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ERP is more about integration of minds

rather than the machines, mechanism or

the material databases.
Why 'COAL'?
Coal, the magic word which once kicked-off the industrial revolution by awakening the world
from darkness to roll out the steam engine to get the civilization going faster , powering the new
age machine shop to produce materials smarter which eventually triggered the next industrial up-
heavals of assembly line for procuring the right material at right time, with optimal mix of how
much to in-source and how much to outsource, the erstwhile MRP or Material Resource Planning
which again got further mutated to Manufacturing Resource planning or MRP-II fusing material
procurement with production planning and lastly galvanised other resources of enterprise like
marketing HR etc to give birth to the present the Big Beast in the system solution which is called
ERP or Enterprise Resource Planning. While the entry of ERP in the evolution of information sys-
tem is preconditioned by automation of the processes followed by distribution of information
with an institutional logic across every nook and cranny of it which this big beast once rolled out
will certainly scratch and shape , we kept the name of our ERP mouthpiece of Coal India as COAL,
the Common Operational Automation Logic to resonate this journey of the world’s best known
carbon compound completed from first awakening the world by powering its enterprises by
electricity to now amalgamating of its different systems, resources , processes by software suites
called ERP. We wish to have your views and voices further added to this resonance coming from
the word ‘COAL’ to get its pitch more powerful and more pervasive.
March 2020, Volume 1, Issue 1

Editor’s Desk

CSF while Rolling Out ERP

Your Data, Your


Automate, Informate,

Knowledge Osmosis

TKBP of the Month


Event Details

From Editor’s Desk
Size does always matter, but shape matters more : When SAP redefines our growth trajectory

The time could have never been more right. Beginning its journey in empower us by giving us handle over every cost aka every index of
1973-74 while clubbing and coalescing thousands of splintered coal efficiency in the changed environment. Whether running a machine
mines with a mission to produce enough coal to fuel the nation’s with best utilization or rearing it to yield better availability with best
growth engine still reeling under the oil shock inflicted by OPEC maintenance schedule , whether planning for production with right
countries along with its pledge to care and cater to the welfare of material (explosive) qualitatively and quantitatively or using spares
its employees , Coal India kept growing bigger and broader in tan- with best share and swap inter or intra plants, areas and beyond,
dem with evolution of Indian economy in general , energy sector in Enterprise Solution called SAP will be there for optimizing our re-
particular. First came BCCL closely followed by CCL, ECL then WCL , sources and making our growth more sustainable in coming days.
CMPDI and steadily MCL, NCL, SECL, the past journey of CIL is just By delivering on real time and with more realistic information , eve-
dotted with stories of unrelenting , irrepressible growth mostly ry transaction and its associated data will be potential decision
organic where by its dashboard with all those big facts and figures, making instrument once SAP will be in action.
it certainly have been ruling the public sector landscape for last few
decades. One of the biggest employer in nation, selling almost one We have grown from 80 Million Te to 607 Million Te (with further
and half lakh crore’s coal , remitting half a lakh crore to Indian ex- ambitious fig of 660 MT this year) in our journey of last 45years
chequer , catering to more than seventy percent of energy demand with our rich experience and so also expertise while our work force
of nation , once owned the biggest market capitalization accolade , got equally groomed with panache of using instinct , and intuition
Coal India kept streaming its result every end of the year which any so far to take some of the bravest and boldest decisions to expand
big conglomerate (transnational or multinational) feel jealous of. our empire of coal mining which was rightly ascribed and accredited
Against all odds intrinsically embedded in mining (underground and by our recently retired Chairman ,CIL , Mr AKJha to our sheer pas-
over ground both) to excavate and extract the fossil fuel to illumi- sion by which we the Coal Indian work against all those odds very
nate every corner of the nation , CIL never falls short of its blame natural to coal mining arguably the most hazardous profession in
and bashing also. A company by default has to dig deep inside the the world. Now we will go further and faster with the information
earth , always has to bear the most accountability being the most and its embedded intelligence of SAP and coincidentally the name
infamous source of greenhouse gas continuously depleting the of this next stint of journey , the project of SAP is also PASSION. In
ozone gas layers and warming the globe more than any other cul- our conventional system the word “Passion” spoke about how
prit waste gas emitting material. While it has to share the blame for much our people , our warrior at different warfront of winning coal
exploiting the mother nature (which it sincerely tries to reclaim showed their chivalry , valor and bravery to achieve every big num-
once work over), it has its other pain areas of which one is invaria- ber possible in its dashboard so far. In the new system the word
bly connected with cost management . In its every performance “PASSION” will speak about how far the strength of process inte-
ratio while the numerator never ceases to grow (you say absolute gration , real time delivery , and information power will transpose
production) , so also the denominator which just gets multiplied to those absolute gain with much more efficient gain with both depth
send the whole efficiency indices haywire. The cost parameters (bottom line) along with its breadth (horizon) , the perfect recipe to
which basically rechristen any company from good to great or stay competitive and to stay competent to take every challenge
prime to professional , just needed to be captured and controlled ahead in the new crossroad of change.
right there. It is undeniable that if yesterday we could produce
more , or today we are producing much more but tomorrow we Till yesterday we mattered to the other world around us in size , our
certainly need to produce much more with much less . So the time expansion , our achievement in absolute figures , from tomorrow
is now for CIL to switch over to its next laurels befitting a modern , we will be known by our shape , our efficiency , efficacy and effec-
new age company . Faster business cycle , better inventory manage- tiveness illuminating our dashboard with much more indices bench-
ment , closer responsiveness to customers , CIL is just at its most marking ourselves against the best and beyond.
important inflection point in its almost nearing half a century of
existence of getting over to a smart , sleek , fast moving and furi- Our this newsletter which will be trying to capture this fervor of
ously competitive energy company of nation. Specially in the outset change the whole Company is poised to embrace with implementa-
of fast changing constitution of energy basket of nation with more tion of Enterprise Tool called SAP. While at the core of such tool
and more greener and cleaner energy alternate keeps pitching there lies the basic standardization followed by automation of the
along with widening threshold perimeter for global players in the processes of winning of coal or managing its business across the
market redefined by Government to induce competition directly or desks, across the departments , across the domains or divisions
indirectly, earning of every farthing will be driven by our cost or which are integrated and interconnected by the institutional logic
process management rather than price leverage as was the case in driving the process onward while deriving its decision making
earlier years for the company. strength with more accuracy , more currency, we tried to abbrevi-
ate the whole narrative of transformation with the word COAL as
And we just got SAP now at this crucial juncture .A software suite, Common Operational Automation Logic. As we know historically
normally called a big beast on roll (and so rampage in some sense) the coal fired the first growth projectile of industrialization in the
in IT sector which get its potentiality to first rationalize then radi- world ,this Newsletter COAL will keep firing every hearth of your
calize our existing business processes to its new avatar. The days of curiosity and knowledge about SAP onward.
price leverage thanks the status of monopoly by inheritance are
bygone , and as we are entering fast into the opening of the market Happy reading to all.
so also its competition , we are bracing for the new era where
profit will be defined by cost not price in any case. Naturally there
cannot be more ironic entry of SAP in our company which will just
Critical Success Factors while Rolling out ERP

