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Chapter Three Computer Software

Computer Software (S.W.): Computer programs. The program is a set of instructions that tells the
computer what to do and how to do it.

Types of software:

- System Software: consists of the programs that control or maintain the operations of the computer
and its devices. System Software is needed to operate the computer such as the Operating system.
Operating Systems (OS): is a set of programs that coordinate all the activities among computer or
mobile device hardware

Operating System Functions:

• Starting Computers and Mobile Devices – If a computer or mobile device is off, you press a power
button to turn it on.

• A user interface (UI) controls how you enter data and instructions and how information is displayed on
the screen. With a graphical user interface (GUI), you interact with menus and visual images.

• Operating systems typically provide a means to establish Internet connections.

• Operating systems often provide users with a variety of tools related to managing a computer, its
devices, or its programs.

• A user account enables a user to sign in to, or access resources on, a network or computer – A
username, or user ID, identifies a specific user – A password is a private combination of characters
associated with the username

Types of Operating Systems :

 Desktop – 1.Windows
2.OS X
5.Chrome OS

 Server- 1.Windows Server

2.Mac OS X Server

 Mobile- 1.Google Android

2.Apple iOS
3.Windows Phone
Mobile Operating Systems :

• The operating system on mobile devices and many consumer electronics is called a mobile operating
system and resides on the firmware.

• Android is an open source, a Linux-based mobile operating system designed by Google for
smartphones and tablets

• iOS, developed by Apple, is a proprietary mobile operating system specifically made for Apple’s
mobile devices

• Windows Phone, developed by Microsoft, is a proprietary mobile operating system that runs on some

Applications Software: enables the users to do special tasks (Programs designed to make users more
productive and/or assist them with personal tasks).

Examples of application S. W:

 Communications and Internet.

 All programs that manage the network system and that connects us to the web like web
browsers, chatting, Email programs, dial-up… etc.
 Multimedia and graphics, voice and video, examples: paint shop, Adobe Photoshop...
 Office applications: - Word processors (MS Word, word perfect) - Spreadsheets (MS Access,
Quattro Pro) - Desktop publishing (MS publisher) - Project planning (MS project)
 Home software: like Home Medical Advisor.
 Games.
 Educational and research software CAD (Computer Aided Design) and CAM and CBT (Computer
Based Training).
 Databases are an environment to store and retrieve data and to manipulate and connect data to
extract information. Examples on Database Management Systems are Oracle SQL, server2000,
Informix, access.
 Web application: A software application that obtains information from the Web

Filesystem : A file is a collection of information that has a name called filename. Each file name has an
extension that distinguishes file types. So the filename is on the form file_name.ext_name example:
letter.doc is a document file.

A folder (or directory) is a special file used to organize other files. I mean programs and information files
are placed in folders (directories).

Some Types of Files

1. ASCII file (Text file): a file that consists of ASCII characters, no images, no equations, and no special
format. Example: *.txt (Notepad program)
2. Document file: That contains text, images, and other formatted text. Example: *.doc (MS-Word

3. Spreadsheet file: That contains rows and columns of data. Example: *.xls (MS-Excel program)

4. Web file: That can be opened by internet browsers. Example: *.htm (Internet explorer program)

5. Executable program file: To execute (run) a computer program. Example: *.exe , *.com

6. Graphics file: That contains digitized images (the binary code of the image). Example: *.bmp , *.gif

7. Audio file: That contains digitized sound. Example: *.wav , *.mp3

8. Video file: That contains digitized video frames and when played produces motion video. Example:
*.avi , *.mpeg

There are several software available to compress audio, video and graphics files to save space and to be
able to send and receive them over the internet.

Viruses : The virus is a program or piece of code that is loaded onto your computer without your
knowledge and runs against your wishes.

 Most viruses can replicate themselves.

 All computer viruses are human-made.
 Source of Viruses: - Interchangeable magnetic disks
- The internet
- Local computer networks
 There are many types of computer viruses:
- Viruses that erase files and programs once they infect the computer.
-Viruses that sleep until a given time/date.
- Viruses that replicate themselves creating more and more copies of themselves taking the
whole memory and halting the system.
- Viruses that infect the FAT, for this type an expert can recover the lost data.
-Viruses that run the hard disk at its highest speed for hours to get overheated and physically
-Viruses that are capable of transmitting themselves over networks.
-Viruses that send a copy of themselves to each address in your address book. (email)

 Protection: There are many utilities called Anti Viruses such as Kaspersky, Norton 2002 that help
you check for infected files or programs and auto-protect your PC from viruses. An antivirus has
a database of all known viruses. Each time you can check a single file or the hard disk for viruses,
the anti-virus checks the file and compare with the definition of viruses in its database. When a
virus is found, usually you are asked what to do (clean or delete the infected file or program).
The database of the definitions of viruses must be updated regularly (typically every two weeks).
Updates are available online when you purchase the utility. The auto-protects options if enables,
checks files when created, open, or saved and it checks the programs when executed. Some of
the most popular antiviruses are:

– Bitdefender Antivirus Plus – Kaspersky Anti-Virus – Symantec Norton AntiVirus Basic – Webroot
SecureAnywhere AntiVirus – McAfee AntiVirus Plus – Avast Pro Antivirus 2017 – Panda – AVG –
Microsoft Security Essential –

Chapter Four Computer Networks and Internet

Computer Network : A computer network is a group of two or more computer system linked together.
Computers on a network are sometimes called nodes. Computer networks are used to exchange data
using shared resources such as printers, CD-ROM and files.

