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Text 1
Education is about teaching and learning. Learning includes skills and knowledge. Education also
means helping people to learn how to do things. It also means encouraging them to think about what they
learn. It is also important for educators to teach ways to find and use information. Through education,
knowledge is passed on from generation to generation. Through education, people also learn how to be active
There are different ways to divide types of education. One way is to divide it into formal education,
non-formal education, and informal education. Formal education is usually in school. In school a person may
learn basic or academic skills. Small children often attend a nursery or kindergarten. However, formal
education often begins in elementary school. Then, it continues with secondary school. Higher education is
usually at a college or university. It may grant an academic degree.
Non-formal education includes adult basic education and adult literacy education. It also helps
people to get school equivalency. In non-formal education someone can learn literacy, although he/she is not
at school. He/she can also learn other basic skills or job skills. Other form of non-formal education includes
home education and distance learning.
Informal education is not done in school either. It may be a parent teaching a child how to prepare a
meal or ride a bicycle. People can also get an informal education by reading many books. They can get the
books from a library or educational websites. Informal education is when you are not studying in a school and
do not use any specific learning method.

1. What is the topic of the passage? 3. Based on the passage, which of the following is
(A) Formal and non-formal education NOT the place for informal learning to take
(B) Development of literacy place?
(C) School and home education (A) Internet
(D) Meanings and types of education (B) Websites
(E) Teaching and learning (C) Schools
(D) Libraries
2. The word “literacy” in paragraph 3 means …. (E) Home
(A) ability to read and write
(B) expertise to change 4. It can be concluded from the passage that ….
(C) character building (A) there are three types of education based on
(D) literature writing where it takes place
(E) soft skills (B) knowledge can only be passed on through
formal education at schools
(C) informal education does not provide
necessary skills needed to earn a living
(D) formal education only includes learning
activities happening at schools
(E) non-formal education can be an alternative
to prepare people for jobs

E9i4H1119-20SBMPTN, BAHASA INGGRIS, PPLSBMPTN 2020, BKB NURUL FIKRI hlm. 1 dari 3 hlm.
Text 2
Teenagers who consume a lot of added sugars in soft drinks and foods may have poor cholesterol
profiles – which may possibly lead to heart disease in adulthood, according to first-of-its-kind research reported
in Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association.
“Added sugars” are any caloric sweeteners added to foods or beverages by the manufacturer during
processing or preparation. The National Health and Nutrition Survey (NHANES) of 2,157 teenagers (ages 12
to 18) found the average daily consumption of added sugars was 119 grams (28.3 tsp or 476 calories),
accounting for 21.4 percent of their total energy.
The American Heart Association recently recommended a specific upper limit for added sugars intake,
based on the number of calories an individual needs throughout the day, according to their energy
expenditure, sex and age. For example, an appropriate amount for an individual with an energy requirement
of 1,800 calories per day (an average teenage girl ages 14-18 might be in this calorie range) would be no more
than 100 calories from added sugars. An individual with a requirement of 2200 calories per day should eat or
drink no more than 150 calories from added sugars.
Teens consuming the highest levels of added sugars had lower levels of high density lipoprotein levels
(HDL), the good cholesterol, and higher levels of triglycerides and low density lipoproteins (LDL), the bad
“This is the first study to assess the association of added sugars and the indicators of heart disease risk
in adolescents,” said Jean Welsh, MPH, PhD, R.N., study author and post-doctoral fellow at Emory University
in Atlanta, Ga. “The higher consumers of added sugar have more unfavourable cholesterol levels. The concern
is long-term exposure would place them at risk for heart disease later in adulthood.”
Teenagers with the highest levels of added sugar consumption at more than 30 percent of total energy
had 49.5 milligrams/deciliter (mg/dL) compared to 54 mg/dL of HDL levels in those with the lowest levels of
added sugar consumption -- a 9 percent difference. Previous studies indicate that the largest contributors of
added sugars to the diet are sugary beverages such as sodas, fruit drinks, coffees and teas, Welsh said.
“Adolescents are eating 20 percent of their daily calories in sugars that provide few if any other
nutrients,” she said. “Sweet things have lost their status as treats.”
The study included dietary recall from one 24-hour period that researchers merged with sugar content
data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture My Pyramid Equivalents Databases. Researchers estimated
cardiovascular risk by added sugar consumption of less than 10 percent up to more than 30 percent of daily
total energy. Two days of dietary data were used among a subsample of 646 adolescents and the key findings
remained consistent. Those with higher intake of added sugar had higher LDL levels of 94.3 mg/dL compared
to 86.7 in those with the lowest levels, a 9 percent difference. Triglyceride levels in those with the highest
consumption were 79 mg/dL compared to 71.7 mg/dL among the lowest, a 10 percent difference. Overweight
or obese adolescents with the highest level of added sugar consumption had increased signs of insulin
“While Americans appear to be working hard to lower their intake of saturated fats, there is not the
same awareness when it comes to added sugars,” Welsh said. ‘The intake of added sugars is positively
associated with known cardiovascular risk factors. Added sugars play a significant role in the U.S. diet,
contributing substantially to energy intake without contributing important nutrients to the diet.” Adolescents
and adults should “use the labels of the drinks and food they consume to become familiar with the amount of
sugar in them,” Welsh said. “Replacing sugar laden drinks with water is one way to substantially reduce sugar
and calorie intake.”
Physicians also need to ask adolescents about their sugars intake and guide them to better choices, she
said. Because the researchers used cross-sectional data, they don't know if added sugars intake caused the
differing cholesterol levels, only that they are linked. They also assessed the diet using one 24-hour recall of
intake, which may not reflect on a person's usual intake. Long-term studies are needed to fully understand the
effect that added sugars consumption in adolescence has on cardiovascular disease risk in adulthood, Welsh

