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Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 314: F454–F461, 2018.

First published November 22, 2017; doi:10.1152/ajprenal.00376.2017.


Advances in our understanding of the pathogenesis of hemolytic uremic

E. E. Bowen and R. J. Coward
Academic Renal Unit, School of Clinical Sciences, University of Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom
Submitted 27 July 2017; accepted in final form 16 November 2017

Bowen EE, Coward RJ. Advances in our understanding of the pathogenesis of

hemolytic uremic syndromes. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 314: F454 –F461, 2018.
First published November 22, 2017; doi:10.1152/ajprenal.00376.2017.—Hemo-
lytic uremic syndrome (HUS) is major global health care issue as it is the leading
cause of acute kidney injury in children. It is a triad of acute kidney injury,
microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, and thrombocytopenia. In recent years, major
advances in our understanding of complement-driven inherited rare forms of HUS
have been achieved. However, in children 90% of cases of HUS are associated with
a Shiga toxin-producing enteric pathogen. The precise pathological mechanisms in
this setting are yet to be elucidated. The purpose of this review is to discuss
advances in our understanding of the pathophysiology underlying HUS and identify
the key questions yet to be answered by the scientific community.
complement; hemolytic uremic syndrome; thrombotic microangiopathy

INTRODUCTION This review will focus on the current understanding of the

pathogenesis of atypical HUS and STEC HUS and try to
Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) is the leading cause of
identify some of the key questions yet to be answered by the
acute kidney injury in children. It is a triad of acute kidney scientific community.
injury, microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, and thrombocyto-
penia; first described in 1955 by Gasser et al. (as noted in Ref. CLASSIFICATION OF HUS
44). Over 90% of childhood HUS cases are associated with
infection (19). Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli found in HUS is categorized histopathologically as a thrombotic
contaminated food and water supplies is typically the infective microangiopathy (TMA). This term was first introduced in
1952 by Symmers (as noted in Ref. 44) to describe capillary
trigger (STEC HUS), although HUS has also been reported
wall thickening, swelling, and detachment of the endothelial
following exposure to Shigella, Campylobacter, and Strepto-
cell from the basement membrane, accumulation of debris in
coccus pneumoniae (37). In the United States, Shiga toxin
the subendothelial space, and intraluminal platelet thrombosis,
associated HUS affects 0.5–2.1 people per 100,000 population culminating in partial or complete obstruction of the vessel.
per year. Most of these cases are reported in children under 5 When this process occurs in the microvasculature of the kidney
yr of age (19). (as is the case in HUS), renal impairment is seen due to organ
The remaining noninfective HUS cases are termed “atypi- ischemia. The microangiopathic hemolytic anemia that ensues
cal.” Atypical HUS is rare, with an estimated incidence in the is a consequence of erythrocyte shear, resulting in red cell
United States of two cases per million population per year (17). fragmentation. Platelet activation and entrapment in micro-
However, unlike Shiga toxin HUS, the majority of adult HUS thrombi as well as trafficking to the reticuloendothelial system
cases are atypical. These include familial HUS due to genetic lead to thrombocytopenia, local thrombosis, and organ ischemia
abnormalities in complement regulation and other secondary (19, 35). Thus TMA represents a final common pathway in a
triggers such as pregnancy, drugs, malignancy, connective number of disease processes that among others include HUS and
tissue disorders, and transplantation (Fig. 1) (14). Over the last thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP). (Fig. 1). The clini-
decade there has been a renewed appreciation and considerable cal sequelae observed is dependent on the vascular bed and organ
interest in the role of the complement system in renal disease, affected (19). Both HUS and TTP are a consequence of endothe-
which has been magnified by the effectiveness of eculizumab lial cell injury but are now accepted to be different diseases with
(a monoclonal humanized antibody against C5) in the treat- distinct underlying mechanisms (21).
ment of atypical HUS (17, 24).

