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Nowadays, one of our town’s problem is being not enough supply of electricity as so

many Filipinos are annoyed and patient and millenials are no longer updated because their cell

phone is turn to low battery and should be text and call cannot be done. This problem lowers the

economy of a country.

Because it is easy for people to use social media account no longer has the time to

exercise they are on Facebook or playing cellphone games. They do not know that there are

diseases that get over cell phone use or excessive use of cellphone like brain cancer and focal

seizure or the presence of abnormal electrical disturbances in a part of a brain or causing tremor

or agitation on one side of the body.

The Researcher thought of how to get fee energy even though there is no supply of

electricity (brownout) to charge the cellphone during exercise.

The Dynamo has energy power when rotating faster to rotate more energy efficient which

can be used to illuminate the led light and to charge the cellphone.

The Researcher has the idea of turning the motor using the bike to provide electric energy to

illuminate the led light and charge the cellphone.

The researcher decides to creates Bicycle Generator with 24v Electric motor as an

alternative source of Electric energy.


General Objectives

This research project will aims to determine the effectiveness of Bicycle Generator with 24v

Electric motor as an alternative source of Electric energy to provide electric power that charges

the cellphone and illuminate led light.

Specific Objectives

1. To determine if there is a significant difference between the amount of voltage produced

by the of Bicycle Generator with 24v Electric motor as an alternative source of Electric

energy with 20 rotation,30 rotation and 40 rotation of pedal.

2. To determine the average time of a 40 rotation of pedal can illuminate the LED light and

charge the cellphone.


The main problem of this study is to determine the effectiveness of Bicycle Generator with 24v

Electric motor as an alternative source of Electric energy Specifically this study will answer the

following question

1. Is there a significant difference between the amount of voltage produced by the of Bicycle

Generator with 24v Electric motor as an alternative source of Electric energy with 20

rotation,30 rotation and 40 rotation of pedal?

2. How long a 40 rotations of pedal can illuminate the LED light and charge the cellphone?

1. There is a significant difference between the amount of voltage produced by the of

Bicycle Generator with 24v Electric motor as an alternative source of Electric energy with

20 rotation,30 rotation and 40 rotation of pedal.

2. A 40 rotations of pedal can illuminate the LED light and charge the cellphone for 1




In order to finish the device, the researcher will prepare all the needed materials such as old

bicycle, 24v motor, sprocket, screw, flywood, alligator clip, bike stand, wire, led light, out let,

USB connector, digital multi meter and 12v-220v inverter.


After gathering the needed materials the researcher will assemble the device. First screw the

motor to the flywood that the length is 20x15 inch then the stand will attach to the bike. Second

place the rotor of the motor near to the back tire of the bicycle because when the wheel is rolled
the rotor will rotate that can produce electric energy. After they assembled the wire of the motor

will connect to the 12-220 inverter in series.


There are three set up needed to determine the effectiveness of device namely set up A,B and C

in set up A the Bicycle Generator with 24v Electric motor as an alternative source of Electric

energy will pedal with20 rotations to illuminate the led light and to charge the. In set up B the

Bicycle Generator with 24v Electric motor as an alternative source of Electric energy will pedal

with 30 rotations to illuminate the led light and to charge the cellphone. And in set up C the

Bicycle Generator with 24v Electric motor as an alternative source of Electric energy will also

pedal with 40 rotations.


The effectiveness of the device will now test. The experimentation is done by rotating the pedal

in different set ups and the voltage will measure using digital multi meter.


The voltage produced will record and also the average time of 20 pedal in illuminating the led

light and to charging the cellphone. The results and data will gather and record.


After gathering and recording it will be statistically analyzed using F-test ONE WAY ANOVA


 Old bicycle

 Wire

 Led light

 USB Connector

 Digital multi meter

 flywood

 screw

 alligator clip

 24v e-motor

 Bike stand

 Sprocket

 Outlet

 12v-220v inverter

Activities Time allotment

Topic research 3
Gathering background info 4
Formulation of research plan 8
Collection of materials 60
Construction of device 5
Experimentation and collection data 30
Data analysis 3
Formulation of conclusion and 3
Preparation of write up 5
Editing write up 2
Total number of days 123 days


In order to finish the device, the researcher will prepare all the needed materials such as

old bicycle, 24v motor, sprocket, screw, flywood, alligator clip, bike stand, wire, led light,

out let, USB connector, digital multi meter and 12v-220v inverter.

After gathering the needed materials the researcher will assemble the device. First screw

the motor to the flywood that the length is 20x15 inch then the stand will attach to the

bike. Second place the rotor of the motor near to the back tire of the bicycle because

when the wheel is rolled the rotor will rotate that can produce electric energy. After they

assembled the wire of the motor will connect to the 12-220 inverter in series.





•Generators and Dynamos. Edison Tech Center, The Miracle of Electricity and Engineering. Retrieved on March 2, 2019

•How to build a bicycle generator.Instuctables.

A-Bicycle-Generator/. Retrieved on March 2,2019

•DIY Bicycle generator. instructables. .

Retrieved on March 2,2019

•What is Electricity?. Sparkfun, start something.

electricity/all. Retrieved on March 2, 2019

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