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Geomorphology, 7 ( 1993 ) 305-315 305

Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam

A morphotectonic map of the northern Arava in Israel, derived

from isobase lines

S. Golts a and E. Rosenthal b

aMorphoprospect Consulting Group, 41 Meir Naqqar Street, Jerusalem, 93803 lsrael
bHydrological Service, Research Division, POB 6381, Jerusalem, 91063 Israel
(Received August 2, 1991 ; revised October 20, 1992; accepted October 22, 1992 )


Golts, S. and Rosenthal, E., 1993. A morphotectonic map of the northern Arava in Israel, derived from isobase lines.
Geomorphology, 7:305-315.

In areas characterized by flat and weakly incised relief built of young and lithologicalty uniform sediments, structural
and tectonic maps are often non-existent or of no great avail. Under such conditions, the regional morphotectonic analysis
of the study area may be a most useful tool to produce the required basic hydrogeological information. It consists basically
of two consecutive steps, i.e., definition of stream orders and the preparation of isobase maps. In the research of Quater-
nary geology isobase surface analysis is regarded as a means for identifying young tectonic processes. The morphotectonic
map is the final derivative of isobase maps. It portrays the basic lineaments or dislocation lines derived by analysing
deviations in the directions of isobase lines, of their spreading or compression and of deviations between axes of valleys.
The morphotectonic map presented in this paper portrays several major morphostructural units within the Arava graben,
in the area between the Dead Sea and Nahal Paran.

Introduction to surveys in desert areas by Golts (1988,

In areas characterized by flat and weakly in-
cised relief built of young and lithologically
Regional setting
similar sediments, information derived from
geological maps is usually of a schematic char-
acter whereas structural and tectonic maps are The northern Arava (Fig. 1) is part of the
either nonexistent or of no great avail. The sit- Jordan-Dead Sea Rift Valley and extends 80
uation may become even more complicated if km southward from the Dead Sea. The study
no stratigraphy is available or if it is scarce or area extends along a part of the drainage basin
of unreliable quality. Under conditions of such ofNahal (Wadi) Arava covering an area of ap-
scarce data, the regional analysis of geo- proximately 1100 km 2. The main geological
morphic features such as drainage nets is a units building the study area are of Neogene to
most useful tool to produce the required basic Pleistocene age. The Neogene Hazeva Forma-
structural information. tion consists mainly of sand beds separated by
The methodology described in the present clay horizons. It is overlain by the Plio-Pleis-
paper was developed by following guidelines tocene Arava fill consisting of coarse clastic al-
formulated by Filosofov (1960) and adapted luvial horizons. The sedimentary section of the

0169-555X/93/$06.00 © 1993 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fig. 1. L o c a t i o n m a p .

area (Fig. 2 ) is topped by the Samra and Lisan nual average rainfall in the 40-57 m m range.
Formations, which are sediments of Pleisto- Rainfall is unevenly distributed over the win-
cene lakes, precursors of the present-day Dead ter months and usually occurs as violent tor-
Sea, composed of alternating horizons of silt, rential storms creating flash floods. Daily mean
clay, sand, conglomerate and aragonite. The temperatures in summer reach 35 °C and dur-
thickness of the Neogene-Quaternary veneer ing winter, 20°C. The annual evapotranspira-
is 500-550 m. tion (measured in class A pans) reaches 3600
In the study area the climate is arid with an- mm.

