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Survey of Sustainable Building Design Practices

in North America, Europe, and Asia

Kimberly R. Bunz1; Gregor P. Henze, P.E.2; and Dale K. Tiller3
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Abstract: Sustainable design should be applied in all phases of the life cycle of a building, including programming, design, building
construction, building operation, and finally demolition. This paper compares and contrasts sustainable design programs based on the life
cycle of a building in North America, Europe, and Asia. Tables comparing programs from these three regions are provided for each phase
in the life cycle of a building. These tables can be used by building design professionals as a reference guide to sustainable design around
the world. The tables also highlight specific requirements or concerns that are applicable in a particular region. The similarities between
different programs and regions can be taken into consideration during the planning of sustainable design work, regardless of the region of
construction. Finally, references to more detailed program documents are provided so that interested readers can determine specific
requirements that apply in a region of interest.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲1076-0431共2006兲12:1共33兲
CE Database subject headings: Sustainable development; Building design; Environmental issues; North American; Europe; Asia.

Introduction This paper will serve as a reference for practitioners interested in

implementing sustainable design, measurement, and practices in
The World Commission on Environment and Development, estab- various regions of the world.
lished by the United Nations, published the Brundtland Report in
1987, which gives the following definition of sustainable devel-
opment: “those paths of social, economic, and political progress Background to Sustainable Design
that meet the needs of the present without compromising the abil-
ity of future generations to meet their own needs” 共Steele 1997兲. The 1992 United Nations Earth Summit was intended to bring
Sustainable building design includes formal and informal ini- sustainability to the fore in policy formulation. More than 100
tiatives advanced by governments, professional organizations, nations participated, with the exception of the United States
and private industry. These efforts have focused on the develop- 共Steele 1997兲. The result of the Earth Summit was the publication
ment of building design guides, improved energy codes, the use of Agenda 21, which highlighted six subject areas of focus for
and development of low environmental impact building materials, sustainable design. The fourth section, dealing with the manage-
renewable energy and resources, and the concept of analyzing the ment of human settlement, was subsequently amended by the
effects of design choices over the complete life cycle of a American Institute of Architects 共AIA兲 and published as part of
building. the AIA Environmental Resource Guide. The main recommenda-
A comparison of North American 共United States and Canada兲, tions of the management of human settlement section of Agenda
European 共United Kingdom, Germany, Netherlands兲, and Asian 21 are as follows 共Steele 1997兲:
共Japan, Hong Kong, Korea兲 initiatives highlights the similarities 1. The use of local materials and indigenous building sources;
between different regions, as well as the differences in design 2. Incentives to promote the continuation of traditional tech-
recommendations that are a reflection of unique local conditions niques, with regional resources and self-help strategies;
共e.g., weather兲. By evaluating the similarities and differences be- 3. Recognition of the toll that natural disasters take on devel-
tween international design practices, better sustainable design oping countries, due to unregulated construction and use of
guidelines and practices can be developed and used universally. inadequate materials and the need for improvements both in
use and manufacture of materials and in construction tech-
Mechanical Engineer, Leo A. Daly Consulting Engineers, niques, as well as training programs;
8600 Indian Hills Drive, Omaha, NE 68114-4039. 4. Regulation of energy-efficient design principles;
Associate Professor, Univ. of Nebraska–Lincoln, Architectural 5. Standards to discourage construction in ecologically inappro-
Engineering, 1110 South 67th St. PKI–203D, Omaha, NE 68182-0681 priate areas;
共corresponding author兲. E-mail: 6. The use of labor-intensive rather than energy-intensive con-
Associate Professor, Univ. of Nebraska–Lincoln, Architectural struction techniques;
Engineering, 1110 South 67th St. PKI-203D, Omaha, NE 68182-0681. 7. The restructuring of credit institutions to allow the poor to
Note. Discussion open until August 1, 2006. Separate discussions
buy building materials and services;
must be submitted for individual papers. To extend the closing date by
one month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Managing 8. International information exchange among architects and
Editor. The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and pos- contractors, on all aspects of construction related to the en-
sible publication on February 7, 2005; approved on April 27, 2005. This vironment, particularly about nonrenewable resources;
paper is part of the Journal of Architectural Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 9. Exploration of methods to encourage and facilitate the
1, March 1, 2006. ©ASCE, ISSN 1076-0431/2006/1-33–62/$25.00. recycling and reuse of building materials, especially those


J. Archit. Eng. 2006.12:33-62.

requiring intensive energy consumption in their manufacture; renewable energy recommended by the various international
10. Financial penalties to discourage the use of materials that guidelines vary based on the regional availability of renewable
damage the environment; energy sources. Recommendations concerning renewable energy
11. Decentralization of the construction industry, through the en- sources will be evaluated based on region, as well as applicable
couragement of smaller firms; and financial incentives or subsidies.
12. The use of “clean technologies.” Water usage and efficiency guidelines define specific targets
These 12 recommendations constitute the foundation for many and describe various methods and means by which these targets
international sustainable design guidelines and recommendations, can be achieved. Our review compares the amounts of water re-
and collectively they cover many aspects of the life cycle of a duction recommended for sustainable buildings, and what each
building project. guideline uses as a basis for its water reduction recommendations.
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Thermal comfort and health aspects of indoor air quality are

addressed in the design phase recommendations of different
Methodology guidelines. This comparison highlights what constitutes an ac-
ceptable indoor environment for sustainable buildings.
Building life cycle forms the framework for our comparison of Sustainable site location and selection considerations are
sustainable design guidelines and practices. Our comparison con- evaluated in a number of sustainable building guidelines and
trasts recommendations related to the following areas in the life methodologies. The various areas concerning sustainable sites in-
cycle of a building: programming phase, design phase, building
clude urban sprawl, Brownfield redevelopment, effects on local
construction, building operation, and finally building demolition.
ecosystems, and interaction with the surrounding built environ-
Individual sustainable guidelines are evaluated for each of the
ment. Potential financial incentives available for the development
applicable life cycle areas, and the similarities and differences
of sustainable sites are also compared and evaluated for various
between guidelines that apply in North America, Europe, and Asia
will be identified and compared. A comparison of sustainable
guidelines for different building functions is also conducted in Material usage includes the selection of materials with recy-
cases with unique recommendations and guidelines. clable properties, reusable products, and the implementation of
recycling procedures throughout building operation. Recommen-
dations for the amount of materials with recycled content are
Programming Phase provided in various sustainable guidelines as well as the amount
The programming phase of a building project as it relates to sus- of products that are being functionally reused in a building. The
tainable building design involves the initial predesign meetings basis for determining the appropriate amount of recyclable mate-
with the owner, analysis of similar projects with sustainable fea- rial in a product is evaluated, as well as the appropriate amount of
tures, preliminary ideas and sustainable design features for imple- reused products recommended for use in sustainable buildings.
mentation in the specific project, formation of a design team in- The recommended amount of recycling recommended during
volved in the sustainable design process, and definition of initial building occupancy is also evaluated for the various standards.
goals for the performance of the sustainable building throughout Atmospheric considerations are primarily related to the use of
the design process. Decisions taken during the initial program- ozone-depleting substances during the design of a sustainable
ming phase can affect the entire design process, so the extent to building. The emission of greenhouse gases is also considered in
which different international guidelines and sustainable building the comparison of programs.
evaluation programs address the initial programming phase in
sustainable design for buildings can be a key component to the
successful application of sustainable design principles. Despite Building Construction
the importance of this key design phase, it is not always empha-
The building construction phase of the sustainable building life
sized or highlighted in the programs reviewed in this paper.
cycle process encompasses the sustainable practices that are em-
ployed during the actual construction process of a building. The
Design Phase sustainable practices that will be evaluated and compared for the
The design phase is the most comprehensively addressed portion construction process are waste management during the construc-
of the life cycle in most sustainable building guidelines and tion process, transportation of building construction materials,
evaluation methods. The areas of the design phase that will be and the impact of the construction process on the site and sur-
compared relate to energy efficiency, water efficiency, indoor en- rounding disturbances.
vironment, site location, material usage, and atmospheric consid- Waste management during the construction process relates to
erations. Each of these will be considered in turn. the amount of recyclable material generated during the construc-
Energy efficiency is easily and intuitively related to sustain- tion process. Measures should be implemented and work should
able design and is covered by most guidelines and recommenda- be sequenced to control the emission of volatile organic com-
tions. All regions have their own standards relating to building pounds and particulates during the construction process, similar to
energy efficiency. Many sustainable building guides and measure- Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design 共LEED兲 Indoor
ment programs deem a sustainable building as one that provides Environmental Quality credits 3.1 and 3.2. The transportation of
additional energy savings over minimum local requirements. Our building materials relates to maximum recommended travel dis-
comparison is based on the stringency of different energy usage tances between the construction site and the material supplier. The
guidelines, and how these recommendations were determined. impact of the construction process on the surrounding environ-
Another area related to the energy efficiency portion of the ment includes recommendations for the control of storm water
design process is the implementation and use of renewable or runoff and plans for minimal impact on ecological systems in
“green” energy sources for sustainable buildings. The types of adjacent areas.


J. Archit. Eng. 2006.12:33-62.

Table 1. International Building Sustainability Guidelines and Standards
North America Europe Asia

United Hong
Phase United States Canada Kingdom Germany Netherlands Japan Kong Korea
Programming LEED C-2000 IDP BREEAM Guideline for CASBEE HK-BEAM
phase ASHRAE and CBIP sustainable
GreenGuide GBTool building
Design phase LEED C-2000 IDP BREEAM Guideline for GreenCalc CASBEE HK-BEAM GBRS
ASHRAE and CBIP sustainable
GreenGuide GBTool building
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Building LEED C-2000 IDP BREEAM Guideline for HK-BEAM GBRS

construction ASHRAE and CBIP sustainable
GreenGuide GBTool building
Building LEED C-2000 IDP BREEAM Guideline for CASBEE HK-BEAM GBRS
operation ASHRAE and CBIP sustainable
GreenGuide GBTool building
Building C-2000 IDP Guideline for
demolition and CBIP sustainable
GBTool building
Note: LEED⫽USGBC 共2002兲; GreenGuide⫽Grumman 共2003兲; IDP⫽Larsson 共2000兲; CBIP⫽Office of Energy Efficiency 共2000兲; GBTool⫽Cole and
Larsson 共2002兲; BREEAM⫽BREEAM 共2002, 2003兲; Guideline⫽Federal Office 共2001兲; GreenCalc⫽Boon and Sunikka 共2003兲, “GreenCalc” 共2004兲;
HK-BEAM⫽HK-BEAM Society 共2003兲; and GBRS⫽Green Building 共2004兲. See also Bobenhausen 共1999兲, Dimson 共1996兲, and Rousseau and
Chen 共2001兲.