Seeding the success story of ERP ? Then fertilize it with best training programme.
The Recent Experience from End User Training of 2300 trainees in WCL, MCL.
ERP the much touted integration software package hardly warrants change which will set in very fast at the core of the design of the
success without a lot of factors intertwined to work together and in integration software need to be surely looked as a paradigm shift
proper synchronization .These factors which are normally called occurring more in mind of people rather than the mechanism of
Critical Success Factors at different phases of implementation are process or its enabling system.
very much inter connected with each other in a dynamic way(one
gets changed with others). While in beginning selection of best The business processes will be suddenly viewed as its best prized
people as project leaders or project champions are as important as assets of the organization . The treasure trove of these reinvented
to select the right software vendor or knowledge partner as well as and to a great extent reengineered functional processes will be
system integrator for successful roll out. Top management‘s sup- ready for further expedition and exploitation to its full potentials .
port with committed time and attention (qualitatively and quantita- This concept of building up process vault with its automating soft-
tively )are as important as the organized, pure and clean data while ware simply cannot come out of blue rather a very well structured ,
migrating to such a monolithic environment at one go or in stag- sincere organizational learning exercise to further percolate it ,
gered phases. Change Management just prevails at the core of any permeate it across the industry demanding more and more intense
such all pervasive software suits which plays the most important training of the people associated with the system.
role to resolve the conflict or resist the opposition which follows as
a natural phenomenon with such total transforming technology. As the complexities of the system multiply with processes config-
But amongst all those factors, the most critical one which just spins ured , customized or reengineered as the case demands , the stake-
the cobweb to sensitize every end of the PAN Organisation imple- holders of it like user , process owners even technical staff needs
mentation of such integration is the designing and developing ro- complete clarity of transition , confidence in use and the concrete
bust training infrastructure with customized delivery of knowledge rationale behind the whole transformation. So a training need is
bites of ERP at different layers and levels of the organization. May much more about ‘why’s , ‘where's , ‘who’s about the business
be it on appraisal or for appreciation by the top management , may processes not only ‘how’s of the system. While taking cognizance of
be it is adoption and adaptation at users, process owners or module the fact that ERP implementation is much more managerial and
owners , may be it is on coordination and supervision at the level people issue rather than the technical or application architecture ,
of project leaders , laying infrastructures , networking , making a the right training with right resource people equipped with both
full scape training or learning layout at different phases and stages right style and substance can only warrant better implementation.
of implementation is always of foremost importance. Amongst all There is every chance that being in the industry for quarter of a
those data, people and leadership , the people issue simply is the century , some ERP implementer (third party or system developer
most predominant as the whole ERP deals more on integration of themselves) normally goes in automode with a standardized ver-
mindset rather than integration of some servers or applications sion of the training and push it down the organization pipeline even
where the departments , desks or the divisions will be ready to before understanding the psyche of the company which got a huge
share the platform, share the information and that also in real time vulnerability of repulsion and rejection by the users. So customiza-
for faster and better decision making. Training in ERP is not just tion of training according to the level of information or technical
about acceptance of the new technology or system , it is about literacy is precursor of any effective training. Just paying a lip ser-
acclimatization with it , growing deep association with it and ulti- vice will certainly defeat the whole purpose of the training which is
mately proper appreciation of its benefits , tangible, intangible at the core of success of implementation of any such complex mod-
both. In general training must precede even conceptualization of ular software suite.
any new initiative for first information report or first appraisal , best
awareness to comprehend the investment as well as impact in its So what a training must aim for in ERP implementation?
best possible views. So also in the case of ERP implementation While introduction to acronyms or taxonomies are the foundation
where training plays much more critical role considering its com- course of any enterprise software training, appraisal of the underly-
plexity and all pervasive effect on the industry. As ERP is called a big ing architecture (three tier), the level and logic of integration and
beast which keep scratching scraping and then scrubbing every depiction of post implemented process flow as well as system with
entity whether its process, project or people to get the dirt off, to changed impact (enhanced efficiency, faster business cycle , global
shed the flab off otherwise age old obese and outdated system to visibility , deeper understanding of customers etc) are the primary
make it a smart , sleek ,svelte and sophisticated one, while prepar- motif of such intense training.
ing mind , priming the apatite and perfecting both the aptitude
and attitude all these can only be imbibed by well concerted, well The next mission of ERP training is certainly to understand the rela-
synchronized training and teaching of all the stakeholders. tionship between the data, people and the application /system the
In the organization like ours where there so many age old activities main three vertices of such solution. So at every point the readiness
have been quarantined for decades in its own territorial bounda- is basic prerequisite of flagging off ERP implementation. Missing any
ries or departmental diktats and which never ever got tried or test- timeline to prime or prepare the incumbent
ed in its new avatar of being process centric, the much aspired
(data, people or system) will just end up in nothing but a recipe of developer cannot be a good trainer but in most cases training is a
failure or disaster. The comprehension of this bondage which in any very specialist quality which gets groomed with further mutation of
case is very much mission critical and which is only possible by well technical acumen of the incumbent. The man in the podium or in-
scripted training programme. front of the projector must be knowing his or her audience in the
gallery far better way to acclimatize them with new solution than
The ERP system which fast becomes the digital nervous system of the man in the development center working out that( solution) for
the whole company (with suppliers and customers aligned on com- them. To get an people attached to an extant process to be trained
mon platform) needs a robust support system , which hardly be out- to a new process reengineered or radicalized is always bigger chal-
sourced once the go-live or and ultimate sign-off occurs by the con- lenge which should be handled very sensitively .A trainer must have
sultants. Whether its about the maintaining server, running applica- his own research of the industry and its behavior before preaching
tion or occasional trouble shooting for users , the knowledge osmo- the technical tit bits of the tool or technique to its client organisa-
sis is just indispensable. tion. A very well structured presentation or demonstration centered
around the theme topic, continuous streaming of analogies, anec-
Training enlightens mind , it smoothens the rough edges of any ma- dotes and allegories with industry connect and disentangle the
chine or mechanism, system or solution. The change management whole dialogue from all those technical jargons to get into very lucid
which writes preamble of any enterprise system omnibus hugely delivery intelligible enough for naïve and newbies are the all of
owes its vocabulary from training manual designed distinctively for which are demanded from an effective and efficient trainer.
different layers/stakeholders of the system . The otherwise die hard
resistances deeply entrenched in any organization culture get its first The veracity of the above had been best tested in the recently con-
mitigated by meticulously designed , deftly delivered knowledge cluded End User Overview Training for SAP ERP in different Modules
bites in a slow but steady inception of psyche of individual as well as across every area of MCL and WCL of CIL, the two lead subsidiaries
institution or organizational. where SAP is getting implemented in its first phase. It was a very
ambitious programme to train almost 4000 End user of which 2300
Arguably ERP implementation is very much risk prone and long term from WCL and 1700 from the MCL as per the proposed licensees of
investment canvas is hardly dotted with any fast return or quickie or Professional Users distribution is concerned. The challenge as said
low hanging fruits apart from some cosmetic changes in system ena- was right from the beginning to first identify the End User who must
bled process flow in an integrated way rather than age old (but not be the employees or workers ( irrespective of executive non execu-
all incompetent) legacies in isolation. The closest analogy normally is tive) and who actually will be using the tool once implemented in
drawn to describe such protracted investment in resources without their individual domain of operation. Challenge was more than ex-
any fast gain in vision is like root canal surgery where situation im- pected as job profile whatever our people have while working in
proves after the painful procedure a dental patient has to go different frontier of the company whether mine, project, siding or
through as guided by the dentist . ERP implementation also follows maintenance plant , in planning or accounts has to be fitted or ra-
such procedure to make the people ready , mitigate their resistance ther retrofitted with functionalities or operation in the way SAP
and mend their ways or work style all of which just as painful as demands from the client organisation which is not necessarily same
those surgery. It is like any caterpillar goes through the metamor- rather deviates in many cases. The work portfolio of our people gets
phosis to become a lovely butterfly. further complicated as well as clumsy once the intervention of stat-
ute , post , position and power embedded in it at different working
While appreciating training may be a very deciding issue of ERP level of the organisation is concerned. So it was a tough job to get
implementation , the success of training itself depends on how we our people first earmarked with some work designate view in
coordinate the whole exercise like choosing the focused group changed environment of SAP. While in some places the resemblance
whom we are going to train and the trainers who are going to train of new with the extant way of working in any process could be es-
these participants , whether they are end user or process owners or tablished to certain extent , in many functions there is hardly any
technical team for future support .While doing the first always lies in match at least physically or from process view if not conceptually. It
the client’s discretion and the organisation must put huge due dili- was getting tougher when the incumbents designate need to work
gence to identify who it wants to train not en masse as training is on some completely new profile. While in some modules like HCM,
very expensive resource and demands redemption at every stage of Sales and Distribution or FICO , the challenge was less thanks the
usage of any tool or implementing any solution, for the second i.e. following of the standardized processes already being practiced
choosing the right trainers , any company normally depends on the across the industries compared to Production Planning or Plant
consultant or third party implementer. The issue with the consultant Maintenance where the concept of integration and seamless com-
company is always that they often confuse more between the devel- munication keeps varying with the change of industry or the compa-
oper and trainer or integrator and coach which normally mutually nies thereof.
exclusive breed altogether. Although not necessarily a good system
If identifying the prospective candidates was big issue , bigger was training officers of WCL, MCL all the system officials there ,the Insti-
always to find the best trainers who could give the first SAP mantra , tutional heads in all the Technical and Management or Training
the technology and its tenets to our people. Our System Integrator Institutes , Module SMEs(Subject Matter Experts) in the HQ and
as it happens are quite committed developer, implementor or at areas, it was just a big concert in complete sync with each other
best consultants to design the solution, but very few of them were where everybody played its role with so precision and professional-
seasoned trainer specially when industry specific cases or its articu- ism .The coordination at level of Project Leaders in both the HQ
lation were concerned. So we had to groom a few while the other were just overwhelming. While striking the ground level psyche and
few who sincerely got acclimatized a lot with our project and its stoking the curiosity of the end user incumbents for the first time,
people (specially WCL lot) in last one year of camping in site led the CIL in general and MCL and WCL in particular suddenly could feel
pack very aptly. Specially taking challenge to encapsulate all those the sudden buzz in the air , the buzz of change , its first fragrance
contents in a concise yet captivating way while explaining in its sim- not so intense but very much definite and distinct. This is the fra-
plest style was simply gargantuan task ahead when speaking of new grance of change , of the new transformation in the making. The
environment ,a complete make over of working style in IT enabled , movement is now being felt at everywhere , the company HQ, the
integrated framework to our otherwise normally less IT inclined area offices , the unit levels, project ,mine ,workshop, store, siding
people in the plant or project units. Walkthrough the modules with everywhere. And the excitement , the enthusiasm about new sys-
some glimpses of organization change management , appraisal of tem can be hardly missed. Suddenly the year old implementation
layout of roles and authorization network and last but not least which have been till date running in typical project mode kick start-
trying to accumulate the best inputs to develop the business ob- ed with huge momentum to touch and tilt everything conventional,
ject /dashboard from ground level all had to be delivered in a single everything extant in the industry. The otherwise departmentalized
day slot. Challenge was huge and so the concern from both side , organization is fast getting shifted to a monolithic approach , a
how it will be delivered and how it will be organised. And as it al- shared platform where communication will be seamless and infor-
ways happened to the company like ours once challenged or got mation will move thick and fast in panoptic structure with federated
hard pressed to deliver it just fast rose to the occasion and did deliv- and distributed yet centrally monitored information system. The
er the best , simply the best all of which were unimaginable , un- organization which had travelled its big journey of more than four
thinkable in normal condition. Always at best of its coordination the decades showcasing some of the best and boldest instinctive and
two companies WCL and MCL while complemented by a bunch of intuitive decision making strength now crossing over to its new ava-
young , energetic integrator cum consultant simply worked like two tar of information driven architecture and everybody is quite ap-
maestros in big concert. The ‘jugalbandi ‘ the way these two compa- preciating it , desire to be associated with it. Thanks to the first ori-
nies and Tech M organised ,coordinated and delivered almost 75 entation got successfully completed , a chain reaction could be
sessions covering all the areas(10 in WCL and 12 in MCL) in a month triggered over the length and breadth of these two subsidiaries , the
long travel and training involving almost 2500 trainees of 7 modules initial bedrock of success of ERP could be carved out.
just can be case study of any good MBA dissertation . All the area
Your Data Your Decision