Benefits of computer networks : - Resource sharing.



Data Communication Hardware : Data communication hardware used to transmit digital information
between terminals and computers or between computers and other computers or nodes.

Hardware devices are needed as:

1. Network Adapter Card (NIC) or modem.

◦ NIC enables and controls the exchange of data between the nodes in a LAN.

◦ Modem: modulate demodulate. Digital to analog to digital.

2. Cables for a wired connection.

3. Telephone line, satellite, hub or switch.

Networks Classification

A) Geographical area

-Local Area Networks (LANs): located in single buildings or campuses.

-Wide Area Networks (WANs): WANs cover a large geographical area, and connect cities and

B) Transfer media

-Wireless Communication: - Wireless signals are electromagnetic waves, which can travel through
the vacuum of outer space and through media such as air.

- No physical medium is necessary for wireless signals

A common application of wireless data communication is for mobile use. Some examples of mobiles use

 People in cars or airplanes

 Satellites
 Space shuttles and space stations
 Communications, without having to rely on copper or optical fiber.

-Wired Communication: - Used cables to transfer data such as STP, UTP, Coaxial cables and fiber optics



-Coaxial Cable

-Fiber Optics: - No interference and noise

- Completely secure cable

- Transfer high data rate

- Used light beam to transfer data

- Expensive

- Difficult to install

- Used for the longest distance among other types

C) Network Topology:

- Bus

- Ring

- Star


History of the Internet : The first proposed a global network of computers in 1962 and moved over to
the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in late 1962 to head the work to develop it. In
1965, 2 computers connected using dial-up telephone lines. DARPA in 1966 and developed his plan for
ARPANET. The Internet, then known as ARPANET, was brought online in 1969 under a contract let by the
renamed Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) which initially connected four major computers at
universities in the southwestern US (UCLA, Stanford Research Institute, UCSB, and the University of
What is the Internet:

- The Internet is a worldwide collection of interconnected networks.

- The Internet has no central computer that controls.

- To avoid conflict between internet addresses an organization founded by the US National Foundation
of science is responsible for regulating the internet like registering unique domain names.

Intranet: can be LAN or WAN. Is a private network and is accessible only by its owners? Example: banks
with branches.

Internet Connection Internet connection can be established via one of the following:

- Connection Information Service Gateway.

 Connect via an Internet Service Provider (ISP): ISP: is a company that provides individuals and
organization with access to the internet.
 Dial-up connection: using a modem and telephone line. (very slow about 56Kbps)

- Network connection: Via LAN that connected to the internet such as ADSL (Asymmetric Digital
Subscriber Line). With different speed such as 4,8,16,24, etc. Mbps 

Internet Protocol (IP)

Protocol: a set of rules and signals used when computers of the networks communicate.

Example: TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol)

TCP/IP Protocol:

- TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol).

- TCP/IP is a communication protocol that permits data transmission over the internet.

- The software for this protocol comes with the system as windows…

- Each message sent divided into packets.

- The packet is a piece of a message transmitted over the network.

- One of the key features of the packet is that it contains the source address, destination address, and
the data.
Internet Browser

- Application software that presents you with a Graphical Interactive Interface (GUI) for searching,
viewing and managing information over any network.

- Examples: Internet Explorer and Netscape Communicator.

Domain Name

- each computer on the internet is identified by its unique numeric address which consists of 4 numbers
separated by dot with no spaces. Example: or

- the IP of the computer is not easy to remember then alphanumeric addresses are used as or

- to translate Internet addresses to their numeric values there is a server called DNS (Domain Name
Server) is used. This is a program (software) that runs on the computer server of LAN.

Domain Types:

- com: commercial

- edu: educational

- gov: government

- org: organization

- net: network.

- Info: information

- Ps, jo, fr, us, UK: National Domains

Access methods

- HTTP: Hypertext Transport Protocol.

- FTP: File Transfer Protocol:

 The protocol used on the internet to transfer files. (send and receive).
 It differs from HTTP in that it does not open the file to be transferred.

URL: (Uniform Resource Locator) - consists of the access method (HTTP, FTP) followed by a colon,
double slashes, domain name, domain type and any path to the page domain.

Web Server: - Is a server that host web pages. - When you design a web page you need to publish it on
the internet so others can access it, this can be done y saving your web page on a web server.
Email Address

- Consists of two parts separated by @.

