E LBP Mcoq Mod 13.3 Auto Ass 1 PDF

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EASA MODULE 13 (13/3)


To be completed after studying the appropriate parts of
module 13 Avionic Systems

It is recommended that you take this paper as if it is

an actual CAA examination. After-all, it is a learning
tool and the more you get used to doing multi
choice papers the more comfortable you will feel
when doing the actual CAA exam.

Set your time limit (1.3 minutes per question),

complete the paper then check your answers with
those given at the back. Check that you understand
the correct answer for those questions that you
made an incorrect response to.
Licence by Post EASA 66 13/3



1. The effect of position feedback in an autopilot system:

(a) Will ensure that the control surface is moved in the correct
(b) Ensures that the control surface returns to the neutral position
when the disturbance is corrected.
(c) Ensures that the magnitude of control surface movement is pre-

2. The output of an E and I bar sensing device is:

(a) Phased sensed ac.

(b) Polarity sensed dc.
(c) Fixed polarity dc.

3. The sense of a control surface position feedback signal will:

(a) Assist the signal displacing the servo.

(b) Reverse when the control surface limit is reached.
(c) Oppose the signal causing the displacement of the control surface.

4. The output of a slaved directional gyro to an autopilot consists of:

(a) Pitch and roll angles.

(b) Azimuth rate.
(c) Azimuth angle.

5. Operation of the autopilot trim controller:

(a) Moves the trim tabs.

(b) Allows slow autopilot commands to be applied.
(c) Maintains the aircraft in straight and level flight.

6. An autopilot turn control primarily controls:

(a) Elevators.
(b) Rudder.
(c) Ailerons.

7. An autopilot three-axis rate transmitter produces signals proportional to:

(a) Vertical acceleration, yaw rate and pitch rate.

(b) Yaw rate, pitch rate and roll rate.
(c) Rate of climb, rate of turn and longitudinal acceleration.

8. An autopilot three-axis trim indicator shows out of trim condition by

(a) Autopilot demands.

(b) Vertical gyro error signals.
(c) Primary servomotor loads.

9. The term ‘positive feedback’ refers to signals which are:

(a) The same magnitude as the demand signal.

(b) Of the same sense as the demand signal.
(c) Of the opposite sense as the demand signal.

10. A servomechanism having a tachogenerator only as a feedback device


(a) Vary its speed with input error voltage.

(b) Have a constant speed for any input voltage.
(c) Null out at a position dependant on input error voltage.

11. The signal responsible for returning an aileron to its neutral position
when an aircraft has reached its correct attitude as demanded by the
autopilot is the:

(a) Vertical gyro.

(b) Position feedback.
(c) Compass error.

12. After VOR capture on a ground check, aileron movement will depend

(a) Heading error, course error and radio deviation.

(b) Heading select error, radio deviation and airspeed.
(c) Course select error, radio deviation and bank angle.

13. The phase of a modulator signal corresponds to the:

(a) Phase sense of the input.

(b) Polarity of a dc input signal.
(c) Polarity of the reference signal.

14. If the I bar of an E and I pickoff is out of datum position, the:

(a) Voltages on each secondary are equal and opposite.

(b) Direction of displacement gives the output magnitude.
(c) Direction of displacement gives the output phase sense.

15. The signal from a VG is used in an autopilot to give an output which is
proportional to:

(a) Rate of disturbance.

(b) Heading error.
(c) Angle of disturbance.

16. For a rate gyro to detect roll movement its axis of spin must be:

(a) Athwartships.
(b) On the longitudinal axis.
(c) On the vertical axis.

17. In an autopilot an integrator could be used to:

(a) Provide phase advance signals.

(b) Help prevent oscillation.
(c) Prevent the aircraft standing off a radio beam.

18. Bank angle limiting concerns:

(a) Maximum aileron angle.

(b) Maximum aircraft angle of bank that the autopilot can demand.
(c) Minimum aircraft angle of bank that the autopilot can demand.

19. An autopilot using a vertical gyro will automatically disengage with:

(a) Bank angle limit exceeded.

(b) Loss of VG signal.
(c) Limitation of VG signal.

20. Mach lock mode can be operated with:

(a) Altitude hold mode.

(b) Altitude hold mode disengaged.
(c) Altitude hold off or on.

21. An autopilot disconnect is indicated by:

(a) Amber light.

(b) No light.
(c) Red light.

22. When operated, an autopilot cut-out system:

(a) Disconnects the servomotor from the control surface.

(b) Disconnects the electrical excitation to the servomotor but the
servomotor is left connected to the control surface.
(c) Allows the servomotor to remain on.

23. Of the VOR and ILS signals which has the greater sensitivity:

(a) ILS.
(b) VOR.
(c) Same sensitivity.

24. When using a rate gyro to detect pitch attitude change the gimbal ring
axis is:

(a) Lateral.
(b) 15 degrees to the normal axis.
(c) Vertical or longitudinal.

25. In a rate/rate system:

(a) The servomotor speed is inversely proportional to the rate at which

the disturbance takes place.
(b) The servomotor speed is proportional to the rate at which the
disturbance takes place.
(c) The servomotor speed depends on the angle of displacement.

