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As a marketer I will deal with the situation that I will do the research. After a successful research

for the cereals, through the research we are supposed to find out a perceived value about the

cereals in the customers mind. In the end we have to define the strategies and tactics of how to

promote the cereal product.


For research purposes, we’ve different means of collecting information about the breakfast

cereal. So it can be in the form of surveys, questionnaire and etc. but here we will talk about

some of them.

● In person interview

In person interview is known as when you meet with the customer face to face. Let’s

suppose there is a contact card available in the box of a cereal, a customer buys the box

of a product and send his/her address to the company. For feedback the company

employees visit the customer and try to collect the information and asks how the

experience was by using the cereal product. If the customer suggests something about

the cereal product, and majority of the people in interviews suggests the same thing, the

company employees should better look into it and try to change what the customers

demand, as the changes are made, it will value the customer’s opinions. This way for

collecting information is very time consuming and costly but highly effective.

● Telephone interview

Telephone interview is also the way of research, where the company targets the

customers and asks for the feedback about the cereal breakfast product. In this way of

collecting information a shocker exists, where a lot of people won’t answer the phone

and if some answers it, will not respond the questions appropriately. Thus sabotaging
the research with no actual record or information. This way of gathering information is

quite expensive.

● Mailed questionnaires

Mailed questionnaires are where you can mail to many customer within a single

click. It’s the easiest way and it can reach to the large number of customers. Mostly the

customers are happy to fill the questionnaire and give the feedback of the product in this

way. This way of research is reliable and cheap.

● Online Surveys

Online surveys are the best alternative for the research purposes. The online

surveys are taken on social media platforms, such as YouTube, Instagram, Facebook,

etc. It is also the reliable and cheap way for collecting information.

● Customer in market

Breakfast Cereal Company places an employee with the section of the cereal

products and gathers information from the customers about it. And asks for why do they

use the product, from where they came to know about it, do they prefer it over other

same products? Etc.

● Surveys from shopkeeper/store owner

This is also a best and easy way of research by asking from the shop keeper or

store owners about the customers choice in the breakfast cereal product. Asks them

what kind of product in breakfast customer usually demands of. In this way the company

can retrieve more information of their breakfast cereal.


Perceived value is the customer evaluation of the quality and its ability to meet their needs and


● Quality of packaging
Quality of packaging must be good and attractful. By the good quality of packaging

the customer should be attract towards the product. And mostly the customer get

attracted by good packaging and buy the product.

● Better taste

Better taste is the most common thing and without the better taste the

manufacturing of breakfast cereal is useless. If we did not provide a taste for the

consumer he will never buy and go for the competitor.

● More flavours

Now if you want to be in market and you are providing organic ingredients so it is

compulsory to be more flavours for the breakfast cereal.

Because if you provide just one flavour so in this most of the customer will not like it and

if you provide for the customer. A customer will like at least one flavour from it. Mostly

some people get bored of one flavour so they changes the flavour with their mood.

● More nutritious

As we are providing organic ingredients so it is must that we will provide the more

nutritious. It will be the most healthy breakfast cereal. In this product there will be no

adding of chemicals. By this product the consumer will stay healthy.

● Pricing

As it is very important that the beakfast cereal must be affordable with the quality

and quantity which we are providing to the consumer. And as most people buy the

product which have good taste and good packing and price is affordable with it. In this

consumer happily buy the product.


As in this part we have to define the strategies for the product which are breakfast cereal and

are organic ingredient.

● Better packaging

consumer like our product and start buying our product and demand to do more

better packaging for the breakfast cereal. So we also provide them more good and

attractive packaging for them. By this we can also become more loyal for our customers.

● Banners

As the breakfast cereal company can make their name more common between the

customer by having the banners in the town. By this way people will know about the new

product having in market. So they will give a try to new product and know about

breakfast cereal that how good taste product has and how affordable it is.

● Pamphlets

A breakfast cereal company should define their strategy through pamphlets. They

can provide their pamphlets to the homes. By this way customer will come to know about

the new product came in the market.

● Online advertisement

Online advertisement is the best way to define the product to the customer and get

to know about the breakfast cereal that how much good product is arrived in market and

this advertisement will be done through youtube and social sites. Social sites include

facebook, instragram etc.

● Emphasize on product

Emphasizing on product unique point whether nutritious breakfast cereal should

be healthy and will keep health safe. After that there will be no compromise on taste

because who like the tasteless things or which have the bad taste. We will add more

flavour by which consumer can buy with their own choice. A cereal company product

must be price affordable so that consumer can buy it happily and come again and again

and also bring more customer for your product. It will must have best quality and more
quantity and it will be affordable with price. A breakfast cereal will be organic and will

having no chemicals in it.

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