E9i4H1119-20SBMPTN, BAHASA INGGRIS, PPLSBMPTN 2020, BKB NURUL FIKRI hlm. 2 dari 3 hlm.
5. In which paragraph does the writer indicate the 7. Based on the passage, it can be hypothesized that
needs of further research to confirm that added the more sugar teenagers consume, the ….
sugars consumption in adolescence can cause (A) higher their levels of LDL are
cardiovascular disease in adulthood? (B) lower the risk of insulin resistance is
(A) Paragraph 2 (C) fewer the signs of high triglyceride levels
(B) Paragraph 4 are
(C) Paragraph 6 (D) better the total energy they have
(D) Paragraph 8 (E) less sweet beverages they drink
(E) Paragraph 10

6. What topic does the paragraph preceding the

passage most likely discuss?
(A) Methods to increase good cholesterol
(B) Caution for high level sugar consumption
(C) Research on sugar consumption among
(D) Remedies to lower bad cholesterol
(E) Negative effects of low HDL and LDL

8. What is the best summary of the passage?

(A) High levels of added sugars may lead to low level of good cholesterol, high level of bad cholesterol,
and triglyceride as well as insulin tolerance, especially in obese teenagers. Based on 24-hour dietary
recall, this study cannot determine the casual relation added sugar and different cholesterol levels.
(B) Experts have found that there is a link between the level of added sugar people consume and their
levels of cholesterol. This can be harmful in the long term as it might lead to heart diseases. Moreover,
obese or overweight children with the highest level of added sugars show signs of insulin resistance.
(C) A study was conducted to find out the correlation between added sugar and cholesterol levels. High
level of sugar consumption leads to high level of bad cholesterol and triglyceride. Therefore, people
should not consume these kinds of drink too frequently.
(D) A 24-hour dietary recall was used to assess the effects of added sugars. However, there are still two
limitations. First, it cannot determine the connection between added sugars and differing cholesterol
levels. Second, the recall may not represent the usual daily intake.
(E) High levels of added sugars may lead to a high level of triglyceride. Furthermore, among teenagers with
overweight obesity cases, there can be insulin resistance. The largest source of added sugars is sugary
beverages. It is then important not to have sugary beverages too much.

E9i4H1119-20SBMPTN, BAHASA INGGRIS, PPLSBMPTN 2020, BKB NURUL FIKRI hlm. 3 dari 3 hlm.

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