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How to reach Badrinath Dham from Delhi?

(By Ritik Verma)

India is a secular country and everyone in the India have
right to perform their rituals of their religion. In India
there is around more than 60% people follow the
Hinduism that’s why we can often see long lines of the
devotees in front of the temples. Badrinath temple is one
of them. Badrinath temple is situated in the Chamoli
district of the uttrakhand and it is included in the main
char dham that is Puri , Rameshwaram. Dwarka and
Badrinath Dham. It is around on the height of 3330m or
10800ft and the pilgrimage to Badrinath dham is not an
easy thing.
If anyone wants to visit the Badrinath dham, he/she
should need the proper planning to make his/her
pilgrimage successful with comfort. Although there are
many ways you can use to visit the Badrinath dham. Like
if you want to visit the Badrinath Dham by using state
transport then there is not any direct bus/train/air
service from Delhi. You need to take the bus from the
Maharana pratap interstate bus stand (ISBT) to Haridwar
or Rishikesh. Mostly people from Delhi take the bus of
Haridwar and love to stay there for a night to get saint
(Punya) of the goddess Ganga. Haridwar is around 231
km away from the Delhi and took around six to seven
hours to reach by road. By air it takes only one hour to
reach Haridwar from Delhi but it will cost you and can
deteriorate your budget. As there are around 20 trains
between Delhi and Haridwar, so by travelling by train is
not the bad idea. And by train it takes around seven to
eight hours to reach Haridwar from Delhi and the fact is
that it is the cheapest way but it consumes more time.
Now the problem occurs How to reach Badrinath Dham
from Haridwar?
Than the simplest way is to take the state transport bus
from the Haridwar but there is only one bus between
Haridwar and Badrinath Dham, as the Badrinath dham is
around 315 km away from the Haridwar so it takes
around more than Ten hours to reach by bus. During the
peak season that is mid May to June and Sept-Oct, it will
difficult to find the seat in the bus. Another thing is that if
you use the state transport than you can not able to
enjoy the some major side sights as bus driver will not
stop bus for you.
If you hire a taxi from the Haridwar then it can be the
best option, then you can enjoy every moment with you
loving ones. You can stop at the various points during
enrooting to Badrinath dham and can enjoy the splendor
of the nature. The best way is that just travel till
Joshimath and stay there for a night and enjoy the side
scenes, next day in the morning go for the Glimpse of
Lord Badrinarayan and take the ticket of “Quick Darshan”
so that you can save time and energy instead of standing
in the long queue, then go to last village of India at indo-
china border and come back to Joshimath. On the third
day come back to the Rishikesh and do some
adventurous things like bunjy jumping, river rafting(if
available), camping and go for the sights like Ram jhula,
laxman Jhula, triveni ghat and many more.
As the route to the Badrinath dham is full of risk, you
cannot believe the weather as the weather can change in
seconds so you need to take proper precaution because
nothing is more important than your life. It has been
noticed that after the rain there are more chances of
then landslides and in this situation you can stuck
anywhere in the path, you will feel helpless as neither
the bus driver nor the taxi driver can do anything. So the
best way to do a pilgrimage is to hire a suitable package
according to your budget from any travel agency as they
can assure you that they will provide you the first aid or
any help during any emergency even some travel agency
provide the insurance if any injury caused to you and also
provide you the best Hotel and Resorts of Joshimath
according to your budget. So it is the best way to make
your pilgrimage safe with comfort.

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