26. In a displacement autopilot system the position feedback:

(a) Totally opposes the demand when the control surface is faired.
(b) Totally opposes the demand when the control surface is at the
demand position.
(c) Is zero at the demand position.

27. Servomotor mountings are fixed to the airframe to:

(a) Give a convenient point for torque measurement.

(b) Obviate the necessity for a duplicate inspection.
(c) Allow servomotor replacement without control run disturbance.

28. In autopilot pre-engagement the synchronisation circuits ensure that


(a) Trim indicators will read zero prior to engagement.

(b) Autopilot control circuits are at zero demand conditions prior to
(c) Aircraft will always be returned to straight and level flight when
the autopilot is engaged.

29. A ‘Voter’ system is used to ensure that:

(a) The autopilot will disengage automatically if a fault occurs during

the Approach/Land modes and audible and visual warnings occur.
(b) All interlock circuit conditions are met prior to autopilot
(c) In multiplex systems a faulty channel is automatically disengaged.

30. A vertical gyro senses disturbances in:

(a) One axis.

(b) Two axes.
(c) Three axes.

31. A rate gyro senses disturbances in:

(a) One axis.

(b) Two axes.
(c) Three axes.

32. A single rate gyro can be used to sense changes in attitude about:

(a) One axis.

(b) Two axes.
(c) Three axes.

33. The reference and variable signals of a VOR are compared for:

(a) Amplitude.
(b) Frequency.
(c) Phase.

34. ILS glide slope carrier frequency is in the:

(a) UHF band.

(b) VHF band.
(c) HF band.

35. The localiser output signals from the navigation receiver are:

(a) Polarity-sensitive dc.

(b) Phase-sensitive ac.
(c) Always of the same phase or polarity.

36. Marker beacons signals are used by the AFCS to sense:

(a) Distance from the runway threshold.

(b) Altitude of an aircraft on the approach.
(c) Approach speed of the aircraft.

37. When an aircraft overflies the localiser transmitter, the signals received
will be:

(a) In the same sense.

(b) In a reverse sense.
(c) So mixed as to be unreliable.

38. The radiation pattern of a VOR station will transmit bearings that are:

(a) True.
(b) Magnetic.
(c) Reciprocal.

39. Compatible autopilot modes are:

(a) Height lock and VOR.

(b) Vertical speed lock and height lock.
(c) IAS and glideslope.

40. The usable range of the ILS localiser beam is:

(a) The same as the glideslope.

(b) About 15 miles greater than the glideslope.
(c) Less than the glideslope by about 17 miles.

41. The pitch attitude of an aircraft with autopilot engaged can be changed
by the:

(a) Pitch switch, CWS, altitude hold, IAS hold.

(b) Pitch switch and CWS operation only.
(c) Altitude hold but not IAS hold.

42. The airspeed lock:

(a) Operates the throttles to vary the airspeed.

(b) Controls the pitch attitude of the aircraft.
(c) Operates the speed brakes and spoilers.

43. A heading error signal is generated by the difference between:

(a) Selected track and datum.

(b) Aircraft heading and datum.
(c) Aircraft heading and selected course.

44. Prior to engagement with autopilot power ON the trim indicators will

(a) Standing voltage on the servo control loop.

(b) Aircraft trim out of datum.
(c) Trim control surface position.

45. On an autopilot ground check, loss of servomotor rate feedback will:

(a) Cause the control to oscillate about its datum.

(b) Run the control to maximum displacement.
(c) Disconnect the autopilot.

46. A manometric airspeed lock will require:

(a) Static pressure only.

(b) Pitot pressure only.
(c) Pitot and static pressure.

47. In an autopilot system, ‘q’ from the CADC is used for:

(a) Controlling altitude.

(b) Controlling airspeed.
(c) Gain programming.

48. On an autopilot ground check, loss of control surface position feedback

will cause:

(a) The control to oscillate about its datum.

(b) The control surface to move to its maximum position.
(c) Movement of the control surface in the opposite direction.

49. The requirement of a synchronizing system is to:

(a) Not disengage on autopilot engagement.

(b) Disengage on autopilot engagement.
(c) Not engage until autopilot engagement.

50. Tachogenerator feedback:

(a) Cannot be used to provide position feedback.

(b) Is proportional to control surface movement in relation to demand
(c) Damps oscillations of the control surface.

51. What radio equipment can be used in an AFCS:

(a) ADF, Radio Altitude.

(b) DME, ILS, ADF.
(c) VOR, ILS.

52. An electro-mechanical servo is powered:

(a) Electrically.
(b) Hydraulically.
(c) Pneumatically.

53. Compatible modes are:

(a) Altitude Hold/VOR.

(b) Altitude Hold/Glideslope.
(c) Heading/VOR.

54. Localiser frequencies command:

(a) Pitch and roll.

(b) Yaw and pitch.
(c) Yaw and roll.

55. The purpose of Duplex servomotors is to:

(a) Give fail passive operation.

(b) Increase torque.
(c) Prevent hardover or runaway.

