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Dear Sir/Madam

In these world, We could seek knowledge from oral or written, the knowledge could
be applied in the world of work. I want study deeply about my passionate and
curiosity in the field of human resouerces management. As a human resources who
control the workers of company, We used to entails planning to achive goals in the
company with recruiting worker who has special talent and uniting different mission
to achive the same vision.

As for my background, analyze worker performance in mentally and physically has

always been my passion. When I was studied in my undergraduate degree
I study about human resources in technically such as monitoring worker performance
in the manufacturing process , In this opportunity i take several pathways to develop
my ability to become a human resource development to learn the whole about human
resources. I have obtained my undergraduate degree from the most popular in the
information technology in Indonesia, Binus University, majoring in industrial
engineering and almost one year work experience, I believe in this opportunity could
be develop my human resource management skills.

The United Kingdom is the one of the most popular destinations in the world to study
abroad and the United Kingdom has to offer intetnational students, Concerning the
quality of education, the United Kingdom education system is compreshensive and
adaptable. Several universities in the United Kingdom offer master degree programs
more efficient and intensive so we don’t require a long time to complete master
degree programs. The United Kingdom has definitely been my choice to enhance in
the aspect of the human resource management.

As one of the most popular destinations in the world to study abroad dari banyaknya
universitas yang ada di Inggris saya melihat Birmingham City University
menawarkan program study yang sesuai dengan minat dan dapat menunjang karir
saya kedepannya. , I believe Birmingham City University will provide a prosperous
future of me. I interested the course modules in Birmingham City University because
it corresponding to my career goals. The course module are structured and could be
(yang dapat memudahkan saya untuk mengerti) imparting high quality education with
a world class learning and adequate facilities. My future career is to maximaze the
productivity of an organization by optimizing the effectiveness of employees while
simultaneosly improving the work life of employees and treating employees as
valuable resources.

I am very confident that I am able to contribute in the culture of learning at

Birmingham City University. For almost one year, I have contribute to manage
operators in fuel distribution such as monitoring the progress of each operator and
implementation safety regulations to operators. I believe my experience as the human
resources theory in internship in Indonesia will be an interesting feature and could be
exchange ideas with the others students at Birmingham City University. (kedepanya
cita citanya apa)

I hope that you would consider my application and look forward to hearing from you
soon. Thank you for your attention.

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