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ADVENTURES OF LOLO Strategy Guide. HAL AMERICA ret. jogee-atir IAL ein pecalsts ‘Rap on te CARE OF YOUR GAME 1) Always make sure the power i off when in sertng or removing the game pak from your ‘computer 2) Thiste a high precion game pak, Avold sub- Jectng I to exteme temperatures or shock. Sore af room temperature, Never attompt ‘0 ‘ismantle or open the ame pak 43) Danot touch the termina leads or allow them to come in contact with weler or the game fruity willbe damaged. 4) Never ncert your fingers of any metal objects tnt the terminal portion ofthe computer. This can result in mallunction of damage THANK YOU - for selecting this exciting new game from HAL. AMERICA, INC. “HAP Peace red thisnstuction booklet to ensure proper handing ‘of your new game, and then save the Booka for future reference CONTENTS ‘THE STORY CHARACTERS: HOW TO PLAY THE GAME HOW TO USE THE CONTROLLER ITEMS ENVIRONMENT HOW TO EARN POINTS: EXPLANATION OF THE ABBREVIATIONS STRATEGY GUIDE SSaroaasnn THE STORY Ta save the country of Eden from the Great Devi destruc tion the King of Eden dipatched Princess LALA to sock hel. Prince LOLO was requested to accompany LALA back to Eden (On the way back The Great Dei kidnapped LALA rightin ont ofLOLO. ‘To save Eden and rescue LALA, Prince LOLO went tothe Devils Haunted Castle. LOLO is not blessed with strength or agity but possesses great courae, high IQ and alto patience ‘Can LOLO save LALA after solving an almost endless series of CHARACTERS LOLo The too this game, A rave pence ‘tho igs monsters @ SNAKEY SKULL Frames re ake, Anes SKULL wail awalen and tog tchare i616 ‘ALMA When coming to LOLOs side he wil roland dash age, Toxo. DON MEDUSA He throws the Eu Eye lapterores mest inn ee range 65 ROCKY When ted LOLO, he wl dash onary own LEEPER LEEPER wit aslgp afer burping into COLO. ‘bel armies GOL. GOL ashes hen al Hest Famers ae tne, ed cecharges Same when LOLO passesia font of im Reszeey Cy aS MEDUSA When LOLO comes ene he wll te babe, sm nn Ae HOW TO PLAY THE GAME Game start Select START on the tile menus, then press 'START. The seen shown here will appear. Press [START again to begin the game Picking up the Heart Framers Pk up the Heart Framers by moving LOLO. Many monsters wil block LOLO's way: Confine themby singthe EMERALD FRAMERS, MAGIC SHOTS and POWER OPTIONS, Clearing the Room When LOLO takes all the Heart Framers on the screen, a Jewel Box will open containing a Jewel Removingthe Jewelclearstheroom, The Castle of the Labyrinth has ees, rocks, flawerbeds, dese, And bodies of water For thee characters, eer t0 the revere side ofthe Operating Manual Game over Hany afthefollowing occurs, oneL OLO wilbelost, and the numberof remaining LOLOs displayed a She sceors pe ght comer be reduced When caughtty monsters SKULL or ALMA, 2, When ached oy monsters DONMEDUSA, MEDUSA, or GOL. 3. When drowned in water or lava {4 When you alve up by pressing the SELECT button, ‘The game s over when all LOLOs ae lost When the game is ove, the screen changes and LOLO wil show » CONTINUE prompt. To continue the game on the same seraen, press START. To end the game, move LOLO to END Using the contol pad and press START. The sgeme-over screen willbe saved. The nest game may be started on the same screen or by selecting 2 cleared seven, Game continue Instead