Building Operation North America

Building operation in the life cycle of a sustainable building in- The design standards and guidelines described in the following
volves the operation, maintenance, and control of the building sections are from the United States and Canada.
systems to maintain the sustainable levels for which they were
originally designed. Various international sustainable guidelines United States
and methodologies provide recommendations for the ongoing In the United States, there are two major sustainable building
monitoring of building systems, and also recommend the design initiatives that will form the basis for our comparison with
establishment of commissioning procedures to ensure initial and other international recommendations: 共1兲 the LEED, Leadership
ongoing performance. in Energy and Environmental Design, “green” building rating sys-
tem; and 共2兲 the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and
Building Demolition Air-Conditioning Engineers 共ASHRAE兲 GreenGuide.

The final phase in the life cycle of a building is demolition. Sus- LEED. The LEED rating system was established by the
tainable design in this area focuses on recycling and waste man- United States Green Building Council 共USGBC 2002兲 具http://
agement procedures to handle the material waste generated during www.usgbc.com典 as a voluntary rating system to evaluate the
demolition activities, and on the design of building assemblies environmental performance of a building over the entire life
and systems to facilitate removal during demolition. cycle. The building is evaluated over five environmental catego-
ries: sustainable sites, water efficiency, energy and atmosphere,
indoor environmental quality, and materials and resources. Cred-
Description of Sustainable Guidelines its are awarded for satisfying various criteria in the five environ-
mental categories, and different levels of certification can be ob-
Refer to Table 1 for the various national standards that have been tained based on the number of points earned from each credit. The
compared herein based on building life cycle. The programs listed levels of certification a building can receive based on number of
in Table 1 vary in nature from building evaluation and measure- points acquired are 关United States Green Building Council
ment programs, to government guidelines and recommendations, 共USGBC兲 LEED Reference Package Version 2.0 共USGBC
to computer simulation software programs that are used 2001兲兴:
to evaluate sustainability. Brief descriptions of each program are • Certified= 26– 32 points;
provided, and the recommendations made by individual programs • Silver= 33– 38 points;
related to individual phases in the life cycle of a building are • Gold= 39– 51 points; and
described in the program comparison tables. The programs iden- • Platinum= 52 or more points.
tified are major national programs or recommendations; local or The LEED-NC program for new construction and major renova-
regional sustainability programs were not considered in this com- tion building projects is evaluated based on the various building
parative study. All information provided in the comparison tables life cycle processes described in the methodology. The LEED
are from the sources cited in Table 1 and in the reference section program currently has pilot certification programs for existing
of this paper, unless otherwise noted. building operations, commercial interiors or tenant fit-out


J. Archit. Eng. 2006.12:33-62.

projects, and building core and shell projects. The development of countries can draw ideas from either to incorporate into or modify
a LEED home certification program is also underway. their own tools. The GBC process is currently managed by the
International Initiative for a Sustainable Built Environment
ASHRAE GreenGuide. To assist heating, ventilation, air- 共IISBE兲 共Cole and Larsson 2002兲. The GBC was initiated by a
conditioning, and refrigeration designers in “green” building de- group of researchers from the University of British Columbia
sign, The American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air together with Natural Resources Canada and has, therefore, been
Conditioning Engineers 共ASHRAE兲 developed the ASHRAE included under the Canada sustainable design practices section of
GreenGuide. The guide was developed for use as a reference this report 共Kohler 1998兲.
throughout the sustainable design process and includes chapters The GBTool is used to assess the potential energy and envi-
covering the early design process, practical engineering sugges-
ronmental performance of the building projects participating in
tions for implementation into green design, and postdesign sug-
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the Green Building Challenge process. The GBTool is designed to

gestions and tips. The practical engineering suggestions portion of
allow users to reflect the different priorities, technologies, build-
the guide provides engineering design information and tips on
ing traditions, and cultural values that exist in various regions and
how engineers can design systems that can be considered sustain-
able 共Grumman 2003兲. The guidelines and recommendations pro- countries in the assessment process. The GBTool consists of a
vided by the ASHRAE GreenGuide are purely voluntary in nature single Microsoft Excel workbook that can be used by a design
and are intended to provide assistance in sustainable building team to evaluate their particular project based on performance
design. benchmarks that are relevant to the particular region and building
occupancy. Assessments of green performance are made in the
Canada following categories: resource consumption, loadings, indoor en-
The two Canadian programs described here are the C-2000 Inte- vironmental quality, quality of service, economics, and preopera-
grated Design Process in conjunction with the Commercial Build- tions management. A commuting transportation assessment area
ing Incentive Program 共CBIP兲, and the Green Building Challenge of GBTool is under development. Criteria and subcriteria of the
assessment tool 共GBTool兲. These initiatives were spearheaded by listed performance issues are scored by the design team using an
the Canadian Federal Government Department of Natural Re- assessment scale of −2 to +5. These criteria and subcriteria are
sources 共Natural Resources Canada兲. In addition to these activi- building and region specific. The scoring system is based on the
ties, the Canadian Federal Government sponsors the development following logic 共Cole and Larsson 2002兲:
and maintenance of the Model National Energy Code for Houses 1. 0: Minimum Acceptable Performance for the relevant occu-
and Buildings. pancies within the region, as defined by regulations or, where
there are no relevant regulations, by industry consensus.
C-2000 Integrated Design Process (IDP) and the Commer- 2. 5: Demanding Performance. Represents a performance target
cial Building Incentive Program (CBIP). The C-2000 Inte- that is considerably in advance of current practice. National
grated Design Process was developed based on the experiences teams are responsible for determining what the performance
learned from C-2000, a Canadian demonstration program for
target represents.
high-performance buildings. The C-2000 program was developed
3. –2: Unsatisfactory Performance. Performance that is clearly
in 1993 to demonstrate high levels of building performance based
inferior to accepted industry norms.
on technical requirements that cover energy performance, envi-
ronmental impacts, indoor environment, functionality, and a num- 4. 1–4: Intermediate Performance Levels. Represent varying
ber of other requirements. The C-2000 Integrated Design Process degrees of performance between the primary benchmarks:
is a specific building design method intended to produce buildings • A score of one 共1兲 represents a moderate improvement
with significant reductions in energy demand and water use, over the industry benchmark performance, or represents
which at the same time provide improved indoor environments “good practice” in the region.
and healthier building sites 共see the Natural Resources Canada • A score of four 共4兲 represents a significant improvement
website 具http://www.buildingsgroup.nrac.gc.ca典兲. The perfor- over the benchmark performances, or “best current prac-
mance targets identified by the IDP are resource consumption, tice” within the region.
environmental loadings, indoor environmental quality, quality of The criteria and subcriteria scores are determined for each of
service, economics, social aspects, and building management the main evaluation categories. The national team, whose respon-
共Larsson 2003兲. sibility it is to assemble experts in the various performance areas
The Commercial Building Incentive Program 共CBIP兲 was to assist in determining weighting factors for the particular re-
launched in 1997 in Canada as a larger national program designed gion, individually weights these scores. The GBC does provide
to lead the industry toward energy efficiency. A financial incentive default weighting factors for the main performance categories
of up to $60,000 is offered to building developers and owners 共Cole and Larsson 2002兲.
depending on energy savings accomplished by the building 共Of- The overall result of the GBTool assessment process is to ob-
fice of Energy Efficiency 2000兲. The two voluntary programs are tain an assessment rating of the building under evaluation as it
being combined, so projects in the C-2000 IDP program also compares to a benchmark building determined by the assessment
participate in the CBIP program 共Larsson 2000兲. The C-2000 In- team specific to that region and building occupancy.
tegrated Design Process and CBIP program are compared to the
other international standards based on the life cycle of a building
as described in the methodology. Europe

GBTool Green Building Challenge. The Green Building The design standards and guidelines described in the following
Challenge 共GBC兲 is an international collaborative effort to de- sections are from the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and
velop a building environmental assessment tool that participating Germany.


J. Archit. Eng. 2006.12:33-62.

United Kingdom Germany

BREEAM. The Building Research Establishment Environ- Guideline for Sustainable Building. The Guideline for Sus-
mental Assessment Method 共BREEAM兲 was developed in 1990 tainable Building was developed by the German Federal Office
by the Building Research Establishment 共BRE兲 in the United for Building and Regional Planning to implement integrated prin-
Kingdom. The Building Research Establishment, is owned by the ciples for sustainable planning, construction operation, mainte-
Foundation for the Built Environment, a registered charity in the nance, and use into federal buildings and landholdings. The
United Kingdom, and it provides a range of consultancy, testing, guideline provides recommendations for the following principles
and commissioning research services for all aspects of the built applied throughout the life cycle of the building, which can im-
environment 具典. prove the building’s sustainability 共Federal Office for Building
and Regional Planning 2001兲:
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BREEAM is a voluntary evaluation program used to assess a

