1.1 Background: ESMF For West Bengal Electricity Distribution Grid Modernization Project

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ESMF for West Bengal Electricity Distribution Grid Modernization Project Chapter 1


West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Limited (WBSEDCL) is a power distribution
licensee for almost the entire State of West Bengal, except for certain areas, which are catered
by private distribution licensees (Figure 1.1). WBSEDCL accounts for about 80% of the power
supply in the State and caters to almost 18.1 million customers. At present grid connectivity has
been extended in every nook and corner of the State covering 99% villages and the low and
medium voltage consumer base has seen a significant increase post implementation of rural
electrification schemes. However, this has led to a steady increase in losses with Aggregate
Technical and Commercial (AT&C) loss levels.

To achieve Power for All (PFA) objective, the State has planned investments in modern ICT
technologies including operational technologies across the complete electricity supply and
demand chain to ensure efficiency and monitor reliable supply of power. The Government of
West Bengal (GoWB) has sought World Bank assistance to support part of their investments in
High Voltage Distribution System (HVDS), 33/11 KV GIS, Underground Cabling across select
districts/towns (besides modern technology and institutional capacity building) to facilitate
increased availability of power, improve service delivery and reduce system losses and achieve
the PFA objectives.

For implementation of proposed distribution network strengthening project it is required to

undertake due diligence of environment and social policy requirements of the World Bank's
Environmental and Social Framework (ESF) and applicable Government of lndia (Gol)/GoWB's
social and environmental legal framework.

To accomplish this mission, it is imperative to undertake a) preparation of Environmental and

Social Management Framework (ESMF) for proposed project and b) preparation of
Environmental and Social Assessments including Environment & Social Management Plan
(ESMP) for each proposed sub-project.


The ESMF would define a mechanism for integrating environmental and social concerns into
the implementation of WBEDGMP. The Environmental & Social Management Framework
(ESMF) would thus not only define process for planning and implementing the environmental
and social safeguards in subprojects but also provide guidance to the planning and designing
of HVDS, LT AB cabling, UG cabling 33/11 KV GIS substation so as to avoid or minimise project

ESMF for West Bengal Electricity Distribution Grid Modernization Project Chapter 1

footprint into environmentally and socially sensitive areas e.g. forest, sanctuaries, sacred
groves, settlements etc.

As a project planning level guidance the ESMF would propose a two stage screening framework
to identify environmental and social sensitivities during alignment identification and DTR & GIS
substation site selection. To facilitate this process tools e.g. analysis of alternative alignment for
distribution lines (UG cabling & LT AB cabling) and the sites for DTR and GIS substation; would
be designed in the ESMF which would provide inputs into environmentally and socially
sustainable design. Simultaneously as part of the processes for the implementation of
environmental and social safeguards the ESMF would also provide the triggers for conducting
subproject specific environmental and social assessment and specialised studies e.g.
Resettlement Plan, Tribal Development Plan, Stakeholder Engagement Plan, Labor
Management Plan, Gender Development Plan and Biodiversity Studies. It also defines the
reference framework for WBSEDCL by identifying the provisions of the national and state level
legislations, guidelines and the ESS’s of the World Bank which have to be complied with during
the lifecycle of WBSEDCL.

Accordingly the objectives of the present study were to identify and assess environmental and
social risks and impact of the proposed distribution network strengthening project with HVDS,
LT AB cabling, underground cabling, construction of 33/11 KV GIS & creation of IT backbone for
AMI & SCADA. The prime objectives include:

 To identify & assess the environmental and social risks & impact of the proposed project
activities based on the available secondary data and information generated during the

 To present all potential significant environmental and social impacts and hazards
associated with the proposed project based on the study;

 To identify and suggest measures to mitigate potential environmental and social


 To prepare appropriate environmental and social management framework,

environmental and social management plan, stakeholder engagement plan and other
associated safeguard document for the proposed project as per World Bank’s ESF and
GoI/GoWB social and environmental legal requirements.


Since the details of the subprojects are not yet known carrying out subproject specific EA and
SA is not be possible at the inception of WBEDGMP. The ESMF would provide guidance for
assessing sub project specific E&S Impacts and also provide triggers for specialised studies e.g.

ESMF for West Bengal Electricity Distribution Grid Modernization Project Chapter 1

RAP, TDP, GDP, SEP, LMP and Biodiversity Assessment to be conducted when the subprojects
have been designed. The framework would further define the institutional mechanism for
implementing the E&S safeguards during the entire duration of the project.

