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Denise Fratila

BCS, 1st year

Good Friday Agreement

The status of Northern Ireland

 The Agreement (signed in Northern Ireland on 10th April) brought and end to “The
Troubles” (the conflict in which republicans wanted the province to become part of a
united Ireland, while unionists wanted to remain within the United Kingdom
 Made between the British and the Irish governments + 8 political parties of Northern
Ireland, the agreement acknowledged the constitutional status of Northern Ireland as a
part of the United Kingdom, reflecting the wish of the majority of citizens.

 3 strands of new institutions were established:

1. A democratically elected Northern Ireland Assembly

2. A North/South Ministerial Council for cross border issues
3. A British-Irish Council and the British-Irish Governmental Conference

- Democratic and peaceful methods of solving political issues

- Commitment to the mutual respect, the civil rights and the religious liberties of
- Britain agreed to incorporate the European Convention of Human Rights into the
law of Northern Ireland

 The Assembly is responsible for the laws in areas including housing, employment,
education, health, agriculture, justice, rural development. Most decisions are taken by a
simple majority vote.
 On the basis of this Agreement, it was proposed to set up an inter-governmental

conference, where Irish and British officials could discuss political and other issues

relating to Northern Ireland, with the Irish government representing the issues of

Northern Irish Catholics.

Denise Fratila
BCS, 1st year

 Oppositon from unionists and representatives of the IRA. Unionists did not accept the

Irish government being granted a specific role in the internal affairs of Northern Ireland,

while the IRA perceived the cooperation between the governments of Britain and the

Republic of Ireland as a threat.

 By according a formal consultative role to the Irish government in the affairs of Northern

Ireland, the British government acknowledged that the conflict in Northern Ireland was

not only an internal issue for the UK, but it also had a profound impact on the Republic of


 However, they later agreed to take part, together with the other parties in Northern

Ireland, in talks initiated by the British government in 1991 on three measures

concerning: relations between the political structures within Northern Ireland; relations

within the whole island of Ireland – between North and South; and also relations between

Britain and the Republic of Ireland. At the time, these talks did not result in positive

outcomes, but the ideas that were discussed were later included in the Belfast Agreement

of 1998.

The Overall idea ist that this agreement laid the foundations for the future cooperation between

the UK and the Republic of Ireland governments, since the conflict in the Norhern Ireland was

not only an problem for the UK, but it affected the Republic of Ireland and without the consent of

the majority people in NI, it would not have been possible to change the constitutional status of

NI as part of the UK.


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