building’s performance based on the following areas: manage- • Lowering the energy demand and the consumption of operat-
ing materials;
ment, energy use, health and well being, pollution, transport, land
• Utilization of reusable or recyclable building products and ma-
use, ecology, materials, and water. Credits are assigned to those
performance areas meeting or exceeding good practice and
• Extension of the lifetime of products and buildings;
weighted to take into account the importance of that issue in the
• Risk-free return of materials to the natural cycle; and
overall environmental impact of a building. An overall score is
• Comprehensive protection of natural areas and use of all pos-
determined and the building is rated as pass, good, very good, or sibilities for space-saving construction.
excellent in terms of performance. The building assessment pro- The guideline provides a preliminary building sustainability
cedure and final score are completed and determined by a li- assessment procedure for ecological, economical, and
censed BREEAM assessor. Several versions of BREEAM exist, sociocultural aspects of sustainable building design. The guide-
including BREEAM for offices, Superstores, Industrial Units, line advocates addressing all three areas to obtain a complete
EcoHomes for residential assessment, and Bespoke BREEAM for sustainability rating. Building assessments are made for various
unusual building types 共BREEAM 2002兲. The BREEAM Offices listed criteria in the guideline either qualitatively or quantitatively.
2004 program assessments for Design and Procurement and for The qualitative assessments are evaluated based on the following
Management and Operation 共BREEAM 2003兲 are used for evalu- scale 共Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning 2001兲:
ation and comparison to other international sustainable guidelines 1. + = adequate,
and measurement programs in this comparative analysis. 2. + + = good,
3. + + + = very good,
The Netherlands 4. − = poor,
5. −− = inadequate, and
GreenCalc. GreenCalc is a computer program developed by 6. 쎲 = no information.
the Dutch Institute for Building Biology and Ecology 共NIBE兲 and These assessments are made against the design value or perfor-
the Dutch consulting engineering firm DGMR that compares the mance of the sustainable building to the guideline value, which
“environmental sustainability” of buildings. The program consists represents the minimum value to be achieved. This guideline
of four modules for evaluation: materials, energy, water, and mo- value can be based on current standards and codes in practice or
bility modules. Based on information entered for these modules, from recommendations in the Guidelines for Sustainable Build-
the program determines an environmental index value that ex- ings. Quantitatively, the assessment is rated 共Federal Office for
Building and Regional Planning 2001兲 as:
presses the sustainability of the building. The base environmental
• Yes= target value reached; and
index is 100, which corresponds to the sustainable rating of a
• No= target value not reached.
building constructed in 1990. Most projects assessed with the
The Guideline for Sustainable Buildings is compared to the
GreenCalc program have environmental indices between 100 and
other international sustainable design programs and procedures
200, with 250—or 2.5 times as sustainable as the reference following the methodology’s life cycle analysis procedure.
1990 building—as the higher performance buildings
共“GreenCalc” 2004兲.
The GreenCalc program, in addition to calculating the envi- Asia
ronmental index of a building, also calculates the potential hidden
environmental costs of the building. These costs represent the The design standards and guidelines described in the following
sections are from the Asian countries of Japan, Korea, and Hong
additional expenses that would be incurred if the building was
designed and engineered to significantly advance the state of en-
vironmental design. A zero energy building would be an example.
Because designing to this level is rare as the resulting buildings
would be too expensive, the associated costs are defined as “hid- Comprehensive Assessment System for Building Environ-
den environmental costs.” The GreenCalc program nevertheless mental Efficiency. The Comprehensive Assessment System for
computes these costs to highlight the distance between Building Environmental Efficiency 共CASBEE兲 is a joint
current practice and the envelope of sustainability design governmental, academic, and industrial building assessment
共“GreenCalc” 2004兲. project underway in Japan. The concept of Building Environmen-
The GreenCalc program is evaluated and compared based on tal Efficiency 共BEE兲 is the primary unit of sustainability measured
the life cycle methodology to the other international sustainability in the CASBEE program. BEE was developed from the concept
practices described in this report. of eco-efficiency as defined by the World Business Council on


J. Archit. Eng. 2006.12:33-62.

Sustainable Development 共WBSCD兲. The WBSCD defines eco- concerning how to improve the BEE rating of buildings during
efficiency as maximizing economic value while minimizing envi- the postdesign process. It is primarily intended for buildings hav-
ronmental impact ing operational experience of approximately 10 years or more or
undergoing renovation considerations 共Murakami et al. 2002兲.
Eco-efficiency CASBEE was developed by Japan to address the design needs
= 共Values of products or service兲/共Environmental load unit兲 and practices of Japan and other Asian countries, which have
unique challenges given the hot and humid climate typical in
CASBEE has defined eco-efficiency as applied to buildings as Asia. Many of the technologies, standards and guidelines, and
Eco-efficiency evaluation tools used by western countries cannot be applied to
the monsoon climate of Asia without significant modification
= 共Beneficial output兲/共Input + nonbeneficial output兲 共Murakami et al. 2002兲.
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The definition of BEE used in CASBEE is

Hong Kong
BEE = 共Building environmental quality and performance兲/
Hong Kong Building Environmental Assessment Method
共Building environmental loadings兲 (HK-BEAM). HK-BEAM was implemented in 1996 and was
The numerator, “Q” 共Building environmental quality and per- adapted to the local Hong Kong environmental setting from the
formance兲, represents the condition of the living environment United Kingdom’s BREEAM program. The goal of HK-BEAM is
being assessed in terms of amenities for building users, while the to define good practice criteria for a range of environmental is-
denominator, “L,” is the Building environmental loadings. All of sues relating to the planning, design, construction, commission-
the assessment results of CASBEE are given in the BEE form as ing, management, and operation and maintenance of buildings.
a single value. The BEE rating is generally between 0.5 and 3, “Credits” are awarded where standards or defined performance
and it is used to assign the evaluated building to a sustainability criteria are satisfied. The main environmental areas addressed by
class. The class system is broken down by the following classifi- HK-BEAM are 共HK-BEAM Society 2003兲:
cation system, with a higher rating representing a more sustain- • Site aspects,
able building 共Murakami et al. 2002兲: • Material aspects,
• BEE of 3.0 or higher= S class; • Energy use, and
• BEE of 1.5– 3.0= A class; • Indoor environmental quality.
• BEE of 1.0– 1.5= B + class; The overall assessment grade awarded to a building under the
• BEE of 5.0– 1.0= B − class; and HK-BEAM is determined based on the percentage of applicable
• BEE less than 0.5= C class. credits obtained by the building. Indoor environmental quality
CASBEE is comprised of four separate assessment tools: 共IEQ兲 performance is additionally weighted in the overall rating
Tool-0. Predesign tool. This tool enables owners and planners of HK-BEAM. A minimum percentage of IEQ credits must be
to identify basic project context, suggest proper site selection, and obtained to qualify for the overall grade. Failure to obtain the
address the initial impact of the project. Because Tool-0 of required percentage of IEQ credits may result in the downgrading
CASBEE has not yet been completed, we will not compare it to of the overall building award. The percentage grading system
other sustainable design programs 共Murakami et al. 2002兲. 共HK-BEAM Society 2003兲 is as follows:
Tool-1. The DfE 共Design for Environment兲 Tool. This is a • Platinum= 75% 共excellent兲;
simple self-evaluation checklist for designers and engineers to • Gold= 65% 共very good兲;
improve the BEE of buildings. The tool can be used in the basic • Silver= 55% 共good兲; and
design stage, design development stage, and construction comple- • Bronze= 40% 共satisfactory–above average兲.
tion stage of building development. Assessments are made by the The HK-BEAM building environmental assessment method
designer regarding indoor environment, quality of service, out- for new building construction will be used for comparison to
door environment on site, energy, resources and materials, and other international sustainable design methods. HK-BEAM as-
off-site environment. Scores are assigned to various criteria under sessment methods are also available for existing office building
each of the assessment areas, taking into consideration the level projects and new residential building projects.
of technical and social standards in practice at the time of
assessment. The scoring is based on a 1 through 5 scale, with a Korea
score of 3 indicating an “average” building performance. The
individual criteria scores are weighted appropriately and used to Green Building Rating System (GBRS). The Green Building
determine overall scores for major assessment areas. Tool-1 will Rating System 共GBRS兲 is a new environmental performance as-
be the primary assessment tool of CASBEE used in the compari- sessment method under development by the Green Building
son to other international sustainable design practices 共Murakami Council Korea. GBRS is a voluntary “whole building” assessment
et al. 2002兲. tool that covers the entire life cycle of the building. It is based on
Tool-2. The Eco-Labeling Tool. This tool is used to rate the the Green Building Council 共GBC兲 assessment method frame-
building in terms of BEE after completion. More detailed design work. The GBRS is currently under development in Korea and
information and measurements, over those determined has not been implemented at this time. The criteria the GBRS will
with Tool-1, are required to determine the final BEE value. The use to evaluate buildings are resource consumption, environmen-
final BEE value could potentially be used to determine the basic tal loadings, quality of indoor environment, and building design
property value of the labeled building in the market 共Murakami and operation process. The future plans of the Green Building
et al. 2002兲. Council Korea are to develop the GBRS Audit Procedure, to es-
Tool-3. The Sustainable Operation and Renovation Tool. tablish a pilot certification program for multiunit residential build-
Tool-3 provides building owners and managers with information ings, to develop GBRS programs for offices and schools, and to


J. Archit. Eng. 2006.12:33-62.

Table 2. Programming Phase Comparison Table
IDP Guideline for
ASHRAE and sustainable
Programming LEED GreenGuide CBIP GBTool BREEAM GreenCalc building CASBEE HK-BEAM
Programming LEED Provides IDP Requires Predesign
phase accredited recommendations recommends formation of tool under
recommendations professional for determining establishing assessment development
on design design team roles performance team for 共p. 9兲
team 共p. 67兲 and approaches targets and building
during predesign strategies analysis
phase 共pp. 27–37兲 before design 共p. 6兲
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work phase
共p. 5兲
assembling a
design team
and holding
共p. 5兲

introduce the formal building certification and dissemination pro- cussed in only general terms. The CASBEE program from Japan
cess 具典. As the program is still under is developing a predesign tool for their evaluation process 共Table
development, it will not be compared extensively to the other 2兲. Some emphasis on the design programming phase is prudent,
sustainable building programs; however, it should be considered because it sets the tone for all remaining design and construction
in the future as a sustainable building design reference. activities and hence will affect all aspects of the building life
cycle. The American LEED program awards points to teams that
include LEED accredited professionals.
Comparison of Sustainable Guidelines
Design Phase
The comparison tables, Tables 2–11, describe the requirements of
the guidelines and standards in each of the life cycle areas iden- The design phase is the most extensively addressed area in all the
tified in the methodology section: programming phase, design guidelines and recommendations considered in this paper. To
phase, building construction, building operation, and building compare the various recommendations, we have divided the de-
demolition. The page numbers provided in the comparison tables sign phase into the following areas: energy efficiency, water effi-
reference the source of information from which the recommenda- ciency, indoor environment, site location, material usage, and at-
tions were taken 共see Table 1 for reference material兲. The com- mospheric considerations 共Tables 3–8兲.
parison tables’ footnotes provide further explanation regarding All programs address energy efficiency, and all gauge effi-
recommendations where applicable, as well as specific codes, ciency by comparing the design energy load with a predetermined
standards, or performance criteria with which a sustainable build- base building energy usage case, or by maintaining energy usage
ing must comply, if provided in the sustainability guideline or within specified ranges. The detail with which energy savings are
reference. determined varies for each program. Utilizing renewable energy
The comparison tables are to be utilized when comparing sources for energy consumption purposes is also commonly rec-
building sustainability programs and guidelines for the various ommended. The C-2000 IDP, GBTool, and HK-BEAM programs
countries. The level of detail provided by individual countries provide recommendations for minimizing the embodied energy of
varies significantly. However, commonalities can be observed materials used in the construction process. Embodied energy
across the various international programs concerning certain as- is defined as the energy used in the extraction, processing, and
pects of sustainability. The commonalities between the programs transportation of materials used in building construction
are identified and briefly discussed for each of the life cycle 共HK-BEAM Society 2003兲 共Table 3兲.
phases. Unique requirements are also identified where present in a In the case of water efficiency, the implementation of water
program. conserving design practices is the primary recommendation of all
programs. Minimizing water usage for site irrigation purposes, as
well as reducing wastewater generation, is also commonly recom-
Programming Phase Comparison
mended. Utilizing gray water or rainwater harvesting systems is
The various international sustainability guidelines and recommen- recommended most frequently by the various guidelines and rec-
dations address the programming phase of sustainable design in ommendations as a means toward conserving water 共Table 4兲.
minimal detail. Only the North American programs provide rec- The indoor environment portion of building design is exten-
ommendations for the programming phase. These guidelines rec- sively addressed by a number of the international standards. The
ommend establishing a design team consisting of experienced common features addressed by a majority of the guidelines in-
professionals who will be involved with the sustainable building clude ensuring adequate ventilation, selecting low emitting mate-
design work. The extent to which the design team should plan and rials, implementing daylighting features, controlling environmen-
organize their efforts before actual design work is begun is dis- tal tobacco smoke 共ETS兲, and providing occupant control over the