- Example: user_name@domain_name.domain _type

Google Drive steps: After creating Google E-mail(G-Mail) go to:

- Upload or create files ,

- Share and organize files

On mobile, you can use -Dropbox

 Telnet:
- A terminal program for TCP/IP network.
- It connects a pc to a server on the internet where the commands are executed as if you are on
the server.
- You need an account (user_name and password) to be able to login to the server.

Web Search Engines All of us use search engines, most of us on a daily basis. Even so, most people don't
know how to search.

- Normal Search

- Search in Specific Time

-Advanced Search

- Search for Scientific Papers

Security and Privacy

How much privacy do you have? The answer is that you probably have a lot less privacy than you think.
Everything, from your name to your phone number, birthday, address, or even shopping habits, is a
"data point." These data points are then bought and sold by marketing and other corporations.

What Can I Do?

- Use Different Browsers.

-Clear Your Cookies Often

-Don't Get Personal: Avoid posting the more personal information about yourself.

- Install Anti-virus

-Cover Your WebCam

Chapter Five Applied Lab Martial
Microsoft Windows

 Control Panel:
-create an account,
-do defragmentation,
- view computer specification,
-uninstaller programs and features
-Network and Sharing Center
-Internet options
 Create Files
 Create Folders
 Copy Files
 Compress Files and Folders
 Hide/ Show Files and Folders
 Search for Files
 Alt+Tab Keyboard
 File Explorer
 Multiple Desktops
 Windows Firewall

Microsoft Word

 Text format.
 Numbering/ bullets
 Page border.
 Insert page numbers.
 Header and footer.
 Insert picture/from a file, auto shapes
 Insert equations.
 Page design (themes)
 Watermark
 Page layout (columns)
 create a table of contents/ create table of figures
 Insert table / table format
 Templates
 Insert Hyperlink, comments
 Insert page break
 Insert references (footnote)
 Review
 View
Microsoft Excel

 Page Format
 Add/ Delete Sheets
 Cell Format
 Data Validation.
 Conditional Format
 Filter And Sort
 Functions (Sum, Average, Max, Min, Count, If, Sumif, Countif).
 Create Manual Equation (Function) As: (X5 +2y)/5xy
 Insert Charts

Microsoft PowerPoint

 Slide Format
 Insert Picture, Table, Chart,
 Header and Footer
 Insert Slide/ Delete Slide
 Slide Design
 Slide Background
 Animation
 Transaction
 Insert Action
 Insert Sound and Video.
Chapter Six Modern Computer Applications
 Business : A computer which has made it an integrated part of all business organizations. The
computer is used in business organizations for:
-Sales analysis
-Financial forecasting
- Managing employee database
 Banking : Today, banking is almost totally dependent on computers. Banks provide the
following facilities
− Online accounting facility, which includes checking current balance, making deposits and
overdrafts, checking interest charges, shares, and trustee records.
-ATM machines which are completely automated are making it even easier for customers
to deal with banks.
 Education : The computer helps in providing a lot of facilities in the education system.
-The computer provides a tool in the education system known as CBE (Computer Based
-CBE involves control, delivery, and evaluation of learning.
-Computer education is rapidly increasing the graph of a number of computer students.
-There are a number of methods in which educational institutions can use a computer to
educate the students.

 Marketing : In marketing, uses of the computer are following

− With computers, advertising professionals create art and graphics, write and revise
copy, and print and disseminate ads with the goal of selling more products.
-Home Shopping :Home shopping has been made possible through the use of
computerized catalogs that provide access to product information and permit direct entry of
orders to be filled by the customers.

 Healthcare: Computers have become an important part of hospitals, labs, and dispensaries.
They are being used in hospitals to keep the record of patients and medicines. It is also used in
scanning and diagnosing different diseases. ECG, EEG, ultrasounds and CT scans, etc. are also
done by computerized machines.
- Diagnostic System − Computers are used to collect data and identify the cause of illness.
-Lab-diagnostic System − All tests can be done and the reports are prepared by computer.
- Patient Monitoring System − These are used to check the patient's signs of abnormality such as
in Cardiac Arrest, ECG, etc.
-Pharma Information System − Computer is used to check drug labels, expiry dates, harmful side
effects, etc.
-Surgery − Nowadays, computers are also used in performing surgery.
 Engineering Design: Computers are widely used for Engineering purpose. Some of the fields are
− Structural Engineering − Requires stress and strain analysis for the design of ships, buildings,
budgets, airplanes, etc.
-Industrial Engineering − Computers deal with design, implementation, and improvement of
integrated systems of people, materials, and equipment.
-Architectural Engineering − Computers help in planning towns, designing buildings,
determining a range of buildings on a site using both 2D and 3D drawings.

 Communication: Communication is a way to convey a message, an idea, a picture, or speech

that is received and understood clearly and correctly by the person for whom it is meant. Some
main areas in this category are −
- E-mail
- Usenet

 Government: Computers play an important role in government services. Some major fields in
this category are:
- Budgets
- Sales tax department
-Income tax department
-Computation of male/female ratio
-Computerization of voters lists
- Computerization of PAN card
-Weather forecasting

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