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Value Propagation Networks

Anonymous Author(s)


1 We present Value Propagation (VProp), a parameter-efficient differentiable plan-

2 ning module built on Value Iteration which can successfully be trained in a rein-
3 forcement learning fashion to solve unseen tasks, has the capability to generalize
4 to larger map sizes, and can learn to navigate in dynamic environments. Further-
5 more, we show that the module enables to learn to plan when the environment also
6 includes stochastic elements, providing a cost-efficient learning system to build
7 low-level size-invariant planners for a variety of interactive navigation problems.
8 We evaluate on static and dymamic configurations of MazeBase grid-worlds, with
9 randomly generated environments of several different sizes, and on a StarCraft
10 navigation scenario.

11 1 Introduction

12 Planning is a key component for artificial agents in a variety of domains. However, a limit of classical
13 planning algorithms is that one needs to know how to search for an optimal – or at least reasonable
14 – solution, for each instantiation of every possible type of plan. As the environment dynamics and
15 states complexity increase, this makes writing planners difficult, cumbersome, or simply entirely
16 impractical. This is among the reasons why “learning to plan” has been an active research area to
17 address this shortcoming [1, 2]. To be useful in practice we propose that methods that enable to learn
18 planners should have at least two properties: they should be traces free, i.e. not require traces from
19 an optimal planner, and they should generalize, i.e. learn planners that are able to function on plans
20 of the same type but of unseen instance and/or planning horizons.
21 In a Reinforcement Learning (RL) setting, learning to plan can be framed as the problem of finding
22 a policy that maximises the expected return from the environment, where such policy is a greedy
23 function that selects actions that will visit states with a higher value for the agent. This in turns shifts
24 the problem to the one of obtaining good estimates of state values. One of the most commonly used
25 algorithms to solve this problem is Value Iteration (VI), which estimates the values by collecting
26 and propagating the seen rewards until a fixed point is reached. A policy – or a plan – can then be
27 constructed by rolling out the obtained value function on the desired state-action pairs.
28 When the environment can be represented as an occupancy map (a 2D grid), it is possible to
29 approximate this planning algorithm using a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) to propagate
30 the rewards on the grid cells. This enables one to differentiate directly through the planner steps and
31 perform end-to-end learning of the value function. [3] train such models – Value Iteration Networks
32 (VIN) – with a supervised loss on the trace from a search/planning algorithm, with the goal to find the
33 parameters that can solve the shortest path task in such environments by iteratively learning the value
34 function using the convnet. However, this baseline violates our wished trace free property because of
35 the required target values, it doesn’t fully demonstrate the capabilities to deal with interactive, and
36 doesn’t take advantage of the structure of the model to generalise to harder instances of the task. That
37 is what we set out to extend and further study.

Submitted to 32nd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2018). Do not distribute.
38 In this work we extend the formalization used in VIN to more accurately represent the structure of grid-
39 world-like scenarios, enabling Value Iteration modules to be naturally used within the reinforcement
40 learning framework, while also removing some of the limitations and underlying assumptions of
41 the original model. We show that our models can not only learn to plan and navigate in dynamic
42 environments, but that their hierarchical structure provides a way to generalize to navigation tasks
43 where the required planning and the size of the map are much larger than the ones seen at training
44 time.
45 Our main contributions include: (1) introducing VProp, a network planning module which success-
46 fully learns to solve pathfinding tasks via reinforcement learning, (2) demonstrating the ability to
47 generalize, leading our models to solve large unseen maps by training exclusively on much smaller
48 ones, and (3) showing that our modules can learn to plan in environments with more complex
49 dynamics than a static grid-world.

50 2 Background

51 We consider the control of an agent in a “grid world” environment, in which entities can interact
52 with each other. The entities have some set of attributes, including a uniquely defined type, which
53 describes how they interact with each other, the immediate rewards of such interactions, and how
54 such interactions affect the next state of the world. The goal is to learn to plan through reinforcement
55 learning, that is learning a policy trained on various configurations of the environment that can
56 generalize to arbitrary other configurations of the environment, including larger environments, and
57 ones with a larger number of entities. In the case of a standard navigation task, this boils down to
58 learning a policy which, given an observation of the world, will output actions that take the agent
59 to the goal as quickly as possible. An agent may observe such environments as 2D images of size
60 dx × dy , with dpix input panes, which are then potentially passed through an embedding function
61 Φ (such as a 2D convnet) to extract the entities and generates some local embedding based on their
62 positions and features.
63 This formalization of the navigation problem is often employed in robotics to represent 3D and 2D
64 surfaces, finding its use in, but not limited to, frameworks such as Simultaneous Localization and
65 Mapping (SLAM), physics simulators, and more generic planning tasks that require agents to move
66 around well defined environments. This makes it appropriate for developing models and evaluating
67 their impact on real-world planning tasks [4].