J. Archit. Eng. 2006.12:33-62.

Table 3. Energy Efficiency Comparison Table

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Design ASHRAE for sustainable

area LEED GreenGuide IDP and CBIP CBTool BREEAM GreenCalc building CASBEE HK-BEAM
Energy Obtain 15–60% Incorporate CBIP requires Assess Energy usage Calculates Apply Energy Evaluate building Reduce annual energy
efficiency energy savings daylighting at least 25% primary between energy Conservation thermal load consumption by
over base casea effects energy savings embodied ±5 to 70 consumption Act standards based on building 10–45% 共pp. 47–48兲
into energy over base casec energy kWh/ m2 / yr of building during designg orientation thermal
consumption of materials 共p. 7兲 during its load of windows,
calculationsb used lifetimef and insulation level
MJ/ m2 / yr of exterior walls
共pp. 16–17兲 and roof
Use 5–20% Implement C-2000 IDP Assess Use at least Comply Evaluate building Reduce maximum
renewable night requires primary 10% of heat with local dsign based on direct electricity demand
energy sources precooling at least 50% nonrenewable demand or recommendations and indirect by 15–30%
共pp. 26–28兲 共pp. 46–48兲 energy savings energy used electricity when designing utilization for commercial
over base cased for building consumption mechanical, of natural energy buildings
operation from local electrical, and 共pp. 51–52兲
MJ/ m2 / yr renewable lighting systemsh
共pp. 17–18兲 energy source
共p. 14兲
Purchase a 2 year Use air-to-air Reduce embodied Assess ease Net CO2 Use 15% Evaluate Use 2–20%
renewable energy heat recovery energy of structure in adapting emissions renewable energy efficiency renewable
contract 共p. 32兲 in the form and envelope system to between sources of HVAC, energy sources
of enthalpy 共p. 6兲 meet future, 0 to 145 共p. 4.14兲 ventilation, 共p. 61兲
wheels, heat changes in kg/ CO2 / m2 / yr lighting, water
pipe systems, energy 共p. 8兲 heating, and
and runaround supply elevator
systems 共p. 45兲 systems
共pp. 57–59兲
Design Develop strategies CO2 Conform to Reduce embodied
systems to shave peak improvements energy values energy of building
to minimize power demand of 15–100% for electricity by 15–25% 共p. 60兲
fan and pump 共p. 6兲 over base casee and energy use
energy of SIA 380/4i
共pp. 53–55兲
Use variable Consider thermal Total annual Specify certified
flow/variable storage for auxiliary energy energy efficient
speed pumping mechanical systems for heating devices appliancesk
systems 共p. 6兲 and hot water
共pp. 71–72兲 not to exceed 1%
of annual heat
requirement for
hot water and
room heating
共p. 4.7兲

J. Archit. Eng. 2006.12:33-62.

Table 3. 共Continued.兲
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Design ASHRAE for sustainable

area LEED GreenGuide IDP and CBIP CBTool BREEAM GreenCalc building CASBEE HK-BEAM
Preheat Select energy Comply with energy
combustion air saving equipment codes for lift and
to fuel-fired with “Blue Angel” escalator installationsl
heating environmental logo
equipment or GED-Energy
共p. 79兲 conservation seal
共p. 4.8兲
Use Conform to Provide energy
combination summer time efficient hot water
space and heat insulation supply equipment
water heaters requirements and devices 共p. 56兲
共p. 80兲 of Energy
Conservation Actj
Utilize Utilized waste Comply with
ground-source heat and HK-BEAM
or water-loop regenerative checklist for
heat pump forms of air-conditioning
systems energy for unit installation,
共pp. 80–83兲 driving location, and

power performance
of active assessment
cooling 共p. 57兲
共p. 4.12兲
Use thermal Use daylight Install energy efficient
energy storage or energy- lighting equipment
for cooling saving lamps in public areas
共pp. 84–86兲 for lighting 共pp. 58–59兲
共p. 4.12兲
Use Select Use heat reclaim on
double-effect solar-thermal domestic hot water
absorption systems or hot water supply
gas-engine-driven 共p. 4.4兲 for space heating
chillers, or 共p. 59兲
共pp. 86–89兲

J. Archit. Eng. 2006.12:33-62.

Table 3. 共Continued.兲

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Design ASHRAE for sustainable

area LEED GreenGuide IDP and CBIP CBTool BREEAM GreenCalc building CASBEE HK-BEAM
Utilize indirect Reduce ventilation
evaporative electricity use by
cooling at least 15%
where 共pp. 53–54兲
共p. 91兲
Implement Reduce lamp
photovoltaic and ballasts
solar energy electricity use by
systems at least 15% 共p. 54兲
共pp. 97–98兲
domestic hot
water heaters
water heaters
共pp. 116–118兲
Energy savings determined over ASHRAE 90.1-1999 requirements used as base case building 共pp. 24–28, 32兲.
Recommends using radiance and e-quest software tools for entering daylighting model results into energy models 共p. 41兲.
To qualify for CBIP program, building must be at least 25% more energy efficient than if it had been constructed to requirements of Model National Energy Code for Building 共MNECB兲. MNECB covers
building envelope, lighting, HVAC equipment, service water heating equipment, and electrical components 共Commercial Building Incentive Program Technical Guide, p. 3兲.
C-2000 IDP program requires building to be at least 50% more energy efficient than if it had been constructed to requrements of Model National Energy Code for Building 共MNECB兲. MNECB covers
building envelope, lighting, HVAC equipment, service water heating equipment, and electrical components 共www.buildingsgroup.nrcan.gc/projects/idp.e_html兲.
CO2 emission improvements over static ECON 19 benchmarks 共BREEAM Offices 2004 Management and Operation Prediction Checklist Assessment Criteria, p. 6兲.
Energy consumption calculation used by GreenCalc is based on Dutch standard NEN 2916 by DGMR consulting engineers 共www.greencalc.com兲.
Conform to July 2000 draft Energy Conservation Act 关4-2兴 when designing systems 共p. 4.3兲.
Comply with recommendations of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Working Group 共AMEV兲 when designing systems 共p. 2.6兲.
Electricity requirements from Swiss Association of Engineers and Architects 共SIA 380/4兲 关4-3兴 共p. 4.4兲.
Comply with summertime heat insulation requirements in Energy Conservation Act and accompanying regulations 共DIN 4108-2 and DIN V 4108-9兲 共p. 4.9兲.
Energy efficient appliances shall be products with Grade 1 or 2 under EMSD Energy Efficiency Labeling Scheme, USEPA Energy Star Products, or equal alternative 共pp. 59–60兲.
Comply with Electrical and Mechanical Services Department. Code of Practice for Energy Efficiency of Lift and Escalator Installations, 1998 共p. 55兲.

J. Archit. Eng. 2006.12:33-62.

Table 4. Water Efficiency Comparison Table
Guideline for
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ASHRAE sustainable
Design area LEED GreenGuide IDP and CBIP GBTool BREEAM GreenCalc building CASBEE HK-BEAM
Water efficiency Reduce Use Reduce water Assess net Maintain water Calculates Use Evaluate building Reduce water
wastewater by water-conserving usage by 40% consumption of consumption water water-conserving design based on usage by 25–40%
50% or treat plumbing fixtures under C-2000 annual water use, between 3.85 and consumption sanitary fittings water savings 共pp. 68–69兲
100% of more stringent IDP programb m3 / person/ yr 1.05 m3 / person/ yr during lifetime 共p. 4.15兲
wastewater than Energy 共p. 19兲 共p. 10兲 of buildingc
on site 共p. 18兲 Policy Act
of 1992
共pp. 113–114兲
Reduce water Utilize gray water Implement site Assess gray water Install water meter Recommend use Evaluate building Provide automatic
usage by systems to reduce development plan flow not disposed with pulsed output of gray water design based on shut-off at faucets,
20–30%a potable water to minimize of by municipal to all building systems 共p. 2.7兲 utilization of taps, and urinals to
usage potable water system, m3 / m2 / yr supplies 共p. 10兲 rainwater conserve water
共pp. 114–115兲 consumption 共p. 27兲 and gray 共p. 69兲
共p. 6兲 water systems
Reduce potable Utilize rainwater Design plumbing Install leak Limit additional Use irrigation
water for harvesting systems and sanitary detection system water treatment system that does
landscape to reduce potable systems to for major leaks measures not require use of
irrigation by water usage minimize water covering all main 共e.g., water municipal potable

50–100% 共pp. 118–119兲 consumption 共p. 7兲 supplies 共p. 10兲 softening兲 water 共p. 70兲
共pp. 16–17兲 共p. 4.16兲
Install proximity Use rainwater
detection shut offs collection for
to water supply irrigation or
for urinals and cleaning 共p. 70兲
WCs 共p. 10兲
Attenuate water Implement gray
run-off by 50% at water collection
peak times and and treatment for
use on site potable water use
treatment such as 共pp. 70–71兲
oil separators/
filtration 共p. 14兲
Reduce sewage
volumes by 25%
共p. 71兲
Water reduction measured against Energy Policy Act of 1992 requirements as base building case 共pp. 19–20兲.
IDP C-2000 requires 40% less water use than that of comparable building in same construction region as defined by design team 共www.buildingsgroup.nrcan.oc/projects/idpគe.html兲.
Water consumption calculation in GreenCalc based on water performance standard program developed by firms opMAAT and BOOM 共www.greencalc.com兲.

