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Name :__________________________ June 2020
Class : _________________________ Marks 100
1. Choose the correct answer and write its letter in the brackets. (20 marks)
(1) Which of the following animals does not belong to the same group?
A. The owl
B. The field mouse
C. The camel
D. The bat [ ]

(2) A population is a group of organisms of ___________

A. different kinds living in different places.
B. different kinds living in the same place.
C. the same kind living in different places.
D. the same kind living in the same place. [ ]

(3) Which of the following statements is false?

A. Deer and grasshopper are plant eaters.
B. The presence of grasshopper does not affect the survival of deer.
C. The presence of deer does not affect the survival of grasshopper.
D. Deer usually live as a group. [ ]

(4) Earthworms can be seen above the ground after it rains, because _____
A. Their tunnels in the soil are filled with water.
B. They can crawl easily on cool and wet ground.
C. They prefer sunlight.
D. They need to find food. [ ]

(5) Which of the following statements is not true ?

A. Most animals have adaptations to survive in their habitat.
B. Organisms die, move away or adapt to the change when the environment
becomes unfavorable.
C. Most organisms cannot survive extreme changes in the temperature.
D. Plants do not depend on animals for their survival. [ ]

(6) Which of the following food chains is incorrect ?

A. Plant sap aphid ladybird beetle
B. Dead leaves earthworm wood scorpion
C. Water plant tadpole great diving beetle
D. Rotting log termite spider [ ]

(7) Study the food chain below.

Organism C is probably a _______
A. Caterpillar
B. Snake
C. Lettuce
D. Bird [ ]

(8) Which of the following shows the correct energy pathway?
A. Carnivores herbivores plants
B. Carnivores plants herbivores
C. Plants herbivores carnivores
D. Plants carnivores herbivores [ ]

(9) How many food chains are there in the following food web?
Algae pond skater
Dragonfly nymph
Great diving beetle
A. Five
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four [ ]
(10) Which of the following statements is false ?
A. All food chains start with a plant.
B. Primary consumers are generally herbivores.
C. A food consumer can be found at the end of a food chain.
D. Some animals can be both a predator and a prey. [ ]

(11) Below is a list of plants with different adaptations to climb up and get
sunlight. Which of the following is correctly matched ?
By tendrils By clasping roots By twining stems
A Orchid Money plant Carpet grass
B Cucumber Ivy Bean
C Morning glory Pepper Cucumber
D Rose Bean Strawberry
[ ]

(12) Which of the following animals , use camouflage to escape from predators?
A. Snow owl and plaice fish
B. Snow owl and stick insect
C. Tiger and polar bear
D. Grasshopper and leaf insect [ ]

(13) What common adaptation do the water lettuce and water moss fern have, to
float and get sunlight?
A. They have fine hairs on their leaves.
B. They have swollen leaf stalks.
C. They have leaves that trap air.
D. They have thick, fleshy leaves. [ ]

(14) How are African tulip and balsam adapted to disperse their seeds ?
A. They have hooks to cling on to the fur of passing animals.
B. They have a husk that traps air.
C. They have wing-like structures.
D. Their fruits are dry and can split open easily. [ ]

(15) Which of the following, has a different adaptation for breathing , from the
A. Dolphin
B. Whale
C. Seal
D. Shark [ ]

(16) Which of the following human activities, has a negative impact on the
environment ?
A. Recycling materials.
B. Reforestation (planting trees)
C. Using chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
D. Using energy-saving appliances. [ ]

(17) Which of the following is not an effect of deforestation ?

A. Air pollution
B. Land pollution
C. Soil erosion
D. Destruction of forest communities. [ ]

(18) Which of the following is not a man-made material?

A. Nylon
B. Cotton
C. Styrofoam
D. Plastic [ ]
(19) Which of the following metals, is not an alloy ?
A. Brass
B. Iron
C. Bronze
D. Steel [ ]

(20) Which of the following processes, does not involve biotechnology ?