of staring a new game, you can continue from the last room you eared, using the pas ‘word option, Use the contol pad to select the proper ltrs forthe password Used lo more LOLO vertcally ang henson. Used tage up the game When you comet a deadlock or nose rong actions haliay HOW TO USE THE CONTROLLER f=] o (sed ake advantage of MAGIC SHOTS or POWER, pres SELECT, The gomets given up, but you cn change again, ITEMS Heart Framers Heart matked blocks represent Heart Framers. ‘When al Hear Pramers inthe room are taken the dewel Box opens showing a Jewel, The Heart Framers protect LOLO from the monsies attacks (MEDUSA's Evil Eye or flame-tiowing GOL) Henrt Framers cannot be moved, Special Heart Framers ‘The Special Heart Framers havea hidden infinite ower. By taking one, you can gain two Magic Shots Emerald Framers ‘The green Emerald Framers can be moved by pushing them. Like Heart Framers, Emerald Framers protec LOLO from the monsters atocks Unite Heart Framers, Emerald Framers can be ‘moved to contain the monsters, ‘One-Way Passes LOLO can not pass over the arrow mark in reverse ‘recon, butcan enter troughs side. LOLO can pas over the mar pushing an Emerald Frame or fn Egg. The erection ofthe arow can be changed {sing POWER. Monsters can move in any dec tion regardless ofthe One-way Pass ENVIRONMENT Flower Beds TLOLO ean seek safety from the “Monsters in the FLOWER BEDS, but they wll walt and pounce on LOLO™ when he aves the FLOWER BEDS, EGGS can not be floated over LAVA. LOLO ‘can pass over it using the POWER of a BRIDGE, He must hurry, or the BRIDGE ‘may burn dow from the heat Trees LOLO oF active Monsters cannat pass through the tres. Nether fan a MAGIC SHOT, but some Monster’ attacks can go trough the trees oo ae Bridges LOLO and the Monsters may ‘ross BRIDGES at ny tine Deserts LOLO can enter DESERTS feos buthiswalking speed willbe cutin bale Rocks Nether MAGIC SHOTS, Mon: ster" attacks, LOLO nor active Monstersean passthrough arock, but you ean destoy the rock by using the power ofthe Hammer. ee QO Rivers LOLO sable tokeep EGGS afoat ‘and ide them on the water Ifthe cexrrents lowing then LOLO wil beableto crossthe ver. However, ifthe curent isnot fouing, he wil sino the spot HOW TO EARN POINTS MAGIC SHOTS Magic Shots become available when certain Heart Framers are taken. A ‘monster hit witha Magie Shot tums into an Eag. The Eag ean be pushed ‘around, but wll reer tots orginal shape and poston afer a period of time. When a monster shot with two Mage Shots, the Eg les out of the screen and will not retum for awhile. Alter a perio of time, i wll ‘reappear ints orginal form and postion. The Egg may be floated to en fable LOLO to cross rivers and seas, Whter flows ony in speatic die: tions there is no water flow, the Egg wil sink and LOLO wal drown i he son board POWER \When one of the mark shown below appears on the Power Display, the indicated power may be used, but only after a Specil Heart Framer as heen taken, Magie Shots are not available when POWER i used, a Bridge ‘Ridge can be spanned using Buton A. Cross namow vers this way ‘The drecton of a one-way pass can be changed by presing Button A while ing the arrow mark Hammer ‘ Rindenng rock can be destroyed by ‘ming athe rock and pressing A. EXPLANATION OF THE ABBREVIATIONS In order o use the space inthis Strategy Gulde wisely, we have used the {following abbreviations. We are confident thatthe wil cause no confusion if you have read the Manual HE, Heart Framer Hrs Hear Framers EF Emerald Framer EFS merle Framers Mss Mage Shots STRATEGY GUIDE Weel, you've declded to tackle the Castle ofthe Labyrinth. There are many uwaysto clear esch room, bt you gel 10a room you ean't figure ou, this Strategy Gulde can help you out ‘This Guide il show you ane way o get through each room. As vou get ‘more familar wit the way each adversary behaves andthe ways to use the tool at your disposal, you wilfind other svatesies you can use. Don't be afraid fo experiment ‘Al directions are gven from the player's point of view. So, fr example, the instructions say to move lett means to your ll as you face the screen, no matter what direction Lolo may be facing atthe moment. ‘eThertemsin he dagramsuillbe marked A,B, etc, butinthe same room {you might have Emerald Framer A, Heart Pramer A, Snakey A, and so on, 0 be sure you know what each characters called ‘@¥edusa and Don Medusa can atack you oma distance, so keep an eye ‘on their paths af all times. (0 There lberoomsuhere speed and agit are thekey, androoms where yotrcan take your time, You learn to el he diference wth practi, (© There will be Sections ofthe game where iming ls cuca. Wi abit of practice you'llknow where those poins are. 0 ng journey has begun! The ist Monster you ull meets Snakes shove you Bow to get around him ina moment, Fist ke HF A, Fi. 0) (Once you take the HF you ull get two Magic Shots. Use your ist shot tovencage Snakey nan Eag, and your second tobounce him out of the screen. (Fig. 2) ‘When you tale the second HF the Jewel Box willopen. (Fig. 3) When sou fake the Jewel Shakey wil dkappear and the door wil open You've cleared your fst room. There are many, more dificult ones 0 “| 1 2 Goleman aden ult HES takn. Lean HF oe alltherestofthe Hs (Fg. 1) Mowe the EF oven fontof Goi cone eat coneta mistake tn moving an EF, so be accurate. Fi, TBheTIPA, Goleta up buyout ecko himin wh he EF 29 ‘here's nothing to fear from him. But Gol B can throw flares fom above, sou Thave toavoid hie flames an vourway tothe Jewel Box Fa, 3) 1 2 a When you tke HF A you ul getthe use oftwo MSs. Use your fist MS to-encase Snakey nan Egg, and your second tobounce him out ofthe screen. (Fg. 1) ‘When Leeper touches Lolo he falls asleep and you won't be able to rove hin Don't put him 20 sleep in a narrow spot or youll tap {yourselWaitfor him inthe spot shown inthe diagram. (Pi. 2) Now you can pk up the rest ofthe Hs, take the Jewel, and ou'e off tothe next room! (hia. 3) ic Ip 00g000,, SSO ” fed maa) = 8 Goa) oS°s) 1. Inthis room youl have ta confine all the Skulls before you tae the last HE. Pit move EF A down and EF B tothe lef, topping Shall A. Take HFs A and B, then use EFs Cand D to confine Skull. (Fi, 1) 2, Move EFS end G tothe let, and push EF Eup. (Fig, 2) '3. Use vo MSs to remove Skul Cfyom the screen. (Fa. 3) When you take the rest ofthe HF the Skul willbe fee to move, but f you've succesful eked then youl bse: Skl Cw rapper = jont waste any time! “ Push EF A over to the let wall, and take HP A. (Fig. 1) 2 Voucon tel FB whout moving the EE To gettiFsC and Dou hhave to move the EFsthat aren the way. Theresonlyone way in and ‘out, 20 don't Rocky block you i! Fig 2), 3. Rocigwilda his best to block yun, so keep an