J. Archit. Eng. 2006.12:33-62.

Table 5. Indoor Environment Comparison Table

Guideline for
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ASHRAE sustainable
Design area LEED GreenGuide IDP and CBIP GBTool BREEAM GreenCalc building CASBEE HK-BEAM
Indoor Conform to Comply with Consider mixed Reduce moisture Locate cooling Use directed Evaluate design Comply with water
environment ASHRAE ASHRAE mode or natural in building tower to allow light 共p. 2.5兲 based on noise quality standards for
Standards Standards 55 ventilation 共p. 5兲 envelope ease in cleaning generation, Legionnaire’s Disease
62-1999 and and 62 共p. 53兲 共pp. 29–30兲 and maintenance amount of sound and potable water
55-1992 or eliminate insulation, and qualityk
共pp. 47, cooling tower amount of sound
62–63兲 共p. 5兲 absorption
Design for Install permanent Optimize Reduce release of Minimize DHW Select healthy Evaluate design Maintain air
zero exposure temperature, daylighting and spray or standing risk of building materialsf based on room temperature within
to ETS humidity, and IAQ thermal, water in HVAC Leglonellosis temperature ±1 ° C at zero
共pp. 48–49兲 monitoring performance equipment 共p. 30兲 共p. 5兲 control, moisture occupancy and
systems through control, and full load conditions
共pp. 53, 55–56兲 fenestration type of air 共pp. 74–75兲
placement 共p. 6兲 conditioning
Implement Specify Reduce release of Openable window Conform to Evaluate design Satisfy Air Diffusion
CO2 low-emitting, mineral fibers into area equivalent to thermal comfort based on amount Performance Index for
monitoring nontoxic materials ventilation air 5% of gross regulationsg of day lighting, diffusers 共pp. 74–75兲
共p. 50兲 共p. 53兲 共p. 31兲 internal area antiglare
共p. 5兲 measures,
levels, and
Use and air Prevent exposure Assess, by weight, Use steam Use low-emission Evaluate design Demonstrate peak
change to ETS 共p. 53兲 proportion of humidification or building materials based on pollutant temperatures without
effectiveness materials no humidification 共p. 3.4兲 source control, mechanical cooling are
of 0.9 共p. 51兲 conforming to 共p. 5兲 ventilation ⬍30° C 共pp. 75–76兲
VOC emission performance, and
standards building
共pp. 31–32兲 operational plan
Use Do not install Control and Air intakes avoid Limit TVOC- Evaluate building Ensure ventilation rate
low-emitting unsealed or separate pollution sources of external concentrations to on its perceived and effectiveness meet
materialsa unvented sources from pollution 共p. 5兲 0.2– 0.3 mg/ m3 or functionality and design intent for
combustion occupants 共p. 32兲 less 共p. 3.5兲 workability occupied areas
appliances 共pp. 76–77兲
共p. 53兲
Provide Utilize Control randon Provide 12 Limit Provide minimum of 1
individual displacement entry 共p. 32兲 l/s/person for formaldehyde ACH in occupied
comfort control ventilation mechanical concentration to rooms under natural
共pp. 60–61兲 共pp. 60–61兲 ventilation 共p. 5兲 0.12 mg/ m3 for ventilation conditions
interior rooms 共pp. 77–78兲
共p. 3.5兲

J. Archit. Eng. 2006.12:33-62.

Table 5. 共Continued.兲
Guideline for
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ASHRAE sustainable
Design area LEED GreenGuide IDP and CBIP GBTool BREEAM GreenCalc building CASBEE HK-BEAM
Provide 2% Use dedicated Assess height of Meet natural CO2 should not Provide air tightness
daylight factor outdoor air OA intakes above ventilation exceed 0.15% of less than 2.0 ACH
and 90% direct systems ground and requirementsc 共pp. 3.6兲 at 50 Pa 共p. 78兲
line of site to 共pp. 61–62兲 distance between
vision glass exhausts or
共pp. 64–65兲 pollutants 共pp. 33兲
Implement hybrid Provide 80% of net Limit Provide adequate
ventilation percentage lettable office tetrachloroethene ventilation in spaces
共ventilation effectiveness of floor area is day to 0.1 mg/ m3 with significant indoor
through filtration system at lit 共p. 5兲 共p. 3.6兲 pollution source
mechanical and 1.5 microns generation 共pp. 78–79兲
passive means兲 共p. 33兲
共pp. 64–65兲
Implement Assess total OA Implement Limit PCB Exhaust premises
ventilation ventilation rate in occupant concentrations less undergoing fit-out and
demand control terms of L/s per controlled glare than 300 ng/ m3 redecoration
using CO2 occupant control system 共p. 3.6兲 共pp. 78–79兲
共p. 63兲 共pp. 34–35兲 共p. 5兲
Recommends use Assess Use high Follow VDI 6022 Assess wind pressures

of desiccant single-sided and frequency ballasts standards for on ventilation

cooling and cross-ventilation in all office ventilation rates openings in public/
dehumidification designs in luminaries 共p. 5兲 共pp. 3.7–3.8兲 circulation areas
below 40° F dew naturally 共pp. 79–80兲
point 共p. 90兲 ventilated areas
共p. 35兲
Implement light Assess ventilation Maintain light Show 0.9% Comply with criteria
conveyor systems effectiveness levels between average daylight for CO, NO2, ozone,
in buildings 共p. 35兲 350 and 400 lux level on working and respirable
共p. 109兲 共p. 5兲 surfaces 共p. 3.8兲 suspended particulate
共pp. 81–82兲
Provide individual Assess number of Meet louvre Optimize glass Comply with criteria
thermal controlb hours temperature design surfaces for for VOCs,
is within comfort requirementsd daylight and formaldehyde, radon
ranges 共p. 36兲 minimize for occupied premises
mechanical 共pp. 82–83兲
cooling 共p. 3.8兲
Assess minimum/ Provide lighting Provide sufficient Design plumbing and
maximum RH in control for groups level of drainage installations
winter and no more than 4 illumination to to limit odors 共p. 84兲
summer conditions workplaces in size meet
共p. 37兲 共p. 5兲 requirementsh
Assess average Maintain all Design for Provide hygienic
daylight factor workspaces with avoidance of glare refuse collection
共%兲 within 5 m of maximum distance and prevention of system 共p. 84兲
perimeter zone of 7 m to nearest eye stress
共p. 38兲 window 共p. 6兲 共p. 3.9兲

J. Archit. Eng. 2006.12:33-62.

Table 5. 共Continued.兲

Guideline for
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ASHRAE sustainable
Design area LEED GreenGuide IDP and CBIP GBTool BREEAM GreenCalc building CASBEE HK-BEAM
Design to reduce Provide local Provide protection Comply with IAQ
glare 共p. 38兲 control for from unreasonable protocols for car parks
temperature noise pollution and public transport
adjustment 共p. 6兲 according to interchangesl
Assess deviation Assess thermal Maintain light Design 80% of
of ambient comfort levels levels between 30 windows to have
illumination 共p. 6兲 and 50 lx for vertical daylight factor
levels from offices 共p. 4.6兲 of 12% and remainder
recommended achieve 8%
levels 共p. 39兲 共pp. 86–87兲
Assess size of Maintain noise Design against Design 80% of rooms
lighting control level of 35– 40 formation and to have day lighting
zones 共p. 39兲 dBLAeqT for spread of factor of 2.5% and
cellular offices Legionnaire’s remainder achieve
共p. 6兲 bacteriaj 1.5% 共pp. 86–87兲
Assess sound Maintain noise For ventilation air Design 80% of rooms
transmission class level of 40– 45 requirements to have window to
of windows dBLAeqT in areas conform to floor ration of 35%
共pp. 39–40兲 艋40 m2 共p. 6兲 RAL-quality seal and remainder 25%
GZ 652, 共pp. 86–87兲
“Ventilation and
systems” 共p. 4:11兲
Assess NC Maintain noise Demonstrate 80% of
rating of major level of 45– 50 rooms with windows
equipment 共p. 40兲 dBLAeqT in areas achieve room depth
艌40 m2 共p. 6兲 criteria and day
lighting improves
illuminance beyond
5 m from wall
共pp. 86–87兲
Assess design Ensure no Provide direct line of
features to reduce asbestos in new site to vision window
sound buildings or for 90% of occupied
transmission removal or rooms 共pp. 86–87兲
between containment and
occupancies identification in
共p. 40兲 existing buildings
共p. 11兲
Assess designs to Minimize Lamps have CIE color
reduce exposure carpet/floor rendering index of 80
to ELF magnetic finishes 共p. 11兲 or above 共p. 88兲
fields 共pp. 40–41兲

J. Archit. Eng. 2006.12:33-62.

Table 5. 共Continued.兲
Guideline for
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ASHRAE sustainable
Design area LEED GreenGuide IDP and CBIP GBTool BREEAM GreenCalc building CASBEE HK-BEAM
Assess ease to Establish smoking Ensure cool air from
adapt HVAC, ban within air conditioning will
electrical, building 共p. 5兲 not affect fluorescent
telecommunications, lamps 共p. 88兲
and structural
systems to
共pp. 42–45兲
Assess building Reverberation times
occupant control and background noise,
of thermal noise isolation, and
conditions vibration levels meet
共p. 46兲 prescribed criteria
given by HK-BEAM
共pp. 90–92兲
Assess distance of Meet Hong Kong
occupants to Planning Standards
exterior and and Guidelines

surrounding requirements for noise

buildings, m levels of building on
共p. 51兲 surroundings 共p. 33兲
Assess need for
building flush-out
before occupancy
共p. 56兲
Low emitting materials to comply with South Coast Air Quality Management Distinct Rule No. 1168, Bay Area Air Quality Management District Reg. 8, Rule 51, Green Seal requirements, or Carpet and
Rug Institute Green Label Indoor Air Quality Test Program as required 共pp. 55–58兲.
ASHRAE GreenGuide recommends providing minimum of one operable window per 200 ft2 and minimum of one airflow and temperature control each for 50% of occupants in all regularly occupied areas,
or implement program as described in EPA’s IEQ Tools for Schools 共p. 121兲.
BREEAM requires that trickle vents are provided on majority of windows, window openable area is equivalent to 5% of gross internal area of building, and plan depth is no more than 15 m otherwise, extra
ventilation required 共p. 5兲.
BREEAM requires louvres designed in compliance with addendum to Lighting Guide 3, 2001 共p. 5兲.
From the BREEAM Offices 2004 Management and Operation Prediction Checklist Assessment Criteria reference material.
Select building materials with environmental logo “Blue Angel” 共p. 2.6兲.
Conform to following thermal comfort recommendations: DIN 1946-2, DIN 4108-2, notes in “Paperback on Heating and Air Conditioning,” EDIN 33403-4, AMEV notes, Directive on Places of Work
共pp. 3.2–3.3兲.
Provide illumination of interior rooms based on DIN 5035 and on AMEV regulation “Lighting 92” 共p. 3.8兲.
Comply with standards for sound protection in buildings: DIN 4109 “Sound protection in buildings, requirements and verification,” VDI 4100 for residential buildings, and VDI 2569 for office buildings
共pp. 3.10–3.13兲.
Comply with Legionnaire prevention standards: DVGW-Working Papers W 551, W 552, and W 553 关4–11 to 4–13兴 共p. 4.11兲.
Comply with Code of Practice for Prevention of Legionnaire Disease and Water Supplies Department Circular Letter No. 4/2002. Fresh Water Plumbing Quality Maintenance Recognition Scheme
共pp. 33, 67兲.
Meet design requirements specified in ProPECC PN 2/96, Control of Air Pollution in Car Parks, 1996 and ProPECC PN 1/98, Control of Air Pollution in Semiconfined Public Transport Interchanges, 1998
共pp. 84–85兲.

