Civil 703-RoL 2

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Civil 703

Reflections on Learning (RoL)

Rivai Anwar
Reflection on Learning #2

Description: What happened?

In our Project Management lecture, we divided into small groups to work on a four-minute
video about one of the materials in the Project Management Book of Knowledge (PMBOK).
Our group decided to take the topic of schedule management. At the beginning of the
meeting, we began to assign our group leader along with the job desk of each member. When
the second week of our group was formed, the COVID-19 pandemic suddenly took place
where the face-to-face class was abolished plus lockdown in New Zealand made the group
project quite challenging.

Feelings: What were my feelings

In this group assignment, I was put into the production team where our team task was to
produce the video and the script. I was pointed to do the video editing. Because this is a group
assignment, I carry a very big burden because I have no ideas on video editing and the
software that I have to use to edit the video. Moreover, I have to ask all parties if I want to
take action on the assignment changes, because if something bad happens to our video, then
we will all be affected not to mention the ego of each person in the team. Putting nine people
together in one group is very difficult because almost everyone has an idea that they think is
good. As a production team, I am responsible for determining the right idea/scene to be
included in the video. Another issue was my groupmate on the production team was so busy
with his work that he did not have time to discuss or be asked of any question.

Analysis: What was good/bad about it?

This experience is a very valuable experience that cannot be forgotten, which makes me learn
a lot of things. Firstly, respect for time. In my group, there are some people who are often
absent when we hold weekly meetings where we have prepared a schedule of meetings in
advance so that everyone can be present. However, only a few appear. Secondly, doing work
together can create a very creative environment. This happens when we are brainstorming
and sharing ideas. With the number of people who contribute unique ideas, we as a
production team can make good videos and get effective and efficient strategies to complete
the projects.

Evaluation: What can I learn from it?

In my opinion, the most valuable experience that I got from doing this group assignment are;
I understand that communication is very important. It is a way to explain your idea to your
teammate. Communication is also very important because by doing so we know something is
lacking in the project. It is by updating your progress so that we know we are in the right
direction. Secondly, it is important to receive advice from people because their suggestions
could be the solution to our problems. Because when we are a part of a team, we should not
do anything alone, it includes hearing what your teammate saying. Therefore, we must not
be arrogant that only want to win themselves who turn a deaf ear to criticism. Moreover, it
teaches me to be responsible for the tasks assigned to me.

Conclusion: What could I have done differently or in addition?

There are several things I think I can do differently in order to get good results in this group.
Firstly, I wish I can be more open about how I can work best by clearly state my strength and
weakest from the get-going. By doing so, my teammate will not put me in the wrong position.
Secondly, I want to request disciplinary actions for those who always absent in the group
meeting by reducing their points in the hope that everybody will respect each other's time.

Action plan: What would I do next time?

There are some changes that I want to make to the next group assignments:
1. Assign clear responsibilities of each team member but first by letting them explain
their preferences.
2. I want to spend more time learning the video editing so that I did not let anyone down.
This will give more skills not only in this lecture but also in the working place

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