Search and Pick A Job Post Relevant To Your Skillset/niche On Upwork. (Provide Screenshot )

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Task 1

Search and pick a job post relevant to your skillset/niche on Upwork. (Provide


Task 2

Take the screenshot of ‘About the client’ section available in the job post. (Provide

Task 3

Take the screenshot of job duration and required entry level for the selected job post.

(Provide content*)

Task 4

The purpose of this job is to write informational and entertaining vivid visual images,

anecdotes and a strong narrative flow. The articles, posts, blogs should educate and inform the

audience about the business. The content should be appealing and engaging enough that it draws

the attention of audience.

Task 5

Hello! I am writing to express my keen interest on the content writer position in your

company. I was working in the writing industry for 3 years and now for last two years I provide

quality content for freelancing platforms. Original content and quick turnaround time is

something I can offer you. I will provide you a free sample of 200 words on the topic and if you

are satisfied then we go further. I am flexible and have good business relationships with the

people I work with. Writing had always been fun for me. I can think differently. Moreover, I am

open to learning new concepts, which I believe helps me in the growth of my career. I know

what it takes to be a good writer and bring success at article marketing. I am looking forward to

meet you and discuss on this further. Hope to see a positive response from you. Thank you!

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