eye on him, especialy ‘when you'e among the rocks Fig. 3) When you've cleared the room gsrasewiappen Cinb the eae, and youre ofthe second i! 5 TEL Oo Q Q8 aQ QQ @@ 2d Q o8 ° ibe : 1, Almacrdinat movesataconstantspeed, buthe abo can tuck hisbody Into a ball and rll quickly afer Lolo. When he does this he moves in ' predictable pattern that you can use to your advantage once you linderstandit Fis, move qlekly to these ofRac,A and wat. Fig. 1) 2. Go immediately to the bottom of the scrzen and move EF A down. \When Alma moues down, push EF Bio the right and trap him. (Fe. 2) 3, Kyouda this successlly you cen take the rest ofthe Hes and clear the room. Fi. 3) 6 Move EF A up to block Medus's Eul Eye onthe let (Fg. 1) Move EF B up and to the right to block his downward line of sight ig.2) Use EFsC and Do block of Medusa Bin the same way, Now you can take therestofthe Hs. Pig 3) Medusa stil dangerous, so be careful wh #1 3S) [oS @ S 68988 28820; 8 EES 8 @ edo Q 2 | O @8O0GO@ : TE = oO og rm 8 Be88 3 Bé ES © BSas0 a go oa 2 Soe 28 |O| So 0 SB @ Bo S o SEO o &08 ag @ Ee oO Go @ oO fa) @ @O_O@ @ 90 11. Move Lolo up into the Jewel Box, and push EF A to the left as far as | 11. Pick up all the HFs you can, but keep an eye on Rocky’s movements. the wee, Wh yourtinig, and pit the EF recy in Don Medusss = | Fa.) path (ig. 2, The Hammer wilstattoflckernthe Power Display, Use your Harmer 2, Gop the lt wall and pick up HF A, Be careful of Don Medusa! Power o shaterRock A. (Fg. 2) (Fg. B Then move EF Aone space tothe night 3. Which Rocky's movementcrefuly and ake HFA, Use the two MSs 3. Now move to the ight de and perform the same maneuver, picking Sou now have to ge id of Snakes. Now you ean pick up HF Band up HEB. Move EF B tothe left and block Don Medusa. Now you clear the room. (9.3) ! CP r 20 “Take HF A and B, then goto the Flower Bed and walt Timing your shot carefully, encase Alma in an Eag end take HF C. (Fig. 1) Now change the decton ofthe One Why Pass. Move EF A all the way tothe let and take HF. Then move EF C one space tothe left a. 2) Now move EF B and C out and tap Skulls A and B. (Fg. 3) Encase Snakey in an Egg and use to wap Shull C, Toke HF, pickup the ‘esel, and you're oft the Tid Flor! 1. Taking HF A wilgve you twoMSs, Use onetoencase Snakey, and use the Fag to block the horizontal ne of sight of Mess A, (Fig. 1) 2. Take HFs B,C, Dand E, then build a Bridge atthe point shown inthe diogram. (Fig, 2) 3. Use EFS A and Btoblock Medusa Bonthesde and op. Take HFsF and G. then use EF Co block Medusa A's downward line of sight. (Fg. 3) \Wihen you take HE H the Skulls wil stat thet erst, 50 hurry tothe Jewel Box and take the Jewel a [Rist take HF A. Then, postioning Lolo as shown nthe diagram, use ‘one of your MSs to encase Alma in an Egg. (Fi. 1) Push the Fagin between the rocks onthe right, and use EFA to blak itn, Use your second MS to encase Skull Then push the Eag up and float itn the water Fig. 2) Use the Bg to crossover othe sland. Take HEB, then catch the Fag agannasitflass by. (Fig, 3) Landing jus above Skull, tke HFs C and Shall wil immediately taro chase Lolo, so huey to the Jewel box. Remember, Shull A willsoon reappear, so dont waste any te! 7 aa Fst, move Lolo tothe left and put Leeper to sleepin the spot shown Inthe diagram. (Fig. I) 2. Now gota the spot shown inthe diagram, and put Leeper Bo