Address for reprint requests and other correspondence: R. J. M. Coward, It is now established that most familial cases of atypical
Bristol Renal, School of Clinical Sciences, Whitson St., Bristol BS1 3NY, UK HUS are caused by hyperactivation of the alternative comple-
(e-mail: ment pathway as a result of loss-of-function mutations in
F454 1931-857X/18 Copyright © 2018 the American Physiological Society
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Classification of TMA

Microangiopathic anemia, Microangiopathic anemia, Fig. 1. Classification of thrombotic microan-

↓PLTs, AKI. ↓PLTs, AKI, fever and giopathy (TMA). It is now widely accepted
neurological features with that classification of TMA according to etiol-
ADAMTS13 <10%. ogy (rather than clinical features) is a more
useful guide to prognosis and treatment. TMA
Infection represents a final common pathway in many
- STEC, Shigella, Campylobacter
- Solid organ
- Streptococcus Pneumoniae
disease processes (19). PLTs, platelets; HUS,
- Hemopoietic TTP
hemolytic uremic syndrome; AKI, acute kid-
Acquired Genetic
ney injury; CNI, calcineurin inhibitors; SLE,
HUS - autoantibodies systemic lupus erythematosus; APLS, anti-
Complement disorders phospholipid syndrome; STEC, Shiga toxin-
- Genetic (Atypical HUS) producing Escherichia coli; TTP, thrombotic
- Acquired
thrombocytopenic purpura; HELLP, hemoly-
sis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelet count
Drugs Systemic Disease
- Oral contraceptives
- Chemotherapy - Malignancy
- CNIs - Connective tissue diseases (SLE, APLS)

complement inhibitory regulatory factors or gain of function binding of mannose binding lectin (MBL) to mannose-contain-
mutations in C3 or factor B (14). Autoantibodies against ing carbohydrates on microbial surfaces that activates MBL-
regulatory complement factors have also been described in associated serine protease 1 and 2 (MASP 1 and MASP 2) (2)
atypical HUS (27). It was the discovery by Warwicker et al. in (33). Both the classic and lectin pathways lead to the genera-
1998 (as noted in Ref. 33) that a mutation in factor H led to the tion of the same C3 convertase C4b2a on target cell surfaces,
development of atypical HUS, which prompted the search and resulting in proteolytic cleavage of C3 into C3a and C3b (33).
subsequent discovery of over 120 mutations in complement The alternative pathway differs from the other two in that it
regulatory genes responsible for the disease. is continually active at low levels in the plasma. Spontaneous
Complement system. The complement pathway forms part of hydrolysis of the thioester bond in C3 induces a conformational
the innate immune response and consists of 60 proteins that change in the protein, which facilitates binding of complement
play a vital role in the host defense against pathogens and in the factor B. Once bound to C3, factor B is cleaved by factor D to
maintenance of tissue homeostasis (1, 33). These proteins can Ba and Bb. This generates the alternative pathway C3 conver-
be plasmatic (fluid) or membrane-bound receptors (solid) (43). tase C3Bb, resulting in proteolytic cleavage of C3 into C3a and
Three pathways leading to activation of the complement cas- C3b (see Fig. 2) (2) (33, 43). Association of C3b with C3
cade have been described: classic, lectin, and alternative. All convertases (generated by any of the 3 pathways) leads to
culminate in the formation of the membrane attack complex formation of C5 convertases, which cleave factor C5 into C5a
(MAC), leading to the insertion of pores in the target cell and C5b, initiating the assembly of the MAC on target cell
membrane, resulting in osmotic lysis and cell death (2) (Fig. 2). surfaces (33). This terminal pathway in the complement cas-
The classic pathway is activated by binding of C1q to anti- cade also acts to alert the host defenses by the release of
body-antigen complexes. The lectin pathway is triggered by chemoattractant and inflammatory mediators; C3a and C5a are

Classical Pathway C1q C2 Fig. 2. The complement cascade. Three path-

C4 ways have been described leading to activa-
tion of the complement pathway; classical,
Y C3 convertase lectin and alternative. All culminate with the
formation of the membrane attack complex
Lectin Pathway MASP 1 MASP 2
(MAC) leading to the insertion of pores into
C3 C5 MAC the target cell membrane resulting in osmotic
MBL lysis and cell death. The alternative pathway
differs from the other two in that it is contin-
ually active at low levels in the plasma and is
C3 convertase C3a C5a
activated by spontaneous hydrolysis of a thio-
ester bond in C3. To protect host cells from
non-specific destruction complement activa-
C3 tion is regulated by a number of plasma
Factor B Ba CFH, CFI
C3 (CFH, CFI) and membrane-bound factors (2,
Alternative Pathway C3 33). MBL, mannose-binding lectin; MASP,
Factor D MBL-associated serine protease; CFH, com-
plement factor H; CFI, complement factor I.
Amplification Loop