68 2.1 Reinforcement Learning

69 The problem of reinforcement learning is typically formulated in terms of computing optimal policies
70 for a Markov Decision Problem (MDP) [5]. An MDP is defined by the tuple (S, A, T, R, γ), where S
71 is a finite set of states, A is the set of actions a that the agent can take, T : s → a → s0 is a function
72 describing the state-transition matrix, R is a reward function, and γ is a discount factor. In this setting,
73 an optimal policy π ∗ is a distribution over the state-action space that maximises in expectation the
discounted sum of rewards k γ k rk , where rk is the single-step reward.

75 A standard method (such as the one used in Q-Learning [6]) to find the optimal policy π : s → a
76 is to iteratively compute the value function, Qπ (s, a), updating it based on rewards received from
77 the environment. Using this framework, we can view learning to plan as a structured prediction
78 problem with the planning algorithm Value Iteration [7] as inference procedure. When doing so, the
79 problem generalises to learning a model of the environment that is approximating the state-transition
80 probabilities and the immediate reward function. Beside value-based algorithms, there exist other
81 types which are able to find optimal policies, such as policy gradient methods [8], which directly
82 regress to the policy function π instead of approximating the value function. These methods however
83 suffer from high variance estimates in environments that require many steps. Finally, a third type
84 is represented by the actor-critic algorithms family, which combine the policy gradient methods’
85 advantage of being able to compute the policy directly, with the low-variance performance estimation
86 of value-based RL used as a more accurate feedback signal to the policy estimator [9].

87 2.2 Value Iteration Module

88 Let us denote by o the current observation of the environment, and q 0 the zero tensor of dimensions
89 (A, dx , dy ). Then, the Value Iteration (VI) module [3] is defined for k ≥ 1:

k k
∀(i, j) ∈ [[ dx ]] × [[ dy ]], vij = max qaij ,
q k = h(Φ(o), v k−1 ) . (1)

90 Given the agent’s position (x0 , y0 ) and the current observation of the environment o, the control
91 policy π is then defined by π(o, (x0 , y0 )) = argmaxa=1..A qax0 y0 . Zeming: Are you missing q K
92 here?
93 Since the state space can be identified with the coordinates in a 2-dimensional environment of size
94 dx × dy then a discounted MDP on that state is defined by the discount factor γ together with:

95 • a transition probability function T = dx × dy × A × dx × dy , such that the matrix obtained

96 fixing the last three coordinates sum to 1.
97 • an immediate reward function R = A×dx ×dy , where Ra,i,j represents the reward obtained
98 by performing action a in state i, j.

99 Given a starting Q-function Q0 (with same size as R), value iteration defines a sequence Qk , V k of
100 respectively state-action and state-value functions through:

∀(i, j) ∈ [[ dx ]] × [[ dy ]], Vijk = max Qkaij ;

∀(a, i, j) ∈ [[ A ]] × [[ dx ]] × [[ dy ]], Qkaij = Raij + γhT::aij , V k−1 i .

101 It follows that when Φ(x) = R, h is a linear layer of both of its inputs with T as parameters for the
102 v k input:

haij (Φ(o), v) = Φaij (o) + hγT::aij , vi. (2)

103 Thus, a linear VI module with K iteration has the capacity to represent the application of K iterations
104 of value iteration in an MDP where the state space is the set of 2D coordinates, requiring in the worst
105 case a number of steps equal to the number of states – dx dy in grid worlds – to evaluate an entire
106 plan. In practice however, much fewer iterations are needed in the considered tasks: for instance
107 path finding in a grid-world requires planning for only the length of the shortest path, which is much
108 smaller unless the configuration corresponds to a very complicated (and unusual) maze.
109 We can also see that (2) corresponds to only a very special case of linear VI modules. For instance, if
110 the recurrence uses a fully connected layer with weights W ∈ RA×dx ×dy ×(A+1)×dx ×dy and biases
111 b ∈ RA×dx ×dy so that

haij (Φ(o), v) = hWaij , [Φ(o) ; v]i + baij ,

112 then equation (2) not only corresponds to a special case with extremely sparse weights, but also
113 exhibits a specific structure where the dot product is non-trivial only on the recurrent part. This
114 relationship allows the usage of convolutional layers, and ultimately forms the motivation for the
115 development of VI modules [3, Section 3.1].