A. Producing seedless grapes.
B. Producing tomatoes that stay fresh longer.
C. Invention of mobile phones and internet.
D. Purifying waste water using bacteria. [ ]

2. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’ in the brackets provided. (10 marks)
1) Different habitats support different communities. [ ]

2) Frogs are able to adapt to drought conditions. [ ]

3) Bracket fungi cannot be called decomposers. [ ]

4) The different populations in a community depend on each other.[ ]

5) Decomposition takes place faster when it is warm and moist. [ ]

6) The feathers of a penguin help to reduce heat loss from its body. [ ]

7)The polar bear, snow owl and deer use camouflage to catch its prey. [ ]

8) Frogs are adapted to live only on land. [ ]

9) Mosquito larva and mosquito pupa breathe through breathing tube. [ ]

10) Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in polluted air cause global warming. [ ]

3. Fill in the blanks, using the words given below. (10 marks)

echolocation backswimmer non-metals

temperature loamy balance fermentation
predator bronze prey

1) _____________ soil is made up of clay, sand and the remains of dead

2) The light conditions and the _____________________ of a habitat interact.
3) The number of _________________ is always greater , than the number of
____________________ , to keep the _______________of the whole ecosystem.
4) _________________________ uses its oar-like legs to paddle in water,
5) Bats are adapted to hunt in the dark , by using _________________________.
6) Mixing metals with other metals or _________________________ form alloys.
7) _______________ was one of the earliest alloys used to make coins.
8) _____________________ is the process, by which micro-organisms break
down sugar into acids and alcohols.

(1) Name an organism , that survive better in ; (5 marks)
a) clayey soil - __________________________
b) freezing temperatures - __________________________
c) direct sunlight - __________________________
d) the shade - __________________________
e) dry conditions - __________________________
(2) Write 3 factors that can affect the survival of grasshoppers in a field. (3 marks)

(3) Write the importance of plants for the survival of animals. (2 marks)

(4) Give 3 ways that animals help the survival of plants. (3 marks)
(5) Give 2 examples to show that some animals have adapted to fires.(2 marks)

Web of Life
(1) Study the food web below.
Name the following organisms; (5 marks)
a) the food producer - _____
b) the organism which is a prey as well as a predator - ______
c) the omnivore - _______
d) the organism that has the largest population - _____
e) the organism that has the smallest population - _____

(2) Construct food chains from the following groups of organisms. (3 marks)
a) kingfisher, tadpole, hydrilla, tilapia (a fish)
b) plant, sparrow, python, grasshopper
c) fish, water snail, water plant

(3) In which habitat, would you find the following organisms? (5 marks)
kyllinga wolf spider elodea termite moss
wood scorpion dragonfly nymph aphid grass snake fern

Pond Habitat

Rotting log

Field Habitat

(4) Construct a food web from the following food chains. (2 marks)
Plant grasshopper sparrow eagle
Plant grasshopper frog snake eagle
Plant grasshopper frog eagle

(1) How do following adaptations help each animal ? (5 marks)
a) the backward facing scales of fish
b) thin and moist skin of a frog
c) the large ears of the fennec fox
d) white fur of the polar bear
e) the talons of an eagle

(2) How do the following animals breathe in water ? (5 marks)

a) water spider - _____________________________________________________
b) water stick insect - _________________________________________________
c) prawn - __________________________________________________________
d) flat worm - _______________________________________________________
e) walrus - __________________________________________________________

(3) Write 3 adaptations of the cactus that help it to reduce water loss. (3 marks)

(4) Write the adaptations of flowers that get pollinated by; (2 marks)
a) wind - ___________________________________________________________
b) animals - _________________________________________________________

Man and His Environment

(1) a) Why is carbon dioxide called a green house gas ? (1 mark)
b) What happens when there is too much of carbon dioxide in the air? (1 mark)
c) Name 2 things that increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the air. (2 marks)
d) Write the importance of the ozone layer. (1 mark)
e) Name the gases that deplete the ozone layer. (1 mark)

(2) Classify the following food items correctly in the table. (4 marks)
beer strawberry corn vinegar cheese
yoghurt tomato soya sauce

Fermented food

modified food

(3) a)Write the special properties of the following man-made materials. (3 marks)




b) How do the following devices help us in our daily life ? (2 marks)

Mobile phones



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