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potent anaphylatoxins that recruit phagocytes and induce en- several large genomic repeat regions: the short consensus
dothelial cell activation (46). repeat (8). This facilitates nonhomologous recombination that
The alternative pathway acts as a positive feedback loop, results in chromosomal rearrangements in these regions that
amplifying complement activity. C3b on target cell surfaces produce diverse outcomes. This has allowed evolution of
generated by the classic or lectin pathways acts as a site of differential specificities for binding ligands (in this case the
C3Bb formation, and the activation of alternative pathway various complement proteins) but has also resulted in deletions
itself leads to deposits of C3b on cell surfaces, further poten- and duplications of chromosomal fragments that lead to mu-
tiating this loop. As such, the alternative pathway may account tated complement regulatory proteins and predisposition to
for up to 80% terminal pathway activity (2). Hence, the HUS (49).
complement cascade has great potential for nonspecific de- Factor H is known to be key in discrimination between host
struction, which host cells must be protected from (2). cells and invading microbes. Indeed in a recent review by
Complement regulation. It is essential that complement Jokiranta (12), mutations in factor H are responsible for up to
activation is regulated to prevent excessive cell injury and 28% of atypical HUS cases with factor I mutations seen in only
inflammation (2, 27). Host cells are protected by surface-bound 8% of patients. Autoantibodies against the C terminus of factor
and soluble plasma complement regulatory proteins. Of partic- H or factor I can also result in acquired complement dysregu-
ular importance are the plasma proteins factor H and factor I, lation, accounting for up to 10% of cases (3). In approximately
which negatively regulate the C3b amplification loop (Fig. 2). one-third of cases of atypical HUS, the underlying mutation is
Although found in the plasma both can act in the fluid phase unknown (12).
and on cellular surfaces. Their role on cell surfaces and When factor H binds to cell surface C3b, it prevents activa-
specialized biomembranes (such as the glomerular basement tion and spares the cell from destruction (12). Hence, factor H
membrane in the kidney), which lack membrane-bound com- is central in discriminating self and non-self and regulation of
plement regulators, is vital, as they are the only defense against the alternative complement pathway. This is via simultaneous
complement attack and thrombus formation (27, 46). This may binding of factor H to C3b and cell surface polyanions (sialic
explain why the kidney is so susceptible to injury in atypical acid, glycosaminoglycans, and phospholipids). Until recently,
HUS, where impaired regulation of the alternative complement the glycosaminoglycans heparin and heparin sulfate were con-
pathway in the glomerulus due to mutation in complement sidered to be the most important polyanions involved in self-
regulators or autoantibodies against them results in loss-of-host protection of host cell surfaces. However, Hy Arinen et al. (7)
protection (12). demonstrated that mutations in factor H specifically disrupt
Notable membrane-bound complement factors include binding to sialic acid. They also showed that removal of sialic
CD46 [membrane cofactor protein (MCP)], CD55 [decay ac- acid from glomerular endothelial cells reduced factor H bind-
tivating factor (DAF)], CD59, and CR1. By definition, these ing and resulted in complement attack (29). Furthermore, sialic
surface-bound complement regulatory proteins are restricted in acids are under dynamic regulation and as such cell surface
activity by their cellular expression and distribution, the ex- composition varies at different ages and conditions, which may
ception being CR1, which is expressed by neutrophils, lym- contribute to the incomplete genetic penetrance observed in
phocytes, and erythrocytes, which circulate throughout the atypical HUS associated with factor H mutations. Fascinat-
body rather than being tissue bound (27, 34). ingly, pathogens such as Borrelia burgdorferi, streptococci,
and Gram-negative bacteria have evolved to escape comple-
GENETICS OF ATYPICAL HUS ment attack by binding to factor H, thereby mimicking host cell
surfaces (29).
Atypical HUS is a rare condition associated with significant The membrane-bound regulators MCP, DAF, and CR1 limit
morbidity and mortality, historically leading to end-stage renal complement activation at the C3 step. CD59 inhibits polymer-
disease in approximately one-half of patients affected (27). ization of C9 and prevents MAC formation. They are largely
Inheritance may be sporadic, autosomal recessive, or auto- species selective and protect host cell surfaces against comple-
somal dominant with incomplete penetrance (34). This low- ment from homologous species (29). Mutations in these cell
level genetic penetrance highlights the importance of genetic surface regulators account for 10 –15% of atypical HUS cases
modifiers and environmental triggers in the development of the (12). A lack of DAF and CD59 (due to an acquired defect in
disease (3). Interestingly, identification of the specific gene anchorage to cell membrane phospholipids) in erythrocytes
polymorphisms resulting in abnormalities of the complement results in the disease paroxysmal nocturnal hematuria (29).
cascade provides powerful prognostic information allowing Red blood cells are rendered susceptible to complement attack,
patients to be counselled about likelihood of posttransplanta- and patients develop a tendency to thrombosis. Together,
tion recurrence (5, 14). Mutations in Complement factor H are paroxysmal nocturnal hematuria and the glomerular thrombotic
associated with the worst outcomes, whereas those with MCP microangiopathy seen in atypical HUS suggest that the coag-
mutations do far better. This is not surprising given that MCP ulation system and complement pathways are closely intercon-
is a transmembrane protein that is highly expressed in the nected and that thrombosis itself may act to trigger further
kidney; hence, kidney transplantation corrects the MCP defect complement activation (12, 29).
and restores MCP solid phase activity. This is in contrast to MCP is expressed by all nucleated cells (i.e., it is absent
mutations in circulating (fluid phase) complement factors H from erythrocytes). CR1 is present on all human blood cells
and I, which are predominantly of hepatic origin (33). (except platelets and most T cells) where it acts as a cofactor
What is intriguing about complement regulatory proteins for the cleavage of C4b and C3b by factor I and deactivates the
(whether soluble or membrane bound) is that they have alternative complement pathway through direct binding to
evolved from a common structural domain characterized by C3b. CR1 also binds to C4b accelerating the decay of classical