sleep, a2) "Now you can take yourtime picking up the HF Fig. 3) Justbe careful ‘where you put the Leeper to sleep-don' trap yoursel i 00 2 B08 —o a 8 Beso 8 8 3 Bee ° 2 9a-"8 9 Gea 6 OR eB a 3 S| poo - 2 conte 2 ee | 8 Soc 92 83 G08 a $3588 |./8 S688 2 Q@0e28 Cn 8 Bases. |G] 8 Saree. Bees lair 060 oO IO See 0_00 OgC° BI Bo 5) So o 4 2 Move EF E to the eft, and EF A tothe right. Following the wall down, ‘move EF Bo thee. Fg. 1) Move EF Co the lt, and EFD fourspacesto the right, Along the way you ean pick up athe HFs except HEA, (Hig. 2) ‘Now you can take HF A, The Monsters will tart 1 move, but youre in no danger Push EF E and Skull down together and take the dowel. Fg 3) Pst takeallthe HFs except HF A, The Deser ui sow Lolo down, but youre in no danger yet. (Fig. 1) Once you've taken the HFs, move ove tothe FF (Fig. 2) Move the EF to he space between Gol A and HF A (Fig. 3) Now you can fake HP A, andthe Jewel, Of 0 the Fourth Flot Qo” @ S| 1. Move up to the right ide of EF A and wat. Timing your move care- fully use the EF to tap Don Medusa between the EF and the rock Fe.) 2. Ciel around and push EFA up to complete your tap. Then use EFB ‘up fo block him on the ght. (3.2) 3, Moveto the ght, using only sae areas, and tap Don Medusa Bin the 28 tame way, Usethe same technique to rap Don MedusasC and D. Take the Hs (Fig. 3) and you'e af tothe next challenge! 1, Take HFs A, B and C. Use a MS to encase Snakey A. (Fig. 1) 2, loathe Eag on the water, and ide it over tote sland, (Fg. 2) 43, Take HED, and hop back on the Eag. When youreach the shore, tke HF E. Use to MSs to get id of Snakey B. (Pi. 3} Use the Same ‘method fo pick up HF F. When Snakey B reappears, you can etd ‘ot him agnin # necessary. Fora challange, fy taking HFs D and Fat ae > B => BOSD OO =e Ss Se acy ER a Daoee-c C.0 008% beg ®. || B88 cae BPBE° ane | |e OC OG OBO Boras SR. oe Oo 28GB eee Gore) OB BB a CagcOsG a8 | Lo oe somos! | iis © PS a5 2 eB) Pes g pass 8.9 8 8 8088 a 8808 go 8s RE? aah 1B] 29S 8 cal eg a0 8 ee S988 828 28 stata |o 8 ahah 1. Go tothe upper ght and move EFs A and C tothe ight. Fig. 1) 2) Move EF B down, Push EF A up to block Gol A, EF C down to block ‘Medusa, and EF D tothe left to block Gol B. Block Skull with EFs E ‘and Fes shown in the dagyam. (Fg. 2) 3. Use EF Bto tock GolC. (ig. 3) Now take the HF, and the Jewel, But ek your ext route cvefly! ° eX eg 88 1 Bln crf of Don Mada, move th EF toh ft of ee TaeHPa pub be Ef mcearieige, ade ie 8 2, Unste S tap Nadun ana hott ale. 2 th yoann 2. BACHE tent ria ett o2) roth Boge nde HED Use uo Moro get Go ante eee Posgeargs =) @ 1, Use EF A ta block Don Medusa onthe right, and take HF A. Use a MS. to encase Snakey A. and use the Egg fo block Don Medusa on the bottom. (ig. 1) 2, Take HF B, then encase Snskey Band use the Eag to block Medusa on the bottom. (ig. 2) 3, Finally move EF B two spaces up, and take HF C. (Fig. 3) Grab the slewel, and youte off to the ith Flor. 4. There are many ways to clear this room-wel show you one. But be accurate when you move the EFs. A mistake in thiskind of maze tends fo compound tell Fist move A and C to the right, B up, and take the HE Then E and G to the right, F dou, and the next. (Pg 1) 2, Move Cup, E down, and H and J each one space to the ight. Now't down, and tae the HF. Then K tothe right. (Bg 2), 3, Take thetwo HF, Nowmove and Nto height, Mdown andtakethe HE. (Fig. 3) Move 0 and Q to te right, P down, and tke the Jewel (Once Gol dsappears you can push Otothetop, push Rtotheleft, and ‘ut the door to the next room io oS Oo e IR og 2 . @ilen @ Beonoee ae 8 BS } oe o O@BO e QO @ 8 o |\s08 i Ome) P° 8.8 |le%e \ o8 OF po | sike Oneene) leP@Soe 1D 9 oO 1. You can pics up HFs A,B, Cand, butbe caret of Meduss. Push EF ‘allthe way tothe bottom, PushEF Bthough he One Wy Passtothe tock, stacking them up. (2. 