116 3 Related work

117 Model-based planning with end-to-end architectures has recently shown promising results on a
118 variety of tasks and environments, often using Deep Reinforcement Learning as the algorithmic
119 framework [10, 11, 12, 13]. 3D navigation tasks have also been tackled within the RL framework
120 [14], with methods in some cases building and conditioning on 2D occupancy maps to aid the process
121 of localization and feature grounding [15, 16].

122 Nantas: Should add a couple of papers that have emerged since December e.g. treeqn, deepmind’s
123 grid navigation paper
124 Other work has furthermore explored the usage of VIN-like architectures for navigation problems:
125 [17] present a generalization of VIN able to learn modules on more generic graph structures by
126 employing a graph convolutional operator to convolve through each node of the graph. [18] demon-
127 strate a method for multi-agent planning in a cooperative setting by training multiple VI modules
128 and composing them into one network, while also adding an orientation state channel to simulate
129 non-holonomic constraints often found in mobile robotics. [19] and [20] propose to tackle partially
130 observable settings by constructing hierarchical planners that use VI modules in a multi-scale fashion
131 to generate plans and condition the model’s belief state.

132 4 Models
133 In this section we formalize two novel alternatives to the Value Iteration module, both of which can
134 function as drop-in replacements for VIN and be used as low-level planners in graph-based tasks.
135 Zeming: It wasn’t immediately clear to me that you have a CNN generating the embeddings, or that
136 your policy is another function to take a small neighborhood and generate an action in both cases

137 4.1 Value-Propagation Module

138 A problematic and key limitation of the VI module (1) is that the transition probabilities are encoded
139 as the weights W of the convolution, which are naturally translation-invariant. This means that the
140 transition probabilities at one state, a cell in this case, do not depend on its content or the surrounding
141 ones’. This restriction affects the capability of the model to learn any complex dynamics, while
142 also artificially constraining the design of the architecture and other experimental parameters. For
143 instance, non-achievable state must be implemented so that they can be represented by a sufficiently
144 low cost to compensate for any surrounding positive cost.
145 We can obtain a minimal parametrization of a VI module that represents a more reasonable prior
146 knowledge on the environment by simply observing that the transition probabilities must depend on
147 the state we are in, and that the rewards associated to transitions from state s to s0 with action a takes
148 an additive form rsin0 − rsout , where rin and rout depend on the state at hand.1
149 We can now therefore consider a variant of the VI module that puts emphasis on conditioning on
150 a different aspect of the grid’s environment dynamics: state reachability. Our new module, which
151 we call Value Propagation module (VProp), takes as input three embeddings: a value rin (o), a cost
152 rout (o), and a propagation p(o), all of which are scalar maps of size Rdx ×dy . Using these functions
153 as input, the resulting output is then computed as
(k) (k−1) (k−1)
vi,j = max vi,j 0 , 0max pi,j vi0 ,j 0 + riin0 ,j 0 − ri,j
(i ,j )∈N (i,j)

154 where v (k) , rin , rout and p depend on the observation o, N (i, j) represents the coordinates of the
155 cells adjacent to the cell (i, j), v (0) = 0dx ×dy , and k ∈ {1, ..., K}. Note that here we made the
156 convolution and the maximum explicit, since they can be done in a single step.
157 VProp’s model thus corresponds to a deterministic model in which the reward propagates from
158 adjacent states to current states, capturing the prior that the reachability of a state does not depend on
159 the adjacent cell the agent is in, but by the underlying – and less constraining – observed transition
160 dynamics. As such, instead of setting the probability to get to a unachievable state to 0 from its
161 adjacent cells, the model represents unachievable states by setting their propagation to 0 and rin to
162 some negative value.2 Goal states, which are also absorbing for the underlying MDP, are represented
163 with a propagation close 0, and a positive rin , whereas other types of cell are to have high propagation
164 value bounded by the discount factor, while the cost of their traversal is represented by either a
165 negative rin or a positive rout . Finally, given the agent’s coordinates s, the agent policy becomes
Note that while we use a minus sign, we do not impose specific sign constraints on rin and rout , since

natural environments can easily be represented with both values as positive.

