far from city

will benefit in this in terms of how to have light at night even if there is no current


Especially, the Propeller as Source of Current can help people living in places

that are prune to current or often to shortage. , The Propeller as Source of Current will

be a alternative light source without expense in gasoline.

Scope and Limitation

This Science Investigatory Project aims to determine the effectiveness of the

device Propeller as Source of Current in powering an LED bulb. Specially, this deals

with the average amount produced by the device TPSC and the average time it take to

light up an LED bulb.

The experimentation and data gathering was conducted at the researchers house

and school laboratory at Sablayan Occidental Mindoro, date of October 2, 2018 to

November 3, 2018.
Definition of Terms

Belt- the belt that is used is elastic band or rubber band.

Bulb- the bulb that is used is twelve volts LED bulb.

Capacitor- it is use to help in capacitating the flow of current.

Chain Plate- this is where the researcher putted the chain.

Diod- it help the LED bulb to be safe and secure from damage.

Old Part of Wheel and Propeller- the Old Part of Wheel and Propeller are attached to

each other for it will be heavier and faster.

Pedal- the pedal that is used is single pedal.

Poley- this is where the belt is attached.

TPSC- the device being used to power a twelve volts LED bulb.

Timer- the timer that is used is timer of phone.

Review of Related literature

Over the centuries a wide array of devices and systems has been developed for

this purpose. Some of these energy are quite example. The early windmills, for

examples, energy of wind into mechanical energy-conversions systems are nuclear fuels

to generate electrical power. But there are things that do not need to expense of fuel

and that is manual.

That are traces of developed of energy defined conversion technology. Energy is

usually and most simply defined as equivalent of a capacity for doing the things of

people. Conservation of energy was independently recognized by many scientists in the

first half of 19th century. The electric light, one of everyday convenience that most

affects peoples lives, was not invented in the traditionally since in 1879 by Thomas

Alva Edison. Although he could be said to have created the first nor the only person

trying to invent on incandescent light bulb. Dynamo is the one thing that can create

current so that it is useful to many people not only in spinning but also in producing


Making free current is useful to people that are often to current shortage just like

to the people that are far from the city, also farmer encounter this problem. Study about

free current is very useful, because of this people can have current supply without

paying or having any cost of money.


A. Preparation of Materials

The Propeller as Source of Current is finished by the gathered the needed

materials such as; old round part of wheel, propeller, bearings, sprocket, dynamo, chain,

belt, wire, chain plate, diod, LED, ferns, woods, , flat wood, capacitor and poley.

B. Device Making

The Propeller as Source of Current was finished by gathering all needed materials

that were collected by the researcher to conduct the project, the researcher need wood to

make a rectangle shape. The old part wheel and propeller are attached together to be

heavier and faster, on the side of the old part of wheel the sprocket is being placed.

Old part of wheel, propeller and the sprocket are placed to only one metal stick. The

other metal stick have chain plate and the chain is attached. The researcher put two

bearings in each sides to make the metal stick rotate smooth. The pedal is attached to

the metal stick where the chain plate is also placed or located. The poley is under the

middle of two metal stick, where the belt or rubber band is placed and connected to the

old part of wheel. The twelve volts dynamo is attached to metal stick where the poley

is located. The researcher put diod and capacitor is attached to the dynamo to help

capacitate the voltage produced by the device the propeller as source of current for LED

C. Preparation of set-ups

There are two set-ups needed in order to determine the effectiveness of the

device, Set-up A in which the researcher is used the propeller to light up a twelve volts

LED bulb with 5 rotation of pedal and set-up B in which the researcher is used the

propeller to light up a twelve volts LED bulb with 10 rotation of pedal.

D. Data Gathering/Recording

The researcher gathered the data through survey to determine the respondent

where 1 is the lowest and 5,10 are the highest from the qualities given in the criteria.

F. Analysis/Conclusions

After gathering the data, statistically analysis using T-test until the conclusions si


G. Locale of the Studies

The materials that were used in my study is from the researchers house which

was used propeller, the old part of wheel is from the stock of our house, the wire of

that is used is also stock in our house. The woods, sprocket and ferns are from

researchers neighbors. Capacitor, LED bulb and dynamo are all from the researchers

brother, David Bonggot.

Statistical Treatment
Result and Discussion

Graph I Average amount of voltage produced by the device the propeller as source of current.







6v 11.66v
5v 10.23v





Set-up A Set-up B

Graph I shows the average amount produced by the device The Propeller as Source
of Current in two set-ups.
Graph II Average time it take to produce by the propeller as source of current.









4s 7.95s

2s 4.37s


Set-up A Set-up B

Graph II shows the average time it take to produce current by the device The Propeller
as Source of Current in two set-ups.

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