Identity is very important. Defining of it has been always very tough, but
tougher is to design it with exclusivity.
Identity is where every individual reins in. Be it individual human entities across the hundreds of mines in particular thousands of
being , be it institutional bodies, be it material spare parts or pure establishments in general.
bred consumables , identity dwells in where the strength of the enti-
ty lies. It is by this identity one can preserve and perk it in right plac- The chaos and the crisis it inherited to certain extent and evolved it
es and then put it to use in right time. Defining identity is basically to a great extent thanks to monopoly leverage to induce lazier faire
depicting its uniqueness , devising its integrated clusters to hold psyche yields to a long pending necessity for the integrative force , a
them together. Uniqueness , the first and foremost trait of identity shared platform and real time delivery of information with depar-
can only be derived from multiple characters or the virtues on which ture from overdose of adhocism . In one way the organization got
the entity functions or gets used . Be its usage pattern, be it its con- expanded in every parameters , like horizon (turn over) , bottom line
stituting elements or materials , be it is particular measures , be it is (PAT), assets creation etc , and in other way the same organization
mechanism of functioning, uniqueness is the precursor before estab- just keep multiplying the intensity of reactive or fire dousing style of
lishing identity. Any requisition or reference whether for some par- work culture which just put its all work force on a tenterhook to
ticular purpose or process just depends on how quick we can find it somehow manage , manipulate or at best maneuver through the
out in clutter , how fast we can reach to it in the crowd and how lanes , by lanes of crisis, quandary and chaos. In such outset of mar-
smart we can maneuver the list so that using it in just in time re- ket distortion with so much supply constraints (the way it happens in
quirement will never be an issue. If uniqueness is where every entity a monopoly environment) ,the competitiveness or competency have
defines its destination, then database is the place where these enti- never been the survival kit for CIL, the almost solo supplier of maxi-
ties resides in for its real time reposition or retrieval . A closely knit mum fossil fuel in demand (more than 80% of nation’s need).
system with its functioning tenets or rules just defines how these
established exclusivity of each and every entity be clubbed , clus- So in this outset the challenge to establish the identity of each and
tered and cohabited together. Once inside this closet of database , every thing we inherited , we created or we consume or cater have
the governance takes over to assure its (entity) been quite anticipated. Specially in the implementation of enterprise
solution where clean , sanitized data with nil duplicity, nil ambiguity
and full currency are the basic fodder to the new system engine ,
completeness, correctness of information with convenience of using the challenge gets multiplied thinking the history of almost half cen-
it at the same time. An identity never obeys any confinement and it tury of running so many coal companies almost like independent
moves beyond generic class fo spares to service to space thus all strategic business unit with a complete federated and decentralized
over the enterprise. In fact as identity workspace just lends its name manner. And specially where there had not been any documentation
or uniqueness to its employees or working style , so the unique clas- or chronicling any of the event or the exercise if ever been taken
sification or segmentation just gives any item its necessary acquaint- before except one very feeble reference to some work done in
ance for further management (whether replacing or replenishing it 1987 , more than thirty years ago. While story (of some effort to
for real time usage). standardize the items code) was missing so missing the story teller
apart from just some word of mouth which just kept floating with
A company like ours which got started from a forced unification (by less clarity and more confusion while CIL took the job of codification
nationalization) of thousands of splintered ownership mines or coal- (cleansing, clustering ,and codifying and sometimes creating new
fields normally being run with its huge granularity of its ones) two years ago as the run-up of ERP implementation.
style ,structure , shape of management can never be expected to go
by any common or coordinated business rules. Geographically It appears after a long hiatus the items are now being enliven on the
scattered across eight states , near four hundred mines most of shelves first logically (book value) which will certainly be followed
which have been brought up with inheritance of lots of past baggage physically which will again be surely another almost impossible task
be it managing its resources or maintaining its inventories , be its if the extent of mismatch between the items on roll and items on
mobilizing its assets old and new ones or measuring its performanc- stock is considered. While spare parts or consumable are being dust-
es the extreme heterogeneity prevailed all over all the past years if ed off in the ledger, the consumables are being identified to get
not decades. Extremely inconsistent and constant deviation in prac- their identity captured in singularity , the vendors are just tried to be
tices or sometimes no established practice at all , every entity located by stripping of the closet of any duplicity if there. The as-
whether the employees or the store items , client data base or the sets , the equipment, building and thus each and every entity sud-
machines all were either captured in fabricated , fractured infor- denly got highlighted to understand their caste , creed , clan every
mation packs or just in fluid tenets which keep changing with every possible way to be further classified. The stratification of customers,
mines and its concerned management. Added by continuous consumable or complementor (vendor of service and goods) just
growth , triggered by exponential demand from power plants , steel get attention to make them standardized across the coal compa-
and private sectors , the organization just kept adding on its assets nies , to create a global visibility of inventory or customized focus
and expanding its material base with drafting new machine or re- on customers or suppliers which were long overdue anyway. In a
cruiting new technologies as and when required. No centralized company Like ours spread across more than 400 mines (of which
system , coordinated effort or enforceable constitution ever been 119 are big projects) working along thousands of establishments like
tried to hold these all disparate ways of managing or maintaining area office , central stores, hospitals, workshops , training centers
Your Data Your Decision

