Self Care Assessment Form

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This is a survey about the self-care acti viti es you currently parti cipate in.

 The self-care assessment

is designed to give you a snapshot of where you are currently giving your att enti on, and to help
you to think about all the ways you can contribute to your wellbeing.
You will be asked questi ons from seven aspects of self care:
1. Workplace and professional self-care
2. Physical self-care
3. Psychological self-care
4. Emoti onal self-care
5. Spiritual self-care
6. Relati onship self-care
7. Overall balance

Workplace or Professional self-care

Driven by you and with the support of your supervisor/mentor. It involves activities that help you to work consistently at
the professional level expected of you. It also relates to your professional and career growth. 
To what extent do you do these activities?
select "Never" if you have never thought about it or do not know what it is. 
     Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
Take breaks during the work
day (e.g. lunch or between
Take time to chat with
Create uninterrupted time
to complete tasks
Do projects or tasks that are
personally rewarding
Set boundaries with clients
and colleagues
Balance your workload so
that you are not
Arrange your work space so
that it is comfortable and
Get regular supervision or
consultation and
professional development
Negotiate for your needs
Have a peer support group
or network
Physical self-care
Involves acti viti es that help you to stay fi t and healthy, and with enough energy to get through
your work and personal commitments.  Physical self-care includes getti ng adequate sleep, healthy
and regular eati ng, and regular exercise. It also includes rest and nurturing yourself if you do get
To what extent do you do these acti viti es?
select "Never" if you have never thought about it or do not know what it is.  
     Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
Eat regularly (e.g. breakfast,
lunch and dinner)
Eat healthily
Exercise regularly
Access medical care when
needed (both preventative
and acute)
Take time off when sick
Regular physical activity
that I enjoy
Get enough sleep

Psychological self-care
Involves acti viti es that help you to feel clear-headed and able to intellectually engage with the
professional challenges that are found in your work. It may also include strategies for your own
personal life, outside work, but that remain relevant for your working career (i.e. if a partner, or
your child, becomes ill).
To what extent do you do these acti viti es?
select "Never" if you have never thought about it or do not know what it is.  
     Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
Take time out (trips out of
town, to the beach or a
weekend away)
Take time away from
telephones, email, social
media and the internet
Make time for self-
Notice your inner dialogue
(listen to your thoughts and
Have your own personal
development and/or
     Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
external supervision
Write in a journal/diary
Read, watch or engage with
interests unrelated to work
Do something at which you
are not an expert or in
charge (different to your
work role)
Actively minimise stress in
your life
Engage in new ways of
thinking (e.g attend a sports
event, theatre, gallery,
library, public talks)
Be curious about life
Say no occasionally

Emoti onal self-care

Involves acti viti es that allow you to safely experience your full range of emoti ons. This means
having work and non-work friends, doing enjoyable acti viti es, debriefi ng at the end of challenging
days, and prioriti sing supporti ve relati onships.
To what extent do you do these acti viti es?
select "Never" if you have never thought about it or do not know what it is.  
     Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
Spend time with non-work
friends, family and
Stay in contact with
important people in your
Acknowledge when you
have done well
Value yourself
Identify energising/positive
activities people and places,
and actively seek them out
Allow yourself to cry or be
Find things that make you
Express your opinion on
     Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
social issues outside of work

Spiritual self-care
Involves having a sense of perspecti ve beyond the day-to-day of life. For some people this means
engaging with organised religion, for others it is more about ensuring a sense of possibility and
opti mism.

To what extent do you do these acti viti es?

select "Never" if you have never thought about it or do not know what it is.  
     Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
Do some form of reflective
practice (meditate, pray or
Spend time in natural
Connect to a community or
network with shared values
Be open to feeling
inspiration, awe and other
positive emotions
Nurture your optimism and
Be open to not knowing
Identify what is meaningful
to you and notice it's place
in your life
Contribute to causes in
which you believe in outside
of work
Relati onship self-care
Closely related to emoti onal self-care. It is about maintaining healthy, supporti ve relati onships,
and ensuring you have diversity in your relati onships so that you are not only connected to work
To what extent do you do these acti viti es?
select "Never" if you have never thought about it or do not know what it is.  
     Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
Schedule regular time with
significant others (e.g.
partner, kids, friends,
Stay in contact with mates,
acquaintances and
Make time to reply to
personal correspondence
Allow others to do things
for you
Meet new people
Ask for help when you need
Share your feelings: good,
bad or other with someone
you trust
Maintain a healthy physical
space or home

Overall Balance
How well do you balance the demands of work life and your personal life? 
To what extent do you do these activities?
select "Never" if you have never thought about it or do not know what it is. 
     Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
Strive for balance within
your work-life and work-day
Strive for balance among
work, family, relationships,
play and rest

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