Absorbing states can be represented in the same way.

166 a function that takes as input the vector [ps vi0 ,j 0 + riin0 ,j 0 − rsout ](i0 ,j 0 )∈N (s) , and either outputs an
167 action or a distribution over actions.

168 4.2 Max-Propagation module

169 Since both VI module and VProp module described above are purely convolutional, they should be
170 able to exploit the lack of size constraints in the input to generalize to larger environments than seen
171 during training time by simply increasing the recursion depth. However, despite the convolutions
172 effectively hard-coding the local planning algorithm, these models cannot be proven to generalize
173 properly across the entire distribution of environment configurations. To see this, let us consider the
174 simple problem of pathfinding. Even in a simple grid-world with blocks and a single goal, there are
175 many sets of parameters of the VI / VProp module that are equally good for pathfinding with a fixed
176 environment size.
177 For instance, in an environment of size 20 × 20 in which paths are of length 40 with very high
178 probability (over the randomized configurations of the environment), we can trivially check that a
179 VProp module with a rin value of 1 for the goal entity and 0 otherwise, rout to −0.02 for empty cells,
180 −1 for blocks and −1 for the goal state, and with propagation set to 1, everywhere, will effectively
181 create a value map v (K) which is affinely related to the shortest path to the goal on empty cells.
182 Thus, as far as the training distribution of environments is concerned, this would be an acceptable
183 set of parameters. However, if we increase the size of the environment such that paths are strictly
184 longer than 50, the goal value would become 1 − 51 × 0.02, which is less than 0, hence stopping
185 the propagation of the path after the 51st step. The model is therefore bound to the capacity of the
186 additive rollout in the value map, which is responsible for both identifying the goal and computing
187 the shortest path.
188 To solve this problem, we further introduce the Max-Value Propagation module (MVProp), which
189 constrains the network to represent goals with a high base reward, propagates them multiplicatively
190 through cells with lower values but high propagation, and learns reward and propagation maps
191 depending on the content of the individual cells in the same fashion as VProp. More precisely,
192 denoting again the initial reward map by r(o) ∈ [0, 1]dx ×dy and the propagation map by p(o) ∈
193 [0, 1]dx ×dy , MVProp iteratively computes value maps v (k) (o) as follows:
(k) (k−1)
vi,j = max ri,j , max ri,j + pi,j (vi0 ,j 0 − ri,j ) ,
(i0 ,j )∈N (i,j)

194 where v (0) = r, and k ∈ {1, ..., K}. The input to the policy, given the agent position s = (i0 , j0 ), is
195 then the 3 × 3 map of (vi0 ,j 0 ) i0 ∈{i0 −1,i0 ,i0 +1} , Zeming: why not the N (i, j) notation from above?
j 0 ∈{j0 −1,j0 ,j0 +1}
196 padded with 0 at the boundaries. This propagation system guarantees that values are propagated in
197 the direction of lower-value cells at all times (even at the start of training), and that costs of individual
198 cells are dealt with the 1 − p map. In other words, the path length is propagated multiplicatively,
199 whereas the reward map is used to distinguish between goal cells and other cells. Given this setup,
200 the optimal policy should therefore be able to locally follow the direction of maximum value.

201 5 Experiments
202 [3] describes a variety of experiments to test VIN via Imitation Learning (IL), while we focus on
203 evaluating our our modules strictly using Reinforcement Learning, since we are interested in moving
204 towards environments that better simulate tasks requiring interaction with the environment, hence
205 limiting the chance to gather representative datasets.

206 5.1 Agent setup

207 For training, we use an actor-critic architecture with experience replay. We collect transition traces
208 of the form (st , at , rt , pt , st+1 ), where st is the state at time step t, at is the action that was chosen,
209 pt is the vector of probabilities of actions as given by the policy, and rt is the immediate reward.
210 The state is represented by the coordinates of the agent and 2D environment observation, excluding
211 any agent channel. Terminal states are instead represented by some value ∅ when sampled as st+1 .

