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Bangladesh Bar Council

(A Statutory Autonomous Body of the Government Constituted Under President’s Order No. 46 of 1972)



Page: 01

This Agreement of pupilage is made this the …….............. Day of ….......................... 201…………………..


Mr. ………………………………………………………………………………….................................................... Advocate,

Son/Daughter …………………………………...………………............................. rolled on ........................ with the
Bangladesh Bar Council and a member of the ................................................................. Bar Association
of Mailing address & mobile no ……………………...........................................................................................……..

Mr. ...................................................................................................................................................................... Advocate,
permitted to practice in the High Court Division on ................................................................... and a
member of the Bangladesh Supreme Court Bar Association, presently residing at.............................
1. Now these presents witness that Mr. ………………………................................................... (Pupil) of
his own free will doth hereby place and bind himself as a pupil of
Mr. ............................................................. (Sr.) to be by him taught and instructed in the practice
and profession of an Advocate of the High Court Division and agree to serve him from the
date hereof for and during and until the full end of 6/12 months.
2. That Mr. .............................................................................................................. (Pupil) doth covenant and
agree with Mr. .………………………................................................................... (Sr.) by these presents
that Mr. ………………………………............................................................... (Sr.) shall and will accept and
take Mr. ............................................................... (Pupil) as his pupil for and during the said term of
6/12 months and shall and will be the best ways and means in his/her power and to the
best of his/her knowledge shall teach and instruct or cause to be taught and instructed Mr.
...................................................... (Pupil) in the practice and profession of an Advocate of the High
Court Division.
In witness whereof the said parties to these presents have hereunto signed and subscribed
their respective hands this day, this year first above written.

Signature of the pupil

Witnessed by:


Signature of Senior Advocate



(i) Advocates seeking permission to practice in the High Court Division (HCD) shall require
completing 6/12 months training by executing the above agreement of pupilage. The
agreement shall have to be submitted before the Bar Council within 30 days of its
execution failing which this shall not be acceptable.

(ii) Advocates desirous of getting permission to practice in the HCD shall require taking
training for a continuous period of 6 months under an Advocate of 10 years standing in
the Supreme Court.

(iii) Advocates, who were called to the Bar in U.K. or obtained LL.M degree with higher 2nd
class following LL.B (Hons) four years course, may get exemption of 2 years practice to
apply for permission to practice in the HCD provided that he/she shall have to take
training for a continuous period of one year with a Senior Advocate of the Supreme

(iv) Two copies of attested recent passport size collared photographs.

(v) A receipt of payment of high court agreement from fee of Tk.300.00 (Being Pay
Slip/P.O/D.D No ….......................... of............................... Bank ……….............…………… Branch
………………………… Dated ..................../..................../.....................)

(vi) A receipt of payment of high court registration fee of Tk.800.00 (Being Pay Slip/P.O/D.D No
….......................... of............................... Bank ……….............…………… Branch …………………………
Dated ..................../..................../.....................)

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