ious morphological features brought into evi-

~_ o m
u.l.- dence by isobase maps, could be related to dif-
ferent geological stages.
As further demonstrated in the present arti-
,=. LISAN + .~=-----~--'-.',
," . . . . . . . .
.-.; :.
40 cle, stream order analysis carried out in a de-
~o fined study area may lead to the following
ARAVA ' '.°.'°.°. ' 500--
- - - --Ld-
.-'0" o " o'
( 1 ) Streams, valleys or wadis of similar or-
z w
.- . . . . . .
. ,. • . . ;. .",..',.." 2 0 0 +
IlUl ders relate to similar geological events and are
of similar geological age.
(2) For stream segments of the same orders
but of different lengths, the shortest are char-
acterized by steepest topographic gradients.
Such segments usually occur either on flanks
of fold structures or on elevated tectonic blocks.
The inclinations of the longest stream-seg-
ments are usually gentle. Such segments are
Fig. 2. Generalized stratigraphic column with indication usually typical of synclinal troughs, graben
of the main exploited aquifers (not to scale). structures and of downfaulted blocks.
Isobase is a term used for a line which delin-
Methodology eates (similar to structural maps) an erosional
surface. According to Filosofov (1960) the
The proposed methodology implies (as a isobase surface is the hypothetical plane formed
first step even prior to commencement of field by connecting stream profiles of a similar
surveys) the preparation of a morphotectonic stream order. The topography above the iso-
map based on the analysis of detailed topo- base surface is disregarded. The stream beds
graphic maps - - preferably in the scale range designate the erosional base surface. The ele-
of 1 : 10,000-1:50,000. In order to formulate a vation of isobase lines will always be either
regional groundwater flow model the morphol- identical with or lower than ground surface.
ogical conclusions have to be supported by ru- The elevation of an isobase line is retrieved
dimentary lithostratigraphic background data. from detailed topographic maps at the inter-
The morphotectonic analysis consists basi- section of a stream channel with the topo-
cally of two consecutive steps i.e. definition of graphic contour lines (Fig. 3c). This leads to
stream orders and the preparation of isobase compilation of isobase maps portraying the
maps. These steps are illustrated in Figs. 3a- erosional surfaces for stream segments of sim-
3d. ilar orders. In geological terms, isobase sur-
The stream order designates the relative po- faces relate to similar erosional stages and
sition of stream segments in an erosional should be regarded as manifestations of re-
drainage basin network. Numerous authors gional erosional-tectonic events and espe-
(Gravelius, 1914; Horton, 1945; Strahler, cially of young movements of the crust. Hence,
1957; Filosofov, 1960) suggested various isobase surface analysis may be a useful tool for
methods to define stream orders. Of all these, deciphering young tectonic processes (Gary et
only the method suggested by Horton ( 1945 ), al., 1973 ). The concept of isobase surface and
which was later modernized by Filosofov isobase maps as formulated by Filosofov
(1960), attributes a relative geological age to (1960) is identical to Hack's (1960) suben-
each different stream order. Therefore, var- velope map idea.


! " i~ ~ . i"

Fig. 3. Methodological steps in morphotectonic analysis, (a) Definition of stream orders; (b) stream orders superim-
posed on topographical relief map; (c) isobase map (derived from second and higher stream orders); (d) fault traced
according to deviations of isobase lines.

While interpreting isobase maps (Fig. 4a) may be indicative of steeply dipping strata, of
the following details should be considered: flexturing or of faulting. An example ofisobase
(1) Sharp deviations in the directions of lines pinching is portrayed in Fig. 5a. There
isobase lines may indicate either tectonic dis- such a situation was identified near the drain-
locations or extreme lithological changes. Such age base where the longitudinal gradient of the
a situation is depicted in Fig. 5a. This conclu- stream bed should have been gentle. This iso-
sion is supported by evidence from boreholes base pinching anomaly is the result of a fault
Hazeva 5, 5a, 424a and 420 (Fig. 6a). Lithol- which was identified between boreholes Haz-
ogical changes also occur in the eastern part of eva 9 and 15 (Fig. 6b). Borehole Hazeva 15
the section on the surface of the downthrown which was drilled on the basis of this morphol-
fault-block. Due to the presence of the fault, ogical analysis, confirmed the presence of the
the left tributaries of Nahal Arava cut the iso- fault. Another example of isobase pinching is
base lines at sharp angles. from the lower course of Nahal Hazeva, where
(2) Compression (pinching) ofisobase lines Yechieli et al., (1988) identified a fault dis-