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and MBL convertases (9). In red blood cells, CR1 acts as an signaling, which has been linked to TMAs previously (25, 42).
immune adherence receptor binding antigens coated in C3b/ Bruneau et al. (4) have demonstrated in endothelial cells that
C4b and transporting them for clearance in the reticuloendo- knockdown of DGKε results in a proinflammatory and pro-
thelial system (9). Of particular interest, CR1 is also expressed thrombotic state via over activation of p38 and p44/42 MAP
on selected epithelial cells: the podocyte in the kidney and the kinases. In podocytes, DAGs have been shown to modify slit
retinal pigment cells in the eye. Its role in these cells remains diaphragm function and through PKC-dependent pathways
a mystery. Java et al. (9) have recently shown that CR1 is a downregulate expression of VEGFR2 (25). Hence, the hypoth-
potent inhibitor of the alternative pathway and binds immune esis is that loss-of-function mutations in DGKε results in
complexes directly that remain on the surface of the epithelial sustained AADAG signaling and a subsequent prothrombotic
cell. This observation has led to the hypothesis that podocytes state. This finding has important implications for the manage-
are fundamental in modulating the innate immune response ment of HUS, which to date have focused on complement
through CR1 binding of immune complexes trapped within the blockade.
glomerulus. However, difficulties with any further study in this
area have been that conditionally immortalized podocytes in VASCULAR ENDOTHELIAL GROWTH FACTOR AND HUS
vitro lack CR1 expression and that mouse erythrocytes lack
CR1 (8). In the kidney, podocytes are the major source of vascular
endothelial growth factor (VEGF-A), which is essential for
ATYPICAL HUS INDEPENDENT OF COMPLEMENT maintaining the nearby glomerular endothelium. The clinical
ACTIVATION observation that cancer patients treated with the VEGF inhib-
itor bevacizumab develop a glomerular TMA has led to studies
The discovery in 2013 by Lemaire et al. (as noted in Ref. 42) in transgenic mouse models (6). Interestingly, Eremina et al.
that recessive mutations in DGKε cause atypical HUS in a (6) have shown that disruption of VEGF signaling in mature,
significant proportion of children in the first year of life has led fully developed podocyte-specific VEGFA knockout mice re-
to an alternative pathophysiological mechanism being pro- sults in a glomerular TMA with a phenotype that recapitulates
posed for the condition. DGKε is the first gene to be associated the glomerular injury seen in HUS. Moreover, recent work
with familial HUS that has not been shown to have a direct role published by Keir et al. (20) has provided evidence that local
in alternative pathway complement activation (4, 25). Diacyl- VEGF availability modulates complement regulation in the
glycerol kinases (DGKs) are intracellular lipid kinases that microvasculature of the kidney (and retina) via VEGFR2/PKC-
phosphorylate diacylglycerol (DAG) to phosphatidic acid ␣/CREB signaling.
(PA), leading to termination of DAG signaling (4). The DGKε In further support of the importance of the glomerular
isoform preferentially phosphorylates arachidonic acid con- microenvironment and local VEGF signaling; Jin et al. (10)
taining DAG (AADAG) to PA thereby terminating AADAG have shown that sFLT1 (a soluble VEGF receptor) is produced
signaling (4) (Fig. 3). by podocytes. sFLT1 is known to bind VEGF thereby acting as
AADAG is a key intracellular signaling molecule that acti- a decoy receptor to inhibit proangiogenic activity via
vates protein kinase C (PKC). AADAG-dependent PKC sig- VEGFR2. High circulating levels of sFLT1 have been linked to
naling promotes thrombin-induced platelet activation. In endo- preeclampsia, another glomerular disease associated with en-
thelial cells, it has been shown to increase production of dotheliosis and complement activation (10, 20). Elimination of
prothrombotic factors such as von Willebrand factor and tissue podocyte sFLT1 production led to podocyte actin cytoskeleton
factor; as well as downregulating VEGF receptor VEGFR2 rearrangement with damage to the glomerular filtration barrier

