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Note prepared by Dr Ir Oh Chai Lian, FCE, UiTM

Pile cap design (Truss Method)

Ref. Calculation

Unfactored permanent action, Gk = 1800 kN

Unfactored variable action, Qk = 800 kN
Unfactored Moment, M sls,xx = 50 kNm
Unfactored Moment, M sls,yy = 0 kNm
Characteristic strength of concrete C25/30, f ck = 30 N/mm
Characteristic strength of steel, f yk = 500 N/mm
Unit weight of reinforced concrete, gc = 25 kN/m
Estimated bar size, fbar = 25 mm
Nominal cover, c nom = 75 mm
Column width, b = 350 mm
Column depth, h = 350 mm
Pile diameter, D = 350 mm
Pile working load,W = 850 kN
Pile type
Mean tensile strength, f ctm = 2.9 N/mm

Sizing of Pile Cap

Assume selfweight of pilecap is 5% of total service load. Note 5% is just a trial and error figure.
Total service load, Nsls = 1.05 × Gk + Qk = 1.05 × 3400 + 2500 = 2690 kN
No of required piles = Nsls / W = 2690 / 850 = 3.2 nos \Use n =
Spacing of piles = k D =3D = 3 × (350) = 1050 mm
Width of pilecap, B = (k +1) D + 300 = (3 + 1) × 350 + 300 = 1700 mm
Length of pilecap, L = (k +1) D + 300 = (3 + 1) × 350 + 300 = 1700 mm
Depth of pilecap, H = 2D + 100 = 2 × 350 + 100 = 800 mm Try size (B x L x H)
Check selfweight =B ×L ×H = 1.7 × 1.7 × 0.8 × 25 = 57.8 < 90

Analysis for Maximum Moments

Beam method is used.

Design load, VED,max = 1.35Gk +1.5Qk = 1.35 × (1800+57.8) + 1.5 × 800 = 3708 kN
Distance of furthest pile from load in x , d i,xx = kD/2 525 mm
Total distances of pile from load in x , d i,xx = 4 (k D / 2) 2100 mm
Distance of furthest pile from load in y, d i,yy = kD/2 525 mm
Total distances of pile from load in y , d i,yy = 4 (k D / 2) 2100 mm
Maximum service load per pile, Fsls,xx = (Nsls)/n + M sls,xx d i,xx / d i,xx
= 2690/4 + 50 × (0.525/2.100 ) = 678 kN ok, < W
Maximum ultimate load per pile, Fult,xx = (VEd,max)/n + M ult,xx d i,xx / d i,xx
(*say M ult=1.4×M sls) = 3708/4 + 1.4 × 50 × (0.525/2.100 ) = 935 kN
Maximum ultimate load per pile, Fult,yy = (VEd,max)/n + M ult,yy d i,yy / d i,yy = 927 kN
Moment at x-x, M xx = 2 piles × Fult,xx × ( d i,xx - h /2)
= 2 × 935 × (525 - 350/2) = 655 kNm
Moment at y-y, M y y = 2 piles × Fult,yy × ( d i,yy - b /2)
= 2 × 927 × (525 - 350/2) = 649 kNm

Design of Main Reinforcement

Effective depth, d x = H - c nom - 0.5 × fbar = 800 - 75 - 0.5 × 25 = 713 mm
Effective depth, d y = H - c nom - 1.5 × fbar = 800 - 75 - 1.5 × 25 = 688 mm

(i) Bar at x - x direction (b = B)

< Kbal =
0.167, As'
2 6 2
K = M xx /bd x f ck = 655 x 10 /1700 ×713 × 30 = 0.025 not required
0.5 0.5
z = d [ 0.5 + (0.25 - K / 1.134) ] = d [ 0.5 + (0.25 - 0.025 / 1.134) ] = 0.98 d use 0.95d

6 2
Required reinforcement, A s, req = M /0.87f yk z = 655 x 10 /0.87 ×500 × 0.95 × 713 = 2223.7 mm

EN2 Minimum reinforcement, A s,min= 0.26(f ctm/f yk)bd = 0.26 × (2.9/500) × 1.7 × 0.713 = 1827 mm ok
( Maximum reinforcement, A s,max = 0.04 Ac = 0.04 × B × H = 0.04 × 1700 × 800 = 54400 mm ok
Proposed reinforcement, A s,prov = 12 H 16 2412 mm

(ii) Bar at y - y direction (b = L )

< Kbal =
0.167, As'
2 6 2
K = M yy /bd y f ck = 649 x 10 /1700 ×688 × 30 = 0.027 not required
0.5 0.5
z = d [ 0.5 + (0.25 - K / 1.134) ] = d [ 0.5 + (0.25 - 0.027 / 1.134) ] = 0.98 d use 0.95d

6 2
Required reinforcement, A s, req = M /0.87f yk z = 649 x 10 /0.87 ×500 × 0.95 × 688 = 2284 mm

EN2 Minimum reinforcement, A s,min= 0.26(f ctm/f yk)Bd = 0.26 × (2.9/500) × 1.7 × 0.688 = 1762 mm ok
( Maximum reinforcement, A s,max = 0.04 Ac = 0.04 × B × L = 0.04 × 1700 × 800 = 54400 mm ok
Proposed reinfocement, A s,prov = 12 H 16 2412 mm

Shear Design
(i) Vertical shear
BS8110 a v = distance from column face to shear critical section
= (1700 - 350)/2 - 350 - 150 + 350/5 = 245 mm Shear force at critical section = Fult × nos of pile at critical section = 935× 2 = 1871 kN
β = a v/2d = 245/(2 × 713) = 0.172
Reduced Shear force, V Ed = shear force at critical section × β
= 1871× 0.172 322 kN
1/2 1/2
k = 1 + (200/d ) = 1 + (200 / 713) = 1.53 <=2, ok
3/2 1/2 3/2 1/2 -3
VRd,c = Vmin = [0.035k f ck ]Bd = [0.035×(1.53) ×(30) ]×1700× 713 × 10 = 439 kN >Ved, ok

(ii) Punching Shear

6.4 Punching shear perimeter is 2d from column face.
BS8110 *The spacing of pile is not greater than 3D , no punching shear check is required.