(b) 'r ~7



\ \

" z J:t
~c / : i

I(i{/z:}7 \ SOUTHERN
s. ,,ow
• :i

= ~ FAULTS . . . . . INFERRED FAULTS G,.FE..EO''L' 00.E

Fig. 4. (a) Isobasemap. (b) Morphotectonicmap of northernArava.

placing Upper Quaternary beds (Fig. 6c ). structural troughs. This is confirmed by field
(3) Spreading o f isobase lines as occurring evidence (Fig. 6a) in the area between bore-
in the Hazeva area (Fig. 5a) is indicative of holes Hazeva 420 and 424b.
mild gradients and o f the possible presence of (4) In valleys or in stream beds isobase lines

usually bulge upstream. However, if those lines rection of flow of high-order stream beds co-
bulge downstream, this is indicative of inten- incide with the regional tectonic structures.
sive subsidence of that particular stream seg- Groundwater flow usually coincides with max-
ment. It is usually accompanied by bifurcation imal gradients as defined on isobase maps. The
of valleys and by accumulation of alluvium. An longitudinal sections of valleys of the same
example of such an anomaly on N. Raviv was stream orders incised during definite geologi-
encountered while mapping in the central Ne- cal periods are true expressions of the tectonic
gev (Golts, 1981 ) and is depicted in Fig. 5b. movements occurring during these geological
Within the boundaries of sedimentary bas- time-intervals. Therefore isobase maps de-
ins, the inclination of rock layers and the di- rived for valleys of a certain stream order re-

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2000 m

Hence, a morphotectonic map is a derivative

of isobase maps. It portrays the basic linea-
ments or dislocation lines derived by analysing
deviations in the directions of isobase lines.
The outlines of physical-geographical entities
drawn over isobase maps, usually accentuate
the boundaries of tectonic provinces or the di-
rection of tectonic movements. Generally, in
areas covered by a thick veneer of continental
sediments, the isobase map always indicates
the regional or the local inclination during the
uppermost structural stage.


The morphotectonic map of northern Arava

When a given area has a uniform climate and

the rocks outcropping within its boundaries are
of similar lithology, one may expect identical
structural models for its erosional valleys and
Fig. 5. (a) Examples of deviation, spreading and pinch- basins. These would be expressed by a simple
ing of isobase lines in the Hazeva area. Open arrows em- pattern of isobase lines. Changes in the densi-
phasize spreading of isobase lines. Black arrows indicate
pinching of isobase lines. Black triangle indicates location
ties of these lines would occur gradually, from
of geological field section in Fig. 6c. Dotted line deline- the upper to the lower reaches of the valleys,
ates normal stream bed direction usually at right angles to depending on the shape of the longitudinal sec-
isobase lines. Broken line emphasizes anomalous stream tion of the valley during each geological time-
beds tracing at sharp angles to isobase lines. Due to pres-
increment (or relatively to each stream or-
ence of fault, left tributaries of Nahal Arava cut isobase
lines at sharp angles. (b) Downstream bulging of isobase der). In the northern Arava (in which both cli-
line indicative of intensive subsidence of stream segment mate and lithology are uniform), the isobase
(N. Raviv, central Negev, Israel; Golts, 1986). (c, over- map (Fig. 4a) portrays numerous local anom-
leaf) Radial drainage pattern in the Arava, possibly rep-
alies. The most prominent are the following:
resenting buried salt dome (Golts, 1988). Such an in-
ferred salt dome was identified in Fig. 4c at the southern ( 1 ) In the eastern part of the Arava Rift Val-
extremity of the Southern Shallow Depression. ley, the surface dips to the northwest. Isobase
lines trend NNE-SSW and are characterized by
flect the totality of tectonic movements since sharp bends forming lineaments striking N W -
the incision of these valleys and up to the pres- SE or N-S.
ent time. If these maps portray anomalous fea- (2) In the western part of the valley, the sur-
tures such as compression, spreading or sharp face dips northeastward whereas isobase lines
deviations in the directions of isobase lines, trend NNE-SSW. Their bends form linea-
these features may reflect changes in the inten- ments tracing NE or NW. Such lineaments
sities of vertical movements or presence of could occur as the result of tectonical or lith-
faults or could be indicative of boundaries of ological changes. Field evidence from the study
areas shaped by entirely different tectonic area indicates that the NE-SW or NW-SE
events. striking lineaments are actually fault lines