Identity is very important. Defining of it has been always very tough, but
tougher is to design it with exclusivity.
generating data of consumption to dispatch, manpower to mainte- energy not just other coal companies are certainly be going to be
nance for almost 19000 coal customers, service , goods provider tougher .And in case of Manpower data , it will capture human just
from 25000 vendors , more than 600000 spare parts being used in not other capital but an ever appreciating asset for the company ,
HEMM Consumable around 65000 or E&M items of nearing 95000 – grooming them, growing further with tailored programme and pro-
100000 ,almost three lakh manpower, to cap and clean such a huge motional policies.
data just is as ambitious as our company took the challenge to pro- So truth is where the identity lies and so the data lies. And as always
duce 1 BTe Coal in next few years. And while taking the gargantuan said the data is the fuel, the oil of new economy, for forthcoming
job upfront , CIL codification team just left no leaf unturned , did SAP the ERP solution, data is just more than that, the main fodder,
everything possible with sole mission to define and design identity the prime feed of the whole system. Onward the organisation is
in the best way possible for each and everything of the Company. In going to recognize everything as a code , a data which once pro-
the last two years with unrelenting effort, travelling around the cessed through the system become a highly potent information to
subsidiaries , conducting series of workshops, meetings in Hq , Kol- decide and direct each and everything we will do while moving
kata and Subsidiary Hqs , our people just went with all guns blazing seamlessly across the department ,desks or divisions. It’s said
for establishing the same identity , uniqueness to each and every among the main three vertices of any enterprise solution as people,
entity. In case of materials once established (of which a good many data and application it’s data which actually runs or ruins a system.
numbers were already cleansed , organised and codified ), every History says the pure, pristine and perfect data makes a system to
data will just tell the truth .It will tell the truth about the quantity , work successfully while any duplicity, redundancy or inconsistency
stock and place to help us rationalize between the deficit and sur- just breaks it outright. And catharsis of data is all about this identity.
plus , reconcile between inventory cost and responsiveness to cus- Cleaning the data from the junks and obsolete , then gleaning the
tomer , a global visibility of materials to make it present in right information embedded in it sometimes written with specific traits
time at right place , the destination set forth at the genesis of Mate- defining them sometimes just nothing obscuring it completely , it
rial Resource Planning in early sixties in twentieth century which has been always herculean task to get the data prepared , purified
evolved in the next few decades to ultimately shape the solution and purged of all those misinformation, wrong information or disin-
called Enterprise Resource Planning. In case of customers once es- formation. The job is complex ,cumbersome and team is working
tablished these uniqueness will help to design our customer rela- untiringly to get it done in the given timeline , to make it ready to
tions strategies to segment, target and position our product ie coal migrate to system before rolling out in the subsidiaries. As they say
as energy solution in its different ramification which will groom as a the truth is what it deserves it and in SAP the truth is just a singular
marketer from the mere seller or supplier of coal in true sense spe- number, the task ahead to uphold that truth inside every data in its
cially in the forthcoming era when competition with other alternate singularity which we call identity.
Automate, Informate, Transformate

Partnering with SAP to plan, process and perform on information:

(today inside, but tomorrow certainly outside also)

It was a huge gathering and the 500 seats auditorium of CIL HQ was other resources in commensuration with market dynamics taking
packed to hilt eagerly waiting for announcement of the annual into account of its fluctuation as well as seasonality from both side
result of just passed 2018-19. Everybody in the office was upbeat supply as well as demand. The performance monitoring even at
waiting to listen all those big figures CIL always keeps streaming at shift level adjusted with system capacity addition in Real-time with
year end with the bated breath. Specially to listen it from the Chair- complete control over the cost parameters across the machines or
man Mr AK Jha who joined in the middle of the last year and the work centers, BPC or Business Planning and Consolidation tool an
man who permeated a sense of compassion and camaraderie evolution itself of SAP’s erstwhile Enterprise Performance Manage-
amongst all (very much befitting to work in a tough industry like ment System will go a long way to plan, budget, forecast and con-
mining) was just another excitement everybody hardly could afford solidate our coal business on the whole.
to miss.
If planning is one of the most integral part of ERP or SAP, the other
And the result came out. As it always happened CIL achieved anoth- part is certainly be seamless communication between the processes
er notch above the preceding year. Two of its subsidiaries for the intra company when we speak of Coal India Limited and then inter-
first time crossed the figure 50 MT while three manages to produce company when we extend it to the whole enterprise, in true sense
more than 100MT one of which crossed 150MT and one was just of Enterprise Resource Planning to share the data across the whole
nearing to touch it and so on amounting to be a total production gamut of organisation which constitute the value chain members
608MT growth of 4.8% over last year all of such achievements by like suppliers, customers, logistics provider and so on. While in
every parameter were huge. So ecstasy about the result was natural whole Enterprise Solution genre, ERP cares for its back office sup-
and infectious at the same time. The exuberance was justified sans port software to integrate the intra organisation processes, its
a caveat and that caveat came from nobody else but the then secre- younger sibling like CRM (Customer Relationship Management)or
tary MoC, Mr S Chaudhary, the Chief Guest in that gathering. While SCM(Supply Chain Management) all these basically goes far beyond
being very indulgent in our celebration of achievement he just re- the organisational boundary thus sharing information across the
minded how whole CIL team kept working extra hours, put forth stakeholders in the whole value chain. So it is more about con-
extra efforts in the fag end slogging hard to touch the target. He necting processes inside the organisation today with shared soft-
also reminded how the whole energy value chain like power -coal - wares and connecting organisations inside the enterprise with
rail and state agencies ,its every stakeholder worked in perfect co- shared platform tomorrow is where ERP is destined to go. If today
ordination cum synchronization to help CIL to achieve this fiat. And internal resources in CIL like MM, HRM, Mktg, Production all are
in the full narratives of the Secy Coal under its apparent comple- being first standardized and then stitched together through SAP,
menting our achievement lied one blurred version of caution also. tomorrow will not be far away when being more matured the
Complementary because we could have achieved all and might same system will be integrated with our customers like NTPC, SEBs,
have done much more had we have our plan in right place not only Rail and State Agencies, Ministries and so on to make data flow
for our target but for the execution as well to achieve them much across the industry to help and hone the best power of information
more ahead ,where slogging in last lap was never needed if not ie optimize the resources across the enterprise.
being laggard in first lap of the year. It was also cautionary in the
sense the integration of interest across the supply chain or logistic And here is where the clarion call from Mr S.Chudhary, Hon’ble Ex
must be a well thought strategy and needs to be refined further to Secy MoC and SAP which maintains a steady clientele of almost 70
keep this win-win proposition in whole value chain where nobody % of Enterprise Solution Product for Fortune 500 companies and
makes gain at the cost of anybody and where everybody works for which now CIL is to going to embrace are crossing the line. Planning
positive sum game not zero sum at all. meticulously while integrating seamless inside the industry and
beyond is which sustains the coal business today and spearhead the
There cannot be better perspective by which ERP implementation in whole ecosystem of coal fueled energy sector tomorrow when CIL
CIL could have been explained. In agreement with above two obser- will stride fast to its 1BT production in next few years.
vations if a single solution which can squarely tackle the both issues
upfront that is ERP in General and SAP in particular and nobody
else. Genesis of ERP has been always rooted to the long term plan-
ning or LTP which onward gets drilled down to monthly scheduling
and then converted to daily production planning. Closely following
the production planning comes planning for capital expenditure,
maintenance, manpower and thus every resources, a company
needs to operate. While every production target gets to be de-
mand driven and those demand get dotted with its own seasonality
and other factors, ERP once rolls out will just do it most perfect way
for us, planning for production in close integration with planning for
Knowledge Osmosis and the System Integrators

Embracing new age system: taking TechM on board to cruise it forward:

(what CIL expects from its Consultant cum SI for SAP)

