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1. You ought to spend more time with your children this year. You had better.... _______________


2. She is designing a special dress for me. I am having... __________________________________


3. It is too expensive to travel abroad. Travelling abroad isn't... _____________________________


4. The best artist in the country painted his grandmother’s portrait. His grandmother


5. Even though the car was very expensive, she bought it. In spite of… ______________________


6. I’ve been playing chess for thirty years. I started… ____________________________________


7. The athlete ran so fast that he won easily. He was ____________________________________


8. I can’t drink this tea. It’s too cold. This tea isn’t … _____________________________________


9. It is possible that your little brother hid your phone. Your little brother may __________________


10. The race was so long that I couldn’t finish it. It was ___________________________________


11. This car is too small for us. This car isn’t ___________________________________________

12. Many Indian people are too poor to have their own houses. Many Indian people aren't... ________


13. Someone is going to decorate my house with furniture from Ikea. I am going to ...


14. Although he's intelligent, he doesn't do well at school. Despite....


15. It was such a boring book that I couldn't finish it. This book was... _____


16. Researchers believe Nessie descends from another 200-year old creature. Nessie …


17. Mona Lisa is the feminine version of Da Vinci himself. Mona Lisa is said … _________________


18. African countries are too poor to build a space station. African countries aren't … _____________

19. Underdeveloped countries are too poor to have a good health system. Underdeveloped countries

are not... ________________________________________________________________________

20. I can’t buy the new i Pad. I don’t have enough money. If I … ______________________________


21. It is quite unlikely that she will pay for the drinks. It is not.... ______________________________


22. The ticket was too expensive for him to pay. The ticket was not __________________________


23. The last time I bought make-up was three months ago. I _______________________________


24. The party was so noisy that I couldn’t sleep. It was such _________________________________


25. These men and women can go nowhere else. These men and women cannot _______________


26. When did you start playing with Barbies? How long …__________________________________?

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