J. Archit. Eng. 2006.12:33-62.

Table 6. Site Location Comparison Table

Guideline for
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ASHRAE sustainable
Design area LEED GreenGuide IDP and CBIP GBTool BREEAM GreenCalc buildings CASBEE HK-BEAM
Site location Avoid Consider building Minimize building Assess area of Provide bicycling Calculates Demonstrate Evaluate building Use land that has been
development of performance when footprint on site land usage for facilities for environmental cost spatial design on redeveloped or
farmland, on orienting on site 共p. 5兲 footprint, surface 5–10% of building associated with requirement maintenance and reclaimed 共p. 19兲
flood plains, 共p. 40兲 parking, and stafff commuting to cannot be covered creation
endangered access roads building over by existing of ecosystems
habitats, relative to net building lifetimef buildings 共p. 2.2兲
wetlands, or building area
public 共p. 18兲
Use Limit negative Minimizes loss of Assess change in Public transport Use/conversion of Integrate building Design has no
Brownfield environmental solar heat or ecological networks are derelict industrial with townscape negative impact on
redevelopment impacts when daylight potential characteristics of within 500 m and land/military and landscape sites of historic or
sites 共p. 4兲 selecting site of adjacent site 共pp. 18–19兲 with 15 min facilities/gaps in heritage value 共p. 19兲
location 共p. 39兲 property 共p. 5兲 service frequency built area 共p. 2.3兲
to local urban
center 共p. 9兲
Meet Reduce Assess volume of Public transport Use sites with Integrate building Rehabilitate previously
alternative transportation storm water not networks are good access to with local contaminated land or
transportation requirements of disposed of by within 500 m and local public characteristics sites adjacent to
requirementsb facility 共p. 5兲 municipal system, with 30 min transport services and culture landfillsj
m3 / m2 / yr 共p. 26兲 service frequency 共p. 2.3兲
to major transport
node 共p. 9兲
Locate in Assess impact of Site previously Design to local Evaluate building Only provide parking
development ground source built upon or used authority urban based on emission for use by company
density areas heat pumps on for industrial development of water and soil vehicles and/or any
of at least thermal emissions purposes within planning concepts pollutants shuttle service vehicles
60,000 ft2 per 共p. 27兲 last 50 years 共p. 2.3兲 共p. 21兲
acre 共p. 3兲 共p. 12兲
Reduce site Assess reflectance Build on formerly Preserve existing Evaluate building Provide easy access to
disturbancesc of roof surfaces contaminated site stands of trees and based on noise mass transport systems
and paved site 共p. 12兲 hedges 共p. 2.3兲 and offensive odor for building occupants
surfaces 共p. 28兲 generation to 共p. 21兲

J. Archit. Eng. 2006.12:33-62.

Table 6. 共Continued.兲
Guideline for
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ASHRAE sustainable
Design area LEED GreenGuide IDP and CBIP GBTool BREEAM GreenCalc buildings CASBEE HK-BEAM
Practice storm Assess site Build on land with Align structure Evaluate measures Demonstrate proactive
water amenities for low ecological with typical local to prevent approach toward site
managementd shade, relaxation, value 共p. 13兲 wind directions building related design toward
and play of 共p. 2.3兲 wind damages integration of site
occupants 共p. 52兲 planning issues
共p. 23兲
Provide shade Assess adverse Evaluate based on Minimize storm Evaluate measures Minimize ecological
共within affects of on-grade ecological changes water to prevent lighting impact for Greenfield
5 years兲, use parking areas of site 共p. 13兲 run-off damage to sites or contribute to
light colored/ 共p. 53兲 共p. 2.6兲 neighboring value of Brownfield
high albedo environments sites 共p. 23兲
materials, or
open grid
pavement for
30% of
共p. 13兲

Design 50% of Assess adverse Seek outside site Design green Evaluate measure Use pervious material
parking wind affects of adviceg spaces to support to reduce heat for minimum of 50%
underground or building design natural ecosystem island effects of hard landscaped
covered by 共p. 53兲 共p. 2.6兲 areas 共p. 24兲
structure or use
open grid
system for
50% of
parking lot
area 共p. 13兲
Use Assess building Maintain and Recommends Evaluate measures Provide planting
high-reflectance sky view protect trees over planting of roof to reduce load on equivalent to 30% of
roof, green obstruction 共p. 54兲 100 mm trunk areas 共p. 2.6兲 sewage treatment site area using plants
roof, or diameters, hedges, systems tolerate of climate
combinationc ponds, etc. 共pp. 24–25兲
共p. 13兲

J. Archit. Eng. 2006.12:33-62.

Table 6. 共Continued.兲

Guideline for
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ASHRAE sustainable
Design area LEED GreenGuide IDP and CBIP GBTool BREEAM GreenCalc buildings CASBEE HK-BEAM
Do not exceed Assess amount of Prevent adverse Minimize soil Evaluate measures Prevent excessive
IESNA shading on long term impacts excavation to reduce loan wind velocities
footcandle adjacent building on biodiversity through soil on traffic 共pp. 25–27兲
level for 共p. 54兲 共p. 13兲 management management
lighting for 共p. 5.2兲 systems
and zero
leaves building
site 共p. 15兲
Assess noise Policy to Consult “Design, Evaluate measures Reduce heat island
propagation encourage use of Construction and to reduce load on effects
reduction design public transportb Maintenance of waste treatment 共pp. 25–27兲
features 共p. 8兲 Transport systems
共pp. 54–55兲 Facilities” 共RV 96兲
for design of
transport facilities
of building
共p. 5.3兲
Minimize CO2 Design building to Prevent building
emissions for connect to local overshadowing and
transport based on public transport pressure views of
building location systems and to surrounding
to public transport internal pedestrian developments 共p. 27兲
connections and cycle network
共p. 9兲 共p. 5.3兲
Consult guidelines Provide access for
for standardization delivery vehicles and
of road pavements waste collection
RStO when vehicles away from
selecting pedestrian access
permeable and routes 共pp. 27–28兲
paving area
共p. 5.4兲
Select landscaping Design average
with low or no illuminance for site
irrigation needs lighting does not
and use rainwater exceed 1.5 times
for irrigation recommended
共p. 5.6兲 illuminancek

J. Archit. Eng. 2006.12:33-62.

Table 6. 共Continued.兲
Guideline for
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ASHRAE sustainable
Design area LEED GreenGuide IDP and CBIP GBTool BREEAM GreenCalc buildings CASBEE HK-BEAM
ponds” for water
storage 共p. 5.7兲
LEED defines inappropriate silts as: Farmland defined by American Farmland Trust, 100-year flood plane as defined by FEMA, land providing habitat for species on federal or state threatened or endangered
list, and wetlands defined by 40 CFR, Parts 230-22 and Part 22 共p. 2兲.
LEED alternative transportation requirements are: Locate building within 1 / 2 mile of commuter rail, light rail, or subway station, 1 / 4 mile of 2 or more bus lines, bicyclist amenities for 5% of occupants,
alternative-fuel refueling stations for 3% of parking capacity, provide preferred parking for carpools for 5% of parking capacity 共pp. 5–8兲.
LEED site disturbance limits are: Limit site disturbance to 40 ft beyond building perimeter, 5 ft beyond primary roadway curbs, walkways, and main utility branch trenches, and 25 ft beyond pervious paving
areas; or restore 50% of remaining open area of previously developed sites; and reduced footprint to exceed local zoning open space requirement for site by 25% 共pp. 5–8兲.
LEED storm water management guidelines are: If existing imperviousness is less than 50%, prevent postdevelopment discharge rate from exceeding predevelopment discharge rate; or if greater than 50%,
reduce by 25%; and remove 80% of average annual postdevelopment total suspended solids 共TSS兲 and 40% average annual postdevelopment total phosphorous by implementing EPA’s Guidance Specifying
Management Measures for Sources of Nonpoint Pollution in Coastal Waters 共pp. 11–12兲.
LEED roof requirements are: Use ENERGY STAR compliant and roof emissivity of at least 0.9 for 75% of roof, use green roof for 50% of roof, or combination for 75% of roof 共p. 14兲.
BREEAM bicycling facility requirements are reduced by 50% if located near major transport nodes or remote rural areas 共pp. 9兲.
BREEAM points awarded for seeking and acting on advice from Wildlife Trusts 共AWTC兲 or member of Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment 共IEMA兲 共p. 13兲.
From BREEAM Offices 2004 Management and Operation Prediction Checklist Assessment Criteria.
GreenCalc mobility calculations developed by Bouwinfo Koster and results depend upon location, access to public transport or road, and number of parking stalls 共www.greencalc.com兲.

Refer to site rehabilitation requirements outlined in Environmental Protection Department. Practice Notes for Professional Persons. ProPECC PN 3 / 94, Contaminated Land Assessment and Remediation and
3 / 96, Landfill Gas Hazard Assessment for Developments Adjacent to Landfills 共p. 21兲.
Refer to recommended illuminance values and methods for calculations in Appendix 1 of CIBSE Lighting Guide LG6 共p. 34兲.