The complexity of ERP or enterprise resource planning, the erst- less knowledge transfer which has been always the big issues for
while IS solution on an integrated monolithic framework where the the organisation like ours where perennially IT has always been
information will flow thick and fast (seamless) across the depart- acquired or developed as second fiddle for business processes not
ments, desks, domains and divisions is enormous. Any organisation any coherent strategic tool for evolution.
which grew its signature processes in its natural process of evolu-
tion over the years if not decades, got its enough excuses to be So what a consultant or system integrator is desired to have?
obsessed with them however suboptimal they are in effectiveness Whether the company is very much erudite and informed or
or efficiency in reality. While process owners and its users get too where the decision making are more often driven by instinct and
possessive with their extant practices in such company, any IT sup- intuition rather than information , in all companies , the consultant
port normally be requisitioned to oblige them as and when required is basically required to possess the following:
thus in most cases without any clearly defined long term IT strategy
or mission in alignment with main mission of the organisation .This Capacity to capture dispassionate view of the problems of the cli-
adhocism just gives rise to the sense of loose coupling between ents while listening to it followed by articulating/framing the prob-
business and IT in such organisation where IT department being lem , designing the analysis and gathering the data associated to
viewed as adjunct or ancillary department rather than as any core consolidate the first conjecture taken on the problem. In most cases
functionality. In such organisation (which to certain extent includes the client company gets too possessive with their age old processes
CIL also) it is very natural for IT resources or capacity being just normally got tried and tested (with a certain success also) and so
bolted with rather than been baked in the business processes , are entrenched inside their existing system to listen to any other view
far below the knowledge level to implement such high end project or like any other perspective brought forth by the consultant on the
like ERP which needs to keep stitching our business processes table. Being carried away by the emotion and obsession attached
across every nook and cranny of the enterprise imposing a common with the processes they are used to for their whole tenure of their
institutional logic. work, they hardly love to subscribe to any rationale of benchmark-
ing them against the best practices prevailing in other companies
The above pretext makes the way for recruitment of the consult- or other industries. While giving patient ear to all what its client
ants or system integrators or third party implementor who along say , the consultant must come out of some inevitable entrapment
with developers works with the client to develop the best system of sharing its instant judgment or supporting the irrational justifica-
for the company. In a company where IT department has never tion(by the client) of any process studied to be found to work on
been enough prepared to tackle such IT solution implementation suboptimal level of efficiency. While showcasing the best sensibility
head on , nor business process owners also ever been evolved sym- to deal and delve in to client’s narratives, a consultant must be free
biotically with the concerned systems enabling them (processes) , from any irrational exuberance or emotional baggage while ex-
the deep knowledge of the third party in the system as well as the tracting the underneath truth at its most unbiased interpretation.
processes in general and industry in particular can hardly be under-
emphasized. In fact organisation history is replete with failure of Apart from the technical acumen which is precondition of such
ERP implementation due to lack of in-house expertise , poor IT technical system integration required for SAP , a consultant must
infrastructure and difficulties in keeping with changing technolo- have to certain extent the managerial skill both to extract the prob-
gies. Because of these issues most organisation are highly depend- lem as well as to promote the solution. In any case ERP is much
ent on consultants to implement this enterprise software suite or more managerial and business functionality oriented rather than
cluster , too expensive and difficult to be developed and imple- just technical integration or system configuration. So it is expected
mented in house. The management academia are awash with the a solution architect must sell the future experience (rather than
articles of one of the very critical success factor of ERP implemen- just the solution) what a client will have once implemented the
tation ie vendor -client knowledge flow processes. Not only for solution .So while regulating the use of terminologies or acronym
getting ERP successfully implemented, the deployment of best con- sometimes appearing too repelling to connect with client’s psyche ,
sultant must be ensured the client organsiation also need to a consultant must develop a more simpler narrative of his design of
demonstrate deep and cohesive relationship with it which further solution he or she offers to promote it at different level like user,
defines the goal like acquiring the knowledge for operational , super user, process owners and project champion.
maintenance or training for next phase or new version onward in
future. And this knowledge should not necessarily be only about In view of the above while proposing the solution , the consultant is
what is the best know-how but also about which of them works expected not to be only enough competent to develop the best
rightly for the organisation in the given circumstances or prevailing solution for the client but also be full assertive to follow through it
constraints. As said above the obvious knowledge asymmetry be- by the client. The irrational prejudice and possessiveness with ex-
tween the client and consultant where the former knows the busi- tant practices by the clients may disrupt thinking process for best
ness and later knows the technology always creates a knowledge interpretation of the problem. Same will be the case if the consult-
barrier that inhibits the adoption of the complex technologies. To ant stick to the rule book without caring the ground reality to force
break this barrier what must be warranted ie the smooth and seam- any solution through clients’ throat. Conviction ,buy in and confi-
dence are all needed at every step to go forward when any change needed . This capacity building although at first glance appears to
of system is more transformative rather than just transactional . be too ambitious but grooming the core team to tackle any future
Implementing ERP invokes a transformative mindset as it normally issues inhouse, educating them with right tool and empowering
preceded by radicalization of different inefficient processes which is them with strong business acumen are what basically desired from
called business process reengineering apart from customization of it any best consultant team.
and due discourse of configuration of all these redefined processes
in the system. These all ask for a very commanding voice to mitigate So while selecting the best of the bidders , the different selection
resistance from different level which is very obvious. Rather than criteria like experience , exposure and its all credentials, the follow
obliging with everything what client demands , the consultant must up of govt procedures of choosing the most compliant , the whole
come up with the best solution what the situation deserves. Going scrutiny and scanning process was just overwhelming. And we se-
into minute details of both the variables of solution and constraints lected Tech M as our first phase integrator who will implement SAP
of implementation, the consultant must work jointly with client on in MCL, WCL and NEC as well as CIL hq in Kolkata. It should be our
preparing the groundwork to get its best solution run rather than first experiment with off the shelf or vanilla system of ERP ie SAP
dovetail it in the existing system compromising its effectiveness or implementation and stake is certainly very high , specially from the
efficiency which end up delivering at suboptimal level. perspective ie in all its existence of last 45 years , CIL just grew in in
every sense but mostly in isolation or silo based strategies . Produc-
A consultant or integrator is expected to know in advance what tion, marketing , finance , HR all just kept growing with its noble
inhibits and what influences any implementation. Specially in ERP mission to redeem its pledge of making the nation energy sufficient.
where the best practices around the world as captured and shared Last year it produced 610 MT , almost 8 times the year 1973-74
through its rich process repository, get impounded in the organiza- when CIL first began journey with thousands of splintered mines ,
tion, it needs a huge synchronization across every corner of the inherited workforce mostly illiterate and semiliterate , and all those
organization. The quality time and attention the top management mines which was literally skimmed by pre-nationalized owners with
needs to pledge , the right selection of project leaders , champion full blown profit motif nothing else. While passing different inflec-
and team , the content and clarity of communication while manag- tion points like oil shock in 70s, opening up of economy in 90s ,
ing the change, the currency and accuracy of data , the fodder to captive mining in early decade of twenty first century and now
good system and a laying out very robust and right infrastructure again with opening up for FDI to win the coal or OGL to sell it out,
compatible enough to sustain such deep and wide system configu- deviating far from inititial restrictive opening up of the sector, the
ration all which must be ensured while implementing ERP success- nation’s prime coal company is facing a huge challenge both inside
fully . Consultant or the system integrator must be aware of these the industry and outside the industry. While competing inside the
nuances so that it can accordingly prime or prepare the client indus- industry will be tough provided the technology and cost leadership
try well in advance , after studying closely before carving out the surely be brought by the investor in new mines by transnational or
solution designed for it. With so many factors playing behind the multinational , it will be tougher outside the industry where the
implementation which themselves are interdependent , the success alternate energy is coming in a big way thanks to stigma of coal as
of ERP implementation is a moving target which gets every chance prime polluter of environment. In this pretext profit will be driven
of being elusive in short term instead of so many definite benefits by our cost rather than price leverage which will have onwards a
(tangible , intangible both) in the long run. So managing the de- complete no-go in competitive terrain. And the best facilitator if any
mand to keep the project on track and on time ,showing the imme- which will shape up our future in this critical juncture must be tech-
diate impact as low hanging fruit to promote its quick return in the nology intervention whether operational, managerial or techno
short term while segregating them from long term change which is managerial. So we got SAP the world’s mostly used enterprise solu-
more substantial and sustainable ,all these make any SI cum con- tion to integrate our processes , optimize the resources and deliver
sultant team quite reliable and credible which in turn raise the con- the decision in faster (real time) and most reliable( realistic) way.
fidence of the client organization in the new system they And we got Tech M as our partner on board in this journey to cross
implement. over to a new age , information driven company . Stakes are simply
too high and so the company’s aspiration. As a new era for the com-
While deciding on implementing ERP in CIL and its holding coal pany is beckoning , the coming days will say how the client-
companies , it was very incumbent on the ERP deptt to choose the consultant partnership is really working and how far the consultant
best vendor cum integrator who can go extra miles to showcase cum integrator can help this company to shape up its process cum
their deep learning of the system implementation and share their system make-over to fast enter into an 1 billion Tn coal company ,
knowledge with us while supporting us to build the capacity for the next benchmark already set by the nation for us.
future maintenance or operation as well upgradation as and when
Choosing this month’s TKBP
(Technically Knowledgeable Business People)

