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Faculty of Business Management & Globalization

Faculty of Information & Communication Technology

Fundamental of Computer systems/Mobile/Computer

Department : Faculty of Information & Communication Technology
Course Name : Fundamental of Computer systems/Mobile/Computer
Semester :
Commence Date : Assignment
Deadline Date : 01-04-2020
Unit Controller / Examiner :
Contact Number :

Assignment Submission (RULES AND REGULATIONS)

- Submit the assignment as Soft Copy (Via E-MAIL).

- It should be submitted as a PDF format (WORD format not accepted )
- Report should include all the questions and solution with proper format.
- Formatting must be professional and neatly aligned.
- You are to complete this assignment INDIVIDUALLY.
- Do NOT let others see your analysis
- Do NOT e-mail your assignment to anyone.
- If someone cheats by using your work, you will be penalized.
- Plagiarism/Cheating is STRICTLY PROHIBITED and zero marks would be
- Late submission will NOT be entertained and marks will be deducted (1 mark for each
- If you fall sick or have problems with your assignment, you must advise your
instructor immediately – at least a week before the assignment is due! (If you fall
sick a day or two before your deadline, tough luck!). So, you are advised to plan
and work on your assignment beforehand!
- Computer crashes are NOT excuses for late submission! ALWAYS BACKUP
your own works.

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Name: Student ID:

1. What is a computer?


2. Give FIVE operation of a computer.


3. Differentiate between data and information.


4. What is the function of system unit? Give TWO components of


5. Give FIVE example of input, output and storage devices?


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6. What is communication devices? Beside modem, give example of
communication device.


7. Why computer is so powerful? Explain “GIGO”.


8. What is computer software? Give TWO type of computer software and

ONE example for each type of computer software. Explain “GUI”.


9. Who is a programmer? Give TWO example of programming language.


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10. Differentiate between Midrange servers, Mainframe computers and



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