Fig. 5. ( c o n t i n u e d ) .

which fit into the regional structural pattern of chieli et al., 1992). Under such a geological
the Arava. setting, the isobase map facilitates the under-
(3) In various parts of the study area a ra- standing of the internal structure of the gra-
dial drainage pattern was encountered which ben. The map portrays the following predomi-
does not fit in any way into the regional linear nant morphostructural units occurring in the
pattern ofisobase lines (Fig. 5c). Usually, lin- Arava graben between the southern end of the
ear morphometric anomalies are interpreted as Dead Sea and Nahal Paran:
faults whereas round features (with radial ( 1 ) The northern depression including the
drainage pattern) are viewed either as young deep Samra secondary graben located in the
anticlinal structures or as salt domes (Filoso- axial part of the Rift. The northern segment of
fov, 1960). this secondary graben coincides with the pres-
The morphotectonic map of northern Arava ently known southernmost boundary of the
derived by isobase methodology as outlined in Lisan formation. It appears that the two seg-
this paper, is shown in Fig. 4b. ments are separated by a NW-SE striking fault.
As previously stated, the subsurface of the (2) The southern shallow depression.
northern Arava is built by a 550 m thick se- (3) An uplifted central horst separating the
quence of Neogene-Quaternary clastics (Ye- northern and southern basins.

--W-- -E-
HAZEVA 4 2 0 HAZEVA 424b HAZEVA 424a HAZEVA 5 &50
~ +10(-148) N. A R A V A


. - . . _

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H,° o "o\
< ~ - v . : i " ° o' 7, o° o°\
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~ . " ~ - . j ' ~~ . ' . " ..'.. "
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• " ' '." " ~ = o 155.5 o

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o([) o
o o o o
o o o
- 390
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Km.
I I I i I i I~1 o o
-410 o
o o o c,
_m^uu H A Z E V A 420 HAZEVA424b HAZEVA 424a HAZEVA5&5a

-zoo " " ." " " "

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"-'i .G'I.D-R-O.'N'-"
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• . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . " : '" " ' ~ "~
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--3001"'I ' "'" "" "" ": " ' " "" . . . . ' "..'.' .. .... v :':;'It-'-:--LM-A-S-H-'A
- O - - £ ' f / r - - '-'---M--hr" - - -- - I I °I ,Io" .-°IFm° °"
(a) - 4001" / JI.° = °

Fig. 6. Regional cross-section through the study area (for location of sections, see Fig. 5a). (a) Southern geological cross-
section drawn through wells H a z e v a 420 to H a z e v a 5 a n d 5A. (b, overleaf) N o r t h e r n geological cross-section d r a w n
through wells H a z e v a 9 a n d Hazeva 15T. (c, o v e r l e a f ) Geological cross-section from the lower course of Nahal Hazeva
(after Yechieli et al., 1988 ).

(4) A N - S elongated 5-7 km wide basin oc- dence from boreholes Hazeva 5, 5A, 424a and
curring in the southeastern part of the study b and 420, as portrayed in Figs. 6a and 6b. An-
area. This basin which developed in a second- other prominent field evidence supporting this
ary graben, is limited to the east by the margins conclusion is the structure of the Hufeira block
of the Rift and to the west, by a fault, striking located east of Ein Yahav (Figs. 4a and 4b).
NNE-SSW and extending over a distance of 30 (6) Several young, rapidly uplifting struc-
km. tures outlined by radial drainage systems. Golts
(5) West of Nahal Arava and north of the (1988) suggested that these structures may
Sapir and Ein Yahav settlements, the subsur- represent buried salt domes.
face structure is dominated by a system of en All identified structures seem quite reason-
echelon striking tilted horsts tracing N N E - able in view of what one might expect in a typ-
SSW and creating on their western slopes, ramp ical rift valley in which saline deposits have
valleys. This conclusion is based upon evi- been accumulating.