At the heart of ERP, it’s the process which prevails supreme. In fact ta , laying out the SAP Governance part Roles and Authorisation etc
the genesis of the ERP and the evolution of process orientation are in the project pipe line we are looking towards to their leadership
on the same space and on the same timeline. While Thomas Daven- to spearhead the implementation of Project Passion across their
port , Michael Hammer , James Champy came out with a refreshing company with success and on schedule. We saw their power of
definition of process which speaks of cluster of activities functioning coordination in last One day Overview Training where the challeng-
in sync to a defined and distinct destination , Enterprise solution or es were huge to touch the user level for first time across the almost
ERP works to enable this functioning in a more wider and deeper 22 areas and across more than 100 plants (mines/projects etc) in
perspective. Wider in sense that in an integrated and extended two subsidiaries. And we saw how it has been so nicely executed
territory of different departments and domains (so also process with two different strategies in two different subsidiaries. Mr A
baked in them) and to speak of the depth means to the maximum Sarkar , PL, WCL took the whole responsibilities himself to expedite
granularity level of the concerned process to its finest detail. the dates, logistics etc. and execute the whole programmes in all
the areas engaging his whole system department in coordination
So in such process orientation and enabling the same , the best with Area and Mine/Project Mgmt for recommending and releasing
proponents of such solution will be those who understand both the the end user who sometimes attended in huge mass. Mr S K Bhan-
manifestations related to it (solution) i.e. function as well as tech- ja , PL of MCL just believed in delegation and distribution and got
nology. While width is more relevant than the depth , the ideal engaged with training institutes, to make clusters bifurcating Tal-
implementation community of such solution will be who compre- cher and Ib valley coalfield for better coordination. While both the
hends the both to certain extent and can collaborate with the de- strategies perfectly worked with the available training resources
veloper or the system integrator , third party consultant to come up and culture prevailed in both subsidiaries we were appreciating
with best combination of it (with different levels and layers of cus- more caution to choose the right participants in the follow up dis-
tomisation , configuration or business process reengineering). Inci- course ie UAT (User Acceptance Testing) having more depth where
dentally Gartner the IT firm which normally predicts and depicts the the participants would get first training by hands-on exercise on
incumbent change in IT sector came up with its rechristening the how to test different development done in Sprint 1 followed by
name of this community as Technically Knowledgeable Business actual testing /validating it by the same. While in MCL training cum
People or TKBP. In fact implementing ERP needs this type of people testing of all the modules could be followed as proposed by SAP
in the industry to promote its different phase of implementation at consultant cum SI ie Tech M, in WCL in some modules it was con-
initial stage and to perform its different operation at later stage strained due to non availability of full slot, or scheduled participants
specially in trouble shooting or fine-tuning whenever necessary. (specially for PP, PM and PS Module) as proposed , courtesy accen-
The clarity in how the process and the system works together is tuated work pressure etc. in this fag end of production year in every
what this specialist force must be trained at. And while imple- mine. However we are excited enough to present these two lead
menting ERP pan CIL we will identify these personalities every architects of ERP implementation as our Technically Knowledgeable
month , who orchestrate the tango of process and technology Business People or TKBP Section of this month’s issue. We are fur-
while leading the transformation as the epicentre of change. Irre- ther excited to present the thought of one of them Mr A Sarkar, PL,
spective of their post , position or place of working , however lim- WCL in this issue . In coming issue we will present the ideas and
ited their discretion of power they may have , their impact always thinking of the other one i.e. Mr SK Bhanja , PL, MCL.
keeps cascading beyond the official fiefdom . Continuously in-
fecting their surrounding with their irrepressible energy and excite-
ment, they are themselves the change impersonated and so al-
ways set fission reaction for change to wherever they move. In this
column we will present these type of people whenever we will find
them whether in Hq, Area, Plant /Mine , Project or even in the shift
to spread the contagion of conviction and confidence about the
SAP through the veins and arteries of the organisation.

With the above pretext in this issue we present our Project Leaders
in the two lead subsidiaries WCL,MCL as our two Key Persons on
whom there lies so much stake of the successful implementation of
SAP. Specially with a string of activities like Mobilising Master Da-
make all the stake holders as happy as possible. And why not? The
resources when managed with an aim to maximize happiness of
employees and the partners, it becomes a natural choice to pick for
sustainability and success.

The modules are so chosen, that are not only of importance but are
the building blocks of the Company as a whole. Our Company is big
not only in terms of size but also in terms of number of employees,
no of other stake holders, quantity of production, amount of mone-
tary transactions and even for varieties of disciplines and designa-
tions. Our Company is also big in terms of generating data. It is a
big task to link all these big things such a way that the output is also
a big smile. And this Big Smile is a matter of months only from now.

We are cruising with determination to surprise the World at large

with our rejuvenated approach, our super skilled manpower em-
powered with modern technology that can predict and take steps
well in advance not only to control wasteful expenditure but also to
achieve the target with planned and controlled approach. After all
by 2023-24 One Billion Tonne of Coal to be produced by our Com-
pany for meeting the Energy need of our Mother land, for which we
“The Project Passion is the project that is a sensation and a dream
are gearing up in advance with the power of IT in collaboration with
of over three lakh employees of the largest CPSU that is gearing up
the spirited partner TechM.”
for the Go-Live with collective effort from CIL and their IT Partner
TechM. As the Project Lead of WCL, the Subsidiary that is going to
make it happen in the 1st phase by Sep 2020, I am as proud as that
of our CEO and the Directors who are constantly providing the guid-
ance and support to make it happen that is going to change the IT
environment of the organization with a paradigm shift in use of
technology and determination.

Project Passion is as big as that of our Company itself. When viewed

from an angle, you find some crazy people arguing and investing
time that seems of little meaning, you will find that some very
young and energetic minds are concentrating to marginalize some
Gaps they discovered not on a road or building or a mountain but
on the papers that listed the steps of the present in comparison to
the road map for the future. Simply, a Journey map of IT of our
Company is made through by our IT partner, the TechM.

The ERP was a buzz words and was the most sought after IT Solu-
tion for organizations across the globe. The ERP still has the same
value as because it adds value to the organization, not only by
cutting cost or enhancing performance but also with ethical com-

The present day scenario in the field of data transaction cannot be

termed as a very professional. It caters to the needs with difficulty
and with heterogeneous complexity. The standard SOPs are not
available, and if available, are not followed or are very old to follow.
The New IT technological happenings are not very common or are
not generally encouraged. The roles of the employees are not de-
fined, although, all are putting their best with skill level matched
with the best in the market. But then, missing link remained missing
for so many years. Now, is the time to forget the past and march
ahead with the technology with a new mission with a new project
the Project PASSION.