56. The circuit used for washout is a:

(a) Differentiator.
(b) Integrator.
(c) Modulator.

57. Successful synchronisation would be displayed by the trim indicator


(a) Zero.
(b) Central.
(c) Control surface position.

58. Trim indicators are actuated by:

(a) Synchros.
(b) DC milliammeters.
(c) LVDT.

59. Electrically-operated torque limiting is achieved by a:

(a) Resistor connected in series with the control phase.

(b) Resistor connected in parallel with the control phase.
(c) Resistor connected in series with the reference phase.

60. ‘q’ feel is used in relation to:

(a) Lower speed, more artificial feel.

(b) Higher speed, more artificial feel.
(c) Higher speed, less artificial feel.

61. An aural warning in an autopilot system will sound when:

(a) Autopilot is disengaged.

(b) Stabiliser trim is operated.
(c) Altitude Hold is disconnected.

62. The requirement of the position feedback signal is to:

(a) Provide a signal proportional to the input signal angular

(b) Minimise servo hunting.
(c) Assist the input signal angular displacement.

63. The Glideslope Receiver gives an output to the autopilot in:

(a) Roll and yaw.

(b) Pitch only.
(c) Roll only.

64. Modulation consists of converting:

(a) ac to polarity-sensitive dc.

(b) dc to phase-sensitive ac.
(c) ac to polarity-sensitive ac.

65. In a steady coordinated turn, heading signal to the autopilot is:

(a) Assisted by the VG signal.

(b) Opposed by the VG signal.
(c) Both opposed and assisted at times.

66. In a pitch mode, the VG signal will:

(a) Assist servo signal.

(b) Not be used.
(c) Oppose servo signal.

67. The pilot cannot use the autopilot to control the aircraft with:

(a) CWS.
(b) Pitch Steering.
(c) TCS.

68. Loss of Rate Feedback signal results in:

(a) Overshooting of the control surface.

(b) No movement of the control surface.
(c) Oscillation of the control surface.

69. When the clutch is energised the servomotor is:

(a) Connected to the control surface.

(b) Disconnected from the control surface.
(c) De-energised.

70. A servomotor has torque limiting for the purpose of:

(a) Limiting the pilots control over the aircraft.

(b) Limiting the autopilots authority.
(c) Limiting the feedback to the control column.

71. IAS Hold mode can only be engaged with altitude hold:

(a) Disengaged.
(b) Engaged.
(c) Engaged or disengaged.

72. Over-amplification of the rate feedback signal will result in:

(a) Over-sensitive response of the servo.

(b) No noticeable difference.
(c) Sluggish operation of the servo.

73. In manometric Height Lock signal magnitude:

(a) Increases with increase in airspeed.

(b) Decreases with increase in airspeed.
(c) Decrease with decrease in airspeed.

74. If a constant rate signal is fed to a Rate-Rate servo the servomotor will:

(a) Run at a constant speed.

(b) Stop at a datum.
(c) Be heavily damped.

75. When would full-scale deflection occur on the course pointer in VOR:

(a) 2 degrees off beam.

(b) 5 degrees off beam.
(c) 10 degrees off beam.

76. The term ‘Model Reference’ in an AFCS refers to:

(a) Limiting.
(b) Integrating.
(c) Gain programming.


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Licence By Post EASA 66 13/3


Name ………………………………… Student number ………… Date …………

Subject Autoflight 13.3

Assessment number 1 of 3

1 21 41 61 81

2 22 42 62 82

3 23 43 63 83

4 24 44 64 84

5 25 45 65 85

6 26 46 66 86

7 27 47 67 87

8 28 48 68 88

9 29 49 69 89

10 30 50 70 90

11 31 51 71 91

12 32 52 72 92

13 33 53 73 93

14 34 54 74 94

15 35 55 75 95

16 36 56 76 96

17 37 57 77 97

18 38 58 78 98

19 39 59 79 99

20 40 60 80 100
LBP Multiple choice answers (answers should be checked)

Module 13/3 - Autoflight

Q1 b Q51 c
Q2 a Q52 a
Q3 c Q53 a
Q4 c Q54 c
Q5 a Q55 c
Q6 c Q56 b
Q7 b Q57 a
Q8 c Q58 b
Q9 b Q59 a
Q10 a Q60 b
Q11 b Q61 a
Q12 c Q62 a
Q13 b Q63 b
Q14 c Q64 b
Q15 c Q65 b
Q16 a Q66 c
Q17 c Q67 c
Q18 b Q68 c
Q19 b Q69 a
Q20 b Q70 b
Q21 c Q71 a
Q22 a Q72 c
Q23 a Q73 b
Q24 c Q74 a
Q25 b Q75 c
Q26 b Q76 c
Q27 c
Q28 b
Q29 c
Q30 b
Q31 a
Q32 b
Q33 c
Q34 a
Q35 a
Q36 a
Q37 a
Q38 b
Q39 a
Q40 b
Q41 a
Q42 b
Q43 b
Q44 a
Q45 a
Q46 c
Q47 c
Q48 b
Q49 b
Q50 c

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