Fig. 3. Effect of AADAG signaling. DGKε is an
Platelet activation intracellular kinase that preferentially phosphor-
ylates AADAG to PA thereby terminating
PLC AADAG signaling. Loss-of-function mutations
PIP PIP2 AADAG PKC vWF in DGKε lead to unregulated AADAG signaling
and PKC dependent platelet activation and in-
TF creased production of prothrombotic factors
ATP (25, 42). PIP, phosphatidylinositol; PIP2, phos-
phatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate; PLC, phos-
DGKε pholipase C; AADAG, arachidonic acid diacyl-
glycerol; ATP, adenosine triphosphate; ADP,
ADP adenosine diphosphate; DGKε, diacylglycerol
cPLA2 kinase ε; PA, phosphatidic acid; TRCP6, tran-
sient receptor potential cation channel 6; PKC,
protein kinase C; vWF, von Willebrand factor;
PA TF, tissue factor; VEGFR2, vascular endothelial
AA growth factor receptor 2; cPLA2, cytosolic
phospholipase A2; AA, arachidonic acid; COX,
COX-1 cyclooxygenase enzyme.

Prostaglandins Thromboxane

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and massive proteinuria. This work illustrates the complexity terial lysis (11). It is the B subunit of Shiga toxin that binds to
of glomerular cell cross talk and the autocrine function of the glycosphingolipid receptor Gb3. It has been shown that
sFLT1 in the regulation of podocyte behavior (10). cells lacking Gb3 expression are resistant to the toxic effects of
Shiga toxin, meaning the pattern of expression of Gb3 in
SHIGA TOXIN-ASSOCIATED HUS different cell types is a reliable predictor of Shiga toxin site of
The commonest cause of HUS is infection, which accounts action (41).
for 90% of cases in childhood (19). The pathophysiology Following binding to Gb3, Shiga toxin is endocytosed and
underlying STEC HUS is yet to be determined and as such transported in a retrograde manner from the endosome to the
there are currently no specific treatments for the disease other trans-Golgi network. From here it is transported to the endo-
than supportive care (38). Acute mortality outcomes for STEC plasmic reticulum (ER), where using the ER-associated degra-
HUS have improved from 30 to 5% with the introduction of dation machinery it is able to translocate into host cell cyto-
early dialysis. However, of those patients that survive the plasm (53) (Fig. 4). Shiga toxin acts in three main ways: first,
initial insult up to 30% develop proteinuria and 18% progress it inactivates ribosomes by enzymatically removing an adenine
to chronic renal failure. Furthermore, some patients develop residue from 28S ribosomal RNA. This triggers the ribotoxic
extra-renal sequelae such as diabetes mellitus, colonic stric- stress response leading to MAPK signaling and activation of
tures, and devastating neurological disease (13). A better un- cytokines and chemokines that result in proinflammatory and
derstanding of the pathophysiology underlying STEC HUS is proapoptotic pathways (37) (52). Second, the unfolded protein
essential if targeted therapy for this condition is to be devel- response may be triggered by Shiga toxin unfolding within the
oped. ER. Prolonged signaling via the unfolded protein response will
Shiga toxins are exotoxins produced by E. coli, as well as by induce apoptosis in cells (52). Finally, the binding of the B
other bacteria including Shigella dysenteriae and Campylobac- subunit itself can initiate a cytoplasmic transduction cascade
ter jejuni (11). They consist of a single 30-kDa enzymatic A that is distinct from the ribotoxic stress response but that also
subunit in noncovalent association with five identical B sub- culminate in a prothrombotic, proinflammatory cellular envi-
units of 7 kDa each (37, 52). The genes encoding Shiga toxin ronment (1a, 37). Attempts made to block Shiga toxin binding
are found within lambdoid bacteriophages present in all patho- with synthetic Shiga toxin binders such as STARFISH or
genic STEC. Toxin secretion occurs by phage-mediated bac- Synsorb-Pk or to inhibit intracellular transport of the toxin with