(iii) Maximum shear resistance

> VEd,max
6.2.2 VRD,max = 0.5ud [0.6(1-f ck /250)]f ck/1.5= 0.5 × 4 × 350 × 713 × [0.6 × (1-30/250)] × 30 / 1.5 ×10 = 5267 kN ok

7.3.3 Overall depth does not exceed 200 mm and the provisions of 9.3 have been applied.
Steel stress under quasi permanent loading, ss = f yk/1.15×[(G k+0.3Q k)/VEd,max]×A s,req /A s,prov
= 500 /1.15 × [(1800+57.8 + 0.3×800) / 3708] × 2245/2412= 227 N/mm
Table Design crack width = 0.3mm,
7.3N Maximum allowable bar spacing for crack control = 200 mm
Actual bar spacing = [1700 - 2 (75) - 20]/11 = 139 mm ok
Note prepared by Dr Ir Oh Chai Lian, FCE, UiTM
Pile cap design (Truss Method)
Ref. Calculation

Service permanent action, Gk = 1800 kN

Service variable action, Qk = 800 kN
Characteristic strength of concrete C25/30, f ck = 30 N/mm
Characteristic strength of steel, f yk = 500 N/mm
Unit weight of reinforced concrete, gc = 25 kN/m
Estimated bar size, fbar = 25 mm
Nominal cover, c nom = 75 mm
Column width, b = 350 mm
Column depth, h = 350 mm
Pile diameter, D = 350 mm
Pile working load,W = 850 kN
Pile type Spun Pile
Mean tensile strength, f ctm = 2.9 N/mm

Sizing of Pile Cap

Assume selfweight of pilecap is 5% of total service load. Note 5% is just a trial and error figure.
Total service load, Nsls = 1.05Gk + Qk = 1.05 × (3400) + 2500 = 2690 kN
No of required piles = Nsls / W = 2690 / 850 = 3.2 nos \ Use
Spacing of piles = k D =3D = 3 × (350) = 1050 mm
Width of pilecap, B = (k +1) D + 300 = (3 + 1) × 350 + 300 = 1700 mm
Length of pilecap, L = (k +1) D + 300 = (3 + 1) × 350 + 300 = 1700 mm
Depth of pilecap, H = 2D + 100 = 2 × 350 + 100 = 800 mm Try size (B x H x h)
Check selfweight = B × L × H × gc = 1.7 × 1.7 × 0.8 × 25 = 57.8 < 90

Analysis for Tension Force

Tension force is analyzed based on truss analysis.

Effective depth, d = H - c nom - 1.5 × fbar = 800 - 75 - 1.5 × 25 = 688 mm

Design load, VED,max = 1.35Gk +1.5Qk = 1.35 × (1800+57.8) + 1.5 × 800 = 3708 kN
Tension force, T from truss analysis = NED(kD )/8d = 3708 × 1.05 /(8 × 0.688) = 708 kN

Design of Main Reinforcement

Required reinforcement per truss, A s,req/truss = T/0.87f yk = 708 ×1000/(0.87 × 500) = 1627 mm
Total Required reinforcement, A s, req = A s,req/truss × 2 truss = 1627 × 2 = 3255 mm

EN2 Minimum reinforcement, A s,min= 0.26(f ctm/f yk)Bd = 0.26 × (2.9/500) × 1.7 × 0.688 = 1762 mm ok
( Maximum reinforcement, A s,max = 0.04 Ac = 0.04 × B × H = 0.04 × 1700 × 800 = 54400 mm ok
Proposed reinforcement, A s,prov = 11 H 20 3454 mm

Shear Design
(i) Vertical shear
BS8110 a v = distance from column face to shear critical section
= (1700 - 350)/2 - 350 - 150 + 350/5 = 245 mm Shear force at critical section = VEd,max / total nos of pile × nos of pile at critical section
= 3708 / 4 × 2 = 1854 kN
β = a v/2d = 245/(2 × 688) = 0.178
Reduced Shear force, V Ed = shear force at critical section × β
= 1854× 0.178 330 kN
1/2 1/2
k = 1 + (200/d ) = 1 + (200 / 688) = 1.54 <=2, ok
3/2 1/2 3/2 1/2 3
VRd,c = Vmin = [0.035k f ck ]Bd = [0.035×(1.54) ×(30) ]×1700×6 88×10 = 428 kN > VEd, ok

(ii) Punching Shear

6.4 Punching shear perimeter is 2d from column face.
BS8110 *The spacing of pile is not greater than 3D , no punching shear check is required.

(iii) Maximum shear resistance

6.2.2 VRd,max = 0.5ud [0.6(1-f ck /250)]f ck/1.5 = 0.5×4×350×688×[0.6×(1-30/250]×30 ×10 / 1.5 = 5082 kN > VEd,max ok

7.3.3 Overall depth does not exceed 200 mm and the provisions of 9.3 have been applied.
Steel stress under quasi permanent loading, ss = f yk/1.15×[(G k+0.3Q k)/VEd,max]×A s,req /A s,prov

= 500 /1.15 × [(1800+57.8 + 0.3×800) / 3708] × 3255/3454= 232 N/mm
Table Design crack width = 0.3mm,
7.3N Maximum allowable bar spacing for crack control = 200 mm
Actual bar spacing = [1700 - 2 (75) - 20]/10 = 153 mm ok

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