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Present Tense Affirmations

I am a confident public speaker

I am relaxed when speaking publicly

I am at my best when speaking to a large crowd

I am excited and positive when giving a public speech

I am a naturally calm public speaker

I am a great public speaker

I always speak calmly and clearly

I am fearless when speaking to large crowds

I am a successful public speaker

Others admire my ability to speak publicly

1. Speaking to this group, I find myself becoming energized and excited.

2. I have so much to say and can’t wait to share it.  
3. Words and thoughts come effortlessly to me.
4. I connect with the audience so naturally.
5. I am courageous on this stage.
6. My message is so important, and the group wants to receive it.
7. There is a powerful flow of energy between me and the audience.  
8. I enjoy hearing the sound of my own voice.
9. I am grateful for this opportunity to connect with others.
10.Today, I am fearless.
11. I have transformed fear into joy.
12.I enjoy presenting and sharing my ideas.   
13.My words can have a positive effect on other people.   
14.I can’t wait to practice this new skill of public speaking!
15. Today, I’m making a difference by being brave.
16.I am a powerful, inspiring speaker.
17. I am more and more comfortable speaking in front of others.
18.I’m confident and comfortable.
19.I’m sincere with my words and going to have great results.  
20. Today, I expect success.

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