(a) VIN (b) 14x14 MazeBase (c) 32x32 MazeBase (d) 64x64 MazeBase
Figure 1: Comparison between a random map of the VIN dataset, and a few random configuration of
our training environment. In our custom grid-worlds, the number of blocks increases with size, but
their percentage over the total available space is kept fixed. Agent and goal are shown as circles for
better visualization, however they still occupy a single cell.

212 The architecture contains the policy πθ described in the previous sections, together with a value
213 function Vw , which takes the same input as the softmax layer of the policy, concatenated with the 3x3
214 neighborhood of the agent. Note that w and θ share all their weights until the end of the convolutional
215 recurrence. At training time, given the stochastic policy at time step t denoted by πθt , we sample a
216 minibatch of B transitions, denoted B, uniformly at random from the last L transitions, and perform
217 gradient ascent over importance-weighted rewards (more details on the constants η, η 0 , λ, C below):

X πθt (s, a) 
θt+1 ←θt + η , C r + 01 Vwt (s0 ) − Vθt wt (s) ∇θt log πθt (s, a)
p(a) {s 6=∅}
(s,a,r,p,s0 )∈B
p(a0 ) ∇θt log πθt (s, a0 ) ,

(s,a,r,p,s0 )∈B a0
X πθt (s, a)  2
wt+1 ←wt + η 0 min , C (∇wt Vwt (s)) − r − 01 Vwt (s0 ) ,
p(a) {s 6=∅}
(s,a,r,p,s0 )∈B

218 where 1 is 1 if s0 is terminal and 0 otherwise.

{s0 6=∅}

π t (s,a) 
219 The capped importance weights min θp(a) , C are standard in off-policy policy gradient (see
220 e.g., [21] and references therein). The capping constant (C = 10 in our experiments) allows control
221 of the variance of the gradients at the expense of some bias. The second term of the update acts
222 as a regularizer and forces the current predictions to be close enough the the ones that were made
223 by the older model. It is supposed to play the role of TRPO-like regularizations as implemented
224 in [21], where they use probabilities of an average model instead of the previous probabilities. We
225 observed that by keeping only the last 50000 transitions (to avoid trying to fit predictions of a bad
226 model) worked well on our task. The update rule for the parameters of the value function also follows
227 the standard rule for off-policy actor-critic. The learning rates η, λ and η 0 also control the relative
228 weighting of the different objectives when the weights are shared. In practice, we use RMSProp
229 rather than plain SGD, with relative weights λ = η = 100.0η 0 .

230 5.2 Grid-world setting

231 Our grid-world experimental setting is mostly identical to the ones used in previous work on the same
232 topic: an agent and a goal are placed at random positions in a 2d world of fixed dimensions. The
233 agent is allowed to move in all 8 directions at each step, and a terminal state is reached when the
234 agent either reaches the goal or hits one of the walls randomly placed when the task is sampled from
235 the task distribution. The ratio of unwalkable blocks over total space is fixed to 30%, and the blocks
236 are sampled uniformly within the space, unless specified otherwise (Figure 1). This setting provides
237 environments with a good distribution of configurations, with chunks of obstacles as well as narrow
238 and dangerous paths. Unless specified otherwise, attempting to walk into walls yields a reward of
239 −1, valid movements give a reward of −0.01 × f (at , st ), where f (a, s) is the cost of moving in the

240 direction specified by action a in state s, and reaching the goal provides a positive reward of 1 to the
241 agent. In our experiments we define f as the L2 distance between the agent position at state st , and
242 the one at st+1 . The agent is tasked to navigate the maze as fast as possible, as total cost increases
243 with time since noop actions are not allowed. Episodes terminate whenever the agent takes any illegal
244 action such as hitting a wall, or when the maximum number of steps is reached (which is set to 50).
245 We use MazeBase [22] to generate the configurations of our world and the agent interface for both
246 training and testing phases. Additionally we also evaluate our trained agents on maps uniformly
247 sampled from the 16 × 16 dataset originally used by [3], so as to get a direct comparison with the
248 previous work, and to confirm the quality of our baseline. We tested all the models on the other
249 available datasets (8 × 8 and 28 × 28) too, without seeing significant changes in relative performance,
250 so they are omitted from our evaluation.
251 Similar to [3], we employ a curriculum where the map size doesn’t change at training time, but
252 where the average length of the optimal path from the starting agent position is bounded by some
253 value which gradually increases after a few training episodes. This allows the agent to more easily
254 encounter the goal at initial stages of training, allowing for easier conditioning over the goal feature.