1) 2, Pushing EFA. goto the land pck up HFsE, Fand G. Changingthe Girecion of One Way Pass A, push EF B up and block Medison 3. Push EF Bp and block off Medusa, pick up the Hs, then go ack to thorght Rg. 2) the Jewel Bon, Remove Soakey one more me (Fs, 3) Take HF A, 3. MovsEFC above Meds tke HEH, and youre offtothenextroom! | then ace the Skills fo the Jewel Box! 1. Ristiake HFsAandB. Bounce Snakey Aout ofthe screen and take HF (C.Do the same with Snaley B, then bulla Bridge as shown inthe diagam. (Fa. 1) 2, Take HE D, then r-cross the Bridge before the Snakeys reappear. Encase Skil A, fake HF E, then bull a Bridge as shown inthe da gam. (Fig. 2) 3, Take HES, GandH, then use EF A, Band Cto trap the Skul, Fi 3) Take HPI, then watch for Gols flame when you goto the Jewel Box! 1 2. 3 Teste Hs asoun me dag, 1) Push EF lth wy tothe bottom, Push EF B up to Medusas right side, and EF C up ageins the rock ‘Then fake the HFs as shown inthe diagram. (Pi. 2) ‘Move EFD1otherght. (Pi 3) Bymoving EF Edown and EFDup, you an take the lat HF. Be careful ofthe many One'Why Passes this ‘oom, and plan your moves welin advance. Now, on to Floor Sod 1. Move EFA, B,C, Dand Eas shown ta blocc ofthe Medusas. (Fi, 1) 1. Use EF A toblockoff Medusa A on hele side. Move EFsC, DandE, 2. Move EFsFand up, Gtothelet, and take HPs, Band C. ig. 2) and take HFS A, Band C. Fig. 1) 43, Moveto the other side and use the same maneuver with EFs J, K and 2, Take HF. Move EF Bo apoint between Medusas A and B, blocking Land HFs D, E and F Block off Medusa B on the ight and left wth thom both off with one Framer (Fg. 2) EFSH and J. Block off Medusa B from above with EFL (Fig. 3) Now 3. Encase Snakey and putthe Egg above Medusa C. (Fig. 3) Take HEE, | youtean grab the Jewel, and clear the room, and G. Finally, move EF F down othe ight of Medusa B, ane take the lst HE 9) Gita atta rh Css 2 aL lalalalay A0Q OO® 2B Use EF A toblock Medusa A's right side Fig, 1) ‘Avoiding Leeper, move EF B exactly two spaces up.Go to the Flower Bed, and put Leeper to sleep nthe spot show in the diagram. (Fig. 2) MoveEF Bagain thistimeto MedustAsletsde. ig. 3) Now youcan take the HFs and clear the room, Fisttake HFS and B. Move EF Aas shown, then encase Snakey and - ‘oat the Egg inthe water (Fa. 1), Move to EF A and cre over on the Egg to the sland. (Fig. 2) Puch EF Bin above Medusa, catch the Egg agin, and take FIEC. Bud fa Bridge In the comer, take HF D, (Fig. 3) and fake the Jewel before Skallean capture you ‘Toke HF A. Encase Shakey, lat the Egg on the water, and cross over tothe sland. Fig. 1) Block Medusaon the bottom with EF A andhisleftside wh EFB, Ride the Egg tothe small iland. (Fg.2) ‘Take HFs Band C, and ide the Egg back to your origina postion. (i, 3) tyou make a mistake, you stil have one MS le. > 2) Don't the comploaty ofthis one throw you. Fisttake HE A. Enease Gol A and move the Egg tothe