J. Archit. Eng. 2006.12:33-62.

Table 7. Material Usage Comparison Table

Guideline for
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ASHRAE sustainable
Design area LEED GreenGuide IDP and CBIP GBTool BREEAM GreenCalc building CASBEE HK-BEAM
Material usage Provide Minimize use of Assess portion of 80% of upper Calculated Design with Evaluate building Reuse 25% of existing
dedicated area materials that rely existing building floor slab, external environmental long-lasting based on building elements from
for separation, on scarce structure retained wall, roof, and impact of building earthquake structure or shell
collection, and resources as part of new windows meet materials, components resistance 共p. 37兲
storage of 共p. 6兲 building as green rating including 共p. 2.4兲
recyclable percent of gross requirementsa maintenance
materials floor area 共p. 20兲 requirementsc
共p. 33兲
Maintain Select materials Assess amount of Reuse 50% of Use modular Evaluate design of Provide facilities for
75–100% of with low salvageable steel facade with 80% building building based on collection, sorting,
existing embodied energy reused on site or of mass comprised construction use of recycled storage, and disposal
building 共p. 6兲 recycled off-site as of reused material 共p. 2.4兲 materials of waste and recovered
structure and percentage of total 共p. 11兲 materials 共p. 45兲
shell, and 50% weight 共p. 20兲
of nonshell
共pp. 34–36兲
Use 5–10% Consider reuse of Assess extent of Reuse 80% of Follow Evaluate design of Use 50–100% green
salvaged or components and salvageable existing major requirements of building based on building materialsd
refurbished recycled materials materials reused structure by Law on Recycling use of wood as
materials for 共p. 6兲 on site or recycled building volume Economy and natural material
building off-site by 共p. 11兲 Waste 共p. 4.16兲
共pp. 39–40兲 percentage of total
共pp. 20–21兲
Use materials Select indoor Assess recycled Use timber Design facilities Evaluate building Use 5% recycled
such that finishing materials content of elements from for separation and design based on materials in
sum of to minimize VOC materials by sustainably collection of waste use of hazardous construction of
postconsumer and other percentage of total managed sources, and recyclable materials building and full use
recycled emissions 共p. 6兲 weight 共p. 21兲 reused timber, or material 共p. 4.17兲 of PFA in concretee
content plus recycled timber
1 / 2 of 共p. 11兲
5–10% of total
value of
materials in
共pp. 41–42兲
Use 5% Assess percentage Provide policies Comply with Evaluate building Use timber products
rapidly of sustainable for collection and Ordinance for design based on from well managed
renewable forestry certified recycling of office Waste reuse of existing sustainable sources
building woods by consumables Management building skeleton 共pp. 40–41兲
materials percentage of total 共p. 10兲b Concept and
共p. 45兲 wood weight Waste Balance
共p. 21兲 Sheet-AbfKoBiV
共p. 4.16兲

J. Archit. Eng. 2006.12:33-62.

Table 7. 共Continued.兲
Guideline for
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ASHRAE sustainable
Design area LEED GreenGuide IDP and CBIP GBTool BREEAM GreenCalc building CASBEE HK-BEAM
Use 50% of Assess area Evaluate building Use 50% rapidly
wood-based provided for design based on renewable materials
materials sorting and waste disposal 共pp. 39–40兲
certified by storage of solid methods
Forest waste, m2
Stewardship 共pp. 25–26兲
Principles and
共p. 46兲
Assess area Use 50–80% building
provided for elements manufactured
storage of organic off-site 共p. 39兲
waste, m2
共pp. 25–26兲
Use modular and
standardized building
共pp. 38–39兲

BREEAM building elements evaluated against specifications set out in Green Guide to Specification or Ecopoints benchmarks from ENVEST software 共p. 11兲.
From BREEAM Offices 2004 Management and Operation Prediction Checklist Assessment Criteria.
GreenCalc uses TWIN model of Institute for Building Biology and Ecology 共NIBE兲 to determine material calculation 共www.greencalc.com兲.
Building materials will be considered “green” if they received an overall rating A in Green Guide to Specification, Environmental Profiling System for Building Materials and Components, or GOOD rating
in Environmental Resource Guide 共p. 41兲.
Comply with Works Branch Technical Circular No. 14/ 90 for use of PFA in concrete 共pp. 42–43兲.

J. Archit. Eng. 2006.12:33-62.

Table 8. Atmospheric Conditions Comparison Table

Guideline for
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ASHRAE sustainable
Design area LEED GreenGuide IDP and CBIP GBTool BREEAM GreenCalc building CASBEE HK-BEAM
Atmospheric Zero use of Use low-NOx Assess greenhouse Use refrigerants Evaluate building Use refrigerants,
conditions CFC 共p. 23兲 burners 共p. 78兲 gas emissions of with zero ozone design based on insulation materials
materials used, kg depleting potential avoidance of and products with
CO2equiv / m2 / yr or no refrigerants CFCs and halons ozone depletion
共p. 21兲 共p. 14兲 potential of zero
共pp. 43–44兲
Zero use of Assess Implement Evaluate building
HCFCs or minimization of refrigerant leak based on emission
halon CFCs, HCFCs, detection system of air pollutants
共p. 30兲 and halons, kg 共p. 14兲
CFC-11equiv / m2 / yr
共p. 23兲
Assess gas Use automatic
emissions refrigerant pump
associated with down to heat
acidification, kg exchanger or
SO2equiv / m2 / yr storage tank
共pp. 23–24兲 共p. 14兲
Assess gas Maximum NOx
emissions leading emissions of
to photo-oxidants, 40– 140 mg/ kWh
gm delivered heating
Ethaneequiv / m2 / yr energy 共p. 14兲
共p. 24兲
Use refrigerant
with global
warming potential
below 5 共p. 14兲
Use thermal
materials that
avoid use of
ozone depleting
and global
substances 共p. 14兲

J. Archit. Eng. 2006.12:33-62.

Table 9. Building construction Phase Comparison Table
Guideline for
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ASHRAE Sustainable
Construction LEED GreenGuide IDP and CBIP GBTool BREEAM GreenCalc Building CASBEE HK-BEAM
Waste Recycle or Conduct waste Develop plan to Assess solid waste Monitor Collect and Implement
management salvage audit and develop minimize wastes not sent to solid construction waste separate waste construction and
50–75% of waste management during waste facility by on site 共p. 3兲 during demolition waste
construction plan, quantifying construction percentage of construction sorting for recycling
waste material diversion 共p. 7兲 weight during 共p. 5.8兲 and disposal
共pp. 37–38兲 by weight construction 共p. 44兲
共p. 140兲 共p. 25兲
Develop on-site Sort and recycle
construction construction waste
material recycling 共p. 3兲
areas 共p. 140兲
Transportation Use 20% of Minimize
of building building construction site
materials materials traffic by
manufactured optimizing
and 50% of delivery and
materials storage of
extracted materials
within 共p. 5.8兲

500 miles of
共pp. 43–44兲
Construction Implement Implement IAQ Develop final site Assess Minimize risk of Avoid compaction Implement
impact on site IAQ management planc impact construction pollution to air of soil during Environmental
and management management plan process quality arising from site construction work Management Plan
surroundings plana 共p. 7兲 control methods operations 共p. 3兲 tasks 共p. 5.8兲 during constructione
共pp. 55–56兲
Control site Minimize soil Minimize Minimize Meet air quality
sediment and compaction construction pollution to management
erosion for 共p. 140兲 damage to surface, ground and guidelines for
construction subsurface watercourse of construction detailed
activitiesb ecology, and municipal system in Environmental
aquifiers 共p. 5兲 共p. 3兲 Monitoring and Audit
Manual 共pp. 29–30兲
Establish site Temporary timber Demonstrate noise
sediment and use from criteria requirements
erosion control sustainably are met during
pland managed source or constructionf
reused or recycled
共p. 4兲

J. Archit. Eng. 2006.12:33-62.

Table 9. 共Continued.兲

Guideline for
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ASHRAE Sustainable
Construction LEED GreenGuide IDP and CBIP GBTool BREEAM GreenCalc Building CASBEE HK-BEAM
Reduce water pollution
during construction as
outlined in ProPECC
PN 1/94 共pp. 32兲
Construction IAQ
Management Plan
共p. 80兲
Complete building
“flush-out” and
replacement of filter
prior to occupancy
共pp. 80–81兲
During construction meet or exceed minimum requirements of Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors Association IAQ Guideline for Occupied Buildings under Construction, 1995; conduct
2-week building flush-out at 100% outside air after construction or conduct indoor air quality testing procedure consistent with EPA Protocol for Environmental Requirements, Baseline IAQ and Materials,
for Research Triangle Park Campus, Section 01445 共pp. 52–54兲.
Design site sediment and erosion control plan to conform to EPA’s Storm Water Management for Construction Activities, EPA Document No. EPA-832-R-92-005, Chap3. 3, or local Erosion and
Sedimentation Control standards and codes 共p. 1兲.
Follow recommendations of Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning National Contractors Association, SMACNA’s IAQ Guideline for Occupied Buildings under Construction for developing IAQ plan during
construction 共p. 139兲.
ASHRAE GreenGuide recommends EPA’s Storm Water Management for Construction Activities for development of site sediment and erosion control plan 共p. 140兲.
Environmental Management Plan should take into account checklist and practical advice given in Practice Note for Registered Contractors PNRC 17 Appendix A 共p. 28兲.
Demonstrate criteria and requirements of ProPECC PN 2/93 and Environmental Monitoring and Audit Manual are met regarding noise management 共pp. 30–31兲.

J. Archit. Eng. 2006.12:33-62.

Table 10. Building Operation Phase Comparison Table
Guideline for
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ASHRAE sustainable
Operation area LEED GreenGuide IDP and CBIP GBTool BREEAM GreenCalc building CASBEE HK-BEAM
Building Provides Recommends Develop Appoint Requirements for Requirements for
commissioning requirements commissioning commissioning commissioning commissioning commissioning
for building through all design plan and appoint against and activities 共p. 3兲 activities 共pp. 62–63兲
systems phasesb commissioning develop
commissioning agent 共p. 7兲 commissioning
共pp. 21, 29兲 protocols 共p. 56兲
Building Provides Recommends Develop Assess design Monitor energy Recommends Evaluate building Provide environmental
monitoring and requirements continuous maintenance plan related to consumption or design to facilitate based on daily issues guide 共p. 35兲
maintenance for long term metering of 共p. 7兲 protection of CO2 emissions building cleaning maintenance and
measurement installed building materials from energy use 共p. 2.7兲 updating practices
of energy and equipmentc 共pp. 47–48兲 on site 共p. 3兲
Assess design Monitor fuel Recommends Monitor buildings Provide operations,
related to consumption or monitoring operation systems maintenance, and
providing access CO2 emission consumption of energy management
to technical from transport to energy and manuals 共p. 64兲
systems for and from site materials 共p. 2.8兲
maintenance and 共p. 3兲

共pp. 48–49兲
Assess design Establish company Design building Evaluate Provide training for
features enabling policy on automation system operational operations and
operation during environmentd in accordance with management maintenance staff
abnormal 共p. 3兲 DIN 276 关4–8兴 system of building 共p. 64兲
conditions 共i.e., and DIN 18386 design
power failure兲 关4–9兴 共p. 4.9兲
共pp. 49–50兲
Assess features for Environmental Provide metering and
monitoring of purchasing policy monitoring of
building is present at electricity and energy
performance corporate leveld usef
共p. 50兲 共p. 3兲
Assess leak Environmental Include performance
detection systems management plan criteria in contractual
for gas, water, and is in operation and arrangements with
refrigerant operating manuals tenants 共p. 35兲
共pp. 50–51兲 are available on
sitee 共p. 3兲