Shiga toxin A subunit

Shiga toxin B subunit

Plasma Membrane Gb3 receptor


Endoplasmic Reticulum



Unfolded Protein Response Ribotoxic Stress Response



Pro-inflammatory Responses

Fig. 4. Intracellular responses to Shiga toxin binding. The B subunit of Shiga toxin binds to the glycosphingolipid Gb3 in the target cell membrane. Following
binding Shiga toxin is endocytosed and transported in a retrograde manner to the trans-Golgi network. From here it is transported to the endoplasmic reticulum
(ER) where it triggers 3 responses; the ribotoxic stress response, proinflammatory cytokine release and the unfolded protein response (37) (52). ATF6, activating
transcription factor 6; PERK, protein kinase R (PKR)-like endoplasmic reticulum kinase; IRE, iron-response element; MAPK, mitogen-activated protein kinase.

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molecules such as Exo1 and Golgicide A have to date been blood may increase exposure of the renal microvasculature to
ineffective (11). Shiga toxin and predispose to renal injury (37).
The exact mechanisms underlying the trafficking of Shiga Animal models of STEC HUS. The development of rodent
toxin from the gut to the kidney (and other target organs such models of STEC HUS that recapitulate the glomerular TMA
as the brain) are yet to be elucidated. Interestingly, there is lesions seen in humans is yet to be achieved. Mice challenged
evidence in human intestinal cells that an alternative pathway with Shiga toxin alone (orally or intraperitoneally) develop
for toxin translocation exists, which is independent of the Gb3 lethal tubular disease without histological evidence of glomer-
receptor and results in IL-8 secretion without cytotoxicity (36). ular TMA, presumably due to the absence of Gb3 expression in
Shiga toxin also stimulates the release of proinflammatory their glomeruli (19). Any vascular changes seen are driven by
cytokines from macrophages, which are also refractory to the combined action of Shiga toxin and lipopolysaccharide (18,
toxicity due to low-level expression of Gb3 (36). At present, 37). In an effort to address this discrepancy several other
the most widely accepted hypothesis is that neutrophils are animal models have been used to study STEC HUS in the
responsible for binding and transportation of Shiga toxin to rabbit, pig, and baboon.
susceptible tissues (37). Rabbits develop acute renal failure following STEC chal-
Gb3 expression and the effect of Shiga toxin in eukaryotic lenge, but this is a variable and inconsistent model. Porcine
cells. As already alluded to, there is an association between the models have not been described in detail but, similar to murine
amount of Gb3 expressed on the cell membrane and its sensi- models, tubular lesions predominate. Primate studies most
tivity to Shiga toxin. For example, endothelial cell lines de- closely recapitulate the disease process observed in human
rived from large vessels such as the human umbilical vein kidneys but only following intravenous infusion with Shiga
(which express low levels of Gb3) are relatively resistant to toxin (22). Enteric bacterial infection with Shiga toxin-produc-
Shiga toxin in comparison to glomerular endothelial cells (36). ing E.coli in primates does not lead to HUS, and bacterial
Moreover, cells lacking the Gb3 receptor can be rendered translocation from the gut is not seen baboons (23, 51). This is
sensitive through artificially incorporating Gb3 into their mem- in contrast to humans where STEC induce attaching and
brane (36). However, the amount of Gb3 extractable from a effacing lesions and inflammatory cytokine production in in-
tissue does not directly correlate to its sensitivity to Shiga testinal epithelial cells (26). As such, non-human primate
toxin. Increasing evidence suggests that the membrane mi- models are of use in the validation of observations in mouse
croenvironment consisting of cholesterol, other glycolipids and studies but are expensive and impractical given the need for