le. (Fi. 1) ‘Move EFs A and C up, Band D down, and take allihe HFs except B. a.) [Block Gols A, Band C with EFS E, Fand G. Move EFS H andto the Jef: Enease GolD and move the Eag wp. (Pig. 3) Take HE B, andthe room fs cleared. a i a O° ® 0990900 OG > oo ofl 1, Bock n Don Medusa A with EF A nd Don Medusa B wth EF 8 5g. 1) Fist take HF A. Encase Gol A and use the Egg to block Medusa A's Jettside. (ig ) 2, Ph EF C up against Mdhs A Block MedusnB on he bottom and let with EFs D and, and Medusa As ght sde with EF E. (Pig. 2) 3, Block Medusa C with EFs G and |, and Medusa A's left side with EF i Fig 3) Tae the lst HF Which your route, and take the Jewel Do the same with Gol, and block Medusa B. Toke HF B. Now youl have to work fast. Encase Gols C and D. (Fig. 2) ‘Quickly take HF C, and the Jewel Fig. 3) acd 0g 9H9HHHHPH 3 Ec oo9nnebeg) ete ob j Ie” 9099009 QaQ0096. ® ed Beoga809 = 1, Téke the HFs as shown in the diagram, then change the ection of One Way Pass A. Fs. 1) 2, Pickup the HSas shown, then change the drecton of One Way Pass B. Fa.2) 43, Now you can head forthe Jewel Box. (Fig. 3) But the carefulin your choice of routes t's easy to trap yoursell al @ Leaving HF A, take the rest ofthe HPs on the outside ofthe square, then change the ection of One-Way Pass A. (la 1) "Take al ofthe HFs in the centr, then bloc in the upper four Skulls with EFS A and B. (Fig. 2) ‘Change the diection of One Why PacsB. Fig, 3) Being EPs Cand Din toblock the other Skul, Now take HF A and clear the room. fe See Be OFT, Q 5 8 Be eee 33 3 a ove &> =p = =6| Ee 7 or a ee og Be Bocog coook C80 @ BRA G02 Gs oS) oct “S op0000 =D. Opo00DD 0 oDn loceas °g00d) [to Be aod Te ma 1. Moving EFs Band C up, take HF A. (Fig. 1) 2) Use EF Ato Block off Gol then take allthe His, Use your Hammer smash Rock A. (Fig. 2) 3. Move EF E4xacly one space tothe ight. Now block Medusa wh EF D, and youllbe able to clear the room. (Fig, 3) @ Bi: 1 Fit take HFB, Move EFS A and Cito the let, and EF B down. Move Fa Blak of Medias Cond D wih Ef Bandy.) Now ake HEC and clear the room, ar oye @ Pag @ fesJalc} a goso ca 83 Fsttake HEA, then block Medusa Cwith EF A, and Medusa B with EFB. Fig. 1) Block off Medusas A and B with EF Cas shown. (Fig. 2) ‘Move EF D dou hala space and tothe et halfa space. (Fig. 3 Now you ean take the last HE Ni bf bw ee First block off Medusa’ eft side wih EF A (Ba. 1) 2) Using the One Way Passes, move EFs B, C and D to block Medusa onal sides. (ig 2 Now ake the HES, When you take the lst one, Skull willstrtto chase you, so you might want otake HF A lst 4 “B08 ae Boe | BOROeOS | i. i , 8 he © * Ree, @ do @ i. 888 = 288 » fe = ae no a 208 Hecese S8Q887o" ee eee ees ‘tap Don Medusa Ain the bottom right. Move EFE down one space, land use EF Bn the same way to tap Don Medusa B, (Fg 1) Move EF E backup one space, and bring EFs C and D down to block Medusas A and B onthe top. (Pa. 2) Bring EFs F and F down and place them as shown. (Fig. 3) Now you can fake the rest ofthe HFS Way = Move immediately to the spot shown and waitfor Alma. (Fig. 1) When Alma approaches, quickly crce counter-clockwse and, using the bridges tothe upper ef, take the HF Fig. 2) "Now Alma wll reverse direction. Gato the spat shown and watt agin (Fig. 3) When Alma comes again, ccle quickly clockwise, andthe path willbe clear othe Jewel Box. ‘DB, a ep ey 8 $ ere ey 8 