Self - Assessment

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Surname 1

Student’s Name



Date (Day, Month, Year)

Self –Assessment

In what ways do you reflect on your teaching, and how often do you reflect?

First, I ask myself daily how the lesson went through. This enables me to set goals on how I

am going to achieve it in the next lesson (Baker 51). For example, if I observe some units

seemed challenging to my students, I will invite my colleagues to observe my class during their

free lesson and give me insight on how to improve on myself

What is your overall comfort level with lesson planning? What needs do you still have?

Generally, I feel good about this area, but I need to improve in some areas like the use of

correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation in my lesson plans and materials. I can do that by

developing teaching skills and abilities without seeking for guidance. It won't take much of my

time if I concentrate on making corrections on my lesson plans and materials.

What is your overall comfort level with providing whole-group instruction? What

support do you still need?

I feel confident/strong in this area. This is because the positive and encouraging feedback I

receive from my colleagues, mentors and, peers especially those that I involve in my lessons, it

is. I am tolerant to receive any views, but I prefer to work on my lesson plans first and deliver

instructions before I involve them. What I need from them is the only motivation.
Surname 2

Reflect on your classroom management abilities. Provide a praise point and a teach point

for yourself.

My praise point is that I am consistent with my words and actions. Despite being proactive in

preventing disruptive behavior, giving instructions, I stick to my word and I don’t go beyond

what can ruin my relation in my class. My teach point is that I know how to gain attention from

my learners in class, during teaching or supervision in group work.

What was your biggest struggle or challenge in Field Experience I? What did you do to

address that challenge?

Balancing the different learning needs of students. I observed that some learners fast while

others are slow. Furthermore, some really read well in text, and others when they listen to the

teacher, they understand well. For the slow learners, I created time and encouraged them to work

hard and improve on themselves. During lessons, I ensure that I involve each learner in

answering a questions.

What do you anticipate to be your biggest challenge during Field Experience II? What

can your instructor do to help you?

Some students are not good in group discussions. Some few numbers will find it difficult to

adhere to the instructions. Amid discussions with my learners, the majority are not aware of

group discussions. It is, in this case, I would like my instructor to support me in creating extra

time for these students, give them extra assignments and have a benchmark with them.

Reflect on all aspects of teaching and on your teaching experiences to this point (including

lesson planning, delivery of lessons, classroom management, collaboration, partnering with

peers and colleagues, etc.). Provide an overall praise point and teach point for yourself.
Surname 3

My Praise Point is that I am so confident and relate well with my students and observe time

which enables me to deliver my lessons and group work with ease. Teach Point is that I know

how to gain attention. Teaching over the enter lesson without discussing some matters outside

my lesson plan, exhausts the learner. Having a small talk makes them fresh.

What one thing can your university supervisor do this semester to support you as you

continue to grow as a teacher?

I would like my supervisor to take an initiative in updating me with his knowledge and skills,

by involving me in a range of appropriate activities and share good practice with me. This will

really boost my experience in teaching, for instance, update schemes of work, better lesson plans

and relevant research literature to help me avoid future challenges in my teaching career.
Surname 4

Works cited

Baker, P. H (2015). Managing student behavior: How ready are teachers to meet the

challenges? American Secondary Education, 33(3), 51-64.

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