The scope of the study includes the undertaking of a reconnaissance survey. On the basis of the
survey, a framework would be evolved for assessing environmental and social impacts of
underground electrical cabling network (HT and LT), GIS sub-station, High Voltage Distribution
System (HVDS) across select districts/towns. The study would be in line with National
Legislation, all World Bank guidelines for environmental and social assessment (ESS1 to ESS10).
The detail scope of work for preparation of Environment and Social Management Framework
(ESMF)includes :

i. Review of the existing studies, including any previous safeguards documentation

available in the context of West Bengal/ activities undertaken by WBSEDCL;

ii. Preparation baseline information database of existing biophysical and socio-

economic condition for the project influence areas - from primary and secondary

iii. Review of the environmental and social legislative framework - national, state,
Iocal and the World Bank's ESSs - for the relevant aspects that the project
activities would need to comply to and suitable changes to address any gaps that
are found in existing practices;

iv. Identification and assessment of potential environmental and social impacts of

project activities, including impacts of different technologies, locations, and
other project controllable alternatives, on the natural environment, people,
especially on tribal people, women;

v. Carry out social and environment screening sub -projects based on significance
of impacts;

vi. Formulation of management measures - following the hierarchy of Avoidance,

Minimization, Mitigation for adverse/negative impacts, and Enhancement of
Positive Impacts, for biophysical environment and social considerations,
especially for tribal people and women;

vii. Identification of the main labor requirements and risks associated with the
project, and help WBSEDCL to determine the resources necessary to address
project labor issues;

viii. Mechanisms for citizen engagement/ consultation and beneficiary feedback;

ESMF for West Bengal Electricity Distribution Grid Modernization Project Chapter 1

ix. Mechanism for Redressal of Grievances;

x. Monitoring and Evaluation arrangements for implementation of the

management plans;

xi. Review of the current institutional arrangements and capacity in WBSEDCL to

implement the activities identified in the ESMF and recommending suitable
capacity building measures;

xii. Preparation of cost estimate to implement the ESMF;

xiii. Undertaking consultations with various stakeholders and information disclosure;

The data/ information shall be generated from both primary and secondary sources. This ESMF
would conform to applicable Environment and Social Standards (ESS) of the World Bank.

Public Consultations and Disclosure Workshops

i. Throughout the preparation of ESMF, the Consultant will hold consultations with
stakeholders to elicit explicitly the views of the community, beneficiary groups
and women to ensure their participation at all stages of the project. These
consultations at field level shall be explicitly documented (photograph, MoMs,
number of participants disaggregated by gender etc.) as a chapter in ESMF.

ii. Further, post preparation of the draft ESMF, it would be discussed in broad
based stakeholder workshop at state level. The Consultant will support WBSEDCL
in proper documentation of all the consultations (with public notice of meeting
& minutes of meeting, attendance list (gender disaggregated), photographs and
how public comments have been addressed) and incorporate in the final report.
The final report would be cleared by the World Bank and Board of the WBSEDCL.

iii. The consultants would also support WBSEDCL in discussing the feedback of the
World Bank on the draft[s].

iv. The Consultants will also support WBSEDCL in disclosure of the draft and final
version of the report at the offices of WBSEDCL, website of WBSEDCL and project

ESMF for West Bengal Electricity Distribution Grid Modernization Project Chapter 1


The overall structure of the Environment and Social Management Framework (ESMF) for West
Bengal Electricity Distribution Grid Modernization Project (WBEDGMP) follow the guidelines
prescribed by National Legislation, World Bank Safeguard Policies and Environmental and Social
Standard. The report consists of six chapters (including the present chapter). Chapter 2
presents the salient features of the proposed distribution network strengthening project with
HVDS, LT AB cabling, underground cabling, construction of 33/11 KV GIS & creation of IT
backbone for AMI & SCADA in Selected District/town of West Bengal. The approach and
methodology adopted in formulation of ESMF is presented in Chapter 3. The policy and
regulatory framework for ESMF is presented in Chapter 4.

Chapter 5 presents the likely environmental & social issues related to designing and
implementation as well as operation of proposed project. This chapter also present the
proposed mitigative measures for minimizing the likely negative environmental and social
impacts of WBEDGMP. Chapter 6 presents the environmental and social safeguard proposed to
be adopted while execution of various sub-projects under WBEDGMP. Chapter 7 presents
implementation mechanism of proposed Environment & Social Management Plan (ESMP).

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