904 Al Sey gQ0g09 909 Ses SI 6.8 8 6 0a0 Eee, 64 Be ea I@QADABOGAGO la @ QO 2 @ 2 © $ 0 aa a ee oa0aa00000} 2000099000) oe 1. Movingthe EFs one by onetothe postion shou, takeHFs A,B,C, D and Pa. 1) 2. Moving the EFs ance more, take HFSF, G, H and L. (Pi. 2) 3. Moving EF Gto the eft to makea path ‘ake HF J. Encase Gols A and Band move them tothe sles, (Fig. 3) Now you can take HF K and the dewel, 1. Take HF A and tthe Leopers out. Using the Flower Bed to time your ‘move, put Leeper to sleep in the pont shown. (Fig, 1) 2. Now put two beepers to sleep at the bottom ofthe Flower Bed, and the fourth atthe One Way Pass as shown. (Fig. 3), 3, Take HF B, then use your two MSs to get rid of Gol B. (Pe. 3) Take HEC, then rushto the Jewel Box before Gol B reappears. GB a oO le, & G99 25] |e. & OOo 1. Move EF A down and, avoiding Don Medusa’ line of sight, take HF, ‘Aand B. Take HF C, encase Snakey A, and move the Eggto the point ‘shown, (Fg. 1) 2. Bring EF B to the postion shown, then encase Snakey B and move him down, g.2) AWORD OF ADVICE 3, PushDon Medusa althe wayto the let. Use BFs Cand Dtoblock Don Medusa and Gol. Move EF E to Snakey A's lel side. (Fa. 3) Fal, take HE D and the Jewels yours Its very important o werk as quicky as possible inthe last room. f you estate you Tun out of Mage Sts and vil be easly defeated by the fong ronsof Gas guarding the Jeno. You probably haveto chalenge tis one many tmes before you dlscove the sapret to clearing the om. 6 57 SO Lat ne @ Bo Of 1, Moving the EF doum, tke HF A. Encase Snakey A, quickly push him ins shou, then immediately run as far let as possible. (ig 1) 2, This wll put Leeper o sleep in the postion shown. Fig. 2) Take each HE inthis way, Nowenease GolB andusethe Eggtoblock GolC. Fig.3) Now youcan clear the room, ‘Take HE A, then encase Snakey A. Pushthe Eagallthe way to theight andup, andflot iin the water, Cross the steam and take HEB. Cross ‘gin, moving EF A down exact one space. Then perform the same maneuver on the other side. (Bg. 1) Block Medusas A and Bwth EFsA and. Usethe Snakeysonceagsin toblock the Medusas on thesides, and take HFsF and. Use onemore MS to get id of Snakey B. Fig. 2) [Now timing serial Shatier Rock A, then un othe ide of Snakey B, ‘When Don Medusa comes out, encase Snakey andusetheEqgto block im in among the bottom rocks (Fig. 3) Now you can take the Jewel. 1. Use EFs A and B to blackin Medusos A and B, and tke HFA, Bond Ea lo be fal ciara ou ssw from Son eee Ca CC. Encase Snakes and push the Eg in under Medusa C, Take HED, Deull himel! Fis, take the HF. Use a MS to encase Gol A, quickly then quickly shoot the Eg from the screen. (Fa. 1) move tothe other ste, and encase GolB (Fa. 1) 2, When Snakey eappears, encase him again, push the Eag to the right 2. Move the Eagtothe boom ofthe seren and block of Medusa, Fig. 2) to block of Don Medusa, and take HE E. Immediately use another BY Nove po ces era aa bepeen ae ea Shot o get ofthe Eg, and run 0 Rock A. Pa 2) ‘outa the flames. Dont mis the tog the ight at the end. Now, 3. On Don Medusa’ upswing, smash the rock and run immediately to fie Gren Dewibimealt the sde of FB, When Snakey reappears, encase im again and use ‘he Eggo block Don Medusa in the lower ight corner. Fg. 3) Pal, encase Skull A, push the Egg aside, and take the Jewel

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