-NW- -SE-


~ _~-- ' ~ --~__


D R 0


-_' --

[[ I I 1 I¸
--- "'--~M A_ S H A Q Mbr.'--

~ H .ALHA Q : Mhr._~II~PER~
~ M I-~DD 1 - ~ E O C E N~v~-"
~ ? ._ __? _

I[ 1 I I
±IEiO C E~N E ,
' ~ i
I 1. I

(b) 0 '~ 2' 3Kin

-W- E
S A M R• A ~ YO
. U. N .G . .C O. N G L -"
Fro. ~ " . - ~ ' ~ NAHAL HAZEVA l ' - ~ ' ' S "u ........ f:":' ; '

......... ~q;L:- . " ' . . ~ . . . . . . . . . ~ LISAN

(c) o.. . . 11. 59.

Fig. 6. ( c o n t i n u e d ) .

Conclusions described in the present paper may serve as a

structural background for designing detailed
In young sedimentary basins shaped by fault investigations such as seismic surveys or ex-
tectonics, such as the Arava, the morphotec- plorative drilling or for the rational planning
tonic map derived by isobase methodology as of hydrometric observation networks. Mor-

p h o t e c t o n i c m a p s m a y also s e r v e as a struc- Golts, S., 1986. Morphometric analysis of the Shivta site
area. Tahal Consult. Eng. Ltd., Tel Aviv, unpubl.
t u r a l f r a m e w o r k f a c i l i t a t i n g the p r e p a r a t i o n o f
Golts, S., 1988. The Hazeva aquifer, east and west of Na-
i n f e r r e d g r o u n d w a t e r flow m a p s . hal Arava. Morphotectonic methods for identifying
buried geological structures and salinization process.
Acknowledgements Tahal Consult. Eng. Ltd., Tel Aviv, unpubl. (in
Golts, S.. 1989. Structure, tectonic development and pa-
T h e a u t h o r s e x p r e s s t h e i r g r a t i t u d e to Prof. leogeomorphology of northern Arava and their hydro-
D a n B o w m a n f r o m the D e p a r t m e n t o f G e o g - geological implications. Morphoproject Consult.
r a p h y , Ben G u r i o n U n i v e r s i t y in B e e r Sheva, Group, Jerusalem, unpubl. (in Hebrew ).
Israel a n d to Prof. A s h e r Schick f r o m the D e - Gravelius, H.. 1914. Flusskunde. Goschcn'sche Verlag-
shandlung, Berlin, 176 pp.
p a r t m e n t o f P h y s i c a l G e o g r a p h y , I n s t i t u t e for
Hack, J.T., 1960. Interpretation of erosional topography
E a r t h Sciences, H e b r e w U n i v e r s i t y J e r u s a l e m , in humid temperate regions. Am. J. Sci., 258A: 80-97.
for critically r e a d i n g the m a n u s c r i p t a n d i m - Horton, R.E., 1945. Erosional development of streams and
p r o v i n g it b y i m p o r t a n t c o r r e c t i o n s a n d their drainage basins: hydrophysical approach to
quantitative morphology. Bull. Geol. Soc. Am. 56: 275-
Strahler, A.N., 1957. Quantitative analysis of watershed
References geomorphology. Am. Geophys. Union Trans., 38 (6):
Filosofov, V.P., 1960. Brief guide to morphometric meth- Yechieli, Y., Sneh, A. and Livnat, A,, 1988. Tectonics and
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House, Saratov (in Russian). ava area: Hazeva area. Guidebook to geological field
Gary, M., McAfee, R. and Wolf, C. (Editors), 1973. trips, Dead Sea and Northern Arava Areas. Geological
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