VIN Reward Test Reward 64x64 Reward


0.8 0.5

0.6 0.5





0.2 VProp VProp 0.5
MVProp MVProp MVProp


0.4 1.0

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Episodes (thousands) Episodes (thousands) Episodes (thousands)

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 2: Average reward of all the models as they train on our curriculum. Note again that in the
first two plots the the map size is 32 × 32. a and c demonstrate performances respectively on the
VIN dataset and our generated 64x64 maps. b shows performance on evaluation maps constrained by
the curriculum settings (segmented line), and without (continuous line).

VIN VProp MVProp VIN VProp MVProp

maps win rate distance to optimal path
v16x16 63.6% ± 13.2% 94.4% ± 5.6% 100% 0.2 ± 0.2 0.2 ± 0.2 0.0 ± .0
32×32 15.6% ± 5.3% 68.8% ± 27.2% 100% 0.8 ± 0.3 0.4 ± 0.3 0.0 ± .0
64×64 4.0% ± 4.1% 53.2% ± 31.8% 100% 1.5 ± 0.4 0.5 ± 0.4 0.0 ± .0

Table 1: Average performance at the end of training of all tested models on the static grid-worlds with
90% confidence value, across 5 different training runs (with random seeding). v16x16 correspond
to the maps sampled from VIN’s 16x16 grid test dataset, while the rest of the maps are sampled
uniformly from our generator using the same parameters employed at training time. The distance to
the optimal path is averaged only for successful episodes.

255 Across all our tests, both VProp and MVProp greatly outperformed our implementation of VIN
256 (Table 1). Figure 2 shows rewards obtained during training, averaged across 5 training runs seeded
257 randomly. The original VIN architecture was mostly tested in a fully supervised setting (via imitation
258 learning), where the best possible route was given to the network as target. In the appendix, however,
259 (author?) [3] show that VIN can perform in a RL setting, obtaining an 82.5% success rate, versus the
260 99.3% success rate of the supervised setting on a map of 16 × 16. The authors do not show results
261 for the larger 28 × 28 map dataset, nor do they provide learning curves and variance, however overall
262 these results are consistent with the best performance we obtained from testing our implementation.
263 That said, on average the model didn’t perform as well as expected.

264 The final average performances of each model against the static-world experiments (Table 1) clearly
265 demonstrate the strength of VProp and MVProp. In particular, MVProp very quickly learns the
266 correctly approximate transition dynamics, resulting into strong generalization right from the first few
hundreds episodes, hence obtaining near-optimal policies during the first thousand training episodes.
8x8 WR 16x16 WR 32x32 WR
1.0 1.0 1.0

0.8 0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6 0.6

VProp [mixed] VProp [mixed] VProp [mixed]
Win Rate

Win Rate

Win Rate
VProp [enemies_only] VProp [enemies_only] VProp [enemies_only]
VProp [avalanche] VProp [avalanche] VProp [avalanche]
VIN [mixed] VIN [mixed] VIN [mixed]
0.4 VIN [enemies_only] 0.4 VIN [enemies_only] 0.4 VIN [enemies_only]
VIN [avalanche] VIN [avalanche] VIN [avalanche]

0.2 0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0 0.0

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Episodes (thousands) Episodes (thousands) Episodes (thousands)

Figure 3: Average test win rate obtained on our stochastic experiments.