J. Archit. Eng. 2006.12:33-62.

Table 10. 共Continued.兲

Guideline for
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ASHRAE sustainable
Operation area LEED GreenGuide IDP and CBIP GBTool BREEAM GreenCalc building CASBEE HK-BEAM
Assess training of Carry out risk
operating and assessment survey
maintenance staff of domestic hot
共p. 57兲 water systemsd
Assess Establish
performance maintenance
incentives in schedules for high
leases or sales performance
agreements cleaning materials
共p. 57兲 共p. 5兲d
procedures for
collection and
recording of
occupant feedback
and improvement
targets relating to
共p. 5兲d
共p. 7.8兲
Established energy
submetering of
tenancy areas and
areas of
substantive energy
use 共p. 7兲
Building Recommendations Training building Assess control Provide control system
controls for lighting staff on efficient capabilities for to reduce energy use
controls to reduce equipment partial operation of ventilation systems
energy operation 共p. 7兲 of building 共p. 53兲
共pp. 106–107兲 systems 共p. 46兲
Use fan setpoint Assess complexity Provide control system
optimization, of control systems to limit lighting
required by 共p. 47兲 installation use
90.1–2001 on 共p. 54兲
systems 共p. 121兲

J. Archit. Eng. 2006.12:33-62.

Table 10. 共Continued.兲
Guideline for
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ASHRAE sustainable
Operation area LEED GreenGuide IDP and CBIP GBTool BREEAM GreenCalc building CASBEE HK-BEAM
Implement mixed
air temperature
reset for air
共pp. 123–124兲
Implement cold
deck temperature
reset at cooling
共pp. 124–125兲
Measurement and verification plans to comply with Options B, C, or D of 2001 International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol 共IPMVP兲 Volume I: Concepts and Options for Determining
Energy and Water Savings 共p. 31兲.
Follow ASHRAE Guideline 1, HVAC Commissioning Process and establishing commissioning throughout predesign, design, construction, acceptance, warranty, and continuous commissioning phases of
construction 共pp. 143–149兲.
Comply with Option B: Methods by Technology of U.S. Department of Energy’s International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol 共IPMVP兲 for metering of equipment 共p. 152兲.
From BREEAM Offices 2004 Management and Operation Prediction Checklist Assessment Criteria.
Energy policy should be in accordance with guidance set out in Good Practice Guide 186 共GPB 186兲 共BREEAM Offices 2004 Management and Operation Prediction Checklist Assessment Criteria, p. 7兲.
Monitoring of central chiller plants assessed on basis of BSRIA Technical Note TN 7/94 and electricity metering will comply with British Standard BS EN 60521:1995 and ASHRAE Standard 114

共pp. 65–66兲.

J. Archit. Eng. 2006.12:33-62.

Table 11. Building Demolition Phase Comparison Table

Guideline for
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ASHRAE sustainable
Program area LEED GreenGuide IDP and CBIP GBTool BREEAM GreenCalc building CASBEE HK-BEAM
Demolition IDP recommends Assess clearance Recycle as much
recommendations designing of solid waste material as
assemblies and during clearance possible from
connections to of existing demolition
facilitate future structures, by 共p. 5.8兲
demountability percentage of
共p. 6兲 waste 共p. 24兲

J. Archit. Eng. 2006.12:33-62.

environment. The GBTool program is the only program to recom- the construction process. These programs recommend minimizing
mend radon control measures for buildings or recommendations transportation involved with the delivering or storing of building
to reduce extreme low frequency 共ELF兲 magnetic fields in build- construction materials.
ings. The U.S. programs do not address noise levels for spaces, The main areas addressed regarding construction impact on
provide Legionnaire control requirements, or cover requirements the site and surroundings recommend establishing indoor air qual-
for air contaminant levels in as much detail as other programs. ity control measures during construction, controlling for site sedi-
The GreenCalc program does not address the indoor environment ment and erosion, and minimizing site compaction of the site. The
in its calculation of building sustainability 共Table 5兲. HK-BEAM program also recommends maintaining noise criteria
All of the programs address site selection. The main areas levels as specified during the overall construction process.
considered involve redeveloping a formerly contaminated site,
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implementing or encouraging alternative transportation routes to Building Operation Phase

the building, minimizing disturbance to the site, practicing storm
water management, and reducing heat island effects caused by the The building operation phase of the building life cycle compares
the various international standards as they consider building com-
building. Reducing the negative effects on adjacent building sites
missioning recommendations, building monitoring and mainte-
is also addressed by many of the programs and involves factors
nance policies, and building control recommendations 共Table 10兲.
such as noise generation to off-site areas, excessive light trespass
The only programs not providing recommendations for the
from nighttime lighting, and effects of new construction on pre-
commissioning of buildings are GreenCalc, the Guideline for Sus-
vailing wind patterns. One unique requirement set down in the tainable Building, and CASBEE. All the other programs provide
German Guideline for Sustainable Building is for the provision of some guidance for or reference to the importance of building
“fire-fighting ponds” at the building site for the storage of water commissioning. Designing for the monitoring and metering of
for fire-fighting emergencies 共Table 6兲. building performance is also commonly recommended throughout
The ASHRAE GreenGuide addresses building material usage the sustainability programs, as well as the development of plans
only through reference to a computer website and through inclu- for ongoing building maintenance and operation. The BREEAM
sion of a sample checklist. This guide was designed for use by program recommends establishing occupant feedback procedures
building systems engineers who have little influence over material to facilitate in the monitoring of building performance targets.
selection during the design, and we understand that the scope of GBTool and HK-BEAM recommend establishing building perfor-
the guide will be broadened in future editions. The common areas mance criteria in contractual or lease agreements with building
addressed by a majority of the programs regarding material usage tenants. The building control recommendations suggest using
suggest reuse of existing structure or shell components during simple control sequences to reduce energy consumption of the
design; provision of dedicated areas of the building exclusively building under occupied conditions.
devoted to the separation, storage, and collection of recyclable
materials; use of recycled materials; and the use of wood obtained
Building Demolition Phase
only from sustainably managed forests. A few of the programs
recommend using modular or prefabricated construction compo- Only the Canadian and German sustainability programs provide
nents to reduce the waste associated with the on-site construction recommendations concerning building demolition. These recom-
of building components 共Table 7兲. mendations consider the recycling and waste management of the
Atmospheric conditions of sustainable building design prima- material waste from demolition. However, the IDP program does
rily focus on the use of ozone depleting materials. The programs recommend designing building assemblies to facilitate their re-
that address these concerns recommend zero use or minimal use moval in future demolition 共Table 11兲.
of chlorofluoro carbons, hydro chlorofluorocarbons, and halons in
the design of buildings. The GBTool program provides further
recommendations addressing the monitoring of greenhouse gases, Conclusions
gases associated with acidification, and gases associated with
photo-oxidants 共Table 8兲. The sustainability comparison tables are designed for use by
building design professionals as a reference guide to understand-
ing international sustainable building guidelines. The tables pro-
Building Construction Phase vide designers with initial design information for the various re-
gions of the world concerning sustainable design requirements,
The building construction phase portion of the building life cycle and they address areas of concern for that particular region. The
as discussed in the relevant international standards focuses on commonalities in recommendations identified between programs
waste management practices during the construction process, the should be taken into consideration during the planning of sustain-
transportation of building materials, and the impact of construc- able design work regardless of the region of construction. The
tion activities on the work site and surroundings. The GreenCalc referenced program materials can be researched further to deter-
and CASBEE programs do not provide recommendations for sus- mine the specific requirements of the region.
tainable building during the construction phase of the life cycle Designing sustainable buildings depends on consideration of
共Table 9兲. the entire life cycle when implementing sustainable features into
The primary recommendations in this area involve the estab- designs. Designing for the life cycle of a building will help de-
lishment of waste management plans during construction and signers meet the needs of today, without adversely affecting fu-
construction material recycling procedures. ture generations.
The LEED program and the Guideline for Sustainable Build- Despite emphasizing the life cycle, current guides do not ad-
ing are the only programs to provide recommendations or require- dress extension of the building life span. In some respects, the
ments regarding the transportation of building materials during expected useful life span of a building may be critical in deter-


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building with a 20-years life span may be less sustainable than a Green Building Council Korea homepage. 共2004兲. 具http://www.gbc-
lower-efficiency building with a 100-years life span.典 共Mar. 17, 2004兲.
Finally, the concept of sustainable design may be extended Grumman, D. L., ed. 共2003兲. ASHRAE GreenGuide, American Society of
beyond environmental metrics to include other, more subjective Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Atlanta.
assessments of building impacts, such as quality of life, working HK-BEAM Society. 共2003兲. An environmental assessment for new build-
conditions, dependence on foreign goods, or cultural and historic ing developments, version 4/03, Hong Kong.
Kohler, N. 共1998兲. “An observer’s perspective on the relevance of the
Green Building Challenge 共GBC兲.” Proc., Green Building Contest
Conf., Vancouver, Canada.
Larsson, N. 共2000兲. Green building: An overview, Natural Resources
Downloaded from by Sinhgad College of Engineering (SCOE) on 02/14/13. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

Canada, Ottawa.
Larsson, N. 共2003兲. “The integrated design process.” International Initia-
Bobenhausen, L. 共1999兲. “HVAC design for green buildings.” HPAC tive for a Sustainable Built Environment 共IISBE兲, 具http://
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social housing: The Netherlands.” Building Research and Informa- Murakami, S., Iwamura, K., Ikaga, T., and Endo, J. 共2002兲. “Comprehen-
tion, 具典. sive Assessment System for Building Environmental Efficiency
Building Research Establishment Ltd. 共BREEAM兲. 共2002兲. Document 共CASBEE兲.” Proc., Japan-Canada Int. Workshop, Japan Sustainable
Reference General Overview DJB, Garston, U.K. Building Consortium, Keio, Japan.
Building Research Establishment Ltd. 共BREEAM兲. 共2003兲. BREEAM Of- Office of Energy Efficiency. 共2000兲. Commercial Building Incentive Pro-
fices 2004 Design & Procurement Assessment Prediction Checklist, gram II technical guide, Ottawa.
Garston, U.K. Rousseau, D., and Chen, Y. 共2001兲. “Sustainability options for China’s
Cole, J., and Larsson, N. 共2002兲. Green Building Challenge 2002: residential building sector.” Building Research and Information,
GBTool user manual, International Initiative for a Sustainable Built 具典.
Environment, Ottawa. Steele, J. 共1997兲. Sustainable architecture, McGraw-Hill, New York.
Dimson, B. 共1996兲. “Principles and challenges of sustainable design and United States Green Building Council. 共2001兲. Reference package, ver-
construction.” UNEP Industry and Environment, 19–22. sion 2.0, Washington, D.C.
Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning. 共2001兲. Guideline for United States Green Building Council. 共2002兲. Green Building Rating
sustainable building, Ministry of Transport, Building, and Housing, System for New Construction and Major Renovations (LEED-NC),
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J. Archit. Eng. 2006.12:33-62.

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