The missing link is our ERP, which will lead from the front and will
ERP & You

Planning resources for Material to Manufacture to whole Enterprise

(PP Module: The smartest work assistant for a colliery manager)
At core of ERP there lies two things of which one is procurement or enterprise in particular and company in general. These resource
material planning and the other is production planning (whether it now includes HR, Marketing, Finance, Sales, and so on. So basically
is make to stock or make to order) against demand management. In the abbreviation ERP stuck from this era and now being carried over
fact the genesis of ERP was rooted very much to these two which the years . The main genre of this ERP is ES or Enterprise solution
speaks of you to produce (out put which may be service or goods which also includes Supply Chain Management, Customer Relation-
for other) as per your demand and to procure as (of raw materials , ship Management , Sales Force Automation and so on.
ancillary etc.) much as you need . In the mid sixties of last century
two protagonist of Material Resource Planning one Mr. Joseph Or- Incidentally the age of term ERP and the core component at its
lickey the IBM engineer and Mr. Oliver Wright the Material Man- heart Business Process Reengineering which is basically radicaliza-
agement Expert who were in search of a system to work for newly tion of processes with complete overhauling rather than just incre-
evolved assembly line in Automobile sector when reindustrialization mental change are almost same, which is 1993 .BPR( Business Pro-
hit the world production processes. It was all about how much to cess Reengineering ) has been invented by James Champy and Gar-
insource and how much to outsource so accordingly maintain a ry Hamel while ERP has been coined by Gartner. In fact this BPR
Safety Stock and create a ReOrder Point so that right material in precedes ERP which transform the whole organization where the
right amount can be assured in right place. Mr. Joseph Orlickey consultant and solution provider just impounds the best business
named the system he developed as Material Resource Planning. In process knowledge (acquired by it while counselling and configuring
fact after sixty years of evolution from MRP-I to MRP-II to ERP the processes in different organisation) in the client’s platform defined
same Safety Stock and Reorder Point is at the core of whole system. by single data structure and integration across the business pro-
It assures that neither we should be stocked out so that loosing or cesses.
lagging our production or manufacturing ,nor we should keep add-
ing stock much more than the need (beyond safety stock), thus Now If we just transpose this new system to our coalmines , we can
picking up inventory cost of our production. easily see how it will transform, change the conventional produc-
tion process with the same integration tool which is the main
This concept of Material Resource Planning got further evolved by strength of ERP once be in action. In the existing convention a mine
another material management aficionado Oliver Wright into Manu- manager is supposed to produce coal as per the annual plan distrib-
facturing Resource Planning ie MRPII which started speaking about uted through action plan drilled own to month wise and then day
game plan for capacity planning , work scheduling of production .In wise plan. In back end the same plan again being proposed through
fact here introduced the one of the strongest aspect of such plan- the mine capacity planning worked along achievement figure picked
ning ie Integration across the two capacities to begin with between up from historical plus the anticipated figure (whether new project
the production and materials which culminates to integrate other coming up or new machines being drafted). In the front end the
resources also like HR, marketing and so on (when in early 1990s whole plan again is more on make to stock which again is prede-
ERP came into be). fined by the demand (already ECQ + newer ) against some certain
grade created or communicated from industrial demand through
While in the 1960s main competitive thrust was on cost , in 1970s it MoC. Along with production the other materials are also budgeted
was more on integration of production and planning. In1980s it was whether safety or explosive items or drilling items and so on what-
on quality improvement like process control and specially on dy- ever needed in execution process which includes drilling , charging ,
namic environment where the choice and demand of customer just blasting , hauling and dumping of coal or such processes for OB
keeps changing without caring the suppliers’ capacity or planning. removal. All machineries are employed and so also the technology
So it was then simply intense human intervention to keep resched- or mechanisms (surface mining or blasting; SDL or LHD or continu-
uling and changing reorders points needed to accommodate and ous mining ) are in place. Manpower being planned. Now in a con-
adjust the change in those early years enterprise solution. ventional plan all these are being done in isolation with some equa-
tion or calculation not through any close knit integration. Mostly by
And this above dynamism of market forces (demand and supply) manual intervention every items to produce the planned amount
gave rise to new advanced system which is demand driven and of coal need to be ensured which got its every bit of vulnerability to
provides flexible , real time execution, feedback and control of large slip into culture of adhocism, a phenomenon always misfires or
number of manufacturing processes tightly integrated with market. backfires. The production can get hampered because of unavailabil-
The system is named as ERP or Enterprise Resource Planning. ity or late availability of explosive or support or other items. The
annual plan may be impaired if the data feed is wrong or manipula-
The term ERP coined by Gartner, the Global IT consultant cum strat- tive and the budgeted materials may be stocked out if not be regu-
egist firm to extend its strength of integration with more sophisti- larly tracked as per demand either by phone, mail or physical visit.
cated planning inputs and real time delivery beyond just material More than that every time the production lags, the back calculation
and manufacturing (i.e. production of finished good and procure- is needed to find out the next schedule along with the demand of
ment of raw materials for it), assimilation to other resources of its accessories. Hugely drawing room exercise with overdose of
instinct and intuition with some legacy system intervention in some below the safety stock , the health of production equipment or
of processes that also in isolation and limited edition, these are all work centers will be continuously assessed and so their availability
which keeps a mine manager engaged all along, where cost of ensured by close integration with Plant Maintenance which just
different execution process or the machines engaged or the materi- keep working on scheduling its preventive maintenance or attend-
als consumed thereof or real time information of the production , ing breakdown maintenance thus whole maintenance processes
dispatch etc. are beyond his access or comes in post facto basis. The (which again includes procurement of services and goods through
asynchronous nature of different jobs associated but hardly aligned MM) triggered by utilization figures of machines in PP Module. The
with production always keep the manager or the production people availability or demand of coal will be triggered from SD through
on tenterhook. All of these just impede the process of right decision MM Module against the batch of production for certain grade as-
in right time thanks the lacking of communication between differ- signed in PP Module. And the HR module will keep on working in
ent department or domain operates more in silo than in sync. supporting the availability of right manpower to the work centers or
equipment and its supervisory staff. And the FICO while assigning
Not any more, once SAP will be in action. The Production & Plan- the cost of processes and the components thereof just keep
ning Module just picks up the demand from the BPC Or Business streaming the figures to help to assess the real time figure of cost
Planning Consolidation tool which perfectly plan annually , monthly incurred so that a control can be set by right intervention in time.
and daily from figure extrapolated from the previous year by using Thus a manager instead of being continuously time pressed with
forecasting tool. Along with production other things also being pursuing (which ends up pestering so many times) every quarter/
planned for other accessories like explosive and other materials all desks of the project , now will be in a cockpit of the whole opera-
associated for production. In fact planning, budgeting, forecasting tion and just keep surveillance on every process on his radar to
and consolidation all these activities which are being done in stages intervene only where it gets impeded .And with great level of minia-
involving so many desks and divisions will be done by BPC of SAP in turization of SAP’s software packages he need not to move with
more real-time and integrated framework where data input in every laptop or stick to desktop rather he can just do his surveillance and
department gets updated in master data for planning in zero time supervision on the go by using hundreds of application called ‘Fiori’
gap. Now once planning is done followed by scheduling , the execu- developed on different modules on the smart phone or mobile .
tion begins as just another process (in SAP is called recipe or Mas- And any interruption or impediment of running or releasing any
ter Recipe) where the planned materials are preset with every process will trigger the alert on its own to its concerned Module in
back end calculation (powder factor etc) for defined production more proactive rather than reactive manner to reorganize or re-
amount (called Bill of Material or BOM) and the combination of structure themselves (procurement ,planning etc ) to help the man-
Recipe and BOM where a fleet of machines are assigned (which is ager intervening for least time and in rightmost time. Thus he will
called Work Center) will just create number of options available for be free of hassles of managing or allocating resources in day to day
the particular mine (called Production Version). According to the operation which is being taken care of by SAP PP Module integrated
number of technology/mechanism available in the mines with ex- with other Modules and backed by very robust and equally agile
clusive consumable earmarked for each of this option assigned for planning by BPC. He will have enough time onward on high end
consumption while being aligned with particular equipment to be work of mine which demands his more attention and vigilance on
run, every mine got its single or more production versions for differ- work like safety , planning more new machines, recruitment of new
ent section or pit or bench. The Manager or the person in charge of mechanism and so many things. In some definition the word ERP
mine or the concerned process of production will just trigger the coined with the connotation that the high end resources which
chain of iteration before execution which will help him run or re- surely are human resources should be released from operational or
strict them (iterations) according to the availability check , safety execution work( which are now automated and system enabled )
stock of the items needed to produce the required quantity of out- and then be relocated in high end work like designing , rethinking
put material (coal). While integration with Material Management future strategy or vision. In fact literally ERP will just do that for the
will just ensure the planning for material or explosive in advance , mine management once implemented.
by triggering there its own chain or processes of procurement once
ERP Events (Ongoing & Upcoming)