268 5.3 Tackling dynamic environments

269 To test the capability of our models to effectively learn non-static environments - that is, relatively
270 more complex transition functions - we propose a set of experiments in which we allow our en-
271 vironment to spawn dynamic adversarial entities. Such entities at each step query some custom
272 policy, which is executed in parallel to the agent’s. Examples of these policies might include a
273 -noop strategy, which makes the entity move in random direction with probability  or do nothing, a
274 -direction policy, which makes the entity move to a specific direction with probability  or do nothing,
275 or strictly adversarial policies such as one that makes such entities try to catch the agent before it
276 can reach the goal. We use the first category of policies to augment our standard path-planning
277 experiments, generating enemies only environments where 20% of the space is occupied by agents
278 with  = 0.5, and mixed environments with the same amount of entities, half consisting of fixed walls,
279 and the remaining of agents with  = 0.2 The second type of policies is instead used to generate a
280 deterministic but continuously changing environment which we call avalanche, in which the agent is
281 tasked to reach the goal as quickly as possible while avoiding ”falling” entities (which also are also
282 uniformly sampled up to 20% of the walkable area). Finally, we propose a third type of experiments
283 where the latter fully adversarial policy is applied on 1 to 6 enemy entities depending on the size
284 of the environment. Solving this final scenario clearly requires the planning module to learn of
285 extremely sparse positive rewards, and thus creates a strong challenge for all the presented methods.
286 To deal with these new environments, the agent needs to re-plan at each step because the agent does
287 not have any prior knowledge about the entities policies, which forces us to train on 8x8 maps to
288 reduce the time spent rolling-out the convolutional modules. This however allows us to train without
289 curriculum, as the agent is more likely to successfully hit the goal in a smaller area. Figure 3 shows
290 that VProp can successfully learn to handle the added stochasticity in the environment dynamics,
291 and its generalization capabilities allow it to also successfully learn to tackle the avalanche maps on
292 larger sizes (Figure 4). VIN agents however while managing to learn policies able to tackle small
293 sizes, gradually lose performance on larger sizes, which become significantly harder to deal with
294 unless the dynamics are modelled correctly.

295 5.4 StarCraft navigation

296 Finally, we evaluate VProp on a navigation task in StarCraft: BroodWar where the navigation-related
297 actions have low-level physical dynamics that affect the transition function. In StarCraft it is common
298 to want to plan a trajectory around enemy units, as these have auto-attack behaviours that will interfere
299 or even destroy your own unit if found navigating too close to them. While planning trajectories
300 of the size of a standard StarCraft map is outside of the scope of this work, this problem becomes
301 quite difficult when enemies are close to the planner (sub-)goals’ positions, thus we can test our
302 architecture on instances of these scenarios.

Figure 4: Example of policy obtained after training on a avalanche testing configuration. Agent and
goal are shown as circles for better visualization, however they still occupy a single cell.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 5: StarCraft navigation results. Figure 5a shows a generated trajectory on a random scenario
at late stages of training. The red and blue overlays indicate the distance at which each object will be
interacted with.

303 We use TorchCraft [? ] to setup the environment and extract the position and type of units randomly
304 spawned in the scenario. The state space is larger than the one used in our previous experiments and
305 positive rewards might be extremely sparse, thus we employ a mixed curriculum to sample the units
306 and their positions, allowing the models to observe positive rewards more often at the early stages of
307 training and speed up training (note that this is required for the VIN baseline to have an a chance at
308 the task [3]). As shown in Figure 5b, the model quickly converges to a good representation of the
309 value, which enables the agent to navigate around the lethal enemies and reach the goal. Compared
310 to the baseline, the ability to accurately learn a model of the state-action transition function allows
311 VProp to learn planning modules for non-trivial environments. We also evaluate on the scenario
312 directly from vision. To do so, we increase the parameters of the models by a couple of convolutional
313 layers acting as affine functions: as expected (Figure 5c the architecture takes some more time to
314 featurize the input, but ultimately reaches similar final performances.

315 6 Conclusions

316 Architectures that try to solve the large but structured space of navigation tasks have much to benefit
317 from employing planners that can be learnt from data, however these need to quickly adapt to local
318 environment dynamics so that they can provide a flexible planning horizon without the need to collect
319 new data and training again. Value Propagation modules’ performances show that, if the problem is
320 carefully formalized, such planners can be successfully learnt via Reinforcement Learning, and that
321 great generalization capabilities can be expected when these models are built on convnets and are
322 correctly applied to 2D path-planning tasks. Furthermore, we have demonstrated that our methods
323 can even generalize when the environments are dynamics, enabling them to be employed in complex,
324 interactive tasks. In future we expect to test our methods on a variety of tasks that can be embedded
325 as graph-like structures (and for which we have the relevant convolutional operators). We also plan
326 to evaluate the effects of plugging VProp into architectures that are employing VI modules (see
327 Section 3), since most of these models could make use of the ability to propagate multiple channels
328 to tackle more complex interactive environments. Finally, VProp architectures could be applied

329 to algorithms used in mobile robotics and visual tracking [23, 24], as they can learn to propagate
330 arbitrary value functions and model a wide range of potential functions.

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