fatty acids also plays a role in Gb3 receptor binding. It is, intravenous toxin administration. Furthermore, the lack of
therefore, vital to determine how reactive each cell type is intestinal injury observed in baboons is a limitation of this
when challenged with Shiga toxin not just the amount of Gb3 model and suggests species-specific host factors are likely to be
expressed (37). Furthermore, the Gb3 fatty acid chain length very important in STEC (23). It is clear that animal models that
has also been shown to affect how sensitive a cell is to Shiga more closely recapitulate human HUS are needed.
toxin (36). Therefore, caution is advised when interpreting in
vitro studies to acknowledge the differences in the cell mem- EVIDENCE OF COMPLEMENT ACTIVATION IN STEC HUS
brane fatty acid profiles in culture vs. their in vivo counterparts,
which likely affect Gb3 receptor binding to Shiga toxin (39). In the last decade, evidence for the role for complement
All human glomerular cells (mesangial cells, podocytes, and activation in Shiga toxin-associated HUS has increased. Some
endothelial cells) express Gb3. However, mouse glomerular patients with STEC HUS have been reported to have low levels
cells lack Gb3 (19). Human podocytes and glomerular endo- of circulating C3 and evidence of increased levels of C3
thelial cells are particularly sensitive to the cytotoxicity of convertases and factor B (33). However, retrospective analyses
Shiga toxin. Interestingly, human podocytes exposed to the of the benefit of complement blockade with eculizumab in
toxin express 60% less VEGFA compared with untreated patients during STEC HUS outbreaks have been difficult to
control cells (19). In light of the finding from Eremina et al. (6) meaningfully interpret (28).
that podocyte-specific VEGFA knockout mice develop a glo- A recent publication by Ozaki et al. (38) has described a
merular TMA, it is conceivable that the podocyte may prove to novel mouse model in human MBL-expressing mice (that lack
be more important in the pathogenesis of STEC HUS than first murine MBL). Mice were given intraperitoneal Shiga toxin in
thought. combination with or without a monoclonal antibody to human
Human and most other animals also express Gb3 on their MBL. Fascinatingly, the antibody attenuated Shiga toxin-in-
tubular cells and collecting duct epithelium (37). Conse- duced renal injury (38). Conventionally, atypical HUS has
quently, STEC HUS results in primary renal tubular injury and been accepted to be a product of dysregulated alternative
mesangial cell lysis, resulting in the release of proinflammatory pathway activation. This paper suggests that STEC HUS may
chemokines (IL-1 and TNF-␣) that potentiate the renal cyto- initially trigger the MBL pathway, which then leads to alter-
toxicity of Shiga toxin (30). Van Setten et al. (47) have native pathway activation and amplification. There is increas-
demonstrated that these proinflammatory cytokines increase ing evidence that components of the MBL pathway may be
Gb3 synthesis in glomerular endothelial cells. The expression able to activate the alternative pathway directly via a C2 bypass
of such an abundance of biologically reactive Gb3 in the mechanism (32). Indeed, given the high-affinity binding of
human glomerulus and the upregulation of functional Gb3 MBL to the lipopolysaccharide membrane of E. coli, it is
expression in response to inflammation in glomerular endothe- feasible that the initial innate immune response to STEC
lial cells may provide one explanation as to why the kidney is infection in the gut may be predominantly driven by the MBL
the predominant target in STEC HUS. Others have suggested pathway (48). Furthermore, MASPs activated in the MBL
that the rich vascular supply of the kidney and filtration rate of immune response (specifically MASP2) cleave prothrombin to

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thrombin, resulting in a procoaguable state, which may con- REFERENCES

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