UAT Sprint 1 the plants (mine/project/areas/office/establishment) at earliest to

After the One day Overview Training for End User where almost facilitate all these works (data collection and other jobs) in no time.
2200 end users got trained across 10 areas in WCl and two coal-
fields in MCL with almost 75 sessions , the project Passion which Roles & Authorisation Layout
entered in its crucial phase of realization has completed its the first One of the most crucial part of SAP implementation is to lay out its
schedule of User Acceptance Testing in sprint1 of Project ‘Passion’. governance network ie assigning the Roles and its embedded Au-
thorization to execute different works as per redefined profile of
While End User Overview was quite simpler one as it was the intro- our work force in the new system whether to handle or incorporate
ductory orientation being broadly defined with its contents as well master data , enter transaction data or deal with monthly settle-
as context , the UAT was a bit more complex by its depth and ment , quarterly reconciliation etc. in PP and such other activities in
breadth both. Seven Modules got its own schedule depending on its other modules also. The campaign for R&A has been already started
extent of contents prepared /progressed in Sprint 1 specially on the at different forum which will be intensified over the time while the
Processes configured, Process Instruction tables developed or re- project gets rolled out further with more completion and integra-
ports thereof generated. Different clusters followed in different tion with others and with better comprehension of the system by
Module with its definite targeted audience of SMEs( Subject Matter mine/office management in its concerned department.
Experts) and the End Users representatives who would first get
trained on how to appreciate the development (whatever done till
the Sprint) and then how to test it. Different combination , cluster Organisation Change Management
were framed and followed in the two lead subsidiaries of which A drive has been taken across the length and breadth of coal com-
last lap of UAT, FICO in MCL just concluded last week in Talchir panies WCL, MCL and NEC, CIL to orchestrate change which is cer-
Field. A normal slot of 5 days +5 days for SMEs and End Users was tainly precursor of implementation of SAP anyway. As it is natural in
followed. Although work pressure were too high specially at the fag any organisation that resistance die hard , so the role of Organisa-
end of the production year 2019-20 to release the right nominees tion Change Management or OCM in brief should be all pervasive
which are extremely needed for getting the software / system test- where clarity in communication, mobilising the top management
ed on its ease, effectiveness and efficacy of use, the programme got support, garnering the buy-in or full conviction of the tool while
a good response from MCL and to certain extent WCL thanks the appreciating it’s more people ramification rather than technical
coordination by the PLs, Module Leads, Area Management and ones, must sensitise the every nook any cranny of the organistion if
Mine/project Management and the different Training Institutes and we need to implement the new system successfully. An initiative
Tech M Trainers. has been taken to precede any seminar, workshop or training with
full scape change management presentation while readying next
group of people across Hq, areas, plants at different nodes and level
PM Module Workshop at NEC who will spearhead the campaign further. Name it change champi-
One walk-through the PM Module and exercise on Master Data on or change agent we need to establish the full network of these
templates and its collection was organised in Margarita NEC , the names who will be pathogen of the change with their extra pas-
third participant in first phase of implementation of SAP in CIL sion , leadership , authority and camaraderie irrespective of their
(alongwith WCL and MCL) from 25th to 26th of February, 2020. The post and position to work on defining and designing the language ,
excitement of the participants who joined the programme in hordes vocabulary dialects of permeating new system and its impact
were very much conspicuous. In fact of against so much odds of across the vein and arteries of the organisation. We are in search of
constraints of getting clearances and their follow up compliances such people at every level right from unit to HQ and every establish-
the NEC are facing these days , the enthusiasm shown in the pro- ment where SAP is implemented. We request our readers to identi-
gramme by participants were quite infectious. Very soon , the next fy the names whom they feel must take the lead at different do-
of its kind on other Modules like PP, SD, PS , HR etc. will be ar- main, desks or department or divisions to explore different avenues
ranged in a short while to align the whole NEC workforce with the to hardcode the new system in the organisation.
SAP system .
UAT Sprint 2
While successfully ending up FICO's first lap of UAT at WCL drawing
Master Data Collection huge response with the participation of 73 in numbers, in Sprint 1
After UAT of first sprint of Project Passion , the next big issue is to of Project 'Passion', in Sprint 2 FICO module is now leading the pack.
get the Master Data for different Modules which will help to profile Amongst all modules in Sprint 2 the UAT of FICO is getting started in
the plants in the Enterprise structure of different modules of SAP . WCL from 06th April which will go on up to 17th April,2020.The
Already a string of workshops have been followed with the presen- same participants who attended the Sprint 1 part , will be exposed
tation of it in every given chance of interaction with the End Users, to the further development in their Module in Sprint2 to have
Area Management and Project Leads in different training pro- hands on exercise to review them (for further refining or redefining)
grammes in WCL and MCL. Different strategies have been taken to with their further insights or inputs.
get all these data collected and collated at earliest. The two lead
subsidiaries MCL and WCL just needs to mobilize the full resources ,
set the module specific networks and nodes across the areas and

Infra-Connect Choreographing the best tango of hardware and

connectivity as any good ERP demands

In the first Industrial revolution we found electricity while in its second round we got swayed by information explosion, the third came riding
on the internet wave and now the fourth is being driven by data, fuelled by data and fed by data. Data is where the decision lies. In Enter-
prise solution data is the prime fodder of the business processes ,certainly the most modern assets of any organisation . So preservation ,
protection of these processes and its huge data feed are always at the core of the design or architecture of system. In ERP not only data re-
position or retrieval need to be smooth and seamless but must be real time also which demands the Data centres works 24X7, 365 days a
year. In its so called three tier architecture, the robust data centre with steady and strong system application (SAP symbolises it by its name)
and network of front end hardwares constitutes the most winning combination for successful implementation , which this days got rechris-
tened as Applistrcuture by some system providers when they entangle their hardware and software in their offer of service. Name it Network
Operation Centre , Security Operation Centre and Help Desk all works untiringly round the clock to make your software clusters or modular
system like ERP run trouble free and hassle free.

So what makes data centre the backbone of enterprise system which in turn becomes the digital nervous system of the organisation? In a
data centre anatomy we need to have our server , storage , back up system and networking infrastructure . We also must have the top secu-
rity framework to insure and immune our centre and its data reservoir from onslaught of infringement or invasion by hackers, malwares etc
or any unprecedented damage or deletion. And we need to have a full-scale service management system resources (tool, technology etc)
which will keep monitoring and mending it (this regiment of hardwares as well as rearing its closet of big data) through different forthcoming
glitches inevitable while running so wide and deep system like SAP. And last but not least we need to have the fast and steady connectivity to
warrant speedy and seamless communication across the system.

How far we had progress on this infra-connect what we say in establishing the compatible infrastructure and connectivity to complement our
ERP system at its best? And here is where we stand today:

 Complete IT infrastructure including necessary hardware, OS & amp; OS related SW, data centre and necessary managed services will
be procured from M/s. RailTel as OPEX.

 Work already got started (Tendering etc ) to procure the complete IT infrastructure as Cloud Services from M/s. RailTel.

 To make effective use of the Hospital management System the twin system with SAP to connect and integrate the Hospitals in CIL
and its services on a monolithic platform, hospitals are to be equipped with necessary IT infrastructure. Action has already been tak-
en to procure the necessary IT infrastructure at each hospital for implementation of HMS.

 And for Connectivity from Data Entry location to DC (Data Centre) / DRC (Data Recovery Centre) each subsidiary cos. will hire MPLS-
VPN services for accessing the DC/DRC.

 The MPLS service Provider has already been decided. M/s. RailTel & M/s BSNL will be the primary & secondary service provider re-

 Technical Specification and Terms & conditions for hiring of MPLS –VPN services are framed by E& T Department of CIL and circulated
to Subsidiary Companies.

 Action has already been taken by subsidiary Cos. to hire MPLS-VPN services.
Thank you for reading the first edition of the quarterly Project PASSION Newsletter. We hope
the newsletter contains interesting information and useful resources – this is COAL for YOU.

Anything that you would like to read about IT?

Simply reply at and let us know.

Ideas for news topics – as well as any other feedback – are welcome.

Best regards,

The Team COAL, Project PASSION, CIL.

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