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frga rryaiur ae-dfqlq fi q-qt-ant

For use in Electrical Maintenance Township

mrtr +icqr 6r orq inr fr urt t ('Ei qfta fuql urar t l+:
Quarter No. has been checked and it is informed that :

1. 2t*.8.zfi rgen 5ffi 44r& S crrfroq[ d qrq-{ qf5.6'I qrdEla tl

power point provision is available in bedroom of the above quarter as per HQI 80021E.8.2
Z. jrFa FqreT d qrfr{ qFe afr t, d ii
fu er{ra-s'eT ftql'traerra q{ ilflTrll arat tt
power point is not available in the said quarter and it is to be provided in its identified location in
3. arq;ffiar t si-trrT Telraq{ qra-r qiFc ilJTrmT tt
power point provision is to be provided at a location which is different than bedroom.
qTq{ qf$-dd-rnqrarart, Girfir o-$+qra qTqls-fi C trqr drf,rtt
4. $€ erartr fr gRR-m
given from
Additional power point is to be provided in the above quarter and the same is to be
s, uq-+WTt 8002/t.8.2 fi rgon $s FqrA{ fr fi frs qrrr uffe mr qTEEEI aS tt cr o-*+cra
qT2rs-ff c ffqr drf,T tt
There is no provision of Power Point for AC in the said quarter as per HQI 800218'8.2 and
same is to be given from Bathroom.

tsaim ss{rt3rfq6lt (frgd 3{d{erur asaft)v;

Date:- OIC (Electrical Maintenance Township)

sqqdtr6 1arra €urual

Dy. Manager (HR)
€qa qdcla Estate Managerneni,
frfa-E TigItl"I Human Resource.

qwr ritrf, sqsTrrr fi q-drT tE

For Use in Estate Management

ri{qafrdrt{q a.dl E-T q6R qeiTt3lfq6'rt- fu .sa.$ot$ qtfaI Ce-cFI elrrard acart
Type of Air et5afelq 6r ftuqufi Amount to be remitted, if
Date of
Conditioner any.
Application Observations of OIC-EMU TownshiP

{ftifsd s6r{riF' DA

sq qaitrfi Dy.M (HR)

EftB sdtr6 ((rE.3iR)/ SM (HR)

REVSTON DT20/11/2014
616{rqr{ q{HTg ftga ih6

+lffioor ara
t,lq1g o-f Employee
q(dT,H e.4rtd {iEqr
Desir:nation Quarter No.
* (
ECNo. Tvoe of Air conditioner
3r#{rJr qEilqH-eql
Section Phone No.

\'fr 5qffi3t*'frr'ftnnfttqt
Guidelines for users of Air Conditioners
t ant po's
1. 3{fufr Fert t-c srilr ( qtt, fr Fo +-a s-st uqa arA Erf,r ilff t I

Purchase higher star rated (Rated by Bureau of Energy Efficiency) Air conditioner which
consumes less energy.
2. 3ilq Fs qral fr ('.S. a-un-ai qr6i t, E-q fi :+ron il :r{qr sst ed e{R Erdriil Erf,I {stet
Purchase optimum tonnage capacity of Air Conditioner as per the volume of room where you are
going to install Air Conditioner.
3. *
('.fr. fr(' erqR d s6i s-urr o-a6 ar$ t, s-fl &cn d trffiiq fu(' a.ri 6'f gF'ffi z6q fr I

Ensure proper sealing of wall openings made for installation of Air Conditioner;
4 . (r.S. sT 5q-qt-rr +-G q-rq 6-r Ft fu seT jl ElF{ f-m sri q}d-q gS aag
gBfqf, t +t Ssqs EF-r d I

While operating Air Conditioner ensure that all air gaps of the room are sealed.
s. qB q.S. o-ga a-+d *rr+ a-+ ora d aff sr rO t d qr+t €l-d$ iiE mt d tt
Switch Off the power supply of Air Conditioner, if not in use for long time.
6. 3q{qrurq vwr* fi-rA +rffq (.€t. qTT{ wa.r+ *} E"s mr et
Unplug the Air Conditioner power supply while doing maintenance or cleaning.
7. JrdI8sfiHrfr6re3ik M c+a *'frq M-dT 6Er fr rr$ {LETr fi' fu-ee{t6}
ffi6*6sFF mtt
Clean the AC filters regularly as mentioned by manufacturer to get maximum cooling & save

afr o:t Do Not

I . (r.S. fi R(r q1a{ €Elt qrw flrd F{ rcr} aq-6-rfr fir Er$ftrr 6} qiqilfrf, sTrar t

Modify house wiring to get power supply for Air Conditioner

2. ('.fr. zFt rsfi' fra frcrf156stnatzn-fr 3TFrqdilr"Tl
lnstallation of Air conditioner other than its prescribed location.

f4aiu nate - 3{rd-43F' *' fgrert S ig natu re of Applicant

6RI: ss q-qcreF (arHxqq.)

Thru' Dy. Manager (HRXEM)
qeTrfr 3{ffi,
P+ga rgrarw, zrsaiqTq
OlC. Elect. Maint. Townshio

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